package; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import; import; public class ToolUnicodePropertySource extends UnicodeProperty.Factory { static final boolean DEBUG = false; private UCD ucd; private Normalizer nfc, nfd, nfkd, nfkc; private static boolean needAgeCache = true; private static UCD[] ucdCache = new UCD[UCD_Types.LIMIT_AGE]; private static HashMap factoryCache = new HashMap(); public static synchronized ToolUnicodePropertySource make(String version) { ToolUnicodePropertySource result = (ToolUnicodePropertySource)factoryCache.get(version); if (result != null) return result; result = new ToolUnicodePropertySource(version); factoryCache.put(version, result); return result; } private ToolUnicodePropertySource(String version) { ucd = UCD.make(version); nfc = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFC, ucd.getVersion()); nfd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD, ucd.getVersion()); nfkc = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFKC, ucd.getVersion()); nfkd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFKD, ucd.getVersion()); version = ucd.getVersion(); // regularize // first the special cases if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Adding Simple Cases"); add(new UnicodeProperty.SimpleProperty() { public String _getValue(int codepoint) { if ((ODD_BALLS & ucd.getCategoryMask(codepoint)) != 0) return null; return ucd.getName(codepoint); } }.setMain("Name", "na", UnicodeProperty.MISC, version) .setValues("")); add(new UnicodeProperty.SimpleProperty() { public String _getValue(int codepoint) { if (DEBUG && codepoint == 0x1D100) { System.out.println("here"); } //if ((ODD_BALLS & ucd.getCategoryMask(codepoint)) != 0) return null; return ucd.getBlock(codepoint); } protected UnicodeMap _getUnicodeMap() { return ucd.blockData; } }.setMain("Block", "blk", UnicodeProperty.CATALOG, version) .setValues(ucd.getBlockNames(null))); add(new UnicodeProperty.SimpleProperty() { public String _getValue(int codepoint) { //if ((ODD_BALLS & ucd.getCategoryMask(codepoint)) != 0) return null; return ucd.getBidiMirror(codepoint); } }.setMain("Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph", "bmg", UnicodeProperty.STRING, version) .setValues("")); add(new UnicodeProperty.SimpleProperty() { public String _getValue(int codepoint) { //if ((ODD_BALLS & ucd.getCategoryMask(codepoint)) != 0) return null; return ucd.getCase(codepoint,UCD_Types.FULL,UCD_Types.FOLD); } }.setMain("Case_Folding", "cf", UnicodeProperty.STRING, version) .setValues("")); add(new UnicodeProperty.SimpleProperty() { NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); { nf.setGroupingUsed(false); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(8); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(1); } public String _getValue(int codepoint) { double num = ucd.getNumericValue(codepoint); if (Double.isNaN(num)) return null; return nf.format(num); } }.setMain("Numeric_Value", "nv", UnicodeProperty.NUMERIC, version)); add(new UnicodeProperty.SimpleProperty() { public String _getValue(int cp) { if (!ucd.isRepresented(cp)) return null; String b = nfkc.normalize(ucd.getCase(cp, UCD_Types.FULL, UCD_Types.FOLD)); String c = nfkc.normalize(ucd.getCase(b, UCD_Types.FULL, UCD_Types.FOLD)); if (c.equals(b)) return null; return c; } public int getMaxWidth(boolean isShort) { return 14; } }.setMain("FC_NFKC_Closure", "FC_NFKC", UnicodeProperty.STRING, version) //.addName("FNC") ); add(new UnicodeProperty.SimpleProperty() { public String _getValue(int codepoint) { if (!nfd.isNormalized(codepoint)) return "No"; else if (nfd.isTrailing(codepoint)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal Error!"); else return "Yes"; } public int getMaxWidth(boolean isShort) { return 15; } }.setMain("NFD_Quick_Check", "NFD_QC", UnicodeProperty.ENUMERATED, version) .setValues(LONG_YES_NO, YES_NO)); add(new UnicodeProperty.SimpleProperty() { public String _getValue(int codepoint) { if (!nfc.isNormalized(codepoint)) return "No"; else if (nfc.isTrailing(codepoint)) return "Maybe"; else return "Yes"; } public int getMaxWidth(boolean isShort) { return 15; } }.setMain("NFC_Quick_Check", "NFC_QC", UnicodeProperty.ENUMERATED, version) .setValues(LONG_YES_NO_MAYBE, YES_NO_MAYBE)); add(new UnicodeProperty.SimpleProperty() { public String _getValue(int codepoint) { if (!nfkd.isNormalized(codepoint)) return "No"; else if (nfkd.isTrailing(codepoint)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal Error!"); else return "Yes"; } public int getMaxWidth(boolean isShort) { return 15; } }.setMain("NFKD_Quick_Check", "NFKD_QC", UnicodeProperty.ENUMERATED, version) .setValues(LONG_YES_NO, YES_NO)); add(new UnicodeProperty.SimpleProperty() { public String _getValue(int codepoint) { if (!nfkc.isNormalized(codepoint)) return "No"; else if (nfkc.isTrailing(codepoint)) return "Maybe"; else return "Yes"; } public int getMaxWidth(boolean isShort) { return 15; } }.setMain("NFKC_Quick_Check", "NFKC_QC", UnicodeProperty.ENUMERATED, version) .setValues(LONG_YES_NO_MAYBE, YES_NO_MAYBE)); /* add(new UnicodeProperty.SimpleProperty() { public String _getValue(int codepoint) { if (!nfx.isNormalized(codepoint)) return NO; else if (nfx.isTrailing(codepoint)) return MAYBE; else return ""; } }.setMain("NFD_QuickCheck", "nv", UnicodeProperty.NUMERIC, version) .setValues("")); */ // Now the derived properties if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Derived Properties"); for (int i = 0; i < DerivedProperty.DERIVED_PROPERTY_LIMIT; ++i) { UCDProperty prop = DerivedProperty.make(i); if (prop == null) continue; if (!prop.isStandard()) continue; String name = prop.getName(); if (getProperty(name) != null) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Iterated Names: " + name + ", ALREADY PRESENT*"); continue; // skip if already there } int type = prop.getValueType(); if (i == UCD_Types.FC_NFKC_Closure) type = UnicodeProperty.STRING; else if (i == UCD_Types.FullCompExclusion) type = UnicodeProperty.BINARY; else type = remapUCDType(type); if (DEBUG) System.out.println(prop.getName()); add(new UCDPropertyWrapper(prop,type,false)); } // then the general stuff if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Other Properties"); List names = new ArrayList(); UnifiedProperty.getAvailablePropertiesAliases(names,ucd); Iterator it = names.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name = (String); if (getProperty(name) != null) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Iterated Names: " + name + ", ALREADY PRESENT"); continue; // skip if already there } if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Iterated Names: " + name); add(new ToolUnicodeProperty(name)); } } static String[] YES_NO_MAYBE = {"N", "M", "Y"}; static String[] LONG_YES_NO_MAYBE = {"No", "Maybe", "Yes"}; static String[] YES_NO = {"N", "Y"}; static String[] LONG_YES_NO = {"No", "Yes"}; /* "Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph", "Block", "Case_Folding", "Case_Sensitive", "ISO_Comment", "Lowercase_Mapping", "Name", "Numeric_Value", "Simple_Case_Folding", "Simple_Lowercase_Mapping", "Simple_Titlecase_Mapping", "Simple_Uppercase_Mapping", "Titlecase_Mapping", "Unicode_1_Name", "Uppercase_Mapping", "isCased", "isCasefolded", "isLowercase", "isNFC", "isNFD", "isNFKC", "isNFKD", "isTitlecase", "isUppercase", "toNFC", "toNFD", "toNFKC", "toNKFD" }); */ /* private class NameProperty extends UnicodeProperty.SimpleProperty { {set("Name", "na", "", UnicodeProperty.STRING);} public String getPropertyValue(int codepoint) { if ((ODD_BALLS & ucd.getCategoryMask(codepoint)) != 0) return null; return ucd.getName(codepoint); } } */ static class UCDPropertyWrapper extends UnicodeProperty { UCDProperty ucdProperty; boolean yes_no_maybe; UCDPropertyWrapper(UCDProperty ucdProperty, int type, boolean yes_no_maybe) { this.ucdProperty = ucdProperty; setType(type); String name = ucdProperty.getName(UCDProperty.LONG); if (name == null) ucdProperty.getName(UCDProperty.SHORT); setName(name); this.yes_no_maybe = yes_no_maybe; } protected String _getVersion() { return ucdProperty.getUCD().getVersion(); } protected String _getValue(int codepoint) { return ucdProperty.getValue(codepoint, UCDProperty.LONG); } protected List _getNameAliases(List result) { addUnique(ucdProperty.getName(UCDProperty.SHORT), result); addUnique(getName(), result); return result; } protected List _getValueAliases(String valueAlias, List result) { if (isType(BINARY_MASK)) { if (valueAlias.equals("True")) addUnique("T", result); else if (valueAlias.equals("False")) addUnique("F", result); addUnique(valueAlias, result); } if (yes_no_maybe) { if (valueAlias.equals("Yes")) addUnique("Y", result); else if (valueAlias.equals("No")) addUnique("N", result); else if (valueAlias.equals("Maybe")) addUnique("M", result); addUnique(valueAlias, result); } return result; } protected List _getAvailableValues(List result) { if (isType(BINARY_MASK)) { addUnique("True", result); addUnique("False", result); } if (yes_no_maybe) { addUnique("No",result); addUnique("Maybe",result); addUnique("Yes",result); } return result; } } static final int ODD_BALLS = (1<"); else if (type == NUMERIC) result.add(""); else if (type == BINARY) { result.add("True"); result.add("False"); } else if (type == ENUMERATED || type == CATALOG) { byte style = UCD_Types.LONG; int prop = propMask>>8; String temp = null; boolean titlecase = false; for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { boolean check = false; try { switch (prop) { case UCD_Types.CATEGORY>>8: temp = (ucd.getCategoryID_fromIndex((byte)i, style)); break; case UCD_Types.COMBINING_CLASS>>8: temp = (ucd.getCombiningClassID_fromIndex((short)i, style)); break; case UCD_Types.BIDI_CLASS>>8: temp = (ucd.getBidiClassID_fromIndex((byte)i, style)); break; case UCD_Types.DECOMPOSITION_TYPE>>8: temp = (ucd.getDecompositionTypeID_fromIndex((byte)i, style)); //check = temp != null; break; case UCD_Types.NUMERIC_TYPE>>8: temp = (ucd.getNumericTypeID_fromIndex((byte)i, style)); titlecase = true; break; case UCD_Types.EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH>>8: temp = (ucd.getEastAsianWidthID_fromIndex((byte)i, style)); break; case UCD_Types.LINE_BREAK>>8: temp = (ucd.getLineBreakID_fromIndex((byte)i, style)); break; case UCD_Types.JOINING_TYPE>>8: temp = (ucd.getJoiningTypeID_fromIndex((byte)i, style)); break; case UCD_Types.JOINING_GROUP>>8: temp = (ucd.getJoiningGroupID_fromIndex((byte)i, style)); break; case UCD_Types.SCRIPT>>8: temp = (ucd.getScriptID_fromIndex((byte)i, style)); titlecase = true; if (UnicodeProperty.UNUSED.equals(temp)) continue; if (temp != null) temp = UCharacter.toTitleCase(Locale.ENGLISH,temp,null); break; case UCD_Types.AGE>>8: temp = (ucd.getAgeID_fromIndex((byte)i, style)); break; case UCD_Types.HANGUL_SYLLABLE_TYPE>>8: temp = (ucd.getHangulSyllableTypeID_fromIndex((byte)i,style)); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal Error: " + prop); } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { continue; } if (check) System.out.println("Value: " + temp); if (temp != null && temp.length() != 0 && !temp.equals(UNUSED)) { result.add(Utility.getUnskeleton(temp, titlecase)); } if (check) System.out.println("Value2: " + temp); } //if (prop == (UCD_Types.DECOMPOSITION_TYPE>>8)) result.add("none"); //if (prop == (UCD_Types.JOINING_TYPE>>8)) result.add("Non_Joining"); //if (prop == (UCD_Types.NUMERIC_TYPE>>8)) result.add("None"); } return result; } public List _getNameAliases(List result) { if (result == null) result = new ArrayList(); addUnique(Utility.getUnskeleton(up.getName(UCD_Types.SHORT), false), result); addUnique(Utility.getUnskeleton(up.getName(UCD_Types.LONG), true), result); return result; } public List _getValueAliases(String valueAlias, List result) { if (result == null) result = new ArrayList(); int type = getType() & CORE_MASK; if (type == STRING || type == MISC) return result; else if (type == NUMERIC) return result; else if (type == BINARY) { UnicodeProperty.addUnique(valueAlias, result); return lookup(valueAlias, UCD_Names.YN_TABLE_LONG, UCD_Names.YN_TABLE, result); } else if (type == ENUMERATED || type == CATALOG) { byte style = UCD_Types.LONG; int prop = propMask>>8; boolean titlecase = false; for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { try { switch (prop) { case UCD_Types.CATEGORY>>8: return lookup(valueAlias, UCD_Names.LONG_GENERAL_CATEGORY, UCD_Names.GENERAL_CATEGORY, result); case UCD_Types.COMBINING_CLASS>>8: addUnique(String.valueOf(0xFF&Utility.lookup(valueAlias, UCD_Names.LONG_COMBINING_CLASS, true)), result); return lookup(valueAlias, UCD_Names.LONG_COMBINING_CLASS, UCD_Names.COMBINING_CLASS, result); case UCD_Types.BIDI_CLASS>>8: return lookup(valueAlias, UCD_Names.LONG_BIDI_CLASS, UCD_Names.BIDI_CLASS, result); case UCD_Types.DECOMPOSITION_TYPE>>8: return lookup(valueAlias, UCD_Names.LONG_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE, UCD_Names.DECOMPOSITION_TYPE, result); case UCD_Types.NUMERIC_TYPE>>8: return lookup(valueAlias, UCD_Names.LONG_NUMERIC_TYPE, UCD_Names.NUMERIC_TYPE, result); case UCD_Types.EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH>>8: return lookup(valueAlias, UCD_Names.LONG_EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH, UCD_Names.EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH, result); case UCD_Types.LINE_BREAK>>8: lookup(valueAlias, UCD_Names.LONG_LINE_BREAK, UCD_Names.LINE_BREAK, result); if (valueAlias.equals("Inseparable")) addUnique("Inseperable", result); // Inseparable; Inseperable return result; case UCD_Types.JOINING_TYPE>>8: return lookup(valueAlias, UCD_Names.LONG_JOINING_TYPE, UCD_Names.JOINING_TYPE, result); case UCD_Types.JOINING_GROUP>>8: return lookup(valueAlias, UCD_Names.JOINING_GROUP, null, result); case UCD_Types.SCRIPT>>8: return lookup(valueAlias, UCD_Names.LONG_SCRIPT, UCD_Names.SCRIPT, result); case UCD_Types.AGE>>8: return lookup(valueAlias, UCD_Names.AGE, null, result); case UCD_Types.HANGUL_SYLLABLE_TYPE>>8: return lookup(valueAlias, UCD_Names.LONG_HANGUL_SYLLABLE_TYPE, UCD_Names.HANGUL_SYLLABLE_TYPE, result); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal Error: " + prop); } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { continue; } } } throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("not supported yet"); } public String _getValue(int codepoint) { byte style = UCD_Types.LONG; String temp = null; boolean titlecase = false; switch (propMask>>8) { case UCD_Types.CATEGORY>>8: temp = (ucd.getCategoryID_fromIndex(ucd.getCategory(codepoint), style)); break; case UCD_Types.COMBINING_CLASS>>8: temp = (ucd.getCombiningClassID_fromIndex(ucd.getCombiningClass(codepoint), style)); //if (temp.startsWith("Fixed_")) temp = temp.substring(6); break; case UCD_Types.BIDI_CLASS>>8: temp = (ucd.getBidiClassID_fromIndex(ucd.getBidiClass(codepoint), style)); break; case UCD_Types.DECOMPOSITION_TYPE>>8: temp = (ucd.getDecompositionTypeID_fromIndex(ucd.getDecompositionType(codepoint), style)); if (temp == null || temp.length() == 0) temp = "none"; break; case UCD_Types.NUMERIC_TYPE>>8: temp = (ucd.getNumericTypeID_fromIndex(ucd.getNumericType(codepoint), style)); titlecase = true; if (temp == null || temp.length() == 0) temp = "None"; break; case UCD_Types.EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH>>8: temp = (ucd.getEastAsianWidthID_fromIndex(ucd.getEastAsianWidth(codepoint), style)); break; case UCD_Types.LINE_BREAK>>8: temp = (ucd.getLineBreakID_fromIndex(ucd.getLineBreak(codepoint), style)); break; case UCD_Types.JOINING_TYPE>>8: temp = (ucd.getJoiningTypeID_fromIndex(ucd.getJoiningType(codepoint), style)); if (temp == null || temp.length() == 0) temp = "Non_Joining"; break; case UCD_Types.JOINING_GROUP>>8: temp = (ucd.getJoiningGroupID_fromIndex(ucd.getJoiningGroup(codepoint), style)); break; case UCD_Types.SCRIPT>>8: temp = (ucd.getScriptID_fromIndex(ucd.getScript(codepoint), style)); if (temp != null) temp = UCharacter.toTitleCase(Locale.ENGLISH,temp,null); titlecase = true; break; case UCD_Types.AGE>>8: temp = getAge(codepoint); break; case UCD_Types.HANGUL_SYLLABLE_TYPE>>8: temp = (ucd.getHangulSyllableTypeID_fromIndex(ucd.getHangulSyllableType(codepoint),style)); break; } if (temp != null) return Utility.getUnskeleton(temp,titlecase); if (isType(BINARY_MASK)) { return up.hasValue(codepoint) ? "True" : "False"; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to find value for " + Utility.hex(codepoint)); } public String getAge(int codePoint) { if (codePoint == 0xF0000) { System.out.println("debug point"); } if (needAgeCache) { for (int i = UCD_Types.AGE11; i < UCD_Types.LIMIT_AGE; ++i) { ucdCache[i] = UCD.make(UCD_Names.AGE_VERSIONS[i]); } needAgeCache = false; } for (int i = UCD_Types.AGE11; i < UCD_Types.LIMIT_AGE; ++i) { if (ucdCache[i].isAllocated(codePoint)) return UCD_Names.AGE[i]; } return UCD_Names.AGE[UCD_Types.UNKNOWN]; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ private int getPropertyTypeInternal() { switch(propMask) { case UCD_Types.BINARY_PROPERTIES | UCD_Types.CaseFoldTurkishI: case UCD_Types.BINARY_PROPERTIES | UCD_Types.Non_break: return EXTENDED_BINARY; } switch(propMask>>8) { case UCD_Types.SCRIPT>>8: case UCD_Types.AGE>>8: return CATALOG; } int mask = 0; if (!up.isStandard()) mask = EXTENDED_MASK; return remapUCDType(up.getValueType()) | mask; } public String _getVersion() { return up.ucd.getVersion(); } } private int remapUCDType(int result) { switch (result) { case UCD_Types.NUMERIC_PROP: result = UnicodeProperty.NUMERIC; break; case UCD_Types.STRING_PROP: result = UnicodeProperty.STRING; break; case UCD_Types.MISC_PROP: result = UnicodeProperty.STRING; break; case UCD_Types.CATALOG_PROP: result = UnicodeProperty.ENUMERATED; break; case UCD_Types.FLATTENED_BINARY_PROP: case UCD_Types.ENUMERATED_PROP: result = UnicodeProperty.ENUMERATED; break; case UCD_Types.BINARY_PROP: result = UnicodeProperty.BINARY; break; case UCD_Types.UNKNOWN_PROP: default: result = UnicodeProperty.STRING; //throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type: UNKNOWN_PROP"); } return result; } static List lookup(String valueAlias, String[] main, String[] aux, List result) { //System.out.println(valueAlias + "=>"); //System.out.println("=>" + aux[pos]); if (aux != null) { int pos = 0xFF & Utility.lookup(valueAlias, main, true); UnicodeProperty.addUnique(aux[pos], result); } return (List) UnicodeProperty.addUnique(valueAlias, result); } /* static class DerivedPropertyWrapper extends UnicodeProperty { UCDProperty derivedProperty; UCD ucd; DerivedPropertyWrapper(int derivedPropertyID, UCD ucd) { this.ucd = ucd; derivedProperty = DerivedProperty.make(derivedPropertyID, ucd); } protected String _getVersion() { return ucd.getVersion(); } protected String _getValue(int codepoint) { return derivedProperty.getValue(codepoint, UCD_Types.LONG); } protected List _getNameAliases(List result) { if (result != null) result = new ArrayList(1); addUnique(derivedProperty.getName(UCD_Types.SHORT), result); addUnique(derivedProperty.getName(UCD_Types.LONG), result); return null; } protected List _getValueAliases(String valueAlias, List result) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } protected List _getAvailableValues(List result) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } } */ }