Kent Hansen 9830cb8e59 Add QtV8 library to QtBase
This adds Aaron's copy of V8 to src/3rdparty/v8 (as a
git submodule), and builds it as a "normal" Qt library
(without any dependencies on Qt itself).

The library can be added to a project with

QT += v8-private

V8 API headers are available as private includes, e.g.

 #include <private/v8.h>

The API is private because we're exposing a third-party
API directly, and we don't want to (and cannot) make
source or binary compatibility guarantees for it.

Since we want the V8 public API headers to be private
headers in Qt, syncqt and sync.profile were extended to
understand a new configuration option, the
@allmoduleheadersprivate array, that tells syncqt whether
all the library headers should be treated as private even
though they don't follow the _p.h Qt convention.

The V8 project files, patches and autotests are copied
from the QtDeclarative repository. The next step after
this commit is to remove QtDeclarative's copy of V8 and
link with QtV8 instead.

Task-number: QTBUG-20963
Change-Id: Ib8820362cdbc8fa662a5e97db841656cf38d1b62
Reviewed-on: http://codereview.qt.nokia.com/3092
Reviewed-by: Kent Hansen <kent.hansen@nokia.com>
Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@nokia.com>
2011-08-29 10:16:01 +02:00

85 lines
3.6 KiB

%modules = ( # path to module name map
"QtGui" => "$basedir/src/gui",
"QtOpenGL" => "$basedir/src/opengl",
"QtOpenVG" => "$basedir/src/openvg",
"QtCore" => "$basedir/src/corelib",
"QtV8" => "$basedir/src/v8",
"QtXml" => "$basedir/src/xml",
"QtSql" => "$basedir/src/sql",
"QtNetwork" => "$basedir/src/network",
"QtTest" => "$basedir/src/testlib",
"QtDBus" => "$basedir/src/dbus",
"QtUiTools" => "$basedir/src/uitools",
"QtDesigner" => "$basedir/tools/uilib",
%moduleheaders = ( # restrict the module headers to those found in relative path
"QtV8" => "../3rdparty/v8/include",
@allmoduleheadersprivate = (
%classnames = (
"qglobal.h" => "QtGlobal",
"qendian.h" => "QtEndian",
"qconfig.h" => "QtConfig",
"qplugin.h" => "QtPlugin",
"qalgorithms.h" => "QtAlgorithms",
"qcontainerfwd.h" => "QtContainerFwd",
"qdebug.h" => "QtDebug",
"qevent.h" => "QtEvents",
"qnamespace.h" => "Qt",
"qssl.h" => "QSsl",
"qtest.h" => "QTest",
"qtconcurrentmap.h" => "QtConcurrentMap",
"qtconcurrentfilter.h" => "QtConcurrentFilter",
"qtconcurrentrun.h" => "QtConcurrentRun",
"qtcoreversion.h" => "QtCoreVersion",
"qtdbusversion.h" => "QtDBusVersion",
"qtguiversion.h" => "QtGuiVersion",
"qtnetworkversion.h" => "QtNetworkVersion",
"qtopenglversion.h" => "QtOpenGLVersion",
"qtopenvgversion.h" => "QtOpenVGVersion",
"qtsqlversion.h" => "QtSqlVersion",
"qttestversion.h" => "QtTestVersion",
"qtv8version.h" => "QtV8Version",
"qtxmlversion.h" => "QtXmlVersion",
%mastercontent = (
"core" => "#include <QtCore/QtCore>\n",
"gui" => "#include <QtGui/QtGui>\n",
"network" => "#include <QtNetwork/QtNetwork>\n",
"opengl" => "#include <QtOpenGL/QtOpenGL>\n",
"openvg" => "#include <QtOpenVG/QtOpenVG>\n",
"xml" => "#include <QtXml/QtXml>\n",
"uitools" => "#include <QtUiTools/QtUiTools>\n",
"designer" => "#include <QtDesigner/QtDesigner>\n",
%modulepris = (
"QtCore" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_core.pri",
"QtDBus" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_dbus.pri",
"QtGui" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_gui.pri",
"QtNetwork" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_network.pri",
"QtOpenGL" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_opengl.pri",
"QtOpenVG" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_openvg.pri",
"QtSql" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_sql.pri",
"QtTest" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_testlib.pri",
"QtV8" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_v8.pri",
"QtXml" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_xml.pri",
"QtUiTools" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_uitools.pri",
"QtDesigner" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_uilib.pri",
@ignore_for_master_contents = ( "qt.h", "qpaintdevicedefs.h" );
@ignore_for_include_check = ( "qatomic.h" );
@ignore_for_qt_begin_header_check = ( "qiconset.h", "qconfig.h", "qconfig-dist.h", "qconfig-large.h", "qconfig-medium.h", "qconfig-minimal.h", "qconfig-small.h", "qfeatures.h", "qt_windows.h" );
@ignore_for_qt_begin_namespace_check = ( "qconfig.h", "qconfig-dist.h", "qconfig-large.h", "qconfig-medium.h", "qconfig-minimal.h", "qconfig-small.h", "qfeatures.h", "qatomic_arch.h", "qatomic_windowsce.h", "qt_windows.h", "qatomic_macosx.h" );
@ignore_for_qt_module_check = ( "$modules{QtCore}/arch", "$modules{QtCore}/global", "$modules{QtTest}", "$modules{QtDBus}" );
# Module dependencies.
# Every module that is required to build this module should have one entry.
# Each of the module version specifiers can take one of the following values:
# - A specific Git revision.
# - any git symbolic ref resolvable from the module's repository (e.g. "refs/heads/master" to track master branch)
%dependencies = (