Introduce a specialization for qCompare(QImage,QImage) that checks isNull, size and format and outputs verbose messages. Check isNull, size similarly for QPixmap. Add an autotest: - Add test to cmptest and make it a GUI application since QImage requires QGuiApplication. - Make testlib/selftests capable of running X11-GUI applications by passing DISPLAY. - Ignore stderr output for cmptest - Add test data Change-Id: I2b29c7822fbeedf2b22c90889739ed7ff859ce92 Reviewed-by: Jason McDonald <jason.mcdonald@nokia.com>
13 lines
248 B
13 lines
248 B
SOURCES += tst_cmptest.cpp
QT = core gui testlib
mac:CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG -= debug_and_release_target
TARGET = cmptest
# This app is testdata for tst_selftests
target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_TESTS]/tst_selftests/$$TARGET
INSTALLS += target