// *************************************************************************** // * // * Copyright (C) 1997-2002, International Business Machines // * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. // * // *************************************************************************** fr { Version{"1.1"} CollationElements { Version { "1.0" } Sequence { "[backwards 2]&A<<\u00e6/e<<<\u00c6/E" } } Countries { AL { "Albanie" } DZ { "Alg\u00e9rie" } AD { "Andorre" } AR { "Argentine" } AM { "Arm\u00e9nie" } AU { "Australie" } AT { "Autriche" } AZ { "Azerba\u00efdjan" } BH { "Bahre\u00efn" } BB { "Barbade" } BY { "Bi\u00e9lo-Russie" } BE { "Belgique" } BZ { "B\u00e9lize" } BM { "Bermudes" } BT { "Bhoutan" } BO { "Bolivie" } BA { "Bosnie-Herz\u00e9govine" } BR { "Br\u00e9sil" } BG { "Bulgarie" } KH { "Cambodge" } CM { "Cameroun" } CV { "Cap Vert" } CF { "R\u00e9publique Centre-Africaine" } TD { "Tchad" } CL { "Chili" } CN { "Chine" } CO { "Colombie" } KM { "Comores" } HR { "Croatie" } CY { "Chypre" } CZ { "R\u00e9publique Tch\u00e8que" } DK { "Danemark" } DM { "Dominique" } DO { "R\u00e9publique Dominicaine" } TP { "Timor Oriental" } EC { "Equateur" } EG { "Egypte" } GQ { "Guin\u00e9e Equatoriale" } ER { "Erythr\u00e9e" } EE { "Estonie" } ET { "Ethiopie" } FJ { "Fidji" } FI { "Finlande" } GF { "Guin\u00e9e Fran\u00e7aise" } PF { "Polyn\u00e9sie Fran\u00e7aise" } TF { "Territoires Fran\u00e7ais du Sud" } GM { "Gambie" } GE { "G\u00e9orgie" } DE { "Allemagne" } GR { "Gr\u00e8ce" } GN { "Guin\u00e9e" } GW { "Guin\u00e9e-Bissau" } GY { "Guyane" } HT { "Ha\u00efti" } HK { "Hong-Kong SAR" } HU { "Hongrie" } IS { "Islande" } IN { "Inde" } ID { "Indon\u00e9sie" } IQ { "Irak" } IE { "Irlande" } IL { "Isra\u00ebl" } IT { "Italie" } JM { "Jama\u00efque" } JP { "Japon" } JO { "Jordanie" } KP { "Cor\u00e9e du Nord" } KR { "Cor\u00e9e du Sud" } KW { "Koweit" } LV { "Lettonie" } LB { "Liban" } LY { "Libye" } LT { "Lithuanie" } MK { "Mac\u00e9doine" } MO { "Macao SAR" } MY { "Malaisie" } MT { "Malte" } MR { "Mauritanie" } MU { "Maurice" } MX { "Mexique" } FM { "Micron\u00e9sie" } MD { "Moldavie" } MN { "Mongolie" } MA { "Maroc" } NA { "Namibie" } NP { "N\u00e9pal" } NL { "Pays-Bas" } AN { "Antilles N\u00e9erlandaises" } NC { "Nouvelle-Cal\u00e9donie" } NZ { "Nouvelle-Z\u00e9lande" } NG { "Nig\u00e9ria" } NO { "Norv\u00e8ge" } PG { "Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guin\u00e9e" } PE { "P\u00e9rou" } PL { "Pologne" } PR { "Porto Rico" } RO { "Roumanie" } RU { "Russie" } SA { "Arabie Saoudite" } SN { "S\u00e9n\u00e9gal" } SP { "Serbie" } SG { "Singapour" } SK { "Slovaquie" } SI { "Slov\u00e9nie" } SO { "Somalie" } ZA { "Afrique du Sud" } ES { "Espagne" } SD { "Soudan" } SE { "Su\u00e8de" } CH { "Suisse" } SY { "Syrie" } TJ { "Tadjikistan" } TZ { "Tanzanie" } TH { "Tha\u00eflande" } TT { "Trinit\u00e9-et-Tobago" } TN { "Tunisie" } TR { "Turquie" } UG { "Ouganda" } AE { "Emirats Arabes Unis" } GB { "Royaume-Uni" } US { "\u00C9tats-Unis" } UZ { "Ouzb\u00e9kistan" } VE { "V\u00e9n\u00e9zuela" } VG { "Iles Vierges Britanniques" } VI { "Iles Vierges Am\u00e9ricaines" } EH { "Sahara Occidental" } YE { "Y\u00e9men" } YU { "Yougoslavie" } ZR { "Za\u00efre" } ZM { "Zambie" } } Languages { root { "racine" } ab { "abkhaze" } aa { "afar" } af { "afrikaans" } sq { "albanais" } am { "amharique" } ar { "arabe" } hy { "arm\u00e9nien" } as { "assamais" } ay { "aymara" } az { "az\u00e9ri" } ba { "bachkir" } eu { "basque" } bn { "bengali" } dz { "dzongkha" } bh { "bihari" } bi { "bichlamar" } br { "breton" } bg { "bulgare" } my { "birman" } be { "bi\u00e9lorusse" } km { "khmer" } ca { "catalan" } zh { "chinois" } co { "corse" } hr { "croate" } cs { "tch\u00e8que" } da { "danois" } nl { "hollandais" } // n\u00e9erlandais ? en { "anglais" } eo { "esp\u00e9ranto" } et { "estonien" } fo { "f\u00e9ro\u00efen" } fj { "fidjien" } fi { "finnois" } fr { "fran\u00e7ais" } fy { "frison" } gl { "galicien" } ka { "georgien" } de { "allemand" } el { "grec" } kl { "groenlandais" } gn { "guarani" } gu { "goudjrati" } ha { "haoussa" } he { "h\u00e9breu" } hi { "hindi" } hu { "hongrois" } is { "islandais" } id { "indon\u00e9sien" } ia { "interlingua" } ie { "interlingue" } iu { "inuktitut" } ik { "inupiaq" } ga { "irlandais" } it { "italien" } ja { "japonais" } jw { "javanais" } kn { "kannada" } ks { "kashmiri" } kk { "kazakh" } rw { "rwanda" } ky { "kirghize" } rn { "rundi" } ko { "cor\u00e9en" } ku { "kurde" } lo { "lao" } la { "latin" } lv { "letton" } ln { "lingala" } lt { "lithuanien" } mk { "mac\u00e9donien" } mg { "malgache" } ms { "malais" } ml { "malayalam" } mt { "maltais" } mi { "maori" } mr { "marathe" } mo { "moldave" } mn { "mongol" } na { "nauruan" } ne { "n\u00e9palais" } no { "norv\u00e9gien" } oc { "occitan" } or { "oriya" } om { "galla" } ps { "pachto" } fa { "persan" } pl { "polonais" } pt { "portugais" } pa { "pendjabi" } qu { "quechua" } rm { "rh\u00e9toroman" } ro { "roumain" } ru { "russe" } sm { "samoan" } sg { "sango" } sa { "sanscrit" } gd { "ecossais ga\u00e9lique" } sr { "serbe" } sh { "serbo-croate" } st { "sotho du sud" } tn { "setswana" } sn { "shona" } sd { "sindhi" } si { "singhalais" } ss { "swati" } sk { "slovaque" } sl { "slov\u00e8ne" } so { "somali" } es { "espagnol" } su { "soundanais" } sw { "swahili" } sv { "su\u00e9dois" } tl { "tagalog" } tg { "tadjik" } ta { "tamoul" } tt { "tatare" } te { "telugu" } th { "tha\u00ef" } bo { "tib\u00e9tain" } ti { "tigrigna" } to { "tonga" } ts { "tsonga" } tr { "turc" } tk { "turkm\u00e8ne" } tw { "twi" } ug { "ou\u00efgour" } uk { "ukrainien" } ur { "ourdou" } uz { "ouzbek" } vi { "vietnamien" } vo { "volap\u00fck" } cy { "gallois" } wo { "wolof" } xh { "xhosa" } yi { "yiddish" } yo { "yoruba" } za { "zhuang" } zu { "zoulou" } } DateTimePatterns { "HH' h 'mm z", "HH:mm:ss z", "HH:mm:ss", "HH:mm", "EEEE d MMMM yyyy", "d MMMM yyyy", "d MMM yy", "dd/MM/yy", "{1} {0}", } DayAbbreviations { "dim.", "lun.", "mar.", "mer.", "jeu.", "ven.", "sam.", } DayNames { "dimanche", "lundi", "mardi", "mercredi", "jeudi", "vendredi", "samedi", } Eras { "av. J.-C.", "ap. J.-C.", } LocaleID:int { 0x0c } // LocaleString { "fr" } MonthAbbreviations { "janv.", "f\u00E9vr.", "mars", "avr.", "mai", "juin", "juil.", "ao\u00FBt", "sept.", "oct.", "nov.", "d\u00E9c.", } MonthNames { "janvier", "f\u00E9vrier", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin", "juillet", "ao\u00FBt", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "d\u00E9cembre", } NumberElements { ",", "\u00A0", ";", "%", "0", "#", "-", "E", "\u2030", "\u221E", "\uFFFD", } NumberPatterns { "#,##0.###;-#,##0.###", "#,##0.00 \u00A4;-#,##0.00 \u00A4", "#,##0%", "#E0", } // ShortLanguage { "fra" } localPatternChars { "GanjkHmsSEDFwWxhKzAe" } zoneStrings { { "Africa/Casablanca", "GMT", "GMT", "GMT", "GMT", } } // LocaleScript{ // "Latn", // ISO 15924 Name // } // http://www.elections.ca/gen_info/backgrounders/ec90815_f.html // http://lcweb.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/frenchlangn.html // http://www.egt.ie/standards/iso3166/iso3166-1-fr.html //------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Based Number Format Support //------------------------------------------------------------ // * Spellout rules for French. French adds some interesting quirks of its // * own: 1) The word "et" is interposed between the tens and ones digits, // * but only if the ones digit if 1: 20 is "vingt," and 2 is "vingt-deux," // * but 21 is "vingt-et-un." 2) There are no words for 70, 80, or 90. // * "quatre-vingts" ("four twenties") is used for 80, and values proceed // * by score from 60 to 99 (e.g., 73 is "soixante-treize" ["sixty-thirteen"]). // * Numbers from 1,100 to 1,199 are rendered as hundreds rather than // * thousands: 1,100 is "onze cents" ("eleven hundred"), rather than // * "mille cent" ("one thousand one hundred") SpelloutRules { // the main rule set "%main:\n" " -x: moins >>;\n" " x.x: << virgule >>;\n" // words for numbers from 0 to 10 " z\u00e9ro; un; deux; trois; quatre; cinq; six; sept; huit; neuf;\n" " dix; onze; douze; treize; quatorze; quinze; seize;\n" " dix-sept; dix-huit; dix-neuf;\n" // ords for the multiples of 10: %%alt-ones inserts "et" // when needed " 20: vingt[->%%alt-ones>];\n" " 30: trente[->%%alt-ones>];\n" " 40: quarante[->%%alt-ones>];\n" " 50: cinquante[->%%alt-ones>];\n" // rule for 60. The /20 causes this rule's multiplier to be // 20 rather than 10, allowinhg us to recurse for all values // from 60 to 79... " 60/20: soixante[->%%alt-ones>];\n" // ...except for 71, which must be special-cased " 71: soixante et onze;\n" // at 72, we have to repeat the rule for 60 to get us to 79 " 72/20: soixante->%%alt-ones>;\n" // at 80, we state a new rule with the phrase for 80. Since // it changes form when there's a ones digit, we need a second // rule at 81. This rule also includes "/20," allowing it to // be used correctly for all values up to 99 " 80: quatre-vingts; 81/20: quatre-vingt->>;\n" // "cent" becomes plural when preceded by a multiplier, and // the multiplier is omitted from the singular form " 100: cent[ >>];\n" " 200: << cents[ >>];\n" " 1000: mille[ >>];\n" // values from 1,100 to 1,199 are rendered as "onze cents..." // instead of "mille cent..." The > after "1000" decreases // the rule's exponent, causing its multiplier to be 100 instead // of 1,000. This prevents us from getting "onze cents cent // vingt-deux" ("eleven hundred one hundred twenty-two"). " 1100>: onze cents[ >>];\n" // at 1,200, we go back to formating in thousands, so we // repeat the rule for 1,000 " 1200: mille >>;\n" // at 2,000, the multiplier is added " 2000: << mille[ >>];\n" " 1,000,000: << million[ >>];\n" " 1,000,000,000: << milliard[ >>];\n" " 1,000,000,000,000: << billion[ >>];\n" " 1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;\n" // %%alt-ones is used to insert "et" when the ones digit is 1 "%%alt-ones:\n" " ; et-un; =%main=;\n" "%%lenient-parse:\n" " &\u0000 << ' ' << ',' << '-';\n" } }