// *************************************************************************** // * // * Copyright (C) 1997-2002, International Business Machines // * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. // * // *************************************************************************** es { Version { "1.1" } CollationElements { Version { "1.0" } Sequence { "& N < n\u0303, N\u0303" } } /* Duplicates from root commented out. */ Countries { AE { "Emiratos \u00C1rabes Unidos" } AS { "Samoa Americana" } //AR { "Argentina" } BE { "B\u00E9lgica" } BH { "Bahr\u00E1in" } //BO { "Bolivia" } BR { "Brasil" } BZ { "Belice" } BY { "Bielorrusia" } CA { "Canad\u00E1" } CH { "Suiza" } //CL { "Chile" } //CO { "Colombia" } //CR { "Costa Rica" } CZ { "Chequia" } DE { "Alemania" } DK { "Dinamarca" } DO { "Rep\u00FAblica Dominicana" } DZ { "Argelia" } //EC { "Ecuador" } EG { "Egipto" } ES { "Espa\u00F1a" } FI { "Finlandia" } FO { "Islas Feroe" } FR { "Francia" } GB { "Reino Unido" } GL { "Groenlanida" } GR { "Grecia" } //GT { "Guatemala" } //HN { "Honduras" } HR { "Croacia" } HU { "Hungr\u00EDa" } IE { "Irlanda" } IQ { "Irak" } IR { "Ir\u00E1n" } IS { "Islandia" } IT { "Italia" } JO { "Jordania" } JP { "Jap\u00F3n" } KE { "Kenia" } KP { "Corea del Norte" } KR { "Corea del Sur" } LB { "L\u00EDbano" } LT { "Lituania" } LU { "Luxemburgo" } LV { "Letonia" } MA { "Marruecos" } MH { "Islas Marshall" } MP { "Islas Marianas del Norte" } MX { "M\u00E9xico" } //NI { "Nicaragua" } NL { "Pa\u00EDses Bajos" } NO { "Noruega" } NZ { "Nueva Zelanda" } OM { "Om\u00E1n" } PA { "Panam\u00E1" } PE { "Per\u00FA" } PH { "Islas Filipinas" } PK { "Pakist\u00E1n" } PL { "Polonia" } //PR { "Puerto Rico" } //PY { "Paraguay" } RO { "Rumania" } RU { "Rusia" } SA { "Arabia Saud\u00ED" } SD { "Sud\u00E1n" } SE { "Suecia" } SG { "Singapur" } SI { "Eslovenia" } SK { "Eslovaquia" } SP { "Servia" } //SV { "El Salvador" } SY { "Siria" } TH { "Tailandia" } TN { "T\u00FAnez" } TR { "Turqu\u00EDa" } TT { "Trinidad y Tabago" } TW { "Taiw\u00E1n" } UA { "Ucraina" } UM { "Islas Perif\u00E9ricas Menores de los Estados Unidos" } US { "Estados Unidos" } //UY { "Uruguay" } //VE { "Venezuela" } VI { "Islas V\u00EDrgenes de los Estados Unidos" } ZA { "Sud\u00E1frica" } } DateTimeElements:intvector { 2, 1, } DateTimePatterns { "HH'H'mm'' z", "HH:mm:ss z", "HH:mm:ss", "HH:mm", "EEEE d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", "d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", "dd-MMM-yy", "d/MM/yy", "{1} {0}", } DayAbbreviations { "dom", "lun", "mar", "mi\u00E9", "jue", "vie", "s\u00E1b", } DayNames { "domingo", "lunes", "martes", "mi\u00E9rcoles", "jueves", "viernes", "s\u00E1bado", } Eras { "a.C.", // Said to be a.C. for antes de Cristo "d.C.", // Said to be d.C. for despu\u00E9s de Cristo } // Spanish does not capitalize the language names like English Languages { root{"ra\u00EDz" } // The only exception to ISO-639 af { "afrikaans" } am { "amharic" } ar { "\u00E1rabe" } az { "azerbayano" } be { "bielorruso" } bg { "b\u00FAlgaro" } bh { "bihari" } bn { "bengal\u00ED" } ca { "catal\u00E1n" } cs { "checo" } da { "dan\u00E9s" } de { "alem\u00E1n" } el { "griego" } en { "ingl\u00E9s" } eo { "esperanto" } es { "espa\u00F1ol" } et { "estonio" } eu { "vasco" } fa { "farsi" } fi { "finland\u00E9s" } fo { "faro\u00E9s" } fr { "franc\u00E9s" } ga { "irland\u00E9s" } gl { "gallego" } gu { "goujarat\u00ED" } he { "hebreo" } hi { "hindi" } hr { "croata" } hu { "h\u00FAngaro" } hy { "armenio" } id { "indonesio" } is { "island\u00e9s" } it { "italiano" } ja { "japon\u00E9s" } ka { "georgiano" } kk { "kazajo" } kl { "groenland\u00E9s" } km { "kmer" } kn { "canara" } ko { "coreano" } ku { "kurdo" } kw { "c\u00F3rnico" } ky { "kirghiz" } la { "lat\u00EDn" } lt { "lituano" } lv { "let\u00F3n" } mk { "macedonio" } mn { "mongol" } mr { "marathi" } ms { "malaisio" } mt { "malt\u00e9s" } my { "birmano" } nl { "holand\u00E9s" } no { "noruego" } pa { "punjab\u00ED" } pl { "polaco" } pt { "portugu\u00E9s" } ro { "rumano" } ru { "ruso" } sh { "serbo-croata" } sk { "eslovaco" } sl { "esloveno" } so { "somal\u00ED" } sq { "alban\u00E9s" } sr { "servio" } sv { "sueco" } sw { "swahili" } te { "telugu" } th { "tailand\u00E9s" } ti { "tigrinya" } tr { "turco" } tt { "tataro" } vi { "vietnam\u00E9s" } uk { "ucraniano" } ur { "urdu" } uz { "uzbeko" } zh { "chino" } zu { "zul\u00FA" } } LocaleID:int { 0x0a } // LocaleString { "es" } MonthAbbreviations { "ene", "feb", "mar", "abr", "may", "jun", "jul", "ago", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dic", } MonthNames { "enero", "febrero", "marzo", "abril", "mayo", "junio", "julio", "agosto", "septiembre", "octubre", "noviembre", "diciembre", } NumberPatterns { "#,##0.###;-#,##0.###", "\u00A4#,##0.00;(\u00A4#,##0.00)", "#,##0%", "#E0", } // ShortLanguage { "spa" } localPatternChars { "GuMtkHmsSEDFwWahKzUe" } zoneStrings { { "Africa/Casablanca", "GMT", "GMT", "GMT", "GMT", } } // LocaleScript{ // "Latn", // ISO 15924 Name // } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Based Number Format Support //------------------------------------------------------------ // * Spellout rules for Spanish. The Spanish rules are quite similar to // * the English rules, but there are some important differences: // * First, we have to provide separate rules for most of the twenties // * because the ones digit frequently picks up an accent mark that it // * doesn't have when standing alone. Second, each multiple of 100 has // * to be specified separately because the multiplier on 100 very often // * changes form in the contraction: 500 is "quinientos," not // * "cincocientos." In addition, the word for 100 is "cien" when // * standing alone, but changes to "ciento" when followed by more digits. // * There also some other differences. // The Spanish rules are incomplete. I'm missing information on negative // numbers and numbers with fractional parts. I also don't have // information on numbers higher than the millions. SpelloutRules { // negative-number and fraction rules "-x: menos >>;\n" "x.x: << punto >>;\n" // words for values from 0 to 19 "cero; uno; dos; tres; cuatro; cinco; seis; siete; ocho; nueve;\n" "diez; once; doce; trece; catorce; quince; diecis\u00e9is;\n" " diecisiete; dieciocho; diecinueve;\n" // words for values from 20 to 29 (necessary because the ones digit // often picks up an accent mark it doesn't have when standing alone) "veinte; veintiuno; veintid\u00f3s; veintitr\u00e9s; veinticuatro;\n" " veinticinco; veintis\u00e9is; veintisiete; veintiocho;\n" " veintinueve;\n" // words for multiples of 10 (notice that the tens digit is separated // from the ones digit by the word "y".) "30: treinta[ y >>];\n" "40: cuarenta[ y >>];\n" "50: cincuenta[ y >>];\n" "60: sesenta[ y >>];\n" "70: setenta[ y >>];\n" "80: ochenta[ y >>];\n" "90: noventa[ y >>];\n" // 100 by itself is "cien," but 100 followed by something is "cineto" "100: cien;\n" "101: ciento >>;\n" // words for multiples of 100 (must be stated because they're // rarely simple concatenations) "200: doscientos[ >>];\n" "300: trescientos[ >>];\n" "400: cuatrocientos[ >>];\n" "500: quinientos[ >>];\n" "600: seiscientos[ >>];\n" "700: setecientos[ >>];\n" "800: ochocientos[ >>];\n" "900: novecientos[ >>];\n" // for 1,000, the multiplier on "mil" is omitted: 2,000 is "dos mil," // but 1,000 is just "mil." "1000: mil[ >>];\n" "2000: << mil[ >>];\n" // 1,000,000 is "un millon," not "uno millon" "1,000,000: un mill\u00f3n[ >>];\n" "2,000,000: << mill\u00f3n[ >>];\n" // overflow rule "1,000,000,000: =#,##0= (incomplete data);" } }