/******************************************************************** * COPYRIGHT: * Copyright (c) 2003, International Business Machines Corporation and * others. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************/ /* * File tracetst.c * */ #include "unicode/utypes.h" #include "unicode/utrace.h" #include "utracimp.h" #include "unicode/uclean.h" #include "unicode/uchar.h" #include "unicode/ures.h" #include "cintltst.h" #include #include static void TestTraceAPI(void); void addUTraceTest(TestNode** root) { addTest(root, &TestTraceAPI, "tsutil/TraceTest/TestTraceAPI" ); } /* * Macro for assert style tests. */ #define TEST_ASSERT(expr) \ if (!(expr)) { \ log_err("FAILED Assertion \"" #expr "\" at %s:%d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ } /* * test_format. Helper function for checking the results of a formatting * operation. Executes the format op and compares actual * results with the expected results. * * params: format: the format to be applied. * bufCap buffer size to pass to formatter. * indent: indent value to give to formatter * result expected result. Do not truncate for short bufCap - * this function will do it. * line __LINE__, so we can report where failure happened. * ... variable args to pass to formatter * */ static void test_format(const char *format, int32_t bufCap, int32_t indent, const char *result, int32_t line, ...) { int32_t len; va_list args; char buf[300]; char expectedResult[300]; /* check that local buffers are big enough for the test case */ if (sizeof(buf) <= bufCap) { log_err("At file:line %s:%d, requested bufCap too large.\n"); return; } if (strlen(result) >= sizeof(expectedResult)) { log_err("At file:line %s:%d, expected result too large.\n"); return; } /* Guarantee a nul term if buffer is smaller than output */ strcpy(expectedResult, result); expectedResult[bufCap] = 0; /* run the formatter */ va_start(args, line); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); len = utrace_vformat(buf, bufCap, indent, format, args); /* Check results. */ if (strcmp(expectedResult, buf) != 0) { log_err("At file:line %s:%d Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\" \n", __FILE__, line, expectedResult, buf); } va_end(args); } /* * define trace functions for use in this test. */ void testTraceEntry(const void *context, int32_t fnNumber) { } void testTraceExit(const void *context, int32_t fnNumber, const char *fmt, va_list args) { } void testTraceData(const void *context, int32_t fnNumber, int32_t level, const char *fmt, va_list args) { } /* * TestTraceAPI */ static void TestTraceAPI() { UTraceEntry *originalTEntryFunc; UTraceExit *originalTExitFunc; UTraceData *originalTDataFunc; const void *originalTContext; int32_t originalLevel; /* * Save the original tracing state so that we can restore it after the test. */ utrace_getFunctions(&originalTContext, &originalTEntryFunc, &originalTExitFunc, &originalTDataFunc); originalLevel = utrace_getLevel(); /* verify that set/get of tracing functions returns what was set. */ { UTraceEntry *e; UTraceExit *x; UTraceData *d; const void *context; const void *newContext = (const char *)originalTContext + 1; TEST_ASSERT(originalTEntryFunc != testTraceEntry); TEST_ASSERT(originalTExitFunc != testTraceExit); TEST_ASSERT(originalTDataFunc != testTraceData); utrace_setFunctions(newContext, testTraceEntry, testTraceExit, testTraceData); utrace_getFunctions(&context, &e, &x, &d); TEST_ASSERT(e == testTraceEntry); TEST_ASSERT(x == testTraceExit); TEST_ASSERT(d == testTraceData); TEST_ASSERT(context == newContext); } /* verify that set/get level work as a pair, and that the level * identifiers all exist. */ { int32_t level; utrace_setLevel(UTRACE_OFF); level = utrace_getLevel(); TEST_ASSERT(level==UTRACE_OFF); utrace_setLevel(UTRACE_VERBOSE); level = utrace_getLevel(); TEST_ASSERT(level==UTRACE_VERBOSE); utrace_setLevel(UTRACE_ERROR); utrace_setLevel(UTRACE_WARNING); utrace_setLevel(UTRACE_OPEN_CLOSE); utrace_setLevel(UTRACE_INFO); } /* * trace data formatter operation. */ { UChar s1[] = {0x41fe, 0x42, 0x43, 00}; const char *a1[] = {"s1", "s2", "s3"}; void *ptr; test_format("hello, world", 50, 0, "hello, world", __LINE__); test_format("hello, world", 50, 4, " hello, world", __LINE__); test_format("hello, world", 3, 0, "hello, world", __LINE__); test_format("a character %c", 50, 0, "a character x", __LINE__, 'x'); test_format("a string %s ", 50, 0, "a string hello ", __LINE__, "hello"); test_format("uchars %S ", 50, 0, "uchars 41fe 0042 0043 0000 ", __LINE__, s1, -1); test_format("uchars %S ", 50, 0, "uchars 41fe 0042 ", __LINE__, s1, 2); test_format("a byte %b--", 50, 0, "a byte dd--", __LINE__, 0xdd); test_format("a 16 bit val %h", 50, 0, "a 16 bit val 1234", __LINE__, 0x1234); test_format("a 32 bit val %d...", 50, 0, "a 32 bit val 6789abcd...", __LINE__, 0x6789abcd); test_format("a 64 bit val %l", 50, 0, "a 64 bit val 123456780abcdef0" , __LINE__, INT64_C(0x123456780abcdef0)); if (sizeof(ptr) == 4) { ptr = (void *)0xdeadbeef; test_format("a 32 bit ptr %p", 50, 0, "a 32 bit ptr deadbeef", __LINE__, ptr); } else if (sizeof(void *) == 8) { ptr = (void *) INT64_C(0x1000200030004000); test_format("a 64 bit ptr %p", 50, 0, "a 64 bit ptr 1000200030004000", __LINE__, ptr); } else { TEST_ASSERT(FALSE); /* TODO: others? */ } test_format("%vc", 100, 0, "abc[ffffffff]", __LINE__, "abc", -1); test_format("%vs", 100, 0, "s1\ns2\n[00000002]", __LINE__, a1, 2); test_format("%vs", 100, 4, " s1\n s2\n [00000002]", __LINE__, a1, 2); test_format("%vb", 100, 0, "41 42 43 [00000003]", __LINE__, "\x41\x42\x43", 3); /* Null ptrs for strings, vectors */ test_format("Null string - %s", 50, 0, "Null string - *NULL*", __LINE__, NULL); test_format("Null string - %S", 50, 0, "Null string - *NULL*", __LINE__, NULL); test_format("Null vector - %vc", 50, 0, "Null vector - *NULL* [00000002]", __LINE__, NULL, 2); test_format("Null vector - %vC", 50, 0, "Null vector - *NULL* [00000002]", __LINE__, NULL, 2); test_format("Null vector - %vd", 50, 0, "Null vector - *NULL* [00000002]", __LINE__, NULL, 2); } /* Restore the trace function settings to their original values. */ utrace_setFunctions(originalTContext, originalTEntryFunc, originalTExitFunc, originalTDataFunc); utrace_setLevel(originalLevel); }