2011-10-17 21:10:07 +00:00
2014-04-15 13:01:23 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and *
2011-10-17 21:10:07 +00:00
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
<project name= "samples" default= "build" basedir= "." >
<property file= "build-local.properties" />
<property file= "build.properties" />
<import file= "${shared.dir}/build/common-targets.xml" />
<path id= "javac.classpathref" >
<path refid= "javac.classpathref.${ant.project.name}" />
<property name= "jar.name" value= "icu4j-${ant.project.name}.jar" />
<property name= "src.jar.name" value= "icu4j-${ant.project.name}-src.jar" />
<target name= "build" depends= "compile, copy, jar, src-jar" description= "Build the project" />
<target name= "build-all" depends= "@build-all" description= "Build the project including all dependencies" />
<target name= "clean" depends= "@clean" description= "Clean up the build outputs" />
<target name= "compile" depends= "@compile" description= "Compile java source files" />
<target name= "copy" depends= "@copy" description= "Copy non-java runtime files to the project's binary directory" />
<target name= "jar" depends= "compile, copy, @jar" description= "Create the project's jar file" />
<target name= "src-jar" depends= "@src-jar" description= "Create the project's source jar file" />
2013-10-20 07:49:28 +00:00
<target name= "rebuild-iuc-data" description= "Rebuild IUC sample data" >
<!-- package to build into -->
<property name= "iuc.package" value= "com/ibm/icu/samples/iuc" />
<!-- output location -->
<property name= "iuc.dataoutdir" value= "src/${iuc.package}/data" />
<!-- tmp location -->
<property name= "iuc.tmp" value= "out/tmp" />
2014-04-15 13:01:23 +00:00
<property name= "iuc.res.src" value= "c" />
2013-10-20 07:49:28 +00:00
<!-- property for the root dir of our messages. -->
<fail unless= "iuc.res.src" message= "Please set -Diuc.res.src=/path/ where /path/ is a checkout of http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icuapps/trunk/icufacts/c" />
<!-- properties for the two packages we will be building. -->
<property name= "iuc.res.reshello" value= "reshello" />
<property name= "iuc.res.popmsg" value= "popmsg" />
<!-- paths for these two packages -->
<property name= "iuc.res.reshello.path" value= "${iuc.res.src}/s30_reshello/${iuc.res.reshello}" />
<property name= "iuc.res.popmsg.path" value= "${iuc.res.src}/s40_popmsg/${iuc.res.popmsg}" />
2014-04-15 13:01:23 +00:00
<property name= "iuc.bldicures" value= "${iuc.res.src}/bldicures.py" />
2013-10-20 07:49:28 +00:00
<!-- <available file="${iuc.bldicures}" type="file" property="iuc.bldicures.present" /> -->
<fail unless= "iuc.bldicures" message= "Please set -Diuc.bldicures=/path/bldicures.py - which you can get from <http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/tools/trunk/scripts/bldicures.py>" />
<mkdir dir= "${iuc.tmp}" />
<!-- make reshello -->
<delete dir= "${iuc.tmp}/${iuc.res.reshello}" /> <!-- clean up -->
<exec executable= "${iuc.bldicures}" >
<arg value= "-v" />
<arg value= "--endian" />
<arg value= "big" />
<arg value= "--mode" />
<arg value= "files" />
<arg value= "--from" />
<arg value= "${iuc.res.reshello.path}" />
<arg value= "--dest" />
<arg value= "${iuc.tmp}/${iuc.res.reshello}" />
<arg value= "--name" />
<arg value= "${iuc.res.reshello}" />
<move file= "${iuc.tmp}/${iuc.res.reshello}/${iuc.res.reshello}" todir= "${iuc.dataoutdir}/" />
<!-- make popmsg -->
<delete dir= "${iuc.tmp}/${iuc.res.popmsg}" /> <!-- clean up -->
<exec executable= "${iuc.bldicures}" >
<arg value= "-v" />
<arg value= "--endian" />
<arg value= "big" />
<arg value= "--mode" />
<arg value= "files" />
<arg value= "--from" />
<arg value= "${iuc.res.popmsg.path}" />
<arg value= "--dest" />
<arg value= "${iuc.tmp}/${iuc.res.popmsg}" />
<arg value= "--name" />
<arg value= "${iuc.res.popmsg}" />
<move file= "${iuc.tmp}/${iuc.res.popmsg}/${iuc.res.popmsg}" todir= "${iuc.dataoutdir}/" />
<delete dir= "${iuc.tmp}" /> <!-- clean up -->
2014-04-15 13:01:23 +00:00