package; import java.util.*; import*; import*; import*; import; public class GenOverlap { static Map completes = new TreeMap(); static Map back = new HashMap(); static Map initials = new HashMap(); static int[] ces = new int[50]; static UCA collator; static UCD ucd; static Normalizer nfd; static Normalizer nfkd; public static void test(UCA collatorIn) throws Exception { collator = collatorIn; CEList.main(null); System.out.println("# Overlap"); System.out.println("# Generated " + new Date()); ucd = UCD.make(); nfd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD); nfkd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFKD); UCA.CollationContents cc = collator.getCollationContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, nfd); // store data for faster lookup System.out.println("# Gathering Data"); int counter = 0; int[] lenArray = new int[1]; while (true) {; String s =, lenArray); if (s == null) break; int len = lenArray[0]; CEList currCEList = new CEList(ces, 0, len); addString(s, currCEList); } for (int cp = 0x10000; cp <= 0x10FFFF; ++cp) { if (!ucd.isRepresented(cp)) continue; byte decompType = ucd.getDecompositionType(cp); if (decompType >= UCD.COMPATIBILITY) { String decomp = nfkd.normalize(cp); CEList celist = getCEList(cp, decomp, decompType); addString(decomp, celist); System.out.println("Adding: " + ucd.getCodeAndName(cp) + "\t" + celist); } } Utility.fixDot(); System.out.println("# Completes Count: " + completes.size()); System.out.println("# Initials Count: " + initials.size()); System.out.println("# Writing Overlaps"); // simpleList(); fullCheck(); } public static void addString(String s, CEList currCEList) { back.put(s, currCEList); completes.put(currCEList, s); for (int i = 1; i < currCEList.length(); ++i) { CEList start = currCEList.start(i); Set bag = (Set) initials.get(start); if (bag == null) { bag = new TreeSet(); initials.put(start, bag); } bag.add(s); } } static void simpleList() { Iterator it = completes.keySet().iterator(); int counter = 0; int foundCount = 0; while (it.hasNext()) {; // see if the ces for the current element are the start of something else CEList key = (CEList); String val = (String) completes.get(key); Set probe = (Set) initials.get(key); if (probe != null) { Utility.fixDot(); foundCount++; System.out.println("Possible Overlap: "); System.out.println(" " + ucd.getCodeAndName(val)); System.out.println("\t" + key); Iterator it2 = probe.iterator(); int count2 = 0; while (it2.hasNext()) { String match = (String); CEList ceList = (CEList) back.get(match); System.out.println((count2++) + ". " + ucd.getCodeAndName(match)); System.out.println("\t" + ceList); } } } System.out.println("# Found Count: " + foundCount); } static boolean PROGRESS = false; static void fullCheck() throws IOException { PrintWriter log = Utility.openPrintWriter("Overlap.html"); PrintWriter simpleList = Utility.openPrintWriter("Overlap.txt"); Iterator it = completes.keySet().iterator(); int counter = 0; int foundCount = 0; String [] goalChars = new String[1]; String [] matchChars = new String[1]; // CEList show = getCEList("\u2034"); log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println("New Page 1"); log.println(""); log.println(""); while (it.hasNext()) {; CEList key = (CEList); if (key.length() < 2) continue; String val = (String) completes.get(key); goalChars[0] = ""; matchChars[0] = ""; if (matchWhole(val, key, 0, goalChars, matchChars)) { simpleList.println(ucd.getCodeAndName(val)); goalChars[0] = val + goalChars[0]; // fix first char if (!getCEList(goalChars[0]).equals(getCEList(matchChars[0]))) { log.println(""); } foundCount++; log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println(""); //log.println("\t" + ); } } log.println("
WARNING:" + getCEList(matchChars[0]) + "
" + val + "" + goalChars[0] + "" + matchChars[0] + "" + ucd.getCodeAndName(goalChars[0]) + "" + ucd.getCodeAndName(matchChars[0]) + "" + getCEList(goalChars[0]) + "
Number of Overlapping characters: " + foundCount + ""); log.close(); simpleList.close(); } static private CEList getCEList(String s) { int len = collator.getCEs(s, true, ces); return new CEList(ces, 0, len); } static private CEList getCEList(int originalChar, String s, byte type) { int len = collator.getCEs(s, true, ces); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { ces[i] = UCA.makeKey(UCA.getPrimary(ces[i]), UCA.getSecondary(ces[i]), CEList.remap(originalChar, type, UCA.getTertiary(ces[i]))); } return new CEList(ces, 0, len); } static boolean matchWhole(String goalStr, CEList goal, int depth, String[] goalChars, String[] otherChars) { if (PROGRESS) System.out.println(Utility.repeat(". ", depth) + "Trying: " + ucd.getCodeAndName(goalStr) + ", " + goal); // to stop infinite loops, we limit the depth to 5 if (depth > 5) { if (PROGRESS) System.out.println(Utility.repeat(". ", depth) + "stack exhausted"); return false; } String match; // There are 3 possible conditions. Any of which work. // To eliminate double matches at the top level, we test depth > 0 if (depth > 0) { // Condition 1. // we have an exact match match = (String) completes.get(goal); if (match != null) { if (PROGRESS) System.out.println(Utility.repeat(". ", depth) + "Matches Exactly: " + ucd.getCodeAndName(match)); otherChars[0] = match + otherChars[0]; if (PROGRESS) System.out.println(Utility.repeat(". ", depth) + ucd.getCode(goalChars[0]) + " / " + ucd.getCode(otherChars[0]) ); return true; } // Condition 2 // this whole string matches some initial portion of another string // AND the remainder of that other string also does a matchWhole. // Example: if we get the following, we search for a match to "de" // abc... // abcde // If we find a match, we append to the strings, the string for abc // and the one for abcde Set probe = (Set) initials.get(goal); if (probe != null) { Iterator it2 = probe.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { match = (String); if (PROGRESS) System.out.println(Utility.repeat(". ", depth) + "Matches Longer: " + ucd.getCodeAndName(match) + "\t\tswitching"); CEList trail = ((CEList) back.get(match)).end(goal.length()); boolean doesMatch = matchWhole(match, trail, depth+1, otherChars, goalChars); if (doesMatch) { otherChars[0] = match + otherChars[0]; if (PROGRESS) System.out.println(Utility.repeat(". ", depth) + ucd.getCode(goalChars[0]) + " / " + ucd.getCode(otherChars[0]) ); return true; } } } } // Condition 3 // the first part of this string matches a whole other string // and the remainder of this string also does a matchWhole // Example: if we get the following, we search for a match to "de" // abcde.. // abc.. // if we find a match for (int i = goal.length() - 1; i > 0; --i) { CEList first = goal.start(i); match = (String) completes.get(first); if (match != null) { if (PROGRESS) System.out.println(Utility.repeat(". ", depth) + "Matches Shorter: " + ucd.getCodeAndName(match)); boolean doesMatch = matchWhole("", goal.end(i), depth+1, goalChars, otherChars); if (doesMatch) { otherChars[0] = match + otherChars[0]; if (PROGRESS) System.out.println(Utility.repeat(". ", depth) + ucd.getCode(goalChars[0]) + " / " + ucd.getCode(otherChars[0]) ); return true; } } } // if we get this far, we failed. return false; } public static void generateRevision (UCA collatorIn) throws Exception { generateRevision(collatorIn, false); generateRevision(collatorIn, true); } public static void generateRevision (UCA collatorIn, boolean doMax) throws Exception { collator = collatorIn; CEList.main(null); System.out.println("# Generate"); System.out.println("# Generated " + new Date()); ucd = UCD.make(); nfd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD); nfkd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFKD); UCA.CollationContents cc = collator.getCollationContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, nfd); // store data for faster lookup System.out.println("# Gathering Data"); int counter = 0; int[] lenArray = new int[1]; Set list = new TreeSet(); Map newCollisions = new HashMap(); Map oldCollisions = new HashMap(); Map newProblems = new TreeMap(); Map oldProblems = new TreeMap(); CEList nullCEList = new CEList(new int[1]); while (true) {; String str =, lenArray); if (str == null) break; int len = lenArray[0]; CEList oldList = new CEList(ces, 0, len); CEList newList = new CEList(ces,0,0); int cp; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i += UTF16.getCharCount(cp)) { cp = UTF16.charAt(str, i); if (0xFF67 <= cp && cp <= 0xFF6F) { System.out.println("debug"); } boolean mashLast = false; if (nfkd.normalizationDiffers(cp)) { String decomp = nfkd.normalize(cp); String canon = nfd.normalize(cp); len = collator.getCEs(decomp, true, ces); if (!decomp.equals(canon)) { byte type = ucd.getDecompositionType(cp); for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j) { int p = (i == 0 && decomp.length() > 1 && decomp.charAt(0) == ' ' ? 0x20A : UCA.getPrimary(ces[j])); int s = UCA.getSecondary(ces[j]); boolean needsFix = (s != 0x20 && p != 0); if (needsFix) ++len; int t = (doMax && len > 1 && j == len-1 ? 0x1F : CEList.remap(cp, type, UCA.getTertiary(ces[j]))); if (needsFix) { ces[j++] = UCA.makeKey(p, 0x20, t); // Set Extra System.arraycopy(ces, j, ces, j+1, len - j); // Insert HOLE! p = 0; } ces[j] = UCA.makeKey(p, s, t); } } } else { len = collator.getCEs(UTF16.valueOf(cp), true, ces); } CEList inc = new CEList(ces, 0, len); if (cp == 0xFF71 || cp == 0xFF67) { System.out.println(" String: " + ucd.getCodeAndName(cp)); System.out.println(" Type: " + ucd.getDecompositionTypeID(cp)); System.out.println(" xxx: " + inc); } newList = newList.append(inc); } if (newList.length() == 0) newList = nullCEList; if (oldList.length() == 0) oldList = nullCEList; if (!newList.equals(oldList)) { /* System.out.println("String: " + ucd.getCodeAndName(str)); System.out.println("\tOld: " + oldList); System.out.println("\tNew: " + newList); */ list.add(new Pair(newList, new Pair(str, oldList))); } // check for collisions if (str.equals("\u206F")) { System.out.println("debug"); } Object probe = newCollisions.get(newList); if (probe == null) { newCollisions.put(newList, str); } else { newProblems.put(str, new Pair((String)probe, newList)); } probe = oldCollisions.get(oldList); if (probe == null) { oldCollisions.put(oldList, str); } else { oldProblems.put(str, new Pair((String)probe, oldList)); } } Set newKeys = new TreeSet(newProblems.keySet()); Set oldKeys = new TreeSet(oldProblems.keySet()); Set joint = new TreeSet(newKeys); joint.retainAll(oldKeys); newKeys.removeAll(joint); oldKeys.removeAll(joint); PrintWriter log = Utility.openPrintWriter("UCA-old-vs-new" + (doMax ? "-MAX.txt" : ".txt")); Iterator it = list.iterator(); int last = -1; while (it.hasNext()) {; Pair value = (Pair); CEList newList = (CEList)value.first; int cur = UCA.getPrimary(; if (cur != last) { log.println(); last = cur; } Pair v2 = (Pair) value.second; String ss = (String)v2.first; log.println(ucd.getCodeAndName(ss) + "\t\t" + ucd.getDecompositionTypeID(ss.charAt(0))); log.println("\tnew:\t" + value.first); log.println("\told:\t" + v2.second); } /* log.println(); log.println("New Collisions: " + newKeys.size()); it = newKeys.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); CEList cel = (CEList) newProblems.get(key); String other = (String) newCollisions.get(cel); log.println(ucd.getCodeAndName(key) + " collides with " + ucd.getCodeAndName(other)); log.println("\t" + cel); } log.println("Removed Collisions: " + oldKeys.size()); it = oldKeys.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); CEList cel = (CEList) oldProblems.get(key); String other = (String) oldCollisions.get(cel); log.println(ucd.getCodeAndName(key) + " collides with " + ucd.getCodeAndName(other)); log.println("\t" + cel); } */ showCollisions(log, "New Collisions:", newKeys, newProblems); showCollisions(log, "Old Collisions:", oldKeys, oldProblems); showCollisions(log, "In Both:", joint, oldProblems); log.close(); } static void showCollisions(PrintWriter log, String title, Set bad, Map probs) { log.println(); log.println(title + bad.size()); Iterator it = bad.iterator(); Set lister = new TreeSet(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); Pair pair = (Pair) probs.get(key); String other = (String) pair.first; CEList cel = (CEList) pair.second; if (key.equals("\u0001")) { System.out.println("debug"); } lister.add(new Pair(cel, ucd.getCodeAndName(key) + ",\t" + ucd.getCodeAndName(other))); } it = lister.iterator(); int last = -1; while (it.hasNext()) { Pair pair = (Pair); CEList cel = (CEList) pair.first; int curr = UCA.getPrimary(; if (curr != last) { last = curr; log.println(); } log.println("Collision between: " + pair.second); log.println("\t" + pair.first); } log.flush(); } }