@echo off rem makedata.bat rem batch file for Windows for creating the ICU data files rem parameter: rem %1 path where the icu folder resides if "%1"=="" goto :error if "%ICU_DATA%"=="" set ICU_DATA=%1\icu\data\ rem toolversion: Debug or Release set toolversion=Release if not "%2"=="" set toolversion=%2 echo create conversion tables cd makeconv call mkcnvfle %toolversion% %1 echo create locale resource bundles cd ..\genrb call genrb %toolversion% %1 echo create binary collation tables cd ..\gencol %toolversion%\gencol cd .. echo create unames.dat and unames_dat.c from UnicodeData.txt gennames\%toolversion%\gennames -v- -c- "%ICU_DATA%UnicodeData-3.0.0.txt" genccode\%toolversion%\genccode "%ICU_DATA%unames.dat" echo create cnvalias.dat and cnvalias_dat.c from convrtrs.txt gencnval\%toolversion%\gencnval -c- genccode\%toolversion%\genccode "%ICU_DATA%cnvalias.dat" echo create the data DLL cl "/I..\..\include" /GD /c "%ICU_DATA%unames_dat.c" "%ICU_DATA%cnvalias_dat.c" echo "/out:%ICU_DATA%icudata.dll">mkdll.tmp echo unames_dat.obj>>mkdll.tmp echo cnvalias_dat.obj>>mkdll.tmp type mkdll.lk>>mkdll.tmp link @mkdll.tmp echo create the common, memory-mappable file del "%ICU_DATA%icudata.dat" echo %ICU_DATA%unames.dat>mkmap.tmp echo %ICU_DATA%cnvalias.dat>>mkmap.tmp gencmn\%toolversion%\gencmn 1000000 mkmap.tmp goto :end :error echo call makedata with the absolute path to the icu directory echo for example, if the full path is d:\mytools\icu then call echo makedata d:\mytools echo a second, optional, parameter can be Debug or Release to specify the tools versions echo. echo the current directory must be the icu\source\tools directory with makedata.bat echo also, the cl compiler and link linker must be on the PATH :end