/******************************************************************** * COPYRIGHT: * Copyright (c) 1997-2004, International Business Machines Corporation and * others. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************** * * File CALLCOLL.C * * Modification History: * Name Description * Madhu Katragadda Ported for C API ********************************************************************************* */ /* * Important: This file is included into intltest/allcoll.cpp so that the * test data is shared. This makes it easier to maintain the test data, * especially since the Unicode data must be portable and quoted character * literals will not work. * If it is included, then there will be a #define INCLUDE_CALLCOLL_C * that must prevent the actual code in here from being part of the * allcoll.cpp compilation. */ /** * CollationDummyTest is a third level test class. This tests creation of * a customized collator object. For example, number 1 to be sorted * equlivalent to word 'one'. */ #include #include #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION #include "unicode/ucol.h" #include "unicode/uloc.h" #include "unicode/ucoleitr.h" #include "unicode/ustring.h" #include "unicode/uclean.h" #include "unicode/putil.h" #include "cintltst.h" #include "ccolltst.h" #include "callcoll.h" #include "calldata.h" #include "cstring.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include "ucol_imp.h" /* perform test with strength PRIMARY */ static void TestPrimary(void); /* perform test with strength SECONDARY */ static void TestSecondary(void); /* perform test with strength tertiary */ static void TestTertiary(void); /*perform tests with strength Identical */ static void TestIdentical(void); /* perform extra tests */ static void TestExtra(void); /* Test jitterbug 581 */ static void TestJB581(void); /* Test jitterbug 1401 */ static void TestJB1401(void); /* Test [variable top] in the rule syntax */ static void TestVariableTop(void); /* Test surrogates */ static void TestSurrogates(void); static void TestInvalidRules(void); static void TestJitterbug1098(void); static void TestFCDCrash(void); const UCollationResult results[] = { UCOL_LESS, UCOL_LESS, /*UCOL_GREATER,*/ UCOL_LESS, UCOL_LESS, UCOL_LESS, UCOL_LESS, UCOL_LESS, UCOL_GREATER, UCOL_GREATER, UCOL_LESS, /* 10 */ UCOL_GREATER, UCOL_LESS, UCOL_GREATER, UCOL_GREATER, UCOL_LESS, UCOL_LESS, UCOL_LESS, /* test primary > 17 */ UCOL_EQUAL, UCOL_EQUAL, UCOL_EQUAL, /* 20 */ UCOL_LESS, UCOL_LESS, UCOL_EQUAL, UCOL_EQUAL, UCOL_EQUAL, UCOL_LESS, /* test secondary > 26 */ UCOL_EQUAL, UCOL_EQUAL, UCOL_EQUAL, UCOL_EQUAL, UCOL_EQUAL, /* 30 */ UCOL_EQUAL, UCOL_LESS, UCOL_EQUAL, /* 34 */ UCOL_EQUAL, UCOL_EQUAL, UCOL_LESS /* 37 */ }; void addAllCollTest(TestNode** root) { addTest(root, &TestPrimary, "tscoll/callcoll/TestPrimary"); addTest(root, &TestSecondary, "tscoll/callcoll/TestSecondary"); addTest(root, &TestTertiary, "tscoll/callcoll/TestTertiary"); addTest(root, &TestIdentical, "tscoll/callcoll/TestIdentical"); addTest(root, &TestExtra, "tscoll/callcoll/TestExtra"); addTest(root, &TestJB581, "tscoll/callcoll/TestJB581"); addTest(root, &TestVariableTop, "tscoll/callcoll/TestVariableTop"); addTest(root, &TestSurrogates, "tscoll/callcoll/TestSurrogates"); addTest(root, &TestInvalidRules, "tscoll/callcoll/TestInvalidRules"); addTest(root, &TestJB1401, "tscoll/callcoll/TestJB1401"); addTest(root, &TestJitterbug1098, "tscoll/callcoll/TestJitterbug1098"); addTest(root, &TestFCDCrash, "tscoll/callcoll/TestFCDCrash"); } UBool hasCollationElements(const char *locName) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UResourceBundle *ColEl = NULL; UResourceBundle *loc = ures_open(NULL, locName, &status);; if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; ColEl = ures_getByKey(loc, "collations", ColEl, &status); if(status == U_ZERO_ERROR) { /* do the test - there are real elements */ ures_close(ColEl); ures_close(loc); return TRUE; } ures_close(ColEl); ures_close(loc); } return FALSE; } static UCollationResult compareUsingPartials(UCollator *coll, const UChar source[], int32_t sLen, const UChar target[], int32_t tLen, int32_t pieceSize, UErrorCode *status) { int32_t partialSKResult = 0; UCharIterator sIter, tIter; uint32_t sState[2], tState[2]; int32_t sSize = pieceSize, tSize = pieceSize; /*int32_t i = 0;*/ uint8_t sBuf[16384], tBuf[16384]; if(pieceSize > 16384) { log_err("Partial sortkey size buffer too small. Please consider increasing the buffer!\n"); *status = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR; return UCOL_EQUAL; } *status = U_ZERO_ERROR; sState[0] = 0; sState[1] = 0; tState[0] = 0; tState[1] = 0; while(sSize == pieceSize && tSize == pieceSize && partialSKResult == 0) { uiter_setString(&sIter, source, sLen); uiter_setString(&tIter, target, tLen); sSize = ucol_nextSortKeyPart(coll, &sIter, sState, sBuf, pieceSize, status); tSize = ucol_nextSortKeyPart(coll, &tIter, tState, tBuf, pieceSize, status); if(sState[0] != 0 || tState[0] != 0) { /*log_verbose("State != 0 : %08X %08X\n", sState[0], tState[0]);*/ } /*log_verbose("%i ", i++);*/ partialSKResult = memcmp(sBuf, tBuf, pieceSize); } if(partialSKResult < 0) { return UCOL_LESS; } else if(partialSKResult > 0) { return UCOL_GREATER; } else { return UCOL_EQUAL; } } static void doTestVariant(UCollator* myCollation, const UChar source[], const UChar target[], UCollationResult result) { int32_t sortklen1, sortklen2, sortklenmax, sortklenmin; int temp=0, gSortklen1=0,gSortklen2=0; UCollationResult compareResult, compareResulta, keyResult, compareResultIter = result; uint8_t *sortKey1, *sortKey2, *sortKey1a, *sortKey2a; uint32_t sLen = u_strlen(source); uint32_t tLen = u_strlen(target); char buffer[256]; uint32_t len; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UColAttributeValue norm = ucol_getAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, &status); UCharIterator sIter, tIter; uiter_setString(&sIter, source, sLen); uiter_setString(&tIter, target, tLen); compareResultIter = ucol_strcollIter(myCollation, &sIter, &tIter, &status); if(compareResultIter != result) { log_err("different results in iterative comparison for UTF-16 encoded strings. %s, %s\n", aescstrdup(source,-1), aescstrdup(target,-1)); } /* convert the strings to UTF-8 and do try comparing with char iterator */ if(QUICK <= 0) { /*!QUICK*/ char utf8Source[256], utf8Target[256]; int32_t utf8SourceLen = 0, utf8TargetLen = 0; u_strToUTF8(utf8Source, 256, &utf8SourceLen, source, sLen, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { /* probably buffer is not big enough */ log_verbose("Src UTF-8 buffer too small! Will not compare!\n"); } else { u_strToUTF8(utf8Target, 256, &utf8TargetLen, target, tLen, &status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { /* probably buffer is not big enough */ UCollationResult compareResultUTF8 = result, compareResultUTF8Norm = result; /*UCharIterator sIter, tIter;*/ /*log_verbose("Strings converted to UTF-8:%s, %s\n", aescstrdup(source,-1), aescstrdup(target,-1));*/ uiter_setUTF8(&sIter, utf8Source, utf8SourceLen); uiter_setUTF8(&tIter, utf8Target, utf8TargetLen); /*uiter_setString(&sIter, source, sLen); uiter_setString(&tIter, target, tLen);*/ compareResultUTF8 = ucol_strcollIter(myCollation, &sIter, &tIter, &status); ucol_setAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, UCOL_ON, &status); sIter.move(&sIter, 0, UITER_START); tIter.move(&tIter, 0, UITER_START); compareResultUTF8Norm = ucol_strcollIter(myCollation, &sIter, &tIter, &status); ucol_setAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, norm, &status); if(compareResultUTF8 != compareResultIter) { log_err("different results in iterative comparison for UTF-16 and UTF-8 encoded strings. %s, %s\n", aescstrdup(source,-1), aescstrdup(target,-1)); } if(compareResultUTF8 != compareResultUTF8Norm) { log_err("different results in iterative when normalization is turned on with UTF-8 strings. %s, %s\n", aescstrdup(source,-1), aescstrdup(target,-1)); } } else { log_verbose("Target UTF-8 buffer too small! Did not compare!\n"); } if(U_FAILURE(status)) { log_verbose("UTF-8 strcoll failed! Ignoring result\n"); } } } /* testing the partial sortkeys */ if(1) { /*!QUICK*/ int32_t i = 0; int32_t partialSizes[] = { 3, 1, 2, 4, 8, 20, 80 }; /* just size 3 in the quick mode */ int32_t partialSizesSize = 1; if(QUICK <= 0) { partialSizesSize = 7; } /*log_verbose("partial sortkey test piecesize=");*/ for(i = 0; i < partialSizesSize; i++) { UCollationResult partialSKResult = result, partialNormalizedSKResult = result; /*log_verbose("%i ", partialSizes[i]);*/ partialSKResult = compareUsingPartials(myCollation, source, sLen, target, tLen, partialSizes[i], &status); if(partialSKResult != result) { log_err("Partial sortkey comparison returned wrong result: %s, %s (size %i)\n", aescstrdup(source,-1), aescstrdup(target,-1), partialSizes[i]); } if(QUICK <= 0 && norm != UCOL_ON) { /*log_verbose("N ");*/ ucol_setAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, UCOL_ON, &status); partialNormalizedSKResult = compareUsingPartials(myCollation, source, sLen, target, tLen, partialSizes[i], &status); ucol_setAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, norm, &status); if(partialSKResult != partialNormalizedSKResult) { log_err("Partial sortkey comparison gets different result when normalization is on: %s, %s (size %i)\n", aescstrdup(source,-1), aescstrdup(target,-1), partialSizes[i]); } } } /*log_verbose("\n");*/ } compareResult = ucol_strcoll(myCollation, source, sLen, target, tLen); compareResulta = ucol_strcoll(myCollation, source, -1, target, -1); if (compareResult != compareResulta) { log_err("ucol_strcoll result from null terminated and explicit length strings differs.\n"); } sortklen1=ucol_getSortKey(myCollation, source, sLen, NULL, 0); sortklen2=ucol_getSortKey(myCollation, target, tLen, NULL, 0); sortklenmax = (sortklen1>sortklen2?sortklen1:sortklen2); sortklenmin = (sortklen1 0) { keyResult= UCOL_GREATER; } else { keyResult = UCOL_EQUAL; } reportCResult( source, target, sortKey1, sortKey2, compareResult, keyResult, compareResultIter, result ); free(sortKey1); free(sortKey2); free(sortKey1a); free(sortKey2a); } void doTest(UCollator* myCollation, const UChar source[], const UChar target[], UCollationResult result) { if(myCollation) { doTestVariant(myCollation, source, target, result); if(result == UCOL_LESS) { doTestVariant(myCollation, target, source, UCOL_GREATER); } else if(result == UCOL_GREATER) { doTestVariant(myCollation, target, source, UCOL_LESS); } else { doTestVariant(myCollation, target, source, UCOL_EQUAL); } } else { log_data_err("No collator! Any data around?\n"); } } /** * Return an integer array containing all of the collation orders * returned by calls to next on the specified iterator */ int32_t* getOrders(UCollationElements *iter, int32_t *orderLength) { UErrorCode status; int32_t order; int32_t maxSize = 100; int32_t size = 0; int32_t *temp; int32_t *orders =(int32_t*)malloc(sizeof(int32_t) * maxSize); status= U_ZERO_ERROR; while ((order=ucol_next(iter, &status)) != UCOL_NULLORDER) { if (size == maxSize) { maxSize *= 2; temp = (int32_t*)malloc(sizeof(int32_t) * maxSize); memcpy(temp, orders, size * sizeof(int32_t)); free(orders); orders = temp; } orders[size++] = order; } if (maxSize > size && size > 0) { temp = (int32_t*)malloc(sizeof(int32_t) * size); memcpy(temp, orders, size * sizeof(int32_t)); free(orders); orders = temp; } *orderLength = size; return orders; } void backAndForth(UCollationElements *iter) { /* Run through the iterator forwards and stick it into an array */ int32_t index, o; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t orderLength = 0; int32_t *orders; orders= getOrders(iter, &orderLength); /* Now go through it backwards and make sure we get the same values */ index = orderLength; ucol_reset(iter); /* synwee : changed */ while ((o = ucol_previous(iter, &status)) != UCOL_NULLORDER) { if (o != orders[-- index]) { if (o == 0) index ++; else { while (index > 0 && orders[-- index] == 0) { } if (o != orders[index]) { log_err("Mismatch at index : 0x%x\n", index); return; } } } } while (index != 0 && orders[index - 1] == 0) { index --; } if (index != 0) { log_err("Didn't get back to beginning - index is %d\n", index); ucol_reset(iter); log_err("\nnext: "); if ((o = ucol_next(iter, &status)) != UCOL_NULLORDER) { log_err("Error at %x\n", o); } log_err("\nprev: "); if ((o = ucol_previous(iter, &status)) != UCOL_NULLORDER) { log_err("Error at %x\n", o); } log_verbose("\n"); } free(orders); } void genericOrderingTestWithResult(UCollator *coll, const char *s[], uint32_t size, UCollationResult result) { UChar t1[2048] = {0}; UChar t2[2048] = {0}; UCollationElements *iter; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; uint32_t i = 0, j = 0; log_verbose("testing sequence:\n"); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { log_verbose("%s\n", s[i]); } iter = ucol_openElements(coll, t1, u_strlen(t1), &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Creation of iterator failed\n"); } for(i = 0; i < size-1; i++) { for(j = i+1; j < size; j++) { u_unescape(s[i], t1, 2048); u_unescape(s[j], t2, 2048); doTest(coll, t1, t2, result); /* synwee : added collation element iterator test */ ucol_setText(iter, t1, u_strlen(t1), &status); backAndForth(iter); ucol_setText(iter, t2, u_strlen(t2), &status); backAndForth(iter); } } ucol_closeElements(iter); } void genericOrderingTest(UCollator *coll, const char *s[], uint32_t size) { genericOrderingTestWithResult(coll, s, size, UCOL_LESS); } void genericLocaleStarter(const char *locale, const char *s[], uint32_t size) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UCollator *coll = ucol_open(locale, &status); log_verbose("Locale starter for %s\n", locale); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { genericOrderingTest(coll, s, size); } else if(status == U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR) { log_data_err("Is your data around?\n"); return; } else { log_err("Unable to open collator for locale %s\n", locale); } ucol_close(coll); } void genericLocaleStarterWithResult(const char *locale, const char *s[], uint32_t size, UCollationResult result) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UCollator *coll = ucol_open(locale, &status); log_verbose("Locale starter for %s\n", locale); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { genericOrderingTestWithResult(coll, s, size, result); } else if(status == U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR) { log_data_err("Is your data around?\n"); return; } else { log_err("Unable to open collator for locale %s\n", locale); } ucol_close(coll); } #if 0 /* currently not used with options */ void genericRulesStarterWithOptions(const char *rules, const char *s[], uint32_t size, const UColAttribute *attrs, const UColAttributeValue *values, uint32_t attsize) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UChar rlz[RULE_BUFFER_LEN] = { 0 }; uint32_t rlen = u_unescape(rules, rlz, RULE_BUFFER_LEN); uint32_t i; UCollator *coll = ucol_openRules(rlz, rlen, UCOL_DEFAULT, UCOL_DEFAULT,NULL, &status); log_verbose("Rules starter for %s\n", rules); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { log_verbose("Setting attributes\n"); for(i = 0; i < attsize; i++) { ucol_setAttribute(coll, attrs[i], values[i], &status); } genericOrderingTest(coll, s, size); } else { log_err("Unable to open collator with rules %s\n", rules); } ucol_close(coll); } #endif void genericLocaleStarterWithOptions(const char *locale, const char *s[], uint32_t size, const UColAttribute *attrs, const UColAttributeValue *values, uint32_t attsize) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; uint32_t i; UCollator *coll = ucol_open(locale, &status); log_verbose("Locale starter for %s\n", locale); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { log_verbose("Setting attributes\n"); for(i = 0; i < attsize; i++) { ucol_setAttribute(coll, attrs[i], values[i], &status); } genericOrderingTest(coll, s, size); } else { log_err("Unable to open collator for locale %s\n", locale); } ucol_close(coll); } void genericRulesTestWithResult(const char *rules, const char *s[], uint32_t size, UCollationResult result) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UChar rlz[RULE_BUFFER_LEN] = { 0 }; uint32_t rlen = u_unescape(rules, rlz, RULE_BUFFER_LEN); UCollator *coll = NULL; coll = ucol_openRules(rlz, rlen, UCOL_DEFAULT, UCOL_DEFAULT,NULL, &status); log_verbose("Rules starter for %s\n", rules); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { genericOrderingTestWithResult(coll, s, size, result); ucol_close(coll); } else if(status == U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR) { log_data_err("Is your data around?\n"); } else { log_err("Unable to open collator with rules %s\n", rules); } } void genericRulesStarter(const char *rules, const char *s[], uint32_t size) { genericRulesTestWithResult(rules, s, size, UCOL_LESS); } static void TestTertiary() { int32_t len,i; UChar *rules; UCollator *myCollation; UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR; const char* str="& C < ch, cH, Ch, CH & Five, 5 & Four, 4 & one, 1 & Ampersand; '&' & Two, 2 "; len = strlen(str); rules=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar*) * (len+1)); u_uastrcpy(rules, str); myCollation=ucol_openRules(rules, len, UCOL_OFF, UCOL_DEFAULT_STRENGTH, NULL, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("ERROR: in creation of rule based collator :%s\n", myErrorName(status)); } ucol_setStrength(myCollation, UCOL_TERTIARY); for (i = 0; i < 17 ; i++) { doTest(myCollation, testSourceCases[i], testTargetCases[i], results[i]); } free(rules); ucol_close(myCollation); myCollation = 0; } static void TestPrimary( ) { int32_t len,i; UChar *rules; UCollator *myCollation; UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR; const char* str="& C < ch, cH, Ch, CH & Five, 5 & Four, 4 & one, 1 & Ampersand; '&' & Two, 2 "; len = strlen(str); rules=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar*) * (len+1)); u_uastrcpy(rules, str); myCollation=ucol_openRules(rules, len, UCOL_OFF, UCOL_DEFAULT_STRENGTH,NULL, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("ERROR: in creation of rule based collator :%s\n", myErrorName(status)); } ucol_setStrength(myCollation, UCOL_PRIMARY); for (i = 17; i < 26 ; i++) { doTest(myCollation, testSourceCases[i], testTargetCases[i], results[i]); } free(rules); ucol_close(myCollation); myCollation = 0; } static void TestSecondary() { int32_t i; int32_t len; UChar *rules; UCollator *myCollation; UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR; const char* str="& C < ch, cH, Ch, CH & Five, 5 & Four, 4 & one, 1 & Ampersand; '&' & Two, 2 "; len = strlen(str); rules=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar*) * (len+1)); u_uastrcpy(rules, str); myCollation=ucol_openRules(rules, len, UCOL_OFF, UCOL_DEFAULT_STRENGTH,NULL, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("ERROR: in creation of rule based collator :%s\n", myErrorName(status)); } ucol_setStrength(myCollation, UCOL_SECONDARY); for (i = 26; i < 34 ; i++) { doTest(myCollation, testSourceCases[i], testTargetCases[i], results[i]); } free(rules); ucol_close(myCollation); myCollation = 0; } static void TestIdentical() { int32_t i; int32_t len; UChar *rules = 0; UCollator *myCollation; UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR; const char* str="& C < ch, cH, Ch, CH & Five, 5 & Four, 4 & one, 1 & Ampersand; '&' & Two, 2 "; len = strlen(str); rules=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar*) * (len+1)); u_uastrcpy(rules, str); myCollation=ucol_openRules(rules, len, UCOL_OFF, UCOL_IDENTICAL, NULL,&status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("ERROR: in creation of rule based collator :%s\n", myErrorName(status)); } for(i= 34; i<37; i++) { doTest(myCollation, testSourceCases[i], testTargetCases[i], results[i]); } free(rules); ucol_close(myCollation); myCollation = 0; } static void TestExtra() { int32_t i, j; int32_t len; UChar *rules; UCollator *myCollation; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char* str="& C < ch, cH, Ch, CH & Five, 5 & Four, 4 & one, 1 & Ampersand; '&' & Two, 2 "; len = strlen(str); rules=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar*) * (len+1)); u_uastrcpy(rules, str); myCollation=ucol_openRules(rules, len, UCOL_OFF, UCOL_DEFAULT_STRENGTH,NULL, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("ERROR: in creation of rule based collator :%s\n", myErrorName(status)); } ucol_setStrength(myCollation, UCOL_TERTIARY); for (i = 0; i < COUNT_TEST_CASES-1 ; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < COUNT_TEST_CASES; j += 1) { doTest(myCollation, testCases[i], testCases[j], UCOL_LESS); } } free(rules); ucol_close(myCollation); myCollation = 0; } static void TestJB581(void) { UChar dispName [100]; int32_t bufferLen = 0; UChar source [100]; UChar target [100]; UCollationResult result = UCOL_EQUAL; uint8_t sourceKeyArray [100]; uint8_t targetKeyArray [100]; int32_t sourceKeyOut = 0, targetKeyOut = 0; UCollator *myCollator = 0; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; /*u_uastrcpy(source, "This is a test.");*/ /*u_uastrcpy(target, "THISISATEST.");*/ u_uastrcpy(source, "THISISATEST."); u_uastrcpy(target, "Thisisatest."); myCollator = ucol_open("en_US", &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)){ bufferLen = uloc_getDisplayName("en_US", 0, dispName, 100, &status); /*Report the error with display name... */ log_err("ERROR: Failed to create the collator for : \"%s\"\n", dispName); return; } result = ucol_strcoll(myCollator, source, -1, target, -1); /* result is 1, secondary differences only for ignorable space characters*/ if (result != 1) { log_err("Comparing two strings with only secondary differences in C failed.\n"); } /* To compare them with just primary differences */ ucol_setStrength(myCollator, UCOL_PRIMARY); result = ucol_strcoll(myCollator, source, -1, target, -1); /* result is 0 */ if (result != 0) { log_err("Comparing two strings with no differences in C failed.\n"); } /* Now, do the same comparison with keys */ sourceKeyOut = ucol_getSortKey(myCollator, source, -1, sourceKeyArray, 100); targetKeyOut = ucol_getSortKey(myCollator, target, -1, targetKeyArray, 100); result = 0; bufferLen = ((targetKeyOut > 100) ? 100 : targetKeyOut); result = memcmp(sourceKeyArray, targetKeyArray, bufferLen); if (result != 0) { log_err("Comparing two strings with sort keys in C failed.\n"); } ucol_close(myCollator); } static void TestJB1401(void) { UCollator *myCollator = 0; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; static UChar NFD_UnsafeStartChars[] = { 0x0f73, /* Tibetan Vowel Sign II */ 0x0f75, /* Tibetan Vowel Sign UU */ 0x0f81, /* Tibetan Vowel Sign Reversed II */ 0 }; int i; myCollator = ucol_open("en_US", &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)){ int32_t bufferLen = 0; UChar dispName [100]; bufferLen = uloc_getDisplayName("en_US", 0, dispName, 100, &status); /*Report the error with display name... */ log_err("ERROR: Failed to create the collator for : \"%s\"\n", dispName); return; } ucol_setAttribute(myCollator, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, UCOL_ON, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("ERROR: Failed to set normalization mode ON for collator.\n"); return; } for (i=0; ; i++) { UChar c; UChar X[4]; UChar Y[20]; UChar Z[20]; /* Get the next funny character to be tested, and set up the * three test strings X, Y, Z, consisting of an A-grave + test char, * in original form, NFD, and then NFC form. */ c = NFD_UnsafeStartChars[i]; if (c==0) {break;} X[0]=0xC0; X[1]=c; X[2]=0; /* \u00C0 is A Grave*/ unorm_normalize(X, -1, UNORM_NFD, 0, Y, 20, &status); unorm_normalize(Y, -1, UNORM_NFC, 0, Z, 20, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("ERROR: Failed to normalize test of character %x\n", c); return; } /* Collation test. All three strings should be equal. * doTest does both strcoll and sort keys, with params in both orders. */ doTest(myCollator, X, Y, UCOL_EQUAL); doTest(myCollator, X, Z, UCOL_EQUAL); doTest(myCollator, Y, Z, UCOL_EQUAL); /* Run collation element iterators over the three strings. Results should be same for each. */ { UCollationElements *ceiX, *ceiY, *ceiZ; int32_t ceX, ceY, ceZ; int j; ceiX = ucol_openElements(myCollator, X, -1, &status); ceiY = ucol_openElements(myCollator, Y, -1, &status); ceiZ = ucol_openElements(myCollator, Z, -1, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("ERROR: uucol_openElements failed.\n"); return; } for (j=0;; j++) { ceX = ucol_next(ceiX, &status); ceY = ucol_next(ceiY, &status); ceZ = ucol_next(ceiZ, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("ERROR: ucol_next failed for iteration #%d.\n", j); break; } if (ceX != ceY || ceY != ceZ) { log_err("ERROR: ucol_next failed for iteration #%d.\n", j); break; } if (ceX == UCOL_NULLORDER) { break; } } ucol_closeElements(ceiX); ucol_closeElements(ceiY); ucol_closeElements(ceiZ); } } ucol_close(myCollator); } /** * Tests the [variable top] tag in rule syntax. Since the default [alternate] * tag has the value shifted, any codepoints before [variable top] should give * a primary ce of 0. */ static void TestVariableTop(void) { const char *str = "&z = [variable top]"; int len = strlen(str); UChar *rules; UCollator *myCollation; UCollator *enCollation; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UChar source[1]; UChar ch; uint8_t result[20]; uint8_t expected[20]; rules = (UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar*) * (len + 1)); u_uastrcpy(rules, str); enCollation = ucol_open("en_US", &status); myCollation = ucol_openRules(rules, len, UCOL_OFF, UCOL_PRIMARY,NULL, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("ERROR: in creation of rule based collator :%s\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } ucol_setStrength(enCollation, UCOL_PRIMARY); ucol_setAttribute(enCollation, UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING, UCOL_SHIFTED, &status); ucol_setAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING, UCOL_SHIFTED, &status); if (ucol_getAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING, &status) != UCOL_SHIFTED || U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("ERROR: ALTERNATE_HANDLING value can not be set to SHIFTED\n"); } uprv_memset(expected, 0, 20); /* space is supposed to be a variable */ source[0] = ' '; len = ucol_getSortKey(enCollation, source, 1, result, sizeof(result)); if (uprv_memcmp(expected, result, len) != 0) { log_err("ERROR: SHIFTED alternate does not return 0 for primary of space\n"); } ch = 'a'; while (ch < 'z') { source[0] = ch; len = ucol_getSortKey(myCollation, source, 1, result, sizeof(result)); if (uprv_memcmp(expected, result, len) != 0) { log_err("ERROR: SHIFTED alternate does not return 0 for primary of %c\n", ch); } ch ++; } free(rules); ucol_close(enCollation); ucol_close(myCollation); enCollation = NULL; myCollation = NULL; } /** * Tests surrogate support. * NOTE: This test used \\uD801\\uDC01 pair, which is now assigned to Desseret * Therefore, another (unassigned) code point was used for this test. */ static void TestSurrogates(void) { const char *str = "&z<'\\uD800\\uDC00'<'\\uD800\\uDC0A\\u0308'