Ulf Hermann 90ec3aba06 Clean up the moc "no-keywords" test
We can use the QT_LIB_FOO #defines instead of our own WITH_FOO ones to
determine if a library is available. Also, it doesn't currently make
sense to refer to libraries which are not part of qtbase here. We might
add that in the future, but QtScript (being deprecated) is probably not
the first one we should add.

Change-Id: I7f2397ca5499ba6003088478161182e960e815fb
Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@qt.io>
2018-03-21 10:31:20 +00:00

52 lines
2.0 KiB

CONFIG += testcase
TARGET = tst_moc
#exists(/usr/include/boost/spirit.hpp) {
# message("including boost headers in test")
# # need to add explicitly so that it ends up in moc's search path
# INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include
INCLUDEPATH += testproject/include testproject
HEADERS += using-namespaces.h no-keywords.h task87883.h c-comments.h backslash-newlines.h oldstyle-casts.h \
slots-with-void-template.h qinvokable.h namespaced-flags.h trigraphs.h \
escapes-in-string-literals.h cstyle-enums.h qprivateslots.h gadgetwithnoenums.h \
dir-in-include-path.h single_function_keyword.h task192552.h task189996.h \
task234909.h task240368.h pure-virtual-signals.h cxx11-enums.h \
cxx11-final-classes.h \
cxx11-explicit-override-control.h \
forward-declared-param.h \
parse-defines.h \
function-with-attributes.h \
plugin_metadata.h \
single-quote-digit-separator-n3781.h \
related-metaobjects-in-namespaces.h \
qtbug-35657-gadget.h \
non-gadget-parent-class.h grand-parent-gadget-class.h \
related-metaobjects-in-gadget.h \
related-metaobjects-name-conflict.h \
namespace.h cxx17-namespaces.h
if(*-g++*|*-icc*|*-clang*|*-llvm):!win32-*: HEADERS += os9-newlines.h win-newlines.h
if(*-g++*|*-clang*): HEADERS += dollars.h
SOURCES += tst_moc.cpp
QT = core testlib
qtHaveModule(dbus): QT += dbus
qtHaveModule(concurrent): QT += concurrent
qtHaveModule(network): QT += network
qtHaveModule(sql): QT += sql
# tst_Moc::specifyMetaTagsFromCmdline()
# Ensure that plugin_metadata.h are moc-ed with some extra -M arguments:
QMAKE_MOC_OPTIONS += -Muri=com.company.app -Muri=com.company.app.private
# Define macro on the command lines used in parse-defines.h
QMAKE_MOC_OPTIONS += "-DDEFINE_CMDLINE_EMPTY=" "\"-DDEFINE_CMDLINE_SIGNAL=void cmdlineSignal(const QMap<int, int> &i)\""