Bradley T. Hughes 7493ee1c44 Remove the build-key from the plugin verification data
The build-key is an old mechanism to work around binary
incompatibilities in GCC 3.x versions. Modern GCC has not broken binary
compatibility since 3.4, making this mechanism obsolete.

The cache value stored now only includes Qt version, the debug/release
boolean, and the last modified time for the plugin. Old 4-value keys
will be replaced with new keys as the plugins are reloaded the first

This also removes QLibraryInfo::buildKey(), which is a source-incompatible

The UNIX and Windows configure tools have been updated to stop
outputting the QT_BUILD_KEY preprocessor directive.

See also:

Change-Id: I7d06969a370d3d2c6de413c1230d9d6789cbf195
Reviewed-on: http://codereview.qt.nokia.com/3977
Reviewed-by: Qt Sanity Bot <qt_sanity_bot@ovi.com>
Reviewed-by: Bradley T. Hughes <bradley.hughes@nokia.com>
2011-09-02 14:11:41 +02:00

536 lines
15 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
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** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
** Other Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
#include "baselineprotocol.h"
#include <QLibraryInfo>
#include <QImage>
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QHostInfo>
#include <QSysInfo>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QDir>
#include <QTime>
#include <QPointer>
const QString PI_TestCase(QLS("TestCase"));
const QString PI_HostName(QLS("HostName"));
const QString PI_HostAddress(QLS("HostAddress"));
const QString PI_OSName(QLS("OSName"));
const QString PI_OSVersion(QLS("OSVersion"));
const QString PI_QtVersion(QLS("QtVersion"));
const QString PI_GitCommit(QLS("GitCommit"));
const QString PI_QMakeSpec(QLS("QMakeSpec"));
const QString PI_PulseGitBranch(QLS("PulseGitBranch"));
const QString PI_PulseTestrBranch(QLS("PulseTestrBranch"));
#define QMAKESPEC "Unknown"
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
#include <QtCore/qt_windows.h>
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
#include <time.h>
void BaselineProtocol::sysSleep(int ms)
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
struct timespec ts = { ms / 1000, (ms % 1000) * 1000 * 1000 };
nanosleep(&ts, NULL);
: QMap<QString, QString>(), adHoc(true)
PlatformInfo PlatformInfo::localHostInfo()
PlatformInfo pi;
pi.insert(PI_HostName, QHostInfo::localHostName());
pi.insert(PI_QtVersion, QLS(qVersion()));
pi.insert(PI_QMakeSpec, QString(QLS(QMAKESPEC)).remove(QRegExp(QLS("^.*mkspecs/"))));
#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
pi.insert(PI_OSName, QLS("Linux"));
QProcess uname;
uname.start(QLS("uname"), QStringList() << QLS("-r"));
if (uname.waitForFinished(3000))
pi.insert(PI_OSVersion, QString::fromLocal8Bit(uname.readAllStandardOutput().constData()).simplified());
#elif defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
pi.insert(PI_OSName, QLS("WinCE"));
pi.insert(PI_OSVersion, QString::number(QSysInfo::windowsVersion()));
#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN)
pi.insert(PI_OSName, QLS("Windows"));
pi.insert(PI_OSVersion, QString::number(QSysInfo::windowsVersion()));
#elif defined(Q_OS_MAC)
pi.insert(PI_OSName, QLS("MacOS"));
pi.insert(PI_OSVersion, QString::number(qMacVersion()));
#elif defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
pi.insert(PI_OSName, QLS("Symbian"));
pi.insert(PI_OSVersion, QString::number(QSysInfo::symbianVersion());
pi.insert(PI_OSName, QLS("Other"));
QProcess git;
QString cmd;
QStringList args;
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
cmd = QLS("cmd.exe");
args << QLS("/c") << QLS("git");
cmd = QLS("git");
args << QLS("log") << QLS("--max-count=1") << QLS("--pretty=%H [%an] [%ad] %s");
git.start(cmd, args);
if (!git.exitCode())
pi.insert(PI_GitCommit, QString::fromLocal8Bit(git.readAllStandardOutput().constData()).simplified());
pi.insert(PI_GitCommit, QLS("Unknown"));
QByteArray gb = qgetenv("PULSE_GIT_BRANCH");
if (!gb.isEmpty()) {
pi.insert(PI_PulseGitBranch, QString::fromLatin1(gb));
QByteArray tb = qgetenv("PULSE_TESTR_BRANCH");
if (!tb.isEmpty()) {
pi.insert(PI_PulseTestrBranch, QString::fromLatin1(tb));
return pi;
PlatformInfo::PlatformInfo(const PlatformInfo &other)
: QMap<QString, QString>(other)
orides = other.orides;
adHoc = other.adHoc;
PlatformInfo &PlatformInfo::operator=(const PlatformInfo &other)
QMap<QString, QString>::operator=(other);
orides = other.orides;
adHoc = other.adHoc;
return *this;
void PlatformInfo::addOverride(const QString& key, const QString& value)
QStringList PlatformInfo::overrides() const
return orides;
void PlatformInfo::setAdHocRun(bool isAdHoc)
adHoc = isAdHoc;
bool PlatformInfo::isAdHocRun() const
return adHoc;
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const PlatformInfo &pi)
stream << static_cast<const QMap<QString, QString>&>(pi);
stream << pi.orides << pi.adHoc;
return stream;
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream &stream, PlatformInfo &pi)
stream >> static_cast<QMap<QString, QString>&>(pi);
stream >> pi.orides >> pi.adHoc;
return stream;
ImageItem &ImageItem::operator=(const ImageItem &other)
testFunction = other.testFunction;
itemName = other.itemName;
itemChecksum = other.itemChecksum;
status = other.status;
image = other.image;
imageChecksums = other.imageChecksums;
return *this;
// Defined in lookup3.c:
void hashword2 (
const quint32 *k, /* the key, an array of quint32 values */
size_t length, /* the length of the key, in quint32s */
quint32 *pc, /* IN: seed OUT: primary hash value */
quint32 *pb); /* IN: more seed OUT: secondary hash value */
quint64 ImageItem::computeChecksum(const QImage &image)
QImage img(image);
const int bpl = img.bytesPerLine();
const int padBytes = bpl - (img.width() * img.depth() / 8);
if (padBytes) {
uchar *p = img.bits() + bpl - padBytes;
const int h = img.height();
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
qMemSet(p, 0, padBytes);
p += bpl;
quint32 h1 = 0xfeedbacc;
quint32 h2 = 0x21604894;
hashword2((const quint32 *)img.constBits(), img.byteCount()/4, &h1, &h2);
return (quint64(h1) << 32) | h2;
#if 0
QString ImageItem::engineAsString() const
switch (engine) {
case Raster:
return QLS("Raster");
case OpenGL:
return QLS("OpenGL");
return QLS("Unknown");
QString ImageItem::formatAsString() const
static const int numFormats = 16;
static const char *formatNames[numFormats] = {
if (renderFormat < 0 || renderFormat >= numFormats)
return QLS("UnknownFormat");
return QLS(formatNames[renderFormat]);
void ImageItem::writeImageToStream(QDataStream &out) const
if (image.isNull() || image.format() == QImage::Format_Invalid) {
out << quint8(0);
out << quint8('Q') << quint8(image.format());
out << quint8(QSysInfo::ByteOrder) << quint8(0); // pad to multiple of 4 bytes
out << quint32(image.width()) << quint32(image.height()) << quint32(image.bytesPerLine());
out << qCompress((const uchar *)image.constBits(), image.byteCount());
//# can be followed by colormap for formats that use it
void ImageItem::readImageFromStream(QDataStream &in)
quint8 hdr, fmt, endian, pad;
quint32 width, height, bpl;
QByteArray data;
in >> hdr;
if (hdr != 'Q') {
image = QImage();
in >> fmt >> endian >> pad;
if (!fmt || fmt >= QImage::NImageFormats) {
image = QImage();
if (endian != QSysInfo::ByteOrder) {
qWarning("ImageItem cannot read streamed image with different endianness");
image = QImage();
in >> width >> height >> bpl;
in >> data;
data = qUncompress(data);
QImage res((const uchar *)data.constData(), width, height, bpl, QImage::Format(fmt));
image = res.copy(); //# yuck, seems there is currently no way to avoid data copy
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const ImageItem &ii)
stream << ii.testFunction << ii.itemName << ii.itemChecksum << quint8(ii.status) << ii.imageChecksums << ii.misc;
return stream;
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream &stream, ImageItem &ii)
quint8 encStatus;
stream >> ii.testFunction >> ii.itemName >> ii.itemChecksum >> encStatus >> ii.imageChecksums >> ii.misc;
ii.status = ImageItem::ItemStatus(encStatus);
return stream;
if (socket.state() != QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState)
bool BaselineProtocol::connect(const QString &testCase, bool *dryrun, const PlatformInfo& clientInfo)
QByteArray serverName(qgetenv("QT_LANCELOT_SERVER"));
if (serverName.isNull())
serverName = "lancelot.test.qt.nokia.com";
socket.connectToHost(serverName, ServerPort);
if (!socket.waitForConnected(Timeout)) {
sysSleep(Timeout); // Wait a bit and try again, the server might just be restarting
if (!socket.waitForConnected(Timeout)) {
errMsg += QLS("TCP connectToHost failed. Host:") + serverName + QLS(" port:") + QString::number(ServerPort);
return false;
PlatformInfo pi = clientInfo.isEmpty() ? PlatformInfo::localHostInfo() : clientInfo;
pi.insert(PI_TestCase, testCase);
QByteArray block;
QDataStream ds(&block, QIODevice::ReadWrite);
ds << pi;
if (!sendBlock(AcceptPlatformInfo, block)) {
errMsg += QLS("Failed to send data to server.");
return false;
Command cmd = UnknownError;
if (!receiveBlock(&cmd, &block)) {
errMsg.prepend(QLS("Failed to get response from server. "));
return false;
if (cmd == Abort) {
errMsg += QLS("Server rejected connection. Reason: ") + QString::fromLatin1(block);
return false;
if (dryrun)
*dryrun = (cmd == DoDryRun);
if (cmd != Ack && cmd != DoDryRun) {
errMsg += QLS("Unexpected response from server.");
return false;
return true;
bool BaselineProtocol::acceptConnection(PlatformInfo *pi)
QByteArray block;
Command cmd = AcceptPlatformInfo;
if (!receiveBlock(&cmd, &block) || cmd != AcceptPlatformInfo)
return false;
if (pi) {
QDataStream ds(block);
ds >> *pi;
pi->insert(PI_HostAddress, socket.peerAddress().toString());
return true;
bool BaselineProtocol::requestBaselineChecksums(const QString &testFunction, ImageItemList *itemList)
if (!itemList)
return false;
for(ImageItemList::iterator it = itemList->begin(); it != itemList->end(); it++)
it->testFunction = testFunction;
QByteArray block;
QDataStream ds(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
ds << *itemList;
if (!sendBlock(RequestBaselineChecksums, block))
return false;
Command cmd;
QByteArray rcvBlock;
if (!receiveBlock(&cmd, &rcvBlock) || cmd != BaselineProtocol::Ack)
return false;
QDataStream rds(&rcvBlock, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
rds >> *itemList;
return true;
bool BaselineProtocol::submitNewBaseline(const ImageItem &item, QByteArray *serverMsg)
Command cmd;
return (sendItem(AcceptNewBaseline, item) && receiveBlock(&cmd, serverMsg) && cmd == Ack);
bool BaselineProtocol::submitMismatch(const ImageItem &item, QByteArray *serverMsg)
Command cmd;
return (sendItem(AcceptMismatch, item) && receiveBlock(&cmd, serverMsg) && cmd == Ack);
bool BaselineProtocol::sendItem(Command cmd, const ImageItem &item)
QBuffer buf;
QDataStream ds(&buf);
ds << item;
if (!sendBlock(cmd, buf.data())) {
errMsg.prepend(QLS("Failed to submit image to server. "));
return false;
return true;
bool BaselineProtocol::sendBlock(Command cmd, const QByteArray &block)
QDataStream s(&socket);
// TBD: set qds version as a constant
s << quint16(ProtocolVersion) << quint16(cmd);
s.writeBytes(block.constData(), block.size());
return true;
bool BaselineProtocol::receiveBlock(Command *cmd, QByteArray *block)
while (socket.bytesAvailable() < int(2*sizeof(quint16) + sizeof(quint32))) {
if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(Timeout))
return false;
QDataStream ds(&socket);
quint16 rcvProtocolVersion, rcvCmd;
ds >> rcvProtocolVersion >> rcvCmd;
if (rcvProtocolVersion != ProtocolVersion) {
errMsg = QLS("Baseline protocol version mismatch, received:") + QString::number(rcvProtocolVersion)
+ QLS(" expected:") + QString::number(ProtocolVersion);
return false;
if (cmd)
*cmd = Command(rcvCmd);
QByteArray uMsg;
quint32 remaining;
ds >> remaining;
int got = 0;
char* uMsgBuf = uMsg.data();
do {
got = ds.readRawData(uMsgBuf, remaining);
remaining -= got;
uMsgBuf += got;
} while (remaining && got >= 0 && socket.waitForReadyRead(Timeout));
if (got < 0)
return false;
if (block)
*block = uMsg;
return true;
QString BaselineProtocol::errorMessage()
QString ret = errMsg;
if (socket.error() >= 0)
ret += QLS(" Socket state: ") + socket.errorString();
return ret;