/* ****************************************************************************** * * * Copyright (C) 1999-2003, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. * ****************************************************************************** * * file name: gnomelayout.cpp * * created on: 09/04/2001 * created by: Eric R. Mader */ #include #include "freetype/freetype.h" #include "unicode/ustring.h" #include "unicode/uscript.h" #include "GnomeFontInstance.h" #include "paragraph.h" #include "GnomeGUISupport.h" #include "GnomeFontMap.h" #include "UnicodeReader.h" #include "ScriptCompositeFontInstance.h" #define ARRAY_LENGTH(array) (sizeof array / sizeof array[0]) struct Context { long width; long height; Paragraph *paragraph; }; static TT_Engine engine; static GnomeGUISupport *guiSupport; static GnomeFontMap *fontMap; static ScriptCompositeFontInstance *font; static GSList *appList = NULL; GtkWidget *newSample(const gchar *fileName); void closeSample(GtkWidget *sample); void showabout(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { GtkWidget *aboutBox; const gchar *writtenBy[] = { "Eric Mader", NULL }; aboutBox = gnome_about_new("Gnome Layout Sample", "0.1", "Copyright (C) 1998-2002 By International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.", writtenBy, "A simple demo of the ICU LayoutEngine.", NULL); gtk_widget_show(aboutBox); } void notimpl(GtkObject *object, gpointer data) { gnome_ok_dialog("Not implemented..."); } gchar *prettyTitle(const gchar *path) { gchar *name = g_basename(path); gchar *title = g_strconcat("Gnome Layout Sample - ", name, NULL); return title; } void openOK(GtkObject *object, gpointer data) { GtkFileSelection *fileselection = GTK_FILE_SELECTION(data); GtkWidget *app = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(fileselection), "app")); Context *context = (Context *) gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(app), "context"); gchar *fileName = g_strdup(gtk_file_selection_get_filename(fileselection)); Paragraph *newPara; gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(fileselection)); newPara = Paragraph::paragraphFactory(fileName, font, guiSupport); if (newPara != NULL) { gchar *title = prettyTitle(fileName); GtkWidget *area = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(app), "area")); if (context->paragraph != NULL) { delete context->paragraph; } context->paragraph = newPara; gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(app), title); gtk_widget_hide(area); context->paragraph->breakLines(context->width, context->height); gtk_widget_show_all(area); g_free(title); } g_free(fileName); } void openfile(GtkObject *object, gpointer data) { GtkWidget *app = GTK_WIDGET(data); GtkWidget *fileselection; GtkWidget *okButton; GtkWidget *cancelButton; fileselection = gtk_file_selection_new("Open File"); gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(fileselection), "app", app); okButton = GTK_FILE_SELECTION(fileselection)->ok_button; cancelButton = GTK_FILE_SELECTION(fileselection)->cancel_button; gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(fileselection), "destroy", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(gtk_main_quit), NULL); gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(okButton), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(openOK), fileselection); gtk_signal_connect_object(GTK_OBJECT(cancelButton), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(gtk_widget_destroy), GTK_OBJECT(fileselection)); gtk_window_set_modal(GTK_WINDOW(fileselection), TRUE); gtk_widget_show(fileselection); gtk_main(); } void newapp(GtkObject *object, gpointer data) { GtkWidget *app = newSample("Sample.txt"); gtk_widget_show_all(app); } void closeapp(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { GtkWidget *app = GTK_WIDGET(data); closeSample(app); } void shutdown(GtkObject *object, gpointer data) { gtk_main_quit(); } GnomeUIInfo fileMenu[] = { GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_NEW_ITEM("_New Sample", "Create a new Gnome Layout Sample", newapp, NULL), GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_OPEN_ITEM(openfile, NULL), GNOMEUIINFO_SEPARATOR, GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_CLOSE_ITEM(closeapp, NULL), GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_EXIT_ITEM(shutdown, NULL), GNOMEUIINFO_END }; GnomeUIInfo helpMenu[] = { // GNOMEUIINFO_HELP("gnomelayout"), GNOMEUIINFO_MENU_ABOUT_ITEM(showabout, NULL), GNOMEUIINFO_END }; GnomeUIInfo mainMenu[] = { GNOMEUIINFO_SUBTREE(N_("File"), fileMenu), GNOMEUIINFO_SUBTREE(N_("Help"), helpMenu), GNOMEUIINFO_END }; gint eventDelete(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) { closeSample(widget); // indicate that closeapp already destroyed the window return TRUE; } gint eventConfigure(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event, Context *context) { if (context->paragraph != NULL) { context->width = event->width; context->height = event->height; if (context->width > 0 && context->height > 0) { context->paragraph->breakLines(context->width, context->height); } } return TRUE; } gint eventExpose(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, Context *context) { if (context->paragraph != NULL) { gint maxLines = context->paragraph->getLineCount() - 1; gint firstLine = 0, lastLine = context->height / context->paragraph->getLineHeight(); GnomeSurface surface(widget); context->paragraph->draw(&surface, firstLine, (maxLines < lastLine)? maxLines : lastLine); } return TRUE; } GtkWidget *newSample(const gchar *fileName) { Context *context = new Context(); context->width = 600; context->height = 400; context->paragraph = Paragraph::paragraphFactory(fileName, font, guiSupport); gchar *title = prettyTitle(fileName); GtkWidget *app = gnome_app_new("gnomeLayout", title); gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(app), "context", context); gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(app), 600 - 24, 400); gnome_app_create_menus_with_data(GNOME_APP(app), mainMenu, app); gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(app), "delete_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(eventDelete), NULL); GtkWidget *area = gtk_drawing_area_new(); gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(app), "area", area); GtkStyle *style = gtk_style_copy(gtk_widget_get_style(area)); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) { style->fg[i] = style->white; } gtk_widget_set_style(area, style); gnome_app_set_contents(GNOME_APP(app), area); gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(area), "expose_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(eventExpose), context); gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(area), "configure_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(eventConfigure), context); appList = g_slist_prepend(appList, app); g_free(title); return app; } void closeSample(GtkWidget *app) { Context *context = (Context *) gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(app), "context"); if (context->paragraph != NULL) { delete context->paragraph; } delete context; appList = g_slist_remove(appList, app); gtk_widget_destroy(app); if (appList == NULL) { gtk_main_quit(); } } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { LEErrorCode fontStatus = LE_NO_ERROR; GtkWidget *app; TT_Init_FreeType(&engine); gnome_init("gnomelayout", "0.1", argc, argv); guiSupport = new GnomeGUISupport(); fontMap = new GnomeFontMap(engine, "FontMap.Gnome", 24, guiSupport, fontStatus); font = new ScriptCompositeFontInstance(fontMap); if (LE_FAILURE(fontStatus)) { TT_Done_FreeType(engine); return 1; } if (argc <= 1) { app = newSample("Sample.txt"); gtk_widget_show_all(app); } else { for (int i = 1; i < argc; i += 1) { app = newSample(argv[i]); gtk_widget_show_all(app); } } gtk_main(); delete font; delete guiSupport; TT_Done_FreeType(engine); exit(0); }