/* * * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2015 - All Rights Reserved * */ #include "LETypes.h" #include "LEGlyphFilter.h" #include "OpenTypeTables.h" #include "GlyphSubstitutionTables.h" #include "MultipleSubstSubtables.h" #include "GlyphIterator.h" #include "LESwaps.h" U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN le_uint32 MultipleSubstitutionSubtable::process(const LETableReference &base, GlyphIterator *glyphIterator, LEErrorCode& success, const LEGlyphFilter *filter) const { if (LE_FAILURE(success)) { return 0; } LEGlyphID glyph = glyphIterator->getCurrGlyphID(); // If there's a filter, we only want to do the // substitution if the *input* glyphs doesn't // exist. // // FIXME: is this always the right thing to do? // FIXME: should this only be done for a non-zero // glyphCount? if (filter != NULL && filter->accept(glyph)) { return 0; } le_int32 coverageIndex = getGlyphCoverage(base, glyph, success); le_uint16 seqCount = SWAPW(sequenceCount); LEReferenceToArrayOf sequenceTableOffsetArrayRef(base, success, sequenceTableOffsetArray, seqCount); if (LE_FAILURE(success)) { return 0; } if (coverageIndex >= 0 && coverageIndex < seqCount) { Offset sequenceTableOffset = SWAPW(sequenceTableOffsetArray[coverageIndex]); const SequenceTable *sequenceTable = (const SequenceTable *) ((char *) this + sequenceTableOffset); le_uint16 glyphCount = SWAPW(sequenceTable->glyphCount); if (glyphCount == 0) { glyphIterator->setCurrGlyphID(0xFFFF); return 1; } else if (glyphCount == 1) { TTGlyphID substitute = SWAPW(sequenceTable->substituteArray[0]); if (filter != NULL && ! filter->accept(LE_SET_GLYPH(glyph, substitute))) { return 0; } glyphIterator->setCurrGlyphID(substitute); return 1; } else { // If there's a filter, make sure all of the output glyphs // exist. if (filter != NULL) { for (le_int32 i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) { TTGlyphID substitute = SWAPW(sequenceTable->substituteArray[i]); if (! filter->accept(substitute)) { return 0; } } } LEGlyphID *newGlyphs = glyphIterator->insertGlyphs(glyphCount, success); if (LE_FAILURE(success)) { return 0; } le_int32 insert = 0, direction = 1; if (glyphIterator->isRightToLeft()) { insert = glyphCount - 1; direction = -1; } for (le_int32 i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) { TTGlyphID substitute = SWAPW(sequenceTable->substituteArray[i]); newGlyphs[insert] = LE_SET_GLYPH(glyph, substitute); insert += direction; } return 1; } } return 0; } U_NAMESPACE_END