/** ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1996-2001, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* * * $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/unicodetools/com/ibm/text/UCA/WriteCharts.java,v $ * $Date: 2003/08/22 16:51:21 $ * $Revision: 1.17 $ * ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.text.UCA; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import com.ibm.text.UCD.*; import com.ibm.text.utility.*; import com.ibm.icu.text.UTF16; import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSetIterator; import com.ibm.icu.text.Transliterator; import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; public class WriteCharts implements UCD_Types { static boolean HACK_KANA = false; static public void special() { Default.setUCD(); for (int i = 0xE000; i < 0x10000; ++i) { if (!Default.ucd.isRepresented(i)) continue; if (!Default.nfkc.isNormalized(i)) continue; System.out.println(Default.ucd.getCodeAndName(i)); } } static public void collationChart(UCA uca) throws IOException { Default.setUCD(uca.getUCDVersion()); HACK_KANA = true; uca.setAlternate(UCA.NON_IGNORABLE); //Normalizer nfd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD); //Normalizer nfc = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFC); UCA.UCAContents cc = uca.getContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, null); // nfd instead of null if skipping decomps cc.enableSamples(); Set set = new TreeSet(); while (true) { String x = cc.next(); if (x == null) break; if (x.equals("\u2F00")) { System.out.println("debug"); } set.add(new Pair(uca.getSortKey(x), x)); } PrintWriter output = null; Iterator it = set.iterator(); byte oldScript = -127; int[] scriptCount = new int[128]; int counter = 0; String lastSortKey = "\u0000"; int high = uca.getSortKey("a").charAt(0); int variable = UCA.getPrimary(uca.getVariableHigh()); int columnCount = 0; String[] replacement = new String[] {"%%%", "Collation Charts"}; String folder = "charts\\uca\\"; Utility.copyTextFile("index.html", Utility.UTF8, folder + "index.html", replacement); Utility.copyTextFile("charts.css", Utility.LATIN1, folder + "charts.css"); Utility.copyTextFile("help.html", Utility.UTF8, folder + "help.html"); indexFile = Utility.openPrintWriter(folder + "index_list.html", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); Utility.appendFile("index_header.html", Utility.UTF8, indexFile, replacement); /* indexFile.println(""); indexFile.println("UCA Default Collation Table"); indexFile.println(""); indexFile.println(""); indexFile.println("

UCA Default Collation Table

"); indexFile.println("

Help"); */ while (it.hasNext()) { Utility.dot(counter); Pair p = (Pair) it.next(); String sortKey = (String) p.first; String s = (String) p.second; int cp = UTF16.charAt(s,0); byte script = Default.ucd.getScript(cp); // get first non-zero primary int currentPrimary = getFirstPrimary(sortKey); int primary = currentPrimary >>> 16; if (sortKey.length() < 4) script = NULL_ORDER; else if (primary == 0) script = IGNORABLE_ORDER; else if (primary <= variable) script = VARIABLE_ORDER; else if (primary < high) script = COMMON_SCRIPT; else if (UCA.isImplicitLeadPrimary(primary)) { if (primary < UCA_Types.UNSUPPORTED_CJK_AB_BASE) script = CJK; else if (primary < UCA_Types.UNSUPPORTED_OTHER_BASE) script = CJK_AB; else script = UNSUPPORTED; } if (script == KATAKANA_SCRIPT) script = HIRAGANA_SCRIPT; else if ((script == INHERITED_SCRIPT || script == COMMON_SCRIPT) && oldScript >= 0) script = oldScript; if (script != oldScript // && (script != COMMON_SCRIPT && script != INHERITED_SCRIPT) ) { closeFile(output); output = null; oldScript = script; } if (output == null) { ++scriptCount[script+3]; if (scriptCount[script+3] > 1) { System.out.println("\t\tFAIL: " + scriptCount[script+3] + ", " + getChunkName(script, LONG) + ", " + Default.ucd.getCodeAndName(s)); } output = openFile(scriptCount[script+3], folder, script); } boolean firstPrimaryEquals = currentPrimary == getFirstPrimary(lastSortKey); int strength = uca.strengthDifference(sortKey, lastSortKey); if (strength < 0) strength = -strength; lastSortKey = sortKey; // find out if this is an expansion: more than one primary weight int primaryCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sortKey.length(); ++i) { char w = sortKey.charAt(i); if (w == 0) break; if (UCA.isImplicitLeadPrimary(w)) { ++i; // skip next } ++ primaryCount; } String breaker = ""; if (columnCount > 10 || !firstPrimaryEquals) { columnCount = 0; if (!firstPrimaryEquals || script == UNSUPPORTED) breaker = ""; else { breaker = ""; // indent 1 cell ++columnCount; } } String classname = primaryCount > 1 ? XCLASSNAME[strength] : CLASSNAME[strength]; String name = Default.ucd.getName(s); if (s.equals("\u1eaf")) { System.out.println("debug"); } String comp = Default.nfc.normalize(s); String outline = breaker + classname + " title='" + (script != UNSUPPORTED ? Utility.quoteXML(name, true) + ": " : "") + UCA.toString(sortKey) + "'>" + Utility.quoteXML(comp, true) + "
" + Utility.hex(s) //+ "
" + script + "
" + (script == UNSUPPORTED ? "" + Utility.quoteXML(name, true) + "" : "") ; output.println(outline); ++columnCount; } closeFile(output); closeIndexFile(indexFile, "
UCA: " + uca.getDataVersion(), COLLATION); } static public void normalizationChart() throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); HACK_KANA = false; Set set = new TreeSet(); for (int i = 0; i <= 0x10FFFF; ++i) { if (!Default.ucd.isRepresented(i)) { if (i < 0xAC00) continue; if (i > 0xD7A3) continue; if (i > 0xACFF && i < 0xD700) continue; } byte cat = Default.ucd.getCategory(i); if (cat == Cs || cat == Co) continue; if (Default.nfkd.isNormalized(i)) continue; String decomp = Default.nfkd.normalize(i); byte script = getBestScript(decomp); set.add(new Pair(new Integer(script == COMMON_SCRIPT ? cat + CAT_OFFSET : script), new Pair(Default.ucd.getCase(decomp, FULL, FOLD), new Integer(i)))); } PrintWriter output = null; Iterator it = set.iterator(); int oldScript = -127; int counter = 0; String[] replacement = new String[] {"%%%", "Normalization Charts"}; String folder = "charts\\normalization\\"; Utility.copyTextFile("index.html", Utility.UTF8, folder + "index.html", replacement); Utility.copyTextFile("charts.css", Utility.LATIN1, folder + "charts.css"); Utility.copyTextFile("norm_help.html", Utility.UTF8, folder + "help.html"); indexFile = Utility.openPrintWriter(folder + "index_list.html", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); Utility.appendFile("index_header.html", Utility.UTF8, indexFile, replacement); /* indexFile.println(""); indexFile.println("UCA Default Collation Table"); indexFile.println(""); indexFile.println(""); indexFile.println("

UCA Default Collation Table

"); indexFile.println("

Help"); */ while (it.hasNext()) { Utility.dot(counter); Pair p = (Pair) it.next(); int script = ((Integer) p.first).intValue(); int cp = ((Integer)((Pair) p.second).second).intValue(); if (script != oldScript // && (script != COMMON_SCRIPT && script != INHERITED_SCRIPT) ) { closeFile(output); output = null; oldScript = script; } if (output == null) { output = openFile(0, folder, script); output.println("CodeCDKCKD"); } output.println(""); String prefix; String code = UTF16.valueOf(cp); String c = Default.nfc.normalize(cp); String d = Default.nfd.normalize(cp); String kc = Default.nfkc.normalize(cp); String kd = Default.nfkd.normalize(cp); showCell(output, code, ""); } closeFile(output); closeIndexFile(indexFile, "", NORMALIZATION); } static public void caseChart() throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); HACK_KANA = false; Set set = new TreeSet(); for (int i = 0; i <= 0x10FFFF; ++i) { if (!Default.ucd.isRepresented(i)) continue; byte cat = Default.ucd.getCategory(i); if (cat == Cs || cat == Co) continue; String code = UTF16.valueOf(i); String lower = Default.ucd.getCase(i, FULL, LOWER); String title = Default.ucd.getCase(i, FULL, TITLE); String upper = Default.ucd.getCase(i, FULL, UPPER); String fold = Default.ucd.getCase(i, FULL, FOLD); String decomp = Default.nfkd.normalize(i); int script = 0; if (lower.equals(code) && upper.equals(code) && fold.equals(code) && title.equals(code)) { if (!containsCase(decomp)) continue; script = NO_CASE_MAPPING; } if (script == 0) script = getBestScript(decomp); set.add(new Pair(new Integer(script == COMMON_SCRIPT ? cat + CAT_OFFSET : script), new Pair(Default.ucd.getCase(decomp, FULL, FOLD), new Integer(i)))); } PrintWriter output = null; Iterator it = set.iterator(); int oldScript = -127; int counter = 0; String[] replacement = new String[] {"%%%", "Case Charts"}; String folder = "charts\\case\\"; Utility.copyTextFile("index.html", Utility.UTF8, folder + "index.html", replacement); Utility.copyTextFile("charts.css", Utility.LATIN1, folder + "charts.css"); Utility.copyTextFile("case_help.html", Utility.UTF8, folder + "help.html"); indexFile = Utility.openPrintWriter(folder + "index_list.html", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); Utility.appendFile("index_header.html", Utility.UTF8, indexFile, replacement); /* indexFile.println(""); indexFile.println("UCA Default Collation Table"); indexFile.println(""); indexFile.println(""); indexFile.println("

UCA Default Collation Table

"); indexFile.println("

Help"); */ int columnCount = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { Utility.dot(counter); Pair p = (Pair) it.next(); int script = ((Integer) p.first).intValue(); int cp = ((Integer)((Pair) p.second).second).intValue(); if (script != oldScript // && (script != COMMON_SCRIPT && script != INHERITED_SCRIPT) ) { closeFile(output); output = null; oldScript = script; } if (output == null) { output = openFile(0, folder, script); if (script == NO_CASE_MAPPING) output.println(""); else output.println("CodeLowerTitle" +"UpperFold"); } if (script == NO_CASE_MAPPING) { if (columnCount > 10) { output.println(""); columnCount = 0; } showCell(output, UTF16.valueOf(cp), ""); String prefix; String code = UTF16.valueOf(cp); String lower = Default.ucd.getCase(cp, FULL, LOWER); String title = Default.ucd.getCase(cp, FULL, TITLE); String upper = Default.ucd.getCase(cp, FULL, UPPER); String fold = Default.ucd.getCase(cp, FULL, FOLD); showCell(output, code, ""); } closeFile(output); closeIndexFile(indexFile, "", CASE); } static public void scriptChart() throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); HACK_KANA = false; Set set = new TreeSet(); for (int i = 0; i <= 0x10FFFF; ++i) { if (!Default.ucd.isRepresented(i)) continue; byte cat = Default.ucd.getCategory(i); if (cat == Cs || cat == Co || cat == Cn) continue; String code = UTF16.valueOf(i); String decomp = Default.nfkd.normalize(i); int script = getBestScript(decomp); set.add(new Pair(new Integer(script == COMMON_SCRIPT ? cat + CAT_OFFSET : script), new Pair(decomp, new Integer(i)))); } PrintWriter output = null; Iterator it = set.iterator(); int oldScript = -127; int counter = 0; String[] replacement = new String[] {"%%%", "Script Charts"}; String folder = "charts\\script\\"; Utility.copyTextFile("index.html", Utility.UTF8, folder + "index.html", replacement); Utility.copyTextFile("charts.css", Utility.LATIN1, folder + "charts.css"); Utility.copyTextFile("script_help.html", Utility.UTF8, folder + "help.html"); indexFile = Utility.openPrintWriter(folder + "index_list.html", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); Utility.appendFile("script_index_header.html", Utility.UTF8, indexFile, replacement); /* indexFile.println(""); indexFile.println("UCA Default Collation Table"); indexFile.println(""); indexFile.println(""); indexFile.println("

UCA Default Collation Table

"); indexFile.println("

Help"); */ int columnCount = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { Utility.dot(counter); Pair p = (Pair) it.next(); int script = ((Integer) p.first).intValue(); int cp = ((Integer)((Pair)p.second).second).intValue(); if (script != oldScript // && (script != COMMON_SCRIPT && script != INHERITED_SCRIPT) ) { closeFile(output); output = null; oldScript = script; columnCount = 0; } if (output == null) { output = openFile(0, folder, script); } if (columnCount > 10) { output.println(""); columnCount = 0; } showCell(output, UTF16.valueOf(cp), "" + key + ""); columnCount = 1; Iterator sublist = chars.iterator(); while (sublist.hasNext()) { String ch = (String) sublist.next(); if (columnCount > 10) { output.println(""); columnCount = 1; } showCell(output, ch, ""); } closeFile(output); closeIndexFile(indexFile, "", CASE); } static void showCell(PrintWriter output, String s, String prefix, String extra, boolean skipName) { String name = Default.ucd.getName(s); String comp = Default.nfc.normalize(s); String outline = prefix + (skipName ? "" : " title='" + Utility.quoteXML(name, true) + "'") + extra + ">" + Utility.quoteXML(comp, true) + "
" + Utility.hex(s) //+ "
" + script + "
"; output.println(outline); } static byte getBestScript(String s) { int cp; byte result = COMMON_SCRIPT; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i += UTF16.getCharCount(cp)) { cp = UTF16.charAt(s, i); result = Default.ucd.getScript(cp); if (result != COMMON_SCRIPT && result != INHERITED_SCRIPT) return result; } return COMMON_SCRIPT; } static int getFirstPrimary(String sortKey) { int result = sortKey.charAt(0); if (UCA.isImplicitLeadPrimary(result)) { return (result << 16) | sortKey.charAt(1); } return (result << 16); } static final String[] CLASSNAME = { "" + scriptName + ""); String title = "UCA: " + scriptName; output.println(""); output.println("" + title + ""); output.println(""); output.println("

" + scriptName + "

"); output.println(""); return output; } static PrintWriter openFile2(int count, String directory, String name) throws IOException { String fileName = "chart_" + name + (count > 1 ? count + "" : "") + ".html"; PrintWriter output = Utility.openPrintWriter(directory + fileName, Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); Utility.fixDot(); System.out.println("Writing: " + name); indexFile.println(" " + name + ""); String title = name; output.println(""); output.println("" + title + ""); output.println(""); output.println(""); output.println("
"); return output; } static final int NULL_ORDER = -3, IGNORABLE_ORDER = -2, VARIABLE_ORDER = -1, // scripts in here CJK = 120, CJK_AB = 121, UNSUPPORTED = 122, CAT_OFFSET = 128, // categories in here NO_CASE_MAPPING = 200; static String getChunkName(int script, byte length) { switch(script) { case NO_CASE_MAPPING: return "NoCaseMapping"; case NULL_ORDER: return "Null"; case IGNORABLE_ORDER: return "Ignorable"; case VARIABLE_ORDER: return "Variable"; case CJK: return "CJK"; case CJK_AB: return "CJK-Extensions"; case UNSUPPORTED: return "Unsupported"; default: if (script >= CAT_OFFSET) return Default.ucd.getCategoryID_fromIndex((byte)(script - CAT_OFFSET), length); else if (script == HIRAGANA_SCRIPT && HACK_KANA) return length == SHORT ? "Kata-Hira" : "Katakana-Hiragana"; else return Default.ucd.getCase(Default.ucd.getScriptID_fromIndex((byte)script, length), FULL, TITLE); } } static void closeFile(PrintWriter output) { if (output == null) return; output.println("
"); output.close(); } static final byte COLLATION = 0, NORMALIZATION = 1, CASE = 2; static void closeIndexFile(PrintWriter indexFile, String extra, byte choice) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss"); df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); indexFile.println("

"); boolean gotOne = false; if (choice != COLLATION) { indexFile.println("Collation Charts"); gotOne = true; } if (choice != NORMALIZATION) { if (gotOne) indexFile.println("
"); indexFile.println("Normalization Charts"); gotOne = true; } if (choice != CASE) { if (gotOne) indexFile.println("
"); indexFile.println("Case Charts"); gotOne = true; } indexFile.println("

"); indexFile.println("UCD: " + Default.ucd.getVersion() + extra); indexFile.println("
" + df.format(new Date()) + " MED"); indexFile.println("

"); indexFile.close(); } static boolean containsCase(String s) { int cp; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i += UTF16.getCharCount(cp)) { cp = UTF16.charAt(s, i); // contains Lu, Lo, Lt, or Lowercase or Uppercase byte cat = Default.ucd.getCategory(cp); if (cat == Lu || cat == Ll || cat == Lt) return true; if (Default.ucd.getBinaryProperty(cp, Other_Lowercase)) return true; if (Default.ucd.getBinaryProperty(cp, Other_Uppercase)) return true; } return false; } static final Transliterator addCircle = Transliterator.createFromRules( "any-addCircle", "([[:Mn:][:Me:]]) > \u25CC $1", Transliterator.FORWARD); public static void writeCompositionChart() throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); UCA uca = new UCA(null,""); Set letters = new TreeSet(); Set marks = new TreeSet(uca); Set totalMarks = new TreeSet(uca); Map decomposes = new HashMap(); Set notPrinted = new TreeSet(new UTF16.StringComparator()); Set printed = new HashSet(); // UnicodeSet latin = new UnicodeSet("[:latin:]"); PrintWriter out = Utility.openPrintWriter("composition_chart.html", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); try { out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("


"); UnicodeSetIterator it = new UnicodeSetIterator(); for (byte script = 0; script < UCD_Types.LIMIT_SCRIPT; ++script) { String scriptName = ""; try { scriptName = Default.ucd.getScriptID_fromIndex(script); Utility.fixDot(); System.out.println(scriptName); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.out.println("Failed to create transliterator for: " + scriptName + "(" + script + ")"); continue; } letters.clear(); letters.add(""); // header row marks.clear(); notPrinted.clear(); printed.clear(); for (int cp = 0; cp < 0x10FFFF; ++cp) { byte type = Default.ucd.getCategory(cp); if (type == Default.ucd.UNASSIGNED || type == Default.ucd.PRIVATE_USE) continue; // skip chaff Utility.dot(cp); byte newScript = Default.ucd.getScript(cp); if (newScript != script) continue; String source = UTF16.valueOf(cp); String decomp = Default.nfd.normalize(source); if (decomp.equals(source)) continue; // pick up all decompositions int count = UTF16.getCharCount(UTF16.charAt(decomp, 0)); if (count == decomp.length()) { notPrinted.add(source); continue; // skip unless marks } if (UCD.isHangulSyllable(cp)) count = 2; String first = decomp.substring(0, count); String second = decomp.substring(count); //if (!markSet.containsAll(second)) continue; // skip unless marks letters.add(first); marks.add(second); Utility.addToSet(decomposes, decomp, source); notPrinted.add(source); if (source.equals("\u212b")) System.out.println("A-RING!"); } if (marks.size() != 0) { totalMarks.addAll(marks); out.println(""); out.println(""); Iterator it2 = letters.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { String let = (String)it2.next(); out.println("" + showCell(Default.nfc.normalize(let), "class='h'")); Iterator it3 = marks.iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { String mark = (String)it3.next(); String merge = let + mark; if (let.length() != 0 && decomposes.get(merge) == null) { out.println(""); continue; } String comp; try { comp = Default.nfc.normalize(merge); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Failed when trying to compose <" + Utility.hex(e) + ">"); continue; } // skip unless single char or header /*if (let.length() != 0 && (UTF16.countCodePoint(comp) != 1 || comp.equals(merge))) { out.println(""); continue; } */ Set decomps = (Set) decomposes.get(merge); if (let.length() == 0) { printed.add(comp); out.println(showCell(comp, "class='h'")); } else if (decomps.contains(comp)) { printed.add(comp); out.println(showCell(comp, "class='w'")); } else { comp = (String) new ArrayList(decomps).get(0); printed.add(comp); out.println(showCell(comp, "class='r'")); } } out.println(""); } out.println("
" + scriptName + "
(" + letters.size() + " ? " + marks.size() + ")

"); //out.println("
Other LettersOther Marks
"); //tabulate(out, atomics.iterator(),16); //out.println(""); //out.println("
"); } notPrinted.removeAll(printed); if (notPrinted.size() != 0) { tabulate(out, scriptName + " Excluded", notPrinted.iterator(), 24, "class='r'"); out.println("
"); } } Set otherMarks = new TreeSet(uca); UnicodeSet markSet = new UnicodeSet("[[:Me:][:Mn:]]"); it.reset(markSet); while (it.next()) { int cp = it.codepoint; String source = UTF16.valueOf(cp); if (totalMarks.contains(source)) continue; // skip all that we have already otherMarks.add(source); } tabulate(out, "Marks that never combine", otherMarks.iterator(), 24, "class='b'"); out.println(""); } finally { out.close(); } } public static void tabulate(PrintWriter out, String caption, Iterator it2, int limit, String classType) { int count = 0; out.println(""); if (caption != null && caption.length() != 0) { out.println(""); } while (it2.hasNext()) { if (++count > limit) { out.println(""); count = 1; } out.println(showCell((String)it2.next(), classType)); } out.println("
" + caption + "
"); } public static String showCell(String comp, String classType) { if (comp == null) { return " "; } return "" + addCircle.transliterate(comp) + "
" + Utility.hex(comp) + ""; } public static void writeAllocation() throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); String[] names = new String[300]; // HACK, 300 is plenty for now. Fix if it ever gets larger int[] starts = new int[names.length]; int[] ends = new int[names.length]; UCD.BlockData blockData = new UCD.BlockData(); int counter = 0; int blockId = 0; while (Default.ucd.getBlockData(blockId++, blockData)) { names[counter] = blockData.name; starts[counter] = blockData.start; ends[counter] = blockData.end; //System.out.println(names[counter] + ", " + values[counter]); ++counter; // HACK if (blockData.name.equals("Tags")) { names[counter] = "reserved default ignorable"; starts[counter] = 0xE0080; ends[counter] = 0xE0FFF; ++counter; } } /* Graphic Format Control Private Use Surrogate Noncharacter Reserved (default ignorable) Reserved (other) */ PrintWriter out = Utility.openPrintWriter("allocation.html", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); try { out.println(""); out.println("Unicode Allocation"); out.println("

Unicode Allocation

"); for (int textOnly = 0; textOnly < 2; ++textOnly) { out.println(""); // width='100%' if (textOnly == 0) { out.println(""); out.println(""); } else { out.println(""); out.println(""); } int lastEnd = -1; for (int i = 0; i < counter; ++i) { if (starts[i] != lastEnd + 1) { drawAllocation(out, lastEnd + 1, "reserved", starts[i] - lastEnd + 1, 0, "#000000", "#000000", textOnly); } int total = ends[i] - starts[i] + 1; int alloc = 0; for (int j = starts[i]; j <= ends[i]; ++j) { if (Default.ucd.isAllocated(j)) ++alloc; } //System.out.println(names[i] + "\t" + alloc + "\t" + total); String color = names[i].indexOf("Surrogates") >= 0 ? "#FF0000" : names[i].indexOf("Private") >= 0 ? "#0000FF" : "#00FF00"; String colorReserved = names[i].indexOf("reserved default ignorable") >= 0 ? "#CCCCCC" : "#000000"; drawAllocation(out, starts[i], names[i], total, alloc, color, colorReserved, textOnly); lastEnd = ends[i]; } out.println("
Graphic Version
StartBlock NameSize
Textual Version (decimal)
Block NameStartTotalAssigned


"); } out.println("


This chart lists all the Unicode blocks and their starting code points. " + "The area of each bar is proportional to the total number of code points in each block. " + "The colors have the following significance:
" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "
GreenGraphic, Control, Format, Noncharacter* code points
RedSurrogate code points
BluePrivate Use code points
GrayReserved (default ignorable) code points
BlackReserved (other) code points

" + "* Control, Format, and Noncharacter are not distinguished from Graphic characters by color, since they are mixed into other blocks. " + "Tooltips on the bars show the total number of code points and the number assigned. " + "(Remember that assigned code points are not necessarily assigned characters.)" + "

"); out.println(""); } finally { out.close(); } } static double longestBar = 1000; static int longestBlock = 722402; static NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US); static {nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(0);} static void drawAllocation(PrintWriter out, int start, String title, int total, int alloc, String color, String colorReserved, int textOnly) { if (textOnly == 0) { int unalloc = total - alloc; double totalWidth = longestBar*(Math.sqrt(total) / Math.sqrt(longestBlock)); double allocWidth = alloc * totalWidth / total; double unallocWidth = totalWidth - allocWidth; out.println("" + Utility.hex(start) + "" + title + ""); if (alloc != 0) out.println(""); if (unalloc != 0) out.println(""); out.println("
"); } else { out.println("" + title + "" + start + "" + total + "" + alloc + ""); } } } /* static final IntStack p1 = new IntStack(30); static final IntStack s1 = new IntStack(30); static final IntStack t1 = new IntStack(30); static final IntStack p2 = new IntStack(30); static final IntStack s2 = new IntStack(30); static final IntStack t2 = new IntStack(30); static int getStrengthDifference(CEList ceList, CEList lastCEList) { extractNonzeros(ceList, p1, s1, t1); extractNonzeros(lastCEList, p2, s2, t2); int temp = p1.compareTo(p2); if (temp != 0) return 3; temp = s1.compareTo(s2); if (temp != 0) return 2; temp = t1.compareTo(t2); if (temp != 0) return 1; return 0; } static void extractNonzeros(CEList ceList, IntStack primaries, IntStack secondaries, IntStack tertiaries) { primaries.clear(); secondaries.clear(); tertiaries.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < ceList.length(); ++i) { int ce = ceList.at(i); int temp = UCA.getPrimary(ce); if (temp != 0) primaries.push(temp); temp = UCA.getSecondary(ce); if (temp != 0) secondaries.push(temp); temp = UCA.getTertiary(ce); if (temp != 0) tertiaries.push(temp); } } */