2009-03-09 23:40:15 +00:00
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* Copyright ( C ) 2009 , International Business Machines
* Corporation and others . All Rights Reserved .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* File gencfu . c
// Tool for generating Unicode Confusable data files (.cfu files).
// .cfu files contain the compiled of the confusable data
// derived from the Unicode Consortium data described in
// Unicode UAX 39.
// Usage: gencfu [options] -r confusables-file.txt -w whole-script-confusables.txt -o output-file.cfu
// options: -v verbose
// -? or -h help
// The input rule filew is are plain text files containing confusable character
// definitions in the input format defined by Unicode UAX39 for the files
// confusables.txt and confusablesWholeScript.txt. This source (.txt) format
// is also accepted direaccepted by ICU spoof detedtors. The
// files must be encoded in utf-8 format, with or without a BOM.
# include "unicode/utypes.h"
# include "unicode/unistr.h"
# include "unicode/uclean.h"
# include "unicode/udata.h"
# include "unicode/putil.h"
# include "uoptions.h"
# include "unewdata.h"
# include "ucmndata.h"
# include "uspoof_impl.h"
# include "cmemory.h"
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
static char * progName ;
static UOption options [ ] = {
UOPTION_HELP_H , /* 0 */
{ " rules " , NULL , NULL , NULL , ' r ' , UOPT_REQUIRES_ARG , 0 } , /* 3 */
{ " wsrules " , NULL , NULL , NULL , ' w ' , UOPT_REQUIRES_ARG , 0 } , /* 4 */
{ " out " , NULL , NULL , NULL , ' o ' , UOPT_REQUIRES_ARG , 0 } , /* 5 */
} ;
void usageAndDie ( int retCode ) {
printf ( " Usage: %s [-v] [-options] -r confusablesRules.txt -w wholeScriptConfusables.txt -o output-file \n " , progName ) ;
printf ( " \t Read in Unicode confusable character definitions and write out the binary data \n "
" options: \n "
" \t -h or -? or --help this usage text \n "
" \t -V or --version show a version message \n "
" \t -c or --copyright include a copyright notice \n "
" \t -v or --verbose turn on verbose output \n "
" \t -i or --icudatadir directory for locating any needed intermediate data files, \n "
" \t followed by path, defaults to %s \n "
" \t -d or --destdir destination directory, followed by the path \n " ,
u_getDataDirectory ( ) ) ;
exit ( retCode ) ;
2009-08-04 21:09:17 +00:00
2009-03-09 23:40:15 +00:00
/* dummy UDataInfo cf. udata.h */
static UDataInfo dummyDataInfo = {
sizeof ( UDataInfo ) ,
0 ,
0 ,
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } , /* dummy dataFormat */
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } , /* dummy formatVersion */
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } /* dummy dataVersion */
} ;
# else
// Set up the ICU data header, defined in ucmndata.h
DataHeader dh = {
{ sizeof ( DataHeader ) , // Struct MappedData
0xda ,
0x27 } ,
{ // struct UDataInfo
sizeof ( UDataInfo ) , // size
0 , // reserved
0 , // reserved
{ 0x43 , 0x66 , 0x75 , 0x20 } , // dataFormat="Cfu "
{ 0xff , 0 , 0 , 0 } , // formatVersion. Filled in later with values
// from the builder. The values declared
// here should never appear in any real data.
{ 5 , 1 , 0 , 0 } // dataVersion (Unicode version)
} } ;
# endif
// Forward declaration for function for reading source files.
static const char * readFile ( const char * fileName , int32_t * len ) ;
// main for gencfu
int main ( int argc , char * * argv ) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR ;
const char * confFileName ;
const char * confWSFileName ;
const char * outFileName ;
const char * outDir = NULL ;
const char * copyright = NULL ;
// Pick up and check the command line arguments,
// using the standard ICU tool utils option handling.
U_MAIN_INIT_ARGS ( argc , argv ) ;
progName = argv [ 0 ] ;
argc = u_parseArgs ( argc , argv , sizeof ( options ) / sizeof ( options [ 0 ] ) , options ) ;
if ( argc < 0 ) {
// Unrecognized option
fprintf ( stderr , " error in command line argument \" %s \" \n " , argv [ - argc ] ) ;
if ( options [ 0 ] . doesOccur | | options [ 1 ] . doesOccur ) {
// -? or -h for help.
usageAndDie ( 0 ) ;
if ( ! ( options [ 3 ] . doesOccur & & options [ 4 ] . doesOccur & & options [ 5 ] . doesOccur ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " confusables file, whole script confusables file and output file must all be specified. \n " ) ;
confFileName = options [ 3 ] . value ;
confWSFileName = options [ 4 ] . value ;
outFileName = options [ 5 ] . value ;
if ( options [ 6 ] . doesOccur ) {
u_setDataDirectory ( options [ 6 ] . value ) ;
status = U_ZERO_ERROR ;
/* Combine the directory with the file name */
if ( options [ 7 ] . doesOccur ) {
outDir = options [ 7 ] . value ;
if ( options [ 8 ] . doesOccur ) {
copyright = U_COPYRIGHT_STRING ;
2009-08-04 21:09:17 +00:00
2009-05-04 05:45:27 +00:00
// spoof detection data file parsing is dependent on regular expressions.
// TODO: have the tool return an error status. Requires fixing the ICU data build
// so that it doesn't abort entirely on that error.
2009-03-09 23:40:15 +00:00
UNewDataMemory * pData ;
char msg [ 1024 ] ;
/* write message with just the name */
2009-08-04 21:09:17 +00:00
sprintf ( msg , " gencfu writes dummy %s because of UCONFIG_NO_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS and/or UCONFIG_NO_NORMALIZATION and/or UCONFIG_NO_FILE_IO, see uconfig.h " , outFileName ) ;
2009-03-09 23:40:15 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , " %s \n " , msg ) ;
/* write the dummy data file */
pData = udata_create ( outDir , NULL , outFileName , & dummyDataInfo , NULL , & status ) ;
udata_writeBlock ( pData , msg , strlen ( msg ) ) ;
udata_finish ( pData , & status ) ;
return ( int ) status ;
# else
2009-08-04 21:09:17 +00:00
/* Initialize ICU */
u_init ( & status ) ;
if ( U_FAILURE ( status ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: can not initialize ICU. status = %s \n " ,
argv [ 0 ] , u_errorName ( status ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
status = U_ZERO_ERROR ;
2009-03-09 23:40:15 +00:00
// Read in the confusables source file
int32_t confusablesLen = 0 ;
const char * confusables = readFile ( confFileName , & confusablesLen ) ;
if ( confusables = = NULL ) {
printf ( " gencfu: error reading file \" %s \" \n " , confFileName ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
int32_t wsConfusablesLen = 0 ;
const char * wsConfsables = readFile ( confWSFileName , & wsConfusablesLen ) ;
if ( wsConfsables = = NULL ) {
printf ( " gencfu: error reading file \" %s \" \n " , confFileName ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
// Create the Spoof Detector from the source confusables files.
// This will compile the data.
UParseError parseError ;
parseError . line = 0 ;
parseError . offset = 0 ;
int32_t errType ;
USpoofChecker * sc = uspoof_openFromSource ( confusables , confusablesLen ,
wsConfsables , wsConfusablesLen ,
& errType , & parseError , & status ) ;
if ( U_FAILURE ( status ) ) {
const char * errFile =
( errType = = USPOOF_WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE ) ? confWSFileName : confFileName ;
fprintf ( stderr , " gencfu: uspoof_openFromSource error \" %s \" at file %s, line %d, column %d \n " ,
u_errorName ( status ) , errFile , ( int ) parseError . line , ( int ) parseError . offset ) ;
exit ( status ) ;
} ;
// Get the compiled rule data from the USpoofChecker.
uint32_t outDataSize ;
uint8_t * outData ;
outDataSize = uspoof_serialize ( sc , NULL , 0 , & status ) ;
if ( status ! = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencfu: uspoof_serialize() returned %s \n " , u_errorName ( status ) ) ;
exit ( status ) ;
status = U_ZERO_ERROR ;
outData = new uint8_t [ outDataSize ] ;
uspoof_serialize ( sc , outData , outDataSize , & status ) ;
// Copy the data format version numbers from the spoof data header into the UDataMemory header.
uprv_memcpy ( dh . info . formatVersion ,
reinterpret_cast < SpoofDataHeader * > ( outData ) - > fFormatVersion ,
sizeof ( dh . info . formatVersion ) ) ;
// Create the output file
size_t bytesWritten ;
UNewDataMemory * pData ;
pData = udata_create ( outDir , NULL , outFileName , & ( dh . info ) , copyright , & status ) ;
if ( U_FAILURE ( status ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencfu: Could not open output file \" %s \" , \" %s \" \n " ,
outFileName , u_errorName ( status ) ) ;
exit ( status ) ;
// Write the data itself.
udata_writeBlock ( pData , outData , outDataSize ) ;
// finish up
bytesWritten = udata_finish ( pData , & status ) ;
if ( U_FAILURE ( status ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencfu: Error %d writing the output file \n " , status ) ;
exit ( status ) ;
if ( bytesWritten ! = outDataSize ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencfu: Error writing to output file \" %s \" \n " , outFileName ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
uspoof_close ( sc ) ;
delete outData ;
delete confusables ;
delete wsConfsables ;
u_cleanup ( ) ;
printf ( " gencfu: tool completed successfully. \n " ) ;
return 0 ;
2009-05-04 05:45:27 +00:00
2009-03-09 23:40:15 +00:00
// Read in a confusables source file
static const char * readFile ( const char * fileName , int32_t * len ) {
char * result ;
long fileSize ;
FILE * file ;
file = fopen ( fileName , " rb " ) ;
if ( file = = 0 ) {
return NULL ;
fseek ( file , 0 , SEEK_END ) ;
fileSize = ftell ( file ) ;
fseek ( file , 0 , SEEK_SET ) ;
result = new char [ fileSize + 10 ] ;
if ( result = = NULL ) {
return result ;
long t = fread ( result , 1 , fileSize , file ) ;
if ( t ! = fileSize ) {
delete result ;
return NULL ;
result [ fileSize ] = 0 ;
* len = static_cast < int32_t > ( fileSize ) ;
fclose ( file ) ;
return result ;