ICU-10322 simple resource bundle builder

X-SVN-Rev: 34107
This commit is contained in:
Steven R. Loomis 2013-08-28 23:12:36 +00:00
parent 1a0fdb09e3
commit d6b7c390ae

tools/scripts/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
# Copyright (C) 2013 IBM Corporation and Others. All Rights Reserved.
# @author Steven R. Loomis <>
# Yet Another Resource Builder
# Usage:
##$ mkdir loc
##$ echo 'root { hello { "Hello" } }' > loc/root.txt
##$ echo 'es { hello { "Hola" } }' > loc/es.txt
##$ rm -rf ./out
##$ --name myapp --from ./loc -d ./out
##$ ls out/myapp.dat
# use ' --help' for help.
# * dependency calculation
# * pathnames/PATH for genrb/pkgdata
# * cleanup of files, ./out, etc
# * document res_index
# * probably pathname munging
# * deuglify python
import sys
# for utf-8
import argparse
import os
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Yet Another ICU Resource Builder', epilog='ICU tool, - master copy at')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--from', action='append', dest='fromdirs', help='read .txt files from this dir', metavar='fromdir', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', action='store', help='set the bundle name, such as "myapp"', metavar='bundname', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', action='store', help='pkgdata mode', metavar='mode', default="archive")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dest', action='store', dest='destdir', help='dest dir, default is ".".', default=".", metavar='destdir')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count',default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose>0:
print "Options: "+str(args)
if args.verbose > 0:
print "mkdir " + args.destdir
tmpdir = 'tmp'
os.makedirs('%s/%s/' % (args.destdir, tmpdir))
listname = '%s/%s/icufiles.lst' % (args.destdir, tmpdir)
if args.verbose > 0:
print ">%s" % (listname)
listfn = open(listname, 'w')
print >>listfn, '# list for "%s" generated by %s on %s' % (,parser.prog, '(now)')
print >>listfn, '# args: ' + str(args)
print >>listfn, '#'
idxname = '%s/%s/res_index.txt' % (args.destdir, tmpdir)
idxfn = open(idxname, 'w')
print >>idxfn, """// Warning, this file is autogenerated by %s
res_index:table(nofallback) {
InstalledLocales:table {""" % (parser.prog)
gens = {}
def add_res(resname,txtname, loc):
if args.verbose>0:
print "+ %s (from %s)" % (loc, txtname)
print >>listfn, "# %s" % (txtname)
print >>listfn, "%s.res" % (loc)
gens[loc] = { "loc": loc, "res": resname, "txt": txtname }
add_res('%s/%s/res_index.res' % (args.destdir,tmpdir), idxname, 'res_index')
def add_loc(path, loc):
resf = '%s/%s/%s.res' % (args.destdir,tmpdir,loc)
txtf = '%s/%s.txt' % (path, loc)
print >>idxfn, " %s {\"\"}" % loc
add_res(resf, txtf, loc)
for dir in args.fromdirs:
if args.verbose>0:
print "Collecting .txt files in %s" % (dir)
walks = os.walk(dir)
for ent in walks:
junk = (path,dirs,files) = ent
if args.verbose>3:
print junk
if (path.find("/.svn") != -1):
for file in files:
if (file.find(".txt") == -1):
if args.verbose>1:
print "Ignoring %s/%s" % (path,file)
(loc,ext) = file.split('.')
if ext != "txt":
if args.verbose>1:
print "Ignoring (bad ext %s) %s/%s" % (ext, path,file)
add_loc(path, loc)
print >>idxfn, " }"
print >>idxfn, "}"
if (args.verbose>2):
print gens
if (args.verbose>3):
print "TODO: dependency tracking. For now, dont' care"
for gen in gens:
item = gens[gen]
cmd = 'genrb -d "%s/%s" "%s"' % (args.destdir, tmpdir, item["txt"])
if (args.verbose>1):
print "# " + cmd
cmd = 'pkgdata -m "%s" -T "%s/%s" -p "%s" -s "%s/%s" -d "%s" "%s"' % (args.mode,args.destdir,tmpdir,,args.destdir,tmpdir,args.destdir,listname)
if (args.verbose>1):
cmd = cmd + " -v"
print "# " + cmd