This is the beginning of revision history for this module. If you want to look at revision history older than this, please refer to the Qt Git wiki for how to use Git history grafting. At the time of writing, this wiki is located here: If you have already performed the grafting and you don't see any history beyond this commit, try running "git log" with the "--follow" argument. Branched from the monolithic repo, Qt master branch, at commit 896db169ea224deb96c59ce8af800d019de63f12
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Here is a list of user-visible changes in Qt from 1.1 to 1.2. As
usual, we fixed some bugs, made some more speedups, and improved the
* Changes that might affect runtime behavior *
QGridLayout::addWidget() and addMultiCellWidget(): The align parameter
is now interpreted correctly. (Previously up/down and right/left were
reversed.) If you have worked around this bug, your widgets may now be
incorrectly aligned.
QWidget: Every widget is now guaranteed move and resize events. The
event is deferred until the first show(). This may cause problems in
rare cases involving event filters.
* Changes that might generate compile errors *
* when compiling old code *
* Type changes that might generate warnings: *
* Deprecated functions *
QApplication::setColorMode() and colorMode() will be obsoleted. Use
setColorSpec() and colorSpec() instead.
qchecksum() will be obsoleted. Please use qChecksum() instead.
* New classes *
QSlider is a widget to input values from a range. If you have been
using a standalone QScrollBar, you will probably want to switch to a
OpenGL/Mesa support: QGLWidget, QGLContext and QGLFormat. To use these
classes you need to build the Qt/OpenGL library (qgl) in qt/opengl/src.
* Other changes from 1.1 to 1.2 *
QApplication::setColorSpec() can specify private colormaps or
non-default visuals
New function QButton::setAutoRepeat().
QComboBox: New function currentText(), two new insertion policies:
AfterCurrent and BeforeCurrent.
QCursor: added new global cursor blankCursor.
QFont::key(), new function for caching.
QFontMetrics::QFontMetrics( const QFont& ) new constructor gives
fontmetrics directly for a font. This is much faster than using
QWidget::fontMetrics() or QPainter::fontmetrics().
QImage: image load/save functions:
QImage( const char *filename )
imageFormat(), load(), loadFromData(), save()
operator>>(), operator<<()
XPM support, QImage( const *xpm[] )
Alpha channel support:
hasAlphaBuffer(), setAlphaBuffer()
Automatic mask generaton: createHeuristicMask()
Filling the entire image: fill()
QLCDNumber now supports filled segments:
setSegmentStyle(), segmentStyle()
QLabel now supports accellerated labels:
setBuddy(), buddy() and a new constructor.
QLineEdit new functions:
show/hide frame: setFrame(), frame()
password entry mode: setEchoMode(), echoMode()
QMouseEvent: x() and y() convenience functions.
QPainter: new constructor QPainter( const QPaintDevice* ) does automatic
begin() and end(). New function flush().
QPixmap new functions:
serialNumber() for caching purposes.
selfMask() QPixmap( const char *xpm[] )
QPopupMenu: Added functions to enable checkmarks:
setCheckable(), isCheckable()
QScrollBar: sizeHint() implemented.
QTabBar now supports keyboard input. New function currentTab().
QTabDialog: new function setOKButton().
Added support for XFree86 on OS/2.
New examples:
examples/tooltip demonstrates dynamic tooltips
examples/table demonstrates QTableView
examples/hello is a different program
examples/xshape has been removed.