/** ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1996-2001, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* * * $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/unicodetools/com/ibm/text/UCD/GenerateData.java,v $ * $Date: 2002/04/23 01:59:14 $ * $Revision: 1.17 $ * ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.text.UCD; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import com.ibm.text.utility.*; import com.ibm.icu.text.UTF16; import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet; public class GenerateData implements UCD_Types { static final boolean DEBUG = false; static final String HORIZONTAL_LINE = "# ================================================"; //static UnifiedBinaryProperty ubp public static void checkHoffman(String test) { String result = Default.nfkc.normalize(test); System.out.println(Utility.hex(test) + " => " + Utility.hex(result)); System.out.println(); show(test, 0); System.out.println(); show(result, 0); } public static void show(String s, int indent) { int cp; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i += UTF32.count16(cp)) { cp = UTF32.char32At(s, i); String cc = " " + Default.ucd.getCombiningClass(cp); cc = Utility.repeat(" ", 4 - cc.length()) + cc; System.out.println(Utility.repeat(" ", indent) + Default.ucd.getCode(cp) + cc + " " + Default.ucd.getName(cp)); String decomp = Default.nfkc.normalize(cp); if (!decomp.equals(UTF32.valueOf32(cp))) { show(decomp, indent + 4); } } } static DateFormat myDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd','HH:mm:ss' GMT'"); static { myDateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); } //Remove "d1" from DerivedJoiningGroup-3.1.0d1.txt type names public static String fixFile(String s) { int len = s.length(); if (!s.endsWith(".txt")) return s; if (s.charAt(len-6) != 'd') return s; char c = s.charAt(len-5); if (c != 'X' && (c < '0' || '9' < c)) return s; s = s.substring(0,len-6) + s.substring(len-4); System.out.println("Fixing File Name: " + s); return s; } static final int HEADER_EXTEND = 0, HEADER_DERIVED = 1, HEADER_SCRIPTS = 2; public static void doHeader(String fileName, PrintWriter output, int headerChoice) { output.println("# " + fileName); output.println(generateDateLine()); output.println("#"); if (headerChoice == HEADER_SCRIPTS) { output.println("# For documentation, see UTR #24: Script Names"); output.println("# http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr24/"); } else if (headerChoice == HEADER_EXTEND) { output.println("# Unicode Character Database: Extended Properties"); output.println("# For documentation, see PropList.html"); } else { output.println("# Unicode Character Database: Derived Property Data"); output.println("# Generated algorithmically from the Unicode Character Database"); output.println("# For documentation, see DerivedProperties.html"); } output.println("# Note: Unassigned and Noncharacter codepoints are omitted,"); output.println("# except when listing Noncharacter or Cn."); output.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); output.println(); } public static String getFileSuffix(boolean withDVersion) { return "-" + Default.ucd.getVersion() + ((withDVersion && dVersion >= 0) ? ("d" + dVersion) : "") + ".txt"; } public static void generateDerived (byte type, boolean checkTypeAndStandard, int headerChoice, String directory, String fileName) throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); String newFile = directory + fileName + getFileSuffix(true); System.out.println("New File: " + newFile); PrintWriter output = Utility.openPrintWriter(newFile); String mostRecent = generateBat(directory, fileName, getFileSuffix(true)); System.out.println("Most recent: " + mostRecent); doHeader(fileName + getFileSuffix(false), output, headerChoice); for (int i = 0; i < DERIVED_PROPERTY_LIMIT; ++i) { UnicodeProperty up = DerivedProperty.make(i, Default.ucd); boolean keepGoing = true; if (!up.isStandard()) keepGoing = false; if ((up.getType() & type) == 0) keepGoing = false; if (checkTypeAndStandard != keepGoing) continue; //if ((bitMask & (1L< 2; this.type = type; } public String optionalComment(int cp) { return ""; } /* public String valueName(int cp) { return UTF32.length32(ucdData.getDecompositionMapping(cp)) + ""; } */ public byte status(int cp) { if (getType(cp) == type) return INCLUDE; return EXCLUDE; } public int getType(int cp) { if (!ucdData.isAssigned(cp)) return -1; if (ucdData.getDecompositionType(cp) != CANONICAL) return -1; if (oldUCD.getBinaryProperty(cp, CompositionExclusion)) return 1; if (cp == 0xFB1D) return 1; // special String decomp = ucdData.getDecompositionMapping(cp); int len = UTF32.length32(decomp); if (len == 1) return 3; int first = UTF32.char32At(decomp,0); if (ucdData.getCombiningClass(first) != 0) return 4; if (oldUCD.getDecompositionType(cp) == CANONICAL) return -1; if (ucdData.getDecompositionType(cp) == CANONICAL) return 2; return -1; } } public static void partitionProperties() throws IOException { // find properties Default.setUCD(); int count = 0; UnicodeProperty[] props = new UnicodeProperty[500]; for (int i = 1; i < LIMIT_ENUM; ++i) { // || iType == SCRIPT int iType = i & 0xFF00; if (iType == JOINING_GROUP || iType == AGE || iType == COMBINING_CLASS) continue; UnicodeProperty up = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(i, Default.ucd); if (up == null) continue; if (!up.isStandard()) { System.out.println("Skipping " + up.getName() + "; not standard"); continue; } if (up.getValueType() < BINARY) { System.out.println("Skipping " + up.getName() + "; value varies"); continue; } // System.out.println(Utility.hex(i) + " " + up.getName(LONG) + "(" + up.getName(SHORT) + ")"); // System.out.println("\t" + up.getValue(LONG) + "(" + up.getValue(SHORT) + ")"); props[count++] = up; } System.out.println("props: " + count); BitSet probe = new BitSet(); Map map = new TreeMap(new Comparator() { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { BitSet bs1 = (BitSet) o1; BitSet bs2 = (BitSet) o2; int count2 = bs1.size() > bs2.size() ? bs1.size() : bs2.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count2; ++i) { if (bs1.get(i)) { if (!bs2.get(i)) { return 1; } } else if (bs2.get(i)) { return -1; } } return 0; } }); int total = 0; for (int cp = 0; cp <= 0x10FFFF; ++cp) { Utility.dot(cp); int cat = Default.ucd.getCategory(cp); if (cat == UNASSIGNED || cat == PRIVATE_USE || cat == SURROGATE) continue; if (!Default.ucd.isAllocated(cp)) continue; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { UnicodeProperty up = props[i]; boolean iProp = up.hasValue(cp); if (iProp) probe.set(i); else probe.clear(i); } ++total; if (!map.containsKey(probe)) { map.put(probe.clone(), new Integer(cp)); Utility.fixDot(); // System.out.println("Set Size: " + map.size() + ", total: " + total + ", " + Default.ucd.getCodeAndName(cp)); } } Utility.fixDot(); System.out.println("Set Size: " + map.size()); PrintWriter output = Utility.openPrintWriter("Partition" + getFileSuffix(true)); Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BitSet probe2 = (BitSet) it.next(); int ch = ((Integer) map.get(probe2)).intValue(); output.println(Default.ucd.getCodeAndName(ch)); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (!probe2.get(i)) continue; output.print(" " + props[i].getFullName(SHORT)); } output.println(); } output.close(); } public static void listDifferences() throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); PrintWriter output = Utility.openPrintWriter("PropertyDifferences" + getFileSuffix(true)); output.println("# Listing of relationships among properties, suitable for analysis by spreadsheet"); output.println("# Generated for " + Default.ucd.getVersion()); output.println(generateDateLine()); output.println("# P1 P2 R(P1,P2) C(P1&P2) C(P1-P2) C(P2-P1)"); for (int i = 1; i < LIMIT_ENUM; ++i) { int iType = i & 0xFF00; if (iType == JOINING_GROUP || iType == AGE || iType == COMBINING_CLASS || iType == SCRIPT) continue; UnicodeProperty upi = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(i, Default.ucd); if (upi == null) continue; if (!upi.isStandard()) { System.out.println("Skipping " + upi.getName() + "; not standard"); continue; } if (upi.getValueType() < BINARY) { System.out.println("Skipping " + upi.getName() + "; value varies"); continue; } String iNameShort = upi.getFullName(SHORT); String iNameLong = upi.getFullName(LONG); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); System.out.println(iNameLong); output.println("#" + iNameLong); int last = -1; for (int j = i+1; j < LIMIT_ENUM; ++j) { int jType = j & 0xFF00; if (jType == JOINING_GROUP || jType == AGE || jType == COMBINING_CLASS || jType == SCRIPT || (jType == iType && jType != BINARY_PROPERTIES)) continue; UnicodeProperty upj = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(j, Default.ucd); if (upj == null) continue; if (!upj.isStandard()) continue; if (upj.getValueType() < BINARY) continue; if ((j >> 8) != last) { last = j >> 8; System.out.println(); System.out.print("\t" + UCD_Names.SHORT_UNIFIED_PROPERTIES[last]); output.flush(); output.println("#\t" + UCD_Names.SHORT_UNIFIED_PROPERTIES[last]); } else { System.out.print('.'); } System.out.flush(); int bothCount = 0, i_jPropCount = 0, j_iPropCount = 0, iCount = 0, jCount = 0; for (int cp = 0; cp <= 0x10FFFF; ++cp) { int cat = Default.ucd.getCategory(cp); if (cat == UNASSIGNED || cat == PRIVATE_USE || cat == SURROGATE) continue; if (!Default.ucd.isAllocated(cp)) continue; boolean iProp = upi.hasValue(cp); boolean jProp = upj.hasValue(cp); if (jProp) ++jCount; if (iProp) { ++iCount; if (jProp) ++bothCount; else ++i_jPropCount; } else if (jProp) ++j_iPropCount; } if (iCount == 0 || jCount == 0) continue; String jNameShort = upj.getFullName(SHORT); //String jNameLong = ubp.getFullID(j, LONG); String rel = bothCount == 0 ? "DISJOINT" : i_jPropCount == 0 && j_iPropCount == 0 ? "EQUALS" : i_jPropCount == 0 ? "CONTAINS" // depends on reverse output : j_iPropCount == 0 ? "CONTAINS" : "OVERLAPS"; if (j_iPropCount > i_jPropCount) { // reverse output output.println(jNameShort + "\t" + iNameShort + "\t" + rel + "\t" + bothCount + "\t" + j_iPropCount + "\t" + i_jPropCount); } else { output.println(iNameShort + "\t" + jNameShort + "\t" + rel + "\t" + bothCount + "\t" + i_jPropCount + "\t" + j_iPropCount); } } } output.close(); } public static void generatePropertyAliases() throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); String prop = ""; String propAbb = ""; String value = ""; String valueAbb = ""; Map duplicates = new TreeMap(); Set sorted = new TreeSet(java.text.Collator.getInstance()); Set accumulation = new TreeSet(java.text.Collator.getInstance()); /* BufferedReader blocks = Utility.openUnicodeFile("Blocks", Default.ucd.getVersion()); String[] parts = new String[10]; while (true) { String line = blocks.readLine(); if (line == null) break; int commentPos = line.indexOf('#'); if (commentPos >= 0) line = line.substring(0,commentPos); line = line.trim(); if (line.length() == 0) continue; int count = Utility.split(line,';',parts); if (count != 2) System.out.println("Whow!"); value = Utility.getUnskeleton(parts[1].trim(), true); valueAbb = "n/a"; addLine(sorted, "blk; " + valueAbb + spacing + "; " + value); checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, value, "Block=" + value); } blocks.close(); */ for (int k = 0; k < UCD_Names.NON_ENUMERATED.length; ++k) { propAbb = Utility.getUnskeleton(UCD_Names.NON_ENUMERATED[k][0], false); prop = Utility.getUnskeleton(UCD_Names.NON_ENUMERATED[k][1], true); addLine(sorted, "AA", propAbb, prop); checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, propAbb, prop); if (!prop.equals(propAbb)) checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, prop, prop); } for (int k = 0; k < UCD_Names.SUPER_CATEGORIES.length; ++k) { valueAbb = Utility.getUnskeleton(UCD_Names.SUPER_CATEGORIES[k][0], false); value = Utility.getUnskeleton(UCD_Names.SUPER_CATEGORIES[k][1], true); addLine(sorted, "gc", valueAbb, value, "# " + UCD_Names.SUPER_CATEGORIES[k][2]); checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, value, "General_Category=" + value); if (!value.equals(valueAbb)) checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, valueAbb, "General_Category=" + value); } /* addLine(sorted, "xx; T ; True"); checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, "T", "xx=True"); addLine(sorted, "xx; F ; False"); checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, "F", "xx=False"); */ addLine(sorted, "qc", "Y", "Yes"); checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, "Y", "qc=Yes"); addLine(sorted, "qc", "N", "No"); checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, "N", "qc=No"); addLine(sorted, "qc", "M", "Maybe"); checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, "M", "qc=Maybe"); for (int i = 0; i < LIMIT_ENUM; ++i) { int type = i & 0xFF00; if (type == AGE) continue; if (i == (BINARY_PROPERTIES | CaseFoldTurkishI)) continue; UnicodeProperty up = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(i, Default.ucd); if (up == null) continue; if (!up.isStandard()) continue; // System.out.println("At" + Utility.hex(i)); // Save the Type Name, under BB for binary if (type == i || type == BINARY_PROPERTIES || type == DERIVED) { if (propAbb.equals("") || propAbb.equals("Y")) { System.out.println("WHOOPS: " + Utility.hex(i)); } propAbb = Utility.getUnskeleton(up.getProperty(SHORT), false); prop = Utility.getUnskeleton(up.getProperty(LONG), true); addLine(sorted, type != DERIVED && type != BINARY_PROPERTIES ? "BB" : up.getValueType() == NON_ENUMERATED ? "AA" : up.getValueType() == ENUMERATED ? "BB" : "ZZ", propAbb, prop); checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, propAbb, prop); if (!prop.equals(propAbb)) checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, prop, prop); } if (up.getValueType() < BINARY) continue; value = up.getValue(LONG); if (value.length() == 0) value = "none"; else if (value.equals("")) continue; if (type != DECOMPOSITION_TYPE) { value = Utility.getUnskeleton(value, true); } //if (type == DERIVED) { //System.out.println("Derived " + up.getProperty()); //} if (type == SCRIPT) { value = Default.ucd.getCase(value, FULL, TITLE); } valueAbb = up.getValue(SHORT); if (valueAbb.length() == 0) valueAbb = "n/a"; valueAbb = Utility.getUnskeleton(valueAbb, false); if (type == COMBINING_CLASS) { if (value.startsWith("Fixed_")) { continue; } } if (type == JOINING_GROUP) { valueAbb = "n/a"; } /* String elide = ""; if (type == CATEGORY || type == SCRIPT || type == BINARY_PROPERTIES) elide = "\\p{" + valueAbb + "}"; String abb = ""; if (type != BINARY_PROPERTIES) abb = "\\p{" + UCD_Names.ABB_UNIFIED_PROPERTIES[i>>8] + "=" + valueAbb + "}"; String norm = ""; if (type != BINARY_PROPERTIES) norm = "\\p{" + UCD_Names.SHORT_UNIFIED_PROPERTIES[i>>8] + "=" + value + "}"; System.out.println("" + elide + "" + abb + "" + norm + ""); */ /* if (type == BINARY_PROPERTIES || type == DERIVED) { //if (value.equals("YES")) continue; addLine(sorted, "ZZ", valueAbb, value); checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, value, value); if (!value.equalsIgnoreCase(valueAbb)) checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, valueAbb, value); continue; } */ if (type == COMBINING_CLASS) { String num = up.getValue(NUMBER); num = "; " + Utility.repeat(" ", 3-num.length()) + num; addLine(sorted, propAbb + num, valueAbb, value); } else if (!valueAbb.equals("Y")) { addLine(sorted, propAbb, valueAbb, value); } checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, value, prop + "=" + value); if (!value.equalsIgnoreCase(valueAbb) && !valueAbb.equals("n/a")) { checkDuplicate(duplicates, accumulation, valueAbb, prop + "=" + value); } } String filename = "PropertyAliases"; String newFile = "DerivedData/" + filename + getFileSuffix(true); PrintWriter log = Utility.openPrintWriter(newFile); String mostRecent = generateBat("DerivedData/", filename, getFileSuffix(true)); log.println("# " + filename + getFileSuffix(false)); log.println(generateDateLine()); log.println("#"); Utility.appendFile("PropertyAliasHeader.txt", false, log); log.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); log.println(); Utility.print(log, sorted, "\r\n", new MyBreaker(true)); log.println(); log.close(); Utility.renameIdentical(mostRecent, Utility.getOutputName(newFile)); filename = "PropertyValueAliases"; newFile = "DerivedData/" + filename + getFileSuffix(true); log = Utility.openPrintWriter(newFile); mostRecent = generateBat("DerivedData/", filename, getFileSuffix(true)); log.println("# " + filename + getFileSuffix(false)); log.println(generateDateLine()); log.println("#"); Utility.appendFile("PropertyValueAliasHeader.txt", false, log); log.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); log.println(); Utility.print(log, sorted, "\r\n", new MyBreaker(false)); log.println(); log.close(); Utility.renameIdentical(mostRecent, Utility.getOutputName(newFile)); filename = "PropertyAliasSummary"; newFile = "OtherData/" + filename + getFileSuffix(true); log = Utility.openPrintWriter(newFile); mostRecent = generateBat("OtherData/", filename, getFileSuffix(true)); log.println(); log.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); log.println(); log.println("# Non-Unique names: the same name (under either an exact or loose match)"); log.println("# occurs as a property name or property value name"); log.println("# Note: no two property names can be the same,"); log.println("# nor can two property value names for the same property be the same."); log.println(); Utility.print(log, accumulation, "\r\n", new MyBreaker(false)); log.println(); log.close(); Utility.renameIdentical(mostRecent, Utility.getOutputName(newFile)); } static void addLine(Set sorted, String f1, String f2, String f3) { addLine(sorted, f1, f2, f3, null); } static void addLine(Set sorted, String f1, String f2, String f3, String f4) { //System.out.println("Adding: " + line); f1 += Utility.repeat(" ", 3 - f1.length()); f1 += "; " + f2; f1 += Utility.repeat(" ", 15 - f1.length()); f1 += "; " + f3; if (f4 != null) { f1 += Utility.repeat(" ", 50 - f1.length()); f1 += f4; } sorted.add(f1); } static class MyBreaker implements Utility.Breaker { boolean status; public MyBreaker(boolean status) { this.status = status; } public boolean filter(Object current) { String c = current.toString(); if (c.startsWith("AA") || c.startsWith("BB") || c.startsWith("ZZ")) return status; return !status; } public String get(Object current, Object old) { if (old == null) { old = " "; } String c = current.toString(); String o = old.toString(); String sep = ""; if (!c.substring(0,2).equals(o.substring(0,2))) { sep = "\r\n"; if (status) { if (c.startsWith("AA")) sep = sep + HORIZONTAL_LINE + sep + "# Non-enumerated Properties" + sep + HORIZONTAL_LINE + sep; if (c.startsWith("BB")) sep = sep + HORIZONTAL_LINE + sep + "# Enumerated Non-Binary Properties" + sep + HORIZONTAL_LINE + sep; if (c.startsWith("ZZ")) sep = sep + HORIZONTAL_LINE + sep + "# Binary Properties" + sep + HORIZONTAL_LINE + sep; } } if (status) { int pos = c.indexOf(';'); c = c.substring(pos+1).trim(); } return sep + c; } } static void checkDuplicate(Map m, Set accumulation, String toCheck, String originalComment) { toCheck = Utility.getSkeleton(toCheck); String comment = "{" + originalComment + "}"; Set result = (Set) m.get(toCheck); if (result != null) { // Warn on serious problem: two property-names collide // or two property names & values collide. // examples: // if (1) "c" stood for both "General_Category" and "Combining_Class" // or if (2) "X=cc" stood for "X=control" and "X=compatibility" // 1: comment doesn't contain "=", and something in the results doesn't contain "=" // 2: comment does contain "X=", and something else in results contains "X=" int equalPos = comment.indexOf('='); if (equalPos < 0) { // #1 String conflict = Utility.findSubstring("=", result, false); if (conflict != null) { System.out.println("Property Name Conflict " + toCheck); System.out.println(" With " + comment); System.out.println(" And " + conflict); } } else { // #2 String trial = comment.substring(0,equalPos+1); String conflict = Utility.findSubstring(trial, result, true); if (conflict != null) { System.out.println("Property Value Name Conflict " + toCheck); System.out.println(" With " + comment); System.out.println(" And " + conflict); } } // accumulate differences /* String acc = (String)accumulation.get(toCheck); if (acc == null) { acc = "# \"" + toCheck + "\":\t" + originalComment; } acc += ";\t" + result; */ result.add(comment); accumulation.add("# " + result.toString() + ":\t" + toCheck); } else { result = new TreeSet(); result.add(comment); m.put(toCheck, result); } } /* static String skeleton(String source) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); source = source.toLowerCase(); for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); ++i) { char c = source.charAt(i); if (c == ' ' || c == '_' || c == '-') continue; result.append(c); } return result.toString(); } */ // static final byte KEEP_SPECIAL = 0, SKIP_SPECIAL = 1; public static String generateBat(String directory, String fileRoot, String suffix) throws IOException { String mostRecent = Utility.getMostRecentUnicodeDataFile(fixFile(fileRoot), Default.ucd.getVersion(), true, true); if (mostRecent != null) { generateBatAux(directory + "DIFF/Diff_" + fileRoot + suffix, mostRecent, directory + fileRoot + suffix); } else { System.out.println("No previous version of: " + fileRoot + ".txt"); return null; } String lessRecent = Utility.getMostRecentUnicodeDataFile(fixFile(fileRoot), Default.ucd.getVersion(), false, true); if (lessRecent != null && !mostRecent.equals(lessRecent)) { generateBatAux(directory + "DIFF/Diff_" + fileRoot + suffix + "-OLDER", lessRecent, directory + fileRoot + suffix); } return mostRecent; } public static void generateBatAux(String batName, String oldName, String newName) throws IOException { PrintWriter output = Utility.openPrintWriter(batName + ".bat"); newName = Utility.getOutputName(newName); System.out.println("Writing BAT to compare " + oldName + " and " + newName); File newFile = new File(newName); File oldFile = new File(oldName); output.println("\"C:\\Program Files\\wincmp.exe\" " + oldFile.getCanonicalFile() + " " + newFile.getCanonicalFile()); output.close(); } public static void generateVerticalSlice(int startEnum, int endEnum, int headerChoice, String directory, String file) throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); String newFile = directory + file + getFileSuffix(true); PrintWriter output = Utility.openPrintWriter(newFile); String mostRecent = generateBat(directory, file, getFileSuffix(true)); doHeader(file + getFileSuffix(false), output, headerChoice); int last = -1; for (int i = startEnum; i < endEnum; ++i) { UnicodeProperty up = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(i, Default.ucd); if (up == null) continue; if (i == DECOMPOSITION_TYPE || i == NUMERIC_TYPE || i == (BINARY_PROPERTIES | Non_break) || i == (BINARY_PROPERTIES | CaseFoldTurkishI) || i == (JOINING_TYPE | JT_U) || i == (JOINING_GROUP | NO_SHAPING) ) continue; // skip zero case /*if (skipSpecial == SKIP_SPECIAL && i >= (BINARY_PROPERTIES | CompositionExclusion) && i < (AGE + NEXT_ENUM)) continue; */ if ((last & 0xFF00) != (i & 0xFF00) && (i <= BINARY_PROPERTIES || i >= SCRIPT)) { output.println(); output.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); output.println("# " + up.getHeader()); output.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); output.println(); System.out.println(); System.out.println(up.getHeader()); last = i; } else { output.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); output.println(); } System.out.print("."); if (DEBUG) System.out.println(i); new MyPropertyLister(Default.ucd, i, output).print(); output.flush(); } if (endEnum == LIMIT_ENUM) { output.println(); output.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); output.println("# Numeric Values (from UnicodeData.txt, field 6/7/8)"); output.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); output.println(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("@NUMERIC VALUES"); Set floatSet = new TreeSet(); for (int i = 0; i < 0x10FFFF; ++i) { float nv = Default.ucd.getNumericValue(i); if (Float.isNaN(nv)) continue; floatSet.add(new Float(nv)); } Iterator it = floatSet.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { new MyFloatLister(Default.ucd, ((Float)it.next()).floatValue(), output).print(); output.println(); System.out.print("."); } output.flush(); } output.close(); System.out.println("HERE"); Utility.renameIdentical(mostRecent, Utility.getOutputName(newFile)); System.out.println(); } static public void writeNormalizerTestSuite(String directory, String fileName) throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); String newFile = directory + fileName + getFileSuffix(true); PrintWriter log = Utility.openPrintWriter(newFile, true, false); String mostRecent = generateBat(directory, fileName, getFileSuffix(true)); String[] example = new String[256]; log.println("# " + fileName + getFileSuffix(false)); log.println(generateDateLine()); log.println("#"); log.println("# Normalization Test Suite"); log.println("# Format:"); log.println("#"); log.println("# Columns (c1, c2,...) are separated by semicolons"); log.println("# Comments are indicated with hash marks"); log.println("#"); log.println("# CONFORMANCE:"); log.println("# 1. The following invariants must be true for all conformant implementations"); log.println("#"); log.println("# NFC"); log.println("# c2 == NFC(c1) == NFC(c2) == NFC(c3)"); log.println("# c4 == NFC(c4) == NFC(c5)"); log.println("#"); log.println("# NFD"); log.println("# c3 == NFD(c1) == NFD(c2) == NFD(c3)"); log.println("# c5 == NFD(c4) == NFD(c5)"); log.println("#"); log.println("# NFKC"); log.println("# c4 == NFKC(c1) == NFKC(c2) == NFKC(c3) == NFKC(c4) == NFKC(c5)"); log.println("#"); log.println("# NFKD"); log.println("# c5 == NFKD(c1) == NFKD(c2) == NFKD(c3) == NFKD(c4) == NFKD(c5)"); log.println("#"); log.println("# 2. For every assigned Unicode 3.1.0 code point X that is not specifically"); log.println("# listed in Part 1, the following invariants must be true for all conformant"); log.println("# implementations:"); log.println("#"); log.println("# X == NFC(X) == NFD(X) == NFKC(X) == NFKD(X)"); System.out.println("Writing Part 1"); log.println("#"); log.println("@Part0 # Specific cases"); log.println("#"); for (int j = 0; j < testSuiteCases.length; ++j) { writeLine(testSuiteCases[j], log, false); } System.out.println("Writing Part 2"); log.println("#"); log.println("@Part1 # Character by character test"); log.println("# All characters not explicitly occurring in c1 of Part 1 have identical NFC, D, KC, KD forms."); log.println("#"); for (int ch = 0; ch < 0x10FFFF; ++ch) { Utility.dot(ch); if (!Default.ucd.isAssigned(ch)) continue; if (Default.ucd.isPUA(ch)) continue; String cc = UTF32.valueOf32(ch); writeLine(cc,log, true); } Utility.fixDot(); System.out.println("Finding Examples"); for (int ch = 0; ch < 0x10FFFF; ++ch) { Utility.dot(ch); if (!Default.ucd.isAssigned(ch)) continue; if (Default.ucd.isPUA(ch)) continue; int cc = Default.ucd.getCombiningClass(ch); if (example[cc] == null) example[cc] = UTF32.valueOf32(ch); } Utility.fixDot(); System.out.println("Writing Part 2"); log.println("#"); log.println("@Part2 # Canonical Order Test"); log.println("#"); for (int ch = 0; ch < 0x10FFFF; ++ch) { Utility.dot(ch); if (!Default.ucd.isAssigned(ch)) continue; if (Default.ucd.isPUA(ch)) continue; short c = Default.ucd.getCombiningClass(ch); if (c == 0) continue; // add character with higher class, same class, lower class String sample = ""; for (int i = c+1; i < example.length; ++i) { if (example[i] == null) continue; sample += example[i]; break; } sample += example[c]; for (int i = c-1; i > 0; --i) { if (example[i] == null) continue; sample += example[i]; break; } writeLine("a" + sample + UTF32.valueOf32(ch) + "b", log, false); writeLine("a" + UTF32.valueOf32(ch) + sample + "b", log, false); } Utility.fixDot(); log.println("#"); log.println("# END OF FILE"); log.close(); Utility.renameIdentical(mostRecent, Utility.getOutputName(newFile)); } static void handleIdentical() throws IOException { DirectoryIterator target = new DirectoryIterator(GEN_DIR + File.separator + "DerivedData"); DirectoryIterator.RootFileFilter filter = new DirectoryIterator.RootFileFilter(""); DirectoryIterator recent = new DirectoryIterator(UCD_DIR, filter); while (true) { File targetFile = target.next(); if (targetFile == null) break; recent.reset(); filter.setRoot(DirectoryIterator.getRoot(targetFile)); File lastFile = recent.next(); if (lastFile == null) break; System.out.println("Target: " + targetFile); System.out.println("Last: " + lastFile); if (!DirectoryIterator.isAlmostIdentical(targetFile, lastFile, true)) continue; System.out.println("Almost Identical"); } } static void writeLine(String cc, PrintWriter log, boolean check) { String c = Default.nfc.normalize(cc); String d = Default.nfd.normalize(cc); String kc = Default.nfkc.normalize(cc); String kd = Default.nfkd.normalize(cc); if (check & cc.equals(c) && cc.equals(d) && cc.equals(kc) && cc.equals(kd)) return; // consistency check String dc = Default.nfd.normalize(c); String dkc = Default.nfd.normalize(kc); if (!dc.equals(d) || !dkc.equals(kd)) { System.out.println("Danger Will Robinson!"); Normalizer.SHOW_PROGRESS = true; d = Default.nfd.normalize(cc); } // printout log.println( Utility.hex(cc," ") + ";" + Utility.hex(c," ") + ";" + Utility.hex(d," ") + ";" + Utility.hex(kc," ") + ";" + Utility.hex(kd," ") + "; # (" + comma(cc) + "; " + comma(c) + "; " + comma(d) + "; " + comma(kc) + "; " + comma(kd) + "; " + ") " + Default.ucd.getName(cc)); } static StringBuffer commaResult = new StringBuffer(); // not recursive!!! static final String comma(String s) { commaResult.setLength(0); int cp; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i += UTF32.count16(i)) { cp = UTF32.char32At(s, i); if (Default.ucd.getCategory(cp) == Mn) commaResult.append('\u25CC'); UTF32.append32(commaResult, cp); } return commaResult.toString(); } static final String[] testSuiteCases = { "\u1E0A", "\u1E0C", "\u1E0A\u0323", "\u1E0C\u0307", "D\u0307\u0323", "D\u0323\u0307", "\u1E0A\u031B", "\u1E0C\u031B", "\u1E0A\u031B\u0323", "\u1E0C\u031B\u0307", "D\u031B\u0307\u0323", "D\u031B\u0323\u0307", "\u00C8", "\u0112", "E\u0300", "E\u0304", "\u1E14", "\u0112\u0300", "\u1E14\u0304", "E\u0304\u0300", "E\u0300\u0304", "\u05B8\u05B9\u05B1\u0591\u05C3\u05B0\u05AC\u059F", "\u0592\u05B7\u05BC\u05A5\u05B0\u05C0\u05C4\u05AD" }; static final void generateAge(String directory, String filename) throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); String newFile = directory + filename + getFileSuffix(true); PrintWriter log = Utility.openPrintWriter(newFile); String mostRecent = generateBat(directory, filename, getFileSuffix(true)); try { log.println("# " + filename + getFileSuffix(false)); log.println(generateDateLine()); log.println("#"); log.println("# Unicode Character Database: Derived Property Data"); log.println("# This file shows when various code points were designated in Unicode"); log.println("# Notes:"); log.println("# - The term 'designated' means that a previously reserved code point was specified"); log.println("# to be a noncharacter or surrogate, or assigned as a character,"); log.println("# control or format code."); log.println("# - Versions are only tracked from 1.1 onwards, since version 1.0"); log.println("# predated changes required by the ISO 10646 merger."); log.println("# - The Hangul Syllables that were removed from 2.0 are not included in the 1.1 listing."); log.println("# - The supplementary private use code points and the non-character code points"); log.println("# were designated in version 2.0, but not specifically listed in the UCD"); log.println("# until versions 3.0 and 3.1 respectively."); log.println("#"); log.println("# For details on the contents of each version, see"); log.println("# http://www.unicode.org/versions/enumeratedversions.html."); http://www.unicode.org/versions/enumeratedversions.html log.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); log.println(); new DiffPropertyLister(null, "1.1.0", log).print(); log.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); log.println(); new DiffPropertyLister("1.1.0", "2.0.0", log).print(); log.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); log.println(); new DiffPropertyLister("2.0.0", "2.1.2", log).print(); log.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); log.println(); new DiffPropertyLister("2.1.2", "3.0.0", log).print(); log.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); log.println(); new DiffPropertyLister("3.0.0", "3.1.0", log).print(); log.println(HORIZONTAL_LINE); log.println(); new DiffPropertyLister("3.1.0", "3.2.0", log).print(); /* printDiff("110", "200"); UnicodeSet u11 = fromFile(BASE_DIR + "UnicodeData\\Versions\\UnicodeData-1.1.txt", false); UnicodeSet u20 = fromFile(BASE_DIR + "UnicodeData\\Versions\\UnicodeData-2.0.txt", false); UnicodeSet u21 = fromFile(BASE_DIR + "UnicodeData\\Versions\\UnicodeData-2.1.txt", false); UnicodeSet u30 = fromFile(BASE_DIR + "UnicodeData\\Versions\\UnicodeData-3.0.txt", false); UnicodeSet u31 = fromFile(BASE_DIR + "UnicodeData\\Versions\\UnicodeData-3.1.txt", false); log.println(); log.println("# Code points assigned in Unicode 1.1 (minus Hangul Syllables): " + n.format(u11.count())); log.println(); u11.print(log, false, false, "1.1"); UnicodeSet u20m = new UnicodeSet(u20).remove(u11); log.println(); log.println("# Code points assigned in Unicode 2.0 (minus Unicode 1.1): " + n.format(u20m.count())); log.println(); u20m.print(log, false, false, "2.0"); UnicodeSet u21m = new UnicodeSet(u21).remove(u20); log.println(); log.println("# Code points assigned in Unicode 2.1 (minus Unicode 2.0): " + n.format(u21m.count())); log.println(); u21m.print(log, false, false, "2.1"); UnicodeSet u30m = new UnicodeSet(u30).remove(u21); log.println(); log.println("# Code points assigned in Unicode 3.0 (minus Unicode 2.1): " + n.format(u30m.count())); log.println(); u30m.print(log, false, false, "3.0"); UnicodeSet u31m = new UnicodeSet(u31).remove(u30); log.println(); log.println("# Code points assigned in Unicode 3.1 (minus Unicode 3.0): " + n.format(u31m.count())); log.println(); u31m.print(log, false, false, "3.1"); */ } finally { if (log != null) { log.close(); Utility.renameIdentical(mostRecent, Utility.getOutputName(newFile)); } } } public static void listCombiningAccents() throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); PrintWriter log = Utility.openPrintWriter("ListAccents" + getFileSuffix(true)); Set set = new TreeSet(); Set set2 = new TreeSet(); for (int i = 0; i < 0x10FFFF; ++i) { Utility.dot(i); if (!Default.ucd.isRepresented(i)) continue; if (!Default.nfd.normalizationDiffers(i)) { if (Default.ucd.getScript(i) == LATIN_SCRIPT) { int cp = i; String hex = "u" + Utility.hex(cp, 4); set.add("# yyy $x <> \\" + hex + " ; # " + Default.ucd.getName(cp)); } continue; } String decomp = Default.nfd.normalize(i); int j; for (j = 0; j < decomp.length(); j += UTF16.getCharCount(i)) { int cp = UTF16.charAt(decomp, j); byte cat = Default.ucd.getCategory(cp); if (cat != Mn) continue; String hex = "u" + Utility.hex(cp, 4); set.add("# xxx $x <> \\" + hex + " ; # " + Default.ucd.getName(cp)); } } Iterator it = set.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { log.println(it.next()); } log.close(); } public static void listGreekVowels() throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); PrintWriter log = Utility.openPrintWriter("ListGreekVowels" + getFileSuffix(true)); Set set = new TreeSet(); Set set2 = new TreeSet(); String vowels = "\u03B1\u03B5\u03B7\u03B9\u03BF\u03C5\u03C9\u0391\u0395\u0397\u0399\u039F\u03A5\u03A9"; String diphthongEnd = "\u03B9\u03C5\u0399\u03A5"; String diphthongStart = "\u03B1\u03B5\u03B7\u03BF\u03C5\u0391\u0395\u0397\u039F\u03A5"; String etas = "\u03B7\u0397"; String iotas = "\u03B9\u0399"; for (char i = 0; i < 0xFFFF; ++i) { Utility.dot(i); if (!Default.ucd.isRepresented(i)) continue; if (Default.ucd.getScript(i) != GREEK_SCRIPT) continue; String decomp = Default.nfd.normalize(i); if (decomp.indexOf('\u0306') >= 0) continue; // skip breve if (decomp.indexOf('\u0304') >= 0) continue; // skip macron String comp = Default.nfc.normalize(decomp); if (!comp.equals(String.valueOf(i))) continue; // skip compats char first = decomp.charAt(0); if (vowels.indexOf(first) < 0) continue; String h = ""; if (decomp.indexOf('\u0314') >= 0) h = "\uFFFF"; if (diphthongEnd.indexOf(first) >= 0) { for (int j = 0; j < diphthongStart.length(); ++j) { String v = diphthongStart.substring(j, j+1); char vc = v.charAt(0); if (Default.ucd.getCategory(vc) == Ll && Default.ucd.getCategory(first) == Lu) continue; if (etas.indexOf(vc) >= 0 && iotas.indexOf(first) >= 0) continue; set.add(new Pair(h + v + first, new Pair(v + decomp, v + i))); } } set.add(new Pair(h+first, new Pair(decomp, String.valueOf(i)))); } Iterator it = set.iterator(); Object last = ""; while (it.hasNext()) { Pair p = (Pair) it.next(); if (!last.equals(p.first)) { log.println(); last = p.first; } else { log.print(", "); } p = (Pair) p.second; log.print(p.second); } log.close(); } public static void listKatakana() throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); for (char i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; ++i) { doKana(String.valueOf(i)); if (i == 'c') doKana("ch"); if (i == 's') doKana("sh"); if (i == 'd') { doKana("dz"); doKana("dj"); } } System.out.println(); } public static void doKana(String i) { String vowels = "aeiou"; System.out.println(); System.out.print(i + " " + i + i); System.out.println(); for (int j = 0; j < vowels.length(); ++j) { char c = vowels.charAt(j); System.out.print(" " + i + c); } System.out.println(); for (int j = 0; j < vowels.length(); ++j) { char c = vowels.charAt(j); System.out.print(" " + i + "y" + c); } } public static void genTrailingZeros() { Default.setUCD(); UnicodeSet result = new UnicodeSet(); for (int i = 0; i < 0x10FFFF; ++i) { if ((i & 0xFFF) == 0) System.out.println("# " + i); if (!Default.ucd.isAssigned(i)) continue; if (!Default.nfd.normalizationDiffers(i)) continue; String decomp = Default.nfd.normalize(i); int cp; for (int j = 0; j < decomp.length(); j += UTF16.getCharCount(cp)) { cp = UTF16.charAt(decomp,j); if (j == 0) continue; // skip first if (Default.ucd.getCombiningClass(cp) == 0) { result.add(cp); } } } int rangeCount = result.getRangeCount(); for (int k = 0; k < rangeCount; ++k) { int start = result.getRangeStart(k); int end = result.getRangeEnd(k); System.out.println( Utility.hex(start) + (start != end ? ".." + Utility.hex(end) : "") + "; " + Default.ucd.getName(start) + (start != end ? ".." + Default.ucd.getName(end) : "")); } System.out.println("TrailingZero count: " + result.size()); } }