//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Generated Header File. Do not edit by hand. // This file contains the state table for the ICU Rule Based Break Iterator // rule parser. // It is generated by the Perl script "rbbicst.pl" from // the rule parser state definitions file "rbbirpt.txt". // // Copyright (C) 2002-2003 International Business Machines Corporation // and others. All rights reserved. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef RBBIRPT_H #define RBBIRPT_H U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // // Character classes for RBBI rule scanning. // static const uint8_t kRuleSet_digit_char = 128; static const uint8_t kRuleSet_white_space = 129; static const uint8_t kRuleSet_rule_char = 130; static const uint8_t kRuleSet_name_start_char = 131; static const uint8_t kRuleSet_name_char = 132; enum RBBI_RuleParseAction { doExprOrOperator, doOptionEnd, doRuleErrorAssignExpr, doTagValue, doEndAssign, doRuleError, doVariableNameExpectedErr, doRuleChar, doLParen, doSlash, doStartTagValue, doDotAny, doExprFinished, doScanUnicodeSet, doExprRParen, doStartVariableName, doTagExpectedError, doTagDigit, doUnaryOpStar, doEndVariableName, doNOP, doUnaryOpQuestion, doExit, doStartAssign, doEndOfRule, doUnaryOpPlus, doExprStart, doOptionStart, doExprCatOperator, doReverseDir, doCheckVarDef, rbbiLastAction}; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // RBBIRuleTableEl represents the structure of a row in the transition table // for the rule parser state machine. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct RBBIRuleTableEl { RBBI_RuleParseAction fAction; uint8_t fCharClass; // 0-127: an individual ASCII character // 128-255: character class index uint8_t fNextState; // 0-250: normal next-stat numbers // 255: pop next-state from stack. uint8_t fPushState; UBool fNextChar; }; static const struct RBBIRuleTableEl gRuleParseStateTable[] = { {doNOP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE} , {doExprStart, 254, 21, 8, FALSE} // 1 start , {doNOP, 129, 1,0, TRUE} // 2 , {doExprStart, 36 /* $ */, 80, 90, FALSE} // 3 , {doNOP, 33 /* ! */, 11,0, TRUE} // 4 , {doNOP, 59 /* ; */, 1,0, TRUE} // 5 , {doNOP, 252, 0,0, FALSE} // 6 , {doExprStart, 255, 21, 8, FALSE} // 7 , {doEndOfRule, 59 /* ; */, 1,0, TRUE} // 8 break-rule-end , {doNOP, 129, 8,0, TRUE} // 9 , {doRuleError, 255, 95,0, FALSE} // 10 , {doNOP, 33 /* ! */, 13,0, TRUE} // 11 rev-option , {doReverseDir, 255, 20, 8, FALSE} // 12 , {doOptionStart, 131, 15,0, TRUE} // 13 option-scan1 , {doRuleError, 255, 95,0, FALSE} // 14 , {doNOP, 132, 15,0, TRUE} // 15 option-scan2 , {doOptionEnd, 255, 17,0, FALSE} // 16 , {doNOP, 59 /* ; */, 1,0, TRUE} // 17 option-scan3 , {doNOP, 129, 17,0, TRUE} // 18 , {doRuleError, 255, 95,0, FALSE} // 19 , {doExprStart, 255, 21, 8, FALSE} // 20 reverse-rule , {doRuleChar, 254, 30,0, TRUE} // 21 term , {doNOP, 129, 21,0, TRUE} // 22 , {doRuleChar, 130, 30,0, TRUE} // 23 , {doNOP, 91 /* [ */, 86, 30, FALSE} // 24 , {doLParen, 40 /* ( */, 21, 30, TRUE} // 25 , {doNOP, 36 /* $ */, 80, 29, FALSE} // 26 , {doDotAny, 46 /* . */, 30,0, TRUE} // 27 , {doRuleError, 255, 95,0, FALSE} // 28 , {doCheckVarDef, 255, 30,0, FALSE} // 29 term-var-ref , {doNOP, 129, 30,0, TRUE} // 30 expr-mod , {doUnaryOpStar, 42 /* * */, 35,0, TRUE} // 31 , {doUnaryOpPlus, 43 /* + */, 35,0, TRUE} // 32 , {doUnaryOpQuestion, 63 /* ? */, 35,0, TRUE} // 33 , {doNOP, 255, 35,0, FALSE} // 34 , {doExprCatOperator, 254, 21,0, FALSE} // 35 expr-cont , {doNOP, 129, 35,0, TRUE} // 36 , {doExprCatOperator, 130, 21,0, FALSE} // 37 , {doExprCatOperator, 91 /* [ */, 21,0, FALSE} // 38 , {doExprCatOperator, 40 /* ( */, 21,0, FALSE} // 39 , {doExprCatOperator, 36 /* $ */, 21,0, FALSE} // 40 , {doExprCatOperator, 46 /* . */, 21,0, FALSE} // 41 , {doExprCatOperator, 47 /* / */, 47,0, FALSE} // 42 , {doExprCatOperator, 123 /* { */, 59,0, TRUE} // 43 , {doExprOrOperator, 124 /* | */, 21,0, TRUE} // 44 , {doExprRParen, 41 /* ) */, 255,0, TRUE} // 45 , {doExprFinished, 255, 255,0, FALSE} // 46 , {doSlash, 47 /* / */, 49,0, TRUE} // 47 look-ahead , {doNOP, 255, 95,0, FALSE} // 48 , {doExprCatOperator, 254, 21,0, FALSE} // 49 expr-cont-no-slash , {doNOP, 129, 35,0, TRUE} // 50 , {doExprCatOperator, 130, 21,0, FALSE} // 51 , {doExprCatOperator, 91 /* [ */, 21,0, FALSE} // 52 , {doExprCatOperator, 40 /* ( */, 21,0, FALSE} // 53 , {doExprCatOperator, 36 /* $ */, 21,0, FALSE} // 54 , {doExprCatOperator, 46 /* . */, 21,0, FALSE} // 55 , {doExprOrOperator, 124 /* | */, 21,0, TRUE} // 56 , {doExprRParen, 41 /* ) */, 255,0, TRUE} // 57 , {doExprFinished, 255, 255,0, FALSE} // 58 , {doNOP, 129, 59,0, TRUE} // 59 tag-open , {doStartTagValue, 128, 62,0, FALSE} // 60 , {doTagExpectedError, 255, 95,0, FALSE} // 61 , {doNOP, 129, 66,0, TRUE} // 62 tag-value , {doNOP, 125 /* } */, 66,0, FALSE} // 63 , {doTagDigit, 128, 62,0, TRUE} // 64 , {doTagExpectedError, 255, 95,0, FALSE} // 65 , {doNOP, 129, 66,0, TRUE} // 66 tag-close , {doTagValue, 125 /* } */, 69,0, TRUE} // 67 , {doTagExpectedError, 255, 95,0, FALSE} // 68 , {doExprCatOperator, 254, 21,0, FALSE} // 69 expr-cont-no-tag , {doNOP, 129, 69,0, TRUE} // 70 , {doExprCatOperator, 130, 21,0, FALSE} // 71 , {doExprCatOperator, 91 /* [ */, 21,0, FALSE} // 72 , {doExprCatOperator, 40 /* ( */, 21,0, FALSE} // 73 , {doExprCatOperator, 36 /* $ */, 21,0, FALSE} // 74 , {doExprCatOperator, 46 /* . */, 21,0, FALSE} // 75 , {doExprCatOperator, 47 /* / */, 47,0, FALSE} // 76 , {doExprOrOperator, 124 /* | */, 21,0, TRUE} // 77 , {doExprRParen, 41 /* ) */, 255,0, TRUE} // 78 , {doExprFinished, 255, 255,0, FALSE} // 79 , {doStartVariableName, 36 /* $ */, 82,0, TRUE} // 80 scan-var-name , {doNOP, 255, 95,0, FALSE} // 81 , {doNOP, 131, 84,0, TRUE} // 82 scan-var-start , {doVariableNameExpectedErr, 255, 95,0, FALSE} // 83 , {doNOP, 132, 84,0, TRUE} // 84 scan-var-body , {doEndVariableName, 255, 255,0, FALSE} // 85 , {doScanUnicodeSet, 91 /* [ */, 255,0, TRUE} // 86 scan-unicode-set , {doScanUnicodeSet, 112 /* p */, 255,0, TRUE} // 87 , {doScanUnicodeSet, 80 /* P */, 255,0, TRUE} // 88 , {doNOP, 255, 95,0, FALSE} // 89 , {doNOP, 129, 90,0, TRUE} // 90 assign-or-rule , {doStartAssign, 61 /* = */, 21, 93, TRUE} // 91 , {doNOP, 255, 29, 8, FALSE} // 92 , {doEndAssign, 59 /* ; */, 1,0, TRUE} // 93 assign-end , {doRuleErrorAssignExpr, 255, 95,0, FALSE} // 94 , {doExit, 255, 95,0, TRUE} // 95 errorDeath }; static const char * const RBBIRuleStateNames[] = { 0, "start", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "break-rule-end", 0, 0, "rev-option", 0, "option-scan1", 0, "option-scan2", 0, "option-scan3", 0, 0, "reverse-rule", "term", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "term-var-ref", "expr-mod", 0, 0, 0, 0, "expr-cont", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "look-ahead", 0, "expr-cont-no-slash", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "tag-open", 0, 0, "tag-value", 0, 0, 0, "tag-close", 0, 0, "expr-cont-no-tag", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "scan-var-name", 0, "scan-var-start", 0, "scan-var-body", 0, "scan-unicode-set", 0, 0, 0, "assign-or-rule", 0, 0, "assign-end", 0, "errorDeath", 0}; U_NAMESPACE_END #endif