/** ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1996-2001, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* * * $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/unicodetools/com/ibm/text/UCD/MLStreamWriter.java,v $ * $Date: 2001/12/13 23:35:57 $ * $Revision: 1.3 $ * ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.text.utility; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import com.ibm.text.UCD.*; public class MLStreamWriter extends Writer { public static final String copyright = "Copyright (C) 2000, IBM Corp. and others. All Rights Reserved."; public MLStreamWriter (PrintWriter output, boolean HTML) { out = output; isHTML = HTML; } public MLStreamWriter (PrintWriter output) { this(output,true); } public MLStreamWriter el(String elementName) { closeIfOpen(); print('<', AFTER); print(elementName, elementName.equals("!--") ? AFTER+FORCE : AFTER); stack.add(elementName); inElement = true; return this; } private MLStreamWriter closeIfOpen() { if (inElement && !"!--".equals(stack.get(stack.size()-1))) { print('>',BEFORE+FORCE); } inElement = false; return this; } final public MLStreamWriter cel(String elementName) { return cl().tx(elementName); } public MLStreamWriter at(String attributeName, String attributeValue) { if (!inElement) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("attribute \"" + attributeName + "\" not in element"); } print(' ', BOTH); print(attributeName, AFTER); print('=', AFTER); print('"'); print(quoted(attributeValue)); print('"', AFTER); return this; } public MLStreamWriter at(String attributeName, int value) { return at(attributeName, String.valueOf(value)); } public MLStreamWriter CR() { closeIfOpen(); out.println(); return this; } /*public MLStreamWriter comment() { closeIfOpen(); print(""); return this; } */ public MLStreamWriter tx(String text) { closeIfOpen(); print(quoted(text)); return this; } final public MLStreamWriter tx(char text) { return tx(String.valueOf(text)); } final public MLStreamWriter tx(int text) { return tx(String.valueOf(text)); } final public MLStreamWriter tx16(String text) { return tx(hex(text)); } final public MLStreamWriter tx16(char text) { return tx(hex(text)); } final public MLStreamWriter tx16(int text) { return tx(hex(text)); } public MLStreamWriter cl(String closingElement) { closeIfOpen(); String lastElement = (String)stack.remove(stack.size()-1); if (closingElement != null && !closingElement.equals(lastElement)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("mismatch when closing \"" + closingElement + "\", current active element is \"" + lastElement + "\""); } if (lastElement.equals("!--")) {// hack for XML/HTML print("-->",BEFORE+FORCE); } else { print("',BEFORE); } return this; } final public MLStreamWriter cl() { return cl(null); } public MLStreamWriter closeAllElements() { for (int i = stack.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) { cl(null); } return this; } // stream stuff public void write(char[] source, int start, int len) { closeIfOpen(); // later make more efficient!! out.print(quoted(new String(source, start, len))); } public void close() { closeAllElements(); out.close(); } public void flush() { out.flush(); } // Utility methods final public MLStreamWriter cell(String ch, String type, String codepoint, String cat) { if (codepoint == null) codepoint = ch; int dotpos = type.indexOf('.'); if (dotpos == -1) el(type); else { el(type.substring(0,dotpos)); at("class",type.substring(dotpos+1)); } /* if (color == -1) { el("th"); } else { el("td"); if (color != 0xFFFFFF) { at("bgcolor","#"+hex(color,6)); } } */ tx(ch).el("br").el("tt").tx16(codepoint); if (cat != null) tx(" ").tx(cat); cl().cl().cl(); return this; } final public MLStreamWriter cell(String ch) { return cell(ch,"td",null,null); } final public MLStreamWriter cell(String ch, String type) { return cell(ch,type,null,null); } final public MLStreamWriter cell(String ch, String type, String codepoint) { return cell(ch,type,codepoint,null); } static public String hex(int i, int width) { String result = Long.toString(i & 0xFFFFFFFFL, 16).toUpperCase(); return "00000000".substring(result.length(),width) + result; } /** * Supplies a zero-padded hex representation of an integer (without 0x) */ static public String hex(int i) { return hex(i,8); } /** * Supplies a zero-padded hex representation of a Unicode character (without 0x, \\u) */ static public String hex(char i) { return hex(i,4); } /** * Supplies a zero-padded hex representation of a Unicode String (without 0x, \\u) *@param sep can be used to give a sequence, e.g. hex("ab", ",") gives "0061,0062" */ static public String hex(String s, String sep) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) { if (i != 0) result.append(sep); result.append(hex(s.charAt(i))); } return result.toString(); } static public String hex(String s) { return hex(s," "); } public void author(String name, String url) { el("font").at("size","-3").tx("[").el("a").at("href",url).tx(name).cl("a").el("script").el("!--"); tx("document.write(', ', document.lastModified);"); cl("!--").cl("script").tx("]").cl("font"); } // ================== PRIVATES ================= PrintWriter out; boolean isHTML; ArrayList stack = new ArrayList(); boolean inElement = false; Normalizer formC = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFC, ""); int len; int maxLineLength = 60; // later, add better line end management, indenting static final int NONE=0, BEFORE=1, AFTER=2, BOTH=3, FORCE = 4; // chosen for bits!! final void print(String s) { print(s,NONE); } final void print(char c) { print(c,NONE); } final void print(String s, int doesBreak) { if ((doesBreak & BEFORE) != 0) tryBreak(s.length(), doesBreak); len += s.length(); out.print(s); if ((doesBreak & AFTER) != 0) tryBreak(0, doesBreak); } final void print(char c, int doesBreak) { if ((doesBreak & BEFORE) != 0) tryBreak(1, doesBreak); ++len; out.print(c); if ((doesBreak & AFTER) != 0) tryBreak(0, doesBreak); } void tryBreak(int toAdd, int doesBreak) { if ((doesBreak & FORCE) != 0 || (len + toAdd) > maxLineLength) { out.println(); len = stack.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) out.print(' '); } } public String quoted(String source) { source = formC.normalize(source); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); ++i) { char ch = source.charAt(i); switch(ch) { case '\'': if (!isHTML) { result.append("'"); } else { result.append(ch); } break; case '\"': result.append("""); break; case '<': result.append("<"); break; case '&': result.append("&"); break; case '>': result.append(">"); break; case '\n': case '\r': case '\t': result.append(ch); break; default: if (ch < ' ' // do surrogates later || ch >= '\u007F' && ch <= '\u009F' || ch >= '\uD800' && ch <= '\uDFFF' || ch >= '\uFFFE') { result.append('\uFFFD'); } else { result.append(ch); } break; } } return result.toString(); } }