aavit aa9728450c Misc. updates to the lancelot autotest framework
Moving more logic into the protocol and framework, easening
the burden on the autotest implementation.
Implementing several new features in the server and
report, like fuzzy matching and static baselines.

Change-Id: Iaf070918195ae05767808a548f019d09d9d5f8c0
Reviewed-by: Paul Olav Tvete <paul.tvete@digia.com>
2012-09-26 04:03:48 +02:00

400 lines
13 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2012 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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#include "qbaselinetest.h"
#include "baselineprotocol.h"
#include <QtCore/QProcess>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
namespace QBaselineTest {
static char *fargv[MAXCMDLINEARGS];
static bool simfail = false;
static PlatformInfo customInfo;
static BaselineProtocol proto;
static bool connected = false;
static bool triedConnecting = false;
static QByteArray curFunction;
static ImageItemList itemList;
static bool gotBaselines;
static QString definedTestProject;
static QString definedTestCase;
void handleCmdLineArgs(int *argcp, char ***argvp)
if (!argcp || !argvp)
bool showHelp = false;
int fargc = 0;
int numArgs = *argcp;
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
QByteArray arg = (*argvp)[i];
QByteArray nextArg = (i+1 < numArgs) ? (*argvp)[i+1] : 0;
if (arg == "-simfail") {
simfail = true;
} else if (arg == "-auto") {
} else if (arg == "-adhoc") {
} else if (arg == "-compareto") {
int split = qMax(0, nextArg.indexOf('='));
QByteArray key = nextArg.left(split).trimmed();
QByteArray value = nextArg.mid(split+1).trimmed();
if (key.isEmpty() || value.isEmpty()) {
qWarning() << "-compareto requires parameter of the form <key>=<value>";
showHelp = true;
customInfo.addOverride(key, value);
} else {
if ( (arg == "-help") || (arg == "--help") )
showHelp = true;
if (fargc >= MAXCMDLINEARGS) {
qWarning() << "Too many command line arguments!";
fargv[fargc++] = (*argvp)[i];
*argcp = fargc;
*argvp = fargv;
if (showHelp) {
// TBD: arrange for this to be printed *after* QTest's help
QTextStream out(stdout);
out << "\n Baseline testing (lancelot) options:\n";
out << " -simfail : Force an image comparison mismatch. For testing purposes.\n";
out << " -auto : Inform server that this run is done by a daemon, CI system or similar.\n";
out << " -adhoc (default) : The inverse of -auto; this run is done by human, e.g. for testing.\n";
out << " -compareto KEY=VAL : Force comparison to baselines from a different client,\n";
out << " for example: -compareto QtVersion=4.8.0\n";
out << " Multiple -compareto client specifications may be given.\n";
out << "\n";
void addClientProperty(const QString& key, const QString& value)
customInfo.insert(key, value);
If a client property script is present, run it and accept its output
in the form of one 'key: value' property per line
void fetchCustomClientProperties()
QString script = "hostinfo.sh"; //### TBD: better name
QProcess runScript;
runScript.start("sh", QStringList() << script, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
if (!runScript.waitForFinished(5000) || runScript.error() != QProcess::UnknownError) {
qWarning() << "QBaselineTest: Error running script" << runScript.workingDirectory() + QDir::separator() + script << ":" << runScript.errorString();
qDebug() << " stderr:" << runScript.readAllStandardError().trimmed();
while (!runScript.atEnd()) {
QByteArray line = runScript.readLine().trimmed(); // ###local8bit? utf8?
QString key, val;
int colonPos = line.indexOf(':');
if (colonPos > 0) {
key = line.left(colonPos).simplified().replace(' ', '_');
val = line.mid(colonPos+1).trimmed();
if (!key.isEmpty() && key.length() < 64 && val.length() < 256) // ###TBD: maximum 256 chars in value?
addClientProperty(key, val);
qDebug() << "Unparseable script output ignored:" << line;
bool connect(QByteArray *msg, bool *error)
if (connected) {
return true;
else if (triedConnecting) {
// Avoid repeated connection attempts, to avoid the program using Timeout * #testItems seconds before giving up
*msg = "Not connected to baseline server.";
*error = true;
return false;
triedConnecting = true;
// Merge the platform info set by the program with the protocols default info
PlatformInfo clientInfo = customInfo;
PlatformInfo defaultInfo = PlatformInfo::localHostInfo();
foreach (QString key, defaultInfo.keys()) {
if (!clientInfo.contains(key))
clientInfo.insert(key, defaultInfo.value(key));
if (!definedTestProject.isEmpty())
clientInfo.insert(PI_Project, definedTestProject);
QString testCase = definedTestCase;
if (testCase.isEmpty() && QTest::testObject() && QTest::testObject()->metaObject()) {
//qDebug() << "Trying to Read TestCaseName from Testlib!";
testCase = QTest::testObject()->metaObject()->className();
if (testCase.isEmpty()) {
qWarning("QBaselineTest::connect: No test case name specified, cannot connect.");
return false;
bool dummy; // ### TBD: dryrun handling
if (!proto.connect(testCase, &dummy, clientInfo)) {
*msg += "Failed to connect to baseline server: " + proto.errorMessage().toLatin1();
*error = true;
return false;
connected = true;
return true;
bool disconnectFromBaselineServer()
if (proto.disconnect()) {
connected = false;
triedConnecting = false;
return true;
return false;
bool connectToBaselineServer(QByteArray *msg, const QString &testProject, const QString &testCase)
bool dummy;
QByteArray dummyMsg;
definedTestProject = testProject;
definedTestCase = testCase;
return connect(msg ? msg : &dummyMsg, &dummy);
void setAutoMode(bool mode)
void setSimFail(bool fail)
simfail = fail;
void modifyImage(QImage *img)
uint c0 = 0x0000ff00;
uint c1 = 0x0080ff00;
bool compareItem(const ImageItem &baseline, const QImage &img, QByteArray *msg, bool *error)
ImageItem item = baseline;
if (simfail) {
// Simulate test failure by forcing image mismatch; for testing purposes
QImage misImg = img;
item.image = misImg;
simfail = false; // One failure is typically enough
} else {
item.image = img;
QByteArray srvMsg;
switch (baseline.status) {
case ImageItem::Ok:
case ImageItem::IgnoreItem :
qDebug() << msg->constData() << "Ignored, blacklisted on server.";
return true;
case ImageItem::BaselineNotFound:
// ### TBD: don't submit if have overrides; will be rejected anyway
if (proto.submitNewBaseline(item, &srvMsg))
qDebug() << msg->constData() << "Baseline not found on server. New baseline uploaded.";
qDebug() << msg->constData() << "Baseline not found on server. Uploading of new baseline failed:" << srvMsg;
return true;
qWarning() << "Unexpected reply from baseline server.";
return true;
*error = false;
// The actual comparison of the given image with the baseline:
if (baseline.imageChecksums.contains(item.imageChecksums.at(0))) {
if (!proto.submitMatch(item, &srvMsg))
qWarning() << "Failed to report image match to server:" << srvMsg;
return true;
bool fuzzyMatch = false;
bool res = proto.submitMismatch(item, &srvMsg, &fuzzyMatch);
if (res && fuzzyMatch) {
*error = true; // To force a QSKIP/debug output; somewhat kludgy
*msg += srvMsg;
return true; // The server decides: a fuzzy match means no mismatch
*msg += "Mismatch. See report:\n " + srvMsg;
return false;
bool checkImage(const QImage &img, const char *name, quint16 checksum, QByteArray *msg, bool *error, int manualdatatag)
if (!connected && !connect(msg, error))
return true;
QByteArray itemName;
bool hasName = qstrlen(name);
const char *tag = QTest::currentDataTag();
if (qstrlen(tag)) {
itemName = tag;
if (hasName)
} else {
itemName = hasName ? name : "default_name";
if (manualdatatag > 0)
*msg = "Baseline check of image '" + itemName + "': ";
ImageItem item;
item.itemName = QString::fromLatin1(itemName);
item.itemChecksum = checksum;
item.testFunction = QString::fromLatin1(QTest::currentTestFunction());
ImageItemList list;
if (!proto.requestBaselineChecksums(QLatin1String(QTest::currentTestFunction()), &list) || list.isEmpty()) {
*msg = "Communication with baseline server failed: " + proto.errorMessage().toLatin1();
*error = true;
return true;
return compareItem(list.at(0), img, msg, error);
QTestData &newRow(const char *dataTag, quint16 checksum)
if (QTest::currentTestFunction() != curFunction) {
curFunction = QTest::currentTestFunction();
gotBaselines = false;
ImageItem item;
item.itemName = QString::fromLatin1(dataTag);
item.itemChecksum = checksum;
item.testFunction = QString::fromLatin1(QTest::currentTestFunction());
return QTest::newRow(dataTag);
bool testImage(const QImage& img, QByteArray *msg, bool *error)
if (!connected && !connect(msg, error))
return true;
if (QTest::currentTestFunction() != curFunction || itemList.isEmpty()) {
qWarning() << "Usage error: QBASELINE_TEST used without corresponding QBaselineTest::newRow()";
return true;
if (!gotBaselines) {
if (!proto.requestBaselineChecksums(QString::fromLatin1(QTest::currentTestFunction()), &itemList) || itemList.isEmpty()) {
*msg = "Communication with baseline server failed: " + proto.errorMessage().toLatin1();
*error = true;
return true;
gotBaselines = true;
QString curTag = QString::fromLatin1(QTest::currentDataTag());
ImageItemList::const_iterator it = itemList.constBegin();
while (it != itemList.constEnd() && it->itemName != curTag)
if (it == itemList.constEnd()) {
qWarning() << "Usage error: QBASELINE_TEST used without corresponding QBaselineTest::newRow() for row" << curTag;
return true;
return compareItem(*it, img, msg, error);