/* ******************************************************************************* * * Copyright (C) 2001, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* * file name: ucol_cnt.cpp * encoding: US-ASCII * tab size: 8 (not used) * indentation:4 * * created 02/22/2001 * created by: Vladimir Weinstein * * This module maintains a contraction table structure in expanded form * and provides means to flatten this structure * */ #include "unicode/uchar.h" #include "ucol_cnt.h" #include "cmemory.h" U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void uprv_growTable(ContractionTable *tbl, UErrorCode *status) { if(tbl->position == tbl->size) { uint32_t *newData = (uint32_t *)uprv_realloc(tbl->CEs, 2*tbl->size*sizeof(uint32_t)); if(newData == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return; } UChar *newCPs = (UChar *)uprv_realloc(tbl->codePoints, 2*tbl->size*sizeof(UChar)); if(newCPs == NULL) { uprv_free(newData); *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return; } tbl->CEs = newData; tbl->codePoints = newCPs; tbl->size *= 2; } } U_CAPI CntTable* U_EXPORT2 /*uprv_cnttab_open(CompactEIntArray *mapping, UErrorCode *status) {*/ uprv_cnttab_open(UNewTrie *mapping, UErrorCode *status) { if(U_FAILURE(*status)) { return 0; } CntTable *tbl = (CntTable *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(CntTable)); if(tbl == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return NULL; } tbl->mapping = mapping; tbl->elements = (ContractionTable **)uprv_malloc(INIT_EXP_TABLE_SIZE*sizeof(ContractionTable *)); if(tbl->elements == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; uprv_free(tbl); return NULL; } tbl->capacity = INIT_EXP_TABLE_SIZE; uprv_memset(tbl->elements, 0, INIT_EXP_TABLE_SIZE*sizeof(ContractionTable *)); tbl->size = 0; tbl->position = 0; tbl->CEs = NULL; tbl->codePoints = NULL; tbl->offsets = NULL; tbl->currentTag = NOT_FOUND_TAG; return tbl; } static ContractionTable *addATableElement(CntTable *table, uint32_t *key, UErrorCode *status) { ContractionTable *el = (ContractionTable *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(ContractionTable)); if(el == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return NULL; } el->CEs = (uint32_t *)uprv_malloc(INIT_EXP_TABLE_SIZE*sizeof(uint32_t)); if(el->CEs == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; uprv_free(el); return NULL; } el->codePoints = (UChar *)uprv_malloc(INIT_EXP_TABLE_SIZE*sizeof(UChar)); if(el->codePoints == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; uprv_free(el->CEs); uprv_free(el); return NULL; } el->position = 0; el->size = INIT_EXP_TABLE_SIZE; uprv_memset(el->CEs, 0, INIT_EXP_TABLE_SIZE*sizeof(uint32_t)); uprv_memset(el->codePoints, 0, INIT_EXP_TABLE_SIZE*sizeof(UChar)); table->elements[table->size] = el; //uhash_put(table->elements, (void *)table->size, el, status); *key = table->size++; if(table->size == table->capacity) { ContractionTable **newElements = (ContractionTable **)uprv_malloc(table->capacity*2*sizeof(ContractionTable *)); // do realloc /* table->elements = (ContractionTable **)realloc(table->elements, table->capacity*2*sizeof(ContractionTable *));*/ if(newElements == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; uprv_free(el->codePoints); uprv_free(el->CEs); uprv_free(el); return NULL; } else { ContractionTable **oldElements = table->elements; uprv_memcpy(newElements, oldElements, table->capacity*sizeof(ContractionTable *)); uprv_memset(newElements+table->capacity, 0, table->capacity*sizeof(ContractionTable *)); table->capacity *= 2; table->elements = newElements; uprv_free(oldElements); } } return el; } U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_cnttab_constructTable(CntTable *table, uint32_t mainOffset, UErrorCode *status) { int32_t i = 0, j = 0; if(U_FAILURE(*status) || table->size == 0) { return 0; } table->position = 0; if(table->offsets != NULL) { uprv_free(table->offsets); } table->offsets = (int32_t *)uprv_malloc(table->size*sizeof(int32_t)); if(table->offsets == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return 0; } /* See how much memory we need */ for(i = 0; isize; i++) { table->offsets[i] = table->position+mainOffset; table->position += table->elements[i]->position; } /* Allocate it */ if(table->CEs != NULL) { uprv_free(table->CEs); } table->CEs = (uint32_t *)uprv_malloc(table->position*sizeof(uint32_t)); if(table->CEs == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; uprv_free(table->offsets); table->offsets = NULL; return 0; } uprv_memset(table->CEs, '?', table->position*sizeof(uint32_t)); if(table->codePoints != NULL) { uprv_free(table->codePoints); } table->codePoints = (UChar *)uprv_malloc(table->position*sizeof(UChar)); if(table->codePoints == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; uprv_free(table->offsets); table->offsets = NULL; uprv_free(table->CEs); table->CEs = NULL; return 0; } uprv_memset(table->codePoints, '?', table->position*sizeof(UChar)); /* Now stuff the things in*/ UChar *cpPointer = table->codePoints; uint32_t *CEPointer = table->CEs; for(i = 0; isize; i++) { int32_t size = table->elements[i]->position; uint8_t ccMax = 0, ccMin = 255, cc = 0; for(j = 1; jelements[i]->codePoints[j]); if(cc>ccMax) { ccMax = cc; } if(ccelements[i]->codePoints[j]; } *cpPointer = ((ccMin==ccMax)?1:0 << 8) | ccMax; uprv_memcpy(CEPointer, table->elements[i]->CEs, size*sizeof(uint32_t)); for(j = 0; joffsets[getContractOffset(*(CEPointer+j))]); } } cpPointer += size; CEPointer += size; } uint32_t CE; for(i = 0; i<=0x10FFFF; i++) { /*CE = ucmpe32_get(table->mapping, i);*/ CE = utrie_get32(table->mapping, i, NULL); if(isCntTableElement(CE)) { CE = constructContractCE(getCETag(CE), table->offsets[getContractOffset(CE)]); /*ucmpe32_set(table->mapping, i, CE);*/ utrie_set32(table->mapping, i, CE); } } return table->position; } ContractionTable *uprv_cnttab_cloneContraction(ContractionTable *t, UErrorCode *status) { ContractionTable *r = (ContractionTable *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(ContractionTable)); if(r == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return NULL; } r->position = t->position; r->size = t->size; r->codePoints = (UChar *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UChar)*t->size); r->CEs = (uint32_t *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*t->size); /* test for NULL */ if((r->codePoints == NULL) || (r->CEs == NULL)) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return NULL; } uprv_memcpy(r->codePoints, t->codePoints, sizeof(UChar)*t->size); uprv_memcpy(r->CEs, t->CEs, sizeof(uint32_t)*t->size); return r; } U_CAPI CntTable* U_EXPORT2 uprv_cnttab_clone(CntTable *t, UErrorCode *status) { if(U_FAILURE(*status)) { return NULL; } int32_t i = 0; CntTable *r = (CntTable *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(CntTable)); /* test for NULL */ if (r == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return NULL; } r->position = t->position; r->size = t->size; r->capacity = t->capacity; r->mapping = t->mapping; r->elements = (ContractionTable **)uprv_malloc(t->capacity*sizeof(ContractionTable *)); /* test for NULL */ if (r->elements == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return NULL; } //uprv_memcpy(r->elements, t->elements, t->capacity*sizeof(ContractionTable *)); for(i = 0; isize; i++) { r->elements[i] = uprv_cnttab_cloneContraction(t->elements[i], status); } if(t->CEs != NULL) { r->CEs = (uint32_t *)uprv_malloc(t->position*sizeof(uint32_t)); /* test for NULL */ if (r->CEs == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return NULL; } uprv_memcpy(r->CEs, t->CEs, t->position*sizeof(uint32_t)); } else { r->CEs = NULL; } if(t->codePoints != NULL) { r->codePoints = (UChar *)uprv_malloc(t->position*sizeof(UChar)); /* test for NULL */ if (r->codePoints == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return NULL; } uprv_memcpy(r->codePoints, t->codePoints, t->position*sizeof(UChar)); } else { r->codePoints = NULL; } if(t->offsets != NULL) { r->offsets = (int32_t *)uprv_malloc(t->size*sizeof(int32_t)); /* test for NULL */ if (r->offsets == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return NULL; } uprv_memcpy(r->offsets, t->offsets, t->size*sizeof(int32_t)); } else { r->offsets = NULL; } return r; } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 uprv_cnttab_close(CntTable *table) { int32_t i = 0; for(i = 0; isize; i++) { uprv_free(table->elements[i]->CEs); uprv_free(table->elements[i]->codePoints); uprv_free(table->elements[i]); } uprv_free(table->elements); uprv_free(table->CEs); uprv_free(table->offsets); uprv_free(table->codePoints); uprv_free(table); } /* this is for adding non contractions */ U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_cnttab_changeLastCE(CntTable *table, uint32_t element, uint32_t value, UErrorCode *status) { element &= 0xFFFFFF; ContractionTable *tbl = NULL; if(U_FAILURE(*status)) { return 0; } if((element == 0xFFFFFF) || (tbl = table->elements[element]) == NULL) { return 0; } tbl->CEs[tbl->position-1] = value; return(constructContractCE(table->currentTag, element)); } /* inserts a part of contraction sequence in table. Sequences behind the offset are moved back. If element is non existent, it creates on. Returns element handle */ U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_cnttab_insertContraction(CntTable *table, uint32_t element, UChar codePoint, uint32_t value, UErrorCode *status) { element &= 0xFFFFFF; ContractionTable *tbl = NULL; if(U_FAILURE(*status)) { return 0; } if((element == 0xFFFFFF) || (tbl = table->elements[element]) == NULL) { tbl = addATableElement(table, &element, status); } uprv_growTable(tbl, status); uint32_t offset = 0; while(tbl->codePoints[offset] < codePoint && offsetposition) { offset++; } uint32_t i = tbl->position; for(i = tbl->position; i > offset; i--) { tbl->CEs[i] = tbl->CEs[i-1]; tbl->codePoints[i] = tbl->codePoints[i-1]; } tbl->CEs[offset] = value; tbl->codePoints[offset] = codePoint; tbl->position++; return(constructContractCE(table->currentTag, element)); } /* adds more contractions in table. If element is non existant, it creates on. Returns element handle */ U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_cnttab_addContraction(CntTable *table, uint32_t element, UChar codePoint, uint32_t value, UErrorCode *status) { element &= 0xFFFFFF; ContractionTable *tbl = NULL; if(U_FAILURE(*status)) { return 0; } if((element == 0xFFFFFF) || (tbl = table->elements[element]) == NULL) { tbl = addATableElement(table, &element, status); } uprv_growTable(tbl, status); tbl->CEs[tbl->position] = value; tbl->codePoints[tbl->position] = codePoint; tbl->position++; return(constructContractCE(table->currentTag, element)); } /* sets a part of contraction sequence in table. If element is non existant, it creates on. Returns element handle */ U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_cnttab_setContraction(CntTable *table, uint32_t element, uint32_t offset, UChar codePoint, uint32_t value, UErrorCode *status) { element &= 0xFFFFFF; ContractionTable *tbl = NULL; if(U_FAILURE(*status)) { return 0; } if((element == 0xFFFFFF) || (tbl = table->elements[element]) == NULL) { tbl = addATableElement(table, &element, status); } if(offset >= tbl->size) { *status = U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR; return 0; } tbl->CEs[offset] = value; tbl->codePoints[offset] = codePoint; //return(offset); return(constructContractCE(table->currentTag, element)); } static ContractionTable *_cnttab_getContractionTable(CntTable *table, uint32_t element) { element &= 0xFFFFFF; ContractionTable *tbl = NULL; if((element == 0xFFFFFF) || (tbl = table->elements[element]) == NULL) { return NULL; } else { return tbl; } } static int32_t _cnttab_findCP(ContractionTable *tbl, UChar codePoint) { uint32_t position = 0; if(tbl == NULL) { return -1; } while(codePoint > tbl->codePoints[position]) { position++; if(position > tbl->position) { return -1; } } if (codePoint == tbl->codePoints[position]) { return position; } else { return -1; } } static uint32_t _cnttab_getCE(ContractionTable *tbl, int32_t position) { if(tbl == NULL) { return UCOL_NOT_FOUND; } if((uint32_t)position > tbl->position || position == -1) { return UCOL_NOT_FOUND; } else { return tbl->CEs[position]; } } U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_cnttab_findCP(CntTable *table, uint32_t element, UChar codePoint, UErrorCode *status) { if(U_FAILURE(*status)) { return 0; } return _cnttab_findCP(_cnttab_getContractionTable(table, element), codePoint); } U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_cnttab_getCE(CntTable *table, uint32_t element, uint32_t position, UErrorCode *status) { if(U_FAILURE(*status)) { return UCOL_NOT_FOUND; } return(_cnttab_getCE(_cnttab_getContractionTable(table, element), position)); } U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_cnttab_findCE(CntTable *table, uint32_t element, UChar codePoint, UErrorCode *status) { if(U_FAILURE(*status)) { return UCOL_NOT_FOUND; } ContractionTable *tbl = _cnttab_getContractionTable(table, element); return _cnttab_getCE(tbl, _cnttab_findCP(tbl, codePoint)); } U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2 uprv_cnttab_isTailored(CntTable *table, uint32_t element, UChar *ztString, UErrorCode *status) { if(U_FAILURE(*status)) { return FALSE; } while(*(ztString)!=0) { element = uprv_cnttab_findCE(table, element, *(ztString), status); if(element == UCOL_NOT_FOUND) { return FALSE; } if(!isCntTableElement(element)) { return TRUE; } ztString++; } if(uprv_cnttab_getCE(table, element, 0, status) != UCOL_NOT_FOUND) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_cnttab_changeContraction(CntTable *table, uint32_t element, UChar codePoint, uint32_t newCE, UErrorCode *status) { element &= 0xFFFFFF; ContractionTable *tbl = NULL; if(U_FAILURE(*status)) { return 0; } if((element == 0xFFFFFF) || (tbl = table->elements[element]) == NULL) { return 0; } uint32_t position = 0; while(codePoint > tbl->codePoints[position]) { position++; if(position > tbl->position) { return UCOL_NOT_FOUND; } } if (codePoint == tbl->codePoints[position]) { tbl->CEs[position] = newCE; return element; } else { return UCOL_NOT_FOUND; } } U_NAMESPACE_END