//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) 1999-2000, International Business Machines // Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // THIS IS A MACHINE-GENERATED FILE // Tool: src\com\ibm\tools\translit\dumpICUrules.bat // Source: src\com\ibm\text\resources/TransliterationRule_UnicodeName_UnicodeChar.java // Date: Fri May 19 17:38:43 2000 //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // UnicodeName-UnicodeChar ucname { Rule { "'account of%'>\u2100;" "'addressed to the subject%'>\u2101;" "'adi shakti%'>\u262c;" "'airplane%'>\u2708;" "'all equal to%'>\u224c;" "'almost equal or equal to%'>\u224a;" "'almost equal to%'>\u2248;" "'angle%'>\u2220;" "'angstrom unit%'>\u212b;" "'ankh%'>\u2625;" "'anticlockwise contour integral%'>\u2233;" "'anticlockwise open circle arrow%'>\u21ba;" "'anticlockwise top semicircle arrow%'>\u21b6;" "'apl compose operator%'>\u2300;" "'apl out%'>\u2301;" "'apple logo%'>\uf8ff;" "'approaches the limit%'>\u2250;" "'approximately but not actually equal to%'>\u2246;" "'approximately equal to or the image of%'>\u2252;" "'approximately equal to%'>\u2245;" "'aquarius%'>\u2652;" "'arc%'>\u2312;" "'aries%'>\u2648;" "'ascending node%'>\u260a;" "'assertion%'>\u22a6;" "'asterisk operator%'>\u2217;" "'asterism%'>\u2042;" "'asymptotically equal to%'>\u2243;" "'back-tilted shadowed white right arrow%'>\u27ab;" "'balloon-spoked asterisk%'>\u2749;" "'ballot box with check%'>\u2611;" "'ballot box with x%'>\u2612;" "'ballot box%'>\u2610;" "'ballot x%'>\u2718;" "'barred eighth notes%'>\u266b;" "'barred sixteenth notes%'>\u266c;" "'because%'>\u2235;" "'benzene ring%'>\u232c;" "'between%'>\u226c;" "'biohazard%'>\u2623;" "'black center white star%'>\u272c;" "'black chess bishop%'>\u265d;" "'black chess king%'>\u265a;" "'black chess knight%'>\u265e;" "'black chess pawn%'>\u265f;" "'black chess queen%'>\u265b;" "'black chess rook%'>\u265c;" "'black circle%'>\u25cf;" "'black club suit%'>\u2663;" "'black diamond minus white x%'>\u2756;" "'black diamond suit%'>\u2666;" "'black diamond%'>\u25c6;" "'black down pointing small triangle%'>\u25be;" "'black down pointing triangle%'>\u25bc;" "'black florette%'>\u273f;" "'black four pointed star%'>\u2726;" "'black heart suit%'>\u2665;" "'black left pointing index%'>\u261a;" "'black left pointing pointer%'>\u25c4;" "'black left pointing small triangle%'>\u25c2;" "'black left pointing triangle%'>\u25c0;" "'black lower left triangle%'>\u25e3;" "'black lower right triangle%'>\u25e2;" "'black nib%'>\u2712;" "'black parallelogram%'>\u25b0;" "'black rectangle%'>\u25ac;" "'black right arrow%'>\u27a1;" "'black right arrowhead%'>\u27a4;" "'black right pointing index%'>\u261b;" "'black right pointing pointer%'>\u25ba;" "'black right pointing small triangle%'>\u25b8;" "'black right pointing triangle%'>\u25b6;" "'black scissors%'>\u2702;" "'black small square%'>\u25aa;" "'black smiling face%'>\u263b;" "'black spade suit%'>\u2660;" "'black square%'>\u25a0;" "'black star%'>\u2605;" "'black sun with rays%'>\u2600;" "'black telephone%'>\u260e;" "'black up pointing small triangle%'>\u25b4;" "'black up pointing triangle%'>\u25b2;" "'black upper left triangle%'>\u25e4;" "'black upper right triangle%'>\u25e5;" "'black vertical rectangle%'>\u25ae;" "'black-feathered lower right arrow%'>\u27b4;" "'black-feathered right arrow%'>\u27b5;" "'black-feathered upper right arrow%'>\u27b6;" "'black-letter c%'>\u212d;" "'black-letter h%'>\u210c;" "'black-letter i%'>\u2111;" "'black-letter r%'>\u211c;" "'black-letter z%'>\u2128;" "'blank%'>\u2422;" "'bottom half integral%'>\u2321;" "'bottom left corner%'>\u231e;" "'bottom left crop%'>\u230d;" "'bottom right corner%'>\u231f;" "'bottom right crop%'>\u230c;" "'bowtie%'>\u22c8;" "'bra%'>\u2329;" "'broken vertical bar%'>\u00a6;" "'bullet operator%'>\u2219;" "'bullet%'>\u2022;" "'bullseye%'>\u25ce;" "'c l symbol%'>\u2104;" "'cada una%'>\u2106;" "'caduceus%'>\u2624;" "'cancer%'>\u264b;" "'capricorn%'>\u2651;" "'care of%'>\u2105;" "'caret insertion point%'>\u2041;" "'caret%'>\u2038;" "'caution sign%'>\u2621;" "'cent sign%'>\u00a2;" "'character tie%'>\u2040;" "'check mark%'>\u2713;" "'chi rho%'>\u2627;" "'circle with all but upper left quadrant black%'>\u25d5;" "'circle with left half black%'>\u25d0;" "'circle with lower half black%'>\u25d2;" "'circle with right half black%'>\u25d1;" "'circle with upper half black%'>\u25d3;" "'circle with upper right quadrant black%'>\u25d4;" "'circle with vertical fill%'>\u25cd;" "'circled asterisk operator%'>\u229b;" "'circled dash%'>\u229d;" "'circled digit eight%'>\u2467;" "'circled digit five%'>\u2464;" "'circled digit four%'>\u2463;" "'circled digit nine%'>\u2468;" "'circled digit one%'>\u2460;" "'circled digit seven%'>\u2466;" "'circled digit six%'>\u2465;" "'circled digit three%'>\u2462;" "'circled digit two%'>\u2461;" "'circled digit zero%'>\u24ea;" "'circled division slash%'>\u2298;" "'circled dot operator%'>\u2299;" "'circled equals%'>\u229c;" "'circled heavy white right arrow%'>\u27b2;" "'circled latin capital letter a%'>\u24b6;" "'circled latin capital letter b%'>\u24b7;" "'circled latin capital letter c%'>\u24b8;" "'circled latin capital letter d%'>\u24b9;" "'circled latin capital letter e%'>\u24ba;" "'circled latin capital letter f%'>\u24bb;" "'circled latin capital letter g%'>\u24bc;" "'circled latin capital letter h%'>\u24bd;" "'circled latin capital letter i%'>\u24be;" "'circled latin capital letter j%'>\u24bf;" "'circled latin capital letter k%'>\u24c0;" "'circled latin capital letter l%'>\u24c1;" "'circled latin capital letter m%'>\u24c2;" "'circled latin capital letter n%'>\u24c3;" "'circled latin capital letter o%'>\u24c4;" "'circled latin capital letter p%'>\u24c5;" "'circled latin capital letter q%'>\u24c6;" "'circled latin capital letter r%'>\u24c7;" "'circled latin capital letter s%'>\u24c8;" "'circled latin capital letter t%'>\u24c9;" "'circled latin capital letter u%'>\u24ca;" "'circled latin capital letter v%'>\u24cb;" "'circled latin capital letter w%'>\u24cc;" "'circled latin capital letter x%'>\u24cd;" "'circled latin capital letter y%'>\u24ce;" "'circled latin capital letter z%'>\u24cf;" "'circled latin small letter a%'>\u24d0;" "'circled latin small letter b%'>\u24d1;" "'circled latin small letter c%'>\u24d2;" "'circled latin small letter d%'>\u24d3;" "'circled latin small letter e%'>\u24d4;" "'circled latin small letter f%'>\u24d5;" "'circled latin small letter g%'>\u24d6;" "'circled latin small letter h%'>\u24d7;" "'circled latin small letter i%'>\u24d8;" "'circled latin small letter j%'>\u24d9;" "'circled latin small letter k%'>\u24da;" "'circled latin small letter l%'>\u24db;" "'circled latin small letter m%'>\u24dc;" "'circled latin small letter n%'>\u24dd;" "'circled latin small letter o%'>\u24de;" "'circled latin small letter p%'>\u24df;" "'circled latin small letter q%'>\u24e0;" "'circled latin small letter r%'>\u24e1;" "'circled latin small letter s%'>\u24e2;" "'circled latin small letter t%'>\u24e3;" "'circled latin small letter u%'>\u24e4;" "'circled latin small letter v%'>\u24e5;" "'circled latin small letter w%'>\u24e6;" "'circled latin small letter x%'>\u24e7;" "'circled latin small letter y%'>\u24e8;" "'circled latin small letter z%'>\u24e9;" "'circled minus%'>\u2296;" "'circled number eighteen%'>\u2471;" "'circled number eleven%'>\u246a;" "'circled number fifteen%'>\u246e;" "'circled number fourteen%'>\u246d;" "'circled number nineteen%'>\u2472;" "'circled number seventeen%'>\u2470;" "'circled number sixteen%'>\u246f;" "'circled number ten%'>\u2469;" "'circled number thirteen%'>\u246c;" "'circled number twelve%'>\u246b;" "'circled number twenty%'>\u2473;" "'circled open center eight pointed star%'>\u2742;" "'circled plus%'>\u2295;" "'circled postal mark%'>\u3036;" "'circled ring operator%'>\u229a;" "'circled sans serif digit eight%'>\u2787;" "'circled sans serif digit five%'>\u2784;" "'circled sans serif digit four%'>\u2783;" "'circled sans serif digit nine%'>\u2788;" "'circled sans serif digit one%'>\u2780;" "'circled sans serif digit seven%'>\u2786;" "'circled sans serif digit six%'>\u2785;" "'circled sans serif digit three%'>\u2782;" "'circled sans serif digit two%'>\u2781;" "'circled sans serif number ten%'>\u2789;" "'circled times%'>\u2297;" "'circled white star%'>\u272a;" "'clear key%'>\u2327;" "'clockwise contour integral%'>\u2232;" "'clockwise integral%'>\u2231;" "'clockwise open circle arrow%'>\u21bb;" "'clockwise top semicircle arrow%'>\u21b7;" "'closing angle bracket%'>\u3009;" "'closing black lenticular bracket%'>\u3011;" "'closing corner bracket%'>\u300d;" "'closing double angle bracket%'>\u300b;" "'closing tortoise shell bracket%'>\u3015;" "'closing white corner bracket%'>\u300f;" "'closing white lenticular bracket%'>\u3017;" "'closing white square bracket%'>\u301b;" "'closing white tortoise shell bracket%'>\u3019;" "'cloud%'>\u2601;" "'colon equal%'>\u2254;" "'colon sign%'>\u20a1;" "'comet%'>\u2604;" "'command key%'>\u2318;" "'complement%'>\u2201;" "'conjunction%'>\u260c;" "'contains as member%'>\u220b;" "'contains as normal subgroup or equal to%'>\u22b5;" "'contains as normal subgroup%'>\u22b3;" "'contour integral%'>\u222e;" "'copyright sign%'>\u00a9;" "'corresponds to%'>\u2258;" "'cross of jerusalem%'>\u2629;" "'cross of lorraine%'>\u2628;" "'cruzeiro sign%'>\u20a2;" "'cube root%'>\u221b;" "'curly logical and%'>\u22cf;" "'curly logical or%'>\u22ce;" "'currency sign%'>\u00a4;" "'curved stem paragraph sign ornament%'>\u2761;" "'dagger%'>\u2020;" "'dark shade%'>\u2593;" "'dashed triangle-headed right arrow%'>\u279f;" "'degree sign%'>\u00b0;" "'degrees centigrade%'>\u2103;" "'degrees fahrenheit%'>\u2109;" "'degrees kelvin%'>\u212a;" "'delete to the left key%'>\u232b;" "'delete to the right key%'>\u2326;" "'delta equal to%'>\u225c;" "'descending node%'>\u260b;" "'diamond operator%'>\u22c4;" "'difference between%'>\u224f;" "'digit eight period%'>\u248f;" "'digit five period%'>\u248c;" "'digit four period%'>\u248b;" "'digit nine period%'>\u2490;" "'digit one period%'>\u2488;" "'digit seven period%'>\u248e;" "'digit six period%'>\u248d;" "'digit three period%'>\u248a;" "'digit two period%'>\u2489;" "'ditto mark%'>\u3003;" "'divides%'>\u2223;" "'division sign%'>\u00f7;" "'division slash%'>\u2215;" "'division times%'>\u22c7;" "'does not contain as member%'>\u220c;" "'does not contain as normal subgroup or equal%'>\u22ed;" "'does not contain as normal subgroup%'>\u22eb;" "'does not divide%'>\u2224;" "'does not force%'>\u22ae;" "'does not precede or equal%'>\u22e0;" "'does not precede%'>\u2280;" "'does not prove%'>\u22ac;" "'does not succeed or equal%'>\u22e1;" "'does not succeed%'>\u2281;" "'dot minus%'>\u2238;" "'dot operator%'>\u22c5;" "'dot plus%'>\u2214;" "'dotted circle%'>\u25cc;" "'double comma quotation mark%'>\u201d;" "'double dagger%'>\u2021;" "'double exclamation mark%'>\u203c;" "'double hyphen%'>\u203f;" "'double integral%'>\u222c;" "'double intersection%'>\u22d2;" "'double prime quotation mark%'>\u301e;" "'double prime%'>\u2033;" "'double reversed comma quotation mark%'>\u201f;" "'double subset%'>\u22d0;" "'double superset%'>\u22d1;" "'double turned comma quotation mark%'>\u201c;" "'double union%'>\u22d3;" "'double vertical bar double right turnstile%'>\u22ab;" "'double vertical bar%'>\u2016;" "'double-struck c%'>\u2102;" "'double-struck h%'>\u210d;" "'double-struck n%'>\u2115;" "'double-struck p%'>\u2119;" "'double-struck q%'>\u211a;" "'double-struck r%'>\u211d;" "'double-struck z%'>\u2124;" "'down arrow from bar%'>\u21a7;" "'down arrow with corner left%'>\u21b5;" "'down arrow with double stroke%'>\u21df;" "'down arrow with tip left%'>\u21b2;" "'down arrow with tip right%'>\u21b3;" "'down arrow%'>\u2193;" "'down arrowhead%'>\u2304;" "'down dashed arrow%'>\u21e3;" "'down double arrow%'>\u21d3;" "'down harpoon with barb left%'>\u21c3;" "'down harpoon with barb right%'>\u21c2;" "'down paired arrows%'>\u21ca;" "'down right diagonal ellipsis%'>\u22f1;" "'down tack%'>\u22a4;" "'down two headed arrow%'>\u21a1;" "'down zigzag arrow%'>\u21af;" "'drafting point right arrow%'>\u279b;" "'earth%'>\u2641;" "'eight petalled outlined black florette%'>\u2741;" "'eight pointed black star%'>\u2734;" "'eight pointed pinwheel star%'>\u2735;" "'eight pointed rectilinear black star%'>\u2737;" "'eight spoked asterisk%'>\u2733;" "'eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk%'>\u274a;" "'eighth note%'>\u266a;" "'element of%'>\u2208;" "'small element of%'>\u220a;" "'element precedes under relation%'>\u22b0;" "'element succeeds under relation%'>\u22b1;" "'em dash%'>\u2014;" "'em quad%'>\u2001;" "'em space%'>\u2003;" "'empty set%'>\u2205;" "'en dash%'>\u2013;" "'en quad%'>\u2000;" "'en space%'>\u2002;" "'enclosing circle slash%'>\u20e0;" "'enclosing circle%'>\u20dd;" "'enclosing diamond%'>\u20df;" "'enclosing square%'>\u20de;" "'end of proof%'>\u220e;" "'enter key%'>\u2324;" "'envelope%'>\u2709;" "'equal and parallel to%'>\u22d5;" "'equal colon%'>\u2255;" "'equal to by definition%'>\u225d;" "'equal to or greater than%'>\u22dd;" "'equal to or less than%'>\u22dc;" "'equal to or precedes%'>\u22de;" "'equal to or succeeds%'>\u22df;" "'equiangular to%'>\u225a;" "'equivalent to%'>\u224d;" "'estimates%'>\u2259;" "'eulers%'>\u2107;" "'euro-currency sign%'>\u20a0;" "'european standard packaging%'>\u212e;" "'excess%'>\u2239;" "'female sign%'>\u2640;" "'feminine ordinal indicator%'>\u00aa;" "'figure dash%'>\u2012;" "'figure space%'>\u2007;" "'first quarter moon%'>\u263d;" "'first transfinite cardinal%'>\u2135;" "'fisheye%'>\u25c9;" "'flat%'>\u266d;" "'floral heart%'>\u2766;" "'for all%'>\u2200;" "'forces%'>\u22a9;" "'forms double down and horizontal%'>\u2566;" "'forms double down and left%'>\u2557;" "'forms double down and right%'>\u2554;" "'forms double horizontal%'>\u2550;" "'forms double up and horizontal%'>\u2569;" "'forms double up and left%'>\u255d;" "'forms double up and right%'>\u255a;" "'forms double vertical and horizontal%'>\u256c;" "'forms double vertical and left%'>\u2563;" "'forms double vertical and right%'>\u2560;" "'forms double vertical%'>\u2551;" "'forms down double and horizontal single%'>\u2565;" "'forms down double and left single%'>\u2556;" "'forms down double and right single%'>\u2553;" "'forms down heavy and horizontal light%'>\u2530;" "'forms down heavy and left light%'>\u2512;" "'forms down heavy and left up light%'>\u2527;" "'forms down heavy and right light%'>\u250e;" "'forms down heavy and right up light%'>\u251f;" "'forms down heavy and up horizontal light%'>\u2541;" "'forms down light and horizontal heavy%'>\u252f;" "'forms down light and left heavy%'>\u2511;" "'forms down light and left up heavy%'>\u2529;" "'forms down light and right heavy%'>\u250d;" "'forms down light and right up heavy%'>\u2521;" "'forms down light and up horizontal heavy%'>\u2547;" "'forms down single and horizontal double%'>\u2564;" "'forms down single and left double%'>\u2555;" "'forms down single and right double%'>\u2552;" "'forms heavy double dash horizontal%'>\u254d;" "'forms heavy double dash vertical%'>\u254f;" "'forms heavy down and horizontal%'>\u2533;" "'forms heavy down and left%'>\u2513;" "'forms heavy down and right%'>\u250f;" "'forms heavy down%'>\u257b;" "'forms heavy horizontal%'>\u2501;" "'forms heavy left and light right%'>\u257e;" "'forms heavy left%'>\u2578;" "'forms heavy quadruple dash horizontal%'>\u2509;" "'forms heavy quadruple dash vertical%'>\u250b;" "'forms heavy right%'>\u257a;" "'forms heavy triple dash horizontal%'>\u2505;" "'forms heavy triple dash vertical%'>\u2507;" "'forms heavy up and horizontal%'>\u253b;" "'forms heavy up and left%'>\u251b;" "'forms heavy up and light down%'>\u257f;" "'forms heavy up and right%'>\u2517;" "'forms heavy up%'>\u2579;" "'forms heavy vertical and horizontal%'>\u254b;" "'forms heavy vertical and left%'>\u252b;" "'forms heavy vertical and right%'>\u2523;" "'forms heavy vertical%'>\u2503;" "'forms left down heavy and right up light%'>\u2545;" "'forms left heavy and right down light%'>\u252d;" "'forms left heavy and right up light%'>\u2535;" "'forms left heavy and right vertical light%'>\u253d;" "'forms left lighand right down heavy%'>\u2532;" "'forms left light and right down heavy%'>\u2532;" "'forms left light and right up heavy%'>\u253a;" "'forms left light and right vertical heavy%'>\u254a;" "'forms left up heavy and right down light%'>\u2543;" "'forms light arc down and left%'>\u256e;" "'forms light arc down and right%'>\u256d;" "'forms light arc up and left%'>\u256f;" "'forms light arc up and right%'>\u2570;" "'forms light diagonal cross%'>\u2573;" "'forms light diagonal upper left to lower right%'>\u2572;" "'forms light diagonal upper right to lower left%'>\u2571;" "'forms light double dash horizontal%'>\u254c;" "'forms light double dash vertical%'>\u254e;" "'forms light down and horizontal%'>\u252c;" "'forms light down and left%'>\u2510;" "'forms light down and right%'>\u250c;" "'forms light down%'>\u2577;" "'forms light horizontal%'>\u2500;" "'forms light left and heavy right%'>\u257c;" "'forms light left%'>\u2574;" "'forms light quadruple dash horizontal%'>\u2508;" "'forms light quadruple dash vertical%'>\u250a;" "'forms light right%'>\u2576;" "'forms light triple dash horizontal%'>\u2504;" "'forms light triple dash vertical%'>\u2506;" "'forms light up and heavy down%'>\u257d;" "'forms light up and horizontal%'>\u2534;" "'forms light up and left%'>\u2518;" "'forms light up and right%'>\u2514;" "'forms light up%'>\u2575;" "'forms light vertical and horizontal%'>\u253c;" "'forms light vertical and left%'>\u2524;" "'forms light vertical and right%'>\u251c;" "'forms light vertical%'>\u2502;" "'forms right down heavy and left up light%'>\u2546;" "'forms right heavy and left down light%'>\u252e;" "'forms right heavy and left up light%'>\u2536;" "'forms right heavy and left vertical light%'>\u253e;" "'forms right light and left down heavy%'>\u2531;" "'forms right light and left up heavy%'>\u2539;" "'forms right light and left vertical heavy%'>\u2549;" "'forms right up heavy and left down light%'>\u2544;" "'forms up double and horizontal single%'>\u2568;" "'forms up double and left single%'>\u255c;" "'forms up double and right single%'>\u2559;" "'forms up heavy and down horizontal light%'>\u2540;" "'forms up heavy and horizontal light%'>\u2538;" "'forms up heavy and left down light%'>\u2526;" "'forms up heavy and left light%'>\u251a;" "'forms up heavy and right down light%'>\u251e;" "'forms up heavy and right light%'>\u2516;" "'forms up light and down horizontal heavy%'>\u2548;" "'forms up light and horizontal heavy%'>\u2537;" "'forms up light and left down heavy%'>\u252a;" "'forms up light and left heavy%'>\u2519;" "'forms up light and right down heavy%'>\u2522;" "'forms up light and right heavy%'>\u2515;" "'forms up single and horizontal double%'>\u2567;" "'forms up single and left double%'>\u255b;" "'forms up single and right double%'>\u2558;" "'forms vertical double and horizontal single%'>\u256b;" "'forms vertical double and left single%'>\u2562;" "'forms vertical double and right single%'>\u255f;" "'forms vertical heavy and horizontal light%'>\u2542;" "'forms vertical heavy and left light%'>\u2528;" "'forms vertical heavy and right light%'>\u2520;" "'forms vertical light and horizontal heavy%'>\u253f;" "'forms vertical light and left heavy%'>\u2525;" "'forms vertical light and right heavy%'>\u251d;" "'forms vertical single and horizontal double%'>\u256a;" "'forms vertical single and left double%'>\u2561;" "'forms vertical single and right double%'>\u255e;" "'four balloon-spoked asterisk%'>\u2723;" "'four club-spoked asterisk%'>\u2725;" "'four teardrop-spoked asterisk%'>\u2722;" "'four-per-em space%'>\u2005;" "'fourth root%'>\u221c;" "'fourth transfinite cardinal%'>\u2138;" "'fraction five eighths%'>\u215d;" "'fraction five sixths%'>\u215a;" "'fraction four fifths%'>\u2158;" "'fraction numerator one%'>\u215f;" "'fraction one eighth%'>\u215b;" "'fraction one fifth%'>\u2155;" "'fraction one half%'>\u00bd;" "'fraction one quarter%'>\u00bc;" "'fraction one sixth%'>\u2159;" "'fraction one third%'>\u2153;" "'fraction seven eighths%'>\u215e;" "'fraction slash%'>\u2044;" "'fraction three eighths%'>\u215c;" "'fraction three fifths%'>\u2157;" "'fraction three quarters%'>\u00be;" "'fraction two fifths%'>\u2156;" "'fraction two thirds%'>\u2154;" "'french franc sign%'>\u20a3;" "'front-tilted shadowed white right arrow%'>\u27ac;" "'frown%'>\u2322;" "'full block%'>\u2588;" "'gemini%'>\u264a;" "'geometric proportion%'>\u223a;" "'geometrically equal to%'>\u2251;" "'geometrically equivalent to%'>\u224e;" "'geta mark%'>\u3013;" "'graphic for acknowledge%'>\u2406;" "'graphic for backspace%'>\u2408;" "'graphic for bell%'>\u2407;" "'graphic for cancel%'>\u2418;" "'graphic for carriage return%'>\u240d;" "'graphic for data link escape%'>\u2410;" "'graphic for delete%'>\u2421;" "'graphic for device control four%'>\u2414;" "'graphic for device control one%'>\u2411;" "'graphic for device control three%'>\u2413;" "'graphic for device control two%'>\u2412;" "'graphic for end of medium%'>\u2419;" "'graphic for end of text%'>\u2403;" "'graphic for end of transmission block%'>\u2417;" "'graphic for end of transmission%'>\u2404;" "'graphic for enquiry%'>\u2405;" "'graphic for escape%'>\u241b;" "'graphic for file separator%'>\u241c;" "'graphic for form feed%'>\u240c;" "'graphic for group separator%'>\u241d;" "'graphic for horizontal tabulation%'>\u2409;" "'graphic for line feed%'>\u240a;" "'graphic for negative acknowledge%'>\u2415;" "'graphic for newline%'>\u2424;" "'graphic for null%'>\u2400;" "'graphic for record separator%'>\u241e;" "'graphic for shift in%'>\u240f;" "'graphic for shift out%'>\u240e;" "'graphic for space%'>\u2420;" "'graphic for start of heading%'>\u2401;" "'graphic for start of text%'>\u2402;" "'graphic for substitute%'>\u241a;" "'graphic for synchronous idle%'>\u2416;" "'graphic for unit separator%'>\u241f;" "'graphic for vertical tabulation%'>\u240b;" "'greater than but not equal to%'>\u2269;" "'greater than but not equivalent to%'>\u22e7;" "'greater than equal to or less than%'>\u22db;" "'greater than or equal to%'>\u2265;" "'greater than or equivalent to%'>\u2273;" "'greater than or less than%'>\u2277;" "'greater than over equal to%'>\u2267;" "'greater than with dot%'>\u22d7;" "'hair space%'>\u200a;" "'hammer and sickle%'>\u262d;" "'hangul double dot tone mark%'>\u302f;" "'hangul single dot tone mark%'>\u302e;" "'hangzhou numeral eight%'>\u3028;" "'hangzhou numeral five%'>\u3025;" "'hangzhou numeral four%'>\u3024;" "'hangzhou numeral nine%'>\u3029;" "'hangzhou numeral one%'>\u3021;" "'hangzhou numeral seven%'>\u3027;" "'hangzhou numeral six%'>\u3026;" "'hangzhou numeral three%'>\u3023;" "'hangzhou numeral two%'>\u3022;" "'heavy asterisk%'>\u2731;" "'heavy black curved down and right arrow%'>\u27a5;" "'heavy black curved up and right arrow%'>\u27a6;" "'heavy black heart%'>\u2764;" "'heavy black-feathered lower right arrow%'>\u27b7;" "'heavy black-feathered right arrow%'>\u27b8;" "'heavy black-feathered upper right arrow%'>\u27b9;" "'heavy check mark%'>\u2714;" "'heavy chevron snowflake%'>\u2746;" "'heavy concave-pointed black right arrow%'>\u27a8;" "'heavy dashed triangle-headed right arrow%'>\u27a0;" "'heavy double comma quotation mark ornament%'>\u275e;" "'heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament%'>\u275d;" "'heavy eight pointed rectilinear black star%'>\u2738;" "'heavy eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk%'>\u274b;" "'heavy exclamation mark ornament%'>\u2762;" "'heavy four balloon-spoked asterisk%'>\u2724;" "'heavy greek cross%'>\u271a;" "'heavy heart exclamation mark ornament%'>\u2763;" "'heavy lower right arrow%'>\u2798;" "'heavy lower right-shadowed white right arrow%'>\u27ad;" "'heavy multiplication x%'>\u2716;" "'heavy open center cross%'>\u271c;" "'heavy outlined black star%'>\u272e;" "'heavy right arrow%'>\u2799;" "'heavy round-tipped right arrow%'>\u279c;" "'heavy single comma quotation mark ornament%'>\u275c;" "'heavy single turned comma quotation mark ornament%'>\u275b;" "'heavy sparkle%'>\u2748;" "'heavy teardrop-shanked right arrow%'>\u27bb;" "'heavy teardrop-spoked asterisk%'>\u273d;" "'heavy teardrop-spoked pinwheel asterisk%'>\u2743;" "'heavy triangle-headed right arrow%'>\u279e;" "'heavy upper right arrow%'>\u279a;" "'heavy upper right-shadowed white right arrow%'>\u27ae;" "'heavy vertical bar%'>\u275a;" "'heavy wedge-tailed right arrow%'>\u27bd;" "'heavy wide-headed right arrow%'>\u2794;" "'hermitian conjugate matrix%'>\u22b9;" "'homothetic%'>\u223b;" "'horizontal ellipsis%'>\u2026;" "'hot springs%'>\u2668;" "'hourglass%'>\u231b;" "'house%'>\u2302;" "'hyphen bullet%'>\u2043;" "'hyphen%'>\u2010;" "'hyphenation point%'>\u2027;" "'identical to%'>\u2261;" "'ideographic closing mark%'>\u3006;" "'ideographic comma%'>\u3001;" "'ideographic departing tone mark%'>\u302c;" "'ideographic ditto mark%'>\u3004;" "'ideographic entering tone mark%'>\u302d;" "'ideographic half fill space%'>\u303f;" "'ideographic iteration mark%'>\u3005;" "'ideographic level tone mark%'>\u302a;" "'ideographic number zero%'>\u3007;" "'ideographic period%'>\u3002;" "'ideographic rising tone mark%'>\u302b;" "'ideographic space%'>\u3000;" "'image of or approximately equal to%'>\u2253;" "'image of%'>\u22b7;" "'increment%'>\u2206;" "'infinity%'>\u221e;" "'integral%'>\u222b;" "'intercalate%'>\u22ba;" "'interrobang%'>\u203d;" "'intersection%'>\u2229;" "'inverse bullet%'>\u25d8;" "'inverse circled digit eight%'>\u277d;" "'inverse circled digit five%'>\u277a;" "'inverse circled digit four%'>\u2779;" "'inverse circled digit nine%'>\u277e;" "'inverse circled digit one%'>\u2776;" "'inverse circled digit seven%'>\u277c;" "'inverse circled digit six%'>\u277b;" "'inverse circled digit three%'>\u2778;" "'inverse circled digit two%'>\u2777;" "'inverse circled number ten%'>\u277f;" "'inverse circled sans serif digit eight%'>\u2791;" "'inverse circled sans serif digit five%'>\u278e;" "'inverse circled sans serif digit four%'>\u278d;" "'inverse circled sans serif digit nine%'>\u2792;" "'inverse circled sans serif digit one%'>\u278a;" "'inverse circled sans serif digit seven%'>\u2790;" "'inverse circled sans serif digit six%'>\u278f;" "'inverse circled sans serif digit three%'>\u278c;" "'inverse circled sans serif digit two%'>\u278b;" "'inverse circled sans serif number ten%'>\u2793;" "'inverse white circle%'>\u25d9;" "'inverted exclamation mark%'>\u00a1;" "'inverted lazy s%'>\u223e;" "'inverted question mark%'>\u00bf;" "'jupiter%'>\u2643;" "'ket%'>\u232a;" "'keyboard%'>\u2328;" "'l b bar symbol%'>\u2114;" "'last quarter moon%'>\u263e;" "'latin cross%'>\u271d;" "'left arrow from bar%'>\u21a4;" "'left arrow over right arrow%'>\u21c6;" "'left arrow to bar over right arrow to bar%'>\u21b9;" "'left arrow to bar%'>\u21e4;" "'left arrow with hook%'>\u21a9;" "'left arrow with loop%'>\u21ab;" "'left arrow with stroke%'>\u219a;" "'left arrow with tail%'>\u21a2;" "'left arrow%'>\u2190;" "'left ceiling%'>\u2308;" "'left dashed arrow%'>\u21e0;" "'left double arrow with stroke%'>\u21cd;" "'left double arrow%'>\u21d0;" "'left five eighths block%'>\u258b;" "'left floor%'>\u230a;" "'left half black circle%'>\u25d6;" "'left half block%'>\u258c;" "'left harpoon over right harpoon%'>\u21cb;" "'left harpoon with barb down%'>\u21bd;" "'left harpoon with barb up%'>\u21bc;" "'left normal factor semidirect product%'>\u22c9;" "'left one eighth block%'>\u258f;" "'left one quarter block%'>\u258e;" "'left paired arrows%'>\u21c7;" "'left pointing guillemet%'>\u00ab;" "'left pointing single guillemet%'>\u2039;" "'left right arrow with stroke%'>\u21ae;" "'left right arrow%'>\u2194;" "'left right double arrow with stroke%'>\u21ce;" "'left right double arrow%'>\u21d4;" "'left right wave arrow%'>\u21ad;" "'left semidirect product%'>\u22cb;" "'left seven eighths block%'>\u2589;" "'left squiggle arrow%'>\u21dc;" "'left tack%'>\u22a3;" "'left three eighths block%'>\u258d;" "'left three quarter block%'>\u258a;" "'left triple arrow%'>\u21da;" "'left two headed arrow%'>\u219e;" "'left wave arrow%'>\u219c;" "'left-shaded white right arrow%'>\u27aa;" "'left-to-right embedding%'>\u202a;" "'left-to-right mark%'>\u200e;" "'left-to-right override%'>\u202d;" "'leo%'>\u264c;" "'less than but not equal to%'>\u2268;" "'less than but not equivalent to%'>\u22e6;" "'less than equal to or greater than%'>\u22da;" "'less than or equal to%'>\u2264;" "'less than or equivalent to%'>\u2272;" "'less than or greater than%'>\u2276;" "'less than over equal to%'>\u2266;" "'less than with dot%'>\u22d6;" "'libra%'>\u264e;" "'light shade%'>\u2591;" "'light vertical bar%'>\u2758;" "'lightning%'>\u2607;" "'line separator%'>\u2028;" "'lira sign%'>\u20a4;" "'logical and%'>\u2227;" "'logical or%'>\u2228;" "'low double comma quotation mark%'>\u201e;" "'low double prime quotation mark%'>\u301f;" "'low single comma quotation mark%'>\u201a;" "'lower blade scissors%'>\u2703;" "'lower five eighths block%'>\u2585;" "'lower half block%'>\u2584;" "'lower half circle%'>\u25e1;" "'lower half inverse white circle%'>\u25db;" "'lower left arrow%'>\u2199;" "'lower left double arrow%'>\u21d9;" "'lower left quadrant circular arc%'>\u25df;" "'lower one eighth block%'>\u2581;" "'lower one quarter block%'>\u2582;" "'lower right arrow%'>\u2198;" "'lower right double arrow%'>\u21d8;" "'lower right drop-shadowed white square%'>\u274f;" "'lower right pencil%'>\u270e;" "'lower right quadrant circular arc%'>\u25de;" "'lower right shadowed white square%'>\u2751;" "'lower seven eighths block%'>\u2587;" "'lower three eighths block%'>\u2583;" "'lower three quarter block%'>\u2586;" "'lozenge%'>\u25ca;" "'male sign%'>\u2642;" "'maltese cross%'>\u2720;" "'masculine ordinal indicator%'>\u00ba;" "'measured angle%'>\u2221;" "'measured by%'>\u225e;" "'medium shade%'>\u2592;" "'medium vertical bar%'>\u2759;" "'mercury%'>\u263f;" "'mho%'>\u2127;" "'micro sign%'>\u00b5;" "'middle dot%'>\u00b7;" "'midline horizontal ellipsis%'>\u22ef;" "'mill sign%'>\u20a5;" "'minus sign%'>\u2212;" "'minus tilde%'>\u2242;" "'minus-or-plus sign%'>\u2213;" "'models%'>\u22a7;" "'modifier letter acute%'>\u02ca;" "'modifier letter apostrophe%'>\u02bc;" "'modifier letter centered left half ring%'>\u02d3;" "'modifier letter centered right half ring%'>\u02d2;" "'modifier letter circumflex%'>\u02c6;" "'modifier letter double prime%'>\u02ba;" "'modifier letter down arrowhead%'>\u02c5;" "'modifier letter down tack%'>\u02d5;" "'modifier letter extra-high tone bar%'>\u02e5;" "'modifier letter extra-low tone bar%'>\u02e9;" "'modifier letter glottal stop%'>\u02c0;" "'modifier letter grave%'>\u02cb;" "'modifier letter hacek%'>\u02c7;" "'modifier letter half triangular colon%'>\u02d1;" "'modifier letter high tone bar%'>\u02e6;" "'modifier letter left arrowhead%'>\u02c2;" "'modifier letter left half ring%'>\u02bf;" "'modifier letter low acute%'>\u02cf;" "'modifier letter low grave%'>\u02ce;" "'modifier letter low macron%'>\u02cd;" "'modifier letter low tone bar%'>\u02e8;" "'modifier letter low vertical line%'>\u02cc;" "'modifier letter macron%'>\u02c9;" "'modifier letter mid tone bar%'>\u02e7;" "'modifier letter minus sign%'>\u02d7;" "'modifier letter plus sign%'>\u02d6;" "'modifier letter prime%'>\u02b9;" "'modifier letter reversed comma%'>\u02bd;" "'modifier letter reversed glottal stop%'>\u02c1;" "'modifier letter rhotic hook%'>\u02de;" "'modifier letter right arrowhead%'>\u02c3;" "'modifier letter right half ring%'>\u02be;" "'modifier letter small capital inverted r%'>\u02b6;" "'modifier letter small gamma%'>\u02e0;" "'modifier letter small h hook%'>\u02b1;" "'modifier letter small h%'>\u02b0;" "'modifier letter small j%'>\u02b2;" "'modifier letter small l%'>\u02e1;" "'modifier letter small r%'>\u02b3;" "'modifier letter small reversed glottal stop%'>\u02e4;" "'modifier letter small s%'>\u02e2;" "'modifier letter small turned r hook%'>\u02b5;" "'modifier letter small turned r%'>\u02b4;" "'modifier letter small w%'>\u02b7;" "'modifier letter small x%'>\u02e3;" "'modifier letter small y%'>\u02b8;" "'modifier letter triangular colon%'>\u02d0;" "'modifier letter turned comma%'>\u02bb;" "'modifier letter up arrowhead%'>\u02c4;" "'modifier letter up tack%'>\u02d4;" "'modifier letter vertical line%'>\u02c8;" "'much greater than%'>\u226b;" "'much less than%'>\u226a;" "'multimap%'>\u22b8;" "'multiplication sign%'>\u00d7;" "'multiplication x%'>\u2715;" "'multiset multiplication%'>\u228d;" "'multiset union%'>\u228e;" "'multiset%'>\u228c;" "'n-ary coproduct%'>\u2210;" "'n-ary intersection%'>\u22c2;" "'n-ary logical and%'>\u22c0;" "'n-ary logical or%'>\u22c1;" "'n-ary product%'>\u220f;" "'n-ary summation%'>\u2211;" "'n-ary union%'>\u22c3;" "'nabla%'>\u2207;" "'naira sign%'>\u20a6;" "'nand%'>\u22bc;" "'natural%'>\u266e;" "'negated double vertical bar double right turnstile%'>\u22af;" "'neither a subset of nor equal to%'>\u2288;" "'neither a superset of nor equal to%'>\u2289;" "'neither approximately nor actually equal to%'>\u2247;" "'neither greater than nor equal to%'>\u2271;" "'neither greater than nor equivalent to%'>\u2275;" "'neither greater than nor less than%'>\u2279;" "'neither less than nor equal to%'>\u2270;" "'neither less than nor equivalent to%'>\u2274;" "'neither less than nor greater than%'>\u2278;" "'neptune%'>\u2646;" "'new sheqel sign%'>\u20aa;" "'non-breaking hyphen%'>\u2011;" "'non-breaking space%'>\u00a0;" "'non-spacing acute below%'>\u0317;" "'non-spacing acute tone mark%'>\u0348;" "'non-spacing acute%'>\u0301;" "'non-spacing anticlockwise arrow above%'>\u20d4;" "'non-spacing anticlockwise ring overlay%'>\u20da;" "'non-spacing breve below%'>\u032e;" "'non-spacing breve%'>\u0306;" "'non-spacing bridge below%'>\u032a;" "'non-spacing candrabindu%'>\u0310;" "'non-spacing cedilla%'>\u0327;" "'non-spacing centerline overscore%'>\u0341;" "'non-spacing centerline underscore%'>\u0345;" "'non-spacing circumflex below%'>\u032d;" "'non-spacing circumflex%'>\u0302;" "'non-spacing clockwise arrow above%'>\u20d5;" "'non-spacing clockwise ring overlay%'>\u20d9;" "'non-spacing comma above right%'>\u0315;" "'non-spacing comma above%'>\u0313;" "'non-spacing comma below%'>\u0326;" "'non-spacing dashed overscore%'>\u0340;" "'non-spacing dashed underscore%'>\u0344;" "'non-spacing diaeresis%'>\u0308;" "'non-spacing dot above%'>\u0307;" "'non-spacing dot below%'>\u0323;" "'non-spacing double acute%'>\u030b;" "'non-spacing double dot below%'>\u0324;" "'non-spacing double grave%'>\u030f;" "'non-spacing double overscore%'>\u033f;" "'non-spacing double underscore%'>\u0333;" "'non-spacing double vertical line above%'>\u030e;" "'non-spacing double wavy overscore%'>\u0343;" "'non-spacing down tack below%'>\u031e;" "'non-spacing four dots above%'>\u20dc;" "'non-spacing grave below%'>\u0316;" "'non-spacing grave tone mark%'>\u0347;" "'non-spacing grave%'>\u0300;" "'non-spacing hacek below%'>\u032c;" "'non-spacing hacek%'>\u030c;" "'non-spacing hook above%'>\u0309;" "'non-spacing horn%'>\u031b;" "'non-spacing inverted breve below%'>\u032f;" "'non-spacing inverted breve%'>\u0311;" "'non-spacing inverted bridge below%'>\u033a;" "'non-spacing inverted double arch below%'>\u032b;" "'non-spacing left angle above%'>\u031a;" "'non-spacing left arrow above%'>\u20d6;" "'non-spacing left half ring below%'>\u031c;" "'non-spacing left harpoon above%'>\u20d0;" "'non-spacing left right arrow above%'>\u20e1;" "'non-spacing left tack below%'>\u0318;" "'non-spacing long bar overlay%'>\u0336;" "'non-spacing long slash overlay%'>\u0338;" "'non-spacing long vertical bar overlay%'>\u20d2;" "'non-spacing macron below%'>\u0331;" "'non-spacing macron%'>\u0304;" "'non-spacing minus sign below%'>\u0320;" "'non-spacing ogonek%'>\u0328;" "'non-spacing overscore%'>\u0305;" "'non-spacing palatalized hook below%'>\u0321;" "'non-spacing plus sign below%'>\u031f;" "'non-spacing retroflex hook below%'>\u0322;" "'non-spacing reversed comma above%'>\u0314;" "'non-spacing right arrow above%'>\u20d7;" "'non-spacing right half ring below%'>\u0339;" "'non-spacing right harpoon above%'>\u20d1;" "'non-spacing right tack below%'>\u0319;" "'non-spacing ring above%'>\u030a;" "'non-spacing ring below%'>\u0325;" "'non-spacing ring overlay%'>\u20d8;" "'non-spacing seagull below%'>\u033c;" "'non-spacing short bar overlay%'>\u0335;" "'non-spacing short slash overlay%'>\u0337;" "'non-spacing short vertical bar overlay%'>\u20d3;" "'non-spacing square below%'>\u033b;" "'non-spacing three dots above%'>\u20db;" "'non-spacing tilde below%'>\u0330;" "'non-spacing tilde overlay%'>\u0334;" "'non-spacing tilde%'>\u0303;" "'non-spacing turned comma above%'>\u0312;" "'non-spacing underscore%'>\u0332;" "'non-spacing up tack below%'>\u031d;" "'non-spacing vertical line above%'>\u030d;" "'non-spacing vertical line below%'>\u0329;" "'non-spacing vertical tilde%'>\u033e;" "'non-spacing wavy overscore%'>\u0342;" "'non-spacing wavy underscore%'>\u0346;" "'non-spacing x above%'>\u033d;" "'nor%'>\u22bd;" "'normal subgroup of or equal to%'>\u22b4;" "'normal subgroup of%'>\u22b2;" "'not a subset of%'>\u2284;" "'not a superset of%'>\u2285;" "'not almost equal to%'>\u2249;" "'not an element of%'>\u2209;" "'not asymptotically equal to%'>\u2244;" "'not equal to%'>\u2260;" "'not equivalent to%'>\u226d;" "'not greater than%'>\u226f;" "'not identical to%'>\u2262;" "'not less than%'>\u226e;" "'not normal subgroup of or equal to%'>\u22ec;" "'not normal subgroup of%'>\u22ea;" "'not parallel to%'>\u2226;" "'not sign%'>\u00ac;" "'not square image of or equal to%'>\u22e2;" "'not square original of or equal to%'>\u22e3;" "'not tilde%'>\u2241;" "'not true%'>\u22ad;" "'notched lower right-shadowed white right arrow%'>\u27af;" "'notched upper right-shadowed white right arrow%'>\u27b1;" "'number eighteen period%'>\u2499;" "'number eleven period%'>\u2492;" "'number fifteen period%'>\u2496;" "'number fourteen period%'>\u2495;" "'number nineteen period%'>\u249a;" "'number seventeen period%'>\u2498;" "'number sixteen period%'>\u2497;" "'number ten period%'>\u2491;" "'number thirteen period%'>\u2494;" "'number twelve period%'>\u2493;" "'number twenty period%'>\u249b;" "'numero%'>\u2116;" "'ocr amount of check%'>\u2447;" "'ocr belt buckle%'>\u2444;" "'ocr bow tie%'>\u2445;" "'ocr branch bank identification%'>\u2446;" "'ocr chair%'>\u2441;" "'ocr customer account number%'>\u2449;" "'ocr dash%'>\u2448;" "'ocr double backslash%'>\u244a;" "'ocr fork%'>\u2442;" "'ocr hook%'>\u2440;" "'ocr inverted fork%'>\u2443;" "'ohm%'>\u2126;" "'one dot leader%'>\u2024;" "'open box%'>\u2423;" "'open center asterisk%'>\u2732;" "'open center black star%'>\u272b;" "'open center cross%'>\u271b;" "'open center teardrop-spoked asterisk%'>\u273c;" "'open-outlined right arrow%'>\u27be;" "'opening angle bracket%'>\u3008;" "'opening black lenticular bracket%'>\u3010;" "'opening corner bracket%'>\u300c;" "'opening double angle bracket%'>\u300a;" "'opening tortoise shell bracket%'>\u3014;" "'opening white corner bracket%'>\u300e;" "'opening white lenticular bracket%'>\u3016;" "'opening white square bracket%'>\u301a;" "'opening white tortoise shell bracket%'>\u3018;" "'opposition%'>\u260d;" "'option key%'>\u2325;" "'original of%'>\u22b6;" "'orthodox cross%'>\u2626;" "'ounce%'>\u2125;" "'outlined black star%'>\u272d;" "'outlined greek cross%'>\u2719;" "'outlined latin cross%'>\u271f;" "'paragraph separator%'>\u2029;" "'paragraph sign%'>\u00b6;" "'parallel to%'>\u2225;" "'parenthesized digit eight%'>\u247b;" "'parenthesized digit five%'>\u2478;" "'parenthesized digit four%'>\u2477;" "'parenthesized digit nine%'>\u247c;" "'parenthesized digit one%'>\u2474;" "'parenthesized digit seven%'>\u247a;" "'parenthesized digit six%'>\u2479;" "'parenthesized digit three%'>\u2476;" "'parenthesized digit two%'>\u2475;" "'parenthesized latin small letter a%'>\u249c;" "'parenthesized latin small letter b%'>\u249d;" "'parenthesized latin small letter c%'>\u249e;" "'parenthesized latin small letter d%'>\u249f;" "'parenthesized latin small letter e%'>\u24a0;" "'parenthesized latin small letter f%'>\u24a1;" "'parenthesized latin small letter g%'>\u24a2;" "'parenthesized latin small letter h%'>\u24a3;" "'parenthesized latin small letter i%'>\u24a4;" "'parenthesized latin small letter j%'>\u24a5;" "'parenthesized latin small letter k%'>\u24a6;" "'parenthesized latin small letter l%'>\u24a7;" "'parenthesized latin small letter m%'>\u24a8;" "'parenthesized latin small letter n%'>\u24a9;" "'parenthesized latin small letter o%'>\u24aa;" "'parenthesized latin small letter p%'>\u24ab;" "'parenthesized latin small letter q%'>\u24ac;" "'parenthesized latin small letter r%'>\u24ad;" "'parenthesized latin small letter s%'>\u24ae;" "'parenthesized latin small letter t%'>\u24af;" "'parenthesized latin small letter u%'>\u24b0;" "'parenthesized latin small letter v%'>\u24b1;" "'parenthesized latin small letter w%'>\u24b2;" "'parenthesized latin small letter x%'>\u24b3;" "'parenthesized latin small letter y%'>\u24b4;" "'parenthesized latin small letter z%'>\u24b5;" "'parenthesized number eighteen%'>\u2485;" "'parenthesized number eleven%'>\u247e;" "'parenthesized number fifteen%'>\u2482;" "'parenthesized number fourteen%'>\u2481;" "'parenthesized number nineteen%'>\u2486;" "'parenthesized number seventeen%'>\u2484;" "'parenthesized number sixteen%'>\u2483;" "'parenthesized number ten%'>\u247d;" "'parenthesized number thirteen%'>\u2480;" "'parenthesized number twelve%'>\u247f;" "'parenthesized number twenty%'>\u2487;" "'partial differential%'>\u2202;" "'peace symbol%'>\u262e;" "'pencil%'>\u270f;" "'per mille sign%'>\u2030;" "'per ten thousand sign%'>\u2031;" "'perspective%'>\u2306;" "'peseta sign%'>\u20a7;" "'pinwheel star%'>\u272f;" "'pisces%'>\u2653;" "'pitchfork%'>\u22d4;" "'planck constant over 2 pi%'>\u210f;" "'planck constant%'>\u210e;" "'plus-or-minus sign%'>\u00b1;" "'pluto%'>\u2647;" "'pop directional embedding%'>\u202c;" "'position indicator%'>\u2316;" "'postal mark face%'>\u3020;" "'postal mark%'>\u3012;" "'pound sign%'>\u00a3;" "'precedes but not equivalent to%'>\u22e8;" "'precedes or equal to%'>\u227c;" "'precedes or equivalent to%'>\u227e;" "'precedes%'>\u227a;" "'prescription take%'>\u211e;" "'prime%'>\u2032;" "'projective%'>\u2305;" "'proportion%'>\u2237;" "'proportional to%'>\u221d;" "'punctuation space%'>\u2008;" "'quarter note%'>\u2669;" "'questioned equal to%'>\u225f;" "'quotation dash%'>\u2015;" "'radioactive%'>\u2622;" "'ratio%'>\u2236;" "'reference mark%'>\u203b;" "'registered trade mark sign%'>\u00ae;" "'response%'>\u211f;" "'reversed double prime quotation mark%'>\u301d;" "'reversed double prime%'>\u2036;" "'reversed not sign%'>\u2310;" "'reversed prime%'>\u2035;" "'reversed tilde equals%'>\u22cd;" "'reversed tilde%'>\u223d;" "'reversed triple prime%'>\u2037;" "'right angle with arc%'>\u22be;" "'right angle%'>\u221f;" "'right arrow from bar%'>\u21a6;" "'right arrow over left arrow%'>\u21c4;" "'right arrow to bar%'>\u21e5;" "'right arrow with corner down%'>\u21b4;" "'right arrow with hook%'>\u21aa;" "'right arrow with loop%'>\u21ac;" "'right arrow with stroke%'>\u219b;" "'right arrow with tail%'>\u21a3;" "'right arrow%'>\u2192;" "'right ceiling%'>\u2309;" "'right dashed arrow%'>\u21e2;" "'right double arrow with stroke%'>\u21cf;" "'right double arrow%'>\u21d2;" "'right floor%'>\u230b;" "'right half black circle%'>\u25d7;" "'right half block%'>\u2590;" "'right harpoon over left harpoon%'>\u21cc;" "'right harpoon with barb down%'>\u21c1;" "'right harpoon with barb up%'>\u21c0;" "'right normal factor semidirect product%'>\u22ca;" "'right one eighth block%'>\u2595;" "'right paired arrows%'>\u21c9;" "'right pointing guillemet%'>\u00bb;" "'right pointing single guillemet%'>\u203a;" "'right semidirect product%'>\u22cc;" "'right squiggle arrow%'>\u21dd;" "'right tack%'>\u22a2;" "'right triangle%'>\u22bf;" "'right triple arrow%'>\u21db;" "'right two headed arrow%'>\u21a0;" "'right wave arrow%'>\u219d;" "'right-shaded white right arrow%'>\u27a9;" "'right-to-left embedding%'>\u202b;" "'right-to-left mark%'>\u200f;" "'right-to-left override%'>\u202e;" "'ring equal to%'>\u2257;" "'ring in equal to%'>\u2256;" "'ring operator%'>\u2218;" "'roman numeral eight%'>\u2167;" "'roman numeral eleven%'>\u216a;" "'roman numeral fifty%'>\u216c;" "'roman numeral five hundred%'>\u216e;" "'roman numeral five thousand%'>\u2181;" "'roman numeral five%'>\u2164;" "'roman numeral four%'>\u2163;" "'roman numeral nine%'>\u2168;" "'roman numeral one hundred%'>\u216d;" "'roman numeral one thousand c d%'>\u2180;" "'roman numeral one thousand%'>\u216f;" "'roman numeral one%'>\u2160;" "'roman numeral seven%'>\u2166;" "'roman numeral six%'>\u2165;" "'roman numeral ten thousand%'>\u2182;" "'roman numeral ten%'>\u2169;" "'roman numeral three%'>\u2162;" "'roman numeral twelve%'>\u216b;" "'roman numeral two%'>\u2161;" "'rotated floral heart bullet%'>\u2767;" "'rotated heavy black heart bullet%'>\u2765;" "'rupee sign%'>\u20a8;" "'sagittarius%'>\u2650;" "'saltire%'>\u2613;" "'saturn%'>\u2644;" "'scorpius%'>\u264f;" "'script b%'>\u212c;" "'script e%'>\u2130;" "'script f%'>\u2131;" "'script h%'>\u210b;" "'script i%'>\u2110;" "'script l%'>\u2112;" "'script m%'>\u2133;" "'script p%'>\u2118;" "'script r%'>\u211b;" "'script small e%'>\u212f;" "'script small g%'>\u210a;" "'script small l%'>\u2113;" "'script small o%'>\u2134;" "'scruple%'>\u2108;" "'second transfinite cardinal%'>\u2136;" "'section sign%'>\u00a7;" "'sector%'>\u2314;" "'segment%'>\u2313;" "'service mark%'>\u2120;" "'set minus%'>\u2216;" "'shadowed white circle%'>\u274d;" "'shadowed white latin cross%'>\u271e;" "'shadowed white star%'>\u2730;" "'sharp%'>\u266f;" "'sine wave%'>\u223f;" "'single comma quotation mark%'>\u2019;" "'single reversed comma quotation mark%'>\u201b;" "'single turned comma quotation mark%'>\u2018;" "'six petalled black and white florette%'>\u273e;" "'six pointed black star%'>\u2736;" "'six-per-em space%'>\u2006;" "'sixteen pointed asterisk%'>\u273a;" "'skull and crossbones%'>\u2620;" "'small contains as member%'>\u220d;" "'small roman numeral eight%'>\u2177;" "'small roman numeral eleven%'>\u217a;" "'small roman numeral fifty%'>\u217c;" "'small roman numeral five hundred%'>\u217e;" "'small roman numeral five%'>\u2174;" "'small roman numeral four%'>\u2173;" "'small roman numeral nine%'>\u2178;" "'small roman numeral one hundred%'>\u217d;" "'small roman numeral one thousand%'>\u217f;" "'small roman numeral one%'>\u2170;" "'small roman numeral seven%'>\u2176;" "'small roman numeral six%'>\u2175;" "'small roman numeral ten%'>\u2179;" "'small roman numeral three%'>\u2172;" "'small roman numeral twelve%'>\u217b;" "'small roman numeral two%'>\u2171;" "'smile%'>\u2323;" "'snowflake%'>\u2744;" "'snowman%'>\u2603;" "'soft hyphen%'>\u00ad;" "'sound recording copyright%'>\u2117;" "'spacing acute%'>\u00b4;" "'spacing breve%'>\u02d8;" "'spacing cedilla%'>\u00b8;" "'spacing diaeresis%'>\u00a8;" "'spacing dot above%'>\u02d9;" "'spacing double acute%'>\u02dd;" "'spacing double underscore%'>\u2017;" "'spacing macron%'>\u00af;" "'spacing ogonek%'>\u02db;" "'spacing overscore%'>\u203e;" "'spacing ring above%'>\u02da;" "'spacing tilde%'>\u02dc;" "'sparkle%'>\u2747;" "'spherical angle%'>\u2222;" "'square cap%'>\u2293;" "'square cup%'>\u2294;" "'square image of or equal to%'>\u2291;" "'square image of or not equal to%'>\u22e4;" "'square image of%'>\u228f;" "'square lozenge%'>\u2311;" "'square original of or equal to%'>\u2292;" "'square original of or not equal to%'>\u22e5;" "'square original of%'>\u2290;" "'square root%'>\u221a;" "'square with diagonal crosshatch fill%'>\u25a9;" "'square with horizontal fill%'>\u25a4;" "'square with left half black%'>\u25e7;" "'square with lower right diagonal half black%'>\u25ea;" "'square with orthogonal crosshatch fill%'>\u25a6;" "'square with right half black%'>\u25e8;" "'square with upper left diagonal half black%'>\u25e9;" "'square with upper left to lower right fill%'>\u25a7;" "'square with upper right to lower left fill%'>\u25a8;" "'square with vertical fill%'>\u25a5;" "'squared dot operator%'>\u22a1;" "'squared minus%'>\u229f;" "'squared plus%'>\u229e;" "'squared times%'>\u22a0;" "'squat black right arrow%'>\u27a7;" "'star and crescent%'>\u262a;" "'star equals%'>\u225b;" "'star of david%'>\u2721;" "'star operator%'>\u22c6;" "'stop directional override%'>\u202f;" "'strictly equivalent to%'>\u2263;" "'subscript closing parenthesis%'>\u208e;" "'subscript digit eight%'>\u2088;" "'subscript digit five%'>\u2085;" "'subscript digit four%'>\u2084;" "'subscript digit nine%'>\u2089;" "'subscript digit one%'>\u2081;" "'subscript digit seven%'>\u2087;" "'subscript digit six%'>\u2086;" "'subscript digit three%'>\u2083;" "'subscript digit two%'>\u2082;" "'subscript digit zero%'>\u2080;" "'subscript equals sign%'>\u208c;" "'subscript hyphen-minus%'>\u208b;" "'subscript opening parenthesis%'>\u208d;" "'subscript plus sign%'>\u208a;" "'subset of or equal to%'>\u2286;" "'subset of or not equal to%'>\u228a;" "'subset of%'>\u2282;" "'succeeds but not equivalent to%'>\u22e9;" "'succeeds or equal to%'>\u227d;" "'succeeds or equivalent to%'>\u227f;" "'succeeds%'>\u227b;" "'superscript closing parenthesis%'>\u207e;" "'superscript digit eight%'>\u2078;" "'superscript digit five%'>\u2075;" "'superscript digit four%'>\u2074;" "'superscript digit nine%'>\u2079;" "'superscript digit one%'>\u00b9;" "'superscript digit seven%'>\u2077;" "'superscript digit six%'>\u2076;" "'superscript digit three%'>\u00b3;" "'superscript digit two%'>\u00b2;" "'superscript digit zero%'>\u2070;" "'superscript equals sign%'>\u207c;" "'superscript hyphen-minus%'>\u207b;" "'superscript latin small letter n%'>\u207f;" "'superscript opening parenthesis%'>\u207d;" "'superscript plus sign%'>\u207a;" "'superset of or equal to%'>\u2287;" "'superset of or not equal to%'>\u228b;" "'superset of%'>\u2283;" "'surface integral%'>\u222f;" "'symbol of iran%'>\u262b;" "'t e l symbol%'>\u2121;" "'tape drive%'>\u2707;" "'taurus%'>\u2649;" "'teardrop-barbed right arrow%'>\u27ba;" "'teardrop-spoked asterisk%'>\u273b;" "'telephone location sign%'>\u2706;" "'telephone recorder%'>\u2315;" "'there does not exist%'>\u2204;" "'there exists%'>\u2203;" "'therefore%'>\u2234;" "'thin space%'>\u2009;" "'third transfinite cardinal%'>\u2137;" "'three-d bottom-lighted right arrowhead%'>\u27a3;" "'three-d top-lighted right arrowhead%'>\u27a2;" "'three-per-em space%'>\u2004;" "'thunderstorm%'>\u2608;" "'tight trifoliate snowflake%'>\u2745;" "'tilde operator%'>\u223c;" "'top half integral%'>\u2320;" "'top left corner%'>\u231c;" "'top left crop%'>\u230f;" "'top right corner%'>\u231d;" "'top right crop%'>\u230e;" "'trademark%'>\u2122;" "'triangle-headed right arrow%'>\u279d;" "'triangular bullet%'>\u2023;" "'trigram for earth%'>\u2637;" "'trigram for fire%'>\u2632;" "'trigram for heaven%'>\u2630;" "'trigram for lake%'>\u2631;" "'trigram for mountain%'>\u2636;" "'trigram for thunder%'>\u2633;" "'trigram for water%'>\u2635;" "'trigram for wind%'>\u2634;" "'triple integral%'>\u222d;" "'triple prime%'>\u2034;" "'triple tilde%'>\u224b;" "'triple vertical bar right turnstile%'>\u22aa;" "'true%'>\u22a8;" "'turned f%'>\u2132;" "'turned greek small letter iota%'>\u2129;" "'turned not sign%'>\u2319;" "'twelve pointed black star%'>\u2739;" "'two dot leader%'>\u2025;" "'umbrella%'>\u2602;" "'union%'>\u222a;" "'up arrow from bar%'>\u21a5;" "'up arrow left of down arrow%'>\u21c5;" "'up arrow with double stroke%'>\u21de;" "'up arrow with tip left%'>\u21b0;" "'up arrow with tip right%'>\u21b1;" "'up arrow%'>\u2191;" "'up arrowhead%'>\u2303;" "'up dashed arrow%'>\u21e1;" "'up double arrow%'>\u21d1;" "'up down arrow with base%'>\u21a8;" "'up down arrow%'>\u2195;" "'up down double arrow%'>\u21d5;" "'up harpoon with barb left%'>\u21bf;" "'up harpoon with barb right%'>\u21be;" "'up paired arrows%'>\u21c8;" "'up pointing triangle with left half black%'>\u25ed;" "'up pointing triangle with right half black%'>\u25ee;" "'up right diagonal ellipsis%'>\u22f0;" "'up tack%'>\u22a5;" "'up two headed arrow%'>\u219f;" "'upper blade scissors%'>\u2701;" "'upper half block%'>\u2580;" "'upper half circle%'>\u25e0;" "'upper half inverse white circle%'>\u25da;" "'upper left arrow to long bar%'>\u21b8;" "'upper left arrow%'>\u2196;" "'upper left double arrow%'>\u21d6;" "'upper left quadrant circular arc%'>\u25dc;" "'upper one eighth block%'>\u2594;" "'upper right arrow%'>\u2197;" "'upper right double arrow%'>\u21d7;" "'upper right drop-shadowed white square%'>\u2750;" "'upper right pencil%'>\u2710;" "'upper right quadrant circular arc%'>\u25dd;" "'upper right shadowed white square%'>\u2752;" "'uranus%'>\u2645;" "'versicle%'>\u2123;" "'vertical ellipsis%'>\u22ee;" "'vertical kana repeat mark lower half%'>\u3035;" "'vertical kana repeat mark upper half%'>\u3033;" "'vertical kana repeat mark%'>\u3031;" "'vertical kana repeat with voiced sound mark upper half%'>\u3034;" "'vertical kana repeat with voiced sound mark%'>\u3032;" "'very much greater than%'>\u22d9;" "'very much less than%'>\u22d8;" "'victory hand%'>\u270c;" "'viewdata square%'>\u2317;" "'virgo%'>\u264d;" "'volume integral%'>\u2230;" "'watch%'>\u231a;" "'wave dash%'>\u301c;" "'wavy dash%'>\u3030;" "'wavy line%'>\u2307;" "'wedge-tailed right arrow%'>\u27bc;" "'wheel of dharma%'>\u2638;" "'white bullet%'>\u25e6;" "'white chess bishop%'>\u2657;" "'white chess king%'>\u2654;" "'white chess knight%'>\u2658;" "'white chess pawn%'>\u2659;" "'white chess queen%'>\u2655;" "'white chess rook%'>\u2656;" "'white circle%'>\u25cb;" "'white club suit%'>\u2667;" "'white diamond containing black small diamond%'>\u25c8;" "'white diamond suit%'>\u2662;" "'white diamond%'>\u25c7;" "'white down arrow%'>\u21e9;" "'white down pointing index%'>\u261f;" "'white down pointing small triangle%'>\u25bf;" "'white down pointing triangle%'>\u25bd;" "'white florette%'>\u2740;" "'white four pointed star%'>\u2727;" "'white frowning face%'>\u2639;" "'white heart suit%'>\u2661;" "'white left arrow%'>\u21e6;" "'white left pointing index%'>\u261c;" "'white left pointing pointer%'>\u25c5;" "'white left pointing small triangle%'>\u25c3;" "'white left pointing triangle%'>\u25c1;" "'white nib%'>\u2711;" "'white parallelogram%'>\u25b1;" "'white rectangle%'>\u25ad;" "'white right arrow%'>\u21e8;" "'white right pointing index%'>\u261e;" "'white right pointing pointer%'>\u25bb;" "'white right pointing small triangle%'>\u25b9;" "'white right pointing triangle%'>\u25b7;" "'white scissors%'>\u2704;" "'white small square%'>\u25ab;" "'white smiling face%'>\u263a;" "'white spade suit%'>\u2664;" "'white square containing black small square%'>\u25a3;" "'white square with rounded corners%'>\u25a2;" "'white square with vertical bisecting line%'>\u25eb;" "'white square%'>\u25a1;" "'white star%'>\u2606;" "'white sun with rays%'>\u263c;" "'white telephone%'>\u260f;" "'white up arrow from bar%'>\u21ea;" "'white up arrow%'>\u21e7;" "'white up pointing index%'>\u261d;" "'white up pointing small triangle%'>\u25b5;" "'white up pointing triangle with dot%'>\u25ec;" "'white up pointing triangle%'>\u25b3;" "'white vertical rectangle%'>\u25af;" "'white-feathered right arrow%'>\u27b3;" "'won sign%'>\u20a9;" "'wreath product%'>\u2240;" "'writing hand%'>\u270d;" "'x mark3%'>\u2717;" "'xor%'>\u22bb;" "'yen sign%'>\u00a5;" "'yin yang%'>\u262f;" "'zero width joiner%'>\u200d;" "'zero width non-joiner%'>\u200c;" "'zero width space%'>\u200b;" } }