
1442 lines
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// *******************************************************************************
// *
// * Copyright (C) 1997-2001, International Business Machines
// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
// *
// *******************************************************************************
// Date Name Description
// 11/17/99 aliu Added support for transliterators.
// Please search for 'DUP FIXME' - duplicate lang/country names commented out
root {
Version { "3.1.1" }
// each variant name that occurs in locales should be listed with %% and a display string
"%%EURO" { "Euro" } // Euro variant display name
"%%B" { "Bokm\u00e5l" } // Norwegian variant display name
"%%NY" { "Nynorsk" } // Norwegian variant display name
"%%AL" { "\u00C5land" } // Aland variant display name
"%%POSIX" { "POSIX" }
// variants for collation (traditional may also be used for traditional chinese)
"%%PHONEBOOK" { "Phonebook Order" }
"%%PINYIN" { "Pinyin Order" }
"%%TRADITIONAL" { "Traditional" }
"%%STROKE" { "Stroke Order" }
"%%DIRECT" { "Direct Order" }
// this is a special tag that makes genrb include UCARules.txt for collation
"%%UCARULES" { "UCARules.txt"} // UCARules
// no collation elements any more
// CollationElements {
// Version { "1.0" }
// Override { "FALSE" }
// Sequence { "" }
// }
// Formats for the display name of a locale, for a list of
// items, and for composing two items in a list into one item.
// The list patterns are used in the variant name and in the
// full display name.
// This is the language-neutral form of this resource.
LocaleNamePatterns {
"{0,choice,0#|1#{1}|2#{1} ({2})}", // Display name
"{0,choice,0#|1#{1}|2#{1},{2}|3#{1},{2},{3}}", // List
"{0},{1}" // List composition
// BEGIN Transliterator support
// See also icu/data/translit/index.txt
TransliteratorNamePattern {
// Format for the display name of a Transliterator.
// This is the language-neutral form of this resource.
"{0,choice,0#|1#{1}|2#{1}-{2}}" // Display name
// END Transliterator support
// BEGIN BreakIterator support
CharacterBreakRules {
// ignore non-spacing marks and enclosing marks (since we never
// put a break before ignore characters, this keeps combining
// accents with the base characters they modify)
// other category definitions
// break after every character, except as follows:
// keep CRLF sequences together
// keep surrogate pairs together
// keep Hangul syllables spelled out using conjoining jamo together
// various additions for Hindi support
// default rules for finding word boundaries
WordBreakRules {
// ignore non-spacing marks, enclosing marks, and format characters,
// all of which should not influence the algorithm
// Hindi phrase separator, kanji, katakana, hiragana, CJK diacriticals,
// other letters, and digits
// punctuation that can occur in the middle of a word: currently
// dashes, apostrophes, quotation marks, and periods
// punctuation that can occur in the middle of a number: currently
// apostrophes, qoutation marks, periods, commas, and the Arabic
// decimal point
// punctuation that can occur at the beginning of a number: currently
// the period, the number sign, and all currency symbols except the cents sign
// punctuation that can occur at the end of a number: currently
// the percent, per-thousand, per-ten-thousand, and Arabic percent
// signs, the cents sign, and the ampersand
// line separators: currently LF, FF, PS, and LS
// whitespace: all space separators and the tab character
// a word is a sequence of letters that may contain internal
// punctuation, as long as it begins and ends with a letter and
// never contains two punctuation marks in a row
// a number is a sequence of digits that may contain internal
// punctuation, as long as it begins and ends with a digit and
// never contains two punctuation marks in a row.
// break after every character, with the following exceptions
// (this will cause punctuation marks that aren't considered
// part of words or numbers to be treated as words unto themselves)
// keep together any sequence of contiguous words and numbers
// (including just one of either), plus an optional trailing
// number-suffix character
// keep together and sequence of contiguous words and numbers
// that starts with a number-prefix character and a number,
// and may end with a number-suffix character
// keep together runs of whitespace (optionally with a single trailing
// line separator or CRLF sequence)
// keep together runs of Katakana
// keep together runs of Hiragana
// keep together runs of Kanji
// default rules for determining legal line-breaking positions
LineBreakRules {
// ignore non-spacing marks, enclosing marks, and format characters
// Hindi phrase separators
// characters that always cause a break: ETX, tab, LF, FF, LS, and PS
// characters that always prevent a break: the non-breaking space
// and similar characters
// whitespace: space separators and control characters, except for
// CR and the other characters mentioned above
// dashes: dash punctuation and the discretionary hyphen, except for
// non-breaking hyphens
// characters that stick to a word if they precede it: currency symbols
// (except the cents sign) and starting punctuation
// characters that stick to a word if they follow it: ending punctuation,
// other punctuation that usually occurs at the end of a sentence,
// small Kana characters, some CJK diacritics, etc.
// Kanji: actually includes both Kanji and Kana, except for small Kana and
// CJK diacritics
// digits
// punctuation that can occur in the middle of a number: periods and commas
// everything not mentioned above, plus the quote marks (which are both
// <pre-word>, <post-word>, and <char>)
// a "number" is a run of prefix characters and dashes, followed by one or
// more digits with isolated number-punctuation characters interspersed
// the basic core of a word can be either a "number" as defined above, a single
// "Kanji" character, or a run of any number of not-explicitly-mentioned
// characters (this includes Latin letters)
// a word may end with an optional suffix that be either a run of one or
// more dashes or a run of word-suffix characters, followed by an optional
// run of whitespace
// a word, thus, is an optional run of word-prefix characters, followed by
// a word core and a word suffix (the syntax of <word-core> and <word-suffix>
// actually allows either of them to match the empty string, putting a break
// between things like ")(" or "aaa(aaa"
// finally, the rule that does the work: Keep together any run of words that
// are joined by runs of one of more non-spacing mark. Also keep a trailing
// line-break character or CRLF combination with the word. (line separators
// "win" over nbsp's)
// default rules for finding sentence boundaries
SentenceBreakRules {
// ignore non-spacing marks, enclosing marks, and format characters
// lowercase letters
// uppercase Latin letters
// whitespace (line separators are treated as whitespace)
// punctuation which may occur at the beginning of a sentence: "starting
// punctuation" and quotation marks
// punctuation with may occur at the end of a sentence: "ending punctuation"
// and quotation marks
// digits
// characters that unambiguously signal the end of a sentence
// periods, which MAY signal the end of a sentence
// characters that may occur at the beginning of a sentence: basically anything
// not mentioned above (lowercase letters and digits are specifically excluded)
// Hindi phrase separator
// always break sentences after paragraph separators
// always break after a danda, if it's followed by whitespace
// if you see a period, skip over additional periods and ending punctuation
// and if the next character is a paragraph separator, break after the
// paragraph separator
// if you see a period, skip over additional periods and ending punctuation,
// followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional starting punctuation,
// and if the next character is something that can start a sentence
// (basically, a capital letter), then put the sentence break between the
// whitespace and the opening punctuation
// same as above, except that there's a sentence break before a Latin capital
// letter only if there's at least one space after the period
// if you see a sentence-terminating character, skip over any additional
// terminators, periods, or ending punctuation, followed by any whitespace,
// followed by a SINGLE optional paragraph separator, and put the break there
// The following rules are here to aid in backwards iteration. The automatically
// generated backwards state table will rewind to the beginning of the
// paragraph all the time (or all the way to the beginning of the document
// if the document doesn't use the Unicode PS character) because the only
// unambiguous character pairs are those involving paragraph separators.
// These specify a few more unambiguous breaking situations.
// if you see a sentence-starting character, followed by starting punctuation
// (remember, we're iterating backwards), followed by an optional run of
// whitespace, followed by an optional run of ending punctuation, followed
// by a period, this is a safe place to turn around
// if you see a letter or a digit, followed by an optional run of
// starting punctuation, followed by an optional run of whitespace,
// followed by an optional run of ending punctuation, followed by
// a sentence terminator, this is a safe place to turn around
// END BreakIterator support
AmPmMarkers {
Countries {
AF { "Afghanistan" }
AL { "Albania" }
DZ { "Algeria" }
AS { "American Samoa" }
AD { "Andorra" }
AO { "Angola" }
AI { "Anguilla" }
AR { "Argentina" }
AM { "Armenia" }
AW { "Aruba" }
AU { "Australia" }
AT { "Austria" }
AZ { "Azerbaijan" }
BS { "Bahamas" }
BH { "Bahrain" }
BD { "Bangladesh" }
BB { "Barbados" }
BY { "Belarus" }
BE { "Belgium" }
BZ { "Belize" }
BJ { "Benin" }
BM { "Bermuda" }
BT { "Bhutan" }
BO { "Bolivia" }
BA { "Bosnia and Herzegovina" }
BW { "Botswana" }
BR { "Brazil" }
BN { "Brunei" }
BG { "Bulgaria" }
BF { "Burkina Faso" }
BI { "Burundi" }
KH { "Cambodia" }
CM { "Cameroon" }
CA { "Canada" }
CV { "Cape Verde" }
CF { "Central African Republic" }
TD { "Chad" }
CL { "Chile" }
CN { "China" }
CO { "Colombia" }
KM { "Comoros" }
CG { "Congo" }
CR { "Costa Rica" }
CI { "C\u00F4te d'Ivoire" }
HR { "Croatia" }
CU { "Cuba" }
CY { "Cyprus" }
CZ { "Czech Republic" }
DK { "Denmark" }
DJ { "Djibouti" }
DM { "Dominica" }
DO { "Dominican Republic" }
TP { "East Timor" }
EC { "Ecuador" }
EG { "Egypt" }
SV { "El Salvador" }
GQ { "Equatorial Guinea" }
ER { "Eritrea" }
EE { "Estonia" }
ET { "Ethiopia" }
FJ { "Fiji" }
FI { "Finland" }
FO { "Faroe Islands" } //
FR { "France" }
GF { "French Guiana" }
GL { "Greenland" } //
PF { "French Polynesia" }
TF { "French Southern Territories" }
GA { "Gabon" }
GM { "Gambia" }
GE { "Georgia" }
DE { "Germany" }
GH { "Ghana" }
GR { "Greece" }
GP { "Guadeloupe" }
GU { "Guam" }
GT { "Guatemala" }
GN { "Guinea" }
GW { "Guinea-Bissau" }
GY { "Guyana" }
HT { "Haiti" }
HN { "Honduras" }
HK { "Hong Kong S.A.R., China" }
HU { "Hungary" }
IS { "Iceland" }
IN { "India" }
ID { "Indonesia" }
IR { "Iran" }
IQ { "Iraq" }
IE { "Ireland" }
IL { "Israel" }
IT { "Italy" }
JM { "Jamaica" }
JP { "Japan" }
JO { "Jordan" }
KZ { "Kazakhstan" }
KE { "Kenya" }
KI { "Kiribati" }
KP { "North Korea" }
KR { "South Korea" }
KW { "Kuwait" }
KG { "Kyrgyzstan" }
LA { "Laos" }
LV { "Latvia" }
LB { "Lebanon" }
LS { "Lesotho" }
LR { "Liberia" }
LY { "Libya" }
LI { "Liechtenstein" }
LT { "Lithuania" }
LU { "Luxembourg" }
MK { "Macedonia" }
MG { "Madagascar" }
MY { "Malaysia" }
ML { "Mali" }
MT { "Malta" }
MP { "Northern Mariana Islands"}
MH { "Marshall Islands"}
MQ { "Martinique" }
MR { "Mauritania" }
MU { "Mauritius" }
YT { "Mayotte" }
MX { "Mexico" }
FM { "Micronesia" }
MD { "Moldova" }
MC { "Monaco" }
MN { "Mongolia" }
MS { "Montserrat" }
MA { "Morocco" }
MZ { "Mozambique" }
MM { "Myanmar" }
NA { "Namibia" }
NP { "Nepal" }
NL { "Netherlands" }
AN { "Netherlands Antilles" }
NC { "New Caledonia" }
NZ { "New Zealand" }
NI { "Nicaragua" }
NE { "Niger" }
NG { "Nigeria" }
NU { "Niue" }
NO { "Norway" }
OM { "Oman" }
PK { "Pakistan" }
PA { "Panama" }
PG { "Papua New Guinea" }
PY { "Paraguay" }
PE { "Peru" }
PH { "Philippines" }
PL { "Poland" }
PT { "Portugal" }
PR { "Puerto Rico" }
QA { "Qatar" }
RO { "Romania" }
RU { "Russia" }
RW { "Rwanda" }
SA { "Saudi Arabia" }
SN { "Senegal" }
SP { "Serbia" }
SC { "Seychelles" }
SL { "Sierra Leone" }
SG { "Singapore" }
SK { "Slovakia" }
SI { "Slovenia" }
SO { "Somalia" }
ZA { "South Africa" }
ES { "Spain" }
LK { "Sri Lanka" }
SD { "Sudan" }
SR { "Suriname" }
SZ { "Swaziland" }
SE { "Sweden" }
CH { "Switzerland" }
SY { "Syria" }
TW { "Taiwan" }
TJ { "Tajikistan" }
TZ { "Tanzania" }
TH { "Thailand" }
TG { "Togo" }
TK { "Tokelau" }
TO { "Tonga" }
TT { "Trinidad and Tobago" }
TN { "Tunisia" }
TR { "Turkey" }
TM { "Turkmenistan" }
UG { "Uganda" }
UA { "Ukraine" }
AE { "United Arab Emirates" }
GB { "United Kingdom" }
US { "United States" }
UY { "Uruguay" }
UZ { "Uzbekistan" }
VU { "Vanuatu" }
VA { "Vatican" }
VE { "Venezuela" }
VN { "Vietnam" }
VG { "British Virgin Islands" }
VI { "U.S. Virgin Islands" }
EH { "Western Sahara" }
YE { "Yemen" }
YU { "Yugoslavia" }
ZR { "Zaire" }
ZM { "Zambia" }
ZW { "Zimbabwe" }
CurrencyElements {
DateTimeElements {
DateTimePatterns {
"h:mm:ss a z",
"h:mm:ss a z",
"h:mm:ss a",
"h:mm a",
"EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy",
"MMMM d, yyyy",
"MMM d, yyyy",
"{1} {0}",
DayAbbreviations {
DayNames {
Eras {
Languages {
aa { "Afar" }
ab { "Abkhazian" }
ace { "Achinese" }
ach { "Acoli" }
ada { "Adangme" }
ae { "Avestan" }
af { "Afrikaans" }
afa { "Afro-Asiatic (Other)" }
afh { "Afrihili" }
aka { "Akan" }
akk { "Akkadien" }
ale { "Aleut" }
alg { "Algonquian Languages" }
am { "Amharic" }
ang { "English, Old (ca.450-1100)" }
apa { "Apache Languages"}
ar { "Arabic" }
arc { "Aramaic" }
arn { "Araucanian" }
arp { "Arapaho" }
art { "Artificial (Other)" }
arw { "Arawak" }
as { "Assamese" }
ath { "Athapaskan Languages" }
aus { "Australian Languages" }
ava { "Avaric" }
awa { "Awadhi" }
ay { "Aymara" }
az { "Azerbaijani" }
ba { "Bashkir" }
bad { "Banda" }
bai { "Bamileke Languages" }
bal { "Baluuchi" }
bam { "Bambara" }
ban { "Balinese" }
bas { "Basa" }
bat { "Baltic (Other)" }
be { "Belarusian" }
bej { "Beja" }
bem { "Bemba" }
ber { "Beber" }
bg { "Bulgarian" }
bh { "Bihari" }
bho { "Bhojpuri" }
bi { "Bislama" }
bik { "Bikol" }
bin { "Bini" }
bla { "Siksika" }
bn { "Bengali" }
bnt { "Bantu" }
bo { "Tibetan" }
br { "Brenton" }
bra { "Braj" }
bs { "Bosnian"}
btk { "Batak" }
bua { "Buriat" }
bug { "Buginese" }
ca { "Catalan" }
cad { "Caddo" }
cai { "Central American Indian (Other)" }
car { "Carib" }
cau { "Caucasian (Other) " }
ce { "Chechen" }
ceb { "Cebuano" }
cel { "Celtic (Other)" }
ch { "Chamorro" }
chb { "Chibcha" }
chg { "Chagatai" }
chk { "Chuukese" }
chm { "Mari" }
chn { "Chinook Jargon" }
cho { "Choctaw" }
chp { "Chipewyan" }
chr { "Cherokee" }
chy { "Cheyenne" }
cmc { "Chamic Languages" }
co { "Corsican" }
cop { "Coptic" }
cpe { "Creoles and Pidgins, English-based (Other)" }
cpf { "Creoles and Pidgins, French-based (Other)" }
cre { "Cree" }
crp { "Creoles and Pidgins (Other)" }
cs { "Czech" }
cu { "Church Slavic" }
cus { "Cushitic (Other)" }
cv { "Chuvash" }
cy { "Welsh" }
da { "Danish" }
dak { "Dakota" }
day { "Dayak" }
de { "German" }
del { "Delaware" }
den { "Slave" }
dgr { "Dogrib" }
din { "Dinka" }
div { "Divehi" }
doi { "Dogri" }
dra { "Dravidian (Other)" }
dua { "Duala" }
dum { "Dutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350)" }
dyu { "Dyula" }
dz { "Bhutani" }
dzo { "Dzongkha" }
efi { "Efik" }
egy { "Egyptian (Ancient)" }
eka { "Ekajuk" }
el { "Greek" } // Modern (1453-)
elx { "Elamite" }
en { "English" }
enm { "English, Middle( 1100 -1500)" }
eo { "Esperanto" }
es { "Spanish" }
et { "Estonian" }
eu { "Basque" }
ewe { "Ewe" }
ewo { "Ewondo" }
fa { "Persian" }
fan { "Fang" }
fat { "Fanti" }
fi { "Finnish" }
fiu { "Finno - Ugrian" }
fj { "Fiji" }
fo { "Faeroese" }
fon { "Fon" }
fr { "French" }
frm { "French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)" }
fro { "French, Old (842-ca.1400)" }
ful { "Fulah" }
fur { "Friulian" }
fy { "Frisian" }
ga { "Irish" }
gaa { "Ga" }
gay { "Gayo" }
gba {"Gbaya" }
gd { "Scots Gaelic" }
gem { "Germanic (Other)" }
gil { "Gilbertese" }
gl { "Gallegan" }
gla { "Gaelic (Scots)" }
gmh { "German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500)" }
gn { "Guarani" }
goh { " German, Old High (ca.750-1050)" }
gon { "Gondi" }
gor { "Gorontalo" }
got { "Gothic" }
grb { "Gerbo" }
grc { "Greek, Ancient (to 1453)" }
gu { "Gujarati" }
gv { "Manx" }
gwi { "Gwich'in" }
hai { "Haida" }
hau { "Hausa" }
haw { "Hawaiian" }
he { "Hebrew" }
hi { "Hindi" }
him { "Himachali" }
hit { "Hittite" }
hmn { "Hmong" }
ho { "Hiri Motu" }
hr { "Croatian" }
hu { "Hungarian" }
hup { "Hupa" }
hy { "Armenian" }
hz { "Herero" }
ia { "Interlingua" }
iba { "Iban" }
ibo { "Igbo" }
id { "Indonesian" }
ie { "Interlingue" }
ijo { "Ijo" }
ik { "Inupiak" }
ilo { "Iloko" }
inc { "Indic (Other)" }
ine { "Indo-European" }
ira { "Iranian " }
iro { "Iroguoian Languages" }
is { "Icelandic" }
it { "Italian" }
iu { "Inukitut" }
iw { "Hebrew" }
ja { "Japanese" }
jpr { "Judeo-Persian" }
jrb { "Judeo-Arabic" }
jw { "Javanese" }
ka { "Georgian" }
kaa { "Kara-Kalpak" }
kab { "Kabyle" }
kac { "Kachin" }
kam { "Kamba" }
kar { "Karen" }
kau { "Kanuri" }
kaw { "Kawi" }
kha { "Khasi" }
khi { "Khoisan" }
kho { "Khotanese" }
ki { "Kikuyu" }
kk { "Kazakh" }
kl { "Kalaallisut" }
km { "Khmer" }
kmb { "Kimbundu" }
kn { "Kannada" }
ko { "Korean" }
kok { "Konkani" }
kon { "Kongo" }
kos { "Kosrean" }
kpe { "Kpelle" }
kro { "Kru" }
kru { "Kuruckh" }
ks { "Kashmiri" }
ku { "Kurdish" }
kum { "Kumyk" }
kut { "Kutenai" }
kv { "Komi" }
kw { "Cornish" }
ky { "Kirghiz" }
la { "Latin" }
lad { "Ladino" }
lah { "Lahnda" }
lam { "Lamba" }
lb { "Letzeburgesch" }
lez { "Lezghian" }
lin { "Lingala" }
lit { "Lithuanian" }
ln { "Lingala" }
lo { "Lao" }
lol { "Mongo" }
loz { "Lozi" }
lt { "Lithuanian" }
lua { "Luba-Lulua" }
lub { "Luba-Katanga" }
lug { "Ganda" }
lui { "Luiseeno" }
lun { "Lunda" }
luo { "Lua" }
lus { "Lushai" }
lv { "Latvian (Lettish)" }
mad { "Madurese" }
mag { "Magahi" }
mai { "Maithili" }
mak { "Makasar" }
man { "Mandingue" }
map { "Austronesian" }
mas { "Masai" }
mdr { "Mandar" }
men { "Mende" }
mg { "Malagasy" }
mga { "Irish, Middle (900-1200)" }
mh { "Marshall"}
mi { "Maori" }
mic { "Mic-Mac" }
min { "Minangkabau" }
mis { "Miscellaneous Languages" }
mk { "Macedonian" }
mkh { "Mon-Khmer (Ohter)" }
ml { "Malayalam" }
mn { "Mongolian" }
mnc { "Manchu" }
mni { "Manipuri" }
mno { "Manobo Languages" }
mo { "Moldavian" }
moh { "Mohawk" }
mos { "Mossi" }
mr { "Marathi" }
ms { "Malay" }
mt { "Maltese" }
mul { "Multiple Languages" }
mun { "Munda Languages" }
mus { "Creek" }
mwr { "Marwari" }
my { "Burmese" }
myn { "Mayan" }
na { "Nauru" }
nah { "Nahuatl" }
nai { "North American Indian (Ohter)" }
nb { "Norwegian Bokm\u00e5l" }
nd { "Ndebele, North" }
nds { "Low German; Low Saxon" }
ne { "Nepali" }
new { "Newari" }
ng { "Ndonga" }
nia { "Nias" }
nic { "Niger - Kordofanian" }
niu { "Niuean" }
nl { "Dutch" }
nn { "Norwegian Nynorsk" }
no { "Norwegian" }
non { "Norse, Old" }
nr { "Ndebele, South" }
nso { "Sotho, Northern" }
nub { "Nubian Languages" }
nv {"Navajo"}
ny { " Chichewa; Nyanja" }
nym { "Nyamwezi" }
nyo { "Nyoro" }
nzi { "Nzima" }
oc { "Proven\u00E7al; Occitan (post 1500)"}
oji { "Ojibwa" }
om { "Oromo (Afan)" }
or { "Oriya" }
os { "Ossetic" }
osa { "Osage" }
ota { "Turkish (Ottoman Empire)" }
oto { "Otomian Languages" }
pa { "Punjabi" }
paa { "Papuan (Ohter)" }
pag { "Pangasinan" }
pal { "Pahlavi" }
pam { "pampamga" }
pap { "Papiamento" }
pau { "Palauan" }
peo { "Persian Old (ca.600-400 B.C.)" }
phi { "Philippine (Other)" }
phn { "Phoenician" }
pi { "Pali" }
pl { "Polish" }
pon { "Pohnpeian" }
pra { "Prakrit Languages" }
pro { "Proven\u00E7al, Old (to 1500)" }
ps { "Pashto (Pushto)" }
pt { "Portuguese" }
qu { "Quechua" }
raj { "Rajastani" }
rap { "Rapanui" }
rar { "Rarotongan" }
rm { "Rhaeto-Romance" }
rn { "Rundi" }
ro { "Romanian" }
roa { "Romance (Other)" }
rom { "Romany" }
ru { "Russian" }
rw { "Kinyarwanda" }
sa { "Sanskrit" }
sad { "Sandawe" }
sah { "Yakut" }
sai { "South American Indian (Ohter)" }
sal { "Salishan" }
sam { "Samritan" }
sas { "Saska" }
sat { "Santali" }
sc { "Sardinian" }
sco { "Scots" }
sd { "Sindhi" }
se { "Northern Sami" }
// should provide the correct language code soon
// se { "Sami Languages" } // DUP FIXME
sel { "Selkup" }
sem { "Semitic" }
sg { "Sango" }
sga { "Irish, Old (to 900)" }
sgn { "Sign Languages" }
sh { "Serbo-Croatian" }
shn { "Shan" }
si { "Sinhalese" }
sid { "Sidamo" }
sio { "Siouan Languages" }
sit { "Sino-Tibetan (Other)" }
sk { "Slovak" }
sl { "Slovenian" }
sm { "Samoan" }
sn { "Shona" }
snk { "Soninke" }
so { "Somali" }
sog { "Sogdien" }
son { "Songhai" }
sq { "Albanian" }
sr { "Serbian" }
srr { "Serer" }
ss { "Swati" }
ssa { "Nilo-Saharam" }
st { "Sotho, Southern" }
su { "Sundanese" }
suk { "Sukuma" }
sus { "Susu" }
sux { "Sumerian"}
sv { "Swedish" }
sw { "Swahili" }
syr { "Syriac" }
ta { "Tamil" }
tai { "Tai (Other)" }
te { "Telugu" }
tem { "Timne" }
ter { "Tereno" }
tet { "Tetum" }
tg { "Tajik" }
th { "Thai" }
tig { "Tigre" }
tir { "Tigrinya" }
tiv { "Tiv" }
tk { "Turkmen" }
tl { "Tagalog" }
tli { "Tlingit" }
tmh { "Tamashek" }
tn { "Tswana" }
tog { "Tonga (Nyasa)" }
ton { "Tongan (Tonga Islands)" }
tr { "Turkish" }
ts { "Tsonga" }
tsi { "Tsimshian" }
tt { "Tatar" }
tum { "Tumbuka" }
tur { "Turkish" }
tut { "Altaic (Other)" }
tvl { "Tuvalu" }
tw { "Twi" }
ty { "Tahitian" }
tyv { "Tuvinian" }
ug { "Uighur" }
uga { "Ugaritic" }
uk { "Ukrainian" }
umb { "Umbundu" }
und { "Undetermined" }
ur { "Urdu" }
uz { "Uzbek" }
vai { "Vai" }
ven { "Venda" }
vi { "Vietnamese" }
vo { "Volapuk" }
vot { "Votic" }
wak { "Wakashan Languages" }
wal { "Walamo" }
war { "Waray" }
was { "Washo" }
wen { "Sorbian Languages" }
wo { "Wolof" }
xh { "Xhosa" }
yao { "Yao" }
yap { "Yapese" }
yi { "Yiddish" }
yor { "Yoruba" }
ypk { "Yupik Languages" }
za { "Zhuang" }
zap { "Zapotec" }
zen { "Zenaga" }
zh { "Chinese" }
znd { "Zande" }
zu { "Zulu" }
zun { "Zuni" }
LocaleID { "0000" }
LocaleString { "en" }
MonthAbbreviations {
MonthNames {
NumberElements {
NumberPatterns {
"\u00A4 #,##0.00;-\u00A4 #,##0.00",
ShortCountry { "" }
ShortLanguage { "eng" }
localPatternChars { "GyMdkHmsSEDFwWahKzYe" }
zoneStrings {
"Pacific Standard Time",
"Pacific Daylight Time",
"San Francisco",
"Mountain Standard Time",
"Mountain Daylight Time",
"Mountain Standard Time",
"Mountain Standard Time",
"Central Standard Time",
"Central Daylight Time",
"Eastern Standard Time",
"Eastern Daylight Time",
"New York",
"Eastern Standard Time",
"Eastern Standard Time",
"Atlantic Standard Time",
"Atlantic Daylight Time",
"Hawaii Standard Time",
"Hawaii Daylight Time",
"Alaska Standard Time",
"Alaska Daylight Time",
// Rule Based Number Format Support
// * Spellout rules for U.S. English. This rule set has two variants:
// * %simplified is a set of rules showing the simple method of spelling
// * out numbers in English: 289 is formatted as "two hundred eighty-nine".
// * %default uses a more complicated algorithm to format
// * numbers in a more natural way: 289 is formatted as "two hundred AND
// * eighty-nine" and commas are inserted between the thousands groups for
// * values above 100,000.
SpelloutRules {
// This rule set shows the normal simple formatting rules for English
// negative number rule. This rule is used to format negative
// numbers. The result of formatting the number's absolute
// value is placed where the >> is.
" -x: minus >>;\n"
// faction rule. This rule is used for formatting numbers
// with fractional parts. The result of formatting the
// number's integral part is substituted for the <<, and
// the result of formatting the number's fractional part
// (one digit at a time, e.g., 0.123 is "zero point one two
// three") replaces the >>.
" x.x: << point >>;\n"
// the rules for the values from 0 to 19 are simply the
// words for those numbers
" zero; one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine;\n"
" ten; eleven; twelve; thirteen; fourteen; fifteen; sixteen;\n"
" seventeen; eighteen; nineteen;\n"
// beginning at 20, we use the >> to mark the position where
// the result of formatting the number's ones digit. Thus,
// we only need a new rule at every multiple of 10. Text in
// backets is omitted if the value being formatted is an
// even multiple of 10.
" 20: twenty[->>];\n"
" 30: thirty[->>];\n"
" 40: forty[->>];\n"
" 50: fifty[->>];\n"
" 60: sixty[->>];\n"
" 70: seventy[->>];\n"
" 80: eighty[->>];\n"
" 90: ninety[->>];\n"
// beginning at 100, we can use << to mark the position where
// the result of formatting the multiple of 100 is to be
// inserted. Notice also that the meaning of >> has shifted:
// here, it refers to both the ones place and the tens place.
// The meanings of the << and >> tokens depend on the base value
// of the rule. A rule's divisor is (usually) the highest
// power of 10 that is less than or equal to the rule's base
// value. The value being formatted is divided by the rule's
// divisor, and the integral quotient is used to get the text
// for <<, while the remainder is used to produce the text
// for >>. Again, text in brackets is omitted if the value
// being formatted is an even multiple of the rule's divisor
// (in this case, an even multiple of 100)
" 100: << hundred[ >>];\n"
// The rules for the higher numbers work the same way as the
// rule for 100: Again, the << and >> tokens depend on the
// rule's divisor, which for all these rules is also the rule's
// base value. To group by thousand, we simply don't have any
// rules between 1,000 and 1,000,000.
" 1000: << thousand[ >>];\n"
" 1,000,000: << million[ >>];\n"
" 1,000,000,000: << billion[ >>];\n"
" 1,000,000,000,000: << trillion[ >>];\n"
// overflow rule. This rule specifies that values of a
// quadrillion or more are shown in numerals rather than words.
// The == token means to format (with new rules) the value
// being formatted by this rule and place the result where
// the == is. The #,##0 inside the == signs is a
// DecimalFormat pattern. It specifies that the value should
// be formatted with a DecimalFormat object, and that it
// should be formatted with no decimal places, at least one
// digit, and a thousands separator.
" 1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;\n"
// %default is a more elaborate form of %simplified; It is basically
// the same, except that it introduces "and" before the ones digit
// when appropriate (basically, between the tens and ones digits) and
// separates the thousands groups with commas in values over 100,000.
// negative-number and fraction rules. These are the same
// as those for %simplified, but have to be stated here too
// because this is an entry point
" -x: minus >>;\n"
" x.x: << point >>;\n"
// just use %simplified for values below 100
" =%simplified=;\n"
// for values from 100 to 9,999 use %%and to decide whether or
// not to interpose the "and"
" 100: << hundred[ >%%and>];\n"
" 1000: << thousand[ >%%and>];\n"
// for values of 100,000 and up, use %%commas to interpose the
// commas in the right places (and also to interpose the "and")
" 100,000>>: << thousand[>%%commas>];\n"
" 1,000,000: << million[>%%commas>];\n"
" 1,000,000,000: << billion[>%%commas>];\n"
" 1,000,000,000,000: << trillion[>%%commas>];\n"
" 1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;\n"
// if the value passed to this rule set is greater than 100, don't
// add the "and"; if it's less than 100, add "and" before the last
// digits
" and =%default=;\n"
" 100: =%default=;\n"
// this rule set is used to place the commas
// for values below 100, add "and" (the apostrophe at the
// beginning is ignored, but causes the space that follows it
// to be significant: this is necessary because the rules
// calling %%commas don't put a space before it)
" ' and =%default=;\n"
// put a comma after the thousands (or whatever preceded the
// hundreds)
" 100: , =%default=;\n"
// put a comma after the millions (or whatever precedes the
// thousands)
" 1000: , <%default< thousand, >%default>;\n"
// and so on...
" 1,000,000: , =%default=;"
// %%lenient-parse isn't really a set of number formatting rules;
// it's a set of collation rules. Lenient-parse mode uses a Collator
// object to compare fragments of the text being parsed to the text
// in the rules, allowing more leeway in the matching text. This set
// of rules tells the formatter to ignore commas when parsing (it
// already ignores spaces, which is why we refer to the space; it also
// ignores hyphens, making "twenty one" and "twenty-one" parse
// identically)
// " & ' ' , ',' ;\n"
" &\u0000 << ' ' << ',' << '-'; \n"
// * This rule set adds an English ordinal abbreviation to the end of a
// * number. For example, 2 is formatted as "2nd". Parsing doesn't work with
// * this rule set. To parse, use DecimalFormat on the numeral.
OrdinalRules {
// this rule set formats the numeral and calls %%abbrev to
// supply the abbreviation
" =#,##0==%%abbrev=;\n"
// this rule set supplies the abbreviation
// the abbreviations. Everything from 4 to 19 ends in "th"
" th; st; nd; rd; th;\n"
// at 20, we begin repeating the cycle every 10 (13 is "13th",
// but 23 and 33 are "23rd" and "33rd") We do this by
// ignoring all bug the ones digit in selecting the abbreviation
" 20: >>;\n"
// at 100, we repeat the whole cycle by considering only the
// tens and ones digits in picking an abbreviation
" 100: >>;\n"
// * This rule set formats a number of seconds in sexagesimal notation
// * (i.e., hours, minutes, and seconds). %with-words formats it with
// * words (3,740 is "1 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds") and %in-numerals
// * formats it entirely in numerals (3,740 is "1:02:20").
DurationRules {
// main rule set for formatting with words
// take care of singular and plural forms of "second"
" 0 seconds; 1 second; =0= seconds;\n"
// use %%min to format values greater than 60 seconds
" 60/60: <%%min<[, >>];\n"
// use %%hr to format values greater than 3,600 seconds
// (the ">>>" below causes us to see the number of minutes
// when when there are zero minutes)
" 3600/60: <%%hr<[, >>>];\n"
// this rule set takes care of the singular and plural forms
// of "minute"
" 0 minutes; 1 minute; =0= minutes;\n"
// this rule set takes care of the singular and plural forms
// of "hour"
" 0 hours; 1 hour; =0= hours;\n"
// main rule set for formatting in numerals
// values below 60 seconds are shown with "sec."
" =0= sec.;\n"
// higher values are shown with colons: %%min-sec is used for
// values below 3,600 seconds...
" 60: =%%min-sec=;\n"
// ...and %%hr-min-sec is used for values of 3,600 seconds
// and above
" 3600: =%%hr-min-sec=;\n"
// this rule causes values of less than 10 minutes to show without
// a leading zero
" 0: :=00=;\n"
" 60/60: <0<>>;\n"
// this rule set is used for values of 3,600 or more. Minutes are always
// shown, and always shown with two digits
" 0: :=00=;\n"
" 60/60: <00<>>;\n"
" 3600/60: <#,##0<:>>>;\n"
// the lenient-parse rules allow several different characters to be used
// as delimiters between hours, minutes, and seconds
" & ':' = '.' = ' ' = '-';\n"
Scripts {
ARAB { "Arabic" }
ARMN { "Armenian" }
BENG { "Bengali" }
BOPO { "Bopomofo" }
CANS { "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Symbols" }
CHER { "Cherokee" }
CYRL { "Cyrillic" }
DEVA { "Devanagari" }
DSRT { "Deseret" }
ETHI { "Ethiopic" }
GEOR { "Georgian" }
GOTH { "Gothic" }
GREK { "Greek" }
GUJR { "Gujarati" }
GURU { "Gurmukhi" }
HANG { "Hangul" }
HANI { "Han" }
HEBR { "Hebrew" }
HIRA { "Hiragana" }
ITAL { "Old_italic" }
KANA { "Katakana" }
KHMR { "Khmer" }
KNDA { "Kannada" }
LAO { "Lao" }
LATN { "Latin" }
MLYM { "Malayalam" }
MONG { "Mongolian" }
MYMR { "Myanmar" }
OGAM { "Ogham" }
ORYA { "Oriya" }
QAAC { "Coptic" }
QAAI { "Inherited" }
RUNR { "Runic" }
SINH { "Sinhala" }
SYRC { "Syriac" }
TAML { "Tamil" }
TELU { "Telugu" }
THAA { "Thana" }
THAI { "Thai" }
TIBT { "Tibetan" }
YIII { "Yi" }
ZYYY { "Common" }