International Components for Unicode for Java (ICU4J)

Read Me for ICU4J 3.0 - Draft

Release Date

For the most recent release, see the ICU4J download site.


Introduction to ICU4J

Today's global market demands programs that support a wide variety of languages and national conventions.  Customers prefer software and web pages tailored to their needs, studies confirm that this leads to increased sales.  Java provides a strong foundation for global programs, and IBM and the ICU4J team played a key role in providing globalization technology to Sun for use in Java.

But Java does not yet provide all the features that some products require.  ICU4J is an add-on library that extends Java's globalization technology by providing the following tools:

In some cases, the above support has been rolled into a later release of Java. For example, the Thai word-break is now in Java 1.4. However, if you are using Java 1.3, you can use the ICU4J package until you upgrade to 1.4.

What Is New In This Release?

TimeZone Identifiers

ICU supports over 500 TimeZone identifiers. Most of these are current Olson identifiers (see TimeZone documentation). However, some of these are obsolete names for current identifiers. There are two sources of obsolete identifiers: the Olson database itself, and JDK legacy identifiers. (For example, the Olson database defines "US/Pacific" as an old identifier for "America/Los_Angeles". JDK 1.5 defines "PST" as a legacy identifier equivalent to "America/Los_Angeles".) Currently, the ICU TimeZone API does not distinguish between current identifiers and obsolete identifiers. This section lists obsolete identifiers and their modern equivalents.

As of ICU 3.0 there are 136 obsolete Olson names (modern names given in parentheses): America/Atka (America/Adak), America/Ensenada (America/Tijuana), America/Fort_Wayne (America/Indianapolis), America/Indiana/Indianapolis (America/Indianapolis), America/Kentucky/Louisville (America/Louisville), America/Knox_IN (America/Indiana/Knox), America/Porto_Acre (America/Rio_Branco), America/Rosario (America/Cordoba), America/Shiprock (America/Denver), America/Virgin (America/St_Thomas), Antarctica/South_Pole (Antarctica/McMurdo), Arctic/Longyearbyen (Europe/Oslo), Asia/Ashkhabad (Asia/Ashgabat), Asia/Chungking (Asia/Chongqing), Asia/Dacca (Asia/Dhaka), Asia/Istanbul (Europe/Istanbul), Asia/Macao (Asia/Macau), Asia/Tel_Aviv (Asia/Jerusalem), Asia/Thimbu (Asia/Thimphu), Asia/Ujung_Pandang (Asia/Makassar), Asia/Ulan_Bator (Asia/Ulaanbaatar), Atlantic/Jan_Mayen (Europe/Oslo), Australia/ACT (Australia/Sydney), Australia/Canberra (Australia/Sydney), Australia/LHI (Australia/Lord_Howe), Australia/NSW (Australia/Sydney), Australia/North (Australia/Darwin), Australia/Queensland (Australia/Brisbane), Australia/South (Australia/Adelaide), Australia/Tasmania (Australia/Hobart), Australia/Victoria (Australia/Melbourne), Australia/West (Australia/Perth), Australia/Yancowinna (Australia/Broken_Hill), Brazil/Acre (America/Porto_Acre), Brazil/DeNoronha (America/Noronha), Brazil/East (America/Sao_Paulo), Brazil/West (America/Manaus), CST6CDT (America/Chicago), Canada/Atlantic (America/Halifax), Canada/Central (America/Winnipeg), Canada/East-Saskatchewan (America/Regina), Canada/Eastern (America/Toronto), Canada/Mountain (America/Edmonton), Canada/Newfoundland (America/St_Johns), Canada/Pacific (America/Vancouver), Canada/Saskatchewan (America/Regina), Canada/Yukon (America/Whitehorse), Chile/Continental (America/Santiago), Chile/EasterIsland (Pacific/Easter), Cuba (America/Havana), EST (America/Indianapolis), EST5EDT (America/New_York), Egypt (Africa/Cairo), Eire (Europe/Dublin), Etc/GMT+0 (Etc/GMT), Etc/GMT-0 (Etc/GMT), Etc/GMT0 (Etc/GMT), Etc/Greenwich (Etc/GMT), Etc/Universal (Etc/UTC), Etc/Zulu (Etc/UTC), Europe/Bratislava (Europe/Prague), Europe/Ljubljana (Europe/Belgrade), Europe/Nicosia (Asia/Nicosia), Europe/San_Marino (Europe/Rome), Europe/Sarajevo (Europe/Belgrade), Europe/Skopje (Europe/Belgrade), Europe/Tiraspol (Europe/Chisinau), Europe/Vatican (Europe/Rome), Europe/Zagreb (Europe/Belgrade), GB (Europe/London), GB-Eire (Europe/London), GMT (Etc/GMT), GMT+0 (Etc/GMT+0), GMT-0 (Etc/GMT-0), GMT0 (Etc/GMT0), Greenwich (Etc/Greenwich), HST (Pacific/Honolulu), Hongkong (Asia/Hong_Kong), Iceland (Atlantic/Reykjavik), Iran (Asia/Tehran), Israel (Asia/Jerusalem), Jamaica (America/Jamaica), Japan (Asia/Tokyo), Kwajalein (Pacific/Kwajalein), Libya (Africa/Tripoli), MST (America/Phoenix), MST7MDT (America/Denver), Mexico/BajaNorte (America/Tijuana), Mexico/BajaSur (America/Mazatlan), Mexico/General (America/Mexico_City), Mideast/Riyadh87 (Asia/Riyadh87), Mideast/Riyadh88 (Asia/Riyadh88), Mideast/Riyadh89 (Asia/Riyadh89), NZ (Pacific/Auckland), NZ-CHAT (Pacific/Chatham), Navajo (America/Denver), PRC (Asia/Shanghai), PST8PDT (America/Los_Angeles), Pacific/Samoa (Pacific/Pago_Pago), Poland (Europe/Warsaw), Portugal (Europe/Lisbon), ROC (Asia/Taipei), ROK (Asia/Seoul), Singapore (Asia/Singapore), SystemV/AST4 (America/Puerto_Rico), SystemV/AST4ADT (America/Halifax), SystemV/CST6 (America/Regina), SystemV/CST6CDT (America/Chicago), SystemV/EST5 (America/Indianapolis), SystemV/EST5EDT (America/New_York), SystemV/HST10 (Pacific/Honolulu), SystemV/MST7 (America/Phoenix), SystemV/MST7MDT (America/Denver), SystemV/PST8 (Pacific/Pitcairn), SystemV/PST8PDT (America/Los_Angeles), SystemV/YST9 (Pacific/Gambier), SystemV/YST9YDT (America/Anchorage), Turkey (Europe/Istanbul), UCT (Etc/UCT), US/Alaska (America/Anchorage), US/Aleutian (America/Adak), US/Arizona (America/Phoenix), US/Central (America/Chicago), US/East-Indiana (America/Indianapolis), US/Eastern (America/New_York), US/Hawaii (Pacific/Honolulu), US/Indiana-Starke (America/Indiana/Knox), US/Michigan (America/Detroit), US/Mountain (America/Denver), US/Pacific (America/Los_Angeles), US/Pacific-New (America/Los_Angeles), US/Samoa (Pacific/Pago_Pago), UTC (Etc/UTC), Universal (Etc/Universal), W-SU (Europe/Moscow), Zulu (Etc/Zulu).

As of ICU 3.0 there are 25 legacy JDK identifiers (modern names given in parentheses): ACT (Australia/Darwin), AET (Australia/Sydney), AGT (America/Buenos_Aires), ART (Africa/Cairo), AST (America/Anchorage), BET (America/Sao_Paulo), BST (Asia/Dhaka), CAT (Africa/Harare), CNT (America/St_Johns), CST (America/Chicago), CTT (Asia/Shanghai), EAT (Africa/Addis_Ababa), ECT (Europe/Paris), IET (America/Indianapolis), IST (Asia/Calcutta), JST (Asia/Tokyo), MIT (Pacific/Apia), NET (Asia/Yerevan), NST (Pacific/Auckland), PLT (Asia/Karachi), PNT (America/Phoenix), PRT (America/Puerto_Rico), PST (America/Los_Angeles), SST (Pacific/Guadalcanal), VST (Asia/Saigon).

License Information

The ICU projects (ICU4C and ICU4J) use the X license.  The X license is a non-viral and recommended free software license that is compatible with the GNU GPL license.  This became effective with release 1.8.1 of ICU4C and release 1.3.1 of ICU4J in mid-2001. All new ICU releases will adopt the X license; previous ICU releases continue to utilize the IPL (IBM Public License).  Users of previous releases of ICU who want to adopt new ICU releases will need to accept the terms and conditions of the X license.

The main effect of the change is to provide GPL compatibility.  The X license is listed as GPL compatible, see the gnu page at This means that GPL projects can now use ICU code, it does not mean that projects using ICU become subject to GPL.

The text of the X license is available at The IBM version contains the essential text of the license, omitting the X-specific trademarks and copyright notices. The full copy of ICU's license is included in the download package.

For more details please see the press announcement and the Project FAQ.

Platform Dependencies

Parts of ICU4J depend on functionality that is only available in JDK 1.3 or later, although some components work under earlier JVMs. All components should be compiled using a Java2 compiler, as even components that run under earlier JVMs can require language features that are only present in Java2. Currently 1.1.x and 1.2.x JVMs are unsupported and untested, and you use the components on these JVMs at your own risk.

The reference platforms which we support and test ICU4J on are:

Please use the most recent updates of the supported JDK versions.

Additionally, we have built and tested ICU4J on the following unsupported platforms:

How to Download ICU4J

There are two ways to download the ICU4J releases.

For more details on how to download ICU4J directly from the web site, please also see

The Structure and Contents of ICU4J

Below, $Root is the placement of the icu directory in your file system, like "drive:\...\icu4j" in your environment. "drive:\..." stands for any drive and any directory on that drive that you chose to install icu4j into.

Information and build files:

(this file)
A description of ICU4J (International Components for Unicode for Java)
license.html The X license, used by ICU4J
build.bat A convenience bat file for building ICU4J with Ant on Windows A convenience sh file for building ICU4J with Ant on Unix
build.xml Ant build file. See How to Install and Build for more information

The source directories mirror the package structure of the code.
Core packages become part of the ICU4J jar file.
API packages contain classes with supported API.
RichText classes are Core and API, but can be removed from icu4j.jar, and can be built into their own jar.

Non-Core, Non-API
Packages used for internal development:
  • Data: data used by tests and in building ICU
  • Demos: Calendar, Holiday, Break Iterator, Rule-based Number Format, Transformations
    (See below for more information about the demos.)
  • Tests: API and coverage tests of all functionality.
    For information about running the tests, see $Root/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/test/
  • Tools: tools used to build data tables, etc.
Core, Non-API
These are utility classes used from different ICU4J core packages.
Core, API
Character properties package.
Core, API
Additional math classes.
Core, API
Additional text classes. These add to, and in some cases replace, related core Java classes:
  • Arabic shaping
  • Break iteration
  • Date formatting
  • Number formatting
  • Transliteration
  • Normalization
  • String manipulation
  • Collation
  • String search
  • Unicode compression
  • Unicode sets
Core, API
Additional utility classes:
  • Calendars - Gregorian, Buddhist, Hebrew, Islamic, Japanese
  • Holiday
  • TimeZone
  • VersionInfo
  • Iteration
Styled text editing package. This includes demos, tests, and GUIs for editing and displaying styled text. The richtext package provides a scrollable display, typing, arrow-key support, tabs, alignment and justification, word- and sentence-selection (by double-clicking and triple-clicking, respectively), text styles, clipboard operations (cut, copy and paste) and a log of changes for undo-redo. Richtext uses Java's TextLayout and complex text support (provided to Sun by the ICU4J team).

Building ICU4J creates and populates the following directories:

$Root/classes contains all class files
$Root/doc contains JavaDoc for all packages

ICU4J data is stored in the following locations: Holds data used by the ICU4J core packages (,,, and In particular, all resource information is stored here. Holds data that is not part of ICU4J core, but rather part of a test, sample, or demo.

Where to get Documentation

The ICU user's guide contains lots of general information about ICU, in its C, C++, and Java incarnations.

The complete API documentation for ICU4J (javadoc) is available on the ICU4J web site, and can be built from the sources:

How to Install and Build

To install ICU4J, simply place the prebuilt jar file icu4j.jar on your Java CLASSPATH.  No other files are needed.

Eclipse users: See the ICU4J site for information on how to configure Eclipse to build ICU4J.

To build ICU4J, you will need a Java2 JDK and the Ant build system. We strongly recommend using the Ant build system to build ICU4J:

Once the JDK and Ant are installed, building is just a matter of typing ant in the ICU4J root directory. This causes the Ant build system to perform a build as specified by the file build.xml, located in the ICU4J root directory. You can give Ant options like -verbose, and you can specify targets. Ant will only build what's been changed and will resolve dependencies properly. For example:

F:\icu4j>ant tests
Buildfile: build.xml
Project base dir set to: F:\icu4j
Executing Target: core
Compiling 71 source files to F:\icu4j\classes
Executing Target: tests
Compiling 24 source files to F:\icu4j\classes
Completed in 19 seconds

The following are some targets that you can provide to ant. For more targets, see the build.xml file:

all Build all targets.
core Build the main class files in the subdirectory classes. If no target is specified, core is assumed.
tests Build the test class files.
demos Build the demos.
tools Build the tools.
docs Run javadoc over the main class files, generating an HTML documentation tree in the subdirectory doc.
jar Create a jar archive icu4j.jar in the root ICU4J directory containing the main class files.
jarSrc Like the jar target, but containing only the source files.
jarDocs Like the jar target, but containing only the docs.
richedit Build the richedit core class files and tests.
richeditJar Create the richedit jar file (which contains only the richedit core class files). The file richedit.jar will be created in the ./richedit subdirectory. Any existing file of that name will be overwritten.
richeditZip Create a zip archive of the richedit docs and jar file for distribution. The zip file will be created in the ./richedit subdirectory. Any existing file of that name will be overwritten.
clean Remove all built targets, leaving the source.

For more information, read the Ant documentation and the build.xml file.

After doing a build it is a good idea to run all the icu4j tests by typing
"java -classpath $Root/classes -DUnicodeData=$Root/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/data/unicode".

(If you are allergic to build systems, as an alternative to using Ant you can build by running javac and javadoc directly. This is not recommended. You may have to manually create destination directories.)

How to modularize ICU4J

Some clients may not wish to ship all of ICU4J with their application, since the application might only use a small part of ICU4J. ICU4J release 2.6 and later provide build options to build individual ICU4J 'modules' for a more compact distribution. The modules are based on a service and the APIs that define it, e.g., the normalizer module supports all the APIs of the Normalizer class (and some others). Tests can be run to verify that the APIs supported by the module function correctly. Because of internal code dependencies, a module contains extra classes that are not part of the module's core service API. Some or most of the APIs of these extra classes will not work. Only the module's core service API is guaranteed. Other APIs may work partially or not at all, so client code should avoid them.

Individual modules are not built directly into their own separate jar files. Since their dependencies often overlap, using separate modules to 'add on' ICU4J functionality would result in unwanted duplication of class files. Instead, building a module causes a subset of ICU4J's classes to be built and put into ICU4J's standard build directory. After one or more module targets are built, the 'moduleJar' target can then be built, which packages the class files into a 'module jar.' Other than the fact that it contains fewer class files, little distinguishes this jar file from a full ICU4J jar file, and in fact they share the same name.

Currently ICU4J can be divided into the following modules:

Module Name Ant Targets Test Package Supported Size
Package* Main Classes†
* should be prepended to the package names listed.
† A bold class name core service APIs. Only APIs in these classes are fully supported.

Normalizer normalizer, normalizerTests 355 KB
icu.lang: UCharacter, UCharacterCategory, UCharacterDirection, UCharacterNameIterator, UCharacterTypeIterator, UProperty, UScript
icu.text: Normalizer, Replaceable, ReplaceableString, UCharacterIterator, UForwardCharacterIterator, UnicodeFilter, UnicodeMatcher, UnicodeSet, UnicodeSetIterator, UTF16
icu.util: ValueIterator, VersionInfo
Collator collator, collatorTests 1,716 KB
icu.lang: UCharacter, UCharacterCategory, UCharacterDirection, UCharacterNameIterator, UCharacterTypeIterator, lang.UProperty, UScript
icu.text: BreakDictionary, BreakIterator, BreakIteratorFactory, CanonicalIterator, CollationElementIterator, CollationKey, CollationParsedRuleBuilder, CollationRuleParser, Collator, CollatorReader, DictionaryBasedBreakIterator, Normalizer, Replaceable, ReplaceableString, RuleBasedBreakIterator, RuleBasedCollator, SearchIterator, StringSearch, UCharacterIterator, UForwardCharacterIterator, UnicodeFilter, UnicodeMatcher, UnicodeSet, UnicodeSetIterator, UTF16
icu.util: ValueIterator, VersionInfo
Calendar calendar, calendarTests 1,160 KB
icu.lang: UCharacter, UCharacterCategory, UCharacterDirection, UCharacterNameIterator, UCharacterTypeIterator, UProperty, UScript
icu.math: BigDecimal
icu.text: BreakIterator, ChineseDateFormat, ChineseDateFormatSymbols, DateFormat, DateFormatSymbols, DecimalFormat, DecimalFormatSymbols, Normalizer, NumberFormat, Replaceable, ReplaceableString, SimpleDateFormat, UCharacterIterator, UForwardCharacterIterator, UnicodeFilter, UnicodeMatcher, UnicodeSet, UnicodeSetIterator, UTF16
icu.util: BuddhistCalendar, Calendar, CalendarAstronomer, CalendarCache, CalendarFactory, ChineseCalendar, Currency, DateRule, EasterHoliday, EasterRule, GregorianCalendar, HebrewCalendar, HebrewHoliday, Holiday, IslamicCalendar, JapaneseCalendar, RangeDateRule, SimpleDateRule, SimpleHoliday, SimpleTimeZone, SimpleTimeZoneAdapter, TimeZone, TimeZoneData, ValueIterator, VersionInfo
BreakIterator breakIterator, breakIteratorTests 1,105 KB
icu.lang: UCharacter, UCharacterCategory, UCharacterDirection, UCharacterNameIterator, UCharacterTypeIterator, UProperty, UScript
icu.text: BreakDictionary, BreakIterator, BreakIteratorFactory, DictionaryBasedBreakIterator, Normalizer, Replaceable, ReplaceableString, text.RuleBasedBreakIterator, UCharacterIterator, UForwardCharacterIterator, UnicodeFilter, UnicodeMatcher, UnicodeSet, UnicodeSetIterator, UTF16
icu.util: RangeValueIterator, ValueIterator, VersionInfo
Basic Properties propertiesBasic, propertiesTests 350 KB
icu.lang: UCharacter, UCharacterCategory, UCharacterDirection, UCharacterNameIterator, UCharacterTypeIterator, UProperty, UScript, UScriptRun
icu.text: BreakDictionary, BreakIterator, BreakIteratorFactory, DictionaryBasedBreakIterator, Normalizer, Replaceable, ReplaceableString, RuleBasedBreakIterator, SymbolTable, UCharacterIterator, UForwardCharacterIterator, UnicodeFilter, UnicodeMatcher, UnicodeSet, UnicodeSetIterator, UTF16
icu.util: CompactByteArray, RangeValueIterator, ValueIterator, VersionInfo
Full Properties propertiesFull, propertiesTests 986 KB
icu.lang: UCharacter, UCharacterCategory, UCharacterDirection, UCharacterNameIterator, UCharacterTypeIterator, UProperty, UScript, UScriptRun
icu.text: BreakDictionary, BreakIterator, BreakIteratorFactory, DictionaryBasedBreakIterator, Normalizer, Replaceable, ReplaceableString, RuleBasedBreakIterator, UCharacterIterator, UForwardCharacterIterator, UnicodeFilter, UnicodeMatcher, UnicodeSet, UnicodeSetIterator, UTF16
icu.util: RangeValueIterator, ValueIterator, VersionInfo
Formatting format, formatTests 1,788 KB
icu.lang: UCharacter, UCharacterCategory, UCharacterDirection, UCharacterNameIterator, UCharacterTypeIterator, UProperty, UScript
icu.math: math.BigDecimal
icu.text: BreakIterator, CanonicalIterator, ChineseDateFormat, ChineseDateFormatSymbols, CollationElementIterator, CollationKey, CollationParsedRuleBuilder, CollationRuleParser, Collator, CollatorReader, DateFormat, DateFormatSymbols, DecimalFormat, DecimalFormatSymbols, Normalizer, NumberFormat, Replaceable, ReplaceableString, RuleBasedCollator, RuleBasedNumberFormat, SimpleDateFormat, UCharacterIterator, UForwardCharacterIterator, UnicodeFilter, UnicodeMatcher, UnicodeSet, UnicodeSetIterator, UTF16
icu.util: Calendar, CalendarAstronomer, CalendarCache, CalendarFactory, ChineseCalendar, Currency, GregorianCalendar, RangeValueIterator, SimpleTimeZone, SimpleTimeZoneAdapter, TimeZone, TimeZoneData, ValueIterator,VersionInfo
Transforms transliterator, transliteratorTests 1,364 KB
icu.lang: UCharacter, UCharacterCategory, UCharacterDirection, UCharacterNameIterator, UCharacterTypeIterator, UProperty, UScript, UScriptRun
icu.text: AnyTransliterator, BreakDictionary, BreakIterator, BreakIteratorFactory, BreakTransliterator, DictionaryBasedBreakIterator, Normalizer, Replaceable, ReplaceableString, RuleBasedBreakIterator, StringReplacer, Transliterator, UCharacterIterator, UForwardCharacterIterator, UnicodeSet, UnicodeSetIterator, UTF16
icu.util: RangeValueIterator, ValueIterator, VersionInfo

Building any of these modules is as easy as specifying a build target to the Ant build system,e.g:
To build a module that contains only the Normalizer API:

  1. Build the module.
    ant normalizer
  2. Build the tests for the module.
    ant normalizerTests

  3. Note: You could omit the step 1 and proceed to step 2, for all modules except full character properties, and let the dependecy analysis compile the requisite module.
  4. Run the tests and verify that the self tests pass.
    java -classpath $icu4j_root/classes -nothrow -w
  5. Build the jar containing the module.
    ant moduleJar
If more than one module is required, the module build targets can be concatenated, e.g:
  1. Build the modules.
    ant normalizer collator
  2. Build the tests for the module.
    ant normalizerTests collatorTests
  3. Run the tests and verify that the self tests pass.
    java -classpath $icu4j_root/classes -nothrow -w
  4. Build the jar containing the module.
    ant moduleJar


Trying Out ICU4J

Note: the demos provided with ICU4J are for the most part undocumented. This list can show you where to look, but you'll have to experiment a bit. The demos (with the exception of richedit) are unsupported and may change or disappear without notice.

The icu4j.jar file contains only the core ICU4J classes, not the demo classes, so unless you build ICU4J there is little to try out.

Rich Edit

To try out the richedit package, first build the richeditJar target. This is a 'runnable' jar file. To run the richedit demo, type:
java -jar $Root/richedit/richedit.jar
This will present an empty edit pane with an awt interface.

With a fuller command line you can try out other options, for example:

java -classpath $Root/richedit/richedit.jar [-swing][file]
This will use an awt GUI, or a swing GUI if -swing is passed on the command line. It will open a text file if one is provided, otherwise it will open a blank page. Click to type.

You can add tabs to the tab ruler by clicking in the ruler while holding down the control key. Clicking on an existing tab changes between left, right, center, and decimal tabs. Dragging a tab moves it, dragging it off the ruler removes it.

You can experiment with complex text by using the keymap functions. Please note that these are mainly for demo purposes, for real work with Arabic or Hebrew you will want to use an input method. You will need to use a font that supports Arabic or Hebrew, 'Lucida Sans' (provided with Java) supports these languages.

Other demos

The other demo programs are not supported and exist only to let you experiment with the ICU4J classes. First, build ICU4J using ant all. Then try one of the following:

ICU4J Resource Information

Starting with release 2.1, ICU4J includes its own resource information which is completely independent of the JDK resource information. The new ICU4J information is equivalent to the information in ICU4C and ultimately derives from the same source. This allows ICU4J 2.1 and above to be built on, and run on, JDK 1.4.

By default the ICU4J distribution includes all of the new resource information. It is located in the package, as a set of class files named "LocaleElements" followed by the names of locales in the form _xx_YY_ZZZZ, where 'xx' is the two-letter language code, 'YY' is the country code, and 'ZZ' (which can be any length) is a variant. Many of these fields can be omitted. Locale naming is documented the Locale class, java.util.Locale, and the use of these names in searching for resources is documented in java.util.ResourceBundle.

Some of these files require separate binary data. The names of the binary data files start with "CollationElements", then the corresponding Locale string, and end with '.res'. Another data file (only one at the moment) starts with the name "BreakDictionaryData", the corresponding Locale string, and ends with '.ucs'.

Some of the LocaleElements files share data with other LocaleElements files, because some Locale names have changed. For example, he_IL used to be iw_IL. In order to support both names but not duplicate the data, one of the class files refers to the other class file's data.

The list of supported resources is found in a file called LocaleElements_index.class. This contains the names of all the LocaleElements resources and is the source of the information returned by API such as Calendar.getAvailableLocales. (Note: for ease of customization this probably should be a text file).

LocaleElements files form a hierarchy, with up to four levels: a root, language, region (country), and variant. Searches for locale data attempt to match as far down the hierarchy as possible, for example, 'he_IL' will match LocaleElements_he_IL, but 'he_US' will match LocaleElements_he (since there is no 'US' variant for 'he', and 'xx_YY' will match LocaleElements (since there is no 'xx' language code in the LocaleElements hierarchy). Again, see java.util.ResourceBundle for more information.

With this in mind, the way to remove LocaleData is to make sure to remove all dependencies on that data as well. For example, if you remove LocaleElements_he.class, you need to remove LocaleElements_he_IL.class, since it is lower in the hierarchy, and you must remove LocaleElements_iw.class, since it references LocaleElements_he, and LocaleELements_iw_IL.class, since it depends on it (and also references LocaleElements_he_IL). For another example, if you remove CollationElements_zh__PINYIN.res, you must also remove LocaleElements_zh__PINYIN.class, since it depends on the CollationElements_zh__PINYIN.res.

Unfortunately, the jar tool in the JDK provides no way to remove items from a jar file. Thus you have to extract the resources, remove the ones you don't want, and then create a new jar file with the remining resources. See the jar tool information for how to do this. Before 'rejaring' the files, be sure to thoroughly test your application with the remaining resources, making sure each required resource is present.

Using additional resource files with ICU4J

Warning: Resource file formats can change across releases of ICU4J!
The format of ICU4J resources is not part of the API. Clients who develop their own resources for use with ICU4J should be prepared to regenerate them when they move to new releases of ICU4J.

ICU4J 2.1 and above uses the standard class lookup mechanism. This means any appropriately named resource on the CLASSPATH will be located, in the order listed in the classpath.

If you create a resource file, and list it on the CLASSPATH before icu4j.jar, your resource will be used in place of any existing LocaleElements_xx_YY resource in icu4j. This is a good way to try out changes to resources. You can, for example, include the resource in your application's jar file and list it ahead of icu4j.jar.

In order to create new resources, you first must thoroughly understand the various elements contained in the resource files, their syntax and dependencies. You cannot simply 'patch' existing resource files with a single change because the new file completely replaces the old file in the resource hierarchy. In general, the new resource file should contain all the different data that the old one did, plus your changes.

Adding a new 'leaf' resource is easiest. Elements defined in that resource will override corresponding ones in the resources further up the hierarchy. Thus you can, for example, try out new localized names of days of the week, as they are all contained in one element. The variant mechanism can be used to temporarily try out new versions of existing resource elements (though we don't recommend shipping this way). Note though that some resources have detailed dependencies on each other, so that you cannot simply assume that a new element with the same structure and number of contents will 'just work.'

Patching an 'internal' resource (say, one corresponding to an existing language resource that has children) requires careful analysis of the contents of the resources.

LocaleElements resource data in ICU4J is checked in to the repository as precompiled class files. This means that inspecting the contents of these resources is difficult. They are compiled from java files that in turn are machine-generated from ICU4C binary data, using the genrb tool in ICU4C. You can view the contents of the ICU4C text resource files to understand the contents of the ICU4J resources, as they are the same.

Developing ICU4J resource files

Currently only the LocaleElements resource data is shared, other ICU resources (calendar, transliterator, etc.) are still checked in directly to ICU4J as source files. This means that development and maintenance of these resources continues as before, only LocaleElements resource data has been changed in ICU4J 2.1. This probably will change in the future once we work out a reasonable mechanism for storing and generating the resource data.

One goal of using the same resource data as ICU4C is to avoid keeping redundant copies of the resource data. Currently there is no separate repository of the 'master' resource data, it is checked in to ICU4C, and the tools for converting it to .java files are ICU4C tools. This is inconvenient for working in Java, but since maintenance of ICU4J and ICU4C is supposed to go on 'in parallel,' as a practical matter people will have to be familiar with development in both C and Java, and with the conventions and structure of each project. Additionally, sharing of data means that modifications to data immediately impact both projects (as it should) and thus both projects need to be tested when such changes are made. The bulk of the tools are currently on the ICU4C side, and will likely stay that way, so this seems like a reasonable initial approach to sharing the data.

While prototyping of LocaleElements data can occur in either Java or C, the final version should be checked in to ICU4C in text format. Genrb is then run to generate the .java and .res files. They are then compiled and jar'd into the file ICULocaleData.jar. The resulting jar file is then checked in to ICU4J as src/com/ibm/icu/dev/data/ICULocaleData.jar. (This is not great but it allows ICU4J to be downloaded and built as one project, instead of two, one for locale data and one for ICU4J proper. Given the 2.4 schedule it wasn't possible to work out the larger data sharing problem in time, so we tried to limit the impact to just what was needed to get JDK 1.4 support up and running.)

The files in ICULocaleData.jar get extracted to com/ibm/icu/impl/data in the build directory when the 'core' target is built. Thereafter, as long as the file LocaleElements_index.class file is untouched, they will not be extracted again. Building the 'resource' target will force the resources to once again be extracted. Extraction will overwrite any corresponding .class files already in that directory.

Building ICU4J Resources from ICU4C

  1. Download and build ICU on a Big Endian machine
  2. Download and build ICU4J on the same machine
  3. Change directory to $icu_root\source\tools\genrb
  4. Launch from that directory itself with the command $icu_root_dir $icu4j_root <ld_path_variable_name> [<locale>+]
    To create all the locale data files omit the locale argument
Execution of script will create the required source (*.java) files and class file in $icu_root\source\data\locales\java. The ICULocaleData.jar is moved to $icu4j_root\src\com\ibm\icu\impl\data directory.

Where to Find More Information is a pointer to general information about the International Components for Unicode in Java is a pointer to information on how to make applications global.

Submitting Comments, Requesting Features and Reporting Bugs

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While we are not able to respond individually to each comment, we do review all comments.

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