
709 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 1996-2001, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/unicodetools/com/ibm/text/UCD/,v $
* $Date: 2001/10/25 20:33:46 $
* $Revision: 1.5 $
2001-09-06 01:30:31 +00:00
import java.util.*;
public class DerivedProperty implements UCD_Types {
UCD ucdData;
public DerivedProperty(UCD ucd) {
ucdData = ucd;
public String getHeader(int propNumber) {
DProp dp = dprops[propNumber];
if (dp != null) return dp.getHeader();
else return "Unimplemented!!";
public String getName(int propNumber, byte style) {
DProp dp = dprops[propNumber];
if (dp != null) return dp.getName(style);
else return "Unimplemented!!";
public String getProperty(int cp, int propNumber) {
DProp dp = dprops[propNumber];
if (dp != null) return dp.getProperty(cp);
else return "Unimplemented!!";
public boolean isDefined(int propNumber) {
if (propNumber < 0 || propNumber >= dprops.length) return false;
return dprops[propNumber] != null;
public boolean isTest(int propNumber) {
if (!isDefined(propNumber)) return false;
return dprops[propNumber].isTest();
public boolean hasProperty(int cp, int propNumber) {
if (!isDefined(propNumber)) return false;
return dprops[propNumber].hasProperty(cp);
public boolean propertyVaries(int propNumber) {
return dprops[propNumber].propertyVaries();
public String getProperty(int cp, int propNumber) {
return dprops[propNumber].getProperty(int cp);
private DProp[] dprops = new DProp[50];
private Normalizer[] nf = new Normalizer[4];
private Normalizer nfd, nfc, nfkd, nfkc;
static final String[] NAME = {"NFD", "NFC", "NFKD", "NFKC"};
static final String[] CaseNames = {
private abstract class DProp {
boolean testStatus = false;
byte defaultStyle = LONG;
String name, shortName, header;
String getName(byte style) {
if (style == NORMAL) style = defaultStyle;
return style < LONG ? shortName : name;
String getHeader() { return header; }
boolean isTest() { return testStatus; }
abstract boolean hasProperty(int cp);
public boolean propertyVaries() { return false; }
public String getProperty(int cp) { return hasProperty(cp) ? name : ""; }
class ExDProp extends DProp {
Normalizer nfx;
ExDProp(int i) {
nfx = nf[i-ExpandsOnNFD];
name = "Expands_On_" + NAME[i-ExpandsOnNFD];
shortName = "XO_" + NAME[i-ExpandsOnNFD];
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated according to UAX #15."
+ "\r\n# Characters whose normalized length is not one."
+ "\r\n# WARNING: Normalization of STRINGS must use the algorithm in UAX #15 because characters may interact."
+ "\r\n# The length of a normalized string is not necessarily the sum of the lengths of the normalized characters!";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
if (ucdData.getDecompositionType(cp) == NONE) return false;
2001-09-06 01:30:31 +00:00
String norm = nfx.normalize(cp);
if (UTF16.countCodePoint(norm) != 1) return true;
return false;
class NF_UnsafeStartProp extends DProp {
Normalizer nfx;
int prop;
NF_UnsafeStartProp(int i) {
prop = i-NFD_UnsafeStart;
nfx = nf[prop];
name = NAME[prop] + "_UnsafeStart";
shortName = NAME[prop] + "_SS";
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated according to UAX #15."
+ "\r\n# Characters that are cc==0, BUT which may interact with previous characters."
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
if (ucdData.getCombiningClass(cp) != 0) return false;
String norm = nfx.normalize(cp);
int first = UTF16.charAt(norm, 0);
if (ucdData.getCombiningClass(first) != 0) return true;
if ((prop == 1 || prop == 3)
&& dprops[NFC_TrailingZero].hasProperty(first)) return true; // 1,3 == composing
return false;
class NFC_Prop extends DProp {
BitSet bitset;
boolean filter = false;
boolean keepNonZero = true;
NFC_Prop(int i) {
BitSet[] bitsets = new BitSet[3];
switch(i) {
case NFC_Leading: bitsets[0] = bitset = new BitSet(); break;
case NFC_Resulting: bitsets[2] = bitset = new BitSet(); break;
case NFC_TrailingZero: keepNonZero = false; // FALL THRU
case NFC_TrailingNonZero: bitsets[1] = bitset = new BitSet(); break;
filter = bitsets[1] != null;
nfc.getCompositionStatus(bitsets[0], bitsets[1], bitsets[2]);
name = Names[i-NFC_Leading];
shortName = SNames[i-NFC_Leading];
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# " + Description[i-NFC_Leading]
+ "\r\n# NFKC characters are the same, after subtracting the NFKD = NO values."
+ "\r\n# Generated according to UAX #15."
+ "\r\n# WARNING: Normalization of STRINGS must use the algorithm in UAX #15 because characters may interact."
+ "\r\n# The length of a normalized string is not necessarily the sum of the lengths of the normalized characters!";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
boolean result = bitset.get(cp);
if (result && filter) {
result = (ucdData.getCombiningClass(cp) != 0) == keepNonZero;
return result;
final String[] Names = {"NFC_Leading", "NFC_TrailingNonZero", "NFC_TrailingZero", "NFC_Resulting"};
final String[] SNames = {"NFC_L", "NFC_TNZ", "NFC_TZ", "NFC_R"};
final String[] Description = {
"Characters that can combine with following characters in NFC",
"Characters that can combine with previous characters in NFC, and have non-zero combining class",
"Characters that can combine with previous characters in NFC, and have zero combining class",
"Characters that can result from a combination of other characters in NFC",
class GenDProp extends DProp {
Normalizer nfx;
2001-09-06 01:30:31 +00:00
Normalizer nfComp = null;
GenDProp (int i) {
testStatus = true;
nfx = nf[i-GenNFD];
name = NAME[i-GenNFD];
2001-09-06 01:30:31 +00:00
String compName = "the character itself";
if (i == GenNFKC || i == GenNFD) {
name += "-NFC";
nfComp = nfc;
compName = "NFC for the character";
} else if (i == GenNFKD) {
name += "-NFD";
nfComp = nfd;
compName = "NFD for the character";
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
2001-09-19 23:33:52 +00:00
+ "\r\n# Lists characters in normalized form " + NAME[i-GenNFD] + "."
+ "\r\n# Only those characters whith normalized forms are DIFFERENT from " + compName + " are listed!"
+ "\r\n# WARNING: Normalization of STRINGS must use the algorithm in UAX #15 because characters may interact."
+ "\r\n# It is NOT sufficient to replace characters one-by-one with these results!";
public boolean propertyVaries() {return true;} // default
2001-09-06 01:30:31 +00:00
int cacheCp = 0;
String cacheStr = "";
public String getProperty(int cp) {
if (cacheCp == cp) return cacheStr;
cacheCp = cp;
cacheStr = "";
if (ucdData.getDecompositionType(cp) != NONE) {
String cps = UTF32.valueOf32(cp);
String comp = cps;
if (nfComp != null) {
comp = nfComp.normalize(comp);
String normal = nfx.normalize(cps);
if (!comp.equals(normal)) {
String norm = Utility.hex(normal);
String pad = Utility.repeat(" ", 14-norm.length());
cacheStr = name + "; " + norm + pad;
2001-09-06 01:30:31 +00:00
return cacheStr;
//if (cp >= 0xAC00 && cp <= 0xD7A3) return true;
//System.out.println(Utility.hex(cps) + " => " + Utility.hex(nf[i-4].normalize(cps)));
} // default
boolean hasProperty(int cp) { return getProperty(cp).length() != 0; }
class CaseDProp extends DProp {
byte val;
CaseDProp (int i) {
val = (i == Missing_Uppercase ? Lu : i == Missing_Lowercase ? Ll : Lt);
name = "Possible_Missing_" + CaseNames[i-Missing_Uppercase];
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated from: NFKD has >0 " + CaseNames[i-Missing_Uppercase] + ", no other cases";
testStatus = true;
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
byte cat = ucdData.getCategory(cp);
if (cat == val
|| val != Lt && ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp, Other_Uppercase)) return false;
byte xCat = getDecompCat(cp);
if (xCat == val) return true;
return false;
class QuickDProp extends DProp {
String NO;
String MAYBE;
Normalizer nfx;
QuickDProp (int i) {
nfx = nf[i - QuickNFD];
NO = NAME[i-QuickNFD] + "_NO";
MAYBE = NAME[i-QuickNFD] + "_MAYBE";
name = NAME[i-QuickNFD] + "_QuickCheck";
shortName = NAME[i-QuickNFD] + "_QC";
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated from computing decomposibles"
+ ((i == QuickNFC || i == QuickNFKC)
? " (and characters that may compose with previous ones)" : "");
public boolean propertyVaries() {return true;}
public String getProperty(int cp) {
if (nfx.normalizationDiffers(cp)) return NO;
else if (nfx.isTrailing(cp)) return MAYBE;
else return "";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) { return getProperty(cp).length() != 0; }
nfd = nf[0] = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD);
nfc = nf[1] = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFC);
nfkd = nf[2] = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFKD);
nfkc = nf[3] = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFKC);
for (int i = ExpandsOnNFD; i <= ExpandsOnNFKC; ++i) {
dprops[i] = new ExDProp(i);
for (int i = GenNFD; i <= GenNFKC; ++i) {
dprops[i] = new GenDProp(i);
for (int i = NFC_Leading; i <= NFC_Resulting; ++i) {
dprops[i] = new NFC_Prop(i);
for (int i = NFD_UnsafeStart; i <= NFKC_UnsafeStart; ++i) {
dprops[i] = new NF_UnsafeStartProp(i);
dprops[ID_Start] = new DProp() {
name = "ID_Start";
shortName = "IDS";
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Characters that can start an identifier."
+ "\r\n# Generated from Lu+Ll+Lt+Lm+Lo+Nl";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
return ucdData.isIdentifierStart(cp, false);
dprops[ID_Continue_NO_Cf] = new DProp() {
name = "ID_Continue";
shortName = "IDC";
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Characters that can continue an identifier."
+ "\r\n# Generated from: ID_Start + Mn+Mc+Nd+Pc"
+ "\r\n# NOTE: Cf characters should be filtered out.";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
return ucdData.isIdentifierContinue_NO_Cf(cp, false);
dprops[Mod_ID_Start] = new DProp() {
name = "XID_Start";
shortName = "XIDS";
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# ID_Start modified for closure under NFKx"
+ "\r\n# Modified as described in UAX #15"
+ "\r\n# NOTE: Does NOT remove the non-NFKx characters."
+ "\r\n# Merely ensures that if isIdentifer(string) then isIdentifier(NFKx(string))";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
return ucdData.isIdentifierStart(cp, true);
dprops[Mod_ID_Continue_NO_Cf] = new DProp() {
name = "XID_Continue";
shortName = "XIDC";
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Mod_ID_Continue modified for closure under NFKx"
+ "\r\n# Modified as described in UAX #15"
+ "\r\n# NOTE: Cf characters should be filtered out."
+ "\r\n# NOTE: Does NOT remove the non-NFKx characters."
+ "\r\n# Merely ensures that if isIdentifer(string) then isIdentifier(NFKx(string))";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
return ucdData.isIdentifierContinue_NO_Cf(cp, true);
dprops[PropMath] = new DProp() {
name = "Math";
shortName = name;
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated from: Sm + Other_Math";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
byte cat = ucdData.getCategory(cp);
if (cat == Sm
|| ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp,Math_Property)) return true;
return false;
dprops[PropAlphabetic] = new DProp() {
name = "Alphabetic";
shortName = "Alpha";
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated from: Lu+Ll+Lt+Lm+Lo+Nl + Other_Alphabetic";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
byte cat = ucdData.getCategory(cp);
if (cat == Lu || cat == Ll || cat == Lt || cat == Lm || cat == Lo || cat == Nl
|| ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp, Alphabetic)) return true;
return false;
dprops[PropLowercase] = new DProp() {
name = "Lowercase";
shortName = "Lower";
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated from: Ll + Other_Lowercase";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
byte cat = ucdData.getCategory(cp);
if (cat == Ll
|| ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp, Other_Lowercase)) return true;
return false;
dprops[PropUppercase] = new DProp() {
name = "Uppercase";
shortName = "Upper";
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated from: Lu + Other_Uppercase";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
byte cat = ucdData.getCategory(cp);
if (cat == Lu
|| ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp, Other_Uppercase)) return true;
return false;
for (int i = Missing_Uppercase; i <= Missing_Mixedcase; ++i) {
dprops[i] = new CaseDProp(i);
(3) Singleton Decompositions: characters that can be derived from the UnicodeData file by
including all characters whose canonical decomposition consists of a single character.
(4) Non-Starter Decompositions: characters that can be derived from the UnicodeData
file by including all characters whose canonical decomposition consists of a sequence
of characters, the first of which has a non-zero combining class.
dprops[FullCompExclusion] = new DProp() {
name = "Full_Composition_Exclusion";
shortName = "Comp_Ex";
defaultStyle = SHORT;
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ ": Full Composition Exclusion"
+ "\r\n# Generated from: Composition Exclusions + Singletons + Non-Starter Decompositions";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
if (!ucdData.isRepresented(cp)) return false;
byte dtype = ucdData.getDecompositionType(cp);
if (dtype != CANONICAL) return false;
if (isCompEx(cp)) return true;
return false;
dprops[FullCompInclusion] = new DProp() {
name = "Full_Composition_Inclusion";
shortName = "Comp_In";
defaultStyle = SHORT;
testStatus = true;
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ ": Full Composition Inclusion"
+ "\r\n# characters with Canonical Decompositions MINUS Full Composition Exclusion";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
if (!ucdData.isRepresented(cp)) return false;
byte dtype = ucdData.getDecompositionType(cp);
if (dtype != CANONICAL) return false;
if (isCompEx(cp)) return true;
return false;
dprops[FC_NFKC_Closure] = new DProp() {
name = "FC_NFKC_Closure";
shortName = "FC_NFKC";
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated from computing: b = NFKC(Fold(a)); c = NFKC(Fold(b));"
+ "\r\n# Then if (c != b) add the mapping from a to c to the set of"
+ "\r\n# mappings that constitute the FC_NFKC_Closure list";
public boolean propertyVaries() {return true;} // default
public String getProperty(int cp) {
if (!ucdData.isRepresented(cp)) return "";
String b = nfkc.normalize(fold(cp));
String c = nfkc.normalize(fold(b));
if (c.equals(b)) return "";
return "FNC; " + Utility.hex(c);
} // default
boolean hasProperty(int cp) { return getProperty(cp).length() != 0; }
2001-09-19 23:33:52 +00:00
dprops[FC_NFC_Closure] = new DProp() {
name = "FC_NFC_Closure";
shortName = "FC_NFC";
2001-09-19 23:33:52 +00:00
header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated from computing: b = NFC(Fold(a)); c = NFC(Fold(b));"
+ "\r\n# Then if (c != b) add the mapping from a to c to the set of"
+ "\r\n# mappings that constitute the FC_NFC_Closure list";
public boolean propertyVaries() {return true;} // default
public String getProperty(int cp) {
if (!ucdData.isRepresented(cp)) return "";
String b = nfc.normalize(fold(cp));
String c = nfc.normalize(fold(b));
if (c.equals(b)) return "";
return "FN; " + Utility.hex(c);
} // default
boolean hasProperty(int cp) { return getProperty(cp).length() != 0; }
for (int i = QuickNFD; i <= QuickNFKC; ++i) {
dprops[i] = new QuickDProp(i);
dprops[DefaultIgnorable] = new DProp() {
name = "Default_Ignorable_Code_Point";
shortName = "DI";
header = header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated from Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point + Cf + Cc + Cs - White_Space";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
if (ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp, White_space)) return false;
byte cat = ucdData.getCategory(cp);
if (cat == Cf || cat == Cs || cat == Cc
|| ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp,Reserved_Cf_Code_Point)) return true;
return false;
GraphemeExtend = 27,
GraphemeBase = 28,
# GraphemeExtend := Me + Mn + Mc + Other_GraphemeExtend - GraphemeLink
# GraphemeBase :=
dprops[GraphemeExtend] = new DProp() {
name = "Grapheme_Extend";
shortName = "GrExt";
header = header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated from: Me + Mn + Mc + Other_Grapheme_Extend - Grapheme_Link"
2001-09-01 01:11:13 +00:00
+ "\r\n# Used in the definition of GraphemeCluster: "
+ "\r\n# GraphemeCluster ::= GraphameBase? ( Grapheme_Extend | Grapheme_Link Join_Control? Grapheme_Base? )*";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
if (ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp, GraphemeExtend)) return false;
byte cat = ucdData.getCategory(cp);
if (cat == Me || cat == Mn || cat == Mc
|| ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp,Other_GraphemeExtend)) return true;
return false;
dprops[Other_Case_Ignorable] = new DProp() {
name = "Other_Case_Ignorable";
shortName = "OCI";
header = header = "# Binary Property";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
switch(cp) {
case 0x27: case 0x2019: case 0xAD: return true;
// case 0x2d: case 0x2010: case 0x2011:
0027 ; Other_Case_Ignorable # Po APOSTROPHE
00AD ; Other_Case_Ignorable # Pd SOFT HYPHEN
2019 ; Other_Case_Ignorable # Pf RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
return false;
dprops[Type_i] = new DProp() {
name = "Special_Dotted";
shortName = "SDot";
header = header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated from: all characters whose canonical decompositions end with a combining character sequence that"
+ "\r\n# - starts with i or j"
+ "\r\n# - has no combining marks above"
+ "\r\n# - has no combining marks with zero canonical combining class"
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
if (cp == 'i' || cp == 'j') return true;
if (!nfkd.hasDecomposition(cp)) return false;
String decomp = nfd.normalize(cp);
boolean ok = false;
for (int i = decomp.length()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
char ch = decomp.charAt(i);
int cc = ucdData.getCombiningClass(ch);
if (cc == 230) return false;
if (cc == 0) {
if (ch == 'i' || ch == 'j') ok = true;
else return false;
return ok;
dprops[Case_Ignorable] = new DProp() {
name = "Case_Ignorable";
shortName = "CI";
header = header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated from: Other_Case_Ignorable + Lm + Mn + Me + Cf";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
byte cat = ucdData.getCategory(cp);
if (cat == Lm || cat == Cf || cat == Mn || cat == Me) return true;
if (dprops[Other_Case_Ignorable].hasProperty(cp)) return true;
return false;
dprops[GraphemeBase] = new DProp() {
name = "Grapheme_Base";
shortName = "GrBase";
header = header = "# Derived Property: " + name
+ "\r\n# Generated from: [0..10FFFF] - Cc - Cf - Cs - Co - Cn - Zl - Zp - Grapheme_Link - Grapheme_Extend"
2001-09-01 01:11:13 +00:00
+ "\r\n# Used in the definition of GraphemeCluster: "
+ "\r\n# GraphemeCluster ::= GraphameBase? ( Grapheme_Extend | Grapheme_Link Join_Control? Grapheme_Base? )*";
boolean hasProperty(int cp) {
byte cat = ucdData.getCategory(cp);
if (cat == Cc || cat == Cf || cat == Cs || cat == Co || cat == Cn || cat == Zl || cat == Zp
|| ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp,GraphemeLink)) return false;
if (dprops[GraphemeExtend].hasProperty(cp)) return false;
return true;
byte getDecompCat(int cp) {
byte cat = ucdData.getCategory(cp);
if (cat == Lu
|| ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp, Other_Uppercase)) return Lu;
if (cat == Ll
|| ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp, Other_Lowercase)) return Ll;
if (cat == Lt || cat == Lo || cat == Lm || cat == Nl) return cat;
if (!nf[2].normalizationDiffers(cp)) return Lo;
String norm = nf[2].normalize(cp);
int cp2;
boolean gotUpper = false;
boolean gotLower = false;
boolean gotTitle = false;
for (int i = 0; i < norm.length(); i += UTF32.count16(cp2)) {
cp2 = UTF32.char32At(norm, i);
byte catx = ucdData.getCategory(cp2);
boolean upx = ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp, Other_Uppercase);
boolean lowx = ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp, Other_Lowercase);
if (catx == Ll || lowx || cp2 == 0x345) gotLower = true;
if (catx == Lu || upx) gotUpper = true;
if (catx == Lt) gotTitle = true;
if (gotLower && !gotUpper && !gotTitle) return Ll;
if (!gotLower && gotUpper && !gotTitle) return Lu;
if (gotLower || gotUpper || gotTitle) return Lt;
return cat;
boolean isCompEx(int cp) {
if (ucdData.getBinaryProperty(cp, CompositionExclusion)) return true;
String decomp = ucdData.getDecompositionMapping(cp);
if (UTF32.length32(decomp) == 1) return true;
int first = UTF32.char32At(decomp,0);
if (ucdData.getCombiningClass(first) != 0) return true;
return false;
String fold(int cp) {
return ucdData.getCase(cp, FULL, FOLD);
String fold(String s) {
return ucdData.getCase(s, FULL, FOLD);
public static void test() {
UCD ucd = UCD.make();
DerivedProperty dprop = new DerivedProperty(ucd);
for (int j = 0; j < LIMIT; ++j) {
System.out.println(j + "\t" + dprop.getName(j));
for (int cp = 0xA0; cp < 0xFF; ++cp) {
for (int j = 0; j < LIMIT; ++j) {
String prop = dprop.getProperty(cp, j);
if (prop.length() != 0) System.out.println("\t" + prop);