ICU Pull Request #1159.
- Set intltest's Current Working Directory correctly to enable finding
- Adds c_cpp_properties.json, primarily for the includePath settings.
- Load average takes a while to respond, specify -j24 to always limit
parallel jobs to a maximum of 24.
- make's "-l" parameter is system load average, not CPU percentage.
A load average of 90 makes my laptop unusable, changing to -l20.
- Make running all tests the unit-testing default.
- Document the adjustments that can be made in the README.
- Skip these json files when checking for copyright notices. Pure json
does not permit comments, so c_cpp_properties.json cannot have
- defines += U_DISABLE_RENAMING=1 to simplify reference following.
Rebased from 00a5d6dd5c.
The problem is that Docker receives zip files only as LFS links when
cloning ICU from GitHub. Converting the txt files into zip files, which
is the required corpus format for the fuzzer, will be done by the oss-fuzz
build script.
ICU-20217 Adds fuzzer seed corpus files to the list of files that don't have
copyright notice.
- name the travis build steps
- copy cpyskip.txt to /.cpyskip.txt
- add one named "lint" which runs
- remove network access from (requires installation)