#include "sortedlines.h" static int codePointCmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return u_strcmp((*(Line **)a)->name, (*(Line **)b)->name); } SortedLines::SortedLines(const UnicodeSet &set, const UnicodeSet &excludeBounds, const StrengthProbe &probe, UPrinter *logger, UPrinter *debug) : toSort(NULL), toSortCapacity(0), lines(NULL), size(0), capacity(0), repertoire(set), excludeBounds(excludeBounds), probe(probe), first(NULL), last(NULL), logger(logger), debug(debug), contractionsTable(NULL), duplicators(NULL), maxExpansionPrefixSize(0), wordSort(FALSE), frenchSecondary(FALSE), upperFirst(FALSE), sortkeys(NULL), sortkeyOffset(0) { memset(UB, 0, sizeof(UB)); int32_t i = 0; for(i = 0; i < UCOL_OFF; i++) { UB[i] = ∅ } init(); } SortedLines::~SortedLines() { delete[] lines; if(sortkeys) { delete[] sortkeys; } if(toSort) { delete[] toSort; } if(contractionsTable) { delete contractionsTable; } if(duplicators) { delete duplicators; } } void SortedLines::getBounds(UErrorCode &status) { // first sort through the set debug->log(toString(), TRUE); int32_t i = 0, j = 0; UColAttributeValue strength = UCOL_OFF; for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { if(toSort[i]->strengthFromEmpty < strength) { if(i && strength < UCOL_OFF) { //u_strcpy(UB[strength], toSort[i-1]->name); j = 1; while(excludeBounds.contains(UnicodeString(toSort[i-j]->name, toSort[i-j]->len))) { j++; } UB[strength] = toSort[i-j]; } strength = toSort[i]->strengthFromEmpty; if(strength == UCOL_PRIMARY) { probe.SE = toSort[i]->name[0]; } } } //u_strcpy(UB[strength], toSort[size-1]->name); // a different solution for bounds: go from end and see if the guys on the top // cause duplication for things UChar dupch[] = { 0x0020, 0x0030, 0x0042, 0x0051, 0x0062, 0x0071, 0x0391, 0x0396, 0x03b1, 0x03b6 }; j = 1; Line dup; Line bound; int32_t dups = 0; while(j < size) { dups = 0; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(dupch)/sizeof(dupch[0]); i++) { dup.setTo(dupch[i]); dup.append(dupch[i]); bound.setTo(dupch[i]); bound.append(toSort[size-j]->name, toSort[size-j]->len); if(probe.getStrength(dup, bound) >= UCOL_IDENTICAL) { dups++; } } if(dups == 0) { break; } else { if(!duplicators) { duplicators = new Hashtable(); } duplicators->put(UnicodeString(toSort[size-j]->name, toSort[size-j]->len), &toSort[size-j], status); debug->log(toSort[size-j]->toString()); debug->log(" is not good enough to be an upper bound\n"); j++; } } if(j == size) { debug->log("Oi! I'm hallucinating. Will use the first upper bound"); delete duplicators; duplicators = NULL; j = 1; } /* j = 1; while(excludeBounds.contains(UnicodeString(toSort[size-j]->name, toSort[size-j]->len))) { j++; } */ UB[strength] = toSort[size-j]; for(i = 0; i < UCOL_OFF; i++) { if(UB[i]) { //debug->log(UB[i], TRUE); debug->log(UB[i]->toString(TRUE), TRUE); } } } // classifies repertoire according to the strength of their difference // from the empty string void SortedLines::classifyRepertoire() { UColAttributeValue strongestStrengthFromEmpty = UCOL_OFF; int32_t lastChange = 0; int32_t i = 0, j = 0; while(i < size) // && probe.distanceFromEmptyString(*toSort[i]) > UCOL_PRIMARY) { toSort[i]->strengthFromEmpty = probe.distanceFromEmptyString(*toSort[i]); if(toSort[i]->strengthFromEmpty < strongestStrengthFromEmpty) { strongestStrengthFromEmpty = toSort[i]->strengthFromEmpty; lastChange = i; } else if (toSort[i]->strengthFromEmpty > strongestStrengthFromEmpty) { // there is a problem in detection. Most probably a quaternary. // why don't we try to interpolate UColAttributeValue nextStrength = UCOL_OFF; UColAttributeValue prevStrength = UCOL_OFF; UColAttributeValue st = UCOL_OFF; logger->log("Interpolating to get the distance from empty for Line "); logger->log(toSort[i]->toString(TRUE), TRUE); if(i) { st = probe.getStrength(*toSort[i-1], *toSort[i]); if(st == UCOL_OFF) { logger->log("Cannot deduce distance from empty using previous element. Something is very wrong! Line:"); logger->log(toSort[i]->toString(TRUE), TRUE); } else if(st == UCOL_IDENTICAL || st >= toSort[i-1]->strengthFromEmpty) { prevStrength = toSort[i-1]->strengthFromEmpty; } else if(st < toSort[i-1]->strengthFromEmpty) { prevStrength = st; } toSort[i]->strengthFromEmpty = prevStrength; } if(i < size-2) { toSort[i+1]->strengthFromEmpty = probe.distanceFromEmptyString(*toSort[i+1]); st = probe.getStrength(*toSort[i+1], *toSort[i]); if(st == UCOL_OFF) { logger->log("Cannot deduce distance from empty using next element. Something is very wrong! Line:"); logger->log(toSort[i]->toString(TRUE), TRUE); } else if(st == UCOL_IDENTICAL || st < toSort[i+1]->strengthFromEmpty) { nextStrength = toSort[i+1]->strengthFromEmpty; } else if(st >= toSort[i+1]->strengthFromEmpty) { nextStrength = st; } if(i) { if(prevStrength != nextStrength) { logger->log("Inconsistent results from interpolation! Results will most likely be wrong\n"); } } toSort[i]->strengthFromEmpty = nextStrength; } /* UColAttributeValue problemStrength = UCOL_PRIMARY; for(j = lastChange; j < i ; j++) { if(toSort[j]->strength > problemStrength) { problemStrength = toSort[j]->strength; } } for(j = lastChange; j < i ; j++) { toSort[j]->strengthFromEmpty = problemStrength; } strongestStrengthFromEmpty = toSort[i]->strengthFromEmpty; lastChange = i; debug->log("Problem detected in distances from empty. Most probably word sort is on\n"); */ wordSort = TRUE; } i++; } debug->log("Distances from empty string\n"); debug->log(toStringFromEmpty(), TRUE); } void SortedLines::analyse(UErrorCode &status) { frenchSecondary = probe.isFrenchSecondary(status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { logger->log("Test for French secondary failed. Bailing out!\n"); return; } logger->log("French secondary value is %i\n", frenchSecondary, frenchSecondary); upperFirst = probe.isUpperFirst(status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { logger->log("Test for upper first failed. Bailing out!\n"); return; } logger->log("upper first value is %i\n", upperFirst, upperFirst); sort(TRUE, TRUE); classifyRepertoire(); getBounds(status); //sort(TRUE, TRUE); addContractionsToRepertoire(status); //sort(TRUE, TRUE); debug->log("\n*** Order after detecting contractions\n\n"); calculateSortKeys(); debug->log(toPrettyString(FALSE, TRUE), TRUE); detectExpansions(); } void SortedLines::init() { size = repertoire.size(); capacity = 5*size; lines = new Line[capacity]; init(repertoire, lines); } void SortedLines::init(UnicodeSet &rep, Line *lin) { UnicodeSetIterator exemplarUSetIter(rep); int32_t size = 0; while(exemplarUSetIter.next()) { Line *currLine = lin+size; if(exemplarUSetIter.isString()) { // process a string currLine->setTo(exemplarUSetIter.getString()); } else { // process code point currLine->setTo(exemplarUSetIter.getCodepoint()); } currLine->name[currLine->len] = 0; // zero terminate, for our evil ways //currLine->index = size; size++; } } void SortedLines::setSortingArray(Line **sortingArray, Line *elements, int32_t sizeToSort) { int32_t i = 0; for(i = 0; i < sizeToSort; i++) { sortingArray[i] = &elements[i]; } } int32_t SortedLines::setSortingArray(Line **sortingArray, Hashtable *table) { int32_t size = table->count(); int32_t hashIndex = -1; const UHashElement *hashElement = NULL; int32_t count = 0; while((hashElement = table->nextElement(hashIndex)) != NULL) { sortingArray[count++] = (Line *)hashElement->value.pointer; } return size; } void SortedLines::sort(Line **sortingArray, int32_t sizeToSort, UBool setStrengths, UBool link) { int32_t i = 0; int32_t equalStart = 0; UColAttributeValue equalStrength = UCOL_OFF; qsort(sortingArray, sizeToSort, sizeof(Line *), probe.comparer); if(setStrengths) { // analyze strengths for(i = 1; i < sizeToSort; i++) { sortingArray[i]->strength = probe.getStrength(*sortingArray[i-1], *sortingArray[i]); } // for equal guys, do the code point ordering i = 1; while(i < sizeToSort) { if(sortingArray[i]->strength == UCOL_IDENTICAL) { equalStart = i - 1; equalStrength = sortingArray[equalStart]->strength; sortingArray[equalStart]->strength = UCOL_IDENTICAL; while(i < sizeToSort && sortingArray[i]->strength == UCOL_IDENTICAL) { i++; } qsort(sortingArray+equalStart, i-equalStart, sizeof(Line *), codePointCmp); sortingArray[equalStart]->strength = equalStrength; } else { i++; } } } if(link) { // do the linking for(i = 0; i < sizeToSort - 1; i++) { Line *curr = *(sortingArray+i); curr->next = *(sortingArray+i+1); (*(sortingArray+i+1))->previous = curr; } } } void SortedLines::sort(UBool setStrengths, UBool link) { if(toSortCapacity < size || !toSort) { if(toSort) { delete[] toSort; } toSort = new Line*[size*2]; toSortCapacity = size*2; } setSortingArray(toSort, lines, size); sort(toSort, size, setStrengths, link); first = last = NULL; if(link) { // do the linking first = *toSort; last = *(toSort+size-1); } } void SortedLines::updateBounds(UnicodeSet &set) { Line line; UnicodeString s1; UnicodeSetIterator it1(set); while(it1.next()) { if(!debug->isOn()) { logger->log("."); } if(it1.isString()) { // process a string s1.setTo(it1.getString()); } else { // process code point s1.setTo(it1.getCodepoint()); } //line.setTo(s1); UColAttributeValue strength = probe.distanceFromEmptyString(s1); if(probe.compare(UnicodeString(UB[strength]->name), s1) < 0) { // TODO: leak here - fixit! UB[strength] = new Line(s1); //u_strcpy(UB[strength], s1.getTerminatedBuffer()); } } } void SortedLines::addAll(Line* toAdd, int32_t toAddSize) { if(size+toAddSize > capacity) { int32_t doGrowingBreakpoint = 0; // we need to do growing here } int32_t i = 0; for(i = 0; i < toAddSize; i++) { lines[size+i] = toAdd[i]; } size += toAddSize; } void SortedLines::setDistancesFromEmpty(Line* array, int32_t arraySize) { int32_t i = 0; for(i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { array[i].strengthFromEmpty = probe.distanceFromEmptyString(array[i]); } } // adds contractions in to repertoire int32_t SortedLines::addContractionsToRepertoire(UErrorCode &status) { logger->log("\n*** Detecting contractions\n\n"); contractionsTable = new Hashtable(); int32_t noConts = 0; int32_t allocateSize = 50*size; // first check for simple contractions Line* delta = new Line[allocateSize]; Line** deltaSorted = new Line*[allocateSize]; Line* lesserToAddTo = new Line[allocateSize]; Line* newDelta = new Line[allocateSize]; Line** newDeltaSorted = new Line*[allocateSize]; Line* deltaP = delta; Line** deltaPP = deltaSorted; Line* newDeltaP = newDelta; int32_t deltaSize = 0, lesserToAddToSize = 0, newDeltaSize = 0; logger->log("++ Contraction detection generation 0\n"); noConts = detectContractions(toSort, size, toSort, size, delta, deltaSize, lesserToAddTo, lesserToAddToSize, 3*size, status); setSortingArray(deltaSorted, delta, deltaSize); sort(deltaSorted, deltaSize, TRUE); setDistancesFromEmpty(delta, deltaSize); int32_t deltaPSize = deltaSize; //updateBounds(delta); int32_t generation = 0; // if we found any, we have to try multiple contractions // However, we want to prevent the contractions explosion // if the number of simple contractions is greater than the // starting size, chances are that we either have an algorithmic // contraction (like iteration marks on w2k) or something // is seriosly wrong. if(deltaPSize < size/2) { while (deltaPSize && generation < 1) { generation++; logger->log("\n++ Contraction detection generation %i\n", generation, generation); // find more, but avoid testing the combinations we already have noConts += detectContractions(toSort, size, deltaPP, deltaPSize, newDeltaP, newDeltaSize, lesserToAddTo, lesserToAddToSize, 3*size, status); noConts += detectContractions(deltaPP, deltaPSize, toSort, size, newDeltaP, newDeltaSize, lesserToAddTo, lesserToAddToSize, 3*size, status); calculateSortKeys(); addAll(deltaP, deltaPSize); setSortingArray(toSort, lines, size); sort(TRUE, TRUE); setSortingArray(newDeltaSorted, newDeltaP, newDeltaSize); sort(newDeltaSorted, newDeltaSize, TRUE); // if no new ones, bail //if (newDeltaSize == 0) break; deltaPSize = newDeltaSize; newDeltaSize = 0; if(deltaP == delta) { deltaP = newDelta; deltaPP = newDeltaSorted; newDeltaP = delta; } else { deltaP = delta; deltaPP = deltaSorted; newDeltaP = newDelta; } setDistancesFromEmpty(deltaP, deltaPSize); } } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; // add stuff from the last batch addAll(deltaP, deltaPSize); // warning: we don't add the lesser ones in recursively, since they will // infinitely loop setDistancesFromEmpty(lesserToAddTo, lesserToAddToSize); addAll(lesserToAddTo, lesserToAddToSize); setSortingArray(toSort, lines, size); sort(TRUE, TRUE); delete[] deltaSorted; delete[] delta; delete[] lesserToAddTo; delete[] newDeltaSorted; delete[] newDelta; return noConts; } int32_t SortedLines::detectContractions(Line **firstRep, int32_t firstSize, Line **secondRep, int32_t secondSize, Line *toAddTo, int32_t &toAddToSize, Line *lesserToAddTo, int32_t &lesserToAddToSize, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode &status) { int32_t noConts = 0; int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; Line lower, upper, trial, toAdd, helper; UChar32 firstStart, firstEnd, secondStart; UChar NFCTrial[256]; int32_t NFCTrialLen = 0; UBool thai; i = -1; while(i < firstSize-1 && U_SUCCESS(status)) { i++; if(!debug->isOn()) { logger->log("\rTesting %05i/%05i. Found %05i conts.", i, firstSize, noConts); } U16_GET(firstRep[i]->name, 0, 0, firstRep[i]->len, firstStart); if(uscript_getScript(firstStart, &status) == USCRIPT_HAN || firstRep[i]->strengthFromEmpty > UCOL_PRIMARY) //UCOL_TERTIARY) { continue; } lower = *firstRep[i]; for(j = 0; j < secondSize; j++) { if(noConts == capacity) { return noConts; } U16_GET(secondRep[j]->name, 0, 0, secondRep[j]->len, secondStart); if(firstStart == 0x41 && secondStart == 0x308) { int32_t putBreakPointHere = 0; } if(uscript_getScript(secondStart, &status) == USCRIPT_HAN) // || secondRep[j]->strengthFromEmpty > UCOL_TERTIARY) { continue; } if(duplicators && duplicators->get(UnicodeString(secondRep[j]->name, secondRep[j]->len)) != NULL) { debug->log("Skipping duplicator "); debug->log(secondRep[j]->toString(), TRUE); continue; } if(firstRep[i]->name[0] == 0x61 && secondRep[j]->name[0] == 0x308) { int32_t putBreakpointhere = 0; } upper.setToConcat(firstRep[i], UB[UCOL_PRIMARY]); //upper.setToConcat(firstRep[i], UB[secondRep[j]->strengthFromEmpty]); toAdd.setToConcat(firstRep[i], secondRep[j]); U16_GET(firstRep[i]->name, 0, firstRep[i]->len-1, firstRep[i]->len, firstEnd); if((thai = u_hasBinaryProperty(firstEnd, UCHAR_LOGICAL_ORDER_EXCEPTION))) { // this means that the lower is single reordering character // if we do the lower test without taking this into account, // we'll comparing the secondRep directly to Thai. We add UB[UCOL_PRIMARY] to // end of lower and in the middle of trial, so we will have // lower = Thai + UB, trial Thai + UB + x, resolving to // UB + Thai vs UB + Thai + x. // for upper bound, we do the similar, so we have // upper = Thai + UB + UB, trial = Thai + UB + x, // resolving to UB + Thai + UB vs UB + Thai + x if(secondRep[j]->firstCC) { UChar32 UBChar; U16_GET(UB[UCOL_SECONDARY]->name, 0, 0, UB[UCOL_SECONDARY]->len, UBChar); if(secondRep[j]->firstCC > u_getCombiningClass(UBChar)) { continue; } } upper = *firstRep[i]; upper.append(*UB[UCOL_PRIMARY]); //upper.append(*UB[secondRep[j]->strengthFromEmpty]); upper.append(*UB[UCOL_PRIMARY]); lower.append(*UB[UCOL_PRIMARY]); trial = *firstRep[i]; trial.append(*UB[UCOL_PRIMARY]); trial.append(*secondRep[j]); } else if((firstRep[i]->lastCC > secondRep[j]->firstCC && secondRep[j]->firstCC && !frenchSecondary) || (firstRep[i]->firstCC < secondRep[j]->lastCC && firstRep[i]->firstCC && frenchSecondary)) { // Skip because normalization will reorder // there will be a chance to check this again, since if we // try a+b, we will also try b+a continue; } else if(frenchSecondary && (firstRep[i]->strengthFromEmpty > UCOL_PRIMARY && secondRep[j]->strengthFromEmpty > UCOL_PRIMARY)) { continue; }else if(firstRep[i]->lastCC && secondRep[j]->firstCC && frenchSecondary) { trial.setToConcat(secondRep[j], firstRep[i]); } else { trial.setToConcat(firstRep[i], secondRep[j]); } // Now let's check the trial. The problem is that when you combine characters, // you can end up with concatenation that is unknown for the examined API. NFCTrialLen = unorm_normalize(trial.name, trial.len, UNORM_NFC, 0, NFCTrial, 256, &status); if((u_strcmp(trial.name, NFCTrial) == 0) || u_strFindLast(NFCTrial, NFCTrialLen, secondRep[j]->name, secondRep[j]->len)) { if(secondRep[j]->strengthFromEmpty > UCOL_TERTIARY) { continue; } } UChar32 c; U16_GET(NFCTrial, 0, 0, NFCTrialLen, c); helper.setTo(c); if(probe.distanceFromEmptyString(helper) > UCOL_TERTIARY) { continue; } if(NFCTrialLen > 1) { U16_GET(NFCTrial, 0, NFCTrialLen-1, NFCTrialLen, c); helper.setTo(c); if(probe.distanceFromEmptyString(helper) > UCOL_TERTIARY) { continue; } } if (probe.compare(lower, trial) >= 0) { // if lower is bigger than trial // this might be ok, but I'm having doubts. Here is an additional check: if(firstRep[i]->len == 1 || secondRep[j]->strengthFromEmpty == UCOL_PRIMARY) { // I'm basically saying that I'll add this kind of contraction for cases where I combine // one letter with an accent OR when I'm combining more than one symbol with a letter. noteContraction("L", lesserToAddTo, lesserToAddToSize, firstRep[i], secondRep[j], noConts, status); } } else if (probe.compare(trial, upper) > 0) { // trial is bigger than upper?? noteContraction("U", toAddTo, toAddToSize, firstRep[i], secondRep[j], noConts, status); } #if 0 else if(firstRep[i]->strengthFromEmpty == UCOL_PRIMARY) { Line expansionLine; if(getExpansionLine(trial, *firstRep[i], *secondRep[j], expansionLine) && expansionLine.len && !(expansionLine == *secondRep[j])) { noteContraction("D", toAddTo, toAddToSize, firstRep[i], secondRep[j], noConts, status); } } #endif else if(firstRep[i]->strengthFromEmpty == UCOL_PRIMARY && probe.getStrength(lower, trial) < secondRep[j]->strengthFromEmpty) { noteContraction("D1", toAddTo, toAddToSize, firstRep[i], secondRep[j], noConts, status); } else if (firstRep[i]->strengthFromEmpty == UCOL_PRIMARY && secondRep[j]->strengthFromEmpty == UCOL_PRIMARY) { // I have added an additional check. The checks versus upper and lower bound should be sufficient // when the right side is a combining mark. There might be a reordering of combining marks, but // that should be already visible in their order. // compare the sequence // Y- firstCC || firstRep[i]->lastCC < secondRep[j-1]->firstCC) && !frenchSecondary) ||((!firstRep[i]->firstCC || firstRep[i]->firstCC > secondRep[j-1]->lastCC) && frenchSecondary)) { xym.setToConcat(firstRep[i], secondRep[j-1]); toAdd.strength = probe.getStrength(xym, toAdd); if(secondRep[j]->strength != toAdd.strength) { // there is possibility that either xym or xy are contractions // There are two situations: // xym > xy or xym =0 && secondRep[k]->strength > secondRep[j]->strength) { k--; } while(!toAddIsContraction && k>=0) { xyp.setToConcat(firstRep[i], secondRep[k]); if(contractionsTable->get(UnicodeString(xyp.name, xyp.len)) != NULL) { k--; continue; } if(probe.compare(xyp, xym) >= 0) { // xyp looks like a contraction noteContraction("!1", toAddTo, toAddToSize, firstRep[i], secondRep[j], noConts, status); toAddIsContraction = TRUE; } else { break; } } // first let's see if xym has moved beyond if(contractionsTable->get(UnicodeString(xym.name, xym.len)) == NULL) { k = j+1; // ignore weaker strengths while(k < secondSize && secondRep[k]->strength > secondRep[j]->strength) { k++; } // check if we skipped the following guy if(k < secondSize) { xyp.setToConcat(firstRep[i], secondRep[k]); if(probe.compare(xyp, xym) <= 0) { // xyp looks like a contraction noteContraction("!2", toAddTo, toAddToSize, firstRep[i], secondRep[j-1], noConts, status); xymIsContraction = TRUE; } } } else { xymIsContraction = TRUE; } // if they have reordered, but none has moved, then we add them both // and hope for the best if(!xymIsContraction && !toAddIsContraction) { // it is possible that there is an NFC version version of one of the // strings. If we have XY > XZ, but NFC(XZ) = W and X < W, we might have // have a false contraction. trial.len = unorm_normalize(toAdd.name, toAdd.len, UNORM_NFC, 0, trial.name, 25, &status); //UColAttributeValue strength = probe.getStrength(*firstRep[i], trial); if(trial == toAdd) { noteContraction("!3", toAddTo, toAddToSize, firstRep[i], secondRep[j-1], noConts, status); noteContraction("!3", toAddTo, toAddToSize, firstRep[i], secondRep[j], noConts, status); } else { noteContraction("!4", toAddTo, toAddToSize, firstRep[i], secondRep[j], noConts, status); } } } else { // only the strength has changed // check whether the previous is contraction and if not, add the current if(contractionsTable->get(UnicodeString(xym.name, xym.len)) == NULL) { noteContraction("!5", toAddTo, toAddToSize, firstRep[i], secondRep[j], noConts, status); } } } } } } if(thai) { // restore lower lower = *firstRep[i]; } } } return noConts; } void SortedLines::noteContraction(const char* msg, Line *toAddTo, int32_t &toAddToSize, Line *left, Line *right, int32_t &noConts, UErrorCode &status) { Line toAdd; toAdd.setToConcat(left, right); toAdd.left = left; toAdd.right = right; // if we're adding an accent to an existing contraction, we want to check #if 0 Line test, trial1, trial2; if(right->strengthFromEmpty > UCOL_PRIMARY) { if(left->right && left->right->previous && left->right->next) { test.setToConcat(left->left, left->right->previous); trial1.setToConcat(&test, right); test.setToConcat(left->left, left->right->next); trial2.setToConcat(&test, right); if(probe.compare(trial1, toAdd) < 0 && probe.compare(toAdd, trial2) < 0) { // this means that the contraction has been broken by the newly added accent // so while 'ch' is contraction, 'ch'+dot_above sorts between 'cg'+dot_above and 'ci'+dot_above debug->log("Con -"); debug->log(msg); debug->log(toAdd.toString(FALSE), TRUE); return; } } else { if(right->previous && right->next) { trial1.setToConcat(left, right->previous); trial2.setToConcat(left, right->next); if(probe.compare(trial1, toAdd) < 0 && probe.compare(toAdd, trial2) < 0) { // this means that the contraction has been broken by the newly added accent // so while 'ch' is contraction, 'ch'+dot_above sorts between 'cg'+dot_above and 'ci'+dot_above debug->log("Con -"); debug->log(msg); debug->log(toAdd.toString(FALSE), TRUE); return; } } if(left->previous && left->next) { trial1.setToConcat(left->previous, right); trial2.setToConcat(left->next, right); if(probe.compare(trial1, toAdd) < 0 && probe.compare(toAdd, trial2) < 0) { // this means that the contraction has been broken by the newly added accent // so while 'ch' is contraction, 'ch'+dot_above sorts between 'cg'+dot_above and 'ci'+dot_above debug->log("Con -"); debug->log(msg); debug->log(toAdd.toString(FALSE), TRUE); return; } } } } if(right->right && right->right->strengthFromEmpty > UCOL_PRIMARY && right->left->previous && right->left->next) { // maybe we already had a contraction with an accent test.setToConcat(right->left->previous, right->right); trial1.setToConcat(left, &test); test.setToConcat(right->left->next, right->right); trial2.setToConcat(left, &test); if(probe.compare(trial1, toAdd) < 0 && probe.compare(toAdd, trial2) < 0) { // this means that the contraction has been broken by the newly added accent // so while 'ch' is contraction, 'ch'+dot_above sorts between 'cg'+dot_above and 'ci'+dot_above debug->log("Con -"); debug->log(msg); debug->log(toAdd.toString(FALSE), TRUE); return; } } #endif if(contractionsTable->get(UnicodeString(toAdd.name, toAdd.len)) == NULL) { if(probe.distanceFromEmptyString(toAdd) <= UCOL_TERTIARY) { toAddTo[toAddToSize++] = toAdd; contractionsTable->put(UnicodeString(toAdd.name, toAdd.len), &toAdd, status); noConts++; debug->log(msg); debug->log(" Con + "); debug->log(toAdd.toString(FALSE), TRUE); if(!left->sortKey) { calculateSortKey(*left); } debug->log(left->dumpSortkey()); debug->log(" + "); if(!right->sortKey) { calculateSortKey(*right); } debug->log(right->dumpSortkey()); debug->log(" = "); calculateSortKey(toAdd); debug->log(toAdd.dumpSortkey(), TRUE); if(noConts > size/2) { status = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR; } } } } UBool SortedLines::getExpansionLine(const Line &expansion, const Line &previous, const Line &exp, Line &expansionLine) { int expIndexSize = 0; UColAttributeValue expStrength = UCOL_OFF; int32_t comparisonResult = 0; int32_t i = 0, k = 0, prevK = 0; Line trial; UBool sequenceCompleted = FALSE; int32_t expIndexes[256]; int32_t expIndexesSize = 0; if(!sequenceCompleted) { expIndexSize = 0; expansionLine.clear(); // we will start from strength between the expansion // and the target (toSort[i] and toSort[j]. First we // will add as many primaries as possible. Then we will // try to add secondary pieces and then tertiary. // found an expansion - what is the expanding sequence? expStrength = UCOL_PRIMARY; while(!sequenceCompleted) { k = 0; prevK = 0; while(k < size) { if(expansionLine.len > 15) { sequenceCompleted = TRUE; break; } while(k < size && toSort[k]->strength != UCOL_PRIMARY) { k++; } // nothing found if(k == size) { break; } // we need to skip over reordering things. If they were worthy, they would // have been detected in the previous iteration. //if(expansionLine.lastCC && toSort[k]->firstCC && expansionLine.lastCC > toSort[k]->firstCC) { //k++; //continue; //} trial = previous; trial.append(expansionLine); trial.append(*toSort[k]); if(toSort[k]->name[0] == 0x0067) { int32_t putBreakPointHere = 0; } comparisonResult = probe.compare(trial, expansion); if(comparisonResult == 0) { expansionLine = *toSort[k]; return TRUE; } else if (comparisonResult > 0) { if(prevK) { if(exp == *toSort[prevK]) { expansionLine = exp; return TRUE; } i = prevK; while(i < k-1) { i++; if(toSort[i]->strength > exp.strength) { continue; } trial = previous; trial.append(expansionLine); trial.append(*toSort[i]); if(probe.compare(trial, expansion) > 0) { break; } } // we got into situation where we have ch > ch+dot-below // however, ch is a contraction and therefore we cannot use // it properly. If we have hit on a contraction, we'll just try // to continue. Probably need more logic here. if(contractionsTable->get(UnicodeString(trial.name, trial.len)) == NULL) { expansionLine.append(*toSort[i-1]); expIndexes[expIndexSize++] = i-1; break; } else { int32_t putBreakPointHere = 0; } } else { sequenceCompleted = TRUE; break; } //break; } prevK = k; k++; } if(!prevK || k == size) { break; } } } return expIndexSize > 0; } int32_t SortedLines::gooseUp(int32_t resetIndex, int32_t expansionIndex, Line &expLine, int32_t *expIndexes, int32_t &expIndexSize, UColAttributeValue strength) { int32_t i = expansionIndex, k = resetIndex+1, n = 0, m = 0, start = 0; UBool haveChanges = FALSE; Line trial, prefix, suffix; // we will first try goosing up the reset index //while(toSort[k]->strength >= strength) for( ; toSort[k]->strength == strength; k++) { //if(toSort[k]->strength > strength) { //continue; //} trial.setToConcat(toSort[k], &expLine); if(probe.compare(trial, *toSort[i]) > 0) { break; } } resetIndex = k-1; // goose up individual characters prefix = *toSort[resetIndex]; for(n = 0; n < expIndexSize; n++) { suffix.clear(); for(m = n+1; m < expIndexSize; m++) { suffix.append(*toSort[expIndexes[m]]); } k = expIndexes[n]+1; //while(toSort[k]->strength >= strength) for( ; toSort[k]->strength == strength; k++) { //if(toSort[k]->strength > strength) { //continue; //} trial.setToConcat(&prefix, toSort[k]); trial.append(suffix); if(probe.compare(trial, *toSort[i]) > 0) { break; } } if(k > expIndexes[n]+1) { haveChanges = TRUE; expIndexes[n] = k-1; } prefix.append(*toSort[expIndexes[n]]); } // try inserting ingorables UColAttributeValue lastStr = UCOL_OFF; k = 0; while(toSort[k]->strengthFromEmpty > strength) { k++; } if(toSort[k]->strengthFromEmpty == strength) { start = k; prefix = *toSort[resetIndex]; n = 0; while(n <= expIndexSize) { suffix.clear(); for(m = n; m < expIndexSize; m++) { suffix.append(*toSort[expIndexes[m]]); } k = start; while(toSort[k]->strengthFromEmpty == strength) { trial.setToConcat(&prefix, toSort[k]); trial.append(suffix); lastStr = probe.getStrength(trial, *toSort[i]); if(lastStr == UCOL_OFF) { // shot over - we won't find anything here break; } else if(lastStr > strength) { for(m = expIndexSize; m > n; m--) { expIndexes[m] = expIndexes[m-1]; } expIndexes[n] = k; expIndexSize++; haveChanges = TRUE; break; } #if 0 if(probe.compare(trial, *toSort[i]) > 0) { // if the first one skips, that means that // this position doesn't work if(k > start) { // insert an ignorable on position n for(m = expIndexSize; m > n; m--) { expIndexes[m] = expIndexes[m-1]; } expIndexes[n] = k-1; expIndexSize++; haveChanges = TRUE; if(n == expIndexSize-1) { // added to the end of the string UColAttributeValue str = probe.getStrength(trial, *toSort[i]); int32_t putBreakHere = 0; } } break; } else { lastStr = probe.getStrength(trial, *toSort[i]); } #endif k++; } prefix.append(*toSort[expIndexes[n]]); n++; } } if(haveChanges) { expLine.clear(); for(m = 0; m < expIndexSize; m++) { expLine.append(*toSort[expIndexes[m]]); } } return resetIndex; } int32_t SortedLines::detectExpansions() { logger->log("\n*** Detecting expansions\n\n"); int32_t exCount = 0; int32_t i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, prevK = 0; Line *previous, trial, expansionLine; UBool foundExp = FALSE, sequenceCompleted = FALSE; UColAttributeValue strength = UCOL_OFF; UColAttributeValue maxStrength = UCOL_IDENTICAL; UColAttributeValue expStrength = UCOL_OFF; int32_t expIndexes[256]; int32_t expIndexSize = 0; memset(expIndexes, 0, sizeof(expIndexes)); // for each element, we look back to find whether there is such a q for which // q strengthFromEmpty > UCOL_PRIMARY) { i++; } i++; for( ; i < size; i++) { if(toSort[i]->name[0]==0x0063 && toSort[i]->name[1] == 0x68) // && toSort[i]->name[1] == 0x308)0043 0043 0219 { int32_t putBreakpointhere = 0; } foundExp = FALSE; sequenceCompleted = FALSE; strength = toSort[i]->strength; if(strength == UCOL_IDENTICAL && toSort[i-1]->isExpansion == TRUE) { u_strcpy(toSort[i]->expansionString, toSort[i-1]->expansionString); toSort[i]->expLen = toSort[i-1]->expLen; toSort[i]->isExpansion = TRUE; toSort[i]->expIndex = toSort[i-1]->expIndex; toSort[i]->expStrength = UCOL_IDENTICAL; //toSort[i]->expStrength = toSort[i-1]->expStrength; foundExp = TRUE; sequenceCompleted = TRUE; } //logger->log("%i %i\n", i, j); while(!foundExp && strength <= maxStrength) { j = i-1; while(j && (toSort[j]->isExpansion == TRUE || toSort[j]->isRemoved == TRUE)) { //if(toSort[j]->strength < strength) { //strength = toSort[j]->strength; //} j--; } //while(j && toSort[j]->strength > strength) while(j && toSort[j]->strength > probe.getStrength(*toSort[j], *toSort[i])) { j--; } //if(toSort[j]->strength == strength) { previous = toSort[j]; if(previous->strengthFromEmpty >= UCOL_IDENTICAL || (previous->strengthFromEmpty == UCOL_SECONDARY && strength == UCOL_SECONDARY && previous->lastCC > UB[strength]->firstCC)) { break; //continue; } //trial.setToConcat(previous, UB[strength]); trial.setToConcat(previous, UB[probe.getStrength(*toSort[j], *toSort[i])]); if(probe.compare(trial, *toSort[i]) > 0) { foundExp = TRUE; } //} if(strength == UCOL_QUATERNARY) { strength = UCOL_IDENTICAL; } else { strength = (UColAttributeValue)(strength + 1); } } // calculate the expanding sequence if(foundExp && !sequenceCompleted) { expIndexSize = 0; expansionLine.clear(); exCount++; // we will start from strength between the expansion // and the target (toSort[i] and toSort[j]. First we // will add as many primaries as possible. Then we will // try to add secondary pieces and then tertiary. // found an expansion - what is the expanding sequence? expStrength = UCOL_PRIMARY; while(!sequenceCompleted) { k = 0; prevK = 0; while(k < size) { if(expansionLine.len > 15) { sequenceCompleted = TRUE; break; } while(k < size && toSort[k]->strength != UCOL_PRIMARY) { k++; } // nothing found if(k == size) { break; } // we need to skip over reordering things. If they were worthy, they would // have been detected in the previous iteration. //if(expansionLine.lastCC && toSort[k]->firstCC && expansionLine.lastCC > toSort[k]->firstCC) { //k++; //continue; //} trial = *previous; trial.append(expansionLine); trial.append(*toSort[k]); if(toSort[k]->name[0] == 0x0067) { int32_t putBreakPointHere = 0; } if(probe.compare(trial, *toSort[i]) > 0) { if(prevK) { // we got into situation where we have ch > ch+dot-below // however, ch is a contraction and therefore we cannot use // it properly. If we have hit on a contraction, we'll just try // to continue. Probably need more logic here. if(contractionsTable->get(UnicodeString(trial.name, trial.len)) == NULL) { expansionLine.append(*toSort[prevK]); expIndexes[expIndexSize++] = prevK; break; } else { int32_t putBreakPointHere = 0; } } else { sequenceCompleted = TRUE; break; } //break; } prevK = k; k++; } if(!prevK || k == size) { break; } } // after this we have primaries lined up. // we are going to goose up with secondaries and // tertiaries trial.setToConcat(toSort[j], &expansionLine); expStrength = probe.getStrength(trial, *toSort[i]); if(expStrength > UCOL_PRIMARY) { if(expStrength == UCOL_SECONDARY || expStrength == UCOL_OFF) { j = gooseUp(j, i, expansionLine, expIndexes, expIndexSize, UCOL_SECONDARY); trial.setToConcat(toSort[j], &expansionLine); expStrength = probe.getStrength(trial, *toSort[i]); if(expStrength == UCOL_TERTIARY) { j = gooseUp(j, i, expansionLine, expIndexes, expIndexSize, UCOL_TERTIARY); } } else if(expStrength == UCOL_TERTIARY) { j = gooseUp(j, i, expansionLine, expIndexes, expIndexSize, UCOL_TERTIARY); } } trial.setToConcat(toSort[j], &expansionLine); expStrength = probe.getStrength(trial, *toSort[i]); if(expansionLine.len) { if(expansionLine.name[0] == 0x73 && expansionLine.name[1] == 0x7a) { int32_t putBreakpointhere = 0; } UBool isExpansionLineAContraction = (contractionsTable->get(UnicodeString(expansionLine.name, expansionLine.len)) != NULL); // we have an expansion line and an expansion. There could be some expansions where // the difference between expansion line and the end of expansion sequence is less or // equal than the expansion strength. These should probably be removed. int32_t diffLen = toSort[i]->len - expansionLine.len; if(diffLen > 0) { trial.setTo(UnicodeString(toSort[i]->name + diffLen, toSort[i]->len - diffLen)); } else { trial = *toSort[i]; } UColAttributeValue s1 = probe.getStrength(trial, expansionLine); if(s1 == UCOL_OFF) { s1 = probe.getStrength(expansionLine, trial); } if((!isExpansionLineAContraction && s1 >= expStrength) || (diffLen <= 0 && s1 == UCOL_IDENTICAL)) { contractionsTable->remove(UnicodeString(toSort[i]->name, toSort[i]->len)); toSort[i]->isRemoved = TRUE; if(toSort[i]->next && toSort[i]->previous) { toSort[i]->previous->next = toSort[i]->next; } if(toSort[i]->previous && toSort[i]->next) { toSort[i]->next->previous = toSort[i]->previous; } debug->log("Exp -N: "); debug->log(toSort[i]->toString(FALSE)); debug->log(" / "); debug->log(expansionLine.toString(FALSE), TRUE); } else { u_strncat(toSort[i]->expansionString, expansionLine.name, expansionLine.len); toSort[i]->isExpansion = TRUE; toSort[i]->expStrength = expStrength; toSort[i]->expLen = expansionLine.len; toSort[i]->expansionString[toSort[i]->expLen] = 0; toSort[i]->expIndex = j; } } } if(toSort[i]->isExpansion == TRUE) { if(debug->isOn()) { debug->log("Exp + : &"); debug->log(toSort[j]->toString(FALSE)); debug->log(toSort[i]->strengthToString(toSort[i]->expStrength, TRUE)); debug->log(toSort[i]->toString(FALSE)); debug->log(" "); if(!toSort[j]->sortKey) { calculateSortKey(*toSort[j]); } debug->log(toSort[j]->dumpSortkey()); debug->log(" ... "); if(!toSort[i]->sortKey) { calculateSortKey(*toSort[i]); } debug->log(toSort[i]->dumpSortkey()); calculateSortKey(expansionLine); debug->log("/"); debug->log(expansionLine.dumpSortkey(), TRUE); } } } // after detecting expansions, we want to position them. // it is better to position expansions after all have been detected, // since otherwise we will change the ordering. for(i = size-1; i >= 0; i--) { if(toSort[i]->isExpansion) { if(toSort[i]->name[0] == 0x2A3) { int32_t putBreakPointHere = 0; } if(i) { if(toSort[i]->previous) { toSort[i]->previous->next = toSort[i]->next; } } if(i < size-1) { if(toSort[i]->next) { toSort[i]->next->previous = toSort[i]->previous; } } j = toSort[i]->expIndex; toSort[i]->next = toSort[j]->next; toSort[i]->previous = toSort[j]; toSort[j]->next = toSort[i]; if(toSort[i]->next) { toSort[i]->next->previous = toSort[i]; } toSort[i]->strength = toSort[i]->expStrength; } } return exCount; } Line * SortedLines::getFirst() { current = first; return current; } Line * SortedLines::getLast() { current = last; return current; } void SortedLines::add(Line *line, UBool linkIn) { if(size++ == capacity) { // grow } lines[size] = *line; Line *toAdd = &lines[size]; if(linkIn && first) { Line *current = first; while(current != NULL && probe.comparer(¤t, &toAdd) < 0) { current = current->next; } if(current == NULL) { toAdd->previous = last; toAdd->next = NULL; if(last != NULL) { last->next = toAdd; } last = toAdd; if(first == NULL) { first = toAdd; } } else { // current != NULL toAdd->next = current; toAdd->previous = current->previous; if(current->previous) { current->previous->next = toAdd; } else { first = toAdd; } current->previous = toAdd; } } } Line * SortedLines::getNext() { if(current != NULL) { current=current->next; } return current; } Line * SortedLines::getPrevious() { if(current != NULL) { current=current->previous; } return current; } Line * SortedLines::operator[](int32_t index) { int32_t i = 0; Line *c = first; for(i = 0; i < index; i++) { if(c != NULL) { c = c->next; } } return c; } UnicodeString SortedLines::arrayToString(Line** sortedLines, int32_t linesSize, UBool pretty, UBool useLinks, UBool printSortKeys) { UnicodeString result; int32_t i = 0; Line *line = NULL; Line *previous = sortedLines[0]; if(printSortKeys && !sortkeys) { printSortKeys = FALSE; } if(previous->isReset) { result.append(" & "); result.append(previous->name, previous->len); if(pretty) { result.append(" # "); result.append(previous->stringToName(previous->name, previous->len)); result.append("\n"); } } else if(!previous->isRemoved) { result.append(previous->toString(pretty)); if(pretty) { result.append("\n"); } } i = 1; while((i < linesSize && !useLinks) || (previous->next && useLinks)) { if(useLinks) { line = previous->next; } else { line = sortedLines[i]; } if(line->isReset) { result.append(" &"); result.append(line->name, line->len); if(pretty) { result.append(" # "); result.append(line->stringToName(line->name, line->len)); result.append("\n"); } } else if(!line->isRemoved) { if(i > 0) { result.append(line->strengthToString(line->strength, pretty)); } result.append(line->toString(pretty)); if(printSortKeys) { result.append(line->dumpSortkey()); } if(pretty) { result.append("\n"); } } previous = line; i++; } return result; } SortedLines::SortedLines(FILE *file, UPrinter *logger, UPrinter *debug, UErrorCode &status) : toSort(NULL), toSortCapacity(0), lines(NULL), size(0), capacity(0), first(NULL), last(NULL), logger(logger), debug(debug), contractionsTable(NULL), duplicators(NULL), maxExpansionPrefixSize(0), wordSort(FALSE), frenchSecondary(FALSE), upperFirst(FALSE), sortkeys(NULL), sortkeyOffset(0) { debug->log("*** loading a dump\n"); memset(UB, 0, sizeof(UB)); int32_t i = 0; for(i = 0; i < UCOL_OFF; i++) { UB[i] = ∅ } int32_t newFrench, newUpperFirst; fscanf(file, "%i,%i,%i\n", &size, &newFrench, &newUpperFirst); debug->log("Read size %i, frenchSecondary %i and upperFirst %i\n", size, newFrench, newUpperFirst); frenchSecondary = (UBool)newFrench; upperFirst = (UBool)newUpperFirst; capacity = size; lines = new Line[capacity]; i = 0; char buff[256]; while(fgets(buff, 256, file)) { if(i % 20 == 0) { logger->log("\rLine: %04i", i, buff); } lines[i].initFromString(buff, 256, status); if(i) { lines[i].previous = &lines[i-1]; lines[i-1].next = &lines[i]; } i++; } size = i; toSort = new Line*[size]; setSortingArray(toSort, lines, size); first = &lines[0]; last = &lines[size-1]; } void SortedLines::toFile(FILE *file, UBool useLinks, UErrorCode &status) { fprintf(file, "%i,%i,%i\n", size, frenchSecondary, upperFirst); int32_t i = 1; Line *previous = toSort[0]; Line *line = NULL; char buff[256]; previous->write(buff, 256, status); fprintf(file, "%s\n", buff); fflush(file); while(previous->next) { if(useLinks) { line = previous->next; } else { line = toSort[i]; } line->write(buff, 256, status); fprintf(file, "%s\n", buff); i++; previous = line; } } UnicodeString SortedLines::toStringFromEmpty() { UBool useLinks = FALSE; UBool pretty = FALSE; UnicodeString result; int32_t i = 0; Line *line = NULL; Line *previous = toSort[0]; if(previous->isReset) { result.append(" & "); if(pretty) { result.append("\n"); } result.append(previous->name, previous->len); } else if(!previous->isRemoved) { result.append(previous->toString(pretty)); if(pretty) { result.append("\n"); } } i = 1; while(i < size || previous->next) { if(useLinks) { line = previous->next; } else { line = toSort[i]; } if(line->isReset) { result.append(" &"); result.append(line->name, line->len); if(pretty) { result.append(" # "); result.append(line->stringToName(line->name, line->len)); result.append("\n"); } } else if(!line->isRemoved) { if(i > 0) { result.append(line->strengthToString(line->strengthFromEmpty, pretty)); } result.append(line->toString(pretty)); if(pretty) { result.append("\n"); } } previous = line; i++; } return result; } UnicodeString SortedLines::toString(UBool useLinks) { return arrayToString(toSort, size, FALSE, useLinks, FALSE); } UnicodeString SortedLines::toPrettyString(UBool useLinks, UBool printSortKeys) { return arrayToString(toSort, size, TRUE, useLinks, printSortKeys); } UnicodeString SortedLines::toOutput(const char *format, const char *locale, const char *platform, const char *reference, UBool useLinks, UBool initialize, UBool moreToCome) { if(strcmp(format, "HTML") == 0) { return toHTML(locale, platform, reference, useLinks, initialize, moreToCome); } else if(strcmp(format, "XML") == 0) { return toXML(locale, platform, reference, useLinks, initialize, moreToCome); } else { return toBundle(locale, platform, reference, useLinks, initialize, moreToCome); } } UnicodeString SortedLines::toHTML(const char *locale, const char *platform, const char *reference, UBool useLinks, UBool initialize, UBool moreToCome) { UnicodeString result; int32_t i = 0; if(initialize) { result.append("\n\n\n\n"); result.append("# Collation data resource bundle generated for locale: "); result.append(locale); result.append("
\n# For platform "); result.append(platform); result.append(" reference platform "); result.append(reference); result.append("

\n\n\n"); result.append(locale); if(platform) { result.append("_"); result.append(platform); } if(reference) { result.append("_vs_"); result.append(reference); } result.append(" {
\n"); result.append("  collations {
\n    standard {
\n      Sequence {
\n"); } if(frenchSecondary) { result.append("[backwards 2]
\n"); } if(upperFirst) { result.append("[casefirst upper]
\n"); } Line *line = toSort[0]; i = 0; while((i < size && !useLinks) || (line->next && useLinks)) { if(line->isReset || !line->isRemoved) { result.append(line->toHTMLString()); } i++; if(useLinks) { line = line->next; } else { line = toSort[i]; } } if(!moreToCome) { result.append("      }
\n    }
\n  }
\n"); result.append("\n"); } return result; } UnicodeString SortedLines::toXML(const char *locale, const char *platform, const char *reference, UBool useLinks, UBool initialize, UBool moreToCome) { UnicodeString result; int32_t i = 0; if(initialize) { result.append("\n\n\n\n"); result.append("# Collation data resource bundle generated for locale: "); result.append(locale); result.append("
\n# For platform "); result.append(platform); result.append(" reference platform "); result.append(reference); result.append("

\n\n\n"); result.append(locale); if(platform) { result.append("_"); result.append(platform); } if(reference) { result.append("_vs_"); result.append(reference); } result.append(" {
\n"); result.append("  collations {
\n    standard {
\n      Sequence {
\n"); } if(frenchSecondary) { result.append("[backwards 2]
\n"); } if(upperFirst) { result.append("[casefirst upper]
\n"); } Line *line = toSort[0]; i = 0; while((i < size && !useLinks) || (line->next && useLinks)) { if(line->isReset || !line->isRemoved) { result.append(line->toHTMLString()); } i++; if(useLinks) { line = line->next; } else { line = toSort[i]; } } if(!moreToCome) { result.append("      }
\n    }
\n  }
\n"); result.append("\n"); } return result; } UnicodeString SortedLines::toBundle(const char *locale, const char *platform, const char *reference, UBool useLinks, UBool initialize, UBool moreToCome) { UnicodeString result; int32_t i = 0; if(initialize) { result.append("// Collation data resource bundle generated for locale: "); result.append(locale); result.append("\n// For platform "); result.append(platform); result.append(" reference platform "); result.append(reference); result.append("\n\n\n"); result.append(locale); /* if(platform) { result.append("_"); result.append(platform); } if(reference) { result.append("_vs_"); result.append(reference); } */ result.append(" {\n"); result.append(" collations {\n standard {\n Sequence {\n"); } if(frenchSecondary) { result.append("[backwards 2]\n"); } if(upperFirst) { result.append("[casefirst upper]\n"); } Line *line = toSort[0]; i = 0; while((i < size && !useLinks) || (line->next && useLinks)) { if(line->isReset || !line->isRemoved) { result.append(line->toBundleString()); } i++; if(useLinks) { line = line->next; } else { line = toSort[i]; } } if(!moreToCome) { result.append(" }\n }\n }\n}\n"); } return result; } int32_t SortedLines::getSize() const { return repertoire.size(); } void SortedLines::reduceDifference(SortedLines& reference) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; if(upperFirst) { swapCase(); } // both sorted lines structures need to have established links and strengths // We walk down both structures and note differences. These // differences will modify this by removng elements, setting resets // etc... // we will prefer insertions from tailoring to reference, then deletions // there are two tables that keep seen elements. Hashtable *seenThis = new Hashtable(); Hashtable *seenReference = new Hashtable(); UBool found = FALSE; UBool finished = FALSE; const int32_t lookForward = 20; int32_t tailoringMove = 0; //int32_t referenceSize = reference.getSize(); Line *refLine = reference.getFirst(); Line *refLatestEqual = refLine; refLine = refLine->next; Line *myLine = getFirst(); Line *myLatestEqual = myLine; myLatestEqual->isRemoved = TRUE; myLine = myLine->next; while(myLine && refLine) { found = FALSE; while(myLine && refLine && myLine->equals(*refLine)) { myLatestEqual = myLine; myLatestEqual->isRemoved = TRUE; myLine = myLine->next; refLatestEqual = refLine; refLine = refLine->next; if(refLine == NULL && myLine == NULL) { finished = TRUE; } } if(myLine) { myLine->cumulativeStrength = myLine->strength; } if(refLine) { refLine->cumulativeStrength = refLine->strength; } // here is the difference while(!found && !finished) { tailoringMove = 0; if(myLine && refLine) { if(myLine->cumulativeStrength > refLine->cumulativeStrength) { // tailoring z <<< x, UCA z < y while(myLine->cumulativeStrength > refLine->cumulativeStrength) { myLine = myLine->next; if(myLine) { transferCumulativeStrength(myLine->previous, myLine); } else { break; } } } else if(myLine->cumulativeStrength < refLine->cumulativeStrength) { // tailoring z < x, UCA z <<< y while(myLine->cumulativeStrength < refLine->cumulativeStrength) { seenReference->put(UnicodeString(refLine->name, refLine->len), refLine, status); refLine = refLine->next; if(refLine) { transferCumulativeStrength(refLine->previous, refLine); } else { break; } } } // this is the interesting point. Now we search for character match while(myLine && refLine && (!myLine->equals(*refLine) || myLine->strength == UCOL_IDENTICAL) && tailoringMove < lookForward) { if(seenThis->get(UnicodeString(refLine->name, refLine->len))) { // we are not interested in stuff from the reference that is already accounted // for in the tailoring. refLine = refLine->next; if(refLine) { transferCumulativeStrength(refLine->previous, refLine); } } else { myLine = myLine->next; if(myLine) { transferCumulativeStrength(myLine->previous, myLine); if(!seenReference->get(UnicodeString(myLine->name, myLine->len))) { tailoringMove++; } } } } } if(refLine == NULL) { // ran out of reference // this is the tail of tailoring - the last insertion myLine = NULL; found = TRUE; } else if(tailoringMove == lookForward || myLine == NULL) { // run over treshold or out of tailoring tailoringMove = 0; // we didn't find insertion after all // we will try substitution next // reset the tailoring pointer myLine = myLatestEqual->next; // move the reference refLine = refLine->next; if(refLine) { transferCumulativeStrength(refLine->previous, refLine); } } else { // we found an insertion tailoringMove = 0; if(myLine->strength != refLine->strength) { while(myLine && refLine && *myLine == *refLine && (myLine->strength != refLine->strength || myLine->strength == UCOL_IDENTICAL)) { myLine = myLine->next; refLine = refLine->next; } if(*myLine != *refLine) { continue; } } if(myLine && refLine && myLine->previous->strength < myLine->strength) { myLine = myLine->next; refLine = refLine->next; if(*myLine != *refLine) { continue; } } found = TRUE; } if(found) { if(myLatestEqual->next != myLine || refLine == NULL) { Line *myStart = NULL; // this is a reset and a sequence // myLatestEqual points at the last point that was the same // This point will be a reset if(myLine && refLine) { // if there is anything more to do - it might be worth saving it myStart = myLatestEqual; while(myStart != myLine) { seenThis->put(UnicodeString(myStart->name, myStart->len), myStart, status); myStart = myStart->next; } } // Try to weed out stuff that is not affected, like: // Tailoring: // <<cumulativeStrength == refStart->cumulativeStrength) { myStart->isRemoved = TRUE; removed++; } } refStart = refStart->next; } myStart = myStart->next; traversed++; } if(removed < traversed) { myLatestEqual->isReset = TRUE; myLatestEqual->isRemoved = FALSE; } myLatestEqual = myLine; } } } } if(upperFirst) { //swapCase(); } delete seenThis; delete seenReference; } void SortedLines::transferCumulativeStrength(Line *previous, Line *that) { if(that->strength > previous->cumulativeStrength) { that->cumulativeStrength = previous->cumulativeStrength; } else { that->cumulativeStrength = that->strength; } } void SortedLines::calculateCumulativeStrengths(Line *start, Line *end) { // start is a reset - end may be NULL start = start->next; UColAttributeValue cumulativeStrength = UCOL_OFF; while(start && start != end) { if(start->strength < cumulativeStrength) { cumulativeStrength = start->strength; } start->cumulativeStrength = cumulativeStrength; start = start->next; } } void SortedLines::getRepertoire(UnicodeSet &fillIn) { fillIn.clear(); fillIn.addAll(repertoire); } void SortedLines::removeDecompositionsFromRepertoire() { UnicodeSetIterator repertoireIter(repertoire); UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UChar string[256]; UChar composed[256]; int32_t len = 0, compLen = 0; UnicodeString compString; UnicodeSet toRemove; while(repertoireIter.next()) { len = 0; if(repertoireIter.isString()) { // process a string len = repertoireIter.getString().length(); u_memcpy(string, repertoireIter.getString().getBuffer(), len); } else { // process code point UBool isError = FALSE; U16_APPEND(string, len, 25, repertoireIter.getCodepoint(), isError); } string[len] = 0; // zero terminate, for our evil ways compLen = unorm_normalize(string, len, UNORM_NFC, 0, composed, 256, &status); if(compLen != len || u_strcmp(string, composed) != 0) { compString.setTo(composed, compLen); if(repertoire.contains(compString)) { toRemove.add(UnicodeString(string, len)); } } } debug->log("\nRemoving\n"); debug->log(toRemove.toPattern(compString, TRUE), TRUE); repertoire.removeAll(toRemove); } void SortedLines::swapCase() { int32_t i = 0; for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { toSort[i]->swapCase(); } } void SortedLines::calculateSortKey(Line &line) { if(!sortkeys) { sortkeys = new uint8_t[size*1024]; memset(sortkeys, 0, size*1024); } line.sortKey = sortkeys+sortkeyOffset; sortkeyOffset += probe.getSortKey(line, sortkeys+sortkeyOffset, size*256-sortkeyOffset); } void SortedLines::calculateSortKeys() { if(sortkeys) { delete[] sortkeys; } sortkeyOffset = 0; sortkeys = new uint8_t[size*256]; memset(sortkeys, 0, size*256); int32_t i = 0; for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { calculateSortKey(*toSort[i]); } }