ICU-11630 Update tzdata in ICU4C to 2015e
X-SVN-Rev: 37571
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
// Build tool: tz2icu
// Build date: Fri Apr 24 17:03:31 2015
// Build date: Mon Jun 15 13:30:41 2015
// tz database:
// tz version: 2015d
// tz version: 2015e
// ICU version: 56.0.1
// >> !!! >> THIS IS A MACHINE-GENERATED FILE << !!! <<
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
zoneinfo64:table(nofallback) {
TZVersion { "2015d" }
TZVersion { "2015e" }
Zones:array {
/* ACT */ :int { 347 } //Z#0
/* AET */ :int { 359 } //Z#1
@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ zoneinfo64:table(nofallback) {
links:intvector { 3, 18, 393 }
} //Z#18
/* Africa/Casablanca */ :table {
trans:intvector { -1773012580, -956361600, -950490000, -942019200, -761187600, -617241600, -605149200, -81432000, -71110800, 141264000, 147222000, 199756800, 207702000, 231292800, 244249200, 265507200, 271033200, 448243200, 504918000, 1212278400, 1220223600, 1243814400, 1250809200, 1272758400, 1281222000, 1301788800, 1312066800, 1335664800, 1342749600, 1345428000, 1348970400, 1367114400, 1373162400, 1376100000, 1382839200, 1396144800, 1403920800, 1406944800, 1414288800, 1427594400, 1434160800, 1437184800, 1445738400, 1459044000, 1465005600, 1468029600, 1477792800, 1490493600, 1495245600, 1498874400, 1509242400, 1521943200, 1526090400, 1529114400, 1540692000, 1553997600, 1556935200, 1559959200, 1572141600, 1585447200, 1587175200, 1590804000, 1603591200, 1616896800, 1618020000, 1621044000, 1635645600, 1648346400, 1648864800, 1651888800, 1667095200, 1682128800, 1698544800, 1712973600, 1729994400, 1743818400, 1761444000, 1774749600, 1792893600, 1806199200, 1824948000, 1837648800, 1856397600, 1869098400, 1887847200, 1901152800, 1919296800, 1932602400, 1950746400, 1964052000, 1982800800, 1995501600, 2014250400, 2026951200, 2045700000, 2058400800, 2077063200, 2090455200, 2107908000, 2121904800, 2138752800 }
trans:intvector { -1773012580, -956361600, -950490000, -942019200, -761187600, -617241600, -605149200, -81432000, -71110800, 141264000, 147222000, 199756800, 207702000, 231292800, 244249200, 265507200, 271033200, 448243200, 504918000, 1212278400, 1220223600, 1243814400, 1250809200, 1272758400, 1281222000, 1301788800, 1312066800, 1335664800, 1342749600, 1345428000, 1348970400, 1367114400, 1373162400, 1376100000, 1382839200, 1396144800, 1403920800, 1406944800, 1414288800, 1427594400, 1434247200, 1437271200, 1445738400, 1459044000, 1465092000, 1468116000, 1477792800, 1490493600, 1495332000, 1498960800, 1509242400, 1521943200, 1526176800, 1529200800, 1540692000, 1553997600, 1557021600, 1560045600, 1572141600, 1585447200, 1587261600, 1590285600, 1603591200, 1616896800, 1618106400, 1621130400, 1635645600, 1651975200, 1667095200, 1682215200, 1698544800, 1713060000, 1729994400, 1743904800, 1761444000, 1774749600, 1792893600, 1806199200, 1824948000, 1837648800, 1856397600, 1869098400, 1887847200, 1901152800, 1919296800, 1932602400, 1950746400, 1964052000, 1982800800, 1995501600, 2014250400, 2026951200, 2045700000, 2058400800, 2077149600, 2090455200, 2107994400, 2121904800, 2138234400 }
transPost32:intvector { 0, -2141612896, 0, -2122864096 }
typeOffsets:intvector { -1820, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3600, 3600, 0 }
typeMap:bin { "01020102010201020102010201020102010301020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201" }
typeMap:bin { "0102010201020102010201020102010201030102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201" }
finalRule { "Morocco" }
finalRaw:int { 0 }
finalYear:int { 2039 }
@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ zoneinfo64:table(nofallback) {
/* Africa/Djibouti */ :int { 48 } //Z#24
/* Africa/Douala */ :int { 36 } //Z#25
/* Africa/El_Aaiun */ :table {
trans:intvector { -1136070432, 198291600, 199756800, 207702000, 231292800, 244249200, 265507200, 271033200, 1212278400, 1220223600, 1243814400, 1250809200, 1272758400, 1281222000, 1301788800, 1312066800, 1335664800, 1342749600, 1345428000, 1348970400, 1367114400, 1373162400, 1376100000, 1382839200, 1396144800, 1403920800, 1406944800, 1414288800, 1427594400, 1434160800, 1437184800, 1445738400, 1459044000, 1465005600, 1468029600, 1477792800, 1490493600, 1495245600, 1498874400, 1509242400, 1521943200, 1526090400, 1529114400, 1540692000, 1553997600, 1556935200, 1559959200, 1572141600, 1585447200, 1587175200, 1590804000, 1603591200, 1616896800, 1618020000, 1621044000, 1635645600, 1648346400, 1648864800, 1651888800, 1667095200, 1682128800, 1698544800, 1712973600, 1729994400, 1743818400, 1761444000, 1774749600, 1792893600, 1806199200, 1824948000, 1837648800, 1856397600, 1869098400, 1887847200, 1901152800, 1919296800, 1932602400, 1950746400, 1964052000, 1982800800, 1995501600, 2014250400, 2026951200, 2045700000, 2058400800, 2077063200, 2090455200, 2107908000, 2121904800, 2138752800 }
trans:intvector { -1136070432, 198291600, 199756800, 207702000, 231292800, 244249200, 265507200, 271033200, 1212278400, 1220223600, 1243814400, 1250809200, 1272758400, 1281222000, 1301788800, 1312066800, 1335664800, 1342749600, 1345428000, 1348970400, 1367114400, 1373162400, 1376100000, 1382839200, 1396144800, 1403920800, 1406944800, 1414288800, 1427594400, 1434247200, 1437271200, 1445738400, 1459044000, 1465092000, 1468116000, 1477792800, 1490493600, 1495332000, 1498960800, 1509242400, 1521943200, 1526176800, 1529200800, 1540692000, 1553997600, 1557021600, 1560045600, 1572141600, 1585447200, 1587261600, 1590285600, 1603591200, 1616896800, 1618106400, 1621130400, 1635645600, 1651975200, 1667095200, 1682215200, 1698544800, 1713060000, 1729994400, 1743904800, 1761444000, 1774749600, 1792893600, 1806199200, 1824948000, 1837648800, 1856397600, 1869098400, 1887847200, 1901152800, 1919296800, 1932602400, 1950746400, 1964052000, 1982800800, 1995501600, 2014250400, 2026951200, 2045700000, 2058400800, 2077149600, 2090455200, 2107994400, 2121904800, 2138234400 }
transPost32:intvector { 0, -2141612896, 0, -2122864096 }
typeOffsets:intvector { -3168, 0, -3600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3600 }
typeMap:bin { "0102030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302" }
typeMap:bin { "010203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302030203020302" }
finalRule { "Morocco" }
finalRaw:int { 0 }
finalYear:int { 2039 }
@ -383,7 +383,15 @@ zoneinfo64:table(nofallback) {
typeOffsets:intvector { -12560, 0, -14400, 0, -10800, 0 }
typeMap:bin { "0102" }
} //Z#96
/* America/Cayman */ :int { 180 } //Z#97
/* America/Cayman */ :table {
transPre32:intvector { -1, 1770465228 }
trans:intvector { -1827687169, 1457852400, 1478412000 }
typeOffsets:intvector { -19532, 0, -18431, 0, -18000, 0, -18000, 3600 }
typeMap:bin { "01020302" }
finalRule { "US" }
finalRaw:int { -18000 }
finalYear:int { 2017 }
} //Z#97
/* America/Chicago */ :table {
transPre32:intvector { -1, 1577320096 }
trans:intvector { -1633276800, -1615136400, -1601827200, -1583686800, -1563724800, -1551632400, -1538928000, -1520182800, -1504454400, -1491757200, -1473004800, -1459702800, -1441555200, -1428253200, -1410105600, -1396803600, -1378656000, -1365354000, -1347206400, -1333904400, -1315152000, -1301850000, -1283702400, -1270400400, -1252252800, -1238950800, -1220803200, -1207501200, -1189353600, -1176051600, -1157299200, -1144602000, -1125849600, -1112547600, -1094400000, -1081098000, -1067788800, -1045414800, -1031500800, -1018198800, -1000051200, -986749200, -967996800, -955299600, -936547200, -923245200, -905097600, -891795600, -880214400, -765392400, -747244800, -733942800, -715795200, -702493200, -684345600, -671043600, -652896000, -639594000, -620841600, -608144400, -589392000, -576090000, -557942400, -544640400, -526492800, -513190800, -495043200, -481741200, -463593600, -447267600, -431539200, -415818000, -400089600, -384368400, -368640000, -352918800, -337190400, -321469200, -305740800, -289414800, -273686400, -257965200, -242236800, -226515600, -210787200, -195066000, -179337600, -163616400, -147888000, -131562000, -116438400, -100112400, -84384000, -68662800, -52934400, -37213200, -21484800, -5763600, 9964800, 25686000, 41414400, 57740400, 73468800, 89190000, 104918400, 120639600, 126691200, 152089200, 162374400, 183538800, 199267200, 215593200, 230716800, 247042800, 262771200, 278492400, 294220800, 309942000, 325670400, 341391600, 357120000, 372841200, 388569600, 404895600, 420019200, 436345200, 452073600, 467794800, 483523200, 499244400, 514972800, 530694000, 544608000, 562143600, 576057600, 594198000, 607507200, 625647600, 638956800, 657097200, 671011200, 688546800, 702460800, 719996400, 733910400, 752050800, 765360000, 783500400, 796809600, 814950000, 828864000, 846399600, 860313600, 877849200, 891763200, 909298800, 923212800, 941353200, 954662400, 972802800, 986112000, 1004252400, 1018166400, 1035702000, 1049616000, 1067151600, 1081065600, 1099206000, 1112515200, 1130655600, 1143964800, 1162105200, 1173600000, 1194159600 }
@ -910,7 +918,6 @@ zoneinfo64:table(nofallback) {
trans:intvector { -1946918424 }
typeOffsets:intvector { -19088, 0, -19176, 0, -18000, 0 }
typeMap:bin { "0102" }
links:intvector { 97, 180 }
} //Z#180
/* America/Pangnirtung */ :table {
trans:intvector { -1546300800, -880221600, -765399600, -147902400, -131572800, 325663200, 341384400, 357112800, 372834000, 388562400, 404888400, 420012000, 436338000, 452066400, 467787600, 483516000, 499237200, 514965600, 530686800, 544600800, 562136400, 576050400, 594190800, 607500000, 625640400, 638949600, 657090000, 671004000, 688539600, 702453600, 719989200, 733903200, 752043600, 765352800, 783493200, 796802400, 814946400, 828860400, 846396000, 860310000, 877845600, 891759600, 909295200, 923209200, 941349600, 954662400, 972802800, 986108400, 1004248800, 1018162800, 1035698400, 1049612400, 1067148000, 1081062000, 1099202400, 1112511600, 1130652000, 1143961200, 1162101600, 1173596400, 1194156000 }
@ -3127,7 +3134,7 @@ zoneinfo64:table(nofallback) {
"ET", //Z#7 Africa/Addis_Ababa
"DZ", //Z#8 Africa/Algiers
"ER", //Z#9 Africa/Asmara
"ER", //Z#10 Africa/Asmera
"KE", //Z#10 Africa/Asmera
"ML", //Z#11 Africa/Bamako
"CF", //Z#12 Africa/Bangui
"GM", //Z#13 Africa/Banjul
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