ICU-5454 Added more test cases and a bug fix in AnnualTimeZoneRule
X-SVN-Rev: 21921
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import;
@ -108,6 +109,18 @@ public class TimeZoneRuleTest extends TestFmwk {
if (!(stz.hasEquivalentTransitions(rbtz3, start, until))) {
errln("FAIL: rbtz3 must be equivalent to the SimpleTimeZone in the time range.");
// hasSameRules
if (rbtz1.hasSameRules(rbtz2)) {
errln("FAIL: rbtz1 and rbtz2 have different rules, but returned true.");
if (rbtz1.hasSameRules(rbtz3)) {
errln("FAIL: rbtz1 and rbtz3 have different rules, but returned true.");
RuleBasedTimeZone rbtz1c = (RuleBasedTimeZone)rbtz1.clone();
if (!rbtz1.hasSameRules(rbtz1c)) {
errln("FAIL: Cloned RuleBasedTimeZone must have the same rules with the original.");
@ -187,7 +200,35 @@ public class TimeZoneRuleTest extends TestFmwk {
errln("FAIL: The RBTZ must not be equivalent to America/New_York between 1950 and 2010");
// TimeZone APIs
if (ny.hasSameRules(rbtz) || rbtz.hasSameRules(ny)) {
errln("FAIL: hasSameRules must return false");
long times[] = {
getUTCMillis(2006, Calendar.MARCH, 15),
getUTCMillis(2006, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 1),
getUTCMillis(2007, Calendar.MARCH, 15),
getUTCMillis(2007, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 1),
getUTCMillis(2008, Calendar.MARCH, 15),
getUTCMillis(2008, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 1)
int[] offsets1 = new int[2];
int[] offsets2 = new int[2];
for (int i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
// Check getOffset - must return the same results for these time data
rbtz.getOffset(times[i], false, offsets1);
ny.getOffset(times[i], false, offsets2);
if (offsets1[0] != offsets2[0] || offsets1[1] != offsets2[1]) {
errln("FAIL: Incompatible time zone offsets for ny and rbtz");
// Check inDaylightTime
Date d = new Date(times[i]);
if (rbtz.inDaylightTime(d) != ny.inDaylightTime(d)) {
errln("FAIL: Incompatible daylight saving time for ny and rbtz");
@ -272,17 +313,33 @@ public class TimeZoneRuleTest extends TestFmwk {
long jan1_2011 = getUTCMillis(2010, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
if (((BasicTimeZone)newyork).hasEquivalentTransitions(indianapolis, jan1_2005, jan1_2011)) {
errln("FAIL: New_York is not equivalent to Indianapolis between 2005 and 2010");
errln("FAIL: New_York is not equivalent to Indianapolis between 2005 and 2010, but returned true");
if (!((BasicTimeZone)newyork).hasEquivalentTransitions(indianapolis, jan1_2006, jan1_2011)) {
errln("FAIL: New_York is equivalent to Indianapolis between 2006 and 2010");
errln("FAIL: New_York is equivalent to Indianapolis between 2006 and 2010, but returned false");
if (!((BasicTimeZone)indianapolis).hasEquivalentTransitions(gmt_5, jan1_1971, jan1_2006)) {
errln("FAIL: Indianapolis is equivalent to GMT+5 between 1971 and 2005");
errln("FAIL: Indianapolis is equivalent to GMT+5 between 1971 and 2005, but returned false");
if (((BasicTimeZone)indianapolis).hasEquivalentTransitions(gmt_5, jan1_1971, jan1_2007)) {
errln("FAIL: Indianapolis is not equivalent to GMT+5 between 1971 and 2006");
errln("FAIL: Indianapolis is not equivalent to GMT+5 between 1971 and 2006, but returned true");
// Cloned TimeZone
TimeZone newyork2 = (TimeZone)newyork.clone();
if (!((BasicTimeZone)newyork).hasEquivalentTransitions(newyork2, jan1_1971, jan1_2011)) {
errln("FAIL: Cloned TimeZone must have the same transitions");
if (!((BasicTimeZone)newyork).hasEquivalentTransitions(newyork2, jan1_1971, jan1_2011, true /*ignoreDstAmount*/)) {
errln("FAIL: Cloned TimeZone must have the same transitions");
// America/New_York and America/Los_Angeles has same DST start rules, but
// raw offsets are different
TimeZone losangeles = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
if (((BasicTimeZone)newyork).hasEquivalentTransitions(losangeles, jan1_2006, jan1_2011)) {
errln("FAIL: New_York is not equivalent to Los Angeles, but returned true");
@ -328,12 +385,15 @@ public class TimeZoneRuleTest extends TestFmwk {
if (!vtz_new.hasEquivalentTransitions(olsontz, tzt.getTime(), endTime, true)) {
errln("FAIL: VTimeZone for " + tzids[i] + " is not equivalent to its OlsonTimeZone corresponding.");
if (!vtz_new.hasEquivalentTransitions(olsontz, tzt.getTime(), endTime, false)) {
logln("VTimeZone for " + tzids[i] + " is not equivalent to its OlsonTimeZone corresponding in strict comparison mode.");
* Write out time zone rules of OlsonTimeZone after a cutover date into VTIMEZONE format,
* Write out time zone rules of OlsonTimeZone after a cutoff date into VTIMEZONE format,
* create a new VTimeZone from the VTIMEZONE data, then compare transitions
public void TestVTimeZoneRoundTripPartial() {
@ -479,7 +539,7 @@ public class TimeZoneRuleTest extends TestFmwk {
errln("FAIL: IO error while writing/reading VTIMEZONE data");
// Second roundtrip, with a cutover
// Second roundtrip, with a cutoff
VTimeZone newvtz2 = null;
try {
// Set different tzurl
@ -560,6 +620,381 @@ public class TimeZoneRuleTest extends TestFmwk {
* API coverage tests for TimeZoneRule
public void TestTimeZoneRuleCoverage() {
long time1 = getUTCMillis(2005, Calendar.JULY, 4);
long time2 = getUTCMillis(2015, Calendar.JULY, 4);
long time3 = getUTCMillis(1950, Calendar.JULY, 4);
DateTimeRule dtr1 = new DateTimeRule(Calendar.FEBRUARY, 29, Calendar.SUNDAY, false,
3*HOUR, DateTimeRule.WALL_TIME); // Last Sunday on or before Feb 29, at 3 AM, wall time
DateTimeRule dtr2 = new DateTimeRule(Calendar.MARCH, 11, 2*HOUR,
DateTimeRule.STANDARD_TIME); // Mar 11, at 2 AM, standard time
DateTimeRule dtr3 = new DateTimeRule(Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SATURDAY,
6*HOUR, DateTimeRule.UTC_TIME); //Last Saturday in Oct, at 6 AM, UTC
DateTimeRule dtr4 = new DateTimeRule(Calendar.MARCH, 8, Calendar.SUNDAY, true,
2*HOUR, DateTimeRule.WALL_TIME); // First Sunday on or after Mar 8, at 2 AM, wall time
AnnualTimeZoneRule a1 = new AnnualTimeZoneRule("a1", -3*HOUR, 1*HOUR, dtr1,
2000, AnnualTimeZoneRule.MAX_YEAR);
AnnualTimeZoneRule a2 = new AnnualTimeZoneRule("a2", -3*HOUR, 1*HOUR, dtr1,
2000, AnnualTimeZoneRule.MAX_YEAR);
AnnualTimeZoneRule a3 = new AnnualTimeZoneRule("a3", -3*HOUR, 1*HOUR, dtr1,
2000, 2010);
InitialTimeZoneRule i1 = new InitialTimeZoneRule("i1", -3*HOUR, 0);
InitialTimeZoneRule i2 = new InitialTimeZoneRule("i2", -3*HOUR, 0);
InitialTimeZoneRule i3 = new InitialTimeZoneRule("i3", -3*HOUR, 1*HOUR);
long[] emptytimes = {};
long[] trtimes1 = {0};
long[] trtimes2 = {0, 10000000};
TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t0 = null;
try {
// Try to construct TimeArrayTimeZoneRule with null transition times
t0 = new TimeArrayTimeZoneRule("nulltimes", -3*HOUR, 0,
null, DateTimeRule.UTC_TIME);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
logln("TimeArrayTimeZoneRule constructor throws IllegalArgumentException as expected.");
t0 = null;
if (t0 != null) {
errln("FAIL: TimeArrayTimeZoneRule constructor did not throw IllegalArgumentException for null times");
try {
// Try to construct TimeArrayTimeZoneRule with empty transition times
t0 = new TimeArrayTimeZoneRule("nulltimes", -3*HOUR, 0,
emptytimes, DateTimeRule.UTC_TIME);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
logln("TimeArrayTimeZoneRule constructor throws IllegalArgumentException as expected.");
t0 = null;
if (t0 != null) {
errln("FAIL: TimeArrayTimeZoneRule constructor did not throw IllegalArgumentException for empty times");
TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t1 = new TimeArrayTimeZoneRule("t1", -3*HOUR, 0, trtimes1, DateTimeRule.UTC_TIME);
TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t2 = new TimeArrayTimeZoneRule("t2", -3*HOUR, 0, trtimes1, DateTimeRule.UTC_TIME);
TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t3 = new TimeArrayTimeZoneRule("t3", -3*HOUR, 0, trtimes2, DateTimeRule.UTC_TIME);
TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t4 = new TimeArrayTimeZoneRule("t4", -3*HOUR, 0, trtimes1, DateTimeRule.STANDARD_TIME);
TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t5 = new TimeArrayTimeZoneRule("t5", -4*HOUR, 1*HOUR, trtimes1, DateTimeRule.WALL_TIME);
// AnnualTimeZoneRule#getRule
if (!a1.getRule().equals(a2.getRule())) {
errln("FAIL: The same DateTimeRule must be returned from AnnualTimeZoneRule a1 and a2");
// AnnualTimeZoneRule#getStartYear
int startYear = a1.getStartYear();
if (startYear != 2000) {
errln("FAIL: The start year of AnnualTimeZoneRule a1 must be 2000 - returned: " + startYear);
// AnnualTimeZoneRule#getEndYear
int endYear = a1.getEndYear();
if (endYear != AnnualTimeZoneRule.MAX_YEAR) {
errln("FAIL: The start year of AnnualTimeZoneRule a1 must be MAX_YEAR - returned: " + endYear);
endYear = a3.getEndYear();
if (endYear != 2010) {
errln("FAIL: The start year of AnnualTimeZoneRule a3 must be 2010 - returned: " + endYear);
// AnnualTimeZone#getStartInYear
Date d1 = a1.getStartInYear(2005, -3*HOUR, 0);
Date d2 = a3.getStartInYear(2005, -3*HOUR, 0);
if (d1 == null || d2 == null || !d1.equals(d2)) {
errln("FAIL: AnnualTimeZoneRule#getStartInYear did not work as expected");
d2 = a3.getStartInYear(2015, -3*HOUR, 0);
if (d2 != null) {
errln("FAIL: AnnualTimeZoneRule#getSTartInYear returned non-null date for 2015 which is out of rule range");
// AnnualTimeZone#getFirstStart
d1 = a1.getFirstStart(-3*HOUR, 0);
d2 = a1.getFirstStart(-4*HOUR, 1*HOUR);
if (d1 == null || d2 == null || !d1.equals(d2)) {
errln("FAIL: The same start time should be returned by getFirstStart");
// AnnualTimeZone#getFinalStart
d1 = a1.getFinalStart(-3*HOUR, 0);
if (d1 != null) {
errln("FAIL: Non-null Date is returned by getFinalStart for a1");
d1 = a1.getStartInYear(2010, -3*HOUR, 0);
d2 = a3.getFinalStart(-3*HOUR, 0);
if (d1 == null || d2 == null || !d1.equals(d2)) {
errln("FAIL: Bad date is returned by getFinalStart");
// AnnualTimeZone#getNextStart / getPreviousStart
d1 = a1.getNextStart(time1, -3*HOUR, 0, false);
if (d1 == null) {
errln("FAIL: Null Date is returned by getNextStart");
} else {
d2 = a1.getPreviousStart(d1.getTime(), -3*HOUR, 0, true);
if (d2 == null || !d1.equals(d2)) {
errln("FAIL: Bad Date is returned by getPreviousStart");
d1 = a3.getNextStart(time2, -3*HOUR, 0, false);
if (d1 != null) {
errln("FAIL: getNextStart must return null when no start time is available after the base time");
d1 = a3.getFinalStart(-3*HOUR, 0);
d2 = a3.getPreviousStart(time2, -3*HOUR, 0, false);
if (d1 == null || d2 == null || !d1.equals(d2)) {
errln("FAIL: getPreviousStart does not match with getFinalStart after the end year");
// AnnualTimeZone#isEquavalentTo
if (!a1.isEquivalentTo(a2)) {
errln("FAIL: AnnualTimeZoneRule a1 is equivalent to a2, but returned false");
if (a1.isEquivalentTo(a3)) {
errln("FAIL: AnnualTimeZoneRule a1 is not equivalent to a3, but returned true");
if (!a1.isEquivalentTo(a1)) {
errln("FAIL: AnnualTimeZoneRule a1 is equivalent to itself, but returned false");
if (a1.isEquivalentTo(t1)) {
errln("FAIL: AnnualTimeZoneRule is not equivalent to TimeArrayTimeZoneRule, but returned true");
// AnnualTimeZone#isTransitionRule
if (!a1.isTransitionRule()) {
errln("FAIL: An AnnualTimeZoneRule is a transition rule, but returned false");
// AnnualTimeZone#toString
String str = a1.toString();
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
errln("FAIL: AnnualTimeZoneRule#toString for a1 returns null or empty string");
} else {
logln("AnnualTimeZoneRule a1 : " + str);
str = a3.toString();
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
errln("FAIL: AnnualTimeZoneRule#toString for a3 returns null or empty string");
} else {
logln("AnnualTimeZoneRule a3 : " + str);
// InitialTimeZoneRule#isEquivalentRule
if (!i1.isEquivalentTo(i2)) {
errln("FAIL: InitialTimeZoneRule i1 is equivalent to i2, but returned false");
if (i1.isEquivalentTo(i3)) {
errln("FAIL: InitialTimeZoneRule i1 is not equivalent to i3, but returned true");
if (i1.isEquivalentTo(a1)) {
errln("FAIL: An InitialTimeZoneRule is not equivalent to an AnnualTimeZoneRule, but returned true");
// InitialTimeZoneRule#getFirstStart/getFinalStart/getNextStart/getPreviousStart
d1 = i1.getFirstStart(0, 0);
if (d1 != null) {
errln("FAIL: Non-null Date is returned by InitialTimeZone#getFirstStart");
d1 = i1.getFinalStart(0, 0);
if (d1 != null) {
errln("FAIL: Non-null Date is returned by InitialTimeZone#getFinalStart");
d1 = i1.getNextStart(time1, 0, 0, false);
if (d1 != null) {
errln("FAIL: Non-null Date is returned by InitialTimeZone#getNextStart");
d1 = i1.getPreviousStart(time1, 0, 0, false);
if (d1 != null) {
errln("FAIL: Non-null Date is returned by InitialTimeZone#getPreviousStart");
// InitialTimeZoneRule#isTransitionRule
if (i1.isTransitionRule()) {
errln("FAIL: An InitialTimeZoneRule is not a transition rule, but returned true");
// InitialTimeZoneRule#toString
str = i1.toString();
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
errln("FAIL: InitialTimeZoneRule#toString returns null or empty string");
} else {
logln("InitialTimeZoneRule i1 : " + str);
// TimeArrayTimeZoneRule#getStartTimes
long[] times = t1.getStartTimes();
if (times == null || times.length == 0 || times[0] != 0) {
errln("FAIL: Bad start times are returned by TimeArrayTimeZoneRule#getStartTimes");
// TimeArrayTimeZoneRule#getTimeType
if (t1.getTimeType() != DateTimeRule.UTC_TIME) {
errln("FAIL: TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t1 uses UTC_TIME, but different type is returned");
if (t4.getTimeType() != DateTimeRule.STANDARD_TIME) {
errln("FAIL: TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t4 uses STANDARD_TIME, but different type is returned");
if (t5.getTimeType() != DateTimeRule.WALL_TIME) {
errln("FAIL: TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t5 uses WALL_TIME, but different type is returned");
// TimeArrayTimeZoneRule#getFirstStart/getFinalStart
d1 = t1.getFirstStart(0, 0);
if (d1 == null || d1.getTime() != trtimes1[0]) {
errln("FAIL: Bad first start time returned from TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t1");
d1 = t1.getFinalStart(0, 0);
if (d1 == null || d1.getTime() != trtimes1[0]) {
errln("FAIL: Bad final start time returned from TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t1");
d1 = t4.getFirstStart(-4*HOUR, 1*HOUR);
if (d1 == null || (d1.getTime() != trtimes1[0] + 4*HOUR)) {
errln("FAIL: Bad first start time returned from TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t4");
d1 = t5.getFirstStart(-4*HOUR, 1*HOUR);
if (d1 == null || (d1.getTime() != trtimes1[0] + 3*HOUR)) {
errln("FAIL: Bad first start time returned from TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t5");
// TimeArrayTimeZoneRule#getNextStart/getPreviousStart
d1 = t3.getNextStart(time1, -3*HOUR, 1*HOUR, false);
if (d1 != null) {
errln("FAIL: Non-null Date is returned by getNextStart after the final transition for t3");
d1 = t3.getPreviousStart(time1, -3*HOUR, 1*HOUR, false);
if (d1 == null || d1.getTime() != trtimes2[1]) {
errln("FAIL: Bad start time returned by getPreviousStart for t3");
} else {
d2 = t3.getPreviousStart(d1.getTime(), -3*HOUR, 1*HOUR, false);
if (d2 == null || d2.getTime() != trtimes2[0]) {
errln("FAIL: Bad start time returned by getPreviousStart for t3");
d1 = t3.getPreviousStart(time3, -3*HOUR, 1*HOUR, false); //time3 - year 1950, no result expected
if (d1 != null) {
errln("FAIL: Non-null Date is returned by getPrevoousStart for t3");
// TimeArrayTimeZoneRule#isEquivalentTo
if (!t1.isEquivalentTo(t2)) {
errln("FAIL: TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t1 is equivalent to t2, but returned false");
if (t1.isEquivalentTo(t3)) {
errln("FAIL: TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t1 is not equivalent to t3, but returned true");
if (t1.isEquivalentTo(t4)) {
errln("FAIL: TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t1 is not equivalent to t4, but returned true");
if (t1.isEquivalentTo(a1)) {
errln("FAIL: TimeArrayTimeZoneRule is not equivalent to AnnualTimeZoneRule, but returned true");
// TimeArrayTimeZoneRule#isTransitionRule
if (!t1.isTransitionRule()) {
errln("FAIL: A TimeArrayTimeZoneRule is a transition rule, but returned false");
// TimeArrayTimeZoneRule#toString
str = t3.toString();
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
errln("FAIL: TimeArrayTimeZoneRule#toString returns null or empty string");
} else {
logln("TimeArrayTimeZoneRule t3 : " + str);
// DateTimeRule#toString
str = dtr1.toString();
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
errln("FAIL: DateTimeRule#toString for dtr1 returns null or empty string");
} else {
logln("DateTimeRule dtr1 : " + str);
str = dtr2.toString();
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
errln("FAIL: DateTimeRule#toString for dtr2 returns null or empty string");
} else {
logln("DateTimeRule dtr1 : " + str);
str = dtr3.toString();
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
errln("FAIL: DateTimeRule#toString for dtr3 returns null or empty string");
} else {
logln("DateTimeRule dtr1 : " + str);
str = dtr4.toString();
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
errln("FAIL: DateTimeRule#toString for dtr4 returns null or empty string");
} else {
logln("DateTimeRule dtr1 : " + str);
* API coverage test for BasicTimeZone APIs in SimpleTimeZone
public void TestSimpleTimeZoneCoverage() {
long time1 = getUTCMillis(1990, Calendar.JUNE, 1);
long time2 = getUTCMillis(2000, Calendar.JUNE, 1);
TimeZoneTransition tzt1, tzt2;
// BasicTimeZone API implementation in SimpleTimeZone
SimpleTimeZone stz1 = new SimpleTimeZone(-5*HOUR, "GMT-5");
tzt1 = stz1.getNextTransition(time1, false);
if (tzt1 != null) {
errln("FAIL: No transition must be returned by getNextTranstion for SimpleTimeZone with no DST rule");
tzt1 = stz1.getPreviousTransition(time1, false);
if (tzt1 != null) {
errln("FAIL: No transition must be returned by getPreviousTransition for SimpleTimeZone with no DST rule");
TimeZoneRule[] tzrules = stz1.getTimeZoneRules();
if (tzrules.length != 1 || !(tzrules[0] instanceof InitialTimeZoneRule)) {
errln("FAIL: Invalid results returned by SimpleTimeZone#getTimeZoneRules");
// Set DST rule
stz1.setStartRule(Calendar.MARCH, 11, 2*HOUR); // March 11
stz1.setEndRule(Calendar.NOVEMBER, 1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*HOUR); // First Sunday in November
tzt1 = stz1.getNextTransition(time1, false);
if (tzt1 == null) {
errln("FAIL: Non-null transition must be returned by getNextTranstion for SimpleTimeZone with a DST rule");
tzt1 = stz1.getPreviousTransition(time1, false);
if (tzt1 == null) {
errln("FAIL: Non-null transition must be returned by getPreviousTransition for SimpleTimeZone with a DST rule");
tzrules = stz1.getTimeZoneRules();
if (tzrules.length != 3 || !(tzrules[0] instanceof InitialTimeZoneRule)
|| !(tzrules[1] instanceof AnnualTimeZoneRule)
|| !(tzrules[2] instanceof AnnualTimeZoneRule)) {
errln("FAIL: Invalid results returned by SimpleTimeZone#getTimeZoneRules for a SimpleTimeZone with DST");
// Set DST start year
tzt1 = stz1.getPreviousTransition(time1, false);
if (tzt1 != null) {
errln("FAIL: No transition must be returned before 1990");
tzt1 = stz1.getNextTransition(time1, false); // transition after 1990-06-01
tzt2 = stz1.getNextTransition(time2, false); // transition after 2000-06-01
if (tzt1 == null || tzt2 == null || !tzt1.equals(tzt2)) {
errln("FAIL: Bad transition returned by SimpleTimeZone#getNextTransition");
// Internal utility methods -----------------------------------------
* Check if a time shift really happens on each transition returned by getNextTransition or
* getPreviousTransition in the specified time range
@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ public class AnnualTimeZoneRule extends TimeZoneRule {
AnnualTimeZoneRule otherRule = (AnnualTimeZoneRule)other;
if (startYear == otherRule.startYear
|| endYear == otherRule.endYear
|| dateTimeRule.equals(otherRule.dateTimeRule)) {
&& endYear == otherRule.endYear
&& dateTimeRule.equals(otherRule.dateTimeRule)) {
return super.isEquivalentTo(other);
return false;
@ -179,10 +179,12 @@ public class RuleBasedTimeZone extends BasicTimeZone {
* @draft ICU 3.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public void setRawOffset(int offsetMillis) {
// TODO: Do nothing for now..
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("setRawOffset in RuleBasedTimeZone is not supported.");
* {@inheritDoc}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user