Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt e6880e7cd1 Fix text shifting vertically when elided
When eliding text we would check for the existence of the ellipsis
character and fall back to using the dot if it was not available.
However, when font merging was in use, we would also use ellipsis
from a fallback font if available. This could cause the metrics
of the text to increase if the fallback font had larger metrics,
and the result was that text could shift when elided.

It is better to prefer the dot from the current font than to use
the ellipsis from a fallback, so we only use the ellipsis if
it is in the main font.

[ChangeLog][QtGui][Text] Fixed a bug where eliding text could
change the height of its bounding rectangle for certain fonts.

Fixes: QTBUG-72553
Change-Id: Ib27fc65302465ddce661801bcc5ae32e55f1aeb9
Reviewed-by: Simon Hausmann <simon.hausmann@qt.io>
2018-12-21 10:27:12 +00:00

363 lines
11 KiB

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#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qfontmetrics.h>
#include <qfontdatabase.h>
#include <private/qfontengine_p.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qlist.h>
class tst_QFontMetrics : public QObject
private slots:
void same();
void metrics();
void boundingRect();
void elidedText_data();
void elidedText();
void veryNarrowElidedText();
void averageCharWidth();
void bypassShaping();
void elidedMultiLength();
void elidedMultiLengthF();
void inFontUcs4();
void lineWidth();
void mnemonicTextWidth();
void leadingBelowLine();
void elidedMetrics();
void tst_QFontMetrics::same()
QFont font;
QFontMetrics fm(font);
const QString text = QLatin1String("Some stupid STRING");
QCOMPARE(fm.size(0, text), fm.size(0, text)) ;
for (int i = 10; i <= 32; ++i) {
QFontMetrics fm1(font);
QCOMPARE(fm1.size(0, text), fm1.size(0, text));
QImage image;
QFontMetrics fm2(font, &image);
QString text2 = QLatin1String("Foo Foo");
QCOMPARE(fm2.size(0, text2), fm2.size(0, text2)); //used to crash
QImage image;
QFontMetricsF fm3(font, &image);
QString text2 = QLatin1String("Foo Foo");
QCOMPARE(fm3.size(0, text2), fm3.size(0, text2)); //used to crash
void tst_QFontMetrics::metrics()
QFont font;
QFontDatabase fdb;
// Query the QFontDatabase for a specific font, store the
// result in family, style and size.
QStringList families = fdb.families();
if (families.isEmpty())
QStringList::ConstIterator f_it, f_end = families.end();
for (f_it = families.begin(); f_it != f_end; ++f_it) {
const QString &family = *f_it;
QStringList styles = fdb.styles(family);
QStringList::ConstIterator s_it, s_end = styles.end();
for (s_it = styles.begin(); s_it != s_end; ++s_it) {
const QString &style = *s_it;
if (fdb.isSmoothlyScalable(family, style)) {
// smoothly scalable font... don't need to load every pointsize
font = fdb.font(family, style, 12);
QFontMetrics fontmetrics(font);
QCOMPARE(fontmetrics.ascent() + fontmetrics.descent(),
QCOMPARE(fontmetrics.height() + fontmetrics.leading(),
} else {
QList<int> sizes = fdb.pointSizes(family, style);
QList<int>::ConstIterator z_it, z_end = sizes.end();
for (z_it = sizes.begin(); z_it != z_end; ++z_it) {
const int size = *z_it;
// Initialize the font, and check if it is an exact match
font = fdb.font(family, style, size);
QFontMetrics fontmetrics(font);
QCOMPARE(fontmetrics.ascent() + fontmetrics.descent(),
QCOMPARE(fontmetrics.height() + fontmetrics.leading(),
void tst_QFontMetrics::boundingRect()
QFont f;
QFontMetrics fm(f);
QRect r = fm.boundingRect(QChar('Y'));
QVERIFY(r.top() < 0);
r = fm.boundingRect(QString("Y"));
QVERIFY(r.top() < 0);
void tst_QFontMetrics::elidedText_data()
QTest::newRow("helvetica hello") << QFont("helvetica",10) << QString("hello") ;
QTest::newRow("helvetica hello &Bye") << QFont("helvetica",10) << QString("hello&Bye") ;
void tst_QFontMetrics::elidedText()
QFETCH(QFont, font);
QFETCH(QString, text);
QFontMetrics fm(font);
int w = fm.horizontalAdvance(text);
QString newtext = fm.elidedText(text,Qt::ElideRight,w+1, 0);
QCOMPARE(text,newtext); // should not elide
newtext = fm.elidedText(text,Qt::ElideRight,w-1, 0);
QVERIFY(text != newtext); // should elide
void tst_QFontMetrics::veryNarrowElidedText()
QFont f;
QFontMetrics fm(f);
QString text("hello");
QCOMPARE(fm.elidedText(text, Qt::ElideRight, 0), QString());
void tst_QFontMetrics::averageCharWidth()
QFont f;
QFontMetrics fm(f);
QVERIFY(fm.averageCharWidth() != 0);
QFontMetricsF fmf(f);
QVERIFY(fmf.averageCharWidth() != 0);
void tst_QFontMetrics::bypassShaping()
QFont f;
QFontMetrics fm(f);
QString text = " A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z";
int textWidth = fm.width(text, -1, Qt::TextBypassShaping);
QVERIFY(textWidth != 0);
int charsWidth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i)
charsWidth += fm.horizontalAdvance(text[i]);
// This assertion is needed in Qt WebKit's WebCore::Font::offsetForPositionForSimpleText
QCOMPARE(textWidth, charsWidth);
template<class FontMetrics, typename PrimitiveType> void elidedMultiLength_helper()
QString text1 = QLatin1String("Long Text 1\x9cShorter\x9csmall");
QString text1_long = "Long Text 1";
QString text1_short = "Shorter";
QString text1_small = "small";
FontMetrics fm = FontMetrics(QFont());
PrimitiveType width_long = fm.size(0, text1_long).width();
QCOMPARE(fm.elidedText(text1,Qt::ElideRight, 8000), text1_long);
QCOMPARE(fm.elidedText(text1,Qt::ElideRight, width_long + 1), text1_long);
QCOMPARE(fm.elidedText(text1,Qt::ElideRight, width_long - 1), text1_short);
PrimitiveType width_short = fm.size(0, text1_short).width();
QCOMPARE(fm.elidedText(text1,Qt::ElideRight, width_short + 1), text1_short);
QCOMPARE(fm.elidedText(text1,Qt::ElideRight, width_short - 1), text1_small);
// Not even wide enough for "small" - should use ellipsis
QChar ellipsisChar(0x2026);
QString text1_el = QString::fromLatin1("s") + ellipsisChar;
PrimitiveType width_small = fm.horizontalAdvance(text1_el);
QCOMPARE(fm.elidedText(text1,Qt::ElideRight, width_small + 1), text1_el);
void tst_QFontMetrics::elidedMultiLength()
elidedMultiLength_helper<QFontMetrics, int>();
void tst_QFontMetrics::elidedMultiLengthF()
elidedMultiLength_helper<QFontMetricsF, qreal>();
void tst_QFontMetrics::inFontUcs4()
int id = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/fonts/ucs4font.ttf");
QVERIFY(id >= 0);
QFont font("QtTestUcs4");
QFontMetrics fm(font);
QFontMetricsF fm(font);
QFontEngine *engine = QFontPrivate::get(font)->engineForScript(QChar::Script_Common);
QGlyphLayout glyphs;
glyphs.numGlyphs = 3;
uint buf[3];
glyphs.glyphs = buf;
QString string;
glyphs.numGlyphs = 3;
glyphs.glyphs[0] = 0;
QVERIFY(engine->stringToCMap(string.constData(), string.size(),
&glyphs, &glyphs.numGlyphs,
QCOMPARE(glyphs.numGlyphs, 1);
QCOMPARE(glyphs.glyphs[0], uint(1));
glyphs.numGlyphs = 3;
glyphs.glyphs[0] = 0;
QVERIFY(engine->stringToCMap(string.constData(), string.size(),
&glyphs, &glyphs.numGlyphs,
QVERIFY(glyphs.glyphs[0] != 1);
void tst_QFontMetrics::lineWidth()
// QTBUG-13009, QTBUG-13011
QFont smallFont;
const QFontMetrics smallFontMetrics(smallFont);
QFont bigFont;
const QFontMetrics bigFontMetrics(bigFont);
QVERIFY(smallFontMetrics.lineWidth() >= 1);
QVERIFY(smallFontMetrics.lineWidth() < bigFontMetrics.lineWidth());
void tst_QFontMetrics::mnemonicTextWidth()
// QTBUG-41593
QFont f;
QFontMetrics fm(f);
const QString f1 = "File";
const QString f2 = "&File";
QCOMPARE(fm.size(Qt::TextShowMnemonic, f1), fm.size(Qt::TextShowMnemonic, f2));
QCOMPARE(fm.size(Qt::TextHideMnemonic, f1), fm.size(Qt::TextHideMnemonic, f2));
void tst_QFontMetrics::leadingBelowLine()
QScriptLine line;
line.leading = 10;
line.leadingIncluded = true;
line.ascent = 5;
QCOMPARE(line.height(), line.ascent + line.descent + line.leading);
QCOMPARE(line.base(), line.ascent);
void tst_QFontMetrics::elidedMetrics()
QString testFont = QFINDTESTDATA("fonts/testfont.ttf");
int id = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(testFont);
QVERIFY(id >= 0);
QFont font(QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies(id).at(0));
QFontMetricsF metrics(font);
QString s = QStringLiteral("VeryLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongText");
QRectF boundingRect = metrics.boundingRect(s);
QString elided = metrics.elidedText(s, Qt::ElideRight, boundingRect.width() / 2.0);
QRectF elidedBoundingRect = metrics.boundingRect(elided);
QCOMPARE(boundingRect.height(), elidedBoundingRect.height());
QCOMPARE(boundingRect.y(), elidedBoundingRect.y());
#include "tst_qfontmetrics.moc"