Per the discussion of QTBUG-88831, we determined that module-wide imports are unfortunate, especially for compile times. Following this, all QtDBus includes have been replaced with the headers for the classes actually used in each file. Additionally, some cleanup of header file order and format has been performed in the changed files. Pick-to: 6.0 Change-Id: I62c1b75682a48422f0ba1168dd5d7bd0952808ac Reviewed-by: Qt CI Bot <qt_ci_bot@qt-project.org> Reviewed-by: Volker Hilsheimer <volker.hilsheimer@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Edward Welbourne <edward.welbourne@qt.io>
1535 lines
67 KiB
1535 lines
67 KiB
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
#include <QtCore/QtCore>
#include <QTest>
#include <QTestEventLoop>
#include "common.h"
#include <limits>
#include <QtDBus/private/qdbusutil_p.h>
#include <QtDBus/private/qdbusconnection_p.h>
#include <QtDBus/private/qdbus_symbols_p.h>
# define DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD int('h')
static const char serviceName[] = "org.qtproject.autotests.qpong";
static const char objectPath[] = "/org/qtproject/qpong";
static const char *interfaceName = serviceName;
class tst_QDBusMarshall: public QObject
public slots:
void initTestCase();
void cleanupTestCase();
private slots:
void sendBasic_data();
void sendBasic();
void sendVariant_data();
void sendVariant();
void sendArrays_data();
void sendArrays();
void sendArrayOfArrays_data();
void sendArrayOfArrays();
void sendMaps_data();
void sendMaps();
void sendStructs_data();
void sendStructs();
void sendComplex_data();
void sendComplex();
void sendArgument_data();
void sendArgument();
void sendSignalErrors();
void sendCallErrors_data();
void sendCallErrors();
void receiveUnknownType_data();
void receiveUnknownType();
void demarshallPrimitives_data();
void demarshallPrimitives();
void demarshallStrings_data();
void demarshallStrings();
void demarshallInvalidStringList_data();
void demarshallInvalidStringList();
void demarshallInvalidByteArray_data();
void demarshallInvalidByteArray();
int fileDescriptorForTest();
QProcess proc;
QTemporaryFile tempFile;
bool fileDescriptorPassing;
class QDBusMessageSpy: public QObject
public slots:
Q_SCRIPTABLE int theSlot(const QDBusMessage &msg)
list << msg;
return 42;
QList<QDBusMessage> list;
struct UnregisteredType { };
void tst_QDBusMarshall::initTestCase()
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
fileDescriptorPassing = con.connectionCapabilities() & QDBusConnection::UnixFileDescriptorPassing;
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
# define EXE ".exe"
# define EXE ""
proc.start(QFINDTESTDATA("qpong/qpong" EXE));
QVERIFY2(proc.waitForStarted(), qPrintable(proc.errorString()));
void tst_QDBusMarshall::cleanupTestCase()
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName, objectPath, interfaceName, "quit");
int tst_QDBusMarshall::fileDescriptorForTest()
if (!tempFile.isOpen()) {
tempFile.setFileTemplate(QDir::tempPath() + "/qdbusmarshalltestXXXXXX.tmp");
if (!tempFile.open()) {
qWarning("%s: Cannot create temporary file: %s", Q_FUNC_INFO,
return 0;
return tempFile.handle();
void addBasicTypesColumns()
void basicNumericTypes_data()
QTest::newRow("bool") << QVariant(false) << "b" << "false";
QTest::newRow("bool2") << QVariant(true) << "b" << "true";
QTest::newRow("byte") << QVariant::fromValue(uchar(1)) << "y" << "1";
QTest::newRow("int16") << QVariant::fromValue(short(2)) << "n" << "2";
QTest::newRow("uint16") << QVariant::fromValue(ushort(3)) << "q" << "3";
QTest::newRow("int") << QVariant(1) << "i" << "1";
QTest::newRow("uint") << QVariant(2U) << "u" << "2";
QTest::newRow("int64") << QVariant(Q_INT64_C(3)) << "x" << "3";
QTest::newRow("uint64") << QVariant(Q_UINT64_C(4)) << "t" << "4";
QTest::newRow("double") << QVariant(42.5) << "d" << "42.5";
void basicStringTypes_data()
QTest::newRow("string") << QVariant("ping") << "s" << "\"ping\"";
QTest::newRow("objectpath") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath("/org/kde")) << "o" << "[ObjectPath: /org/kde]";
QTest::newRow("signature") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature("g")) << "g" << "[Signature: g]";
QTest::newRow("emptystring") << QVariant("") << "s" << "\"\"";
QTest::newRow("nullstring") << QVariant(QString()) << "s" << "\"\"";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendBasic_data()
// basic types:
if (fileDescriptorPassing)
QTest::newRow("file-descriptor") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(fileDescriptorForTest())) << "h" << "[Unix FD: valid]";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendVariant_data()
QTest::newRow("variant") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(1)) << "v" << "[Variant(int): 1]";
QDBusVariant nested(1);
QTest::newRow("variant-variant") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(QVariant::fromValue(nested))) << "v"
<< "[Variant(QDBusVariant): [Variant(int): 1]]";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArrays_data()
// arrays
QStringList strings;
QTest::newRow("emptystringlist") << QVariant(strings) << "as" << "{}";
strings << "hello" << "world";
QTest::newRow("stringlist") << QVariant(strings) << "as" << "{\"hello\", \"world\"}";
strings << "" << "" << "";
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptystrings") << QVariant(strings) << "as" << "{\"\", \"\", \"\"}";
strings << QString() << QString() << QString() << QString();
QTest::newRow("list-of-nullstrings") << QVariant(strings) << "as" << "{\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"}";
QByteArray bytearray;
QTest::newRow("nullbytearray") << QVariant(bytearray) << "ay" << "{}";
bytearray = ""; // empty, not null
QTest::newRow("emptybytearray") << QVariant(bytearray) << "ay" << "{}";
bytearray = "foo";
QTest::newRow("bytearray") << QVariant(bytearray) << "ay" << "{102, 111, 111}";
QList<bool> bools;
QTest::newRow("emptyboollist") << QVariant::fromValue(bools) << "ab" << "[Argument: ab {}]";
bools << false << true << false;
QTest::newRow("boollist") << QVariant::fromValue(bools) << "ab" << "[Argument: ab {false, true, false}]";
QList<short> shorts;
QTest::newRow("emptyshortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(shorts) << "an" << "[Argument: an {}]";
shorts << 42 << -43 << 44 << 45 << -32768 << 32767;
QTest::newRow("shortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(shorts) << "an"
<< "[Argument: an {42, -43, 44, 45, -32768, 32767}]";
QList<ushort> ushorts;
QTest::newRow("emptyushortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ushorts) << "aq" << "[Argument: aq {}]";
ushorts << 12u << 13u << 14u << 15 << 65535;
QTest::newRow("ushortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ushorts) << "aq" << "[Argument: aq {12, 13, 14, 15, 65535}]";
QList<int> ints;
QTest::newRow("emptyintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ints) << "ai" << "[Argument: ai {}]";
ints << 42 << -43 << 44 << 45 << 2147483647 << -2147483647-1;
QTest::newRow("intlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ints) << "ai" << "[Argument: ai {42, -43, 44, 45, 2147483647, -2147483648}]";
QList<uint> uints;
QTest::newRow("emptyuintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(uints) << "au" << "[Argument: au {}]";
uints << uint(12) << uint(13) << uint(14) << 4294967295U;
QTest::newRow("uintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(uints) << "au" << "[Argument: au {12, 13, 14, 4294967295}]";
QList<qlonglong> llints;
QTest::newRow("emptyllintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(llints) << "ax" << "[Argument: ax {}]";
llints << Q_INT64_C(99) << Q_INT64_C(-100)
<< Q_INT64_C(-9223372036854775807)-1 << Q_INT64_C(9223372036854775807);
QTest::newRow("llintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(llints) << "ax"
<< "[Argument: ax {99, -100, -9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807}]";
QList<qulonglong> ullints;
QTest::newRow("emptyullintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ullints) << "at" << "[Argument: at {}]";
ullints << Q_UINT64_C(66) << Q_UINT64_C(67)
<< Q_UINT64_C(18446744073709551615);
QTest::newRow("ullintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ullints) << "at" << "[Argument: at {66, 67, 18446744073709551615}]";
QList<double> doubles;
QTest::newRow("emptydoublelist") << QVariant::fromValue(doubles) << "ad" << "[Argument: ad {}]";
doubles << 1.2 << 2.2 << 4.4
<< -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
<< std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
<< std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
QTest::newRow("doublelist") << QVariant::fromValue(doubles) << "ad" << "[Argument: ad {1.2, 2.2, 4.4, -inf, inf, nan}]";
QList<QDBusObjectPath> objectPaths;
QTest::newRow("emptyobjectpathlist") << QVariant::fromValue(objectPaths) << "ao" << "[Argument: ao {}]";
objectPaths << QDBusObjectPath("/") << QDBusObjectPath("/foo");
QTest::newRow("objectpathlist") << QVariant::fromValue(objectPaths) << "ao" << "[Argument: ao {[ObjectPath: /], [ObjectPath: /foo]}]";
if (fileDescriptorPassing) {
QList<QDBusUnixFileDescriptor> fileDescriptors;
QTest::newRow("emptyfiledescriptorlist") << QVariant::fromValue(fileDescriptors) << "ah" << "[Argument: ah {}]";
fileDescriptors << QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(fileDescriptorForTest()) << QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(1);
QTest::newRow("filedescriptorlist") << QVariant::fromValue(fileDescriptors) << "ah" << "[Argument: ah {[Unix FD: valid], [Unix FD: valid]}]";
QVariantList variants;
QTest::newRow("emptyvariantlist") << QVariant(variants) << "av" << "[Argument: av {}]";
variants << QString("Hello") << QByteArray("World") << 42 << -43.0 << 44U << Q_INT64_C(-45)
<< Q_UINT64_C(46) << true << QVariant::fromValue(short(-47))
<< QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature("av"))
<< QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath("/"))));
QTest::newRow("variantlist") << QVariant(variants) << "av"
<< "[Argument: av {[Variant(QString): \"Hello\"], [Variant(QByteArray): {87, 111, 114, 108, 100}], [Variant(int): 42], [Variant(double): -43], [Variant(uint): 44], [Variant(qlonglong): -45], [Variant(qulonglong): 46], [Variant(bool): true], [Variant(short): -47], [Variant: [Signature: av]], [Variant: [Variant: [ObjectPath: /]]]}]";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArrayOfArrays_data()
// arrays:
QList<QStringList> strings;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-stringlist") << QVariant::fromValue(strings) << "aas"
<< "[Argument: aas {}]";
strings << QStringList();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptystringlist") << QVariant::fromValue(strings) << "aas"
<< "[Argument: aas {{}}]";
strings << (QStringList() << "hello" << "world")
<< (QStringList() << "hi" << "there")
<< (QStringList() << QString());
QTest::newRow("stringlist") << QVariant::fromValue(strings) << "aas"
<< "[Argument: aas {{}, {\"hello\", \"world\"}, {\"hi\", \"there\"}, {\"\"}}]";
QList<QByteArray> bytearray;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-bytearray") << QVariant::fromValue(bytearray) << "aay"
<< "[Argument: aay {}]";
bytearray << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptybytearray") << QVariant::fromValue(bytearray) << "aay"
<< "[Argument: aay {{}}]";
bytearray << "foo" << "bar" << "baz" << "" << QByteArray();
QTest::newRow("bytearray") << QVariant::fromValue(bytearray) << "aay"
<< "[Argument: aay {{}, {102, 111, 111}, {98, 97, 114}, {98, 97, 122}, {}, {}}]";
QList<QList<bool> > bools;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-boollist") << QVariant::fromValue(bools) << "aab"
<< "[Argument: aab {}]";
bools << QList<bool>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptyboollist") << QVariant::fromValue(bools) << "aab"
<< "[Argument: aab {[Argument: ab {}]}]";
bools << (QList<bool>() << false << true) << (QList<bool>() << false) << (QList<bool>());
QTest::newRow("boollist") << QVariant::fromValue(bools) << "aab"
<< "[Argument: aab {[Argument: ab {}], [Argument: ab {false, true}], [Argument: ab {false}], [Argument: ab {}]}]";
QList<QList<short> > shorts;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-shortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(shorts) << "aan"
<< "[Argument: aan {}]";
shorts << QList<short>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptyshortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(shorts) << "aan"
<< "[Argument: aan {[Argument: an {}]}]";
shorts << (QList<short>() << 42 << -43 << 44 << 45)
<< (QList<short>() << -32768 << 32767)
<< (QList<short>());
QTest::newRow("shortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(shorts) << "aan"
<< "[Argument: aan {[Argument: an {}], [Argument: an {42, -43, 44, 45}], [Argument: an {-32768, 32767}], [Argument: an {}]}]";
QList<QList<ushort> > ushorts;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-ushortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ushorts) << "aaq"
<< "[Argument: aaq {}]";
ushorts << QList<ushort>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptyushortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ushorts) << "aaq"
<< "[Argument: aaq {[Argument: aq {}]}]";
ushorts << (QList<ushort>() << 12u << 13u << 14u << 15)
<< (QList<ushort>() << 65535)
<< (QList<ushort>());
QTest::newRow("ushortlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ushorts) << "aaq"
<< "[Argument: aaq {[Argument: aq {}], [Argument: aq {12, 13, 14, 15}], [Argument: aq {65535}], [Argument: aq {}]}]";
QList<QList<int> > ints;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-intlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ints) << "aai"
<< "[Argument: aai {}]";
ints << QList<int>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptyintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ints) << "aai"
<< "[Argument: aai {[Argument: ai {}]}]";
ints << (QList<int>() << 42 << -43 << 44 << 45)
<< (QList<int>() << 2147483647 << -2147483647-1)
<< (QList<int>());
QTest::newRow("intlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ints) << "aai"
<< "[Argument: aai {[Argument: ai {}], [Argument: ai {42, -43, 44, 45}], [Argument: ai {2147483647, -2147483648}], [Argument: ai {}]}]";
QList<QList<uint> > uints;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-uintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(uints) << "aau"
<< "[Argument: aau {}]";
uints << QList<uint>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptyuintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(uints) << "aau"
<< "[Argument: aau {[Argument: au {}]}]";
uints << (QList<uint>() << uint(12) << uint(13) << uint(14))
<< (QList<uint>() << 4294967295U)
<< (QList<uint>());
QTest::newRow("uintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(uints) << "aau"
<< "[Argument: aau {[Argument: au {}], [Argument: au {12, 13, 14}], [Argument: au {4294967295}], [Argument: au {}]}]";
QList<QList<qlonglong> > llints;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-llintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(llints) << "aax"
<< "[Argument: aax {}]";
llints << QList<qlonglong>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptyllintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(llints) << "aax"
<< "[Argument: aax {[Argument: ax {}]}]";
llints << (QList<qlonglong>() << Q_INT64_C(99) << Q_INT64_C(-100))
<< (QList<qlonglong>() << Q_INT64_C(-9223372036854775807)-1 << Q_INT64_C(9223372036854775807))
<< (QList<qlonglong>());
QTest::newRow("llintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(llints) << "aax"
<< "[Argument: aax {[Argument: ax {}], [Argument: ax {99, -100}], [Argument: ax {-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807}], [Argument: ax {}]}]";
QList<QList<qulonglong> > ullints;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-ullintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ullints) << "aat"
<< "[Argument: aat {}]";
ullints << QList<qulonglong>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptyullintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ullints) << "aat"
<< "[Argument: aat {[Argument: at {}]}]";
ullints << (QList<qulonglong>() << Q_UINT64_C(66) << Q_UINT64_C(67))
<< (QList<qulonglong>() << Q_UINT64_C(18446744073709551615))
<< (QList<qulonglong>());
QTest::newRow("ullintlist") << QVariant::fromValue(ullints) << "aat"
<< "[Argument: aat {[Argument: at {}], [Argument: at {66, 67}], [Argument: at {18446744073709551615}], [Argument: at {}]}]";
QList<QList<double> > doubles;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-ofdoublelist") << QVariant::fromValue(doubles) << "aad"
<< "[Argument: aad {}]";
doubles << QList<double>();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptydoublelist") << QVariant::fromValue(doubles) << "aad"
<< "[Argument: aad {[Argument: ad {}]}]";
doubles << (QList<double>() << 1.2 << 2.2 << 4.4)
<< (QList<double>() << -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
<< std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
<< std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN())
<< (QList<double>());
QTest::newRow("doublelist") << QVariant::fromValue(doubles) << "aad"
<< "[Argument: aad {[Argument: ad {}], [Argument: ad {1.2, 2.2, 4.4}], [Argument: ad {-inf, inf, nan}], [Argument: ad {}]}]";
QList<QVariantList> variants;
QTest::newRow("emptyvariantlist") << QVariant::fromValue(variants) << "aav"
<< "[Argument: aav {}]";
variants << QVariantList();
QTest::newRow("emptyvariantlist") << QVariant::fromValue(variants) << "aav"
<< "[Argument: aav {[Argument: av {}]}]";
variants << (QVariantList() << QString("Hello") << QByteArray("World"))
<< (QVariantList() << 42 << -43.0 << 44U << Q_INT64_C(-45))
<< (QVariantList() << Q_UINT64_C(46) << true << QVariant::fromValue(short(-47)));
QTest::newRow("variantlist") << QVariant::fromValue(variants) << "aav"
<< "[Argument: aav {[Argument: av {}], [Argument: av {[Variant(QString): \"Hello\"], [Variant(QByteArray): {87, 111, 114, 108, 100}]}], [Argument: av {[Variant(int): 42], [Variant(double): -43], [Variant(uint): 44], [Variant(qlonglong): -45]}], [Argument: av {[Variant(qulonglong): 46], [Variant(bool): true], [Variant(short): -47]}]}]";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendMaps_data()
QMap<int, QString> ismap;
QTest::newRow("empty-is-map") << QVariant::fromValue(ismap) << "a{is}"
<< "[Argument: a{is} {}]";
ismap[1] = "a";
ismap[2000] = "b";
ismap[-47] = "c";
QTest::newRow("is-map") << QVariant::fromValue(ismap) << "a{is}"
<< "[Argument: a{is} {-47 = \"c\", 1 = \"a\", 2000 = \"b\"}]";
QMap<QString, QString> ssmap;
QTest::newRow("empty-ss-map") << QVariant::fromValue(ssmap) << "a{ss}"
<< "[Argument: a{ss} {}]";
ssmap["a"] = "a";
ssmap["c"] = "b";
ssmap["b"] = "c";
QTest::newRow("ss-map") << QVariant::fromValue(ssmap) << "a{ss}"
<< "[Argument: a{ss} {\"a\" = \"a\", \"b\" = \"c\", \"c\" = \"b\"}]";
QVariantMap svmap;
QTest::newRow("empty-sv-map") << QVariant::fromValue(svmap) << "a{sv}"
<< "[Argument: a{sv} {}]";
svmap["a"] = 1;
svmap["c"] = "b";
svmap["b"] = QByteArray("c");
svmap["d"] = 42U;
svmap["e"] = QVariant::fromValue(short(-47));
svmap["f"] = QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(0));
QTest::newRow("sv-map1") << QVariant::fromValue(svmap) << "a{sv}"
<< "[Argument: a{sv} {\"a\" = [Variant(int): 1], \"b\" = [Variant(QByteArray): {99}], \"c\" = [Variant(QString): \"b\"], \"d\" = [Variant(uint): 42], \"e\" = [Variant(short): -47], \"f\" = [Variant: [Variant(int): 0]]}]";
QMap<QDBusObjectPath, QString> osmap;
QTest::newRow("empty-os-map") << QVariant::fromValue(osmap) << "a{os}"
<< "[Argument: a{os} {}]";
osmap[QDBusObjectPath("/")] = "root";
osmap[QDBusObjectPath("/foo")] = "foo";
osmap[QDBusObjectPath("/bar/baz")] = "bar and baz";
QTest::newRow("os-map") << QVariant::fromValue(osmap) << "a{os}"
<< "[Argument: a{os} {[ObjectPath: /] = \"root\", [ObjectPath: /bar/baz] = \"bar and baz\", [ObjectPath: /foo] = \"foo\"}]";
QMap<QDBusSignature, QString> gsmap;
QTest::newRow("empty-gs-map") << QVariant::fromValue(gsmap) << "a{gs}"
<< "[Argument: a{gs} {}]";
gsmap[QDBusSignature("i")] = "int32";
gsmap[QDBusSignature("s")] = "string";
gsmap[QDBusSignature("a{gs}")] = "array of dict_entry of (signature, string)";
QTest::newRow("gs-map") << QVariant::fromValue(gsmap) << "a{gs}"
<< "[Argument: a{gs} {[Signature: a{gs}] = \"array of dict_entry of (signature, string)\", [Signature: i] = \"int32\", [Signature: s] = \"string\"}]";
if (fileDescriptorPassing) {
svmap["zzfiledescriptor"] = QVariant::fromValue(QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(fileDescriptorForTest()));
QTest::newRow("sv-map1-fd") << QVariant::fromValue(svmap) << "a{sv}"
<< "[Argument: a{sv} {\"a\" = [Variant(int): 1], \"b\" = [Variant(QByteArray): {99}], \"c\" = [Variant(QString): \"b\"], \"d\" = [Variant(uint): 42], \"e\" = [Variant(short): -47], \"f\" = [Variant: [Variant(int): 0]], \"zzfiledescriptor\" = [Variant(QDBusUnixFileDescriptor): [Unix FD: valid]]}]";
svmap["ismap"] = QVariant::fromValue(ismap);
svmap["ssmap"] = QVariant::fromValue(ssmap);
svmap["osmap"] = QVariant::fromValue(osmap);
svmap["gsmap"] = QVariant::fromValue(gsmap);
QTest::newRow("sv-map2") << QVariant::fromValue(svmap) << "a{sv}"
<< "[Argument: a{sv} {\"gsmap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{gs} {[Signature: a{gs}] = \"array of dict_entry of (signature, string)\", [Signature: i] = \"int32\", [Signature: s] = \"string\"}]], \"ismap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{is} {-47 = \"c\", 1 = \"a\", 2000 = \"b\"}]], \"osmap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{os} {[ObjectPath: /] = \"root\", [ObjectPath: /bar/baz] = \"bar and baz\", [ObjectPath: /foo] = \"foo\"}]], \"ssmap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{ss} {\"a\" = \"a\", \"b\" = \"c\", \"c\" = \"b\"}]]}]";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendStructs_data()
QTest::newRow("point") << QVariant(QPoint(1, 2)) << "(ii)" << "[Argument: (ii) 1, 2]";
QTest::newRow("pointf") << QVariant(QPointF(1.5, -1.5)) << "(dd)" << "[Argument: (dd) 1.5, -1.5]";
QTest::newRow("size") << QVariant(QSize(1, 2)) << "(ii)" << "[Argument: (ii) 1, 2]";
QTest::newRow("sizef") << QVariant(QSizeF(1.5, 1.5)) << "(dd)" << "[Argument: (dd) 1.5, 1.5]";
QTest::newRow("rect") << QVariant(QRect(1, 2, 3, 4)) << "(iiii)" << "[Argument: (iiii) 1, 2, 3, 4]";
QTest::newRow("rectf") << QVariant(QRectF(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5)) << "(dddd)" << "[Argument: (dddd) 0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5]";
QTest::newRow("line") << QVariant(QLine(1, 2, 3, 4)) << "((ii)(ii))"
<< "[Argument: ((ii)(ii)) [Argument: (ii) 1, 2], [Argument: (ii) 3, 4]]";
QTest::newRow("linef") << QVariant(QLineF(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5)) << "((dd)(dd))"
<< "[Argument: ((dd)(dd)) [Argument: (dd) 0.5, 0.5], [Argument: (dd) 1.5, 1.5]]";
QDate date(2006, 6, 18);
QTime time(12, 25, 00); // the date I wrote this test on :-)
QTest::newRow("date") << QVariant(date) << "(iii)" << "[Argument: (iii) 2006, 6, 18]";
QTest::newRow("time") << QVariant(time) << "(iiii)" << "[Argument: (iiii) 12, 25, 0, 0]";
QTest::newRow("datetime") << QVariant(QDateTime(date, time)) << "((iii)(iiii)i)"
<< "[Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 2006, 6, 18], [Argument: (iiii) 12, 25, 0, 0], 0]";
MyStruct ms = { 1, "Hello, World" };
QTest::newRow("int-string") << QVariant::fromValue(ms) << "(is)" << "[Argument: (is) 1, \"Hello, World\"]";
MyVariantMapStruct mvms = { "Hello, World", QVariantMap() };
QTest::newRow("string-variantmap") << QVariant::fromValue(mvms) << "(sa{sv})" << "[Argument: (sa{sv}) \"Hello, World\", [Argument: a{sv} {}]]";
// use only basic types, otherwise comparison will fail
mvms.map["int"] = 42;
mvms.map["uint"] = 42u;
mvms.map["short"] = QVariant::fromValue<short>(-47);
mvms.map["bytearray"] = QByteArray("Hello, world");
QTest::newRow("string-variantmap2") << QVariant::fromValue(mvms) << "(sa{sv})" << "[Argument: (sa{sv}) \"Hello, World\", [Argument: a{sv} {\"bytearray\" = [Variant(QByteArray): {72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100}], \"int\" = [Variant(int): 42], \"short\" = [Variant(short): -47], \"uint\" = [Variant(uint): 42]}]]";
QList<MyVariantMapStruct> list;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-string-variantmap") << QVariant::fromValue(list) << "a(sa{sv})" << "[Argument: a(sa{sv}) {}]";
list << mvms;
QTest::newRow("list-of-string-variantmap") << QVariant::fromValue(list) << "a(sa{sv})" << "[Argument: a(sa{sv}) {[Argument: (sa{sv}) \"Hello, World\", [Argument: a{sv} {\"bytearray\" = [Variant(QByteArray): {72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100}], \"int\" = [Variant(int): 42], \"short\" = [Variant(short): -47], \"uint\" = [Variant(uint): 42]}]]}]";
if (fileDescriptorPassing) {
MyFileDescriptorStruct fds;
fds.fd = QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(fileDescriptorForTest());
QTest::newRow("fdstruct") << QVariant::fromValue(fds) << "(h)" << "[Argument: (h) [Unix FD: valid]]";
QList<MyFileDescriptorStruct> fdlist;
QTest::newRow("empty-list-of-fdstruct") << QVariant::fromValue(fdlist) << "a(h)" << "[Argument: a(h) {}]";
fdlist << fds;
QTest::newRow("list-of-fdstruct") << QVariant::fromValue(fdlist) << "a(h)" << "[Argument: a(h) {[Argument: (h) [Unix FD: valid]]}]";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendComplex_data()
QList<QDateTime> dtlist;
QTest::newRow("empty-datetimelist") << QVariant::fromValue(dtlist) << "a((iii)(iiii)i)"
<< "[Argument: a((iii)(iiii)i) {}]";
dtlist << QDateTime();
QTest::newRow("list-of-emptydatetime") << QVariant::fromValue(dtlist) << "a((iii)(iiii)i)"
<< "[Argument: a((iii)(iiii)i) {[Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 0, 0, 0], [Argument: (iiii) -1, -1, -1, -1], 0]}]";
dtlist << QDateTime(QDate(1977, 9, 13), QTime(0, 0, 0))
<< QDateTime(QDate(2006, 6, 18), QTime(13, 14, 0));
QTest::newRow("datetimelist") << QVariant::fromValue(dtlist) << "a((iii)(iiii)i)"
<< "[Argument: a((iii)(iiii)i) {[Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 0, 0, 0], [Argument: (iiii) -1, -1, -1, -1], 0], [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 1977, 9, 13], [Argument: (iiii) 0, 0, 0, 0], 0], [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 2006, 6, 18], [Argument: (iiii) 13, 14, 0, 0], 0]}]";
QMap<qlonglong, QDateTime> lldtmap;
QTest::newRow("empty-lldtmap") << QVariant::fromValue(lldtmap) << "a{x((iii)(iiii)i)}"
<< "[Argument: a{x((iii)(iiii)i)} {}]";
lldtmap[0] = QDateTime();
lldtmap[1] = QDateTime(QDate(1970, 1, 1), QTime(0, 0, 1), Qt::UTC);
lldtmap[1150629776] = QDateTime(QDate(2006, 6, 18), QTime(11, 22, 56), Qt::UTC);
QTest::newRow("lldtmap") << QVariant::fromValue(lldtmap) << "a{x((iii)(iiii)i)}"
<< "[Argument: a{x((iii)(iiii)i)} {0 = [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 0, 0, 0], [Argument: (iiii) -1, -1, -1, -1], 0], 1 = [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 1970, 1, 1], [Argument: (iiii) 0, 0, 1, 0], 1], 1150629776 = [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 2006, 6, 18], [Argument: (iiii) 11, 22, 56, 0], 1]}]";
QMap<int, QString> ismap;
ismap[1] = "a";
ismap[2000] = "b";
ismap[-47] = "c";
QMap<QString, QString> ssmap;
ssmap["a"] = "a";
ssmap["c"] = "b";
ssmap["b"] = "c";
QMap<QDBusSignature, QString> gsmap;
gsmap[QDBusSignature("i")] = "int32";
gsmap[QDBusSignature("s")] = "string";
gsmap[QDBusSignature("a{gs}")] = "array of dict_entry of (signature, string)";
QVariantMap svmap;
svmap["a"] = 1;
svmap["c"] = "b";
svmap["b"] = QByteArray("c");
svmap["d"] = 42U;
svmap["e"] = QVariant::fromValue(short(-47));
svmap["f"] = QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(0));
svmap["date"] = QDate(1977, 1, 1);
svmap["time"] = QTime(8, 58, 0);
svmap["datetime"] = QDateTime(QDate(13, 9, 2008), QTime(8, 59, 31));
svmap["pointf"] = QPointF(0.5, -0.5);
svmap["ismap"] = QVariant::fromValue(ismap);
svmap["ssmap"] = QVariant::fromValue(ssmap);
svmap["gsmap"] = QVariant::fromValue(gsmap);
svmap["dtlist"] = QVariant::fromValue(dtlist);
svmap["lldtmap"] = QVariant::fromValue(lldtmap);
QTest::newRow("sv-map") << QVariant::fromValue(svmap) << "a{sv}"
<< "[Argument: a{sv} {\"a\" = [Variant(int): 1], \"b\" = [Variant(QByteArray): {99}], \"c\" = [Variant(QString): \"b\"], \"d\" = [Variant(uint): 42], \"date\" = [Variant: [Argument: (iii) 1977, 1, 1]], \"datetime\" = [Variant: [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 0, 0, 0], [Argument: (iiii) 8, 59, 31, 0], 0]], \"dtlist\" = [Variant: [Argument: a((iii)(iiii)i) {[Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 0, 0, 0], [Argument: (iiii) -1, -1, -1, -1], 0], [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 1977, 9, 13], [Argument: (iiii) 0, 0, 0, 0], 0], [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 2006, 6, 18], [Argument: (iiii) 13, 14, 0, 0], 0]}]], \"e\" = [Variant(short): -47], \"f\" = [Variant: [Variant(int): 0]], \"gsmap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{gs} {[Signature: a{gs}] = \"array of dict_entry of (signature, string)\", [Signature: i] = \"int32\", [Signature: s] = \"string\"}]], \"ismap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{is} {-47 = \"c\", 1 = \"a\", 2000 = \"b\"}]], \"lldtmap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{x((iii)(iiii)i)} {0 = [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 0, 0, 0], [Argument: (iiii) -1, -1, -1, -1], 0], 1 = [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 1970, 1, 1], [Argument: (iiii) 0, 0, 1, 0], 1], 1150629776 = [Argument: ((iii)(iiii)i) [Argument: (iii) 2006, 6, 18], [Argument: (iiii) 11, 22, 56, 0], 1]}]], \"pointf\" = [Variant: [Argument: (dd) 0.5, -0.5]], \"ssmap\" = [Variant: [Argument: a{ss} {\"a\" = \"a\", \"b\" = \"c\", \"c\" = \"b\"}]], \"time\" = [Variant: [Argument: (iiii) 8, 58, 0, 0]]}]";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArgument_data()
QDBusArgument arg;
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << true;
QTest::newRow("bool") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "b" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(true);
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << false;
QTest::newRow("bool2") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "b" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(false);
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << uchar(1);
QTest::newRow("byte") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "y" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(uchar(1));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << short(2);
QTest::newRow("int16") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "n" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(short(2));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << ushort(3);
QTest::newRow("uint16") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "q" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(ushort(3));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << 1;
QTest::newRow("int32") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "i" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(1);
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << 2U;
QTest::newRow("uint32") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "u" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(2U);
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << Q_INT64_C(3);
QTest::newRow("int64") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "x" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(Q_INT64_C(3));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << Q_UINT64_C(4);
QTest::newRow("uint64") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "t" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(Q_UINT64_C(4));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << 42.5;
QTest::newRow("double") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "d" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(42.5);
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QLatin1String("ping");
QTest::newRow("string") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "s" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QString("ping"));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QDBusObjectPath("/org/kde");
QTest::newRow("objectpath") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "o" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath("/org/kde"));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QDBusSignature("g");
QTest::newRow("signature") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "g" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature("g"));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QLatin1String("");
QTest::newRow("emptystring") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "s" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QString(""));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QString();
QTest::newRow("nullstring") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "s" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QString());
if (fileDescriptorPassing) {
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(fileDescriptorForTest());
QTest::newRow("filedescriptor") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "h" << int(QDBusArgument::BasicType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(fileDescriptorForTest()));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QDBusVariant(1);
QTest::newRow("variant") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "v" << int(QDBusArgument::VariantType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(1));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << QDBusVariant(QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(1)));
QTest::newRow("variant-variant") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "v" << int(QDBusArgument::VariantType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(1)));
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << 1 << 2 << 3 << -4;
QTest::newRow("array-of-int") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "ai" << int(QDBusArgument::ArrayType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(arg);
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg.beginMap(QVariant::Int, QVariant::UInt);
arg << 1 << 2U;
arg << 3 << 4U;
QTest::newRow("map") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "a{iu}" << int(QDBusArgument::MapType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(arg);
arg = QDBusArgument();
arg << 1 << 2U << short(-3) << ushort(4) << 5.0 << false;
QTest::newRow("structure") << QVariant::fromValue(arg) << "(iunqdb)" << int(QDBusArgument::StructureType)
<< QVariant::fromValue(arg);
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendBasic()
QFETCH(QVariant, value);
QFETCH(QString, stringResult);
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName,
objectPath, interfaceName, "ping");
msg << value;
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg);
QVERIFY2(reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage,
qPrintable(reply.errorName() + ": " + reply.errorMessage()));
//qDebug() << reply;
QCOMPARE(reply.arguments().count(), msg.arguments().count());
QTEST(reply.signature(), "sig");
for (int i = 0; i < reply.arguments().count(); ++i) {
QVERIFY(compare(reply.arguments().at(i), msg.arguments().at(i)));
//printf("\n! %s\n* %s\n", qPrintable(qDBusArgumentToString(reply.arguments().at(i))), qPrintable(stringResult));
QCOMPARE(QDBusUtil::argumentToString(reply.arguments().at(i)), stringResult);
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendVariant()
QFETCH(QVariant, value);
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName,
objectPath, interfaceName, "ping");
msg << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(value));
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg);
// qDebug() << reply;
QCOMPARE(reply.arguments().count(), msg.arguments().count());
QCOMPARE(reply.signature(), QString("v"));
for (int i = 0; i < reply.arguments().count(); ++i)
QVERIFY(compare(reply.arguments().at(i), msg.arguments().at(i)));
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArrays()
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArrayOfArrays()
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendMaps()
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendStructs()
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendComplex()
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendArgument()
QFETCH(QVariant, value);
QFETCH(QString, sig);
QFETCH(QVariant, unwrappedValue);
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName, objectPath,
interfaceName, "ping");
msg << value;
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg);
// QCOMPARE(reply.arguments().count(), msg.arguments().count());
QCOMPARE(reply.signature(), sig);
// for (int i = 0; i < reply.arguments().count(); ++i)
// QVERIFY(compare(reply.arguments().at(i), msg.arguments().at(i)));
// do it again inside a STRUCT now
QDBusArgument sendArg;
msg.setArguments(QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(sendArg));
reply = con.call(msg);
QCOMPARE(reply.signature(), QString("(%1)").arg(sig));
QCOMPARE(reply.arguments().at(0).userType(), qMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>());
const QDBusArgument arg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(reply.arguments().at(0));
QCOMPARE(int(arg.currentType()), int(QDBusArgument::StructureType));
QCOMPARE(arg.currentSignature(), sig);
QTEST(int(arg.currentType()), "classification");
QVariant extracted = arg.asVariant();
QCOMPARE(arg.currentType(), QDBusArgument::UnknownType);
QEXPECT_FAIL("variant-variant", "Needs more QVariant unwrapping", Continue);
if (extracted.metaType() == QMetaType::fromType<QDBusUnixFileDescriptor>()) {
auto fd1 = extracted.value<QDBusUnixFileDescriptor>();
auto fd2 = unwrappedValue.value<QDBusUnixFileDescriptor>();
QVERIFY(compare(fd1, fd2));
} else if (extracted.metaType() != QMetaType::fromType<QDBusArgument>()) {
QCOMPARE(extracted, unwrappedValue);
} else {
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Comparison logic needs to be fixed", Continue);
QVERIFY(compare(extracted, value));
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendSignalErrors()
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createSignal("/foo", "local.interfaceName",
msg << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath());
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDBusConnection: error: could not send signal to service \"\" path \"/foo\" interface \"local.interfaceName\" member \"signalName\": Marshalling failed: Invalid object path passed in arguments");
QDBusObjectPath path;
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDBusObjectPath: invalid path \"abc\"");
msg << QVariant::fromValue(path);
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDBusConnection: error: could not send signal to service \"\" path \"/foo\" interface \"local.interfaceName\" member \"signalName\": Marshalling failed: Invalid object path passed in arguments");
QDBusSignature sig;
msg.setArguments(QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(sig));
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDBusConnection: error: could not send signal to service \"\" path \"/foo\" interface \"local.interfaceName\" member \"signalName\": Marshalling failed: Invalid signature passed in arguments");
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDBusSignature: invalid signature \"a\"");
msg << QVariant::fromValue(sig);
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QDBusConnection: error: could not send signal to service \"\" path \"/foo\" interface \"local.interfaceName\" member \"signalName\": Marshalling failed: Invalid signature passed in arguments");
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendCallErrors_data()
// this error comes from the bus server
QTest::newRow("empty-service") << "" << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping" << QVariantList()
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod"
<< "Method \"ping\" with signature \"\" on interface \"org.qtproject.autotests.qpong\" doesn't exist\n" << (const char*)0;
QTest::newRow("invalid-service") << "this isn't valid" << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping" << QVariantList()
<< "org.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidService"
<< "Invalid service name: this isn't valid" << "";
QTest::newRow("empty-path") << serviceName << "" << interfaceName << "ping" << QVariantList()
<< "org.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidObjectPath"
<< "Object path cannot be empty" << "";
QTest::newRow("invalid-path") << serviceName << "//" << interfaceName << "ping" << QVariantList()
<< "org.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidObjectPath"
<< "Invalid object path: //" << "";
// empty interfaces are valid
QTest::newRow("invalid-interface") << serviceName << objectPath << "this isn't valid" << "ping" << QVariantList()
<< "org.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidInterface"
<< "Invalid interface class: this isn't valid" << "";
QTest::newRow("empty-method") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "" << QVariantList()
<< "org.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidMember"
<< "method name cannot be empty" << "";
QTest::newRow("invalid-method") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "this isn't valid" << QVariantList()
<< "org.qtproject.QtDBus.Error.InvalidMember"
<< "Invalid method name: this isn't valid" << "";
QTest::newRow("invalid-variant1") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping"
<< (QVariantList() << QVariant())
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"
<< "Marshalling failed: Invalid QVariant passed in arguments"
<< "QDBusMarshaller: cannot add an invalid QVariant";
QTest::newRow("invalid-variant1") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping"
<< (QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant()))
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"
<< "Marshalling failed: Invalid QVariant passed in arguments"
<< "QDBusMarshaller: cannot add a null QDBusVariant";
QTest::newRow("builtin-unregistered") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping"
<< (QVariantList() << QLocale::c())
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"
<< "Marshalling failed: Unregistered type QLocale passed in arguments"
<< "QDBusMarshaller: type `QLocale' (18) is not registered with D-BUS. Use qDBusRegisterMetaType to register it";
// this type is known to the meta type system, but not registered with D-Bus
QTest::newRow("extra-unregistered") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping"
<< (QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(UnregisteredType()))
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"
<< "Marshalling failed: Unregistered type UnregisteredType passed in arguments"
<< QString("QDBusMarshaller: type `UnregisteredType' (%1) is not registered with D-BUS. Use qDBusRegisterMetaType to register it")
QTest::newRow("invalid-object-path-arg") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping"
<< (QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath()))
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"
<< "Marshalling failed: Invalid object path passed in arguments"
<< "";
QTest::newRow("invalid-signature-arg") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping"
<< (QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature()))
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"
<< "Marshalling failed: Invalid signature passed in arguments"
<< "";
// invalid file descriptor
if (fileDescriptorPassing) {
QTest::newRow("invalid-file-descriptor") << serviceName << objectPath << interfaceName << "ping"
<< (QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusUnixFileDescriptor(-1)))
<< "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed"
<< "Marshalling failed: Invalid file descriptor passed in arguments"
<< "";
void tst_QDBusMarshall::sendCallErrors()
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QFETCH(QString, service);
QFETCH(QString, path);
QFETCH(QString, interface);
QFETCH(QString, method);
QFETCH(QVariantList, arguments);
QFETCH(QString, errorMsg);
QFETCH(QString, ignoreMsg);
if (!ignoreMsg.isEmpty())
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, ignoreMsg.toLatin1());
if (!ignoreMsg.isNull())
QString("QDBusConnection: error: could not send message to service \"%1\" path \"%2\" interface \"%3\" member \"%4\": %5")
.arg(service, path, interface, method, errorMsg)
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service, path, interface, method);
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg, QDBus::Block);
QCOMPARE(reply.type(), QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage);
QTEST(reply.errorName(), "errorName");
QCOMPARE(reply.errorMessage(), errorMsg);
// If DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD is not defined, it means the current system's D-Bus library is too old for this test
void tst_QDBusMarshall::receiveUnknownType_data()
QTest::newRow("in-call") << qMetaTypeId<void*>();
QTest::newRow("type-variant") << qMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant>();
QTest::newRow("type-array") << qMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>();
QTest::newRow("type-struct") << qMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>();
QTest::newRow("type-naked") << qMetaTypeId<void *>();
struct DisconnectRawDBus {
static void cleanup(DBusConnection *connection)
if (!connection)
struct UnrefDBusMessage
static void cleanup(DBusMessage *type)
if (!type) return;
struct UnrefDBusPendingCall
static void cleanup(DBusPendingCall *type)
if (!type) return;
// use these scoped types to avoid memory leaks if QVERIFY or QCOMPARE fails
typedef QScopedPointer<DBusConnection, DisconnectRawDBus> ScopedDBusConnection;
typedef QScopedPointer<DBusMessage, UnrefDBusMessage> ScopedDBusMessage;
typedef QScopedPointer<DBusPendingCall, UnrefDBusPendingCall> ScopedDBusPendingCall;
template <typename T> struct SetResetValue
const T oldValue;
T &value;
SetResetValue(T &v, T newValue) : oldValue(v), value(v)
value = newValue;
value = oldValue;
// mostly the same as qdbusintegrator.cpp:connectionCapabilies
static bool canSendUnixFd(DBusConnection *connection)
typedef dbus_bool_t (*can_send_type_t)(DBusConnection *, int);
static can_send_type_t can_send_type = 0;
#if defined(QT_LINKED_LIBDBUS)
# if DBUS_VERSION-0 >= 0x010400
can_send_type = dbus_connection_can_send_type;
# endif
#elif QT_CONFIG(library)
// run-time check if the next functions are available
can_send_type = (can_send_type_t)qdbus_resolve_conditionally("dbus_connection_can_send_type");
return can_send_type && can_send_type(connection, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD);
void tst_QDBusMarshall::receiveUnknownType()
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
// this needs to be implemented in raw
// open a new connection to the bus daemon
DBusError error;
ScopedDBusConnection rawcon(q_dbus_bus_get_private(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error));
QVERIFY2(rawcon.data(), error.name);
// check if this bus supports passing file descriptors
if (!canSendUnixFd(rawcon.data()))
QSKIP("Your session bus does not allow sending Unix file descriptors");
// make sure this QDBusConnection won't handle Unix file descriptors
QAtomicInt &capabRef = QDBusConnectionPrivate::d(con)->capabilities;
SetResetValue<QAtomicInt> resetter(capabRef,
capabRef & ~QDBusConnection::UnixFileDescriptorPassing);
if (qstrcmp(QTest::currentDataTag(), "in-call") == 0) {
// create a call back to us containing a file descriptor
QDBusMessageSpy spy;
con.registerObject("/spyObject", &spy, QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots);
ScopedDBusMessage msg(q_dbus_message_new_method_call(con.baseService().toLatin1(), "/spyObject", NULL, "theSlot"));
int fd = fileno(stdout);
DBusMessageIter iter;
q_dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg.data(), &iter);
q_dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD, &fd);
// try to send to us
DBusPendingCall *pending_ptr;
q_dbus_connection_send_with_reply(rawcon.data(), msg.data(), &pending_ptr, 1000);
ScopedDBusPendingCall pending(pending_ptr);
// check that it got sent
while (q_dbus_connection_dispatch(rawcon.data()) == DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS)
// now spin our event loop. We don't catch this call, so let's get the reply
QEventLoop loop;
QTimer::singleShot(200, &loop, SLOT(quit()));
// now try to receive the reply
// check that the spy received what it was supposed to receive
QCOMPARE(spy.list.size(), 1);
QCOMPARE(spy.list.at(0).arguments().size(), 1);
QFETCH(int, receivedTypeId);
QCOMPARE(spy.list.at(0).arguments().at(0).userType(), receivedTypeId);
QCOMPARE(q_dbus_message_get_type(msg.data()), DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN);
QCOMPARE(q_dbus_message_get_signature(msg.data()), DBUS_TYPE_INT32_AS_STRING);
int retval;
QVERIFY(q_dbus_message_iter_init(msg.data(), &iter));
q_dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &retval);
QCOMPARE(retval, 42);
} else {
// create a signal that we'll emit
static const char signalName[] = "signalName";
static const char interfaceName[] = "local.interface.name";
ScopedDBusMessage msg(q_dbus_message_new_signal("/", interfaceName, signalName));
con.connect(q_dbus_bus_get_unique_name(rawcon.data()), QString(), interfaceName, signalName, &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop()));
QDBusMessageSpy spy;
con.connect(q_dbus_bus_get_unique_name(rawcon.data()), QString(), interfaceName, signalName, &spy, SLOT(theSlot(QDBusMessage)));
DBusMessageIter iter;
q_dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg.data(), &iter);
int fd = fileno(stdout);
if (qstrcmp(QTest::currentDataTag(), "type-naked") == 0) {
// send naked
q_dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD, &fd);
} else {
DBusMessageIter subiter;
if (qstrcmp(QTest::currentDataTag(), "type-variant") == 0)
q_dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD_AS_STRING, &subiter);
else if (qstrcmp(QTest::currentDataTag(), "type-array") == 0)
q_dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD_AS_STRING, &subiter);
else if (qstrcmp(QTest::currentDataTag(), "type-struct") == 0)
q_dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT, 0, &subiter);
q_dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&subiter, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD, &fd);
q_dbus_message_iter_close_container(&iter, &subiter);
// send it
q_dbus_connection_send(rawcon.data(), msg.data(), 0);
// check that it got sent
while (q_dbus_connection_dispatch(rawcon.data()) == DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS)
// now let's see what happens
QCOMPARE(spy.list.size(), 1);
QCOMPARE(spy.list.at(0).arguments().count(), 1);
QFETCH(int, receivedTypeId);
//qDebug() << spy.list.at(0).arguments().at(0).typeName();
QCOMPARE(spy.list.at(0).arguments().at(0).userType(), receivedTypeId);
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallPrimitives_data()
// Primitive types, excluding strings and FD
template<class T>
QVariant demarshallPrimitiveAs(const QDBusArgument& dbusArg)
T val;
dbusArg >> val;
return QVariant::fromValue(val);
QVariant demarshallPrimitiveAs(int typeIndex, const QDBusArgument& dbusArg)
switch (typeIndex) {
case 0:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<uchar>(dbusArg);
case 1:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<bool>(dbusArg);
case 2:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<short>(dbusArg);
case 3:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<ushort>(dbusArg);
case 4:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<int>(dbusArg);
case 5:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<uint>(dbusArg);
case 6:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<qlonglong>(dbusArg);
case 7:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<qulonglong>(dbusArg);
case 8:
return demarshallPrimitiveAs<double>(dbusArg);
return QVariant();
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallPrimitives()
QFETCH(QVariant, value);
QFETCH(QString, sig);
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
// Demarshall each test data value to all primitive types to test
// demarshalling to the wrong type does not cause a crash
for (int typeIndex = 0; true; ++typeIndex) {
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName, objectPath,
interfaceName, "ping");
QDBusArgument sendArg;
msg.setArguments(QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(sendArg));
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg);
const QDBusArgument receiveArg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(reply.arguments().at(0));
QCOMPARE(receiveArg.currentSignature(), sig);
const QVariant receiveValue = demarshallPrimitiveAs(typeIndex, receiveArg);
if (receiveValue.metaType() == value.metaType()) {
// Value type is the same, compare the values
QCOMPARE(receiveValue, value);
if (!receiveValue.isValid())
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallStrings_data()
// All primitive types demarshall to null string types
typedef QPair<QVariant, char> ValSigPair;
const QList<ValSigPair> nullStringTypes
= QList<ValSigPair>()
<< ValSigPair(QVariant::fromValue(QString()), 's')
<< ValSigPair(QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath()), 'o')
<< ValSigPair(QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature()), 'g');
foreach (ValSigPair valSigPair, nullStringTypes) {
QTest::newRow("bool(false)") << QVariant(false) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("bool(true)") << QVariant(true) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("byte") << QVariant::fromValue(uchar(1)) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("int16") << QVariant::fromValue(short(2)) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("uint16") << QVariant::fromValue(ushort(3)) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("int") << QVariant(1) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("uint") << QVariant(2U) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("int64") << QVariant(Q_INT64_C(3)) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("uint64") << QVariant(Q_UINT64_C(4)) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
QTest::newRow("double") << QVariant(42.5) << valSigPair.second << valSigPair.first;
// String types should demarshall to each other. This is a regression test
// to check released functionality is maintained even after checks have
// been added to string demarshalling
QTest::newRow("empty string->invalid objectpath") << QVariant("")
<< 'o' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath());
QTest::newRow("null string->invalid objectpath") << QVariant(QString())
<< 'o' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath());
QTest::newRow("string->invalid objectpath") << QVariant("invalid objectpath")
<< 'o' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath());
QTest::newRow("string->valid objectpath") << QVariant("/org/kde")
<< 'o' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath("/org/kde"));
QTest::newRow("empty string->invalid signature") << QVariant("")
<< 'g' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature());
QTest::newRow("null string->invalid signature") << QVariant(QString())
<< 'g' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature());
QTest::newRow("string->invalid signature") << QVariant("_invalid signature")
<< 'g' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature());
QTest::newRow("string->valid signature") << QVariant("s")
<< 'g' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature("s"));
QTest::newRow("objectpath->string") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath("/org/kde"))
<< 's' << QVariant::fromValue(QString("/org/kde"));
QTest::newRow("objectpath->invalid signature") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath("/org/kde"))
<< 'g' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature());
QTest::newRow("signature->string") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature("s"))
<< 's' << QVariant::fromValue(QString("s"));
QTest::newRow("signature->invalid objectpath") << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusSignature("s"))
<< 'o' << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusObjectPath());
QVariant demarshallAsString(const QDBusArgument& dbusArg, char targetSig)
switch (targetSig) {
case 's': {
QString s;
dbusArg >> s;
return s;
case 'o': {
QDBusObjectPath op;
dbusArg >> op;
return QVariant::fromValue(op);
case 'g' : {
QDBusSignature sig;
dbusArg >> sig;
return QVariant::fromValue(sig);
default: {
return QVariant();
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallStrings()
QFETCH(QVariant, value);
QFETCH(char, targetSig);
QFETCH(QVariant, expectedValue);
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName, objectPath,
interfaceName, "ping");
QDBusArgument sendArg;
msg.setArguments(QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(sendArg));
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg);
const QDBusArgument receiveArg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(reply.arguments().at(0));
QVariant receiveValue = demarshallAsString(receiveArg, targetSig);
QVERIFY2(receiveValue.isValid(), "Invalid targetSig in demarshallStrings_data()");
QVERIFY(compare(receiveValue, expectedValue));
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallInvalidStringList_data()
// None of the basic types should demarshall to a string list
// Arrays of non-string type should not demarshall to a string list
QList<bool> bools;
QTest::newRow("emptyboollist") << QVariant::fromValue(bools);
bools << false << true << false;
QTest::newRow("boollist") << QVariant::fromValue(bools);
// Structures should not demarshall to a QByteArray
QTest::newRow("struct of strings")
<< QVariant::fromValue(QVariantList() << QString("foo") << QString("bar"));
QTest::newRow("struct of mixed types")
<< QVariant::fromValue(QVariantList() << QString("foo") << int(42) << double(3.14));
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallInvalidStringList()
QFETCH(QVariant, value);
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName, objectPath,
interfaceName, "ping");
QDBusArgument sendArg;
msg.setArguments(QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(sendArg));
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg);
const QDBusArgument receiveArg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(reply.arguments().at(0));
QStringList receiveValue;
receiveArg >> receiveValue;
QCOMPARE(receiveValue, QStringList());
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallInvalidByteArray_data()
// None of the basic types should demarshall to a QByteArray
// Arrays of other types than byte should not demarshall to a QByteArray
QList<bool> bools;
QTest::newRow("empty array of bool") << QVariant::fromValue(bools);
bools << true << false << true;
QTest::newRow("non-empty array of bool") << QVariant::fromValue(bools);
// Structures should not demarshall to a QByteArray
QTest::newRow("struct of bytes")
<< QVariant::fromValue(QVariantList() << uchar(1) << uchar(2));
QTest::newRow("struct of mixed types")
<< QVariant::fromValue(QVariantList() << int(42) << QString("foo") << double(3.14));
void tst_QDBusMarshall::demarshallInvalidByteArray()
QFETCH(QVariant, value);
QDBusConnection con = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(serviceName, objectPath,
interfaceName, "ping");
QDBusArgument sendArg;
msg.setArguments(QVariantList() << QVariant::fromValue(sendArg));
QDBusMessage reply = con.call(msg);
const QDBusArgument receiveArg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(reply.arguments().at(0));
QByteArray receiveValue;
receiveArg >> receiveValue;
QCOMPARE(receiveValue, QByteArray());
#include "tst_qdbusmarshall.moc"