DataDrivenCollationTest { Info { Headers { "sequence" } Description { "This is locale based collation test for Danish" } LongDescription { "The following entries are separate tests containing test data for various locales." "Each entry has the following fields: " "TestLocale - the locale that we should instantiate collator with." "ArgumentStrength - strength of collator" "TestData - set of test cases, which are sequences of strings that will be parsed" "Sequences must not change the sign of relation, i.e. we can only have < and = or" "> and = in single sequence. Cannot mix < and > in the same sequence. Whitespace is" "is ignored unless quoted." } } TestData { TestSafeSurrogates { Info { Description { "It turned out that surrogates were not skipped properly " "when iterating backwards if they were in the middle of a " "contraction. This test assures that this is fixed." } } Settings { { Rules { "&a < x\ud800\udc00b" } } } Cases { "alybeck", "L\u00e4vi