/* ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000-2004, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ***************************************************************************** */ package com.ibm.rbm; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.xerces.parsers.*; import org.apache.xerces.dom.*; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.xml.sax.*; import com.ibm.rbm.gui.RBManagerGUI; /** * This is the super class for all importer plug-in classes. This class defines the methods * and functionality common to all importers. This includes setting up the options dialog and * displaying it to the user, performing the actual insertions into the resource bundle manager, * and managing any import conflicts. * * @author Jared Jackson * @see com.ibm.rbm.RBManager */ public class RBTMXImporter extends RBImporter { DocumentImpl tmx_xml = null; /** * Basic constructor for the TMX importer from the parent RBManager data and a Dialog title. */ public RBTMXImporter(String title, RBManager rbm, RBManagerGUI gui) { super(title, rbm, gui); } protected void setupFileChooser() { chooser.setFileFilter(new javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter(){ public boolean accept(File f) { if (f.isDirectory()) return true; if (f.getName().endsWith(".tmx")) return true; return false; } public String getDescription() { return Resources.getTranslation("import_TMX_file_description"); } }); } protected void beginImport() throws IOException { super.beginImport(); File tmx_file = getChosenFile(); try { InputSource is = new InputSource(new FileInputStream(tmx_file)); //is.setEncoding("UTF-8"); DOMParser parser = new DOMParser(); parser.parse(is); tmx_xml = (DocumentImpl)parser.getDocument(); } catch (Exception e) { RBManagerGUI.debugMsg(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } if (tmx_xml == null) return; importDoc(); } private void importDoc() { if (tmx_xml == null) return; ElementImpl root = (ElementImpl)tmx_xml.getDocumentElement(); Node node = root.getFirstChild(); while (node != null && (node.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || !(node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("header")))) { node = node.getNextSibling(); } //ElementImpl header = (ElementImpl)node; node = root.getFirstChild(); while (node != null && (node.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || !(node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("body")))) { node = node.getNextSibling(); } ElementImpl body = (ElementImpl)node; resolveEncodings(getEncodingsVector(body)); // Now do the actual import resource by resource NodeList tu_list = body.getElementsByTagName("tu"); for (int i=0; i < tu_list.getLength(); i++) { ElementImpl tu_elem = (ElementImpl)tu_list.item(i); // Get the key value String name = tu_elem.getAttribute("tuid"); if (name == null || name.length() < 1) continue; // Get the group if it exists String group = null; NodeList prop_list = tu_elem.getElementsByTagName("prop"); for (int j=0; j < prop_list.getLength(); j++) { ElementImpl prop_elem = (ElementImpl)prop_list.item(j); String type = prop_elem.getAttribute("type"); if (type != null && type.equals("x-Group")) { prop_elem.normalize(); NodeList text_list = prop_elem.getChildNodes(); if (text_list.getLength() < 1) continue; TextImpl text_elem = (TextImpl)text_list.item(0); group = text_elem.getNodeValue(); } } if (group == null || group.length() < 1) group = getDefaultGroup(); NodeList tuv_list = tu_elem.getElementsByTagName("tuv"); // For each tuv element for (int j=0; j < tuv_list.getLength(); j++) { ElementImpl tuv_elem = (ElementImpl)tuv_list.item(j); String encoding = tuv_elem.getAttribute("lang"); // Get the current encoding if (encoding == null) continue; char array[] = encoding.toCharArray(); for (int k=0; k < array.length; k++) { if (array[k] == '-') array[k] = '_'; } encoding = String.valueOf(array); // Get the translation value NodeList seg_list = tuv_elem.getElementsByTagName("seg"); if (seg_list.getLength() < 1) continue; ElementImpl seg_elem = (ElementImpl)seg_list.item(0); seg_elem.normalize(); NodeList text_list = seg_elem.getChildNodes(); if (text_list.getLength() < 1) continue; TextImpl text_elem = (TextImpl)text_list.item(0); String value = text_elem.getNodeValue(); if (value == null || value.length() < 1) continue; // Create the bundle item BundleItem item = new BundleItem(null, name, value); // Get creation, modification values item.setCreatedDate(tuv_elem.getAttribute("creationdate")); item.setModifiedDate(tuv_elem.getAttribute("changedate")); if (tuv_elem.getAttribute("changeid") != null) item.setModifier(tuv_elem.getAttribute("changeid")); if (tuv_elem.getAttribute("creationid") != null) item.setCreator(tuv_elem.getAttribute("creationid")); // Get properties specified prop_list = tuv_elem.getElementsByTagName("prop"); Hashtable lookups = null; for (int k=0; k < prop_list.getLength(); k++) { ElementImpl prop_elem = (ElementImpl)prop_list.item(k); String type = prop_elem.getAttribute("type"); if (type != null && type.equals("x-Comment")) { // Get the comment prop_elem.normalize(); text_list = prop_elem.getChildNodes(); if (text_list.getLength() < 1) continue; text_elem = (TextImpl)text_list.item(0); String comment = text_elem.getNodeValue(); if (comment != null && comment.length() > 0) item.setComment(comment); } else if (type != null && type.equals("x-Translated")) { // Get the translated flag value prop_elem.normalize(); text_list = prop_elem.getChildNodes(); if (text_list.getLength() < 1) continue; text_elem = (TextImpl)text_list.item(0); if (text_elem.getNodeValue() != null) { if (text_elem.getNodeValue().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) item.setTranslated(true); else if (text_elem.getNodeValue().equalsIgnoreCase("false")) item.setTranslated(false); else item.setTranslated(getDefaultTranslated()); } else item.setTranslated(getDefaultTranslated()); } else if (type != null && type.equals("x-Lookup")) { // Get a lookup value prop_elem.normalize(); text_list = prop_elem.getChildNodes(); if (text_list.getLength() < 1) continue; text_elem = (TextImpl)text_list.item(0); if (text_elem.getNodeValue() != null) { String text = text_elem.getNodeValue(); if (text.indexOf("=") > 0) { try { if (lookups == null) lookups = new Hashtable(); String lkey = text.substring(0,text.indexOf("=")); String lvalue = text.substring(text.indexOf("=")+1,text.length()); lookups.put(lkey, lvalue); } catch (Exception ex) { /* String out of bounds - Ignore and go on */ } } } else item.setTranslated(getDefaultTranslated()); } } if (lookups != null) item.setLookups(lookups); importResource(item, encoding, group); } } } private Vector getEncodingsVector(ElementImpl body) { String empty = ""; if (body == null) return null; Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); NodeList tu_list = body.getElementsByTagName("tu"); for (int i=0; i < tu_list.getLength(); i++) { ElementImpl tu_elem = (ElementImpl)tu_list.item(i); NodeList tuv_list = tu_elem.getElementsByTagName("tuv"); for (int j=0; j < tuv_list.getLength(); j++) { ElementImpl tuv_elem = (ElementImpl)tuv_list.item(j); String encoding = tuv_elem.getAttribute("lang"); if (encoding == null) continue; char array[] = encoding.toCharArray(); for (int k=0; k < array.length; k++) { if (array[k] == '-') array[k] = '_'; } encoding = String.valueOf(array); if (!(hash.containsKey(encoding))) hash.put(encoding,empty); } } Vector v = new Vector(); Enumeration enum = hash.keys(); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { v.addElement(enum.nextElement()); } return v; } }