/* ********************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1996-1999, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************** */ // $Revision: 1.4 $ // // Provides functionality for mapping between // LCID and Posix IDs. // // Note: All classes and code in this file are // intended for internal use only. // // Methods of interest: // void initializeMapRegions(); // unsigned long convertToLCID(const int8_t*); // const int8_t* convertToPosix(unsigned long); // // Kathleen Wilson, 4/30/96 // // Date Name Description // 3/11/97 aliu Fixed off-by-one bug in assignment operator. Added // setId() method and safety check against // MAX_ID_LENGTH. // 04/23/99 stephen Added C wrapper for convertToPosix. #include #include "locmap.h" #include "locid.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include "cstring.h" int32_t IGlobalLocales::fgLocaleCount = 0; uint32_t IGlobalLocales::fgStdLang = 0x0400; const uint32_t IGlobalLocales::kMapSize = 40; ILcidPosixMap* IGlobalLocales::fgPosixIDmap = 0; //////////////////////////////////////////// // // Create the table of LCID to POSIX Mapping // //////////////////////////////////////////// void IGlobalLocales::initializeMapRegions() { if (fgPosixIDmap != 0) // already mapped return; ILcidPosixMap *newPosixIDmap = new ILcidPosixMap[40]; newPosixIDmap[0].initialize(0x0436, "af_ZA"); // 0 newPosixIDmap[1].initialize(0x01, "ar", 16); // 1 newPosixIDmap[2].initialize(0x0423, "be_BY"); // 2 newPosixIDmap[3].initialize(0x0402, "bg_BG"); // 3 newPosixIDmap[4].initialize(0x0403, "ca_ES"); // 4 newPosixIDmap[5].initialize(0x0405, "cs_CS"); // 5 newPosixIDmap[6].initialize(0x0406, "da_DK"); // 6 newPosixIDmap[7].initialize(0x07, "de", 5); // 7 newPosixIDmap[8].initialize(0x0408, "el_GR"); // 8 newPosixIDmap[9].initialize(0x09, "en", 9); // 9 newPosixIDmap[10].initialize(0x0a, "es", 16); // 10 newPosixIDmap[11].initialize(0x0425, "et_EE"); // 11 newPosixIDmap[12].initialize(0x042d, "eu_ES"); // 12 newPosixIDmap[13].initialize(0x0429, "fa_IR"); // 13 newPosixIDmap[14].initialize(0x040b, "fi_FI"); // 14 newPosixIDmap[15].initialize(0x0c, "fr", 5); // 15 newPosixIDmap[16].initialize(0x041a, "hr_HR"); // 16 newPosixIDmap[17].initialize(0x040e, "hu_HU"); // 17 newPosixIDmap[18].initialize(0x0421, "in_ID"); // 18 newPosixIDmap[19].initialize(0x040f, "is_IS"); // 19 newPosixIDmap[20].initialize(0x10, "it", 2); // 20 newPosixIDmap[21].initialize(0x040d, "iw_IL"); // 21 newPosixIDmap[22].initialize(0x0411, "ja_JP"); // 22 newPosixIDmap[23].initialize(0x12, "ko", 2); // 23 newPosixIDmap[24].initialize(0x0427, "lt_LT"); // 24 newPosixIDmap[25].initialize(0x0426, "lv_LV"); // 25 newPosixIDmap[26].initialize(0x13, "nl", 2); // 26 newPosixIDmap[27].initialize(0x14, "no", 2); // 27 newPosixIDmap[28].initialize(0x0415, "pl_PL"); // 28 newPosixIDmap[29].initialize(0x16, "pt", 2); // 29 newPosixIDmap[30].initialize(0x0418, "ro_RO"); // 30 newPosixIDmap[31].initialize(0x0419, "ru_RU"); // 31 newPosixIDmap[32].initialize(0x041b, "sk_SK"); // 32 newPosixIDmap[33].initialize(0x0424, "sl_SI"); // 33 newPosixIDmap[34].initialize(0x041c, "sq_AL"); // 34 newPosixIDmap[35].initialize(0x041d, "sv_SE"); // 35 newPosixIDmap[36].initialize(0x041e, "th_TH"); // 36 newPosixIDmap[37].initialize(0x041f, "tr_TR"); // 37 newPosixIDmap[38].initialize(0x0422, "uk_UA"); // 38 newPosixIDmap[39].initialize(0x04, "zh", 4); // 39 newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x3801, "ar_AE"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x3c01, "ar_BH"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x1401, "ar_DZ"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x0c01, "ar_EG"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x0801, "ar_IQ"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x2c01, "ar_JO"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x3401, "ar_KW"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x3001, "ar_LB"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x1001, "ar_LY"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x1801, "ar_MA"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x2001, "ar_OM"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x4001, "ar_QA"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x0401, "ar_SA"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x2801, "ar_SY"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x1c01, "ar_TN"); newPosixIDmap[1].addRegion(0x2401, "ar_YE"); newPosixIDmap[7].addRegion(0x0c07, "de_AT"); newPosixIDmap[7].addRegion(0x0807, "de_CH"); newPosixIDmap[7].addRegion(0x0407, "de_DE"); newPosixIDmap[7].addRegion(0x1407, "de_LI"); newPosixIDmap[7].addRegion(0x1007, "de_LU"); newPosixIDmap[9].addRegion(0x0c09, "en_AU"); newPosixIDmap[9].addRegion(0x1009, "en_CA"); newPosixIDmap[9].addRegion(0x0809, "en_GB"); newPosixIDmap[9].addRegion(0x1809, "en_IE"); newPosixIDmap[9].addRegion(0x2009, "en_JM"); newPosixIDmap[9].addRegion(0x1409, "en_NZ"); newPosixIDmap[9].addRegion(0x0409, "en_US"); newPosixIDmap[9].addRegion(0x2409, "en_VI"); newPosixIDmap[9].addRegion(0x1c09, "en_ZA"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x2c0a, "es_AR"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x400a, "es_BO"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x340a, "es_CL"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x240a, "es_CO"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x140a, "es_CR"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x1c0a, "es_DO"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x300a, "es_EC"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x0c0a, "es_ES"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x040a, "es_ES_T"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x100a, "es_GT"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x080a, "es_MX"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x180a, "es_PA"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x280a, "es_PE"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x3c0a, "es_PY"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x380a, "es_UY"); newPosixIDmap[10].addRegion(0x200a, "es_VE"); newPosixIDmap[15].addRegion(0x080c, "fr_BE"); newPosixIDmap[15].addRegion(0x0c0c, "fr_CA"); newPosixIDmap[15].addRegion(0x100c, "fr_CH"); newPosixIDmap[15].addRegion(0x040c, "fr_FR"); newPosixIDmap[15].addRegion(0x140c, "fr_LU"); newPosixIDmap[20].addRegion(0x0810, "it_CH"); newPosixIDmap[20].addRegion(0x0410, "it_IT"); newPosixIDmap[23].addRegion(0x0812, "ko_KR"); newPosixIDmap[23].addRegion(0x0412, "ko_KR"); newPosixIDmap[26].addRegion(0x0813, "nl_BE"); newPosixIDmap[26].addRegion(0x0413, "nl_NL"); newPosixIDmap[27].addRegion(0x0414, "no_NO"); newPosixIDmap[27].addRegion(0x0814, "no_NO_NY"); newPosixIDmap[29].addRegion(0x0416, "pt_BR"); newPosixIDmap[29].addRegion(0x0816, "pt_PT"); newPosixIDmap[39].addRegion(0x0804, "zh_CN"); newPosixIDmap[39].addRegion(0x0c04, "zh_HK"); newPosixIDmap[39].addRegion(0x1004, "zh_SG"); newPosixIDmap[39].addRegion(0x0404, "zh_TW"); { Mutex m; if(fgPosixIDmap == 0) { fgPosixIDmap = newPosixIDmap; fgLocaleCount = 105; newPosixIDmap = 0; // successfully assigned it } } delete newPosixIDmap; // If it wasn't assigned. Don't delete these 40 inside a mutex. } ////////////////////////////////////// // // LCID --> POSIX // ///////////////////////////////////// const char* IGlobalLocales::convertToPosix(uint32_t hostid) { initializeMapRegions(); uint16_t langID = languageLCID(hostid); uint32_t index; for (index = 0; index < kMapSize; index++) { if (langID == fgPosixIDmap[index].hostLangID()) { return fgPosixIDmap[index].posixID(hostid); } } //no match found return ILcidPosixMap::fgWildCard; } U_CFUNC const char* T_convertToPosix(int32_t hostid) { return IGlobalLocales::convertToPosix(hostid); } ////////////////////////////////////// // // POSIX --> LCID // ///////////////////////////////////// uint32_t IGlobalLocales::convertToLCID(const char* posixID) { if (!posixID || strlen(posixID) < 2) return 0; initializeMapRegions(); //Binary search for the map entry uint32_t low = 0, mid = 0; uint32_t high = kMapSize - 1; char langID[3]; langID[0] = posixID[0]; langID[1] = posixID[1]; langID[2] = 0; while (low <= high) { mid = (low + high) / 2; int32_t compVal = icu_strcmp(langID, fgPosixIDmap[mid].posixLangID()); if (mid == 0) // not found break; if (compVal < 0) high = mid - 1; else if (compVal > 0) low = mid + 1; else // found match! return fgPosixIDmap[mid].hostID(posixID); } // no match found return 0; } uint16_t IGlobalLocales::languageLCID(uint32_t hostID) { return (uint16_t)(0x00FF & hostID); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Given a hexadecimal number in decimal notation, // find the decimal notation for the two lowest bits. // // e.g. given 0x3456 return 0x56 in decimal notation. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ILcidPosixElement::ILcidPosixElement(uint32_t hid, const char* pid) { fHostID = hid; int32_t len = setId(pid); if (len == 2) { fPosixID[2] = '_'; fPosixID[3] = '?'; fPosixID[4] = '?'; fPosixID[5] = 0; } } int32_t ILcidPosixElement::setId(const char* id) { int32_t len = strlen(id); if (len >= MAX_ID_LENGTH) len = MAX_ID_LENGTH - 1; int32_t index; for (index = 0; index < len; index++) { fPosixID[index] = id[index]; } fPosixID[len] = 0; //null terminate return len; } ILcidPosixElement::ILcidPosixElement() { fHostID = 0; fPosixID[0] = 0; } ILcidPosixElement::ILcidPosixElement(const ILcidPosixElement& that) { fHostID = that.fHostID; setId(that.fPosixID); } ILcidPosixElement& ILcidPosixElement::operator=(const ILcidPosixElement& that) { if (this != &that) { fHostID = that.fHostID; setId(that.fPosixID); } return *this; } ILcidPosixElement::~ILcidPosixElement() { } const char* ILcidPosixMap::fgWildCard = "??_??"; void ILcidPosixMap::initialize (uint32_t hostID, const char* posixID, uint32_t totalRegions) { fHostLangID = IGlobalLocales::languageLCID(hostID); fPosixLangID[0] = posixID[0]; // don't care about these being called twice. not critical. fPosixLangID[1] = posixID[1]; fPosixLangID[2] = 0; fMapSize = totalRegions + 1; fNumRegions=0; fRegionMaps = new ILcidPosixElement[fMapSize]; //The first element will always be wild card fRegionMaps[0] = ILcidPosixElement(fHostLangID, fPosixLangID); if (totalRegions == 1 && strlen(posixID) >= 5) { fNumRegions++; fRegionMaps[1] = ILcidPosixElement(hostID, posixID); } } //default constructor is private, cannot be used. ILcidPosixMap::ILcidPosixMap() { fHostLangID = 0; fPosixLangID[0] = '?'; fPosixLangID[1] = '?'; fPosixLangID[2] = 0; fRegionMaps = 0; fMapSize = 0; fNumRegions = 0; } //copy constructor is private, cannot be used. ILcidPosixMap::ILcidPosixMap(const ILcidPosixMap& that) { fHostLangID = that.fHostLangID; fPosixLangID[0] = that.fPosixLangID[0]; fPosixLangID[1] = that.fPosixLangID[1]; fPosixLangID[2] = 0; fRegionMaps = 0; fMapSize = 0; fNumRegions = 0; } //assignment operator is private, cannot be used. ILcidPosixMap& ILcidPosixMap::operator=(const ILcidPosixMap& that) { if (this != &that) { fHostLangID = that.fHostLangID; fPosixLangID[0] = that.fPosixLangID[0]; fPosixLangID[1] = that.fPosixLangID[1]; fPosixLangID[2] = 0; fRegionMaps = 0; fMapSize = 0; fNumRegions = 0; } return *this; } ILcidPosixMap::~ILcidPosixMap() { if (fMapSize) delete [] fRegionMaps; } void ILcidPosixMap::addRegion (uint32_t hostID, const char* posixID) { if (fMapSize && fNumRegions < (fMapSize - 1)) { ILcidPosixElement save(hostID,posixID); fNumRegions++; fRegionMaps[fNumRegions] = save; } } //assumes Posix IDs are sorted alphabetically uint32_t ILcidPosixMap::hostID(const char* posixID) const { if (!fMapSize || strlen(posixID) < 5) //incomplete id return fHostLangID; //Binary search for the map entry //The element at index 0 is always the POSIX wild card, //so start search at index 1. uint32_t low = 1, mid = 1; uint32_t high = fNumRegions; while (low <= high) { mid = (low + high) / 2; int32_t compVal = icu_strcmp(posixID, fRegionMaps[mid].fPosixID); if (compVal < 0) high = mid - 1; else if (compVal > 0) low = mid + 1; else // found match! return fRegionMaps[mid].fHostID; } //no match found return fHostLangID; } const char* ILcidPosixMap::posixID(uint32_t hostID) const { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i <= fNumRegions; i++) { if (fRegionMaps[i].fHostID == hostID) { return fRegionMaps[i].fPosixID; } } //if you get here, then no matching region was found, //so return the language id with the wild card region. return fRegionMaps[0].fPosixID; }