David Faure 404598b613 Long live QCommandLineParser!
The QCommandLineParser class provides a means for handling the command line options.

QCoreApplication provides the command-line arguments as a simple list of strings.
QCommandLineParser provides the ability to define a set of options, parse the
command-line arguments, and store which options have actually been used, as
well as option values.

Done-with: Laszlo Papp <lpapp@kde.org>

Change-Id: Ic7bebc10b3f8d8dd06ad0f4bb897c51d566e3b7c
Reviewed-by: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com>
2013-08-24 21:33:39 +02:00

54 lines
937 B

qalgorithms \
qarraydata \
qbitarray \
qbytearray \
qbytearraymatcher \
qbytedatabuffer \
qcache \
qchar \
qcommandlineparser \
qcontiguouscache \
qcryptographichash \
qdate \
qdatetime \
qeasingcurve \
qelapsedtimer \
qexplicitlyshareddatapointer \
qfreelist \
qhash \
qline \
qlinkedlist \
qlist \
qlocale \
qmap \
qmargins \
qmessageauthenticationcode \
qpair \
qpoint \
qpointf \
qqueue \
qrect \
qregexp \
qregularexpression \
qringbuffer \
qscopedpointer \
qscopedvaluerollback \
qset \
qsharedpointer \
qsize \
qsizef \
qstl \
qstring \
qstring_no_cast_from_bytearray \
qstringbuilder \
qstringlist \
qstringmatcher \
qstringref \
qtextboundaryfinder \
qtime \
qtimeline \
qvarlengtharray \