ICU-9338 Promoting TimeZoneNames/TimeZoneFormat APIs from tech preview to draft.
X-SVN-Rev: 32427
This commit is contained in:
@ -452,11 +452,11 @@ TimeZoneFormat::setTimeZoneNames(const TimeZoneNames &tznames) {
TimeZoneFormat::setDefaultParseOptions(int32_t flags) {
TimeZoneFormat::setDefaultParseOptions(uint32_t flags) {
fDefParseOptionFlags = flags;
TimeZoneFormat::getDefaultParseOptions(void) const {
return fDefParseOptionFlags;
@ -25,74 +25,74 @@ U_CDECL_BEGIN
* Constants for time zone display format style used by format/parse APIs
* in TimeZoneFormat.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
typedef enum UTimeZoneFormatStyle {
* Generic location format, such as "United States Time (New York)", "Italy Time"
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Generic long non-location format, such as "Eastern Time".
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Generic short non-location format, such as "ET".
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Specific long format, such as "Eastern Standard Time".
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Specific short format, such as "EST", "PDT".
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* RFC822 format, such as "-0500"
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Localized GMT offset format, such as "GMT-05:00", "UTC+0100"
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* ISO 8601 format (extended), such as "-05:00", "Z"(UTC)
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
} UTimeZoneFormatStyle;
* Constants for GMT offset pattern types.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
typedef enum UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType {
* Positive offset with hour and minute fields
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Positive offset with hour, minute and second fields
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Negative offset with hour and minute fields
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Negative offset with hour, minute and second fields
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
} UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType;
@ -100,41 +100,41 @@ typedef enum UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType {
* Constants for time types used by TimeZoneFormat APIs for
* receiving time type (standard time, daylight time or unknown).
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
typedef enum UTimeZoneFormatTimeType {
* Unknown
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Standard time
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Daylight saving time
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
} UTimeZoneFormatTimeType;
* Constants for parse option flags, used for specifying optional parse behavior.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
typedef enum UTimeZoneFormatParseOption {
* No option.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* When a time zone display name is not found within a set of display names
* used for the specified style, look for the name from display names used
* by other styles.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
} UTimeZoneFormatParseOption;
@ -161,25 +161,25 @@ class UVector;
* @see SimpleDateFormat
* @see TimeZoneNames
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
class U_I18N_API TimeZoneFormat : public Format {
* Copy constructor.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
TimeZoneFormat(const TimeZoneFormat& other);
* Destructor.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual ~TimeZoneFormat();
* Assignment operator.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
TimeZoneFormat& operator=(const TimeZoneFormat& other);
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ public:
* @param other The object to be compared with.
* @return Return TRUE if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
* Objects of different subclasses are considered unequal.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual UBool operator==(const Format& other) const;
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ public:
* Clone this object polymorphically. The caller is responsible
* for deleting the result when done.
* @return A copy of the object
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual Format* clone() const;
@ -207,14 +207,14 @@ public:
* @param status Recevies the status.
* @return An instance of <code>TimeZoneFormat</code> for the given locale,
* owned by the caller.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
static TimeZoneFormat* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
* Returns the time zone display name data used by this instance.
* @return The time zone display name data.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
const TimeZoneNames* getTimeZoneNames() const;
@ -223,14 +223,14 @@ public:
* The caller should not delete the TimeZoenNames object after it is adopted
* by this call.
* @param tznames TimeZoneNames object to be adopted.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
void adoptTimeZoneNames(TimeZoneNames *tznames);
* Sets the time zone display name data to this format instnace.
* @param tznames TimeZoneNames object to be set.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
void setTimeZoneNames(const TimeZoneNames &tznames);
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ public:
* @param pattern Receives the localized GMT format pattern.
* @return A reference to the result pattern.
* @see #setGMTPattern
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
UnicodeString& getGMTPattern(UnicodeString& pattern) const;
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ public:
* @param pattern The localized GMT format pattern to be used by this object.
* @param status Recieves the status.
* @see #getGMTPattern
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
void setGMTPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ public:
* @param pattern Receives the offset pattern.
* @return A reference to the result pattern.
* @see #setGMTOffsetPattern
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
UnicodeString& getGMTOffsetPattern(UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType type, UnicodeString& pattern) const;
@ -269,23 +269,32 @@ public:
* @param pattern The offset pattern used for localized GMT format for the type.
* @param status Receives the status.
* @see #getGMTOffsetPattern
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
void setGMTOffsetPattern(UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType type, const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status);
* Returns the decimal digit characters used for localized GMT format in a single string
* containing from 0 to 9 in the ascending order.
* Returns the decimal digit characters used for localized GMT format.
* The return string contains exactly 10 code points (may include Unicode
* supplementary character) representing digit 0 to digit 9 in the ascending
* order.
* @param digits Receives the decimal digits used for localized GMT format.
* @see #setGMTOffsetDigits
* @draft ICU 50
UnicodeString& getGMTOffsetDigits(UnicodeString& digits) const;
* Sets the decimal digit characters used for localized GMT format.
* The input <code>digits</code> must contain exactly 10 code points
* (Unicode supplementary characters are also allowed) representing
* digit 0 to digit 9 in the ascending order. When the input <code>digits</code>
* does not satisfy the condition, <code>U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</code>
* will be set to the return status.
* @param digits The decimal digits used for localized GMT format.
* @param status Receives the status.
* @see #getGMTOffsetDigits
* @draft ICU 50
void setGMTOffsetDigits(const UnicodeString& digits, UErrorCode& status);
@ -294,6 +303,7 @@ public:
* @param gmtZeroFormat Receives the localized GMT string string for GMT(UTC) itself.
* @return A reference to the result GMT string.
* @see #setGMTZeroFormat
* @draft ICU 50
UnicodeString& getGMTZeroFormat(UnicodeString& gmtZeroFormat) const;
@ -302,6 +312,7 @@ public:
* @param gmtZeroFormat The localized GMT format string for GMT(UTC).
* @param status Receives the status.
* @see #getGMTZeroFormat
* @draft ICU 50
void setGMTZeroFormat(const UnicodeString& gmtZeroFormat, UErrorCode& status);
@ -310,9 +321,9 @@ public:
* options used by this object.
* @return the default parse options.
* @see ParseOption
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
int32_t getDefaultParseOptions(void) const;
uint32_t getDefaultParseOptions(void) const;
* Sets the default parse options.
@ -320,9 +331,9 @@ public:
* created by {@link #createInstance} has no parse options set (UTZFMT_PARSE_OPTION_NONE).
* To specify multipe options, use bitwise flags of UTimeZoneFormatParseOption.
* @see #UTimeZoneFormatParseOption
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
void setDefaultParseOptions(int32_t flags);
void setDefaultParseOptions(uint32_t flags);
* Returns the RFC822 style time zone string for the given offset.
@ -332,7 +343,7 @@ public:
* @return A reference to the result.
* @param status Receives the status
* @see #parseOffsetRFC822
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
UnicodeString& formatOffsetRFC822(int32_t offset, UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
@ -344,7 +355,7 @@ public:
* @param status Receives the status
* @return A reference to the result.
* @see #parseOffsetISO8601
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
UnicodeString& formatOffsetISO8601(int32_t offset, UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
@ -362,7 +373,7 @@ public:
* @param result Receives the localized GMT format string.
* @return A reference to the result.
* @see #parseOffsetLocalizedGMT
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
UnicodeString& formatOffsetLocalizedGMT(int32_t offset, UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
@ -377,7 +388,7 @@ public:
* @return A reference to the result
* @see #UTimeZoneFormatStyle
* @see #UTimeZoneFormatTimeType
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual UnicodeString& format(UTimeZoneFormatStyle style, const TimeZone& tz, UDate date,
UnicodeString& name, UTimeZoneFormatTimeType* timeType = NULL) const;
@ -393,7 +404,7 @@ public:
* @return The offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given RFC822 style
* time zone string.
* @see #formatOffsetRFC822
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
int32_t parseOffsetRFC822(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos) const;
@ -402,13 +413,13 @@ public:
* style time zone string. When the given string is not an ISO 8601 time zone
* string, this method sets the current position as the error index
* to <code>ParsePosition pos</code> and returns 0.
* @param text The text contains RFC822 style time zone string (e.g. "-08:00", "Z")
* @param text The text contains ISO8601 style time zone string (e.g. "-08:00", "Z")
* at the position.
* @param pos The ParsePosition object.
* @return The offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given ISO 8601 style
* time zone string.
* @see #formatOffsetISO8601
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
int32_t parseOffsetISO8601(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos) const;
@ -422,7 +433,7 @@ public:
* @return The offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given localized GMT
* offset format string.
* @see #formatOffsetLocalizedGMT
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
int32_t parseOffsetLocalizedGMT(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos) const;
@ -440,7 +451,7 @@ public:
* @see UTimeZoneFormatStyle
* @see UTimeZoneFormatParseOption
* @see UTimeZoneFormatTimeType
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual TimeZone* parse(UTimeZoneFormatStyle style, const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos,
int32_t parseOptions, UTimeZoneFormatTimeType* timeType = NULL) const;
@ -458,7 +469,7 @@ public:
* @see UTimeZoneFormatStyle
* @see UTimeZoneFormatParseOption
* @see UTimeZoneFormatTimeType
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
TimeZone* parse(UTimeZoneFormatStyle style, const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos,
UTimeZoneFormatTimeType* timeType = NULL) const;
@ -476,7 +487,7 @@ public:
* @param pos On input: an alignment field, if desired. On output: the offsets of the alignment field.
* @param status Output param filled with success/failure status.
* @return Reference to 'appendTo' parameter.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual UnicodeString& format(const Formattable& obj, UnicodeString& appendTo,
FieldPosition& pos, UErrorCode& status) const;
@ -491,19 +502,19 @@ public:
* will remain unchanged.
* @return A newly created Formattable* object, or NULL on failure. The caller owns this and should
* delete it when done.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual void parseObject(const UnicodeString& source, Formattable& result, ParsePosition& parse_pos) const;
* ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
* ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
@ -512,7 +523,7 @@ protected:
* Constructs a TimeZoneFormat object for the specified locale.
* @param locale the locale
* @param status receives the status.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
TimeZoneFormat(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
@ -545,7 +556,7 @@ private:
UnicodeString fGMTZeroFormat;
/* Bit flags representing parse options */
int32_t fDefParseOptionFlags;
uint32_t fDefParseOptionFlags;
/* Constant parts of GMT format pattern, populated from localized GMT format pattern*/
UnicodeString fGMTPatternPrefix; /* Substring before {0} */
@ -23,42 +23,42 @@ U_CDECL_BEGIN
* Constants for time zone display name types.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
typedef enum UTimeZoneNameType {
* Unknown display name type.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Long display name, such as "Eastern Time".
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Long display name for standard time, such as "Eastern Standard Time".
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Long display name for daylight saving time, such as "Eastern Daylight Time".
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Short display name, such as "ET".
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Short display name for standard time, such as "EST".
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
* Short display name for daylight saving time, such as "EDT".
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
} UTimeZoneNameType;
@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ struct MatchInfo;
* may provide time zone names only through {@link #getTimeZoneDisplayName}, or only through {@link #getMetaZoneDisplayName},
* or both.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
class U_I18N_API TimeZoneNames : public UObject {
* Destructor.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual ~TimeZoneNames();
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public:
* Return true if the given TimeZoneNames objects are emantically equal.
* @param other the object to be compared with.
* @return Return TRUE if the given Format objects are semantically equal.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZoneNames& other) const = 0;
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public:
* equal.
* @param other the object to be compared with.
* @return Return TRUE if the given Format objects are not semantically equal.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
UBool operator!=(const TimeZoneNames& other) const { return !operator==(other); }
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ public:
* Clone this object polymorphically. The caller is responsible
* for deleting the result when done.
* @return A copy of the object
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual TimeZoneNames* clone() const = 0;
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ public:
* @param locale The locale.
* @param status Recevies the status.
* @return An instance of <code>TimeZoneDisplayNames</code>
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
static TimeZoneNames* U_EXPORT2 createInstance(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ public:
* Returns an enumeration of all available meta zone IDs.
* @param status Recevies the status.
* @return an enumeration object, owned by the caller.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual StringEnumeration* getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ public:
* @param tzID The canoical tiem zone ID.
* @param status Recevies the status.
* @return an enumeration object, owned by the caller.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual StringEnumeration* getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(const UnicodeString& tzID, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ public:
* corresponding meta zone at the given date or the implementation does not support meta zones, "bogus" state
* is set.
* @return A reference to the result.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual UnicodeString& getMetaZoneID(const UnicodeString& tzID, UDate date, UnicodeString& mzID) const = 0;
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ public:
* region. If the meta zone is unknown or the implementation does not support meta zones, "bogus" state
* is set.
* @return A reference to the result.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual UnicodeString& getReferenceZoneID(const UnicodeString& mzID, const char* region, UnicodeString& tzID) const = 0;
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public:
* meta zone with the specified type or the implementation does not provide any display names associated
* with meta zones, "bogus" state is set.
* @return A reference to the result.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual UnicodeString& getMetaZoneDisplayName(const UnicodeString& mzID, UTimeZoneNameType type, UnicodeString& name) const = 0;
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ public:
* @param name Receives the display name for the time zone. When this object does not have a localized display name for the given
* time zone with the specified type, "bogus" state is set.
* @return A reference to the result.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual UnicodeString& getTimeZoneDisplayName(const UnicodeString& tzID, UTimeZoneNameType type, UnicodeString& name) const = 0;
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ public:
* @param name Receives the exemplar location name for the given time zone, or "bogus" state is set when a localized
* location name is not available and the fallback logic described above cannot extract location from the ID.
* @return A reference to the result.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual UnicodeString& getExemplarLocationName(const UnicodeString& tzID, UnicodeString& name) const;
@ -255,25 +255,25 @@ public:
* @param name Receives the display name for the time zone at the given date. When this object does not have a localized display
* name for the time zone with the specified type and date, "bogus" state is set.
* @return A reference to the result.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @draft ICU 50
virtual UnicodeString& getDisplayName(const UnicodeString& tzID, UTimeZoneNameType type, UDate date, UnicodeString& name) const;
* <code>MatchInfoCollection</code> represents a collection of time zone name matches used by
* {@link TimeZoneNames#find}.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @internal
class U_I18N_API MatchInfoCollection : public UMemory {
* Constructor.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @internal
* Destructor.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @internal
virtual ~MatchInfoCollection();
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ public:
* @param matchLength The match length.
* @param tzID The time zone ID.
* @param status Receives the status
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @internal
void addZone(UTimeZoneNameType nameType, int32_t matchLength,
const UnicodeString& tzID, UErrorCode& status);
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ public:
* @param matchLength The match length.
* @param mzID The metazone ID.
* @param status Receives the status
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @internal
void addMetaZone(UTimeZoneNameType nameType, int32_t matchLength,
const UnicodeString& mzID, UErrorCode& status);
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ public:
* Returns the number of entries available in this object.
* @return The number of entries.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @internal
int32_t size() const;
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ public:
* @return The time zone name type. If the specified idx is out of range,
* it returns UTZNM_UNKNOWN.
* @see UTimeZoneNameType
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @internal
UTimeZoneNameType getNameTypeAt(int32_t idx) const;
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ public:
* @param idx The index
* @return The match length. If the specified idx is out of range,
* it returns 0.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @internal
int32_t getMatchLengthAt(int32_t idx) const;
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ public:
* @param idx The index
* @param tzID Receives the zone ID.
* @return TRUE if the zone ID was set to tzID.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @internal
UBool getTimeZoneIDAt(int32_t idx, UnicodeString& tzID) const;
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ public:
* @param idx The index
* @param mzID Receives the metazone ID
* @return TRUE if the meta zone ID was set to mzID.
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @internal
UBool getMetaZoneIDAt(int32_t idx, UnicodeString& mzID) const;
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ public:
* @return A collection of matches (owned by the caller), or NULL if no matches are found.
* @see UTimeZoneNameType
* @see MatchInfoCollection
* @internal ICU 49 technology preview
* @internal
virtual MatchInfoCollection* find(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, uint32_t types, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user