/* ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000-2004, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ***************************************************************************** */ package com.ibm.rbm; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; /** * A utility class to aid in the process of updating the Natural Language Support of Tempus Fugit. * This class scans the directory containing NLS files and checks the various languages found there * for completeness, duplication of entry, and status of translation. The class can be instantiated * through a constructor, or it can be run from the command line. For additional information on the * command line results, see the main method. * * @author Jared Jackson * @see com.ibm.rbm.RBManager */ public class RBManager { // *** DATA *** private Vector allBundleKeys; // A Vector of Strings with all defined NLS properties protected Vector bundles; // A Vector of NLSbundles, one for each language private String currentUser; // The name of the person currently using the editor private String baseClass; // The name of the base class of the active resource bundle private File currentDirectory; // *** CONSTRUCTORS *** // The default constructor is not publicly available private RBManager() { try { // Look and Feel check try { String laf = Preferences.getPreference("lookandfeel"); if (!laf.equals("")) UIManager.setLookAndFeel(laf); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignored } Resources.initBundle(); RBManagerGUI guiFrame = new RBManagerGUI(); if (!Preferences.getPreference("username").equals("")) guiFrame.setUser(Preferences.getPreference("username")); if (!Preferences.getPreference("locale").equals("")) { String localeStr = Preferences.getPreference("locale"); String language = Resources.getLanguage(localeStr); String country = Resources.getCountry(localeStr); String variant = Resources.getVariant(localeStr); if (language == null || language.equals("") || language.length() > 3) language = "en"; if (country == null) country = new String(); if (variant == null) Resources.setLocale(new Locale(language, country)); else Resources.setLocale(new Locale(language, country, variant)); } Resources.initBundle(); guiFrame.initComponents(); guiFrame.setVisible(true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * This constructor creates an entirely blank RBManager and base Bundle. Only the base class name is defined. * All other properties need to be defined. */ public RBManager(String baseClassName) { allBundleKeys = new Vector(); bundles = new Vector(); currentUser = "Unknown"; baseClass = baseClassName; currentDirectory = new File(""); Bundle mainBundle = new Bundle(""); // Create a default group mainBundle.addBundleGroup("Ungrouped Items", "These are resource items that have not been assigned a group"); bundles.addElement(mainBundle); } /** * This is the standard constructor for RBManager. It is constructed from the root of a resource bundle. * In the current implementation, each file is parsed separately starting with the base class file (root). * In this implementation, the lookup keys are represented to the user as they appear in the files. The * translation values however are translated according to the basic rules defined in java.util.Properties. * Thus in the key, the user may see '\"' when in the value it would have been converted to '"'. This * translation is reversed when saving the resource bundle. * @param mainFile The base class file of the resource bundle to be read */ public RBManager(File mainFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { init(); currentDirectory = new File(mainFile.getParent()); String[] encodings; // Initiailize the readers to the main NLS file FileReader fr = new FileReader(mainFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); // Load the java readable values from the main NLS file; Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(new FileInputStream(mainFile)); // Count the number of language files and set up the encoding and dictionary data int numLanguages = 1; String NLSbaseClass = null; String NLSlanguage = null; String NLScountry = null; String NLSvariant = null; String NLSpostfix = null; if (mainFile.getName().indexOf(".") >= 0) { NLSbaseClass = mainFile.getName().substring(0,mainFile.getName().indexOf(".")); NLSpostfix = ".properties"; } else { NLSbaseClass = mainFile.getName(); NLSpostfix = ""; } baseClass = NLSbaseClass; String filePrefix = mainFile.getName().substring(0,mainFile.getName().lastIndexOf(".")); String filePostfix = mainFile.getName().substring(mainFile.getName().lastIndexOf("."),mainFile.getName().length()); File resDir = currentDirectory; if (resDir != null && resDir.isDirectory()) { String[] temp = resDir.list(); numLanguages = 0; // Count the number of language files for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { if (temp[i].startsWith(NLSbaseClass) && (temp[i].endsWith(NLSpostfix) || temp[i].endsWith(NLSpostfix.toUpperCase()) || NLSpostfix.equals(""))) { // Starts with the base class name and ends in proper suffix (above) // Base name is followed by . or _ (below) RBManagerGUI.debugMsg("Character is: " + temp[i].charAt(NLSbaseClass.length())); if (temp[i].charAt(NLSbaseClass.length()) == '.' || temp[i].charAt(NLSbaseClass.length()) == '_') numLanguages++; } } // Initialize the bundles and encodings encodings = new String[numLanguages]; int count = 1; for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { if (temp[i].equals(mainFile.getName())) { encodings[0] = ""; } else if (temp[i].startsWith(NLSbaseClass) && (temp[i].endsWith(NLSpostfix) || temp[i].endsWith(NLSpostfix.toUpperCase()) || NLSpostfix.equals(""))) { if (temp[i].charAt(NLSbaseClass.length()) == '.' || temp[i].charAt(NLSbaseClass.length()) == '_') { encodings[count] = new String(temp[i].substring(filePrefix.length()+1,temp[i].indexOf(filePostfix))); count++; } } } } else { // Initialize the bundles and encodings in case the directory information is not available // In this case, only the main NLS file will be handled encodings = new String[numLanguages]; encodings[0] = new String(""); } // end the count and initialization // Read in the entries from the main file String line; int index = 0; // Set the dictionary for the main file Bundle dict = new Bundle(encodings[0]); bundles.addElement(dict); // Set up the first group in case there are NLS items which were not assigned to a group BundleGroup group = new BundleGroup(dict, "Ungrouped Items"); group.setComment("NLS Items which were not initially assigned to a group"); dict.addBundleGroup(group); BundleItem item = new BundleItem(group,null,null); int count = 0; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { // Test to make sure this is a file that was generated by RBManager if (!line.trim().equals("")) count++; if (count == 1 && !line.startsWith("# @file")) { // Not generated by RBManager JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Resources.getTranslation("error_not_rbmanager_format") + "\n" + Resources.getTranslation("error_suggest_import_properties"), Resources.getTranslation("dialog_title_error_not_rbmanager_format"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); throw new FileNotFoundException("Improper format for file: " + mainFile.getName()); } String commentLine = null; // Grab text following the # sign if (line.indexOf("#") >= 0) { commentLine = line.substring(line.indexOf("#")+1,line.length()); line = line.substring(0,line.indexOf("#")); } if (commentLine != null && commentLine.trim().length() > 0) { // Process any information made available in comment '@' information Hashtable descriptors = getDescriptors(null,commentLine); if (descriptors != null) { Object o; // File tags o = descriptors.get("file"); if (o != null) dict.name = ((String) o); o = descriptors.get("fileComment"); if (o != null) dict.comment = ((String) o); o = descriptors.get("fileLanguage"); if (o != null) dict.language = ((String) o); o = descriptors.get("fileCountry"); if (o != null) dict.country = ((String) o); o = descriptors.get("fileVariant"); if (o != null) dict.variant = ((String) o); o = descriptors.get("fileManager"); if (o != null) dict.manager = ((String) o); // Group tags o = descriptors.get("group"); if (o != null) { group = new BundleGroup(dict, (String)o); item.setParentGroup(group); dict.addBundleGroup(group); } o = descriptors.get("groupComment"); if (o != null) group.setComment((String) o); // Item tags o = descriptors.get("comment"); if (o != null) item.setComment((String) o); o = descriptors.get("translated"); if (o != null) item.setTranslated(((String) o).equalsIgnoreCase("true")); o = descriptors.get("creator"); if (o != null) item.setCreator((String) o); o = descriptors.get("modifier"); if (o != null) item.setModifier((String) o); o = descriptors.get("created"); if (o != null) item.setCreatedDate((String) o); o = descriptors.get("modified"); if (o != null) item.setModifiedDate((String) o); // Lookup tags (e.g. {_#_} _description_) Enumeration keys = descriptors.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String tag = (String)keys.nextElement(); if (tag.startsWith("{")) { if (tag.indexOf("}") < 0) continue; String lookup = tag.substring(1,tag.indexOf("}")); item.getLookups().put(lookup,(String) descriptors.get(tag)); } } } } // end check of comment line if (line.trim().length() < 1) continue; // Grab the name and value (translation) from the line int breakpoint = 0; boolean started = false; char array[] = line.toCharArray(); for (int i=0; i < array.length; i++) { if (!started && array[i] != ' ' && array[i] != '\t') started = true; if (started && (array[i] == '=' || array[i] == ':' || array[i] == ' ' || array[i] == '\t')) { breakpoint = i; break; } } String key = String.valueOf(array,0,breakpoint); item.setKey(key); String translation = p.getProperty(key); if (translation == null || translation.equals("")) item.setTranslation(line.substring(line.indexOf("=")+1,line.length()).trim()); else item.setTranslation(translation); dict.addBundleItem(item); item = new BundleItem(group,null,null); } // end while - main NLS file // Now that we have parsed the entire main language file, populate the allNLSKey set with the dictionary keys allBundleKeys = new Vector(); Enumeration enum = ((Bundle)bundles.elementAt(0)).allItems.keys(); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { allBundleKeys.addElement((String)enum.nextElement()); } // Now go through all of the other languages for (int i = 1; i < encodings.length; i++) { if (encodings[i].equals("kr")) continue; // I can't handle double byte character sets yet // Try to obtain the new file File tempFile = new File(resDir, NLSbaseClass + "_" + encodings[i] + NLSpostfix); fr = new FileReader(tempFile); br = new BufferedReader(fr); // Try to obtain the java readable properties for the file p = new Properties(); p.load(new FileInputStream(tempFile)); index = 0; // Set the dictionary for the main file dict = new Bundle(encodings[i]); bundles.addElement(dict); // Set up the first group in case there are NLS items which were not assigned to a group group = new BundleGroup(dict, "Ungrouped Items"); dict.addBundleGroup(group); group.setComment("NLS Items which were not initially assigned to a group"); item = new BundleItem(group,null,null); // Create the rest of the groups while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String commentLine = null; // Grab the text following the # sign if (line.indexOf("#") >= 0) { commentLine = line.substring(line.indexOf("#")+1,line.length()); line = line.substring(0,line.indexOf("#")); } if (commentLine != null && commentLine.trim().length() > 0) { // Process any information made available in comment '@' information Hashtable descriptors = getDescriptors(null,commentLine); if (descriptors != null) { Object o; // File tags o = descriptors.get("file"); if (o != null) dict.name = ((String) o); o = descriptors.get("fileComment"); if (o != null) dict.comment = ((String) o); o = descriptors.get("fileLanguage"); if (o != null) dict.language = ((String) o); o = descriptors.get("fileCountry"); if (o != null) dict.country = ((String) o); o = descriptors.get("fileVariant"); if (o != null) dict.variant = ((String) o); o = descriptors.get("fileManager"); if (o != null) dict.manager = ((String) o); // Group tags o = descriptors.get("group"); if (o != null) { group = new BundleGroup(dict, (String)o); item.setParentGroup(group); dict.addBundleGroup(group); } o = descriptors.get("groupComment"); if (o != null) group.setComment((String) o); // Item tags o = descriptors.get("comment"); if (o != null) item.setComment((String) o); o = descriptors.get("translated"); if (o != null) item.setTranslated(((String) o).equalsIgnoreCase("true")); o = descriptors.get("creator"); if (o != null) item.setCreator((String) o); o = descriptors.get("modifier"); if (o != null) item.setModifier((String) o); o = descriptors.get("created"); if (o != null) item.setCreatedDate((String) o); o = descriptors.get("modified"); if (o != null) item.setModifiedDate((String) o); // Lookup tags (e.g. {_#_} _description_) Enumeration keys = descriptors.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String tag = (String)keys.nextElement(); if (tag.startsWith("{")) { if (tag.indexOf("}") < 0) continue; String lookup = tag.substring(1,tag.indexOf("}")); item.getLookups().put(lookup,(String) descriptors.get(tag)); } } } } // end check of comment line if (line.trim().length() < 1) continue; // Grab the name and value (translation) from the line int breakpoint = 0; boolean started = false; char array[] = line.toCharArray(); for (int j=0; j < array.length; j++) { if (!started && array[j] != ' ' && array[j] != '\t') started = true; if (started && (array[j] == '=' || array[j] == ':' || array[j] == ' ' || array[j] == '\t')) { breakpoint = j; break; } } String key = String.valueOf(array,0,breakpoint); item.setKey(key); String translation = p.getProperty(key); if (translation == null || translation.equals("")) item.setTranslation(line.substring(line.indexOf("=")+1,line.length()).trim()); else item.setTranslation(translation); dict.addBundleItem(item); item = new BundleItem(group,null,null); } // end while - next line } // end for looop through languages // Add this opened file to our recent files Preferences.addRecentFilePreference(mainFile.getName(), mainFile.getAbsolutePath()); } // end RBManager() // *** METHODS *** /** * Main */ public static void main(String args[]) { // Make sure the user specified a path if (args.length < 1) { new RBManager(); return; } } // main public String toString() { return baseClass; } /** * Write the contents of the file to the output stream */ public void writeToFile() throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) { Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i); File outputFile = new File(currentDirectory, baseClass + ((bundle.encoding == null || bundle.encoding.equals("")) ? "" : "_" + bundle.encoding) + ".properties"); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outputFile); bundle.writeContents(fw); fw.flush(); fw.close(); } // In case this is a newly created bundle or the location has changed recently, update the recent files, preference Preferences.addRecentFilePreference(baseClass + ".properties", currentDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + baseClass + ".properties"); } /** * Calling this method removes a resource from the resource bundle. This method does not permanently * erase the file containing the resources at this encoding, however any changes or saves that take * place once this file has been removed will not be reflected in this hidden file. To restore the resource, * the bundle will have to be recreated. (This last point may change) */ public void hideResource(String encoding) { for (int i=0; i < bundles.size(); i++) { Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i); if (bundle.encoding.equals(encoding)) { bundles.removeElement(bundle); break; } } } /** * Erases permanently one of the resource files. Be careful about calling this method there is nothing you can do * once a file is erased. */ public void eraseFile(String encoding) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) { Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i); if (!(bundle.encoding.equals(encoding))) continue; File outputFile = new File(currentDirectory, baseClass + ((bundle.encoding == null || bundle.encoding.equals("")) ? "" : "_" + bundle.encoding) + ".properties"); boolean success = outputFile.delete(); if (!success) throw new IOException(Resources.getTranslation("error_deletion_not_possible")); hideResource(encoding); break; } } /** * Writes only one of the resource files to the file system. This file is specified by the encoding parameter */ public void writeToFile(String encoding) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) { Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i); if (bundle.encoding.equals(encoding) || (i==0 && encoding.equals(""))) { File outputFile = new File(currentDirectory, baseClass + ((bundle.encoding == null || bundle.encoding.equals("")) ? "" : "_" + bundle.encoding) + ".properties"); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outputFile); bundle.writeContents(fw); fw.flush(); fw.close(); break; } } // In case this is a newly created bundle or the location has changed recently, update the recent files, preference Preferences.addRecentFilePreference(baseClass + ".properties", currentDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + baseClass + ".properties"); } /** * Given a BundleItem and some properties to change for that item, this method first checks to make sure the passed * item is valid and if it is, the properties of that item are changed to reflect those passed in as parameters to this * method. * @return true if the BundleItem was valid and updateable, false if otherwise (in this case no changes were made). */ public boolean editItem(BundleItem item, String name, String value, String groupName, String comment, Hashtable lookups) { if (name == null || name.equals("") || groupName == null || groupName.equals("") || item == null) return false; String oldName = item.getKey(); String oldComment = item.getComment(); String oldValue = item.getTranslation(); String oldGroupName = item.getParentGroup().getName(); // Loop through the bundles for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) { Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i); BundleItem oldItem = (BundleItem)bundle.allItems.get(oldName); if (oldItem == null) break; if (!oldName.equals(name)) { // A new key oldItem.setKey(name); bundle.allItems.remove(oldItem); bundle.allItems.put(oldItem.getKey(), oldItem); } if (oldItem.getComment() == null || oldItem.getComment().equals(oldComment)) oldItem.setComment(comment); if (oldItem.getTranslation().equals(oldValue)) oldItem.setTranslation(value); oldItem.setLookups(lookups); if (!oldItem.getParentGroup().getName().equals(groupName)) { // A new group oldItem.getParentGroup().removeBundleItem(oldItem.getKey()); BundleGroup bg = bundle.getBundleGroup(groupName); if (bg == null) bg = bundle.getUngroupedGroup(); oldItem.setParentGroup(bg); bg.addBundleItem(oldItem); } } return true; } /** * Attempts to create a new item in each of the language files. The method first checks the base Resource Bundle * to make sure that the item name does not all ready exist. If it does exist the item is not created. * @param name The unique key of the item * @param value The translation of the item for the base class * @param groupName The group name, should all ready exist in the base class * @param comment An optional comment to be added to the item, can be null * @return An error response. If the creation was successful true is returned, if there was an error false is returned. */ public boolean createItem(String name, String value, String groupName, String comment, Hashtable lookups) { if (name == null || name.equals("") || groupName == null || groupName.equals("")) return false; Bundle mainBundle = (Bundle)bundles.firstElement(); BundleGroup mainGroup = null; if (mainBundle.allItems.containsKey(name)) return false; for (int i=0; i < mainBundle.getGroupCount(); i++) { BundleGroup bg = mainBundle.getBundleGroup(i); if (bg.getName().equals(groupName)) {mainGroup = bg; break;} } if (mainGroup == null) return false; // Add to the base class BundleItem mainItem = new BundleItem(mainGroup, name, value); mainItem.setTranslated(true); mainItem.setCreator(currentUser); mainItem.setModifier(currentUser); mainItem.setComment(comment); mainBundle.allItems.put(name, mainItem); mainGroup.addBundleItem(mainItem); if (lookups != null) mainItem.setLookups(lookups); // Add to the rest of the bundles for (int i=1; i < bundles.size(); i++) { Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i); // Find the group BundleGroup group = null; for (int j=0; j < bundle.getGroupCount(); j++) { BundleGroup bg = bundle.getBundleGroup(j); if (bg.getName().equals(groupName)) {group = bg; break;} } if (group == null) { group = new BundleGroup(bundle, groupName); bundle.addBundleGroup(group); } BundleItem item = new BundleItem(group, name, value); item.setCreator(currentUser); item.setModifier(currentUser); item.setComment(comment); if (lookups != null) item.setLookups(lookups); bundle.allItems.put(name, item); bundle.addUntranslatedItem(item); group.addBundleItem(item); } return true; } /** * Attempts to create a new group in each of the language files. The method first checks the base Resource Bundle * to make sure that the group name does not all ready exist. If it does exist the group is not created. * @param groupName The unique group name to be created * @param groupComment An optional comment to be added to the group, can be null * @return An error response. If the creation was successful true is returned, if there was an error false is returned. */ public boolean createGroup(String groupName, String groupComment) { if (groupName == null || groupName.equals("")) return false; // Check to see if the group exists Bundle mainBundle = (Bundle)bundles.firstElement(); if (mainBundle.hasGroup(groupName)) return false; // Create the group for (int i=0; i < bundles.size(); i++) { Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i); BundleGroup bg = new BundleGroup(bundle, groupName); if (groupComment != null) bg.setComment(groupComment); bundle.addBundleGroup(bg); } return true; } /** * Removes a group and all of the items within that group from the various * Resource Bundles known to the system. This method removes the group from * the protected vector of groups, then removes all items in that group from * the protected vector of untranslated items, and the protected hashtable of * all items. */ public void deleteGroup(String groupName) { if (groupName == null) return; // Loop through all of the bundles; for (int i=0; i < bundles.size(); i++) { Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i); bundle.removeGroup(groupName); } } /** * Remove resource items of the given name from each of the resource bundles that the system * knows about. This works by first removing the item from the protected vector of translated * items, if it is there, and then removing it from the the hashtable of all items, and then * removing it from its respective group. */ public void deleteItem(String itemName) { if (itemName == null) return; // Loop through all of the bundles; for (int i=0; i < bundles.size(); i++) { // Loop through untranslated items Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i); bundle.removeUntranslatedItem(itemName); // Loop through all Items Enumeration enum = bundle.allItems.elements(); while(enum.hasMoreElements()) { BundleItem item = (BundleItem)enum.nextElement(); if (item.getKey().equals(itemName)) { bundle.allItems.remove(item); item.getParentGroup().removeBundleItem(item.getKey()); } } } } /** * Looks through the resources contained in the bundle for a resource of the given encoding. Note that this * search is case sensitive. * @return True if the encoding exists as one of the resource files, false otherwise */ public boolean hasResource(String encoding) { // Check to see if the encoding exists for (int i=0; i < bundles.size(); i++) { Bundle b = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i); if (b.encoding.equals(encoding)) return true; } return false; } /** * Attempts to create a new resource file with the given encoding. The method first checks the base Resource Bundle * to make sure that encoding does not all ready exist. If it does exist the resource file is not created. * @param title An optional, quick title for the file, can be null * @param comment An optional comment to be added to the resource, can be null * @param manager The name of the person responsible for this resource, can be null * @param encoding The proper encoding for the resource. Must be of form 'language', 'language_country', or 'language_country_variant' * @param language A more formal name for the language (e.g. 'English', 'Deutsch', etc.), can be null * @param country A more formal name for the country described by the resource, can be null * @param variant A more formal name for the variant described by the resource, can be null * @param copyValues An indication of wether or not to populate the resource with the items in the base class * @return An error response. If the creation was successful true is returned, if there was an error false is returned. */ public boolean createResource(String title, String comment, String manager, String encoding, String language, String country, String variant, boolean copyValues) { if (encoding == null || encoding.equals("") || encoding.startsWith("_")) return false; // Check to see if the encoding exists if (hasResource(encoding)) return false; // Create the resource Bundle bundle = new Bundle(encoding); bundle.name = title; bundle.comment = comment; bundle.manager = manager; bundle.language = language; bundle.country = country; bundle.variant = variant; // Create a default group bundle.addBundleGroup("Ungrouped Items", "These are resource items that have not been assigned a group"); if (copyValues) { Bundle mainBundle = (Bundle)bundles.firstElement(); for (int i=0; i < mainBundle.getGroupCount(); i++) { BundleGroup mainGroup = mainBundle.getBundleGroup(i); BundleGroup bg = new BundleGroup(bundle,mainGroup.getName()); bg.setComment(mainGroup.getComment()); bundle.addBundleGroup(bg); for (int j=0; j < mainGroup.getItemCount(); j++) { BundleItem mainItem = mainGroup.getBundleItem(j); BundleItem item = new BundleItem(bg, mainItem.getKey(), mainItem.getTranslation()); item.setComment(mainItem.getComment()); item.setCreator(mainItem.getCreator()); item.setModifier(mainItem.getModifier()); item.setLookups(new Hashtable()); // TODO: This should be done in the Bundle class Enumeration enum = mainItem.getLookups().keys(); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String)enum.nextElement(); String value = (String)mainItem.getLookups().get(name); item.getLookups().put(new String(name), new String(value)); } bg.addBundleItem(item); bundle.addUntranslatedItem(item); } } } bundles.addElement(bundle); return true; } /** * Returns the number of duplicate NLS entries */ public int getNumberDuplicates() { return ((Bundle)bundles.firstElement()).duplicates.size(); } /** * Returns a single string with a comma delimited listing of all duplicate entries found in the NLS resources */ public String getDuplicatesListing() { return listStrings(getDuplicatesListingVector()); } /** * Returns a Vector collection of duplicate BundleItems found in the bundle */ public Vector getDuplicatesListingVector() { return ((Bundle)bundles.firstElement()).duplicates; } /** * A useful debugging method that lists the various BundleGroup names in a String. */ public String getGroupListing() { return listStrings(getGroupListingVector()); } /** * Returns a vector collection of all of the BundleGroup items founds int the bundle. */ public Vector getGroupListingVector() { Vector v = new Vector(); Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.firstElement(); for (int i=0; i < bundle.getGroupCount(); i++) { String name = bundle.getBundleGroup(i).getName(); v.addElement(name); } return v; } /** * Returns the total number of languages that the system seems to support */ public int getNumberLanguages() { return bundles.size(); } /** * Returns a single string comprised of a comma delimited listing of all languages the system seems to support */ public String getLanguageListing() { return listStrings(getLanguageListingVector()); } /** * Returns a vector of strings comprising a list of all languages in the system */ public Vector getLanguageListingVector() { Vector v = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) { Bundle dict = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i); String dictStr = new String(); if (dict.language != null) dictStr += dict.language; if (dict.country != null) dictStr += " " + dict.country; if (dict.variant != null) dictStr += " " + dict.variant; if (dictStr.trim().equals("")) dictStr = (dict.encoding.trim().equals("") ? "Base Resource Bundle" : dict.encoding); v.addElement(dictStr); } return v; } /** * Returns the number of translations contained across all language files */ public int getNumberTotalTranslations() { return allBundleKeys.size(); } /** * Returns the number of BundleGroups in the bundle. */ public int getNumberGroups() { return ((Bundle)bundles.firstElement()).getGroupCount(); } /** * Returns the name of the user currently using the editor */ public String getUser() { return currentUser; } /** * Sets the name of the user currently using the editor */ public void setUser(String user) { currentUser = user; } /** * Sets the name of the base class associated with this resource bundle */ public void setBaseClass(String baseClassName) { baseClass = baseClassName; } /** * Sets the directory in the file system in which this resource bundle is to be * saved and retrieved. */ public void setFileDirectory(File directory) { if (directory.isDirectory()) currentDirectory = directory; } /** * Returns the base class name if known, or "Unknown Base Class" otherwise. */ public String toSring() { return (baseClass == null ? "Unknown Base Class" : baseClass); } /** * Returns the base class name or null if it does not exist. */ public String getBaseClass() { return baseClass; } protected Vector getBundles() { return bundles; } /** * Returns the name of the file that is the base class file for the resource bundle. */ public File getBaseFile() { return new File(currentDirectory,baseClass + ".properties"); } // Return a single comma delimited string made from a vector of strings private String listStrings(Vector v) { String retStr = new String(); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { Object o = v.elementAt(i); if (!(o instanceof String)) continue; String s = (String)o; if (i > 0) retStr += ", "; retStr += s; } return retStr; } // Init - called before ant construction private void init() { allBundleKeys = new Vector(); bundles = new Vector(); currentUser = "Unknown"; } // Return a hashtable of the tags in a comment line (i.e. the text after each '@' character) and their values private Hashtable getDescriptors(Hashtable result, String line) { // Recursion terminating condition if (line == null || line.length() <= 0 || line.indexOf("@") < 0) return result; // Otherwise generate what information we can and recurse if (result == null) result = new Hashtable(); // Strip off any information before and including a '@' line = line.substring(line.indexOf("@")+1, line.length()); // There should be a space after the '@_tag_' and the value of this property if (line.indexOf(" ") < 0) return result; // This shouldn't happen if things are formatted right // Add the text after the '@' character up to the first whitespace (has to be a space, not tab or other whitespace) String name = line.substring(0,line.indexOf(" ")).trim(); // Now strip off the tag name line = line.substring(line.indexOf(" "), line.length()); // If there is another '@' character we take the value up until that character if (line.indexOf("@") >= 0) { result.put(name,line.substring(0,line.indexOf("@")).trim()); } // Otherwise we take the rest of the characters in the line else { result.put(name,line.trim()); return result; } // Recurse return getDescriptors(result, line.substring(line.indexOf("@"), line.length())); } // Checks an array of strings to see if it contains a particular string private static boolean arrayContains(String[] array, String match) { for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i].equals(match)) return true; } return false; } // Prints the usage of the program when called from main private static void printUsage() { String usage = new String(); usage += "Usage:\n\njava com.ibm.almaden.TempusFugit.Tools.RBManager fileName ((-r | -d) encoding?)?"; usage += "\n\n fileName -> The file (and path?) representing the main NLS resource\n\t\t(i.e. TempusFugit.resources)\n"; usage += " encoding -> Returns results for only the language encoding specified\n"; usage += " flag -r -> Gives only a status report on the state of the translations\n"; System.out.println(usage); } // Given a language encoding, returns the name of the language if known, otherwise returns the given parameter // Example: decodeLanguageName("de"); returns "German" private static String decodeLanguageName(String encoding) { // This should probably be done with a hash table if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("de")) return "German"; else if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("en_us")) return "U.S. English"; else if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("en_ca")) return "Canadian English"; else if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("fi")) return "Finnish"; else if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("fr")) return "French"; else if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("sv")) return "Swedish"; else if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("kr")) return "Korean"; return encoding; } } // ListAllInstances /* * $History: RBManager.java $ * * ***************** Version 18 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 5/09/02 Time: 10:40a * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * Update from work on my laptop * * ***************** Version 17 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 12/19/01 Time: 12:49p * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * Updated for version 0.5a. Includes new 'Project Tree View' * * ***************** Version 16 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 11/20/01 Time: 9:36a * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * Updates for version 0.5a * * ***************** Version 15 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 6/29/01 Time: 11:02a * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * This is the version with the time bomb set to go off on Decmber 15, * 2001 * * ***************** Version 14 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 6/27/01 Time: 5:49p * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * This is an update prior to adding new code to place a 'time bomb' into * the code in preparation for version 0.4a * * ***************** Version 13 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 3/20/01 Time: 11:23a * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * * ***************** Version 12 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 2/13/01 Time: 9:59a * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * Almost there ... 0.3a * * ***************** Version 11 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 2/07/01 Time: 2:12p * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * Almost version 0.3a - Will do a final check to make sure everything * works * * ***************** Version 10 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 2/06/01 Time: 1:34p * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * * ***************** Version 9 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 2/05/01 Time: 1:41p * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * * ***************** Version 8 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 1/26/01 Time: 11:38a * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * Visual components for import defined * * ***************** Version 7 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 11/21/00 Time: 1:38p * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * checkin for time * * ***************** Version 6 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 11/10/00 Time: 1:09p * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * * ***************** Version 5 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 11/08/00 Time: 9:02a * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * Preferences and about panel now functional * * ***************** Version 4 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 10/26/00 Time: 4:20p * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * * ***************** Version 3 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 10/25/00 Time: 4:04p * Updated in $/RBManager/Source/com/ibm/rbm * Moved public data members to public method calls * * ***************** Version 1 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 10/23/00 Time: 8:54a * Created in $/Tempus Fugit/Development/Java/com/ibm/almaden/RBManager * Initial inclussion in com.ibm.almaden * * ***************** Version 2 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 10/10/00 Time: 4:14p * Updated in $/Tempus Fugit/Development/Java/com/ibm/almaden/TempusFugit/Tools * * ***************** Version 1 ***************** * User: Jjared Date: 9/29/00 Time: 10:05a * Created in $/Tempus Fugit/Development/Java/com/ibm/almaden/TempusFugit/Tools * Initial version * */