2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright ( C ) 2004 - 2004 , International Business Machines
* Corporation and others . All Rights Reserved .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* file name : strtst . c
* encoding : US - ASCII
* tab size : 8 ( not used )
* indentation : 4
* created on : 2004 apr06
* created by : George Rhoten
# include "unicode/ustdio.h"
# include "unicode/ustring.h"
# include "iotest.h"
# include <string.h>
static void TestString ( void ) {
int32_t n [ 1 ] ;
float myFloat = - 1234.0 ;
UDate myDate = 0.0 ;
UDate dec_31_1969 = - 57600000.000000 ; /* TODO: These are not correct */
UDate midnight = 86400000.000000 ; /* TODO: These are not correct */
UDate myNewDate = - 1.0 ;
int32_t newValuePtr [ 1 ] ;
double newDoubleValuePtr [ 1 ] ;
UChar myUString [ 512 ] ;
UChar uStringBuf [ 512 ] ;
char myString [ 512 ] = " " ;
char testBuf [ 512 ] = " " ;
int32_t retVal ;
void * origPtr , * ptr ;
U_STRING_DECL ( myStringOrig , " My-String " , 9 ) ;
U_STRING_INIT ( myStringOrig , " My-String " , 9 ) ;
u_memset ( myUString , 0x0a , sizeof ( myUString ) / sizeof ( * myUString ) ) ;
u_memset ( uStringBuf , 0x0a , sizeof ( uStringBuf ) / sizeof ( * uStringBuf ) ) ;
* n = - 1234 ;
if ( sizeof ( void * ) = = 4 ) {
origPtr = ( void * ) 0xdeadbeef ;
} else if ( sizeof ( void * ) = = 8 ) {
origPtr = ( void * ) INT64_C ( 0x1000200030004000 ) ;
} else if ( sizeof ( void * ) = = 16 ) {
/* iSeries */
int32_t massiveBigEndianPtr [ ] = { 0x10002000 , 0x30004000 , 0x50006000 , 0x70008000 } ;
origPtr = * ( ( void * * ) massiveBigEndianPtr ) ;
} else {
log_err ( " sizeof(void*)=%d hasn't been tested before " , ( int ) sizeof ( void * ) ) ;
/* Test sprintf */
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Signed decimal integer d: %d " , * n ) ;
* newValuePtr = 1 ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Signed decimal integer d: %d " , newValuePtr ) ;
if ( * n ! = * newValuePtr ) {
log_err ( " %%d Got: %d, Expected: %d \n " , * newValuePtr , * n ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Signed decimal integer i: %i " , * n ) ;
* newValuePtr = 1 ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Signed decimal integer i: %i " , newValuePtr ) ;
if ( * n ! = * newValuePtr ) {
log_err ( " %%i Got: %i, Expected: %i \n " , * newValuePtr , * n ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Unsigned octal integer o: %o " , * n ) ;
* newValuePtr = 1 ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Unsigned octal integer o: %o " , newValuePtr ) ;
if ( * n ! = * newValuePtr ) {
log_err ( " %%o Got: %o, Expected: %o \n " , * newValuePtr , * n ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Unsigned decimal integer %%u: %u " , * n ) ;
* newValuePtr = 1 ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Unsigned decimal integer %%u: %u " , newValuePtr ) ;
if ( * n ! = * newValuePtr ) {
log_err ( " %%u Got: %u, Expected: %u \n " , * newValuePtr , * n ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Lowercase unsigned hexadecimal integer x: %x " , * n ) ;
* newValuePtr = 1 ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Lowercase unsigned hexadecimal integer x: %x " , newValuePtr ) ;
if ( * n ! = * newValuePtr ) {
log_err ( " %%x Got: %x, Expected: %x \n " , * newValuePtr , * n ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Uppercase unsigned hexadecimal integer X: %X " , * n ) ;
* newValuePtr = 1 ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Uppercase unsigned hexadecimal integer X: %X " , newValuePtr ) ;
if ( * n ! = * newValuePtr ) {
log_err ( " %%X Got: %X, Expected: %X \n " , * newValuePtr , * n ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Float f: %f " , myFloat ) ;
* newDoubleValuePtr = - 1.0 ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Float f: %f " , newDoubleValuePtr ) ;
if ( myFloat ! = * newDoubleValuePtr ) {
log_err ( " %%f Got: %f, Expected: %f \n " , * newDoubleValuePtr , myFloat ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Lowercase float e: %e " , myFloat ) ;
* newDoubleValuePtr = - 1.0 ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Lowercase float e: %e " , newDoubleValuePtr ) ;
if ( myFloat ! = * newDoubleValuePtr ) {
log_err ( " %%e Got: %e, Expected: %e \n " , * newDoubleValuePtr , myFloat ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Uppercase float E: %E " , myFloat ) ;
* newDoubleValuePtr = - 1.0 ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Uppercase float E: %E " , newDoubleValuePtr ) ;
if ( myFloat ! = * newDoubleValuePtr ) {
log_err ( " %%E Got: %E, Expected: %E \n " , * newDoubleValuePtr , myFloat ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Lowercase float g: %g " , myFloat ) ;
* newDoubleValuePtr = - 1.0 ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Lowercase float g: %g " , newDoubleValuePtr ) ;
if ( myFloat ! = * newDoubleValuePtr ) {
log_err ( " %%g Got: %g, Expected: %g \n " , * newDoubleValuePtr , myFloat ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Uppercase float G: %G " , myFloat ) ;
* newDoubleValuePtr = - 1.0 ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Uppercase float G: %G " , newDoubleValuePtr ) ;
if ( myFloat ! = * newDoubleValuePtr ) {
log_err ( " %%G Got: %G, Expected: %G \n " , * newDoubleValuePtr , myFloat ) ;
ptr = NULL ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Pointer %%p: %p \n " , origPtr ) ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Pointer %%p: %p \n " , & ptr ) ;
if ( ptr ! = origPtr | | u_strlen ( uStringBuf ) ! = 13 + ( sizeof ( void * ) * 2 ) ) {
log_err ( " %%p Got: %p, Expected: %p \n " , ptr , origPtr ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Char c: %c " , ' A ' ) ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Char c: %c " , myString ) ;
if ( * myString ! = ' A ' ) {
log_err ( " %%c Got: %c, Expected: A \n " , * myString ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " UChar %%C: %C " , ( UChar ) 0x0041 ) ; /*'A'*/
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " UChar %%C: %C " , myUString ) ;
if ( * myUString ! = ( UChar ) 0x0041 ) { /*'A'*/
log_err ( " %%C Got: %C, Expected: A \n " , * myUString ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " String %%s: %s " , " My-String " ) ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " String %%s: %s " , myString ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , " My-String " ) ) {
log_err ( " %%s Got: %s, Expected: My-String \n " , myString ) ;
if ( uStringBuf [ 20 ] ! = 0 ) {
log_err ( " String not terminated. Got %c \n " , uStringBuf [ 20 ] ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " NULL String %%s: %s " , NULL ) ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " NULL String %%s: %s " , myString ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , " (null) " ) ) {
log_err ( " %%s Got: %s, Expected: My-String \n " , myString ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Unicode String %%S: %S " , myStringOrig ) ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Unicode String %%S: %S " , myUString ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , myUString , sizeof ( myString ) / sizeof ( * myString ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , " My-String " ) ) {
log_err ( " %%S Got: %s, Expected: My String \n " , myString ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " NULL Unicode String %%S: %S " , NULL ) ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " NULL Unicode String %%S: %S " , myUString ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , myUString , sizeof ( myString ) / sizeof ( * myString ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , " (null) " ) ) {
log_err ( " %%S Got: %s, Expected: (null) \n " , myString ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Percent %%P (non-ANSI): %P " , myFloat ) ;
* newDoubleValuePtr = - 1.0 ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Percent %%P (non-ANSI): %P " , newDoubleValuePtr ) ;
if ( myFloat ! = * newDoubleValuePtr ) {
log_err ( " %%P Got: %P, Expected: %P \n " , * newDoubleValuePtr , myFloat ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Spell Out %%V (non-ANSI): %V " , myFloat ) ;
* newDoubleValuePtr = - 1.0 ;
u_sscanf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " Spell Out %%V (non-ANSI): %V " , newDoubleValuePtr ) ;
if ( myFloat ! = * newDoubleValuePtr ) {
log_err ( " %%V Got: %f, Expected: %f \n " , * newDoubleValuePtr , myFloat ) ;
* newValuePtr = 1 ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " \t \n Pointer to integer (Count) %%n: n=%d %n n=%d \n " , * newValuePtr , newValuePtr , * newValuePtr ) ;
if ( * newValuePtr ! = 37 ) {
log_err ( " %%V Got: %f, Expected: %f \n " , * newDoubleValuePtr , myFloat ) ;
2004-04-28 17:18:58 +00:00
/* u_sscanf(uStringBuf, NULL, "Pointer %%p: %p\n", myFile);*/
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
static const char longStr [ ] = " This is a long test12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 " ;
retVal = u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , longStr ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , uStringBuf , sizeof ( uStringBuf ) / sizeof ( * uStringBuf ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , longStr ) ) {
log_err ( " %%S Got: %s, Expected: %s \n " , myString , longStr ) ;
if ( retVal ! = strlen ( longStr ) ) {
log_err ( " %%S returned different sizes. Got: %d Expected: %d \n " , retVal , strlen ( longStr ) ) ;
retVal = u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " %s " , longStr ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , uStringBuf , sizeof ( uStringBuf ) / sizeof ( * uStringBuf ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , longStr ) ) {
log_err ( " %%S Got: %s, Expected: %s \n " , myString , longStr ) ;
if ( retVal ! = strlen ( longStr ) ) {
log_err ( " %%S returned different sizes. Got: %d Expected: %d \n " , retVal , strlen ( longStr ) ) ;
u_uastrncpy ( myUString , longStr , sizeof ( longStr ) / sizeof ( * longStr ) ) ;
u_sprintf_u ( uStringBuf , NULL , myUString ) ;
if ( u_strcmp ( myUString , uStringBuf ) ) {
log_err ( " %%S Long strings differ. Expected: %s \n " , longStr ) ;
u_uastrncpy ( myUString , longStr , sizeof ( longStr ) / sizeof ( * longStr ) ) ;
retVal = u_sprintf_u ( uStringBuf , NULL , myUString + 10 ) ;
if ( u_strcmp ( myUString + 10 , uStringBuf ) ) {
log_err ( " %%S Long strings differ. Expected: %s \n " , longStr + 10 ) ;
if ( retVal ! = strlen ( longStr + 10 ) ) {
log_err ( " %%S returned different sizes. Got: %d Expected: %d \n " , retVal , strlen ( longStr ) ) ;
u_memset ( uStringBuf , 1 , sizeof ( longStr ) / sizeof ( * longStr ) ) ;
u_uastrncpy ( myUString , longStr , sizeof ( longStr ) / sizeof ( * longStr ) ) ;
retVal = u_snprintf_u ( uStringBuf , 10 , NULL , myUString ) ;
if ( u_strncmp ( myUString , uStringBuf , 10 ) | | uStringBuf [ 10 ] ! = 1 | | retVal ! = 10 ) {
log_err ( " %%S Long strings differ. Expected the first 10 characters of %s \n " , longStr ) ;
# define Test_u_snprintf(limit, format, value, expectedSize, expectedStr) \
u_uastrncpy ( testStr , " xxxxxxxxxxxxxx " , sizeof ( testStr ) / sizeof ( testStr [ 0 ] ) ) ; \
size = u_snprintf ( testStr , limit , " en_US_POSIX " , format , value ) ; \
u_austrncpy ( cTestResult , testStr , sizeof ( cTestResult ) / sizeof ( cTestResult [ 0 ] ) ) ; \
if ( size ! = expectedSize | | strcmp ( cTestResult , expectedStr ) ! = 0 ) { \
log_err ( " Unexpected formatting. size=%d expectedSize=%d cTestResult=%s expectedStr=%s \n " , \
size , expectedSize , cTestResult , expectedStr ) ; \
} \
else { \
log_verbose ( " Got: %s \n " , cTestResult ) ; \
} \
static void TestSnprintf ( void ) {
UChar testStr [ 256 ] ;
char cTestResult [ 256 ] ;
int32_t size ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 0 , " %d " , 123 , 0 , " xxxxxxxxxxxxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 2 , " %d " , 123 , 2 , " 12xxxxxxxxxxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 3 , " %d " , 123 , 3 , " 123xxxxxxxxxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 4 , " %d " , 123 , 3 , " 123 " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 0 , " %s " , " abcd " , 0 , " xxxxxxxxxxxxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 3 , " %s " , " abcd " , 3 , " abcxxxxxxxxxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 4 , " %s " , " abcd " , 4 , " abcdxxxxxxxxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 5 , " %s " , " abcd " , 4 , " abcd " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 0 , " %e " , 12.34 , 0 , " xxxxxxxxxxxxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 1 , " %e " , 12.34 , 1 , " 1xxxxxxxxxxxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 2 , " %e " , 12.34 , 2 , " 1.xxxxxxxxxxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 3 , " %e " , 12.34 , 3 , " 1.2xxxxxxxxxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 5 , " %e " , 12.34 , 5 , " 1.234xxxxxxxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 6 , " %e " , 12.34 , 6 , " 1.2340xxxxxxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 8 , " %e " , 12.34 , 8 , " 1.234000xxxxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 9 , " %e " , 12.34 , 9 , " 1.234000exxxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 10 , " %e " , 12.34 , 10 , " 1.234000e+xxxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 11 , " %e " , 12.34 , 11 , " 1.234000e+0xxx " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 13 , " %e " , 12.34 , 13 , " 1.234000e+001x " ) ;
Test_u_snprintf ( 14 , " %e " , 12.34 , 13 , " 1.234000e+001 " ) ;
# define TestSPrintFormat(uFormat, uValue, cFormat, cValue) \
/* Reinitialize the buffer to verify null termination works. */ \
u_memset ( uBuffer , 0x2a , sizeof ( uBuffer ) / sizeof ( * uBuffer ) ) ; \
memset ( buffer , 0x2a , sizeof ( buffer ) / sizeof ( * buffer ) ) ; \
uNumPrinted = u_sprintf ( uBuffer , " en_US_POSIX " , uFormat , uValue ) ; \
u_austrncpy ( compBuffer , uBuffer , sizeof ( uBuffer ) / sizeof ( uBuffer [ 0 ] ) ) ; \
cNumPrinted = sprintf ( buffer , cFormat , cValue ) ; \
if ( strcmp ( buffer , compBuffer ) ! = 0 ) { \
log_err ( " % " uFormat " Got: \" %s \" , Expected: \" %s \" \n " , compBuffer , buffer ) ; \
} \
if ( cNumPrinted ! = uNumPrinted ) { \
log_err ( " % " uFormat " number printed Got: %d, Expected: %d \n " , uNumPrinted , cNumPrinted ) ; \
} \
if ( buffer [ uNumPrinted + 1 ] ! = 0x2a ) { \
log_err ( " % " uFormat " too much stored \n " ) ; \
} \
# define TestSPrintFormat2(format, precision, value) \
/* Reinitialize the buffer to verify null termination works. */ \
u_memset ( uBuffer , 0x2a , sizeof ( uBuffer ) / sizeof ( * uBuffer ) ) ; \
memset ( buffer , 0x2a , sizeof ( buffer ) / sizeof ( * buffer ) ) ; \
uNumPrinted = u_sprintf ( uBuffer , " en_US_POSIX " , format , precision , value ) ; \
u_austrncpy ( compBuffer , uBuffer , sizeof ( uBuffer ) / sizeof ( uBuffer [ 0 ] ) ) ; \
cNumPrinted = sprintf ( buffer , format , precision , value ) ; \
if ( strcmp ( buffer , compBuffer ) ! = 0 ) { \
log_err ( " % " format " Got: \" %s \" , Expected: \" %s \" \n " , compBuffer , buffer ) ; \
} \
if ( cNumPrinted ! = uNumPrinted ) { \
log_err ( " % " format " number printed Got: %d, Expected: %d \n " , uNumPrinted , cNumPrinted ) ; \
} \
static void TestSprintfFormat ( void ) {
static const UChar abcUChars [ ] = { 0x61 , 0x62 , 0x63 , 0 } ;
static const char abcChars [ ] = " abc " ;
UChar uBuffer [ 256 ] ;
char buffer [ 256 ] ;
char compBuffer [ 256 ] ;
int32_t uNumPrinted ;
int32_t cNumPrinted ;
2004-04-06 19:15:50 +00:00
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %8U " , abcUChars , " %8s " , abcChars ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-8U " , abcUChars , " %-8s " , abcChars ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %.2U " , abcUChars , " %.2s " , abcChars ) ; /* strlen is 3 */
TestSPrintFormat ( " %8s " , abcChars , " %8s " , abcChars ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-8s " , abcChars , " %-8s " , abcChars ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %.2s " , abcChars , " %.2s " , abcChars ) ; /* strlen is 3 */
TestSPrintFormat ( " %8c " , 0x65 , " %8c " , 0x65 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-8c " , 0x65 , " %-8c " , 0x65 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %8C " , ( UChar ) 0x65 , " %8c " , ( char ) 0x65 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-8C " , ( UChar ) 0x65 , " %-8c " , ( char ) 0x65 ) ;
2004-04-06 21:32:41 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %f " , 1.23456789 , " %f " , 1.23456789 ) ;
2004-04-14 19:12:58 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %f " , 12345.6789 , " %f " , 12345.6789 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %f " , 123456.789 , " %f " , 123456.789 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %f " , 1234567.89 , " %f " , 1234567.89 ) ;
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %10f " , 1.23456789 , " %10f " , 1.23456789 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-10f " , 1.23456789 , " %-10f " , 1.23456789 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %10f " , 123.456789 , " %10f " , 123.456789 ) ;
2004-04-06 19:15:50 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %10.4f " , 123.456789 , " %10.4f " , 123.456789 ) ;
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-10f " , 123.456789 , " %-10f " , 123.456789 ) ;
2004-04-28 17:18:58 +00:00
/* TestSPrintFormat("%g", 12345.6789, "%g", 12345.6789);
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %g " , 123456.789 , " %g " , 123456.789 ) ;
2004-04-14 19:12:58 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %g " , 1234567.89 , " %g " , 1234567.89 ) ;
2004-04-11 00:12:43 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %G " , 123456.789 , " %G " , 123456.789 ) ;
2004-04-28 17:18:58 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %G " , 1234567.89 , " %G " , 1234567.89 ) ; */
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %10g " , 1.23456789 , " %10g " , 1.23456789 ) ;
2004-04-06 19:15:50 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %10.4g " , 1.23456789 , " %10.4g " , 1.23456789 ) ;
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-10g " , 1.23456789 , " %-10g " , 1.23456789 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %10g " , 123.456789 , " %10g " , 123.456789 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-10g " , 123.456789 , " %-10g " , 123.456789 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %8x " , 123456 , " %8x " , 123456 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-8x " , 123456 , " %-8x " , 123456 ) ;
2004-04-06 19:15:50 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %08x " , 123456 , " %08x " , 123456 ) ;
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %8X " , 123456 , " %8X " , 123456 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-8X " , 123456 , " %-8X " , 123456 ) ;
2004-04-06 19:15:50 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %08X " , 123456 , " %08X " , 123456 ) ;
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %#x " , 123456 , " %#x " , 123456 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %#x " , - 123456 , " %#x " , - 123456 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %8o " , 123456 , " %8o " , 123456 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-8o " , 123456 , " %-8o " , 123456 ) ;
2004-04-06 19:15:50 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %08o " , 123456 , " %08o " , 123456 ) ;
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %#o " , 123 , " %#o " , 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %#o " , - 123 , " %#o " , - 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %8u " , 123456 , " %8u " , 123456 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-8u " , 123456 , " %-8u " , 123456 ) ;
2004-04-06 19:15:50 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %08u " , 123456 , " %08u " , 123456 ) ;
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %8u " , - 123456 , " %8u " , - 123456 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-8u " , - 123456 , " %-8u " , - 123456 ) ;
2004-04-06 19:15:50 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-08u " , - 123456 , " %-08u " , - 123456 ) ;
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %8d " , 123456 , " %8d " , 123456 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-8d " , 123456 , " %-8d " , 123456 ) ;
2004-04-06 19:15:50 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %08d " , 123456 , " %08d " , 123456 ) ;
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " % d " , 123456 , " % d " , 123456 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " % d " , - 123456 , " % d " , - 123456 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %8i " , 123456 , " %8i " , 123456 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-8i " , 123456 , " %-8i " , 123456 ) ;
2004-04-06 19:15:50 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat ( " %08i " , 123456 , " %08i " , 123456 ) ;
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
TestSPrintFormat2 ( " %+1.*e " , 4 , 1.2345678 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat2 ( " %+2.*e " , 6 , 1.2345678 ) ;
log_verbose ( " Get really crazy with the formatting. \n " ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-#12x " , 123 , " %-#12x " , 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-#12x " , - 123 , " %-#12x " , - 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %#12x " , 123 , " %#12x " , 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %#12x " , - 123 , " %#12x " , - 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-+12d " , 123 , " %-+12d " , 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-+12d " , - 123 , " %-+12d " , - 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %- 12d " , 123 , " %- 12d " , 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %- 12d " , - 123 , " %- 12d " , - 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %+12d " , 123 , " %+12d " , 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %+12d " , - 123 , " %+12d " , - 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " % 12d " , 123 , " % 12d " , 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " % 12d " , - 123 , " % 12d " , - 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %12d " , 123 , " %12d " , 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %12d " , - 123 , " %12d " , - 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %.12d " , 123 , " %.12d " , 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %.12d " , - 123 , " %.12d " , - 123 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-+12.1f " , 1.234 , " %-+12.1f " , 1.234 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %-+12.1f " , - 1.234 , " %-+12.1f " , - 1.234 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %- 12.10f " , 1.234 , " %- 12.10f " , 1.234 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %- 12.1f " , - 1.234 , " %- 12.1f " , - 1.234 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %+12.1f " , 1.234 , " %+12.1f " , 1.234 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %+12.1f " , - 1.234 , " %+12.1f " , - 1.234 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " % 12.1f " , 1.234 , " % 12.1f " , 1.234 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " % 12.1f " , - 1.234 , " % 12.1f " , - 1.234 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %12.1f " , 1.234 , " %12.1f " , 1.234 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %12.1f " , - 1.234 , " %12.1f " , - 1.234 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %.2f " , 1.234 , " %.2f " , 1.234 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %.2f " , - 1.234 , " %.2f " , - 1.234 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %3f " , 1.234 , " %3f " , 1.234 ) ;
TestSPrintFormat ( " %3f " , - 1.234 , " %3f " , - 1.234 ) ;
# undef TestSPrintFormat
static void TestStringCompatibility ( void ) {
UChar myUString [ 256 ] ;
UChar uStringBuf [ 256 ] ;
char myString [ 256 ] = " " ;
char testBuf [ 256 ] = " " ;
int32_t num ;
u_memset ( myUString , 0x0a , sizeof ( myUString ) / sizeof ( * myUString ) ) ;
u_memset ( uStringBuf , 0x0a , sizeof ( uStringBuf ) / sizeof ( * uStringBuf ) ) ;
/* Compare against C API compatibility */
for ( num = - STANDARD_TEST_NUM_RANGE ; num < STANDARD_TEST_NUM_RANGE ; num + + ) {
sprintf ( testBuf , " %x " , num ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " %x " , num ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , uStringBuf , sizeof ( myString ) / sizeof ( myString [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , testBuf ) ! = 0 ) {
log_err ( " %%x Got: \" %s \" , Expected: \" %s \" \n " , myString , testBuf ) ;
sprintf ( testBuf , " %X " , num ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " %X " , num ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , uStringBuf , sizeof ( myString ) / sizeof ( myString [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , testBuf ) ! = 0 ) {
log_err ( " %%X Got: \" %s \" , Expected: \" %s \" \n " , myString , testBuf ) ;
sprintf ( testBuf , " %o " , num ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " %o " , num ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , uStringBuf , sizeof ( myString ) / sizeof ( myString [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , testBuf ) ! = 0 ) {
log_err ( " %%o Got: \" %s \" , Expected: \" %s \" \n " , myString , testBuf ) ;
/* sprintf is not compatible on all platforms e.g. the iSeries*/
sprintf ( testBuf , " %d " , num ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , " en_US_POSIX " , " %d " , num ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , uStringBuf , sizeof ( myString ) / sizeof ( myString [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , testBuf ) ! = 0 ) {
log_err ( " %%d Got: \" %s \" , Expected: \" %s \" \n " , myString , testBuf ) ;
sprintf ( testBuf , " %i " , num ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , " en_US_POSIX " , " %i " , num ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , uStringBuf , sizeof ( myString ) / sizeof ( myString [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , testBuf ) ! = 0 ) {
log_err ( " %%i Got: \" %s \" , Expected: \" %s \" \n " , myString , testBuf ) ;
sprintf ( testBuf , " %f " , ( double ) num ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , " en_US_POSIX " , " %f " , ( double ) num ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , uStringBuf , sizeof ( myString ) / sizeof ( myString [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , testBuf ) ! = 0 ) {
log_err ( " %%f Got: \" %s \" , Expected: \" %s \" \n " , myString , testBuf ) ;
/* sprintf(testBuf, "%e", (double)num);
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , " en_US_POSIX " , " %e " , ( double ) num ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , uStringBuf , sizeof ( myString ) / sizeof ( myString [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , testBuf ) ! = 0 ) {
log_err ( " %%e Got: \" %s \" , Expected: \" %s \" \n " , myString , testBuf ) ;
sprintf ( testBuf , " %E " , ( double ) num ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , " en_US_POSIX " , " %E " , ( double ) num ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , uStringBuf , sizeof ( myString ) / sizeof ( myString [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , testBuf ) ! = 0 ) {
log_err ( " %%E Got: \" %s \" , Expected: \" %s \" \n " , myString , testBuf ) ;
} */
sprintf ( testBuf , " %g " , ( double ) num ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , " en_US_POSIX " , " %g " , ( double ) num ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , uStringBuf , sizeof ( myString ) / sizeof ( myString [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , testBuf ) ! = 0 ) {
log_err ( " %%g Got: \" %s \" , Expected: \" %s \" \n " , myString , testBuf ) ;
sprintf ( testBuf , " %G " , ( double ) num ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , " en_US_POSIX " , " %G " , ( double ) num ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , uStringBuf , sizeof ( myString ) / sizeof ( myString [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myString , testBuf ) ! = 0 ) {
log_err ( " %%G Got: \" %s \" , Expected: \" %s \" \n " , myString , testBuf ) ;
for ( num = 0 ; num < 0x80 ; num + + ) {
testBuf [ 0 ] = ( char ) 0xFF ;
uStringBuf [ 0 ] = ( UChar ) 0xfffe ;
sprintf ( testBuf , " %c " , num ) ;
u_sprintf ( uStringBuf , NULL , " %c " , num ) ;
u_austrncpy ( myString , uStringBuf , sizeof ( myString ) / sizeof ( myString [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( testBuf [ 0 ] ! = uStringBuf [ 0 ] | | uStringBuf [ 0 ] ! = num ) {
log_err ( " %%c Got: 0x%x, Expected: 0x%x \n " , myString [ 0 ] , testBuf [ 0 ] ) ;
static void TestSScanSetFormat ( const char * format , const UChar * uValue , const char * cValue , UBool expectedToPass ) {
UChar uBuffer [ 256 ] ;
char buffer [ 256 ] ;
char compBuffer [ 256 ] ;
int32_t uNumScanned ;
int32_t cNumScanned ;
/* Reinitialize the buffer to verify null termination works. */
u_memset ( uBuffer , 0x2a , sizeof ( uBuffer ) / sizeof ( * uBuffer ) ) ;
uBuffer [ sizeof ( uBuffer ) / sizeof ( * uBuffer ) - 1 ] = 0 ;
memset ( buffer , 0x2a , sizeof ( buffer ) / sizeof ( * buffer ) ) ;
buffer [ sizeof ( buffer ) / sizeof ( * buffer ) - 1 ] = 0 ;
uNumScanned = u_sscanf ( uValue , NULL , format , uBuffer ) ;
if ( expectedToPass ) {
u_austrncpy ( compBuffer , uBuffer , sizeof ( uBuffer ) / sizeof ( uBuffer [ 0 ] ) ) ;
cNumScanned = sscanf ( cValue , format , buffer ) ;
if ( strncmp ( buffer , compBuffer , sizeof ( uBuffer ) / sizeof ( uBuffer [ 0 ] ) ) ! = 0 ) {
log_err ( " %s Got: \" %s \" , Expected: \" %s \" \n " , format , compBuffer , buffer ) ;
if ( cNumScanned ! = uNumScanned ) {
log_err ( " %s number scanned Got: %d, Expected: %d \n " , format , uNumScanned , cNumScanned ) ;
if ( uNumScanned > 0 & & uBuffer [ u_strlen ( uBuffer ) + 1 ] ! = 0x2a ) {
log_err ( " %s too much stored \n " , format ) ;
else {
if ( uNumScanned ! = 0 | | uBuffer [ 0 ] ! = 0x2a | | uBuffer [ 1 ] ! = 0x2a ) {
log_err ( " %s too much stored on a failure \n " , format ) ;
2004-04-16 05:54:59 +00:00
static void TestArgumentSkipping ( void ) {
2004-04-16 18:40:48 +00:00
#if 0
2004-04-28 17:18:58 +00:00
UChar uBuffer [ 256 ] ;
2004-04-16 05:54:59 +00:00
char buffer [ 256 ] ;
char compBuffer [ 256 ] ;
int32_t uNumScanned ;
int32_t cNumScanned ;
char ch1 = 0 , ch2 = 0 ;
2004-04-28 17:18:58 +00:00
/* Reinitialize the buffer to verify null termination works.*/
2004-04-16 05:54:59 +00:00
u_memset ( uBuffer , 0x2a , sizeof ( uBuffer ) / sizeof ( * uBuffer ) ) ;
uBuffer [ sizeof ( uBuffer ) / sizeof ( * uBuffer ) - 1 ] = 0 ;
memset ( buffer , 0x2a , sizeof ( buffer ) / sizeof ( * buffer ) ) ;
buffer [ sizeof ( buffer ) / sizeof ( * buffer ) - 1 ] = 0 ;
strcpy ( buffer , " 123456789 " ) ;
u_uastrcpy ( uBuffer , " 123456789 " ) ;
uNumScanned = sscanf ( buffer , " %*c%c " , & ch1 , & ch2 ) ;
2004-04-28 17:18:58 +00:00
uNumScanned = u_sscanf ( uBuffer , NULL , " %*c%c " , & ch1 , & ch2 ) ;
2004-04-16 18:40:48 +00:00
# endif
2004-04-16 05:54:59 +00:00
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
static void TestSScanset ( void ) {
static const UChar abcUChars [ ] = { 0x61 , 0x62 , 0x63 , 0x63 , 0x64 , 0x65 , 0x66 , 0x67 , 0 } ;
static const char abcChars [ ] = " abccdefg " ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[bc]S " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[cb]S " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[ab]S " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[ba]S " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[ab] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[ba] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[abcdefgh] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[;hgfedcba] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[a-f] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[a-c] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[^e-f] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[^a] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[^e] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[^ed] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[^dc] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[^e] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %1[ab] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %2[^f] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[a-] " , abcUChars , abcChars , TRUE ) ;
/* Bad format */
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[a " , abcUChars , abcChars , FALSE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[f-a] " , abcUChars , abcChars , FALSE ) ;
TestSScanSetFormat ( " %[c-a] " , abcUChars , abcChars , FALSE ) ;
/* The following is not deterministic on Windows */
/* TestSScanSetFormat("%[a-", abcUChars, abcChars);*/
/* TODO: Need to specify precision with a "*" */
U_CFUNC void
addStringTest ( TestNode * * root ) {
addTest ( root , & TestString , " string/TestString " ) ;
addTest ( root , & TestSprintfFormat , " string/TestSprintfFormat " ) ;
addTest ( root , & TestSnprintf , " string/TestSnprintf " ) ;
addTest ( root , & TestSScanset , " string/TestSScanset " ) ;
2004-04-16 05:54:59 +00:00
addTest ( root , & TestArgumentSkipping , " string/TestArgumentSkipping " ) ;
2004-04-06 18:12:57 +00:00
addTest ( root , & TestStringCompatibility , " string/TestStringCompatibility " ) ;
2004-04-11 00:12:43 +00:00