// Copyright (c) 1998-2001 IBM, Inc. and others. // // Maltese locale. // Maintained by srl@monkey.sbay.org [See below for full credits] // // For information about this country please see: http://www.magnet.mt/ // // For information about Maltese Computing please see: // http://www.quadrantFive.com/SMC/ // http://www.li18nux.org/~srl/SMC/ [alternate site] // // Search for 'Sources' below for source abbreviations // Hi. This file is now in utf-8. Thank you very much. // Quick rundown on Maltese Unicode: // --------------------------------- // ċ = U+010B Ċ = U+010A 'ch' // ġ = U+0121 Ġ = U+0120 soft G // ħ = U+0127 Ħ = U+0126 voiced H [or 2nd letter of 'silent' għ] // ż = U+017c Ż = U+017B 'dz' // // COMBINING MARKS: // There is no combining mark for the slash (h/) // but, U+0307 is the DOT ABOVE needed for ż, ċ, and ġ (in collation rules) mt { Version { "0.9.2" } // Mon, Jan 2, 2001 - srl [Msida, MALTA] - see bottom ShortLanguage { mlt } Languages { root { "Għerq" } // the root locale // Some of these tags look like they are in other languages, not Maltese. ar { "Għarbi" } bg { "Bulgaru" } ca { "Katalan" } // bu cs { "Ċek" } cy { "Welx" } // [rc] da { "Daniż" } // [rc] de { "Ġermaniż" } // [CI] el { "Grieg" } en { "Ingliż" } es { "Spanjol" } et { "Estonjan" } eu { "Bask" } fa { "Persjan" } fi { "Finlandiż" } // [rc] fr { "Franċiż" } he { "Ebrajk" } // rz { see: iw } hr { "Kroat" } hu { "Ungeriż" } hy { "Armenjan" } id { "Indoneżjan" } is { "Islandiż" } it { "Taljan" } // CI dictionary iw { "Ebrajk" } // rz { see: he } ja { "Ġappuniż" } // srl, after [BM] lt { "Litwanjan" } lv { "Latvjan" } mt { "Malti" } nl { "Olandiż" } // bu no { "Norvegiż" } // bu pl { "Pollakk" } pt { "Portugiż" } ro { "Rumen" } ru { "Russu" } sh { "Serbo-Kroat" } sk { "Slovakk" } sl { "Slav" } // rz [mhux Slovenjan] sq { "Albaniż" } sr { "Serb" } sv { "Svediż" } sw { "Swaħili" } th { "Tajlandiż" } tr { "Tork" } uk { "Ukranjan" } ur { "Urdu" } vi { "Vjetnamiż" } zh { "Ċiniż" } zu { "Żulu" } // x1 { Magyar } // x2 { Makedonski } // x4 { Norsk } // x9 { Slovencina } // xa { Slovenscina } } Countries { AE { "Emirati Għarab Maqgħuda" } // in/rz AF { "Afganistan" } // [Aq] AL { Albanija } AR { Arġentina } AT { Awstrija } AU { Awstralja } BA { "Bożnija/Ħerzegovina" } BB { "Barbados" } // [Aq] or Barbuda? (where is Antigwa?) BD { "Bangladexx" } BE { Belġju } BG { Bulgarija } BH { "Baħrajn" } // [Aq] BN { "Brunej" } // [Aq] BO { "Bolivja" } // [rc] BR { Brażil } BS { "Il-Baħamas" } // [Aq] BZ { "Beliże" } // [Aq] CA { Kanada } CH { Svizzera } // rz [S not dotted Z] CL { "Ċili" } // [Aq] CN { Ċina } CO { "Kolumbja" } // bu CU { "Kuba" } CY { Ċipru } CZ { Rep. Ċeka } DE { Ġermanja } DK { Danimarka } DO { "Republikka Domenikana" } // bu DZ { Alġerija } // ** Stopped at D's for Aquilina's EC { "Ekwador" } // bu EE { Estonja } EG { Eġittu } ES { Spanja } FI { Finlandja } FR { Franza } GB { "Ingilterra" } // rz, 'Gran Brittanja is more Italian than Maltese' GL { "Grinlandja" } // [rc] GM { "Gambja" } // in GR { "Greċja" } // [rc]/bu GT { "Gwatemala" } // bu HR { Kroazja } HU { Ungerija } IE { Irlanda } IL { "Iżrael" } IN { Indja } IQ { "Iraq" } IR { "Iran" } IS { Islanda } IT { Italja } JP { Ġappun } KW { "Kuwajt" } LB { "Libanu" } LT { Litwanja } LU { Lussemburgu } LV { Latvja } LY { "Libja" } MA { "Marokk" } MT { Malta } MX { "Messiku" } NI { "Nikaragwa" } // in NL { Olanda } NO { Norveġja } OM { "Oman" } // in PE { "Peru" } PH { "Filippini" } // in PK { "Pakistan" } PL { Polonja } PT { Portugall } // [KA] RO { Rumanija } RU { "Russja" } // [rc] SA { "Għarabja Sawdita" } // in SE { Żvezja } SI { Slovenja } SK { "Slovakkja" } // rz SY { "Sirja" } TD { "Ċad" } // [Aq] TH { "Tajlandja" } TN { "Tuneż" } TR { Turkija } TW { Tajwan } UA { Ukranja } US { "Stati Uniti" } VA { Stat tal-Vatikan } YU { Jugoslavja } ZA { "Afrika t'Isfel" } } MonthNames { Jannar, Frar, Marzu, April, Mejju, Ġunju, Lulju, Awissu, Settembru, Ottubru, Novembru, Diċembru "" } //Jan Fra Mar Apr Mej Gun Lul Aww* Set Ott Nov Dic MonthAbbreviations { "Jan", "Fra", "Mar", "Apr", "Mej", "Ġun", "Lul", "Awi", // jew Aww? "Set", "Ott", "Nov", "Diċ" "" } DayNames { il-Ħadd, it-Tnejn, it-Tlieta, l-Erbgħa, il-Ħamis, il-Ġimgħa, is-Sibt } Eras { "QK", // Quddiem Kristu [from Il-BIBBJA - it-tieni edijoni, "WK" // Wara Kristu Ghaqda Biblika Maltija] } DayAbbreviations { "Ħad", "Tne", "Tli", "Erb", "Ħam", "Ġim", "Sib" } NumberElements { ".", ",", ";", "%", "0", "#", "-", E, "‰", "∞", "�" } // illum is-Sibt, 01 ta'' Awissu, 1998 :) DateTimePatterns { "h:mm:ss a z", "h:mm:ss a z", "h:mm:ss a", "h:mm a", "EEEE, d 'ta''' MMMM, yyyy", "d 'ta''' MMMM", "dd/MM/yy", "dd/MM/yy", "{1} {0}" } DateTimeElements { "1", "1" } // Note, that 'c' doesn't exist in Maltese. But I put it here following ċ // for compatibility with foreign words. // Joseph Felici Pace says: // a b ċ [c] d e f ġ g għ h ħ i ie j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x [y] ż z CollationElements { Version { "1.0" } Override { "FALSE" } Sequence { "& B < ċ , Ċ" // ċ Ċ " < c,C" "& F < ġ, Ġ " // ġ Ġ " < g,G" " < għ , gĦ , Għ , GĦ " "& H < ħ , Ħ " "& I < ie, iE, Ie, IE " // ie is a single letter "& Y < ż, Ż" // ż Ż " < z,Z" } } // Time zone //CET: zoneStrings { { "CET", "Ħin ta' L-Ewropa Ċentrali", "ĦEĊ", "Ħin tas-Sajf fl-Ewropa Ċentrali", "ĦSEĊ" } } LocaleID {"3A"} LocaleScript{ "Latn", // ISO 15924 Name } } // -- BIBLIOGRAPHY -- // // Maltese alphabet: grazzi, to Mr. Karmenu Attard // // 'colour image's dictionary order (Malta, 1998) -- [CI] // a b ċ [c] d e f ġ g għ h ħ i ie j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ż // Only Colour Image's dictionary has 'ie' as a separate letter. // (that i have seen so far) // // Kapt Pawlu Bugeja's dizzunarju // (Kelmet il-Malti) [Grima: Marsa, Malta, 1990) - the orange one -- [Kelmet] // -- same order, but lists ż before z // // Lydia Sciriha seems to use the order 'g ġ għ' but 'z ż' in -- [BM] // Beginning Maltese (Uni ta' Malta, 1996) in the lessons, // but in the word list (at back) it's 'ġ g għ' and 'ż z' [1st ed.] // // J. Aquilina in his 'Teach Yourself:Maltese' book -- [Ty] // (London: Hodder Headline, 1965 and Chicago, NTC Publishing 1995) // uses the very different 'ġ g h ħ ... n għ o .. x ż z' ordering, // placing għ between n and o. (I have heard this is to be similar to the // Arabic ordering) // // Casha, Charles: 'Kun Af - aktar dwar ilsienna' -- [KA] // (Blata l-Bajda, Malta: Merlin Library Ltd., 1987) // CREDITS: above sources and also.. // - Mirka Mifsud Bonnici for much of the initial translation/inspiration // - Karmenu Attard // - MaxMan (Manuel) // - Ramon Casha // - Angelo Dalli // - in - in-nazzjon // - lo - l-orrizont // Change Log //2001-01-02 srl 0.9.2 Converted to UTF-8. Added: AE/GM/NI/OM/PH/SA/KW //2000-10-09 gr 0.9.1 [shipped in ICU 1.7] //2000-07-20 srl 0.9.0