ICU-9931 Fixed rounding related problems in ICU4J DecimalFormat. Provided generic test case code for rounding behavior.

X-SVN-Rev: 33671
This commit is contained in:
Yoshito Umaoka 2013-05-16 22:25:42 +00:00
parent 5d704324fa
commit f3077f748f
2 changed files with 206 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -1049,7 +1049,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
// If we are to do rounding, we need to move into the BigDecimal
// domain in order to do divide/multiply correctly.
if (roundingIncrementICU != null) {
if (actualRoundingIncrementICU != null) {
return format(BigDecimal.valueOf(number), result, fieldPosition);
@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
boolean parseAttr) {
// If we are to do rounding, we need to move into the BigDecimal
// domain in order to do divide/multiply correctly.
if (roundingIncrementICU != null) {
if (actualRoundingIncrementICU != null) {
return format(new BigDecimal(number), result, fieldPosition);
@ -1137,8 +1137,8 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
number = number.multiply(java.math.BigDecimal.valueOf(multiplier));
if (roundingIncrement != null) {
number = number.divide(roundingIncrement, 0, roundingMode).multiply(roundingIncrement);
if (actualRoundingIncrement != null) {
number = number.divide(actualRoundingIncrement, 0, roundingMode).multiply(actualRoundingIncrement);
synchronized (digitList) {
@ -1165,9 +1165,9 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
number = number.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(multiplier), mathContext);
if (roundingIncrementICU != null) {
number = number.divide(roundingIncrementICU, 0, roundingMode)
.multiply(roundingIncrementICU, mathContext);
if (actualRoundingIncrementICU != null) {
number = number.divide(actualRoundingIncrementICU, 0, roundingMode)
.multiply(actualRoundingIncrementICU, mathContext);
synchronized (digitList) {
@ -3175,7 +3175,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
} else {
@ -3193,29 +3193,16 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
if (newValue < 0.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal rounding increment");
roundingDouble = newValue;
roundingDoubleReciprocal = 0.0d;
if (newValue == 0.0d) {
setRoundingIncrement((BigDecimal) null);
setInternalRoundingIncrement((BigDecimal) null);
} else {
roundingDouble = newValue;
if (roundingDouble < 1.0d) {
double rawRoundedReciprocal = 1.0d / roundingDouble;
setInternalRoundingIncrement(new BigDecimal(newValue));
// Should use BigDecimal#valueOf(double) instead of constructor
// to avoid the double precision problem.
private void setRoundingDoubleReciprocal(double rawRoundedReciprocal) {
roundingDoubleReciprocal = Math.rint(rawRoundedReciprocal);
if (Math.abs(rawRoundedReciprocal - roundingDoubleReciprocal) > roundingIncrementEpsilon) {
roundingDoubleReciprocal = 0.0d;
static final double roundingIncrementEpsilon = 0.000000001;
* Returns the rounding mode.
@ -3252,10 +3239,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
this.roundingMode = roundingMode;
if (getRoundingIncrement() == null) {
setRoundingIncrement(Math.pow(10.0, -getMaximumFractionDigits()));
@ -4794,7 +4778,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
// [Richard/GCL]
setMaximumIntegerDigits(useExponentialNotation ? digitLeftCount + minInt :
setMaximumFractionDigits(decimalPos >= 0 ?
_setMaximumFractionDigits(decimalPos >= 0 ?
(digitTotalCount - decimalPos) : 0);
setMinimumFractionDigits(decimalPos >= 0 ?
(digitLeftCount + zeroDigitCount - decimalPos) : 0);
@ -4820,7 +4804,6 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
if (scale < 0) {
roundingIncrementICU = roundingIncrementICU.movePointRight(-scale);
roundingMode = BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN;
} else {
setRoundingIncrement((BigDecimal) null);
@ -4844,7 +4827,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
// If there was no negative pattern, or if the negative pattern is identical to
@ -4872,7 +4855,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
int d = theCurrency.getDefaultFractionDigits();
// initialize currencyPluralInfo if needed
@ -4881,20 +4864,9 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
currencyPluralInfo = new CurrencyPluralInfo(symbols.getULocale());
* Centralizes the setting of the roundingDouble and roundingDoubleReciprocal.
private void setRoundingDouble() {
if (roundingIncrementICU == null) {
roundingDouble = 0.0d;
roundingDoubleReciprocal = 0.0d;
} else {
roundingDouble = roundingIncrementICU.doubleValue();
setRoundingDoubleReciprocal(1.0d / roundingDouble);
private void patternError(String msg, String pattern) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg + " in pattern \"" + pattern + '"');
@ -5081,6 +5053,15 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
public void setMaximumFractionDigits(int newValue) {
* Internal method for DecimalFormat, setting maximum fractional digits
* without triggering actual rounding recalculated.
private void _setMaximumFractionDigits(int newValue) {
super.setMaximumFractionDigits(Math.min(newValue, DOUBLE_FRACTION_DIGITS));
@ -5182,12 +5163,11 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
if (getMaximumFractionDigits() > DOUBLE_FRACTION_DIGITS) {
if (serialVersionOnStream < 2) {
exponentSignAlwaysShown = false;
roundingMode = BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN;
formatWidth = 0;
pad = ' ';
@ -5207,8 +5187,8 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
if (roundingIncrement != null) {
setInternalRoundingIncrement(new BigDecimal(roundingIncrement));
private void setInternalRoundingIncrement(BigDecimal value) {
@ -5444,19 +5424,6 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
private transient BigDecimal roundingIncrementICU = null;
* The rounding increment as a double. If this value is <= 0, then no rounding is
* done. This value is <code>roundingIncrementICU.doubleValue()</code>. Default value
* 0.0.
private transient double roundingDouble = 0.0;
* If the roundingDouble is the reciprocal of an integer (the most common case!), this
* is set to be that integer. Otherwise it is 0.0.
private transient double roundingDoubleReciprocal = 0.0;
* The rounding mode. This value controls any rounding operations which occur when
* applying a rounding increment or when reducing the number of fraction digits to
@ -5795,6 +5762,92 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
static final Unit NULL_UNIT = new Unit("", "");
// Note about rounding implementation
// The original design intended to skip rounding operation when roundingIncrement is not
// set. However, rounding may need to occur when fractional digits exceed the width of
// fractional part of pattern.
// DigitList class has built-in rounding mechanism, using ROUND_HALF_EVEN. This implementation
// forces non-null roundingIncrement if the setting is other than ROUND_HALF_EVEN, otherwise,
// when rounding occurs in DigitList by pattern's fractional digits' width, the result
// does not match the rounding mode.
// Ideally, all rounding operation should be done in one place like ICU4C trunk does
// (ICU4C rounding implementation was rewritten recently). This is intrim implemetation
// to fix various issues. In the future, we should entire implementation of rounding
// in this class, like ICU4C did.
// Once we fully implement rounding logic in DigitList, then following fields and methods
// should be gone.
private transient BigDecimal actualRoundingIncrementICU = null;
private transient java.math.BigDecimal actualRoundingIncrement = null;
* The actual rounding increment as a double.
private transient double roundingDouble = 0.0;
* If the roundingDouble is the reciprocal of an integer (the most common case!), this
* is set to be that integer. Otherwise it is 0.0.
private transient double roundingDoubleReciprocal = 0.0;
* Set roundingDouble, roundingDoubleReciprocal and actualRoundingIncrement
* based on rounding mode and width of fractional digits. Whenever setting affecting
* rounding mode, rounding increment and maximum width of fractional digits, then
* this method must be called.
* roundingIncrementICU is the field storing the custom rounding increment value,
* while actual rounding increment could be larger.
private void resetActualRounding() {
if (roundingIncrementICU != null) {
BigDecimal byWidth = getMaximumFractionDigits() > 0 ?
BigDecimal.ONE.movePointLeft(getMaximumFractionDigits()) : BigDecimal.ONE;
if (roundingIncrementICU.compareTo(byWidth) >= 0) {
actualRoundingIncrementICU = roundingIncrementICU;
} else {
actualRoundingIncrementICU = byWidth.equals(BigDecimal.ONE) ? null : byWidth;
} else {
if (roundingMode == BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN) {
actualRoundingIncrementICU = null;
} else {
if (getMaximumFractionDigits() > 0) {
actualRoundingIncrementICU = BigDecimal.ONE.movePointLeft(getMaximumFractionDigits());
if (actualRoundingIncrementICU == null) {
actualRoundingIncrement = null;
} else {
actualRoundingIncrement = actualRoundingIncrementICU.toBigDecimal();
static final double roundingIncrementEpsilon = 0.000000001;
private void setRoundingDouble(double newValue) {
roundingDouble = newValue;
if (roundingDouble > 0.0d) {
double rawRoundedReciprocal = 1.0d / roundingDouble;
roundingDoubleReciprocal = Math.rint(rawRoundedReciprocal);
if (Math.abs(rawRoundedReciprocal - roundingDoubleReciprocal) > roundingIncrementEpsilon) {
roundingDoubleReciprocal = 0.0d;
} else {
roundingDoubleReciprocal = 0.0d;
// eof

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@ -3121,4 +3121,95 @@ public class NumberFormatTest extends {
public void TestRoundingBehavior() {
final Object[][] TEST_CASES = {
ULocale.US, // ULocale - null for default locale
"#.##", // Pattern
Integer.valueOf(BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN), // Rounding Mode or null (implicit)
Double.valueOf(0.0d), // Rounding increment, Double or BigDecimal, or null (implicit)
Double.valueOf(123.4567d), // Input value, Long, Double, BigInteger or BigDecimal
"123.45" // Expected result, null for exception
int testNum = 1;
for (Object[] testCase : TEST_CASES) {
// 0: locale
// 1: pattern
ULocale locale = testCase[0] == null ? ULocale.getDefault() : (ULocale)testCase[0];
String pattern = (String)testCase[1];
DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat(pattern, DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale));
// 2: rounding mode
Integer roundingMode = null;
if (testCase[2] != null) {
roundingMode = (Integer)testCase[2];
// 3: rounding increment
if (testCase[3] != null) {
if (testCase[3] instanceof Double) {
} else if (testCase[3] instanceof BigDecimal) {
} else if (testCase[3] instanceof java.math.BigDecimal) {
// 4: input number
String s = null;
boolean bException = false;
try {
s = fmt.format(testCase[4]);
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
bException = true;
if (bException) {
if (testCase[5] != null) {
errln("Test case #" + testNum + ": ArithmeticException was thrown.");
} else {
if (testCase[5] == null) {
errln("Test case #" + testNum +
": ArithmeticException must be thrown, but got formatted result: " +
} else {
assertEquals("Test case #" + testNum, (String)testCase[5], s);