Jani Heikkinen 83a5694dc2 Update copyright headers
Qt copyrights are now in The Qt Company, so we could update the source
code headers accordingly. In the same go we should also fix the links to
point to qt.io.

Outdated header.LGPL removed (use header.LGPL21 instead)

Old header.LGPL3 renamed to header.LGPL3-COMM to match actual licensing
combination. New header.LGPL-COMM taken in the use file which were
using old header.LGPL3 (src/plugins/platforms/android/extract.cpp)

Added new header.LGPL3 containing Commercial + LGPLv3 + GPLv2 license

Change-Id: I6f49b819a8a20cc4f88b794a8f6726d975e8ffbe
Reviewed-by: Matti Paaso <matti.paaso@theqtcompany.com>
2015-02-11 06:49:51 +00:00

804 lines
41 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
## Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
## Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
## This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
## Commercial License Usage
## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
## a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
## and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
## information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
## General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
## Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
## LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
## following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
## requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
## As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
## rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
## version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
import os
import sys
import enumdata
import xpathlite
from xpathlite import DraftResolution
from dateconverter import convert_date
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, unescape
import re
findAlias = xpathlite.findAlias
findEntry = xpathlite.findEntry
findEntryInFile = xpathlite._findEntryInFile
findTagsInFile = xpathlite.findTagsInFile
def parse_number_format(patterns, data):
# this is a very limited parsing of the number format for currency only.
def skip_repeating_pattern(x):
p = x.replace('0', '#').replace(',', '').replace('.', '')
seen = False
result = ''
for c in p:
if c == '#':
if seen:
seen = True
seen = False
result = result + c
return result
patterns = patterns.split(';')
result = []
for pattern in patterns:
pattern = skip_repeating_pattern(pattern)
pattern = pattern.replace('#', "%1")
# according to http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Number_Format_Patterns
# there can be doubled or trippled currency sign, however none of the
# locales use that.
pattern = pattern.replace(u'\xa4', "%2")
pattern = pattern.replace("''", "###").replace("'", '').replace("###", "'")
pattern = pattern.replace('-', data['minus'])
pattern = pattern.replace('+', data['plus'])
return result
def parse_list_pattern_part_format(pattern):
# this is a very limited parsing of the format for list pattern part only.
result = ""
result = pattern.replace("{0}", "%1")
result = result.replace("{1}", "%2")
result = result.replace("{2}", "%3")
return result
def ordStr(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
raise xpathlite.Error("Unable to handle value \"%s\"" % addEscapes(c))
return "##########"
# the following functions are supposed to fix the problem with QLocale
# returning a character instead of strings for QLocale::exponential()
# and others. So we fallback to default values in these cases.
def fixOrdStrMinus(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
return str(ord('-'))
def fixOrdStrPlus(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
return str(ord('+'))
def fixOrdStrExp(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
return str(ord('e'))
def fixOrdStrPercent(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
return str(ord('%'))
def fixOrdStrList(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
return str(ord(';'))
def generateLocaleInfo(path):
(dir_name, file_name) = os.path.split(path)
if not path.endswith(".xml"):
return {}
# skip legacy/compatibility ones
alias = findAlias(path)
if alias:
raise xpathlite.Error("alias to \"%s\"" % alias)
language_code = findEntryInFile(path, "identity/language", attribute="type")[0]
if language_code == 'root':
# just skip it
return {}
country_code = findEntryInFile(path, "identity/territory", attribute="type")[0]
script_code = findEntryInFile(path, "identity/script", attribute="type")[0]
variant_code = findEntryInFile(path, "identity/variant", attribute="type")[0]
# we do not support variants
# ### actually there is only one locale with variant: en_US_POSIX
# does anybody care about it at all?
if variant_code:
raise xpathlite.Error("we do not support variants (\"%s\")" % variant_code)
language_id = enumdata.languageCodeToId(language_code)
if language_id <= 0:
raise xpathlite.Error("unknown language code \"%s\"" % language_code)
language = enumdata.language_list[language_id][0]
script_id = enumdata.scriptCodeToId(script_code)
if script_id == -1:
raise xpathlite.Error("unknown script code \"%s\"" % script_code)
script = enumdata.script_list[script_id][0]
# we should handle fully qualified names with the territory
if not country_code:
return {}
country_id = enumdata.countryCodeToId(country_code)
if country_id <= 0:
raise xpathlite.Error("unknown country code \"%s\"" % country_code)
country = enumdata.country_list[country_id][0]
# So we say we accept only those values that have "contributed" or
# "approved" resolution. see http://www.unicode.org/cldr/process.html
# But we only respect the resolution for new datas for backward
# compatibility.
draft = DraftResolution.contributed
result = {}
result['language'] = language
result['script'] = script
result['country'] = country
result['language_code'] = language_code
result['country_code'] = country_code
result['script_code'] = script_code
result['variant_code'] = variant_code
result['language_id'] = language_id
result['script_id'] = script_id
result['country_id'] = country_id
supplementalPath = dir_name + "/../supplemental/supplementalData.xml"
currencies = findTagsInFile(supplementalPath, "currencyData/region[iso3166=%s]"%country_code);
result['currencyIsoCode'] = ''
result['currencyDigits'] = 2
result['currencyRounding'] = 1
if currencies:
for e in currencies:
if e[0] == 'currency':
tender = True
t = filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'tender', e[1])
if t and t[0][1] == 'false':
tender = False;
if tender and not filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'to', e[1]):
result['currencyIsoCode'] = filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'iso4217', e[1])[0][1]
if result['currencyIsoCode']:
t = findTagsInFile(supplementalPath, "currencyData/fractions/info[iso4217=%s]"%result['currencyIsoCode']);
if t and t[0][0] == 'info':
result['currencyDigits'] = int(filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'digits', t[0][1])[0][1])
result['currencyRounding'] = int(filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'rounding', t[0][1])[0][1])
numbering_system = None
numbering_system = findEntry(path, "numbers/defaultNumberingSystem")
def findEntryDef(path, xpath, value=''):
return findEntry(path, xpath)
except xpathlite.Error:
return value
def get_number_in_system(path, xpath, numbering_system):
if numbering_system:
return findEntry(path, xpath + "[numberSystem=" + numbering_system + "]")
except xpathlite.Error:
# in CLDR 1.9 number system was refactored for numbers (but not for currency)
# so if previous findEntry doesn't work we should try this:
return findEntry(path, xpath.replace("/symbols/", "/symbols[numberSystem=" + numbering_system + "]/"))
except xpathlite.Error:
# fallback to default
return findEntry(path, xpath)
result['decimal'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/decimal", numbering_system)
result['group'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/group", numbering_system)
result['list'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/list", numbering_system)
result['percent'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/percentSign", numbering_system)
numbering_systems = {}
for ns in findTagsInFile(cldr_dir + "/../supplemental/numberingSystems.xml", "numberingSystems"):
tmp = {}
id = ""
for data in ns[1:][0]: # ns looks like this: [u'numberingSystem', [(u'digits', u'0123456789'), (u'type', u'numeric'), (u'id', u'latn')]]
tmp[data[0]] = data[1]
if data[0] == u"id":
id = data[1]
numbering_systems[id] = tmp
result['zero'] = numbering_systems[numbering_system][u"digits"][0]
except e:
sys.stderr.write("Native zero detection problem:\n" + str(e) + "\n")
result['zero'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/nativeZeroDigit", numbering_system)
result['minus'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/minusSign", numbering_system)
result['plus'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/plusSign", numbering_system)
result['exp'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/exponential", numbering_system).lower()
result['quotationStart'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/quotationStart")
result['quotationEnd'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/quotationEnd")
result['alternateQuotationStart'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/alternateQuotationStart")
result['alternateQuotationEnd'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/alternateQuotationEnd")
result['listPatternPartStart'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[start]"))
result['listPatternPartMiddle'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[middle]"))
result['listPatternPartEnd'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[end]"))
result['listPatternPartTwo'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[2]"))
result['am'] = findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext[format]/dayPeriodWidth[wide]/dayPeriod[am]", draft)
result['pm'] = findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext[format]/dayPeriodWidth[wide]/dayPeriod[pm]", draft)
result['longDateFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dateFormats/dateFormatLength[full]/dateFormat/pattern"))
result['shortDateFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dateFormats/dateFormatLength[short]/dateFormat/pattern"))
result['longTimeFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/timeFormats/timeFormatLength[full]/timeFormat/pattern"))
result['shortTimeFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/timeFormats/timeFormatLength[short]/timeFormat/pattern"))
endonym = None
if country_code and script_code:
endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s_%s_%s]" % (language_code, script_code, country_code))
if not endonym and script_code:
endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s_%s]" % (language_code, script_code))
if not endonym and country_code:
endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s_%s]" % (language_code, country_code))
if not endonym:
endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s]" % (language_code))
result['language_endonym'] = endonym
result['country_endonym'] = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/territories/territory[type=%s]" % (country_code))
currency_format = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/currencyFormats/currencyFormatLength/currencyFormat/pattern", numbering_system)
currency_format = parse_number_format(currency_format, result)
result['currencyFormat'] = currency_format[0]
result['currencyNegativeFormat'] = ''
if len(currency_format) > 1:
result['currencyNegativeFormat'] = currency_format[1]
result['currencySymbol'] = ''
result['currencyDisplayName'] = ''
if result['currencyIsoCode']:
result['currencySymbol'] = findEntryDef(path, "numbers/currencies/currency[%s]/symbol" % result['currencyIsoCode'])
display_name_path = "numbers/currencies/currency[%s]/displayName" % result['currencyIsoCode']
result['currencyDisplayName'] \
= findEntryDef(path, display_name_path) + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=zero]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=one]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=two]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=few]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=many]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=other]") + ";"
standalone_long_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[stand-alone]/monthWidth[wide]/month"
result['standaloneLongMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
standalone_short_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[stand-alone]/monthWidth[abbreviated]/month"
result['standaloneShortMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
standalone_narrow_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[stand-alone]/monthWidth[narrow]/month"
result['standaloneNarrowMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
long_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[format]/monthWidth[wide]/month"
result['longMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
short_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[format]/monthWidth[abbreviated]/month"
result['shortMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
narrow_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[format]/monthWidth[narrow]/month"
result['narrowMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
long_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[format]/dayWidth[wide]/day"
result['longDays'] \
= findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
short_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[format]/dayWidth[abbreviated]/day"
result['shortDays'] \
= findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
narrow_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[format]/dayWidth[narrow]/day"
result['narrowDays'] \
= findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
standalone_long_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[stand-alone]/dayWidth[wide]/day"
result['standaloneLongDays'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
standalone_short_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[stand-alone]/dayWidth[abbreviated]/day"
result['standaloneShortDays'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
standalone_narrow_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[stand-alone]/dayWidth[narrow]/day"
result['standaloneNarrowDays'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
return result
def addEscapes(s):
result = ''
for c in s:
n = ord(c)
if n < 128:
result += c
result += "\\x"
result += "%02x" % (n)
return result
def unicodeStr(s):
utf8 = s.encode('utf-8')
return "<size>" + str(len(utf8)) + "</size><data>" + addEscapes(utf8) + "</data>"
def usage():
print "Usage: cldr2qlocalexml.py <path-to-cldr-main>"
def integrateWeekData(filePath):
if not filePath.endswith(".xml"):
return {}
monFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=mon]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
tueFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=tue]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
wedFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=wed]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
thuFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=thu]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
friFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=fri]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
satFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=sat]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
sunFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=sun]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
monWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=mon]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
tueWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=tue]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
wedWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=wed]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
thuWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=thu]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
friWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=fri]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
satWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=sat]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
sunWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=sun]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
monWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=mon]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
tueWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=tue]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
wedWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=wed]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
thuWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=thu]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
friWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=fri]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
satWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=sat]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
sunWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=sun]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
firstDayByCountryCode = {}
for countryCode in monFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "mon"
for countryCode in tueFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "tue"
for countryCode in wedFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "wed"
for countryCode in thuFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "thu"
for countryCode in friFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "fri"
for countryCode in satFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sat"
for countryCode in sunFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sun"
weekendStartByCountryCode = {}
for countryCode in monWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "mon"
for countryCode in tueWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "tue"
for countryCode in wedWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "wed"
for countryCode in thuWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "thu"
for countryCode in friWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "fri"
for countryCode in satWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sat"
for countryCode in sunWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sun"
weekendEndByCountryCode = {}
for countryCode in monWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "mon"
for countryCode in tueWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "tue"
for countryCode in wedWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "wed"
for countryCode in thuWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "thu"
for countryCode in friWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "fri"
for countryCode in satWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sat"
for countryCode in sunWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sun"
for (key,locale) in locale_database.iteritems():
countryCode = locale['country_code']
if countryCode in firstDayByCountryCode:
locale_database[key]['firstDayOfWeek'] = firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode]
locale_database[key]['firstDayOfWeek'] = firstDayByCountryCode["001"]
if countryCode in weekendStartByCountryCode:
locale_database[key]['weekendStart'] = weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode]
locale_database[key]['weekendStart'] = weekendStartByCountryCode["001"]
if countryCode in weekendEndByCountryCode:
locale_database[key]['weekendEnd'] = weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode]
locale_database[key]['weekendEnd'] = weekendEndByCountryCode["001"]
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
cldr_dir = sys.argv[1]
if not os.path.isdir(cldr_dir):
cldr_files = os.listdir(cldr_dir)
locale_database = {}
for file in cldr_files:
l = generateLocaleInfo(cldr_dir + "/" + file)
if not l:
sys.stderr.write("skipping file \"" + file + "\"\n")
except xpathlite.Error as e:
sys.stderr.write("skipping file \"%s\" (%s)\n" % (file, str(e)))
locale_database[(l['language_id'], l['script_id'], l['country_id'], l['variant_code'])] = l
locale_keys = locale_database.keys()
cldr_version = 'unknown'
ldml = open(cldr_dir+"/../dtd/ldml.dtd", "r")
for line in ldml:
if 'version cldrVersion CDATA #FIXED' in line:
cldr_version = line.split('"')[1]
print "<localeDatabase>"
print " <version>" + cldr_version + "</version>"
print " <languageList>"
for id in enumdata.language_list:
l = enumdata.language_list[id]
print " <language>"
print " <name>" + l[0] + "</name>"
print " <id>" + str(id) + "</id>"
print " <code>" + l[1] + "</code>"
print " </language>"
print " </languageList>"
print " <scriptList>"
for id in enumdata.script_list:
l = enumdata.script_list[id]
print " <script>"
print " <name>" + l[0] + "</name>"
print " <id>" + str(id) + "</id>"
print " <code>" + l[1] + "</code>"
print " </script>"
print " </scriptList>"
print " <countryList>"
for id in enumdata.country_list:
l = enumdata.country_list[id]
print " <country>"
print " <name>" + l[0] + "</name>"
print " <id>" + str(id) + "</id>"
print " <code>" + l[1] + "</code>"
print " </country>"
print " </countryList>"
def _parseLocale(l):
language = "AnyLanguage"
script = "AnyScript"
country = "AnyCountry"
if l == "und":
raise xpathlite.Error("we are treating unknown locale like C")
items = l.split("_")
language_code = items[0]
if language_code != "und":
language_id = enumdata.languageCodeToId(language_code)
if language_id == -1:
raise xpathlite.Error("unknown language code \"%s\"" % language_code)
language = enumdata.language_list[language_id][0]
if len(items) > 1:
script_code = items[1]
country_code = ""
if len(items) > 2:
country_code = items[2]
if len(script_code) == 4:
script_id = enumdata.scriptCodeToId(script_code)
if script_id == -1:
raise xpathlite.Error("unknown script code \"%s\"" % script_code)
script = enumdata.script_list[script_id][0]
country_code = script_code
if country_code:
country_id = enumdata.countryCodeToId(country_code)
if country_id == -1:
raise xpathlite.Error("unknown country code \"%s\"" % country_code)
country = enumdata.country_list[country_id][0]
return (language, script, country)
print " <likelySubtags>"
for ns in findTagsInFile(cldr_dir + "/../supplemental/likelySubtags.xml", "likelySubtags"):
tmp = {}
for data in ns[1:][0]: # ns looks like this: [u'likelySubtag', [(u'from', u'aa'), (u'to', u'aa_Latn_ET')]]
tmp[data[0]] = data[1]
(from_language, from_script, from_country) = _parseLocale(tmp[u"from"])
except xpathlite.Error as e:
sys.stderr.write("skipping likelySubtag \"%s\" -> \"%s\" (%s)\n" % (tmp[u"from"], tmp[u"to"], str(e)))
(to_language, to_script, to_country) = _parseLocale(tmp[u"to"])
except xpathlite.Error as e:
sys.stderr.write("skipping likelySubtag \"%s\" -> \"%s\" (%s)\n" % (tmp[u"from"], tmp[u"to"], str(e)))
# substitute according to http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Likely_Subtags
if to_country == "AnyCountry" and from_country != to_country:
to_country = from_country
if to_script == "AnyScript" and from_script != to_script:
to_script = from_script
print " <likelySubtag>"
print " <from>"
print " <language>" + from_language + "</language>"
print " <script>" + from_script + "</script>"
print " <country>" + from_country + "</country>"
print " </from>"
print " <to>"
print " <language>" + to_language + "</language>"
print " <script>" + to_script + "</script>"
print " <country>" + to_country + "</country>"
print " </to>"
print " </likelySubtag>"
print " </likelySubtags>"
print " <localeList>"
print \
" <locale>\n\
<listPatternPartStart>%1, %2</listPatternPartStart>\n\
<listPatternPartMiddle>%1, %2</listPatternPartMiddle>\n\
<listPatternPartEnd>%1, %2</listPatternPartEnd>\n\
<listPatternPartTwo>%1, %2</listPatternPartTwo>\n\
<longDateFormat>EEEE, d MMMM yyyy</longDateFormat>\n\
<shortDateFormat>d MMM yyyy</shortDateFormat>\n\
<longTimeFormat>HH:mm:ss z</longTimeFormat>\n\
for key in locale_keys:
l = locale_database[key]
print " <locale>"
print " <language>" + l['language'] + "</language>"
print " <languageEndonym>" + escape(l['language_endonym']).encode('utf-8') + "</languageEndonym>"
print " <script>" + l['script'] + "</script>"
print " <country>" + l['country'] + "</country>"
print " <countryEndonym>" + escape(l['country_endonym']).encode('utf-8') + "</countryEndonym>"
print " <languagecode>" + l['language_code'] + "</languagecode>"
print " <scriptcode>" + l['script_code'] + "</scriptcode>"
print " <countrycode>" + l['country_code'] + "</countrycode>"
print " <decimal>" + ordStr(l['decimal']) + "</decimal>"
print " <group>" + ordStr(l['group']) + "</group>"
print " <list>" + fixOrdStrList(l['list']) + "</list>"
print " <percent>" + fixOrdStrPercent(l['percent']) + "</percent>"
print " <zero>" + ordStr(l['zero']) + "</zero>"
print " <minus>" + fixOrdStrMinus(l['minus']) + "</minus>"
print " <plus>" + fixOrdStrPlus(l['plus']) + "</plus>"
print " <exp>" + fixOrdStrExp(l['exp']) + "</exp>"
print " <quotationStart>" + l['quotationStart'].encode('utf-8') + "</quotationStart>"
print " <quotationEnd>" + l['quotationEnd'].encode('utf-8') + "</quotationEnd>"
print " <alternateQuotationStart>" + l['alternateQuotationStart'].encode('utf-8') + "</alternateQuotationStart>"
print " <alternateQuotationEnd>" + l['alternateQuotationEnd'].encode('utf-8') + "</alternateQuotationEnd>"
print " <listPatternPartStart>" + l['listPatternPartStart'].encode('utf-8') + "</listPatternPartStart>"
print " <listPatternPartMiddle>" + l['listPatternPartMiddle'].encode('utf-8') + "</listPatternPartMiddle>"
print " <listPatternPartEnd>" + l['listPatternPartEnd'].encode('utf-8') + "</listPatternPartEnd>"
print " <listPatternPartTwo>" + l['listPatternPartTwo'].encode('utf-8') + "</listPatternPartTwo>"
print " <am>" + l['am'].encode('utf-8') + "</am>"
print " <pm>" + l['pm'].encode('utf-8') + "</pm>"
print " <firstDayOfWeek>" + l['firstDayOfWeek'].encode('utf-8') + "</firstDayOfWeek>"
print " <weekendStart>" + l['weekendStart'].encode('utf-8') + "</weekendStart>"
print " <weekendEnd>" + l['weekendEnd'].encode('utf-8') + "</weekendEnd>"
print " <longDateFormat>" + l['longDateFormat'].encode('utf-8') + "</longDateFormat>"
print " <shortDateFormat>" + l['shortDateFormat'].encode('utf-8') + "</shortDateFormat>"
print " <longTimeFormat>" + l['longTimeFormat'].encode('utf-8') + "</longTimeFormat>"
print " <shortTimeFormat>" + l['shortTimeFormat'].encode('utf-8') + "</shortTimeFormat>"
print " <standaloneLongMonths>" + l['standaloneLongMonths'].encode('utf-8') + "</standaloneLongMonths>"
print " <standaloneShortMonths>"+ l['standaloneShortMonths'].encode('utf-8') + "</standaloneShortMonths>"
print " <standaloneNarrowMonths>"+ l['standaloneNarrowMonths'].encode('utf-8') + "</standaloneNarrowMonths>"
print " <longMonths>" + l['longMonths'].encode('utf-8') + "</longMonths>"
print " <shortMonths>" + l['shortMonths'].encode('utf-8') + "</shortMonths>"
print " <narrowMonths>" + l['narrowMonths'].encode('utf-8') + "</narrowMonths>"
print " <longDays>" + l['longDays'].encode('utf-8') + "</longDays>"
print " <shortDays>" + l['shortDays'].encode('utf-8') + "</shortDays>"
print " <narrowDays>" + l['narrowDays'].encode('utf-8') + "</narrowDays>"
print " <standaloneLongDays>" + l['standaloneLongDays'].encode('utf-8') + "</standaloneLongDays>"
print " <standaloneShortDays>" + l['standaloneShortDays'].encode('utf-8') + "</standaloneShortDays>"
print " <standaloneNarrowDays>" + l['standaloneNarrowDays'].encode('utf-8') + "</standaloneNarrowDays>"
print " <currencyIsoCode>" + l['currencyIsoCode'].encode('utf-8') + "</currencyIsoCode>"
print " <currencySymbol>" + l['currencySymbol'].encode('utf-8') + "</currencySymbol>"
print " <currencyDisplayName>" + l['currencyDisplayName'].encode('utf-8') + "</currencyDisplayName>"
print " <currencyDigits>" + str(l['currencyDigits']) + "</currencyDigits>"
print " <currencyRounding>" + str(l['currencyRounding']) + "</currencyRounding>"
print " <currencyFormat>" + l['currencyFormat'].encode('utf-8') + "</currencyFormat>"
print " <currencyNegativeFormat>" + l['currencyNegativeFormat'].encode('utf-8') + "</currencyNegativeFormat>"
print " </locale>"
print " </localeList>"
print "</localeDatabase>"