With Qt 6 we made HTTP/2 default, which exposed missing handling of 401 Unauthorized (and 407 Proxy Authentication Required). In HTTP/1.* we would handle this after the response had finished, while handling the status code. For h2 this path isn't used since it is heavily reliant on the structure we have for HTTP/1.* (one request per channel). So we must handle the status code and header directly. Having that part fixed exposed another issue - when resetting/rewinding uploaded data we were not resetting the 'totallyUploadedData' counter in the reply (this, in turn, exposed another small issue). Because of that we did not actually send any data on the retry, only sending the content-length followed by no data. Finally, the small issue mentioned in the previous paragraph was how we check if we have uploaded all our data. It was only checking if the byte-device was atEnd(), which it was. But only because it had not yet prepared any data for us. Fixes: QTBUG-91284 Pick-to: 6.1 6.0 5.15 Change-Id: I798d105b02688b18a02897cc476f19f57a47f98f Reviewed-by: Timur Pocheptsov <timur.pocheptsov@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Edward Welbourne <edward.welbourne@qt.io>
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233 lines
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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#ifndef HTTP2SRV_H
#define HTTP2SRV_H
#include <QtNetwork/private/qhttpnetworkrequest_p.h>
#include <QtNetwork/private/qhttpnetworkreply_p.h>
#include <QtNetwork/private/http2protocol_p.h>
#include <QtNetwork/private/http2frames_p.h>
#include <QtNetwork/private/hpack_p.h>
#include <QtNetwork/qabstractsocket.h>
#include <QtCore/qsharedpointer.h>
#include <QtCore/qscopedpointer.h>
#include <QtNetwork/qtcpserver.h>
#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
#include <QtCore/qatomic.h>
#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
#include <QtCore/qmap.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
// At the moment we do not have any public API parsing HTTP headers. Even worse -
// the code that can do this exists only in QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate class.
// To be able to access reply's d_func() we have these classes:
class Http11ReplyPrivate : public QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate
class Http11Reply : public QHttpNetworkReply
enum class H2Type {
h2Alpn, // Secure connection, ALPN to negotiate h2.
h2c, // Clear text with protocol upgrade.
h2Direct, // Secure connection, ALPN not supported.
h2cDirect, // Clear text direct
using RawSettings = QMap<Http2::Settings, quint32>;
class Http2Server : public QTcpServer
Http2Server(H2Type type, const RawSettings &serverSettings,
const RawSettings &clientSettings);
// To be called before server started:
void enablePushPromise(bool enabled, const QByteArray &path = QByteArray());
void setResponseBody(const QByteArray &body);
// No content encoding is actually performed, call setResponseBody with already encoded data
void setContentEncoding(const QByteArray &contentEncoding);
// No authentication data is generated for the method, the full header value must be set
void setAuthenticationHeader(const QByteArray &authentication);
void emulateGOAWAY(int timeout);
void redirectOpenStream(quint16 targetPort);
bool isClearText() const;
QByteArray requestAuthorizationHeader();
// Invokables, since we can call them from the main thread,
// but server (can) work on its own thread.
Q_INVOKABLE void startServer();
bool sendProtocolSwitchReply();
Q_INVOKABLE void sendServerSettings();
Q_INVOKABLE void sendGOAWAY(quint32 streamID, quint32 error,
quint32 lastStreamID);
Q_INVOKABLE void sendRST_STREAM(quint32 streamID, quint32 error);
Q_INVOKABLE void sendDATA(quint32 streamID, quint32 windowSize);
Q_INVOKABLE void sendWINDOW_UPDATE(quint32 streamID, quint32 delta);
Q_INVOKABLE void handleProtocolUpgrade();
Q_INVOKABLE void handleConnectionPreface();
Q_INVOKABLE void handleIncomingFrame();
Q_INVOKABLE void handleDATA();
Q_INVOKABLE void sendResponse(quint32 streamID, bool emptyBody);
void stopSendingDATAFrames();
void processRequest();
void serverStarted(quint16 port);
// Error/success notifications:
void clientPrefaceOK();
void clientPrefaceError();
void serverSettingsAcked();
void invalidFrame();
void invalidRequest(quint32 streamID);
void decompressionFailed(quint32 streamID);
void receivedRequest(quint32 streamID);
void receivedData(quint32 streamID);
// Emitted for every DATA frame. Includes the content of the frame as \a body.
void receivedDATAFrame(quint32 streamID, const QByteArray &body);
void windowUpdate(quint32 streamID);
void sendingData();
private slots:
void connectionEstablished();
void readReady();
void incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor) override;
quint32 clientSetting(Http2::Settings identifier, quint32 defaultValue);
bool readMethodLine();
bool verifyProtocolUpgradeRequest();
void triggerGOAWAYEmulation();
QScopedPointer<QAbstractSocket> socket;
H2Type connectionType = H2Type::h2Alpn;
// Connection preface:
bool waitingClientPreface = false;
bool waitingClientSettings = false;
bool settingsSent = false;
bool waitingClientAck = false;
RawSettings serverSettings;
RawSettings expectedClientSettings;
bool connectionError = false;
Http2::FrameReader reader;
Http2::Frame inboundFrame;
Http2::FrameWriter writer;
using FrameSequence = std::vector<Http2::Frame>;
FrameSequence continuedRequest;
std::map<quint32, quint32> streamWindows;
HPack::Decoder decoder{HPack::FieldLookupTable::DefaultSize};
HPack::Encoder encoder{HPack::FieldLookupTable::DefaultSize, true};
using Http2Requests = std::map<quint32, HPack::HttpHeader>;
Http2Requests activeRequests;
// 'remote half-closed' streams to keep
// track of streams with END_STREAM set:
std::set<quint32> closedStreams;
// streamID + offset in response body to send.
std::map<quint32, quint32> suspendedStreams;
// We potentially reset this once (see sendServerSettings)
// and do not change later:
quint32 sessionRecvWindowSize = Http2::defaultSessionWindowSize;
// This changes in the range [0, sessionRecvWindowSize]
// while handling DATA frames:
quint32 sessionCurrRecvWindow = sessionRecvWindowSize;
// This we potentially update only once (sendServerSettings).
quint32 streamRecvWindowSize = Http2::defaultSessionWindowSize;
QByteArray responseBody;
bool pushPromiseEnabled = false;
quint32 lastPromisedStream = 0;
QByteArray pushPath;
bool testingGOAWAY = false;
int goawayTimeout = 0;
// Clear text HTTP/2, we have to deal with the protocol upgrade request
// from the initial HTTP/1.1 request.
bool upgradeProtocol = false;
QByteArray requestLine;
QHttpNetworkRequest::Operation requestType;
// We need QHttpNetworkReply (actually its private d-object) to handle the
// first HTTP/1.1 request. QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate does parsing + in case
// of POST it is also reading the body for us.
QScopedPointer<Http11Reply> protocolUpgradeHandler;
// We need it for PUSH_PROMISE, with the correct port number appended,
// when replying to essentially 1.1 request.
QByteArray authority;
// Redirect, with status code 308, as soon as we've seen headers, while client
// may still be sending DATA frames. See tst_Http2::earlyResponse().
bool redirectWhileReading = false;
bool redirectSent = false;
quint16 targetPort = 0;
QAtomicInt interrupted;
QByteArray contentEncoding;
QByteArray authenticationHeader;
protected slots:
void ignoreErrorSlot();