Conversion interface
Conversion interface is a set of C functions used to convert to and from Unicode and
various character sets/codepages.
Important files:
- ucnv_io.{c,h} : Low level implementation of the aliasing and other file access services.
- ucnv_bld.{c,h} : Implementation of the data structure.
- ucnv_cnv.{c,h} : Implementation of the conversion loop.
- ucnv.{c,h} : API implementation.
- ucnv_imp.h : internal functions.
- ucnv_err.{h,c} : sample implementation of error Callback Routines.
- convert.cpp : C++ wrapers of the conversion routines.
Data files: icu/data
- convrtrs.txt : Alias table used by the icu conversion routines for conversion data
- *.ucm : mapping tables.
Tools : icu/source/tools/makeconv
- makeconv.c : Tool that compiles the .ucm files in a format that ICU understands (.cnv
Files that are used but not part of conversion per se (i.e. used by other parts of the
ICU): icu/source/common
- ucmp8.{c,h} : compact array (array with compressed array for 8 bits char).
- ucmp16.{c,h} : compact array (array with compressed array for 16 bits char).
- uhash.{c,h} : hashtable implementation.