2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
/ * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright ( C ) 1996 - 2001 , International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others . All Rights Reserved . *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* $Source : / xsrl / Nsvn / icu / unicodetools / com / ibm / text / UCD / GenerateBreakTest . java , v $
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
* $Date : 2002 / 08 / 09 23 : 56 : 24 $
* $Revision : 1 . 2 $
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* /
package com.ibm.text.UCD ;
import java.util.* ;
import java.io.* ;
import com.ibm.text.utility.* ;
import com.ibm.icu.text.UTF16 ;
import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet ;
abstract public class GenerateBreakTest implements UCD_Types {
static boolean DEBUG = false ;
// COMMON STUFF for Hangul
static final byte hNot = - 1 , hL = 0 , hV = 1 , hT = 2 , hLV = 3 , hLVT = 4 , hLIMIT = 5 ;
static final String [ ] hNames = { " L " , " V " , " T " , " LV " , " LVT " } ;
static byte getHangulType ( int cp ) {
if ( Default . ucd . isLeadingJamo ( cp ) ) return hL ;
if ( Default . ucd . isVowelJamo ( cp ) ) return hV ;
if ( Default . ucd . isTrailingJamo ( cp ) ) return hT ;
if ( Default . ucd . isHangulSyllable ( cp ) ) {
if ( Default . ucd . isDoubleHangul ( cp ) ) return hLV ;
return hLVT ;
return hNot ;
public static boolean onCodepointBoundary ( String s , int offset ) {
if ( offset < 0 | | offset > s . length ( ) ) return false ;
if ( offset = = 0 | | offset = = s . length ( ) ) return true ;
if ( UTF16 . isLeadSurrogate ( s . charAt ( offset - 1 ) )
& & UTF16 . isTrailSurrogate ( s . charAt ( offset ) ) ) return false ;
return true ;
// finds the first base character, or the first character if there is no base
public static int findFirstBase ( String source , int start , int limit ) {
int cp ;
for ( int i = start ; i < limit ; i + = UTF16 . getCharCount ( cp ) ) {
cp = UTF16 . charAt ( source , i ) ;
byte cat = Default . ucd . getCategory ( cp ) ;
if ( ( ( 1 < < cat ) & MARK_MASK ) ! = 0 ) continue ;
return cp ;
return UTF16 . charAt ( source , start ) ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
// quick & dirty routine
String insertEverywhere ( String source , String insertion , GenerateBreakTest breaker ) {
String result = insertion ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < source . length ( ) ; + + i ) {
result + = source . charAt ( i ) ;
if ( breaker . isBreak ( source , i , true ) ) {
result + = insertion ;
return result + insertion ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
static UnicodeSet midLetterSet = new UnicodeSet ( " [ \ u0027 \ u002E \ u003A \ u00AD \ u05F3 \ u05F4 \ u2019 \ uFE52 \ uFE55 \ uFF07 \ uFF0E \ uFF1A] " ) ;
static UnicodeSet ambigSentPunct = new UnicodeSet ( " [ \ u002E \ u0589 \ u06D4] " ) ;
static UnicodeSet sentPunct = new UnicodeSet ( " [ \ u0021 \ u003F \ u0387 \ u061F \ u0964 \ u203C \ u203D \ u2048 \ u2049 "
+ " \ u3002 \ ufe52 \ ufe57 \ uff01 \ uff0e \ uff1f \ uff61] " ) ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
static {
Default . setUCD ( ) ;
static UnicodeSet extraAlpha = new UnicodeSet ( " [ \\ u02B9- \\ u02BA \\ u02C2- \\ u02CF \\ u02D2- \\ u02DF \\ u02E5 \\ u02ED \\ u05F3] " ) ;
static UnicodeSet alphabeticSet = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( DERIVED | PropAlphabetic ) . getSet ( )
. addAll ( extraAlpha ) ;
static UnicodeSet ideographicSet = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( BINARY_PROPERTIES | Ideographic ) . getSet ( ) ;
static {
System . out . println ( " alphabetic: " + alphabeticSet . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
// ====================== Main ===========================
static final boolean SHOW_TYPE = false ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) throws IOException {
System . out . println ( " Remember to add length marks (half & full) and other punctuation for sentence, with FF61 " ) ;
Default . setUCD ( ) ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
if ( DEBUG ) {
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
checkDecomps ( ) ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
Utility . showSetNames ( " " , new UnicodeSet ( " [ \ u034F \ u00AD \ u1806[:DI:]-[:Cs:]-[:Cn:]] " ) , true , Default . ucd ) ;
System . out . println ( " *** Extend - Cf " ) ;
generateTerminalClosure ( ) ;
GenerateWordBreakTest gwb = new GenerateWordBreakTest ( ) ;
PrintWriter systemPrintWriter = new PrintWriter ( System . out ) ;
gwb . printLine ( systemPrintWriter , " n \ u0308't " , true , true , false ) ;
systemPrintWriter . flush ( ) ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
if ( false ) {
GenerateSentenceBreakTest foo = new GenerateSentenceBreakTest ( ) ;
foo . isBreak ( " ( \" Go. \" ) (He did) " , 5 , true ) ;
showSet ( " sepSet " , GenerateSentenceBreakTest . sepSet ) ;
showSet ( " atermSet " , GenerateSentenceBreakTest . atermSet ) ;
showSet ( " termSet " , GenerateSentenceBreakTest . termSet ) ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
new GenerateSentenceBreakTest ( ) . run ( ) ;
//if (true) return; // cut short for now
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
new GenerateLineBreakTest ( ) . run ( ) ;
new GenerateGraphemeBreakTest ( ) . run ( ) ;
new GenerateWordBreakTest ( ) . run ( ) ;
static void checkDecomps ( ) {
UnicodeProperty [ ] INFOPROPS = { UnifiedProperty . make ( CATEGORY ) , UnifiedProperty . make ( LINE_BREAK ) } ;
GenerateBreakTest [ ] tests = {
new GenerateGraphemeBreakTest ( ) ,
new GenerateWordBreakTest ( ) ,
new GenerateLineBreakTest ( ) ,
} ;
tests [ 0 ] . isBreak ( " \ u0300 \ u0903 " , 1 , true ) ;
System . out . println ( " Check Decomps " ) ;
System . out . println ( " otherExtendSet: " + ( ( GenerateGraphemeBreakTest ) tests [ 0 ] ) . otherExtendSet . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
Utility . showSetNames ( " " , ( ( GenerateGraphemeBreakTest ) tests [ 0 ] ) . otherExtendSet , false , Default . ucd ) ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < tests . length ; + + k ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 0x10FFFF ; + + i ) {
if ( ! Default . ucd . isAllocated ( i ) ) continue ;
if ( Default . ucd . isHangulSyllable ( i ) ) continue ;
if ( Default . nfd . isNormalized ( i ) ) continue ;
String decomp = Default . nfd . normalize ( i ) ;
boolean shown = false ;
String test = decomp ;
for ( int j = 1 ; j < test . length ( ) ; + + j ) {
if ( tests [ k ] . isBreak ( test , j , true ) ) {
if ( ! shown ) {
System . out . println ( showData ( UTF16 . valueOf ( i ) , INFOPROPS , " \ r \ n \ t " ) ) ;
System . out . println ( " => " + showData ( decomp , INFOPROPS , " \ r \ n \ t " ) ) ;
shown = true ;
System . out . println ( j + " : " + tests [ k ] . fileName ) ;
static String showData ( String source , UnicodeProperty [ ] props , String separator ) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer ( ) ;
int cp ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < source . length ( ) ; i + = UTF16 . getCharCount ( cp ) ) {
cp = UTF16 . charAt ( source , i ) ;
if ( i ! = 0 ) result . append ( separator ) ;
result . append ( Default . ucd . getCodeAndName ( cp ) ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < props . length ; + + j ) {
result . append ( " , " ) ;
result . append ( props [ j ] . getProperty ( SHORT ) ) . append ( '=' ) . append ( props [ j ] . getValue ( cp , SHORT ) ) ;
return result . toString ( ) ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
static void showSet ( String title , UnicodeSet set ) {
System . out . println ( title + " : " + set . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
Utility . showSetNames ( " " , set , false , Default . ucd ) ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
// determines if string is of form Base NSM*
static boolean isBaseNSMStar ( String source ) {
int cp ;
int status = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < source . length ( ) ; i + = UTF16 . getCharCount ( cp ) ) {
cp = UTF16 . charAt ( source , i ) ;
byte cat = Default . ucd . getCategory ( cp ) ;
int catMask = 1 < < cat ;
switch ( status ) {
case 0 : if ( ( catMask & BASE_MASK ) = = 0 ) return false ;
status = 1 ;
break ;
case 1 : if ( ( catMask & NONSPACING_MARK_MASK ) = = 0 ) return false ;
break ;
return true ;
static UnicodeSet getClosure ( UnicodeSet source ) {
UnicodeSet result = new UnicodeSet ( source ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 0x10FFFF ; + + i ) {
if ( ! Default . ucd . isAllocated ( i ) ) continue ;
if ( Default . nfkd . isNormalized ( i ) ) continue ;
String decomp = Default . nfkd . normalize ( i ) ;
if ( source . containsAll ( decomp ) ) result . add ( i ) ;
return result ;
static void generateTerminalClosure ( ) {
UnicodeSet terminals = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( BINARY_PROPERTIES | Terminal_Punctuation ) . getSet ( ) ;
UnicodeSet extras = getClosure ( terminals ) . removeAll ( terminals ) ;
System . out . println ( " Current Terminal_Punctuation " ) ;
Utility . showSetNames ( " " , terminals , true , Default . ucd ) ;
System . out . println ( " Missing Terminal_Punctuation " ) ;
Utility . showSetNames ( " " , extras , true , Default . ucd ) ;
System . out . println ( " midLetterSet " ) ;
System . out . println ( midLetterSet . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
Utility . showSetNames ( " " , midLetterSet , true , Default . ucd ) ;
System . out . println ( " ambigSentPunct " ) ;
System . out . println ( ambigSentPunct . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
Utility . showSetNames ( " " , ambigSentPunct , true , Default . ucd ) ;
System . out . println ( " sentPunct " ) ;
System . out . println ( sentPunct . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
Utility . showSetNames ( " " , sentPunct , true , Default . ucd ) ;
/ *
UnicodeSet sentencePunctuation = new UnicodeSet ( " [ \ u0021 \ 003F ; Terminal_Punctuation # Po QUESTION MARK
037E ; Terminal_Punctuation # Po GREEK QUESTION MARK
061F ; Terminal_Punctuation # Po ARABIC QUESTION MARK
06D4 ; Terminal_Punctuation # Po ARABIC FULL STOP
203C . . 203D ; Terminal_Punctuation # Po [ 2 ] DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK . . INTERROBANG
3002 ; Terminal_Punctuation # Po IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP
2048 . . 2049 ; Terminal_Punctuation # Po [ 2 ] QUESTION EXCLAMATION MARK . . EXCLAMATION QUESTION MARK
* /
protected String rule ;
protected String fileName ;
protected String [ ] samples = new String [ 100 ] ;
protected String [ ] extraSamples = new String [ 0 ] ;
protected String [ ] extraSingleSamples = new String [ 0 ] ;
protected int sampleLimit = 0 ;
protected int tableLimit = - 1 ;
public void run ( ) throws IOException {
findSamples ( ) ;
// test individual cases
//printLine(out, samples[LB_ZW], "", samples[LB_CL]);
//printLine(out, samples[LB_ZW], " ", samples[LB_CL]);
PrintWriter out = Utility . openPrintWriter ( fileName + " BreakTest.html " , Utility . UTF8_WINDOWS ) ;
out . println ( " <html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'><title> "
+ fileName + " </title></head> " ) ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
out . println ( " <body bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><h3>Current:</h3> " ) ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
if ( recommendedDiffers ( ) ) {
generateTable ( out , false ) ;
out . println ( " <h3>Recommended:</h3> " ) ;
generateTable ( out , true ) ;
out . println ( " </body></html> " ) ;
} else {
generateTable ( out , true ) ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
out . close ( ) ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
if ( recommendedDiffers ( ) ) {
generateTest ( false , false ) ;
generateTest ( false , true ) ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
public void generateTest ( boolean shortVersion , boolean recommended ) throws IOException {
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
String [ ] testCase = new String [ 50 ] ;
// do main test
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
PrintWriter out = Utility . openPrintWriter ( fileName + " BreakTest "
+ ( recommended & recommendedDiffers ( ) ? " _NEW " : " " )
+ ( shortVersion ? " _SHORT " : " " )
+ " .txt " , Utility . LATIN1_WINDOWS ) ;
int counter = 0 ;
out . println ( " # Default " + fileName + " Break Test " ) ;
out . println ( " # Generated: " + Default . getDate ( ) + " , MED " ) ;
out . println ( " # " ) ;
out . println ( " # Format: " ) ;
out . println ( " # <string> (# <comment>)? " ) ;
out . println ( " # <string> contains hex Unicode code points, with " ) ;
out . println ( " # \ t " + BREAK + " wherever there is a break opportunity, and " ) ;
out . println ( " # \ t " + NOBREAK + " wherever there is not. " ) ;
out . println ( " # <comment> the format can change, but currently it shows: " ) ;
out . println ( " # \ t- the sample character name " ) ;
out . println ( " # \ t- (x) the line_break property* for the sample character " ) ;
out . println ( " # \ t- [x] the rule that determines whether there is a break or not " ) ;
out . println ( " # " ) ;
sampleDescription ( out ) ;
out . println ( " # These samples may be extended or changed in the future. " ) ;
out . println ( " # " ) ;
for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < sampleLimit ; + + ii ) {
String before = samples [ ii ] ;
for ( int jj = 0 ; jj < sampleLimit ; + + jj ) {
Utility . dot ( counter ) ;
String after = samples [ jj ] ;
// do line straight
int len = genTestItems ( before , after , testCase ) ;
for ( int q = 0 ; q < len ; + + q ) {
printLine ( out , testCase [ q ] , ! shortVersion & & q = = 0 , recommended , false ) ;
+ + counter ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < extraSingleSamples . length ; + + ii ) {
printLine ( out , extraSingleSamples [ ii ] , true , recommended , false ) ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
out . println ( " # Lines: " + counter ) ;
out . close ( ) ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
public void sampleDescription ( PrintWriter out ) { }
abstract public boolean isBreak ( String source , int offset , boolean recommended ) ;
abstract public byte getType ( int cp , boolean recommended ) ;
abstract public String getTypeID ( int s , boolean recommended ) ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
public boolean recommendedDiffers ( ) {
return false ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
final public byte getType ( int cp ) {
return getType ( cp , false ) ;
final public String getTypeID ( int cp ) {
return getTypeID ( cp , false ) ;
final public String getTypeID ( String s ) {
return getTypeID ( s , false ) ;
public String getTypeID ( String s , boolean recommended ) {
if ( s = = null ) return " <null> " ;
if ( s . length ( ) = = 1 ) return getTypeID ( s . charAt ( 0 ) , recommended ) ;
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer ( ) ;
int cp ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < s . length ( ) ; i + = UTF32 . count16 ( cp ) ) {
cp = UTF32 . char32At ( s , i ) ;
if ( i > 0 ) result . append ( " " ) ;
result . append ( getTypeID ( cp , recommended ) ) ;
return result . toString ( ) ;
static final int DONE = - 1 ;
public int next ( String source , int offset , boolean recommended ) {
for ( int i = offset + 1 ; i < = source . length ( ) ; + + i ) {
if ( isBreak ( source , i , recommended ) ) return i ;
return DONE ;
public int previous ( String source , int offset , boolean recommended ) {
for ( int i = offset - 1 ; i > = 0 ; - - i ) {
if ( isBreak ( source , i , recommended ) ) return i ;
return DONE ;
public int genTestItems ( String before , String after , String [ ] results ) {
results [ 0 ] = before + after ;
return 1 ;
public String getTableEntry ( String before , String after , boolean recommended , String [ ] ruleOut ) {
boolean normalBreak = isBreak ( before + after , before . length ( ) , recommended ) ;
String normalRule = rule ;
ruleOut [ 0 ] = rule ;
return normalBreak ? BREAK : NOBREAK ;
public byte getResolvedType ( int cp , boolean recommended ) {
return getType ( cp , recommended ) ;
boolean skipType ( int type ) {
return false ;
static String getInfo ( String s ) {
if ( s = = null | | s . length ( ) = = 0 ) return " NULL " ;
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer ( ) ;
int cp ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < s . length ( ) ; i + = UTF32 . count16 ( cp ) ) {
cp = UTF32 . char32At ( s , i ) ;
if ( i > 0 ) result . append ( " , " ) ;
result . append ( Default . ucd . getCodeAndName ( cp ) ) ;
result . append ( " , gc= " + Default . ucd . getCategoryID_fromIndex ( Default . ucd . getCategory ( cp ) , SHORT ) ) ;
result . append ( " , sc= " + Default . ucd . getScriptID_fromIndex ( Default . ucd . getScript ( cp ) , SHORT ) ) ;
result . append ( " , lb= " + Default . ucd . getLineBreakID_fromIndex ( Default . ucd . getLineBreak ( cp ) ) ) ;
return result . toString ( ) ;
public void generateTable ( PrintWriter out , boolean recommended ) {
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
String width = " width=' " + ( 100 / ( tableLimit + 2 ) ) + " %' " ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
out . print ( " <table border='1' cellspacing='0' width='100%'> " ) ;
String types = " " ;
String codes = " " ;
for ( int type = 0 ; type < tableLimit ; + + type ) {
String after = samples [ type ] ;
if ( after = = null ) continue ;
String h = getTypeID ( after , recommended ) ;
types + = " <th " + width + " > " + h + " </th> " ;
codes + = " <th " + width + " title=' " + getInfo ( after ) + " '> " + Utility . hex ( after ) + " </th> " ;
out . println ( " <tr><th " + width + " ></th><th " + width + " ></th> " + types + " </tr> " ) ;
out . println ( " <tr><th " + width + " ></th><th " + width + " ></th> " + codes + " </tr> " ) ;
String [ ] rule = new String [ 1 ] ;
String [ ] rule2 = new String [ 1 ] ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
for ( int type = 0 ; type < sampleLimit ; + + type ) {
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
String before = samples [ type ] ;
if ( before = = null ) continue ;
String line = " <tr><th> " + getTypeID ( before , recommended ) + " </th> "
+ " <th title=' " + Default . ucd . getCodeAndName ( before ) + " '> " + Utility . hex ( before ) + " </th> " ;
for ( int type2 = 0 ; type2 < tableLimit ; + + type2 ) {
String after = samples [ type2 ] ;
if ( after = = null ) continue ;
String t = getTableEntry ( before , after , recommended , rule ) ;
String background = " " ;
String t2 = getTableEntry ( before , after , ! recommended , rule2 ) ;
if ( ! t . equals ( t2 ) ) {
if ( t . equals ( NOBREAK ) ) {
background = " bgcolor='#CCFFFF' " ;
} else {
background = " bgcolor='#FFFF00' " ;
} else if ( t . equals ( NOBREAK ) ) {
background = " bgcolor='#CCCCFF' " ;
line + = " <th title=' " + rule [ 0 ] + " ' " + background + " > " + t + " </th> " ;
out . println ( line + " </tr> " ) ;
out . println ( " </table> " ) ;
out . println ( " <ol> " ) ;
for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < extraSingleSamples . length ; + + ii ) {
out . println ( " <li><font size='5'> " ) ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
printLine ( out , extraSingleSamples [ ii ] , true , recommended , true ) ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
out . println ( " </font></li> " ) ;
out . println ( " </ol> " ) ;
static final String BREAK = " \ u00F7 " ;
static final String NOBREAK = " \ u00D7 " ;
public void printLine ( PrintWriter out , String source , boolean comments , boolean recommended , boolean html ) {
int cp ;
StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer ( ) ;
StringBuffer comment = new StringBuffer ( " \ t# " ) ;
boolean hasBreak = isBreak ( source , 0 , recommended ) ;
String status ;
if ( html ) {
status = hasBreak ? " style='border-right: 1px solid blue' " : " " ;
string . append ( " <span title=' " + rule + " '><span " + status + " > </span> <span> " ) ;
} else {
status = hasBreak ? BREAK : NOBREAK ;
string . append ( status ) ;
comment . append ( ' ' ) . append ( status ) . append ( " [ " ) . append ( rule ) . append ( ']' ) ;
for ( int offset = 0 ; offset < source . length ( ) ; offset + = UTF16 . getCharCount ( cp ) ) {
cp = UTF16 . charAt ( source , offset ) ;
hasBreak = isBreak ( source , offset + UTF16 . getCharCount ( cp ) , recommended ) ;
if ( html ) {
status = hasBreak ? " style='border-right: 1px solid blue' " : " " ;
string . append ( " <span title=' " +
Utility . quoteXML ( Default . ucd . getCodeAndName ( cp ) + " ( " + getTypeID ( cp ) + " ) " , true )
+ " '> "
+ Utility . quoteXML ( Utility . getDisplay ( cp ) , true )
+ " </span> " ) ;
string . append ( " <span title=' " + rule + " '><span " + status + " > </span> <span> " ) ;
} else {
if ( string . length ( ) > 0 ) {
string . append ( ' ' ) ;
comment . append ( ' ' ) ;
status = hasBreak ? BREAK : NOBREAK ;
string . append ( Utility . hex ( cp ) ) ;
comment . append ( Default . ucd . getName ( cp ) + " ( " + getTypeID ( cp ) + " ) " ) ;
string . append ( ' ' ) . append ( status ) ;
comment . append ( ' ' ) . append ( status ) . append ( " [ " ) . append ( rule ) . append ( ']' ) ;
if ( comments & & ! html ) string . append ( comment ) ;
out . println ( string ) ;
public void findSamples ( ) {
// what we want is a list of sample characters. In the simple case, this is just one per type.
// However, if there are characters that have different types (when recommended or not), then
// we want a type for each cross-section
BitSet bitset = new BitSet ( ) ;
Map list = new TreeMap ( ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = 0x10FFFF ; + + i ) {
if ( ! Default . ucd . isAllocated ( i ) ) continue ;
if ( 0xD800 < = i & & i < = 0xDFFF ) continue ;
if ( DEBUG & & i = = 0x1100 ) {
System . out . println ( " debug " ) ;
byte lb = getType ( i ) ;
byte lb2 = getType ( i , true ) ;
if ( lb = = lb2 & & skipType ( lb ) ) continue ;
int combined = ( lb < < 7 ) + lb2 ;
if ( ! bitset . get ( combined ) ) {
bitset . set ( combined ) ;
list . put ( new Integer ( combined ) , UTF16 . valueOf ( i ) ) ;
/ *
// if the sample slot is full OR
if ( samples [ lb ] = = null ) {
samples [ lb ] = UTF16 . valueOf ( i ) ;
if ( sampleLimit < = lb ) sampleLimit = lb + 1 ;
// byte lb2 = getType(i, true);
// if (lb2 != lb) bs.set(lb);
* /
Iterator it = list . keySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
while ( it . hasNext ( ) ) {
String sample = ( String ) list . get ( it . next ( ) ) ;
samples [ sampleLimit + + ] = sample ;
if ( DEBUG ) System . out . println ( getTypeID ( sample ) + " : \ t " + Default . ucd . getCodeAndName ( sample ) ) ;
tableLimit = sampleLimit ;
// now add values that are different
/ *
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = 0x10FFFF ; + + i ) {
if ( ! Default . ucd . isAllocated ( i ) ) continue ;
if ( 0xD800 < = i & & i < = 0xDFFF ) continue ;
byte lb = getType ( i ) ;
byte lb2 = getType ( i , true ) ;
if ( lb = = lb2 ) continue ;
// pick some different ones
if ( ! bs . get ( lb ) ) {
samples [ sampleLimit + + ] = UTF16 . valueOf ( i ) ;
bs . set ( lb ) ;
if ( ! bs2 . get ( lb2 ) ) {
samples [ sampleLimit + + ] = UTF16 . valueOf ( i ) ;
bs . set ( lb2 ) ;
* /
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
if ( extraSamples . length > 0 ) {
System . arraycopy ( extraSamples , 0 , samples , sampleLimit , extraSamples . length ) ;
sampleLimit + = extraSamples . length ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
public int findLastNon ( String source , int offset , byte notLBType , boolean recommended ) {
int cp ;
for ( int i = offset - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - = UTF16 . getCharCount ( cp ) ) {
cp = UTF16 . charAt ( source , i ) ;
byte f = getResolvedType ( cp , recommended ) ;
if ( f ! = notLBType ) return i ;
return - 1 ;
// ========================================
static class GenerateLineBreakTest extends GenerateBreakTest {
// all the other items are supplied in UCD_TYPES
static byte LB_L = LB_LIMIT + hL , LB_V = LB_LIMIT + hV , LB_T = LB_LIMIT + hT ,
LB2_LIMIT = ( byte ) ( LB_SUP + 1 ) ;
/ *
private byte [ ] AsmusOrderToMyOrder = {
LB_NU , LB_AL , LB_ID , LB_IN , LB_HY , LB_BA , LB_BB , LB_B2 , LB_ZW , LB_CM ,
// missing from Pair Table
// resolved types below
// 3 JAMO CLASSES, plus supplementary
} ;
private byte [ ] MyOrderToAsmusOrder = new byte [ AsmusOrderToMyOrder . length ] ;
for ( byte i = 0 ; i < AsmusOrderToMyOrder . length ; + + i ) {
MyOrderToAsmusOrder [ AsmusOrderToMyOrder [ i ] ] = i ;
* /
fileName = " Line " ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
extraSingleSamples = new String [ ] { " can't " , " can \ u2019t " , " ab \ u00ADby " , " -3 " } ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
public boolean recommendedDiffers ( ) {
return true ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
public void sampleDescription ( PrintWriter out ) {
out . println ( " # Samples: " ) ;
out . println ( " # The test currently takes all pairs of linebreak types*, " ) ;
out . println ( " # picks a sample for each type, and generates three strings: " ) ;
out . println ( " # \ t- the pair alone " ) ;
out . println ( " # \ t- the pair alone with an imbeded space " ) ;
out . println ( " # \ t- the pair alone with embedded combining marks " ) ;
out . println ( " # The sample for each type is simply the first code point (above NULL) " ) ;
out . println ( " # with that property. " ) ;
out . println ( " # * Note: " ) ;
out . println ( " # \ t- SG is omitted " ) ;
out . println ( " # \ t- 3 different Jamo characters and a supplementary character are added " ) ;
out . println ( " # \ t The syllable types for the Jamo (L, V, T) are displayed in comments " ) ;
out . println ( " # \ t instead of the linebreak property " ) ;
out . println ( " # " ) ;
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public int genTestItems ( String before , String after , String [ ] results ) {
results [ 0 ] = before + after ;
results [ 1 ] = before + " " + after ;
results [ 2 ] = before + " \ u0301 \ u0308 " + after ;
return 3 ;
// stuff that subclasses need to override
boolean skipType ( int type ) {
return type = = LB_AI | | type = = LB_SA | | type = = LB_SG | | type = = LB_XX ;
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public String getTypeID ( int cp , boolean recommended ) {
byte result = getType ( cp , recommended ) ;
if ( result = = LB_SUP ) return " SUP " ;
if ( result > = LB_LIMIT ) return hNames [ result - LB_LIMIT ] ;
return Default . ucd . getLineBreakID_fromIndex ( result ) ; // AsmusOrderToMyOrder[result]);
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public byte getType ( int cp , boolean recommended ) {
if ( cp > 0xFFFF ) return LB_SUP ;
byte result = getHangulType ( cp ) ;
if ( result ! = hNot ) return ( byte ) ( result + LB_LIMIT ) ;
// return MyOrderToAsmusOrder[Default.ucd.getLineBreak(cp)];
return Default . ucd . getLineBreak ( cp ) ;
public String getTableEntry ( String before , String after , boolean recommended , String [ ] ruleOut ) {
String t = " _ " ;
boolean spaceBreak = isBreak ( before + " " + after , before . length ( ) + 1 , recommended ) ;
String spaceRule = rule ;
boolean spaceBreak2 = isBreak ( before + " " + after , before . length ( ) , recommended ) ;
String spaceRule2 = rule ;
boolean normalBreak = isBreak ( before + after , before . length ( ) , recommended ) ;
String normalRule = rule ;
if ( ! normalBreak ) {
if ( ! spaceBreak & & ! spaceBreak2 ) {
t = " ^ " ;
rule = spaceRule . equals ( normalRule ) ? normalRule : spaceRule + " / " + normalRule ;
if ( ! spaceRule2 . equals ( normalRule ) & & ! spaceRule2 . equals ( spaceRule ) ) {
rule + = " / " + spaceRule2 ;
} else {
t = " % " ;
rule = normalRule ;
ruleOut [ 0 ] = rule ;
return t ;
public byte getResolvedType ( int cp , boolean recommended ) {
// LB 1 Assign a line break category to each character of the input.
// Resolve AI, CB, SA, SG, XX into other line break classes depending on criteria outside this algorithm.
byte result = getType ( cp ) ;
switch ( result ) {
case LB_AI : result = LB_AI ; break ;
// case LB_CB: result = LB_ID; break;
case LB_SA : result = LB_AL ; break ;
// case LB_SG: result = LB_XX; break; Surrogates; will never occur
case LB_XX : result = LB_AL ; break ;
if ( recommended ) {
if ( getHangulType ( cp ) ! = hNot ) {
result = LB_ID ;
return result ;
// find out whether there is a break at offset
// WARNING: as a side effect, sets "rule"
public boolean isBreak ( String source , int offset , boolean recommended ) {
// LB 1 Assign a line break category to each character of the input.
// Resolve AI, CB, SA, SG, XX into other line break classes depending on criteria outside this algorithm.
// this is taken care of in the getResolvedType function
// LB 2a Never break at the start of text
rule = " 2a " ;
if ( offset < = 0 ) return false ;
// LB 2b Always break at the end of text
rule = " 2b " ;
if ( offset > = source . length ( ) ) return true ;
// UTF-16: never break in the middle of a code point
if ( ! onCodepointBoundary ( source , offset ) ) return false ;
// now get the character before and after, and their types
int cpBefore = UTF16 . charAt ( source , offset - 1 ) ;
int cpAfter = UTF16 . charAt ( source , offset ) ;
byte before = getResolvedType ( cpBefore , recommended ) ;
byte after = getResolvedType ( cpAfter , recommended ) ;
rule = " 3a " ;
// Always break after hard line breaks (but never between CR and LF).
// CR ^ LF
if ( before = = LB_CR & & after = = LB_LF ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_BK | | before = = LB_LF | | before = = LB_CR ) return true ;
//LB 3b Don<6F> t break before hard line breaks.
rule = " 3b " ;
if ( after = = LB_BK | | after = = LB_LF | after = = LB_CR ) return false ;
// LB 4 Don<6F> t break before spaces or zero-width space.
// <20> SP
// <20> ZW
rule = " 4 " ;
if ( after = = LB_SP | | after = = LB_ZW ) return false ;
// LB 5 Break after zero-width space.
// ZW <20>
rule = " 5 " ;
if ( before = = LB_ZW ) return true ;
// LB 6 Don<6F> t break graphemes (before combining marks, around virama or on sequences of conjoining Jamos.
rule = " 6 " ;
if ( after = = LB_CM ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_L & & ( after = = LB_L | | after = = LB_V | | after = = LB_LV | | after = = LB_LVT ) ) return false ;
if ( ( before = = LB_LV | | before = = LB_V ) & & ( after = = LB_V | | after = = LB_T ) ) return false ;
if ( ( before = = LB_LVT | | before = = LB_T ) & & ( after = = LB_T ) ) return false ;
boolean setBase = false ;
if ( before = = LB_CM ) {
setBase = true ;
int backOffset = findLastNon ( source , offset , LB_CM , recommended ) ;
if ( backOffset < 0 ) {
before = LB_ID ;
} else {
before = getResolvedType ( UTF16 . charAt ( source , backOffset ) , recommended ) ;
// LB 7 In all of the following rules, if a space is the base character for a combining mark,
// the space is changed to type ID. In other words, break before SP CM* in the same cases as
// one would break before an ID.
rule = " 7 " ;
if ( setBase & & before = = LB_SP ) before = LB_ID ;
// LB 8 Don<6F> t break before <20> ]<5D> or <20> !<21> or <20> ;<3B> or <20> /<2F> , even after spaces.
// <20> CL, <20> EX, <20> IS, <20> SY
rule = " 8 " ;
if ( after = = LB_CL | | after = = LB_EX | | after = = LB_SY | after = = LB_IS ) return false ;
// find the last non-space character; we will need it
byte lastNonSpace = before ;
if ( lastNonSpace = = LB_SP ) {
int backOffset = findLastNon ( source , offset , LB_CM , recommended ) ;
if ( backOffset > = 0 ) {
lastNonSpace = getResolvedType ( UTF16 . charAt ( source , backOffset ) , recommended ) ;
// LB 9 Don<6F> t break after <20> [<5B> , even after spaces.
// OP SP* <20>
rule = " 9 " ;
if ( lastNonSpace = = LB_OP ) return false ;
// LB 10 Don<6F> t break within <20> <> [<5B> , , even with intervening spaces.
// QU SP* <20> OP
rule = " 10 " ;
if ( lastNonSpace = = LB_QU & & after = = LB_OP ) return false ;
// LB 11 Don<6F> t break within <20> ]h<> , even with intervening spaces.
// CL SP* <20> NS
rule = " 11 " ;
if ( lastNonSpace = = LB_CL & & after = = LB_NS ) return false ;
// LB 11a Don<6F> t break within <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> , even with intervening spaces.
// B2 <20> B2
rule = " 11a " ;
if ( lastNonSpace = = LB_B2 & & after = = LB_B2 ) return false ;
if ( recommended ) {
// LB 13 Don<6F> t break before or after NBSP or WORD JOINER
// <20> GL
// GL <20>
rule = " 11b " ;
if ( after = = LB_GL | | before = = LB_GL ) return false ;
// [Note: by this time, all of the "X" in the table are accounted for. We can safely break after spaces.]
rule = " 12 " ;
// LB 12 Break after spaces
// SP <20>
if ( before = = LB_SP ) return true ;
if ( ! recommended ) {
// LB 13 Don<6F> t break before or after NBSP or WORD JOINER
// <20> GL
// GL <20>
rule = " 13 " ;
if ( after = = LB_GL | | before = = LB_GL ) return false ;
rule = " 14 " ;
// LB 14 Don<6F> t break before or after <20> <> <EFBFBD>
// <20> QU
// QU <20>
if ( before = = LB_QU | | after = = LB_QU ) return false ;
// LB 15 Don<6F> t break before hyphen-minus, other hyphens, fixed-width spaces,
// small kana and other non- starters, or after acute accents:
// <20> BA
// <20> HY
// <20> NS
// BB <20>
if ( recommended ) {
// LB 14a Break before and after CB
// CB <20>
// <20> CB
if ( before = = LB_CB | | after = = LB_CB ) return true ;
rule = " 15 " ;
if ( after = = LB_NS ) return false ;
if ( after = = LB_HY ) return false ;
if ( after = = LB_BA ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_BB ) return false ;
if ( ! recommended ) {
// LB 15b Break after hyphen-minus, and before acute accents:
// HY <20>
// <20> BB
rule = " 15b " ;
if ( before = = LB_HY ) return true ;
if ( after = = LB_BB ) return true ;
// LB 16 Don<6F> t break between two ellipses, or between letters or numbers and ellipsis:
// AL <20> IN
// ID <20> IN
// IN <20> IN
// NU <20> IN
// Examples: <20> 9...<2E> , <20> a...<2E> , <20> H...<2E>
rule = " 16 " ;
if ( ( before = = LB_NU | | before = = LB_AL | | before = = LB_ID ) & & after = = LB_IN ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_IN & & after = = LB_IN ) return false ;
// Don't break alphanumerics.
// LB 17 Don<6F> t break within <20> a9<61> , <20> 3a<33> , or <20> H%<25>
// ID <20> PO
// AL <20> NU
// NU <20> AL
// Numbers are of the form PR ? ( OP | HY ) ? NU (NU | IS) * CL ? PO ?
// Examples: $(12.35) 2,1234 (12)<29> 12.54<EFBFBD>
// This is approximated with the following rules. (Some cases already handled above,
// like <20> 9,<2C> , <20> [9<> .)
rule = " 17 " ;
if ( before = = LB_ID & & after = = LB_PO ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_AL & & after = = LB_NU ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_NU & & after = = LB_AL ) return false ;
// LB 18 Don<6F> t break between the following pairs of classes.
// CL <20> PO
// HY <20> NU
// IS <20> NU
// NU <20> NU
// NU <20> PO
// PR <20> AL
// PR <20> HY
// PR <20> ID
// PR <20> NU
// PR <20> OP
// SY <20> NU
// Example pairs: <20> $9<> , <20> $[<5B> , <20> $-<2D> , <20> -9<> , <20> /9<> , <20> 99<39> , <20> ,9<> , <20> 9%<25> <20> ]%<25>
rule = " 18 " ;
if ( before = = LB_CL & & after = = LB_PO ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_HY & & after = = LB_NU ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_IS & & after = = LB_NU ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_NU & & after = = LB_NU ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_NU & & after = = LB_PO ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_PR & & after = = LB_AL ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_PR & & after = = LB_HY ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_PR & & after = = LB_ID ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_PR & & after = = LB_NU ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_PR & & after = = LB_OP ) return false ;
if ( before = = LB_SY & & after = = LB_NU ) return false ;
if ( recommended ) {
// LB 15b Break after hyphen-minus, and before acute accents:
// HY <20>
// <20> BB
rule = " 18b " ;
if ( before = = LB_HY ) return true ;
if ( after = = LB_BB ) return true ;
// LB 19 Don<6F> t break between alphabetics (<28> at<61> )
// AL <20> AL
rule = " 19 " ;
if ( before = = LB_AL & & after = = LB_AL ) return false ;
// LB 20 Break everywhere else
// ALL <20>
// <20> ALL
rule = " 20 " ;
return true ;
static class GenerateGraphemeBreakTest extends GenerateBreakTest {
static final byte CR = 0 , LF = 1 , Control = 2 , Extend = 3 , Link = 4 , CGJ = 5 , Base = 6 , LetterBase = 7 , Other = 8 ,
L = oLIMIT + hL , V = oLIMIT + hV , T = oLIMIT + hT , LV = oLIMIT + hLV , LVT = oLIMIT + hLVT ,
LIMIT = LVT + 1 ;
static final String [ ] Names = { " CR " , " LF " , " CTL " , " Extend " , " Link " , " CGJ " , " Base " , " LetterBase " , " Other " } ;
static UnicodeProperty extendProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( DERIVED | GraphemeExtend ) ;
static UnicodeProperty baseProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( DERIVED | GraphemeBase ) ;
static UnicodeProperty linkProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( BINARY_PROPERTIES | GraphemeLink ) ;
static UnicodeSet otherExtendSet = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( BINARY_PROPERTIES | Other_GraphemeExtend ) . getSet ( )
. addAll ( new UnicodeSet ( " [ \ u09BE \ u09D7 \ u0B3E \ u0B57 \ u0BD7 \ u0BBE "
+ " \ u0CC2 \ u0CD5 \ u0CD6 \ u0D3E \ u0D57 \ u0DCF \ u0DDF \\ U0001D165 \\ U0001D16E \\ U0001D16F] " ) ) ;
fileName = " GraphemeCluster " ;
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public String getTypeID ( int cp , boolean recommended ) {
byte type = getType ( cp , recommended ) ;
if ( type > = oLIMIT ) return hNames [ type - oLIMIT ] ;
return Names [ type ] ;
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public byte getType ( int cp , boolean recommended ) {
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
recommended = true ; // don't care about old stuff
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
// single characters
if ( cp = = 0xA ) return LF ;
if ( cp = = 0xD ) return CR ;
if ( recommended ) {
if ( cp = = 0x034F ) return CGJ ;
if ( cp = = 0x2028 | | cp = = 0x2029 ) return Control ;
// Hangul
byte result = getHangulType ( cp ) ;
if ( result ! = hNot ) return ( byte ) ( result + oLIMIT ) ;
// other properties
// category based
byte cat = Default . ucd . getCategory ( cp ) ;
if ( cat = = Cc ) return Control ;
if ( recommended ) {
if ( cat = = Cf ) return Control ;
if ( cat = = Me | | cat = = Mn ) return Extend ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
// FOR FUTURE! if (otherExtendSet.contains(cp)) return Extend;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
return Base ;
if ( cat = = Cf ) return Extend ;
if ( ( ( 1 < < cat ) & LETTER_MASK ) ! = 0 ) return LetterBase ;
// other binary properties
if ( linkProp . hasValue ( cp ) ) return Link ;
if ( extendProp . hasValue ( cp ) ) return Extend ;
if ( baseProp . hasValue ( cp ) ) return Base ;
return Other ;
public boolean isBreak ( String source , int offset , boolean recommended ) {
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
recommended = true ; // don't care about old stuff
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
rule = " 1 " ;
if ( offset < 0 | | offset > source . length ( ) ) return false ;
if ( offset = = 0 ) return true ;
rule = " 2 " ;
if ( offset = = source . length ( ) ) return true ;
// UTF-16: never break in the middle of a code point
if ( ! onCodepointBoundary ( source , offset ) ) return false ;
// now get the character before and after, and their types
int cpBefore = UTF16 . charAt ( source , offset - 1 ) ;
int cpAfter = UTF16 . charAt ( source , offset ) ;
byte before = getResolvedType ( cpBefore , recommended ) ;
byte after = getResolvedType ( cpAfter , recommended ) ;
rule = " 3 " ;
if ( before = = CR & & after = = LF ) return false ;
rule = " 4 " ;
if ( before = = CR | | before = = LF | | before = = Control
| | after = = Control | | after = = LF | | after = = CR ) return true ;
rule = " 6 " ;
if ( before = = L & & ( after = = L | | after = = V | | after = = LV | | after = = LVT ) ) return false ;
rule = " 7 " ;
if ( ( before = = LV | | before = = V ) & & ( after = = V | | after = = T ) ) return false ;
rule = " 8 " ;
if ( ( before = = LVT | | before = = T ) & & ( after = = T ) ) return false ;
rule = " 9 " ;
if ( after = = Extend ) return false ;
if ( recommended ) {
if ( after = = Link | | after = = CGJ ) return false ;
} else {
// Do not break around a CGJ.
rule = " 10 " ;
if ( before = = CGJ & & ( after = = Base
| | after = = LetterBase | | after = = L | | after = = V | | after = = T | | after = = LV | | after = = LVT ) ) return false ;
rule = " 11 " ;
if ( after = = CGJ ) return false ;
// Do not break between linking characters and letters, or before linking characters. This provides for Indic graphemes, where virama (halant) will link character clusters together.
rule = " 12 " ;
//Link Extend* <20> LetterBase (12)
if ( after = = LetterBase | | after = = L | | after = = V | | after = = T | | after = = LV | | after = = LVT ) {
int backOffset = findLastNon ( source , offset , Extend , recommended ) ;
if ( backOffset > = 0 ) {
byte last = getResolvedType ( UTF16 . charAt ( source , backOffset ) , recommended ) ;
if ( last = = Link ) return false ;
rule = " 13 " ;
if ( after = = Link ) return false ;
// Otherwise break after all characters.
rule = " 14 " ;
return true ;
static class GenerateWordBreakTest extends GenerateBreakTest {
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
static final byte Format = 0 , Katakana = 1 , ALetter = 2 , MidLetter = 3 , Hyphen = 4 ,
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
Numeric = 5 , Infix_Numeric = 6 , Prefix_Numeric = 7 , Postfix_Numeric = 8 ,
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
Prefix = 9 , Postfix = 10 , MidNumLet = 11 , Hiragana = 12 , Other = 13 ,
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
LIMIT = Other + 1 ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
static final String [ ] Names = { " Format " , " Katakana " , " ALetter " , " MidLetter " , " Hyphen " ,
" Numeric " , " INum " , " PrNum " , " PoNum " , " PreLet " , " PostLet " , " MidNumLet " , " Hiragana " , " Other " } ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
static GenerateGraphemeBreakTest grapheme = new GenerateGraphemeBreakTest ( ) ;
static Context context = new Context ( ) ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
static String LENGTH = " [ \ u30FC \ uFF70] " ;
static String HALFWIDTH_KATAKANA = " [ \ uFF65- \ uFF9F] " ;
static String KATAKANA_ITERATION = " [ \ u30FD \ u30FE] " ;
static String HIRAGANA_ITERATION = " [ \ u309D \ u309E] " ;
static UnicodeSet extraKatakana = new UnicodeSet ( " [ " + LENGTH + HALFWIDTH_KATAKANA + KATAKANA_ITERATION + " ] " ) ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
//static UnicodeProperty LineBreakIdeographic = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(LINE_BREAK | LB_ID);
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
static UnicodeProperty baseProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( DERIVED | GraphemeBase ) ;
static UnicodeProperty linkProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( BINARY_PROPERTIES | GraphemeLink ) ;
static UnicodeSet prefixSet = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( BINARY_PROPERTIES | Logical_Order_Exception ) . getSet ( ) ;
static UnicodeSet postfixSet ;
static UnicodeSet exceptionLetters ;
static UnicodeSet normalLetters ;
static UnicodeSet thaiLaoNormal ;
static UnicodeSet marks = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( CATEGORY | Mn ) . getSet ( )
. addAll ( UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( CATEGORY | Me ) . getSet ( ) ) ;
static UnicodeSet oughtToBeLm = new UnicodeSet ( " [ \ u02B9- \ u02BA \ u02C2- \ u02CF \ u02D2- \ u02DF \ u02E5- \ u02ED] " ) ;
/ *
* /
static UnicodeSet letterSet = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( CATEGORY | Lo ) . getSet ( )
. addAll ( UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( CATEGORY | Lu ) . getSet ( ) )
. addAll ( UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( CATEGORY | Lt ) . getSet ( ) )
. addAll ( UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( CATEGORY | Ll ) . getSet ( ) )
. addAll ( UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( CATEGORY | Lm ) . getSet ( ) )
. addAll ( UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( CATEGORY | Mc ) . getSet ( ) )
. addAll ( oughtToBeLm ) ;
UnicodeSet linebreakNS = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( LINE_BREAK | LB_NS ) . getSet ( ) ;
postfixSet = new UnicodeSet ( linebreakNS )
. retainAll ( letterSet )
. addAll ( new UnicodeSet ( " [ \ u0e30- \ u0E3A \ u0e45- \ u0e4e] " ) )
. addAll ( new UnicodeSet ( " [[ \ u0eb0- \ u0EBd \ u0ec6- \ u0ece]-[:Cn:]] " ) )
. removeAll ( new UnicodeSet ( " [:mn:] " ) )
. removeAll ( new UnicodeSet ( " [:katakana:] " ) . addAll ( extraKatakana ) ) ;
thaiLaoNormal = new UnicodeSet ( " [[:thai:][:lao:]] " ) . removeAll ( prefixSet ) . removeAll ( postfixSet ) ;
// we want ideographics, hiragana, thai (except prefix/suffix)
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
//UnicodeSet compatIdeographics = new UnicodeSet("[\uf900-\ufa6a\\U0002F800-\\U0002FA1D]");
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
UnicodeSet hiragana = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( SCRIPT | HIRAGANA_SCRIPT ) . getSet ( ) ;
UnicodeSet smallHiragana = new UnicodeSet ( hiragana ) . retainAll ( linebreakNS ) ;
UnicodeSet missingKatakana = new UnicodeSet ( extraKatakana ) . removeAll ( new UnicodeSet ( " [:katakana:] " ) ) ;
if ( DEBUG ) {
System . out . println ( " missingKatakana: " + missingKatakana . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
Utility . showSetNames ( " " , missingKatakana , false , Default . ucd ) ;
System . out . println ( " oughtToBeLm: " + oughtToBeLm . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
Utility . showSetNames ( " " , oughtToBeLm , false , Default . ucd ) ;
System . out . println ( " Prefix: " + prefixSet . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
Utility . showSetNames ( " " , prefixSet , false , Default . ucd ) ;
System . out . println ( " Postfix: " + postfixSet . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
Utility . showSetNames ( " " , postfixSet , false , Default . ucd ) ;
System . out . println ( " exceptionLetters: " + exceptionLetters . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
System . out . println ( " hiragana: " + hiragana . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
System . out . println ( " smallHiragana: " + hiragana . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
Utility . showSetNames ( " " , smallHiragana , true , Default . ucd ) ;
System . out . println ( " midLetterSet: " + midLetterSet . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
Utility . showSetNames ( " " , midLetterSet , true , Default . ucd ) ;
fileName = " Word " ;
extraSamples = new String [ ] {
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
" \ uFF70 " , " \ uFF65 " , " \ u30FD " , " a \ u2060 " , " a: " , " a' " , " a' \ u2060 " , " a, " , " 1: " , " 1' " , " 1, " , " 1. \ u2060 "
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
} ;
if ( DEBUG ) {
System . out . println ( " length not covered: "
+ new UnicodeSet ( LENGTH ) . removeAll ( new UnicodeSet ( " [:katakana:] " ) ) . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
System . out . println ( " half-width not covered: "
+ new UnicodeSet ( HALFWIDTH_KATAKANA ) . removeAll ( new UnicodeSet ( " [:katakana:] " ) ) . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
System . out . println ( " k.iteration not covered: "
+ new UnicodeSet ( KATAKANA_ITERATION ) . removeAll ( new UnicodeSet ( " [:katakana:] " ) ) . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
System . out . println ( " h.iteration not covered: "
+ new UnicodeSet ( HIRAGANA_ITERATION ) . removeAll ( new UnicodeSet ( " [:hiragana:] " ) ) . toPattern ( true ) ) ;
System . out . println ( " L1: " + getTypeID ( '\u30FC' ) ) ;
System . out . println ( " L2: " + getTypeID ( '\uFF70' ) ) ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
String [ ] temp = { " can't " , " can \ u2019t " , " ab \ u00ADby " , " a$-34,567.14%b " , " 3a " } ;
extraSingleSamples = new String [ temp . length * 2 ] ;
System . arraycopy ( temp , 0 , extraSingleSamples , 0 , temp . length ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < temp . length ; + + i ) {
extraSingleSamples [ i + temp . length ] = insertEverywhere ( temp [ i ] , " \ u2060 " , grapheme ) ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public String getTypeID ( int cp , boolean recommended ) {
byte type = getType ( cp , recommended ) ;
return Names [ type ] ;
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public byte getType ( int cp , boolean recommended ) {
byte cat = Default . ucd . getCategory ( cp ) ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
if ( cat = = Cf ) return Format ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
byte script = Default . ucd . getScript ( cp ) ;
if ( script = = KATAKANA_SCRIPT ) return Katakana ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
if ( extraKatakana . contains ( cp ) ) return Katakana ;
if ( script = = HIRAGANA_SCRIPT | | script = = THAI_SCRIPT | | script = = LAO_SCRIPT ) return Other ;
if ( ideographicSet . contains ( cp ) ) return Other ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
if ( alphabeticSet . contains ( cp ) ) return ALetter ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
byte lb = Default . ucd . getLineBreak ( cp ) ;
if ( lb = = LB_NU ) return Numeric ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
if ( midLetterSet . contains ( cp ) ) {
if ( lb = = LB_IS ) return MidNumLet ;
return MidLetter ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
if ( lb = = LB_IS ) return Infix_Numeric ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
return Other ;
public int genTestItems ( String before , String after , String [ ] results ) {
results [ 0 ] = before + after ;
results [ 1 ] = 'a' + before + " \ u0301 \ u0308 " + after + " \ u0301 \ u0308 " + 'a' ;
results [ 2 ] = 'a' + before + " \ u0301 \ u0308 " + samples [ MidLetter ] + after + " \ u0301 \ u0308 " + 'a' ;
results [ 3 ] = 'a' + before + " \ u0301 \ u0308 " + samples [ Infix_Numeric ] + after + " \ u0301 \ u0308 " + 'a' ;
return 3 ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
static public class Context {
public int cpBefore2 , cpBefore , cpAfter , cpAfter2 ;
public byte tBefore2 , tBefore , tAfter , tAfter2 ;
public void getGraphemeBases ( String source , int offset , boolean recommended , Context context ) {
context . cpBefore2 = context . cpBefore = context . cpAfter = context . cpAfter2 = - 1 ;
context . tBefore2 = context . tBefore = context . tAfter = context . tAfter2 = - 1 ;
MyBreakIterator graphemeIterator = new MyBreakIterator ( ) ;
graphemeIterator . set ( source , offset ) ;
while ( true ) {
int cp = graphemeIterator . previousBase ( ) ;
if ( cp = = - 1 ) break ;
byte t = getResolvedType ( cp , recommended ) ;
if ( t = = Format ) continue ;
if ( context . cpBefore = = - 1 ) {
context . cpBefore = cp ;
context . tBefore = t ;
} else {
context . cpBefore2 = cp ;
context . tBefore2 = t ;
break ;
graphemeIterator . set ( source , offset ) ;
while ( true ) {
int cp = graphemeIterator . nextBase ( ) ;
if ( cp = = - 1 ) break ;
byte t = getResolvedType ( cp , recommended ) ;
if ( t = = Format ) continue ;
if ( context . cpAfter = = - 1 ) {
context . cpAfter = cp ;
context . tAfter = t ;
} else {
context . cpAfter2 = cp ;
context . tAfter2 = t ;
break ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
public boolean isBreak ( String source , int offset , boolean recommended ) {
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
recommended = true ; // don't care about old stuff
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
rule = " 1 " ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
if ( offset < 0 | | offset > source . length ( ) ) return false ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
if ( offset = = 0 ) return true ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
rule = " 2 " ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
if ( offset = = source . length ( ) ) return true ;
// Treat a grapheme cluster as if it were a single character:
// the first base character, if there is one; otherwise the first character.
// GC => FB
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
rule = " 3 " ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
if ( ! grapheme . isBreak ( source , offset , recommended ) ) return false ;
// now get the base character before and after, and their types
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
getGraphemeBases ( source , offset , recommended , context ) ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
byte before = context . tBefore ;
byte after = context . tAfter ;
byte before2 = context . tBefore2 ;
byte after2 = context . tAfter2 ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
//Don't break between most letters
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
// ALetter <20> ALetter
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
rule = " 5 " ;
if ( before = = ALetter & & after = = ALetter ) return false ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
// Don<6F> t break letters across certain punctuation
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
// ALetter<65> (MidLetter | MidNumLet) ALetter(6)
// ALetter (MidLetter | MidNumLet)<29> ALetter(7)
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
rule = " 6 " ;
if ( before = = ALetter & & ( after = = MidLetter | | after = = MidNumLet ) & & after2 = = ALetter ) return false ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
rule = " 7 " ;
if ( before2 = = ALetter & & ( before = = MidLetter | | before = = MidNumLet ) & & after = = ALetter ) return false ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
// Don<6F> t break within sequences of digits, or digits adjacent to letters.
// Numeric <20> Numeric (5)
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
rule = " 8 " ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
if ( before = = Numeric & & after = = Numeric ) return false ;
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
// ALetter <20> Numeric (6)
rule = " 9 " ;
if ( before = = ALetter & & after = = Numeric ) return false ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
// Numeric <20> ALetter (7)
rule = " 10 " ;
if ( before = = Numeric & & after = = ALetter ) return false ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
// Don<6F> t break within sequences like: '-3.2'
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
// Numeric (MidNum | MidNumLet)<29> Numeric(11)
rule = " 11 " ;
if ( before2 = = Numeric & & ( before = = Infix_Numeric | | before = = MidNumLet ) & & after = = Numeric ) return false ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
// Numeric<69> (MidNum | MidNumLet) Numeric(12)
rule = " 12 " ;
if ( before = = Numeric & & ( after = = Infix_Numeric | | after = = MidNumLet ) & & after2 = = Numeric ) return false ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
// Don't break between Hiragana
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
// Hiragana <20> Hiragana (13)
rule = " 13 " ;
if ( before = = Hiragana & & after = = Hiragana ) return false ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
// Otherwise break always.
rule = " 14 " ;
return true ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
static class GenerateSentenceBreakTest extends GenerateBreakTest {
static final byte Format = 0 , Sep = 1 , Sp = 2 , OLetter = 3 , Lower = 4 , Upper = 5 ,
Close = 6 , ATerm = 7 , Term = 8 , Other = 9 ,
LIMIT = Other + 1 ;
static final String [ ] Names = { " Format " , " Sep " , " Sp " , " OLetter " , " Lower " , " Upper " ,
" Close " , " ATerm " , " Term " , " Other " } ;
static GenerateGraphemeBreakTest grapheme = new GenerateGraphemeBreakTest ( ) ;
static UnicodeSet sepSet = new UnicodeSet ( " [ \\ u000a \\ u000d \\ u0085 \\ u2029 \\ u2028] " ) ;
static UnicodeSet atermSet = new UnicodeSet ( " [ \\ u002E] " ) ;
static UnicodeSet termSet = new UnicodeSet ( " [ \\ u0021 \\ u003F \\ u0589 \\ u061f \\ u06d4 \\ u0700- \\ u0702 \\ u0934 "
+ " \\ u1362 \\ u1367 \\ u1368 \\ u1803 \\ u1809 \\ u203c \\ u203d \\ u2048 \\ u2049 \\ u3002 \\ ufe52 \\ ufe57 \\ uff01 \\ uff0e \\ uff1f \\ uff61] " ) ;
static UnicodeProperty lowercaseProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( DERIVED | PropLowercase ) ;
static UnicodeProperty uppercaseProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty . make ( DERIVED | PropUppercase ) ;
fileName = " Sentence " ;
extraSamples = new String [ ] {
} ;
String [ ] temp = new String [ ] {
" ( \" Go. \" ) (He did.) " ,
" ( \" Go? \" ) (He did.) " ,
" U.S.A \ u0300. is " ,
" U.S.A \ u0300? He " ,
" U.S.A \ u0300. " ,
" \ u4e00. \ u4300 " ,
" \ u4e00? \ u4300 " ,
} ;
extraSingleSamples = new String [ temp . length * 2 ] ;
System . arraycopy ( temp , 0 , extraSingleSamples , 0 , temp . length ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < temp . length ; + + i ) {
extraSingleSamples [ i + temp . length ] = insertEverywhere ( temp [ i ] , " \ u2060 " , grapheme ) ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public String getTypeID ( int cp , boolean recommended ) {
byte type = getType ( cp , recommended ) ;
return Names [ type ] ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public byte getType ( int cp , boolean recommended ) {
byte cat = Default . ucd . getCategory ( cp ) ;
if ( cat = = Cf ) return Format ;
if ( sepSet . contains ( cp ) ) return Sep ;
if ( Default . ucd . getBinaryProperty ( cp , White_space ) ) return Sp ;
if ( alphabeticSet . contains ( cp ) ) return OLetter ;
if ( lowercaseProp . hasValue ( cp ) ) return Lower ;
if ( uppercaseProp . hasValue ( cp ) | | cat = = Lt ) return Upper ;
if ( atermSet . contains ( cp ) ) return ATerm ;
if ( termSet . contains ( cp ) ) return Term ;
if ( cat = = Po | | cat = = Pe
| | Default . ucd . getLineBreak ( cp ) = = LB_QU ) return Close ;
return Other ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
public int genTestItems ( String before , String after , String [ ] results ) {
results [ 0 ] = before + after ;
/ *
results [ 1 ] = 'a' + before + " \ u0301 \ u0308 " + after + " \ u0301 \ u0308 " + 'a' ;
results [ 2 ] = 'a' + before + " \ u0301 \ u0308 " + samples [ MidLetter ] + after + " \ u0301 \ u0308 " + 'a' ;
results [ 3 ] = 'a' + before + " \ u0301 \ u0308 " + samples [ Infix_Numeric ] + after + " \ u0301 \ u0308 " + 'a' ;
* /
return 1 ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00
2002-08-09 23:56:24 +00:00
public boolean isBreak ( String source , int offset , boolean recommended ) {
rule = " 1 " ;
if ( offset < 0 | | offset > source . length ( ) ) return false ;
if ( offset = = 0 ) return true ;
rule = " 2 " ;
if ( offset = = source . length ( ) ) return true ;
// Sep <20> (3)
rule = " 3 " ;
byte before = getResolvedType ( source . charAt ( offset - 1 ) , recommended ) ;
if ( before = = Sep ) return true ;
// Treat a grapheme cluster as if it were a single character:
// the first base character, if there is one; otherwise the first character.
// GC => FB
// Ignore interior Format characters. That is, ignore Format characters in all subsequent rules.
// X Format*
// ?
// X
// (5)
rule = " 3 " ;
if ( ! grapheme . isBreak ( source , offset , recommended ) ) return false ;
// Do not break after ambiguous terminators like period, if the first following letter is lowercase. For example, a period may be an abbreviation or numeric period, and not mark the end of a sentence.
// ATerm Close* Sp*<2A> (<28> ( OLetter | Upper ))* Lower(6)
// ATerm <20> Upper (7)
// Break after sentence terminators, but include closing punctuation, trailing spaces, and (optionally) a paragraph separator.
// ( Term | ATerm ) Close*<2A> ( Close | Sp | Sep )(8)
// ( Term | ATerm ) Close* Sp<53> ( Sp | Sep )(9)
// ( Term | ATerm ) Close* Sp*<2A> (10)
// These cases are all handled together.
// First we loop backwards, checking for the different types.
MyBreakIterator graphemeIterator = new MyBreakIterator ( ) ;
graphemeIterator . set ( source , offset ) ;
int state = 0 ;
byte lookAfter = - 1 ;
int cp ;
byte t ;
boolean gotSpace = false ;
boolean gotClose = false ;
behindLoop :
while ( true ) {
cp = graphemeIterator . previousBase ( ) ;
if ( cp = = - 1 ) break ;
t = getResolvedType ( cp , recommended ) ;
if ( SHOW_TYPE ) System . out . println ( Default . ucd . getCodeAndName ( cp ) + " , " + getTypeID ( cp , recommended ) ) ;
if ( t = = Format ) continue ; // ignore all formats!
switch ( state ) {
case 0 :
if ( t = = Sp ) {
// loop as long as we have Space
gotSpace = true ;
continue behindLoop ;
} else if ( t = = Close ) {
gotClose = true ;
state = 1 ; // go to close loop
continue behindLoop ;
break ;
case 1 :
if ( t = = Close ) {
// loop as long as we have Close
continue behindLoop ;
break ;
if ( t = = ATerm ) {
lookAfter = ATerm ;
} else if ( t = = Term ) {
lookAfter = Term ;
break ;
// if we didn't find ATerm or Term, bail
if ( lookAfter = = - 1 ) {
// Otherwise, do not break
// Any <20> Any (11)
rule = " 11 " ;
return false ;
// Do not break after ambiguous terminators like period, if the first following letter is lowercase. For example, a period may be an abbreviation or numeric period, and not mark the end of a sentence.
// ATerm Close* Sp*<2A> (<28> ( OLetter | Upper ))* Lower(6)
// ATerm <20> Upper (7)
// Break after sentence terminators, but include closing punctuation, trailing spaces, and (optionally) a paragraph separator.
// ( Term | ATerm ) Close*<2A> ( Close | Sp | Sep )(8)
// ( Term | ATerm ) Close* Sp<53> ( Sp | Sep )(9)
// ( Term | ATerm ) Close* Sp*<2A> (10)
// We DID find one. Loop to see if the right side is ok.
graphemeIterator . set ( source , offset ) ;
boolean isFirst = true ;
while ( true ) {
cp = graphemeIterator . nextBase ( ) ;
if ( cp = = - 1 ) break ;
t = getResolvedType ( cp , recommended ) ;
if ( SHOW_TYPE ) System . out . println ( Default . ucd . getCodeAndName ( cp ) + " , " + getTypeID ( cp , recommended ) ) ;
if ( t = = Format ) continue ; // skip format characters!
if ( isFirst ) {
isFirst = false ;
if ( lookAfter = = ATerm & & t = = Upper ) {
rule = " 7 " ;
return false ;
if ( gotSpace ) {
if ( t = = Sp | | t = = Sep ) {
rule = " 9 " ;
return false ;
} else if ( t = = Close | | t = = Sp | | t = = Sep ) {
rule = " 8 " ;
return false ;
if ( lookAfter = = Term ) break ;
// at this point, we have an ATerm. All other conditions are ok, but we need to verify 6
if ( t ! = OLetter & & t ! = Upper & & t ! = Lower ) continue ;
if ( t = = Lower ) {
rule = " 6 " ;
return false ;
break ;
rule = " 10 " ;
return true ;
static class MyBreakIterator {
int offset = 0 ;
String string = " " ;
GenerateBreakTest breaker = new GenerateGraphemeBreakTest ( ) ;
boolean recommended = true ;
public MyBreakIterator set ( String source , int offset ) {
string = source ;
this . offset = offset ;
return this ;
public int nextBase ( ) {
if ( offset > = string . length ( ) ) return - 1 ;
int result = UTF16 . charAt ( string , offset ) ;
for ( + + offset ; offset < string . length ( ) ; + + offset ) {
if ( breaker . isBreak ( string , offset , recommended ) ) break ;
return result ;
public int previousBase ( ) {
if ( offset < = 0 ) return - 1 ;
for ( - - offset ; offset > = 0 ; - - offset ) {
if ( breaker . isBreak ( string , offset , recommended ) ) break ;
return UTF16 . charAt ( string , offset ) ;
2002-08-08 15:38:16 +00:00