/*********************************************************************** * COPYRIGHT: * Copyright (c) 1997-2004, International Business Machines Corporation * and others. All Rights Reserved. ***********************************************************************/ #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING #include "unicode/timezone.h" #include "unicode/simpletz.h" #include "unicode/calendar.h" #include "unicode/gregocal.h" #include "unicode/resbund.h" #include "unicode/strenum.h" #include "tztest.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include "putilimp.h" #define CASE(id,test) case id: \ name = #test; \ if (exec) { \ logln(#test "---"); logln(""); \ test(); \ } \ break // ***************************************************************************** // class TimeZoneTest // ***************************************************************************** void TimeZoneTest::runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* /*par*/ ) { if (exec) logln("TestSuite TestTimeZone"); switch (index) { CASE(0, TestPRTOffset); CASE(1, TestVariousAPI518); CASE(2, TestGetAvailableIDs913); CASE(3, TestGenericAPI); CASE(4, TestRuleAPI); CASE(5, TestShortZoneIDs); CASE(6, TestCustomParse); CASE(7, TestDisplayName); CASE(8, TestDSTSavings); CASE(9, TestAlternateRules); CASE(10,TestCountries); CASE(11,TestHistorical); CASE(12,TestEquivalentIDs); default: name = ""; break; } } const int32_t TimeZoneTest::millisPerHour = 3600000; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Generic API testing for API coverage. */ void TimeZoneTest::TestGenericAPI() { UnicodeString id("NewGMT"); int32_t offset = 12345; SimpleTimeZone *zone = new SimpleTimeZone(offset, id); if (zone->useDaylightTime()) errln("FAIL: useDaylightTime should return FALSE"); TimeZone* zoneclone = zone->clone(); if (!(*zoneclone == *zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator== failed"); zoneclone->setID("abc"); if (!(*zoneclone != *zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator!= failed"); delete zoneclone; zoneclone = zone->clone(); if (!(*zoneclone == *zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator== failed"); zoneclone->setRawOffset(45678); if (!(*zoneclone != *zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator!= failed"); SimpleTimeZone copy(*zone); if (!(copy == *zone)) errln("FAIL: copy constructor or operator== failed"); copy = *(SimpleTimeZone*)zoneclone; if (!(copy == *zoneclone)) errln("FAIL: assignment operator or operator== failed"); TimeZone* saveDefault = TimeZone::createDefault(); logln((UnicodeString)"TimeZone::createDefault() => " + saveDefault->getID(id)); //TimeZone* pstZone = TimeZone::createTimeZone("PST"); logln("call uprv_timezone() which uses the host"); logln("to get the difference in seconds between coordinated universal"); logln("time and local time. E.g., -28,800 for PST (GMT-8hrs)"); int32_t tzoffset = uprv_timezone(); logln(UnicodeString("Value returned from uprv_timezone = ") + tzoffset); // Invert sign because UNIX semantics are backwards if (tzoffset < 0) tzoffset = -tzoffset; // --- The following test would fail outside PST now that // --- PST is generally set to be default timezone in format tests //if ((*saveDefault == *pstZone) && (tzoffset != 28800)) { // errln("FAIL: t_timezone may be incorrect. It is not 28800"); //} if (tzoffset != 28800) { logln("***** WARNING: If testing in the PST timezone, uprv_timezone should return 28800! *****"); } if ((tzoffset % 1800 != 0)) { errln("FAIL: t_timezone may be incorrect. It is not a multiple of 30min. It is %d", tzoffset); } TimeZone::adoptDefault(zone); TimeZone* defaultzone = TimeZone::createDefault(); if (defaultzone == zone || !(*defaultzone == *zone)) errln("FAIL: createDefault failed"); TimeZone::adoptDefault(saveDefault); delete defaultzone; delete zoneclone; //delete pstZone; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Test the setStartRule/setEndRule API calls. */ void TimeZoneTest::TestRuleAPI() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UDate offset = 60*60*1000*1.75; // Pick a weird offset SimpleTimeZone *zone = new SimpleTimeZone((int32_t)offset, "TestZone"); if (zone->useDaylightTime()) errln("FAIL: useDaylightTime should return FALSE"); // Establish our expected transition times. Do this with a non-DST // calendar with the (above) declared local offset. GregorianCalendar *gc = new GregorianCalendar(*zone, status); if (failure(status, "new GregorianCalendar")) return; gc->clear(); gc->set(1990, UCAL_MARCH, 1); UDate marchOneStd = gc->getTime(status); // Local Std time midnight gc->clear(); gc->set(1990, UCAL_JULY, 1); UDate julyOneStd = gc->getTime(status); // Local Std time midnight if (failure(status, "GregorianCalendar::getTime")) return; // Starting and ending hours, WALL TIME int32_t startHour = (int32_t)(2.25 * 3600000); int32_t endHour = (int32_t)(3.5 * 3600000); zone->setStartRule(UCAL_MARCH, 1, 0, startHour, status); zone->setEndRule (UCAL_JULY, 1, 0, endHour, status); delete gc; gc = new GregorianCalendar(*zone, status); if (failure(status, "new GregorianCalendar")) return; UDate marchOne = marchOneStd + startHour; UDate julyOne = julyOneStd + endHour - 3600000; // Adjust from wall to Std time UDate expMarchOne = 636251400000.0; if (marchOne != expMarchOne) { errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: Expected start computed as " + marchOne + " = " + dateToString(marchOne)); logln((UnicodeString)" Should be " + expMarchOne + " = " + dateToString(expMarchOne)); } UDate expJulyOne = 646793100000.0; if (julyOne != expJulyOne) { errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: Expected start computed as " + julyOne + " = " + dateToString(julyOne)); logln((UnicodeString)" Should be " + expJulyOne + " = " + dateToString(expJulyOne)); } testUsingBinarySearch(*zone, date(90, UCAL_JANUARY, 1), date(90, UCAL_JUNE, 15), marchOne); testUsingBinarySearch(*zone, date(90, UCAL_JUNE, 1), date(90, UCAL_DECEMBER, 31), julyOne); if (zone->inDaylightTime(marchOne - 1000, status) || !zone->inDaylightTime(marchOne, status)) errln("FAIL: Start rule broken"); if (!zone->inDaylightTime(julyOne - 1000, status) || zone->inDaylightTime(julyOne, status)) errln("FAIL: End rule broken"); zone->setStartYear(1991); if (zone->inDaylightTime(marchOne, status) || zone->inDaylightTime(julyOne - 1000, status)) errln("FAIL: Start year broken"); failure(status, "TestRuleAPI"); delete gc; delete zone; } void TimeZoneTest::findTransition(const TimeZone& tz, UDate min, UDate max) { UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; UnicodeString id,s; UBool startsInDST = tz.inDaylightTime(min, ec); if (failure(ec, "TimeZone::inDaylightTime")) return; if (tz.inDaylightTime(max, ec) == startsInDST) { logln("Error: " + tz.getID(id) + ".inDaylightTime(" + dateToString(min) + ") = " + (startsInDST?"TRUE":"FALSE") + ", inDaylightTime(" + dateToString(max) + ") = " + (startsInDST?"TRUE":"FALSE")); return; } if (failure(ec, "TimeZone::inDaylightTime")) return; while ((max - min) > INTERVAL) { UDate mid = (min + max) / 2; if (tz.inDaylightTime(mid, ec) == startsInDST) { min = mid; } else { max = mid; } if (failure(ec, "TimeZone::inDaylightTime")) return; } min = 1000.0 * uprv_floor(min/1000.0); max = 1000.0 * uprv_floor(max/1000.0); logln(tz.getID(id) + " Before: " + min/1000 + " = " + dateToString(min,s,tz)); logln(tz.getID(id) + " After: " + max/1000 + " = " + dateToString(max,s,tz)); } void TimeZoneTest::testUsingBinarySearch(const TimeZone& tz, UDate min, UDate max, UDate expectedBoundary) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UBool startsInDST = tz.inDaylightTime(min, status); if (failure(status, "TimeZone::inDaylightTime")) return; if (tz.inDaylightTime(max, status) == startsInDST) { logln("Error: inDaylightTime(" + dateToString(max) + ") != " + ((!startsInDST)?"TRUE":"FALSE")); return; } if (failure(status, "TimeZone::inDaylightTime")) return; while ((max - min) > INTERVAL) { UDate mid = (min + max) / 2; if (tz.inDaylightTime(mid, status) == startsInDST) { min = mid; } else { max = mid; } if (failure(status, "TimeZone::inDaylightTime")) return; } logln(UnicodeString("Binary Search Before: ") + uprv_floor(0.5 + min) + " = " + dateToString(min)); logln(UnicodeString("Binary Search After: ") + uprv_floor(0.5 + max) + " = " + dateToString(max)); UDate mindelta = expectedBoundary - min; UDate maxdelta = max - expectedBoundary; if (mindelta >= 0 && mindelta <= INTERVAL && maxdelta >= 0 && maxdelta <= INTERVAL) logln(UnicodeString("PASS: Expected bdry: ") + expectedBoundary + " = " + dateToString(expectedBoundary)); else errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: Expected bdry: ") + expectedBoundary + " = " + dateToString(expectedBoundary)); } const UDate TimeZoneTest::INTERVAL = 100; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------- /** * Test the offset of the PRT timezone. */ void TimeZoneTest::TestPRTOffset() { TimeZone* tz = TimeZone::createTimeZone("PRT"); if (tz == 0) { errln("FAIL: TimeZone(PRT) is null"); } else { int32_t expectedHour = -4; double expectedOffset = (((double)expectedHour) * millisPerHour); double foundOffset = tz->getRawOffset(); int32_t foundHour = (int32_t)foundOffset / millisPerHour; if (expectedOffset != foundOffset) { errln("FAIL: Offset for PRT should be %d, found %d", expectedHour, foundHour); } else { logln("PASS: Offset for PRT should be %d, found %d", expectedHour, foundHour); } } delete tz; } // ------------------------------------- /** * Regress a specific bug with a sequence of API calls. */ void TimeZoneTest::TestVariousAPI518() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; TimeZone* time_zone = TimeZone::createTimeZone("PST"); UDate d = date(97, UCAL_APRIL, 30); UnicodeString str; logln("The timezone is " + time_zone->getID(str)); if (!time_zone->inDaylightTime(d, status)) errln("FAIL: inDaylightTime returned FALSE"); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("FAIL: TimeZone::inDaylightTime failed"); return; } if (!time_zone->useDaylightTime()) errln("FAIL: useDaylightTime returned FALSE"); if (time_zone->getRawOffset() != - 8 * millisPerHour) errln("FAIL: getRawOffset returned wrong value"); GregorianCalendar *gc = new GregorianCalendar(status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("FAIL: Couldn't create GregorianCalendar"); return; } gc->setTime(d, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("FAIL: GregorianCalendar::setTime failed"); return; } if (time_zone->getOffset(gc->AD, gc->get(UCAL_YEAR, status), gc->get(UCAL_MONTH, status), gc->get(UCAL_DATE, status), (uint8_t)gc->get(UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK, status), 0, status) != - 7 * millisPerHour) errln("FAIL: getOffset returned wrong value"); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("FAIL: GregorianCalendar::set failed"); return; } delete gc; delete time_zone; } // ------------------------------------- /** * Test the call which retrieves the available IDs. */ void TimeZoneTest::TestGetAvailableIDs913() { UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t i; #ifdef U_USE_TIMEZONE_OBSOLETE_2_8 // Test legacy API -- remove these tests when the corresponding API goes away (duh) int32_t numIDs = -1; const UnicodeString** ids = TimeZone::createAvailableIDs(numIDs); if (ids == 0 || numIDs < 1) { errln("FAIL: createAvailableIDs()"); } else { UnicodeString buf("TimeZone::createAvailableIDs() = { "); for(i=0; icount(ec); for (i = 0; i < s_length;++i) { if (i > 0) *buf += ", "; if ((i & 1) == 0) { *buf += *s->snext(ec); } else { *buf += UnicodeString(s->next(NULL, ec), ""); } if((i % 5) == 4) { // replace s with a clone of itself StringEnumeration *s2 = s->clone(); if(s2 == NULL || s_length != s2->count(ec)) { errln("TimezoneEnumeration.clone() failed"); } else { delete s; s = s2; } } } *buf += " };"; logln(*buf); /* Confirm that the following zones can be retrieved: The first * zone, the last zone, and one in-between. This tests the binary * search through the system zone data. */ s->reset(ec); int32_t middle = s_length/2; for (i=0; isnext(ec); if (i==0 || i==middle || i==(s_length-1)) { TimeZone *z = TimeZone::createTimeZone(*id); if (z == 0) { errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: createTimeZone(") + *id + ") -> 0"); } else if (z->getID(str) != *id) { errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: createTimeZone(") + *id + ") -> zone " + str); } else { logln(UnicodeString("OK: createTimeZone(") + *id + ") succeeded"); } delete z; } } delete s; buf->truncate(0); *buf += "TimeZone::createEnumeration(GMT+01:00) = { "; s = TimeZone::createEnumeration(1 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR); s_length = s->count(ec); for (i = 0; i < s_length;++i) { if (i > 0) *buf += ", "; *buf += *s->snext(ec); } delete s; *buf += " };"; logln(*buf); buf->truncate(0); *buf += "TimeZone::createEnumeration(US) = { "; s = TimeZone::createEnumeration("US"); s_length = s->count(ec); for (i = 0; i < s_length;++i) { if (i > 0) *buf += ", "; *buf += *s->snext(ec); } *buf += " };"; logln(*buf); TimeZone *tz = TimeZone::createTimeZone("PST"); if (tz != 0) logln("getTimeZone(PST) = " + tz->getID(str)); else errln("FAIL: getTimeZone(PST) = null"); delete tz; tz = TimeZone::createTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles"); if (tz != 0) logln("getTimeZone(America/Los_Angeles) = " + tz->getID(str)); else errln("FAIL: getTimeZone(PST) = null"); delete tz; // @bug 4096694 tz = TimeZone::createTimeZone("NON_EXISTENT"); UnicodeString temp; if (tz == 0) errln("FAIL: getTimeZone(NON_EXISTENT) = null"); else if (tz->getID(temp) != "GMT") errln("FAIL: getTimeZone(NON_EXISTENT) = " + temp); delete tz; delete buf; delete s; } /** * NOTE: As of ICU 2.8, this test confirms that the "tz.alias" * file, used to build ICU alias zones, is working. It also * looks at some genuine Olson compatibility IDs. [aliu] * * This test is problematic. It should really just confirm that * the list of compatibility zone IDs exist and are somewhat * meaningful (that is, they aren't all aliases of GMT). It goes a * bit further -- it hard-codes expectations about zone behavior, * when in fact zones are redefined quite frequently. ICU's build * process means that it is easy to update ICU to contain the * latest Olson zone data, but if a zone tested here changes, then * this test will fail. I have updated the test for 1999j data, * but further updates will probably be required. Note that some * of the concerts listed below no longer apply -- in particular, * we do NOT overwrite real UNIX zones with 3-letter IDs. There * are two points of overlap as of 1999j: MET and EET. These are * both real UNIX zones, so we just use the official * definition. This test has been updated to reflect this. * 12/3/99 aliu * * [srl - from java - 7/5/1998] * @bug 4130885 * Certain short zone IDs, used since 1.1.x, are incorrect. * * The worst of these is: * * "CAT" (Central African Time) should be GMT+2:00, but instead returns a * zone at GMT-1:00. The zone at GMT-1:00 should be called EGT, CVT, EGST, * or AZOST, depending on which zone is meant, but in no case is it CAT. * * Other wrong zone IDs: * * ECT (European Central Time) GMT+1:00: ECT is Ecuador Time, * GMT-5:00. European Central time is abbreviated CEST. * * SST (Solomon Island Time) GMT+11:00. SST is actually Samoa Standard Time, * GMT-11:00. Solomon Island time is SBT. * * NST (New Zealand Time) GMT+12:00. NST is the abbreviation for * Newfoundland Standard Time, GMT-3:30. New Zealanders use NZST. * * AST (Alaska Standard Time) GMT-9:00. [This has already been noted in * another bug.] It should be "AKST". AST is Atlantic Standard Time, * GMT-4:00. * * PNT (Phoenix Time) GMT-7:00. PNT usually means Pitcairn Time, * GMT-8:30. There is no standard abbreviation for Phoenix time, as distinct * from MST with daylight savings. * * In addition to these problems, a number of zones are FAKE. That is, they * don't match what people use in the real world. * * FAKE zones: * * EET (should be EEST) * ART (should be EEST) * MET (should be IRST) * NET (should be AMST) * PLT (should be PKT) * BST (should be BDT) * VST (should be ICT) * CTT (should be CST) + * ACT (should be CST) + * AET (should be EST) + * MIT (should be WST) + * IET (should be EST) + * PRT (should be AST) + * CNT (should be NST) * AGT (should be ARST) * BET (should be EST) + * * + A zone with the correct name already exists and means something * else. E.g., EST usually indicates the US Eastern zone, so it cannot be * used for Brazil (BET). */ void TimeZoneTest::TestShortZoneIDs() { int32_t i; // Create a small struct to hold the array struct { const char *id; int32_t offset; UBool daylight; } kReferenceList [] = { {"MIT", -660, FALSE}, {"HST", -600, FALSE}, {"AST", -540, TRUE}, {"PST", -480, TRUE}, {"PNT", -420, FALSE}, {"MST", -420, FALSE}, // updated Aug 2003 aliu {"CST", -360, TRUE}, {"IET", -300, FALSE}, {"EST", -300, FALSE}, // updated Aug 2003 aliu {"PRT", -240, FALSE}, {"CNT", -210, TRUE}, {"AGT", -180, FALSE}, // updated 26 Sep 2000 aliu {"BET", -180, TRUE}, // "CAT", -60, FALSE, // Wrong: // As of bug 4130885, fix CAT (Central Africa) {"CAT", 120, FALSE}, // Africa/Harare {"GMT", 0, FALSE}, {"UTC", 0, FALSE}, // ** srl: seems broken in C++ {"ECT", 60, TRUE}, {"ART", 120, TRUE}, {"EET", 120, TRUE}, {"EAT", 180, FALSE}, {"MET", 60, TRUE}, // updated 12/3/99 aliu {"NET", 240, TRUE}, // updated 12/3/99 aliu {"PLT", 300, FALSE}, // updated Aug 2003 aliu {"IST", 330, FALSE}, {"BST", 360, FALSE}, {"VST", 420, FALSE}, {"CTT", 480, FALSE}, // updated Aug 2003 aliu {"JST", 540, FALSE}, {"ACT", 570, FALSE}, // updated Aug 2003 aliu {"AET", 600, TRUE}, {"SST", 660, FALSE}, // "NST", 720, FALSE, // As of bug 4130885, fix NST (New Zealand) {"NST", 720, TRUE}, // Pacific/Auckland {"",0,FALSE} }; for(i=0;kReferenceList[i].id[0];i++) { UnicodeString itsID(kReferenceList[i].id); UBool ok = TRUE; // Check existence. TimeZone *tz = TimeZone::createTimeZone(itsID); if (!tz) { errln("FAIL: Time Zone " + itsID + " does not exist!"); continue; } // Check daylight usage. UBool usesDaylight = tz->useDaylightTime(); if (usesDaylight != kReferenceList[i].daylight) { errln("FAIL: Time Zone " + itsID + " use daylight is " + (usesDaylight?"TRUE":"FALSE") + " but it should be " + ((kReferenceList[i].daylight)?"TRUE":"FALSE")); ok = FALSE; } // Check offset int32_t offsetInMinutes = tz->getRawOffset()/60000; if (offsetInMinutes != kReferenceList[i].offset) { errln("FAIL: Time Zone " + itsID + " raw offset is " + offsetInMinutes + " but it should be " + kReferenceList[i].offset); ok = FALSE; } if (ok) { logln("OK: " + itsID + " useDaylightTime() & getRawOffset() as expected"); } delete tz; } // OK now test compat logln("Testing for compatibility zones"); const char* compatibilityMap[] = { // This list is copied from tz.alias. If tz.alias // changes, this list must be updated. Current as of Aug 2003 "ACT", "Australia/Darwin", "AET", "Australia/Sydney", "AGT", "America/Buenos_Aires", "ART", "Africa/Cairo", "AST", "America/Anchorage", "BET", "America/Sao_Paulo", "BST", "Asia/Dhaka", // Spelling changed in 2000h "CAT", "Africa/Harare", "CNT", "America/St_Johns", "CST", "America/Chicago", "CTT", "Asia/Shanghai", "EAT", "Africa/Addis_Ababa", "ECT", "Europe/Paris", // EET Europe/Istanbul # EET is a standard UNIX zone // "EST", "America/New_York", # EST is an Olson alias now (2003) "HST", "Pacific/Honolulu", "IET", "America/Indianapolis", "IST", "Asia/Calcutta", "JST", "Asia/Tokyo", // MET Asia/Tehran # MET is a standard UNIX zone "MIT", "Pacific/Apia", // "MST", "America/Denver", # MST is an Olson alias now (2003) "NET", "Asia/Yerevan", "NST", "Pacific/Auckland", "PLT", "Asia/Karachi", "PNT", "America/Phoenix", "PRT", "America/Puerto_Rico", "PST", "America/Los_Angeles", "SST", "Pacific/Guadalcanal", "UTC", "Etc/GMT", "VST", "Asia/Saigon", "","","" }; for (i=0;*compatibilityMap[i];i+=2) { UnicodeString itsID; const char *zone1 = compatibilityMap[i]; const char *zone2 = compatibilityMap[i+1]; TimeZone *tz1 = TimeZone::createTimeZone(zone1); TimeZone *tz2 = TimeZone::createTimeZone(zone2); if (!tz1) { errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: Could not find short ID zone ") + zone1); } if (!tz2) { errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: Could not find long ID zone ") + zone2); } if (tz1 && tz2) { // make NAME same so comparison will only look at the rest tz2->setID(tz1->getID(itsID)); if (*tz1 != *tz2) { errln("FAIL: " + UnicodeString(zone1) + " != " + UnicodeString(zone2)); } else { logln("OK: " + UnicodeString(zone1) + " == " + UnicodeString(zone2)); } } delete tz1; delete tz2; } } /** * Utility function for TestCustomParse */ UnicodeString& TimeZoneTest::formatMinutes(int32_t min, UnicodeString& rv) { rv.remove(); char sign = '+'; if (min < 0) { sign = '-'; min = -min; } int h = min/60; min = min%60; rv += UChar(sign); if(h > 10) rv += UChar(0x0030 + (h/10)); rv += UChar(0x0030 + (h%10)); rv += ":"; if(min > 10) rv += UChar(0x0030 + (min/10)); else rv += "0"; rv += UChar(0x0030 + (min%10)); return rv; } /** * As part of the VM fix (see CCC approved RFE 4028006, bug * 4044013), TimeZone.getTimeZone() has been modified to recognize * generic IDs of the form GMT[+-]hh:mm, GMT[+-]hhmm, and * GMT[+-]hh. Test this behavior here. * * @bug 4044013 */ void TimeZoneTest::TestCustomParse() { int32_t i; const int32_t kUnparseable = 604800; // the number of seconds in a week. More than any offset should be. const UnicodeString kExpectedCustomID = "Custom"; struct { const char *customId; int32_t expectedOffset; } kData[] = { // ID Expected offset in minutes //"GMT", kUnparseable, Isn't custom. Can't test it here. [returns normal GMT] {"GMT-YOUR.AD.HERE", kUnparseable}, // {"GMT0", kUnparseable}, // ICU 2.8: An Olson zone ID // {"GMT+0", (0)}, // ICU 2.8: An Olson zone ID {"GMT+1", (60)}, {"GMT-0030", (-30)}, {"GMT+15:99", (15*60+99)}, {"GMT+", kUnparseable}, {"GMT-", kUnparseable}, {"GMT+0:", kUnparseable}, {"GMT-:", kUnparseable}, {"GMT-YOUR.AD.HERE", kUnparseable}, {"GMT+0010", (10)}, // Interpret this as 00:10 {"GMT-10", (-10*60)}, {"GMT+30", (30)}, {"GMT-3:30", (-(3*60+30))}, {"GMT-230", (-(2*60+30))}, {0, 0} }; for (i=0; kData[i].customId != 0; i++) { UnicodeString id(kData[i].customId); int32_t exp = kData[i].expectedOffset; TimeZone *zone = TimeZone::createTimeZone(id); UnicodeString itsID, temp; logln(); logln("testing # " + formatMinutes(i, temp) + id); /* if(zone == NULL) { errln("FAIL: Could not createTimeZone(" + id + "). Returned NULL."); continue; } */ if (! zone->getID(itsID).compare("GMT")) //if(zone == NULL) { logln(id + " -> generic GMT"); // When TimeZone.getTimeZone() can't parse the id, it // returns GMT -- a dubious practice, but required for // backward compatibility. if (exp != kUnparseable) { errln("FAIL: Expected offset of " + formatMinutes(exp,temp) + " for " + id + ", got parse failure"); } } else { zone->getID(itsID); int32_t ioffset = zone->getRawOffset()/60000; UnicodeString offset; formatMinutes(ioffset, offset); logln(id + " -> " + itsID + " GMT" + offset); if (exp == kUnparseable) { errln("FAIL: Expected parse failure for " + id + ", got offset of " + offset + ", id " + itsID); } else if (ioffset != exp || (itsID.compare(kExpectedCustomID) != 0)) { errln("Expected offset of " + formatMinutes(exp,temp) + ", id Custom, for " + id + ", got offset of " + offset + ", id " + itsID); } } delete zone; } } /** * Test the basic functionality of the getDisplayName() API. * * @bug 4112869 * @bug 4028006 * * See also API change request A41. * * 4/21/98 - make smarter, so the test works if the ext resources * are present or not. */ void TimeZoneTest::TestDisplayName() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t i; TimeZone *zone = TimeZone::createTimeZone("PST"); UnicodeString name; zone->getDisplayName(Locale::getEnglish(), name); logln("PST->" + name); if (name.compare("Pacific Standard Time") != 0) errln("Fail: Expected \"Pacific Standard Time\" but got " + name); //***************************************************************** // THE FOLLOWING LINES MUST BE UPDATED IF THE LOCALE DATA CHANGES // THE FOLLOWING LINES MUST BE UPDATED IF THE LOCALE DATA CHANGES // THE FOLLOWING LINES MUST BE UPDATED IF THE LOCALE DATA CHANGES //***************************************************************** struct { UBool useDst; TimeZone::EDisplayType style; const char *expect; } kData[] = { {FALSE, TimeZone::SHORT, "PST"}, {TRUE, TimeZone::SHORT, "PDT"}, {FALSE, TimeZone::LONG, "Pacific Standard Time"}, {TRUE, TimeZone::LONG, "Pacific Daylight Time"}, {FALSE, TimeZone::LONG, ""} }; for (i=0; kData[i].expect[0] != '\0'; i++) { name.remove(); name = zone->getDisplayName(kData[i].useDst, kData[i].style, Locale::getEnglish(), name); if (name.compare(kData[i].expect) != 0) errln("Fail: Expected " + UnicodeString(kData[i].expect) + "; got " + name); logln("PST [with options]->" + name); } for (i=0; kData[i].expect[0] != '\0'; i++) { name.remove(); name = zone->getDisplayName(kData[i].useDst, kData[i].style, name); if (name.compare(kData[i].expect) != 0) errln("Fail: Expected " + UnicodeString(kData[i].expect) + "; got " + name); logln("PST [with options]->" + name); } // Make sure that we don't display the DST name by constructing a fake // PST zone that has DST all year long. SimpleTimeZone *zone2 = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "PST"); zone2->setStartRule(UCAL_JANUARY, 1, 0, 0, status); zone2->setEndRule(UCAL_DECEMBER, 31, 0, 0, status); UnicodeString inDaylight; if (zone2->inDaylightTime(UDate(0), status)) { inDaylight = UnicodeString("TRUE"); } else { inDaylight = UnicodeString("FALSE"); } logln(UnicodeString("Modified PST inDaylightTime->") + inDaylight ); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("Some sort of error..." + UnicodeString(u_errorName(status))); // REVISIT } name.remove(); name = zone2->getDisplayName(Locale::getEnglish(),name); logln("Modified PST->" + name); if (name.compare("Pacific Standard Time") != 0) errln("Fail: Expected \"Pacific Standard Time\""); // Make sure we get the default display format for Locales // with no display name data. Locale mt_MT("mt_MT"); name.remove(); name = zone->getDisplayName(mt_MT,name); //***************************************************************** // THE FOLLOWING LINE MUST BE UPDATED IF THE LOCALE DATA CHANGES // THE FOLLOWING LINE MUST BE UPDATED IF THE LOCALE DATA CHANGES // THE FOLLOWING LINE MUST BE UPDATED IF THE LOCALE DATA CHANGES //***************************************************************** logln("PST(mt_MT)->" + name); // *** REVISIT SRL how in the world do I check this? looks java specific. // Now be smart -- check to see if zh resource is even present. // If not, we expect the en fallback behavior. ResourceBundle enRB(NULL, Locale::getEnglish(), status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) errln("Couldn't get ResourceBundle for en"); ResourceBundle mtRB(NULL, mt_MT, status); //if(U_FAILURE(status)) // errln("Couldn't get ResourceBundle for mt_MT"); UBool noZH = U_FAILURE(status); if (noZH) { logln("Warning: Not testing the mt_MT behavior because resource is absent"); if (name != "Pacific Standard Time") errln("Fail: Expected Pacific Standard Time"); } if (name.compare("GMT-08:00") && name.compare("GMT-8:00") && name.compare("GMT-0800") && name.compare("GMT-800")) { errln(UnicodeString("Fail: Expected GMT-08:00 or something similar for PST in mt_MT but got ") + name ); errln("************************************************************"); errln("THE ABOVE FAILURE MAY JUST MEAN THE LOCALE DATA HAS CHANGED"); errln("************************************************************"); } // Now try a non-existent zone delete zone2; zone2 = new SimpleTimeZone(90*60*1000, "xyzzy"); name.remove(); name = zone2->getDisplayName(Locale::getEnglish(),name); logln("GMT+90min->" + name); if (name.compare("GMT+01:30") && name.compare("GMT+1:30") && name.compare("GMT+0130") && name.compare("GMT+130")) errln("Fail: Expected GMT+01:30 or something similar"); name.truncate(0); zone2->getDisplayName(name); logln("GMT+90min->" + name); if (name.compare("GMT+01:30") && name.compare("GMT+1:30") && name.compare("GMT+0130") && name.compare("GMT+130")) errln("Fail: Expected GMT+01:30 or something similar"); // clean up delete zone; delete zone2; } /** * @bug 4107276 */ void TimeZoneTest::TestDSTSavings() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; // It might be better to find a way to integrate this test into the main TimeZone // tests above, but I don't have time to figure out how to do this (or if it's // even really a good idea). Let's consider that a future. --rtg 1/27/98 SimpleTimeZone *tz = new SimpleTimeZone(-5 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR, "dstSavingsTest", UCAL_MARCH, 1, 0, 0, UCAL_SEPTEMBER, 1, 0, 0, (int32_t)(0.5 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR), status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) errln("couldn't create TimeZone"); if (tz->getRawOffset() != -5 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) errln(UnicodeString("Got back a raw offset of ") + (tz->getRawOffset() / U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) + " hours instead of -5 hours."); if (!tz->useDaylightTime()) errln("Test time zone should use DST but claims it doesn't."); if (tz->getDSTSavings() != 0.5 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) errln(UnicodeString("Set DST offset to 0.5 hour, but got back ") + (tz->getDSTSavings() / U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) + " hours instead."); int32_t offset = tz->getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, 1998, UCAL_JANUARY, 1, UCAL_THURSDAY, 10 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR,status); if (offset != -5 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) errln(UnicodeString("The offset for 10 AM, 1/1/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got ") + (offset / U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) + " hours."); offset = tz->getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, 1998, UCAL_JUNE, 1, UCAL_MONDAY, 10 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR,status); if (offset != -4.5 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) errln(UnicodeString("The offset for 10 AM, 6/1/98 should have been -4.5 hours, but we got ") + (offset / U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) + " hours."); tz->setDSTSavings(U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR, status); offset = tz->getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, 1998, UCAL_JANUARY, 1, UCAL_THURSDAY, 10 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR,status); if (offset != -5 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) errln(UnicodeString("The offset for 10 AM, 1/1/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got ") + (offset / U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) + " hours."); offset = tz->getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, 1998, UCAL_JUNE, 1, UCAL_MONDAY, 10 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR,status); if (offset != -4 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) errln(UnicodeString("The offset for 10 AM, 6/1/98 (with a 1-hour DST offset) should have been -4 hours, but we got ") + (offset / U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) + " hours."); delete tz; } /** * @bug 4107570 */ void TimeZoneTest::TestAlternateRules() { // Like TestDSTSavings, this test should probably be integrated somehow with the main // test at the top of this class, but I didn't have time to figure out how to do that. // --rtg 1/28/98 SimpleTimeZone tz(-5 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR, "alternateRuleTest"); // test the day-of-month API UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; tz.setStartRule(UCAL_MARCH, 10, 12 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR, status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) errln("tz.setStartRule failed"); tz.setEndRule(UCAL_OCTOBER, 20, 12 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR, status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) errln("tz.setStartRule failed"); int32_t offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, 1998, UCAL_MARCH, 5, UCAL_THURSDAY, 10 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR,status); if (offset != -5 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) errln(UnicodeString("The offset for 10AM, 3/5/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got ") + (offset / U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) + " hours."); offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, 1998, UCAL_MARCH, 15, UCAL_SUNDAY, 10 * millisPerHour,status); if (offset != -4 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) errln(UnicodeString("The offset for 10AM, 3/15/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got ") + (offset / U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) + " hours."); offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, 1998, UCAL_OCTOBER, 15, UCAL_THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour,status); if (offset != -4 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) errln(UnicodeString("The offset for 10AM, 10/15/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got ") + (offset / U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) + " hours."); offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, 1998, UCAL_OCTOBER, 25, UCAL_SUNDAY, 10 * millisPerHour,status); if (offset != -5 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) errln(UnicodeString("The offset for 10AM, 10/25/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got ") + (offset / U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) + " hours."); // test the day-of-week-after-day-in-month API tz.setStartRule(UCAL_MARCH, 10, UCAL_FRIDAY, 12 * millisPerHour, TRUE, status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) errln("tz.setStartRule failed"); tz.setEndRule(UCAL_OCTOBER, 20, UCAL_FRIDAY, 12 * millisPerHour, FALSE, status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) errln("tz.setStartRule failed"); offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, 1998, UCAL_MARCH, 11, UCAL_WEDNESDAY, 10 * millisPerHour,status); if (offset != -5 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) errln(UnicodeString("The offset for 10AM, 3/11/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got ") + (offset / U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) + " hours."); offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, 1998, UCAL_MARCH, 14, UCAL_SATURDAY, 10 * millisPerHour,status); if (offset != -4 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) errln(UnicodeString("The offset for 10AM, 3/14/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got ") + (offset / U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) + " hours."); offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, 1998, UCAL_OCTOBER, 15, UCAL_THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour,status); if (offset != -4 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) errln(UnicodeString("The offset for 10AM, 10/15/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got ") + (offset / U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) + " hours."); offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar::AD, 1998, UCAL_OCTOBER, 17, UCAL_SATURDAY, 10 * millisPerHour,status); if (offset != -5 * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) errln(UnicodeString("The offset for 10AM, 10/17/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got ") + (offset / U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR) + " hours."); } /** * Test country code support. Jitterbug 776. */ void TimeZoneTest::TestCountries() { // Make sure America/Los_Angeles is in the "US" group, and // Asia/Tokyo isn't. Vice versa for the "JP" group. UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t n; StringEnumeration* s = TimeZone::createEnumeration("US"); n = s->count(ec); UBool la = FALSE, tokyo = FALSE; UnicodeString laZone("America/Los_Angeles", ""); UnicodeString tokyoZone("Asia/Tokyo", ""); int32_t i; if (s == NULL || n <= 0) { errln("FAIL: TimeZone::createEnumeration() returned nothing"); return; } for (i=0; isnext(ec); if (*id == (laZone)) { la = TRUE; } if (*id == (tokyoZone)) { tokyo = TRUE; } } if (!la || tokyo) { errln("FAIL: " + laZone + " in US = " + la); errln("FAIL: " + tokyoZone + " in US = " + tokyo); } delete s; s = TimeZone::createEnumeration("JP"); n = s->count(ec); la = FALSE; tokyo = FALSE; for (i=0; isnext(ec); if (*id == (laZone)) { la = TRUE; } if (*id == (tokyoZone)) { tokyo = TRUE; } } if (la || !tokyo) { errln("FAIL: " + laZone + " in JP = " + la); errln("FAIL: " + tokyoZone + " in JP = " + tokyo); } StringEnumeration* s1 = TimeZone::createEnumeration("US"); StringEnumeration* s2 = TimeZone::createEnumeration("US"); for(i=0;isnext(ec); if(id1==NULL || U_FAILURE(ec)){ errln("Failed to fetch next from TimeZone enumeration. Length returned : %i Current Index: %i", n,i); } TimeZone* tz1 = TimeZone::createTimeZone(*id1); for(int j=0; jsnext(ec); if(id2==NULL || U_FAILURE(ec)){ errln("Failed to fetch next from TimeZone enumeration. Length returned : %i Current Index: %i", n,i); } TimeZone* tz2 = TimeZone::createTimeZone(*id2); if(tz1->hasSameRules(*tz2)){ logln("ID1 : " + *id1+" == ID2 : " +*id2); } delete tz2; } delete tz1; } delete s1; delete s2; delete s; } void TimeZoneTest::TestHistorical() { const int32_t H = U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR; struct { const char* id; int32_t time; // epoch seconds int32_t offset; // total offset (millis) } DATA[] = { // Add transition points (before/after) as desired to test historical // behavior. {"America/Los_Angeles", 638963999, -8*H}, // Sun Apr 01 01:59:59 GMT-08:00 1990 {"America/Los_Angeles", 638964000, -7*H}, // Sun Apr 01 03:00:00 GMT-07:00 1990 {"America/Los_Angeles", 657104399, -7*H}, // Sun Oct 28 01:59:59 GMT-07:00 1990 {"America/Los_Angeles", 657104400, -8*H}, // Sun Oct 28 01:00:00 GMT-08:00 1990 {"America/Goose_Bay", -116445601, -4*H}, // Sun Apr 24 01:59:59 GMT-04:00 1966 {"America/Goose_Bay", -116445600, -3*H}, // Sun Apr 24 03:00:00 GMT-03:00 1966 {"America/Goose_Bay", -100119601, -3*H}, // Sun Oct 30 01:59:59 GMT-03:00 1966 {"America/Goose_Bay", -100119600, -4*H}, // Sun Oct 30 01:00:00 GMT-04:00 1966 {"America/Goose_Bay", -84391201, -4*H}, // Sun Apr 30 01:59:59 GMT-04:00 1967 {"America/Goose_Bay", -84391200, -3*H}, // Sun Apr 30 03:00:00 GMT-03:00 1967 {"America/Goose_Bay", -68670001, -3*H}, // Sun Oct 29 01:59:59 GMT-03:00 1967 {"America/Goose_Bay", -68670000, -4*H}, // Sun Oct 29 01:00:00 GMT-04:00 1967 {0, 0, 0} }; for (int32_t i=0; DATA[i].id!=0; ++i) { const char* id = DATA[i].id; TimeZone *tz = TimeZone::createTimeZone(id); UnicodeString s; if (tz == 0) { errln("FAIL: Cannot create %s", id); } else if (tz->getID(s) != UnicodeString(id)) { errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: createTimeZone(" + id + ") => " + s); } else { UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t raw, dst; UDate when = (double) DATA[i].time * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND; tz->getOffset(when, FALSE, raw, dst, ec); if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { errln("FAIL: getOffset"); } else if ((raw+dst) != DATA[i].offset) { errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: " + DATA[i].id + ".getOffset(" + //when + " = " + dateToString(when) + ") => " + raw + ", " + dst); } else { logln((UnicodeString)"Ok: " + DATA[i].id + ".getOffset(" + //when + " = " + dateToString(when) + ") => " + raw + ", " + dst); } } delete tz; } } void TimeZoneTest::TestEquivalentIDs() { int32_t n = TimeZone::countEquivalentIDs("PST"); if (n < 2) { errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: countEquivalentIDs(PST) = " + n); } else { UBool sawLA = FALSE; for (int32_t i=0; i