ICU-1807 Fix some usprintf bugs.
X-SVN-Rev: 8264
This commit is contained in:
@ -240,9 +240,14 @@ static void TestFileFromICU(UFILE *myFile) {
u_fgets(myFile, sizeof(myUString)/sizeof(*myUString), myUString);
u_austrncpy(myString, myUString, sizeof(myUString)/sizeof(*myUString));
if (myString == NULL || strcmp(myString, "Pointer to integer (Count) %n: n=1 n=1" C_NEW_LINE) != 0) {
log_err("u_fgets got %s\n", myString);
log_err("u_fgets got \"%s\"\n", myString);
u_fgets(myFile, sizeof(myUString)/sizeof(*myUString), myUString);
u_austrncpy(myString, myUString, sizeof(myUString)/sizeof(*myUString));
if (myString == NULL || strcmp(myString, "Pointer to integer Value: 35" C_NEW_LINE) != 0) {
log_err("u_fgets got \"%s\"\n", myString);
*n = 1;
u_fscanf(myFile, "Pointer to integer (Count) %%n: n=%d %n n=%d\n", *n, n, *n);
@ -420,6 +425,124 @@ static void TestFilePrintCompatibility() {
#define TestFPrintFormat(uFormat, uValue, cFormat, cValue) \
myFile = u_fopen(STANDARD_TEST_FILE, "w", "en_US_POSIX", NULL);\
/* Reinitialize the buffer to verify null termination works. */\
u_memset(uBuffer, 0x2a, sizeof(uBuffer)/sizeof(*uBuffer));\
memset(buffer, 0x2a, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(*buffer));\
uNumPrinted = u_fprintf(myFile, uFormat, uValue);\
myFile = u_fopen(STANDARD_TEST_FILE, "r", "en_US_POSIX", NULL);\
u_fgets(myFile, sizeof(uBuffer)/sizeof(*uBuffer), uBuffer);\
u_austrncpy(compBuffer, uBuffer, sizeof(uBuffer)/sizeof(*uBuffer));\
cNumPrinted = sprintf(buffer, cFormat, cValue);\
if (strcmp(buffer, compBuffer) != 0) {\
log_err("%" uFormat " Got: \"%s\", Expected: \"%s\"\n", compBuffer, buffer);\
if (cNumPrinted != uNumPrinted) {\
log_err("%" uFormat " number printed Got: %d, Expected: %d\n", uNumPrinted, cNumPrinted);\
static void TestFprintfFormat() {
static const UChar abcUChars[] = {0x61,0x62,0x63,0};
static const char abcChars[] = "abc";
UChar uBuffer[256];
char buffer[256];
char compBuffer[256];
int32_t uNumPrinted;
int32_t cNumPrinted;
UFILE *myFile;
TestFPrintFormat("%8U", abcUChars, "%8s", abcChars);
TestFPrintFormat("%-8U", abcUChars, "%-8s", abcChars);
TestFPrintFormat("%8s", abcChars, "%8s", abcChars);
TestFPrintFormat("%-8s", abcChars, "%-8s", abcChars);
TestFPrintFormat("%8c", 0x65, "%8c", 0x65);
TestFPrintFormat("%-8c", 0x65, "%-8c", 0x65);
TestFPrintFormat("%8K", (UChar)0x65, "%8c", 0x65);
TestFPrintFormat("%-8K", (UChar)0x65, "%-8c", 0x65);
TestFPrintFormat("%8f", 1.23456789, "%8f", 1.23456789);
TestFPrintFormat("%-8f", 1.23456789, "%-8f", 1.23456789);
TestFPrintFormat("%8e", 1.23456789, "%8e", 1.23456789);
TestFPrintFormat("%-8e", 1.23456789, "%-8e", 1.23456789);
TestFPrintFormat("%8g", 1.23456789, "%8g", 1.23456789);
TestFPrintFormat("%-8g", 1.23456789, "%-8g", 1.23456789);
TestFPrintFormat("%8x", 123456, "%8x", 123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%-8x", 123456, "%-8x", 123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%8X", 123456, "%8X", 123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%-8X", 123456, "%-8X", 123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%#x", 123456, "%#x", 123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%#x", -123456, "%#x", -123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%8o", 123456, "%8o", 123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%-8o", 123456, "%-8o", 123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%#o", 123, "%#o", 123);
TestFPrintFormat("%#o", -123, "%#o", -123);
TestFPrintFormat("%8u", 123456, "%8u", 123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%-8u", 123456, "%-8u", 123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%8u", -123456, "%8u", -123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%-8u", -123456, "%-8u", -123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%8d", 123456, "%8d", 123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%-8d", 123456, "%-8d", 123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%8i", 123456, "%8i", 123456);
TestFPrintFormat("%-8i", 123456, "%-8i", 123456);
TestFPrintFormat("% d", 123456, "% d", 123456);
TestFPrintFormat("% d", -123456, "% d", -123456);
log_verbose("Get really crazy with the formatting.\n");
TestFPrintFormat("%-+ #12x", 123, "%-+ #12x", 123);
TestFPrintFormat("%-+ #12x", -123, "%-+ #12x", -123);
TestFPrintFormat("%+ #12x", 123, "%+ #12x", 123);
TestFPrintFormat("%+ #12x", -123, "%+ #12x", -123);
TestFPrintFormat("%-+ 12d", 123, "%-+ 12d", 123);
TestFPrintFormat("%-+ 12d", -123, "%-+ 12d", -123);
TestFPrintFormat("%+ 12d", 123, "%+ 12d", 123);
TestFPrintFormat("%+ 12d", -123, "%+ 12d", -123);
TestFPrintFormat("%+12d", 123, "%+12d", 123);
TestFPrintFormat("%+12d", -123, "%+12d", -123);
TestFPrintFormat("%- 12d", 123, "%- 12d", 123);
TestFPrintFormat("%- 12d", -123, "%- 12d", -123);
TestFPrintFormat("% 12d", 123, "% 12d", 123);
TestFPrintFormat("% 12d", -123, "% 12d", -123);
TestFPrintFormat("%-+ 12.1e", 1.234, "%-+ 12.1e", 1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("%-+ 12.1e", -1.234, "%-+ 12.1e", -1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("%+ 12.1e", 1.234, "%+ 12.1e", 1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("%+ 12.1e", -1.234, "%+ 12.1e", -1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("%+12.1e", 1.234, "%+12.1e", 1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("%+12.1e", -1.234, "%+12.1e", -1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("% 12.1e", 1.234, "% 12.1e", 1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("% 12.1e", -1.234, "% 12.1e", -1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("%-+ 12.1f", 1.234, "%-+ 12.1f", 1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("%-+ 12.1f", -1.234, "%-+ 12.1f", -1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("%+ 12.1f", 1.234, "%+ 12.1f", 1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("%+ 12.1f", -1.234, "%+ 12.1f", -1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("%+12.1f", 1.234, "%+12.1f", 1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("%+12.1f", -1.234, "%+12.1f", -1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("% 12.1f", 1.234, "% 12.1f", 1.234);
TestFPrintFormat("% 12.1f", -1.234, "% 12.1f", -1.234);
#undef TestFPrintFormat
static void TestString() {
int32_t n[1];
float myFloat = -1234.0;
@ -613,11 +736,165 @@ static void TestString() {
// u_sscanf(uStringBuf, NULL, "Spell Out %%V (non-ANSI): %V\n", *n);
#define Test_u_snprintf(limit, format, value, expectedSize, expectedStr) \
u_uastrncpy(testStr, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", sizeof(testStr)/sizeof(testStr[0]));\
size = u_snprintf(testStr, limit, "en_US_POSIX", format, value);\
u_austrncpy(cTestResult, testStr, sizeof(cTestResult)/sizeof(cTestResult[0]));\
if (size != expectedSize || strcmp(cTestResult, expectedStr) != 0) {\
log_err("Unexpected formatting. size=%d expectedSize=%d cTestResult=%s expectedStr=%s\n",\
size, expectedSize, cTestResult, expectedStr);\
else {\
log_verbose("Got: %s\n", cTestResult);\
static void TestSnprintf() {
UChar testStr[256];
char cTestResult[256];
int32_t size;
Test_u_snprintf(0, "%d", 123, 0, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(2, "%d", 123, 2, "12xxxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(3, "%d", 123, 3, "123xxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(4, "%d", 123, 3, "123");
Test_u_snprintf(0, "%s", "abcd", 0, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(3, "%s", "abcd", 3, "abcxxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(4, "%s", "abcd", 4, "abcdxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(5, "%s", "abcd", 4, "abcd");
Test_u_snprintf(0, "%e", 12.34, 0, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(1, "%e", 12.34, 1, "1xxxxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(2, "%e", 12.34, 2, "1.xxxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(3, "%e", 12.34, 3, "1.2xxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(5, "%e", 12.34, 5, "1.234xxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(6, "%e", 12.34, 6, "1.2340xxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(8, "%e", 12.34, 8, "1.234000xxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(9, "%e", 12.34, 9, "1.234000exxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(10, "%e", 12.34, 10, "1.234000e+xxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(11, "%e", 12.34, 11, "1.234000e+0xxx");
Test_u_snprintf(13, "%e", 12.34, 13, "1.234000e+001x");
Test_u_snprintf(14, "%e", 12.34, 13, "1.234000e+001");
#define TestSPrintFormat(uFormat, uValue, cFormat, cValue) \
/* Reinitialize the buffer to verify null termination works. */\
u_memset(uBuffer, 0x2a, sizeof(uBuffer)/sizeof(*uBuffer));\
memset(buffer, 0x2a, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(*buffer));\
uNumPrinted = u_sprintf(uBuffer, "en_US_POSIX", uFormat, uValue);\
u_austrncpy(compBuffer, uBuffer, sizeof(uBuffer)/sizeof(uBuffer[0]));\
cNumPrinted = sprintf(buffer, cFormat, cValue);\
if (strcmp(buffer, compBuffer) != 0) {\
log_err("%" uFormat " Got: \"%s\", Expected: \"%s\"\n", compBuffer, buffer);\
if (cNumPrinted != uNumPrinted) {\
log_err("%" uFormat " number printed Got: %d, Expected: %d\n", uNumPrinted, cNumPrinted);\
static void TestSprintfFormat() {
static const UChar abcUChars[] = {0x61,0x62,0x63,0};
static const char abcChars[] = "abc";
UChar uBuffer[256];
char buffer[256];
char compBuffer[256];
int32_t uNumPrinted;
int32_t cNumPrinted;
TestSPrintFormat("%8U", abcUChars, "%8s", abcChars);
TestSPrintFormat("%-8U", abcUChars, "%-8s", abcChars);
TestSPrintFormat("%8s", abcChars, "%8s", abcChars);
TestSPrintFormat("%-8s", abcChars, "%-8s", abcChars);
TestSPrintFormat("%8c", 0x65, "%8c", 0x65);
TestSPrintFormat("%-8c", 0x65, "%-8c", 0x65);
TestSPrintFormat("%8K", (UChar)0x65, "%8c", 0x65);
TestSPrintFormat("%-8K", (UChar)0x65, "%-8c", 0x65);
TestSPrintFormat("%8f", 1.23456789, "%8f", 1.23456789);
TestSPrintFormat("%-8f", 1.23456789, "%-8f", 1.23456789);
TestSPrintFormat("%8e", 1.23456789, "%8e", 1.23456789);
TestSPrintFormat("%-8e", 1.23456789, "%-8e", 1.23456789);
TestSPrintFormat("%8g", 1.23456789, "%8g", 1.23456789);
TestSPrintFormat("%-8g", 1.23456789, "%-8g", 1.23456789);
TestSPrintFormat("%8x", 123456, "%8x", 123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%-8x", 123456, "%-8x", 123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%8X", 123456, "%8X", 123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%-8X", 123456, "%-8X", 123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%#x", 123456, "%#x", 123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%#x", -123456, "%#x", -123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%8o", 123456, "%8o", 123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%-8o", 123456, "%-8o", 123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%#o", 123, "%#o", 123);
TestSPrintFormat("%#o", -123, "%#o", -123);
TestSPrintFormat("%8u", 123456, "%8u", 123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%-8u", 123456, "%-8u", 123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%8u", -123456, "%8u", -123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%-8u", -123456, "%-8u", -123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%8d", 123456, "%8d", 123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%-8d", 123456, "%-8d", 123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%8i", 123456, "%8i", 123456);
TestSPrintFormat("%-8i", 123456, "%-8i", 123456);
TestSPrintFormat("% d", 123456, "% d", 123456);
TestSPrintFormat("% d", -123456, "% d", -123456);
log_verbose("Get really crazy with the formatting.\n");
TestSPrintFormat("%-+ #12x", 123, "%-+ #12x", 123);
TestSPrintFormat("%-+ #12x", -123, "%-+ #12x", -123);
TestSPrintFormat("%+ #12x", 123, "%+ #12x", 123);
TestSPrintFormat("%+ #12x", -123, "%+ #12x", -123);
TestSPrintFormat("%-+ 12d", 123, "%-+ 12d", 123);
TestSPrintFormat("%-+ 12d", -123, "%-+ 12d", -123);
TestSPrintFormat("%+ 12d", 123, "%+ 12d", 123);
TestSPrintFormat("%+ 12d", -123, "%+ 12d", -123);
TestSPrintFormat("%+12d", 123, "%+12d", 123);
TestSPrintFormat("%+12d", -123, "%+12d", -123);
TestSPrintFormat("%- 12d", 123, "%- 12d", 123);
TestSPrintFormat("%- 12d", -123, "%- 12d", -123);
TestSPrintFormat("% 12d", 123, "% 12d", 123);
TestSPrintFormat("% 12d", -123, "% 12d", -123);
TestSPrintFormat("%-+ 12.1e", 1.234, "%-+ 12.1e", 1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("%-+ 12.1e", -1.234, "%-+ 12.1e", -1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("%+ 12.1e", 1.234, "%+ 12.1e", 1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("%+ 12.1e", -1.234, "%+ 12.1e", -1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("%+12.1e", 1.234, "%+12.1e", 1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("%+12.1e", -1.234, "%+12.1e", -1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("% 12.1e", 1.234, "% 12.1e", 1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("% 12.1e", -1.234, "% 12.1e", -1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("%-+ 12.1f", 1.234, "%-+ 12.1f", 1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("%-+ 12.1f", -1.234, "%-+ 12.1f", -1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("%+ 12.1f", 1.234, "%+ 12.1f", 1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("%+ 12.1f", -1.234, "%+ 12.1f", -1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("%+12.1f", 1.234, "%+12.1f", 1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("%+12.1f", -1.234, "%+12.1f", -1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("% 12.1f", 1.234, "% 12.1f", 1.234);
TestSPrintFormat("% 12.1f", -1.234, "% 12.1f", -1.234);
#undef TestSPrintFormat
static void TestStringCompatibility() {
UChar myUString[512];
UChar uStringBuf[512];
char myString[512] = "";
char testBuf[512] = "";
UChar myUString[256];
UChar uStringBuf[256];
char myString[256] = "";
char testBuf[256] = "";
int32_t num;
u_memset(myUString, 0x0a, sizeof(myUString)/ sizeof(*myUString));
@ -709,48 +986,6 @@ static void TestStringCompatibility() {
#define Test_u_snprintf(limit, format, value, expectedSize, expectedStr) \
u_uastrncpy(testStr, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", sizeof(testStr)/sizeof(testStr[0]));\
size = u_snprintf(testStr, limit, "en_US_POSIX", format, value);\
u_austrncpy(cTestResult, testStr, sizeof(cTestResult)/sizeof(cTestResult[0]));\
if (size != expectedSize || strcmp(cTestResult, expectedStr) != 0) {\
log_err("Unexpected formatting. size=%d expectedSize=%d cTestResult=%s expectedStr=%s\n",\
size, expectedSize, cTestResult, expectedStr);\
else {\
log_verbose("Got: %s\n", cTestResult);\
static void TestSnprintf() {
UChar testStr[256];
char cTestResult[256];
int32_t size;
Test_u_snprintf(0, "%d", 123, 0, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(2, "%d", 123, 2, "12xxxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(3, "%d", 123, 3, "123xxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(4, "%d", 123, 3, "123");
Test_u_snprintf(0, "%s", "abcd", 0, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(3, "%s", "abcd", 3, "abcxxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(4, "%s", "abcd", 4, "abcdxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(5, "%s", "abcd", 4, "abcd");
Test_u_snprintf(0, "%e", 12.34, 0, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(1, "%e", 12.34, 1, "1xxxxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(2, "%e", 12.34, 2, "1.xxxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(3, "%e", 12.34, 3, "1.2xxxxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(5, "%e", 12.34, 5, "1.234xxxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(6, "%e", 12.34, 6, "1.2340xxxxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(8, "%e", 12.34, 8, "1.234000xxxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(9, "%e", 12.34, 9, "1.234000exxxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(10, "%e", 12.34, 10, "1.234000e+xxxx");
Test_u_snprintf(11, "%e", 12.34, 11, "1.234000e+0xxx");
Test_u_snprintf(13, "%e", 12.34, 13, "1.234000e+001x");
Test_u_snprintf(14, "%e", 12.34, 13, "1.234000e+001");
static void TestStream() {
#if U_IOSTREAM_SOURCE >= 198506
char testStreamBuf[512];
@ -816,13 +1051,15 @@ static void TestStream() {
static void addAllTests(TestNode** root) {
addTest(root, &TestFile, "fileapi/TestFile");
addTest(root, &TestCodepage, "fileapi/TestCodepage");
addTest(root, &TestFilePrintCompatibility, "fileapi/TestFilePrintCompatibility");
addTest(root, &TestString, "strapi/TestString");
addTest(root, &TestStringCompatibility, "strapi/TestStringCompatibility");
addTest(root, &TestSnprintf, "strapi/TestSnprintf");
addTest(root, &TestStream, "iostream/TestStream");
addTest(root, &TestFile, "file/TestFile");
addTest(root, &TestCodepage, "file/TestCodepage");
addTest(root, &TestFprintfFormat, "file/TestFprintfFormat");
addTest(root, &TestFilePrintCompatibility, "file/TestFilePrintCompatibility");
addTest(root, &TestString, "string/TestString");
addTest(root, &TestSprintfFormat, "string/TestSprintfFormat");
addTest(root, &TestSnprintf, "string/TestSnprintf");
addTest(root, &TestStringCompatibility, "string/TestStringCompatibility");
addTest(root, &TestStream, "stream/TestStream");
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Reference in New Issue
Block a user