#********************************************************************** #* Copyright (C) 1999-2000, International Business Machines Corporation #* and others. All Rights Reserved. #********************************************************************** # nmake file for creating data files on win32 # invoke with # nmake /f makedata.mak icup= [Debug|Release] # # 12/10/1999 weiv Created U_ICUDATA_NAME=icudt18l #If no config, we default to debug !IF "$(CFG)" == "" CFG=Debug !MESSAGE No configuration specified. Defaulting to common - Win32 Debug. !ENDIF #Here we test if a valid configuration is given !IF "$(CFG)" != "Release" && "$(CFG)" != "release" && "$(CFG)" != "Debug" && "$(CFG)" != "debug" !MESSAGE Invalid configuration "$(CFG)" specified. !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: !MESSAGE !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "makedata.mak" CFG="Debug" !MESSAGE !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: !MESSAGE !MESSAGE "Release" !MESSAGE "Debug" !MESSAGE !ERROR An invalid configuration is specified. !ENDIF #Let's see if user has given us a path to ICU #This could be found according to the path to makefile, but for now it is this way !IF "$(ICUP)"=="" !ERROR Can't find path! !ENDIF !MESSAGE icu path is $(ICUP) ICUDATA=$(ICUP)\data !IF "$(ICUDBLD)"=="" !ERROR Can't find ICUDBLD (ICU Data Build dir, should point to icu\source\data\build\ )! !ENDIF !MESSAGE icu data build path is $(ICUDBLD) #ICUDBLD=$(ICUP)\source\data\build TESTDATA=$(ICUP)\source\test\testdata #If ICU_DATA is not set, we want to output stuff in binary directory DLL_OUTPUT=$(ICUP)\source\data TESTDATAOUT=$(TESTDATA) #TESTDATAOUT=$(DLL_OUTPUT) ICD=$(ICUDATA)^\ DATA_PATH=$(ICUP)\data^\ TEST=..\source\test\testdata^\ ICUTOOLS=$(ICUP)\source\tools ICU_DATA=$(ICUDBLD) !MESSAGE Intermediate files will go in $(ICU_DATA) # We have to prepare params for pkgdata - to help it find the tools !IF "$(CFG)" == "Debug" || "$(CFG)" == "debug" PKGOPT=D:$(ICUP) !ELSE PKGOPT=R:$(ICUP) !ENDIF # This appears in original Microsofts makefiles !IF "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT" NULL= !ELSE NULL=nul !ENDIF # Adjust the path to find DLLs. If $(U_ICUDATA_NAME).dll really needs to be in $(ICUP)\bin\$(CFG), # then add $(ICUP)\bin\$(CFG) to this path, as the other DLLs are in $(ICUP)\bin. PATH = $(PATH);$(ICUP)\bin # Suffixes for data files .SUFFIXES : .ucm .cnv .dll .dat .res .txt .c # We're including a list of ucm files. There are two lists, one is essential 'ucmfiles.mk' and # the other is optional 'ucmlocal.mk' !IF EXISTS("$(ICUDATA)\ucmfiles.mk") !INCLUDE "$(ICUDATA)\ucmfiles.mk" !IF EXISTS("$(ICUDATA)\ucmlocal.mk") !INCLUDE "$(ICUDATA)\ucmlocal.mk" UCM_SOURCE=$(UCM_SOURCE) $(UCM_SOURCE_LOCAL) !ELSE #!MESSAGE Warning: cannot find "ucmlocal.mk" !ENDIF !ELSE !ERROR ERROR: cannot find "ucmfiles.mk" !ENDIF CNV_FILES=$(UCM_SOURCE:.ucm=.cnv) # Read list of resource bundle files !IF EXISTS("$(ICUDATA)\resfiles.mk") !INCLUDE "$(ICUDATA)\resfiles.mk" !IF EXISTS("$(ICUDATA)\reslocal.mk") !INCLUDE "$(ICUDATA)\reslocal.mk" GENRB_SOURCE=$(GENRB_SOURCE) $(GENRB_SOURCE_LOCAL) !ELSE #!MESSAGE Warning: cannot find "reslocal.mk" !ENDIF !ELSE !ERROR ERROR: cannot find "resfiles.mk" !ENDIF RB_FILES = $(GENRB_SOURCE:.txt=.res) TRANSLIT_FILES = $(TRANSLIT_SOURCE:.txt=.res) ALL_RES = $(RB_FILES) $(TRANSLIT_FILES) RB_SOURCE_DIR = $(GENRB_SOURCE:$=$) # This target should build all the data files ALL : GODATA test.dat "$(DLL_OUTPUT)\testdata.dll" "$(DLL_OUTPUT)\$(U_ICUDATA_NAME).dll" $(DLL_OUTPUT)\test1.cnv $(DLL_OUTPUT)\test3.cnv $(DLL_OUTPUT)\test4.cnv GOBACK #$(U_ICUDATA_NAME).dat @echo All targets are up to date BRK_FILES = "$(ICUDATA)\sent.brk" "$(ICUDATA)\char.brk" "$(ICUDATA)\line.brk" "$(ICUDATA)\word.brk" "$(ICUDATA)\line_th.brk" "$(ICUDATA)\word_th.brk" #invoke pkgdata "$(DLL_OUTPUT)\$(U_ICUDATA_NAME).dll" : $(CNV_FILES) $(BRK_FILES) uprops.dat unames.dat cnvalias.dat tz.dat ucadata.dat invuca.dat $(ALL_RES) @echo Building icu data @cd "$(ICUDBLD)" "$(ICUTOOLS)\pkgdata\$(CFG)\pkgdata" -e icudata -v -T . -m dll -c -p $(U_ICUDATA_NAME) -O "$(PKGOPT)" -d "$(DLL_OUTPUT)" -s . <