/** ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1996-2001, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* * * $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/unicodetools/com/ibm/text/UCA/WriteCollationData.java,v $ * $Date: 2003/08/20 03:48:43 $ * $Revision: 1.33 $ * ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.text.UCA; import java.util.*; import com.ibm.icu.text.UTF16; import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet; import com.ibm.icu.text.CanonicalIterator; import com.ibm.icu.impl.UCharacterProperty; import java.io.*; //import java.text.*; //import com.ibm.text.unicode.*; import java.text.RuleBasedCollator; import java.text.CollationElementIterator; import java.text.Collator; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import com.ibm.text.UCD.*; import com.ibm.text.UCD.UCD_Types; import com.ibm.text.utility.*; import com.ibm.text.UCD.Normalizer; public class WriteCollationData implements UCD_Types, UCA_Types { static final boolean DEBUG = false; static final boolean DEBUG_SHOW_ITERATION = false; public static final String copyright = "Copyright (C) 2000, IBM Corp. and others. All Rights Reserved."; static final boolean EXCLUDE_UNSUPPORTED = true; static final boolean GENERATED_NFC_MISMATCHES = true; static final boolean DO_CHARTS = false; static final String UNICODE_VERSION = UCD.latestVersion; static UCA collator; static char unique = '\u0000'; static TreeMap sortedD = new TreeMap(); static TreeMap sortedN = new TreeMap(); static HashMap backD = new HashMap(); static HashMap backN = new HashMap(); static TreeMap duplicates = new TreeMap(); static int duplicateCount = 0; static PrintWriter log; static UCD ucd; static public void javatest() throws Exception { checkJavaRules("& J , K / B & K , M", new String[] {"JA", "MA", "KA", "KC", "JC", "MC"}); checkJavaRules("& J , K / B , M", new String[] {"JA", "MA", "KA", "KC", "JC", "MC"}); } static public void checkJavaRules(String rules, String[] tests) throws Exception { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Rules: " + rules); System.out.println(); // duplicate the effect of ICU 1.8 by grabbing the default rules and appending RuleBasedCollator defaultCollator = (RuleBasedCollator) Collator.getInstance(Locale.US); RuleBasedCollator col = new RuleBasedCollator(defaultCollator.getRules() + rules); // check to make sure each pair is in order int i = 1; for (; i < tests.length; ++i) { System.out.println(tests[i-1] + "\t=> " + showJavaCollationKey(col, tests[i-1])); if (col.compare(tests[i-1], tests[i]) > 0) { System.out.println("Failure: " + tests[i-1] + " > " + tests[i]); } } System.out.println(tests[i-1] + "\t=> " + showJavaCollationKey(col, tests[i-1])); } static public String showJavaCollationKey(RuleBasedCollator col, String test) { CollationElementIterator it = col.getCollationElementIterator(test); String result = "["; for (int i = 0; ; ++i) { int ce = it.next(); if (ce == CollationElementIterator.NULLORDER) break; if (i != 0) result += ", "; result += Utility.hex(ce,8); } return result + "]"; } //private static final String DIR = "c:\\Documents and Settings\\Davis\\My Documents\\UnicodeData\\Update 3.0.1\\"; //private static final String DIR31 = "c:\\Documents and Settings\\Davis\\My Documents\\UnicodeData\\Update 3.1\\"; static public void writeCaseExceptions() { System.err.println("Writing Case Exceptions"); Normalizer NFKC = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFKC, UNICODE_VERSION); for (char a = 0; a < 0xFFFF; ++a) { if (!ucd.isRepresented(a)) continue; //if (0xA000 <= a && a <= 0xA48F) continue; // skip YI String b = Case.fold(a); String c = NFKC.normalize(b); String d = Case.fold(c); String e = NFKC.normalize(d); if (!e.equals(c)) { System.out.println(Utility.hex(a) + "; " + Utility.hex(d, " ") + " # " + ucd.getName(a)); /* System.out.println(Utility.hex(a) + ", " + Utility.hex(b, " ") + ", " + Utility.hex(c, " ") + ", " + Utility.hex(d, " ") + ", " + Utility.hex(e, " ")); System.out.println(ucd.getName(a) + ", " + ucd.getName(b) + ", " + ucd.getName(c) + ", " + ucd.getName(d) + ", " + ucd.getName(e)); */ } String f = Case.fold(e); String g = NFKC.normalize(f); if (!f.equals(d) || !g.equals(e)) System.out.println("!!!!!!SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!"); } } static public void writeCaseFolding() throws IOException { System.err.println("Writing Javascript data"); BufferedReader in = Utility.openUnicodeFile("CaseFolding", UNICODE_VERSION, true, Utility.LATIN1); // new BufferedReader(new FileReader(DIR31 + "CaseFolding-3.d3.alpha.txt"), 64*1024); // log = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("CaseFolding_data.js")); log = Utility.openPrintWriter(UCA_GEN_DIR, "CaseFolding_data.js", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); log.println("var CF = new Object();"); int count = 0; while (true) { String line = in.readLine(); if (line == null) break; int comment = line.indexOf('#'); // strip comments if (comment != -1) line = line.substring(0,comment); if (line.length() == 0) continue; int semi1 = line.indexOf(';'); int semi2 = line.indexOf(';', semi1+1); int semi3 = line.indexOf(';', semi2+1); char type = line.substring(semi1+1,semi2).trim().charAt(0); if (type == 'C' || type == 'F' || type == 'T') { String code = line.substring(0,semi1).trim(); String result = " " + line.substring(semi2+1,semi3).trim(); result = replace(result, ' ', "\\u"); log.println("\t CF[0x" + code + "]='" + result + "';"); count++; } } log.println("// " + count + " case foldings total"); in.close(); log.close(); } static public String replace(String source, char toBeReplaced, String toReplace) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); ++i) { char c = source.charAt(i); if (c == toBeReplaced) { result.append(toReplace); } else { result.append(c); } } return result.toString(); } static public void writeJavascriptInfo() throws IOException { System.err.println("Writing Javascript data"); Normalizer normKD = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFKD, UNICODE_VERSION); Normalizer normD = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD, UNICODE_VERSION); //log = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("Normalization_data.js")); log = Utility.openPrintWriter(UCA_GEN_DIR, "Normalization_data.js", Utility.LATIN1_WINDOWS); int count = 0; int datasize = 0; int max = 0; int over7 = 0; log.println("var KD = new Object(); // NFKD compatibility decomposition mappings"); log.println("// NOTE: Hangul is done in code!"); CompactShortArray csa = new CompactShortArray((short)0); for (char c = 0; c < 0xFFFF; ++c) { if ((c & 0xFFF) == 0) System.err.println(Utility.hex(c)); if (0xAC00 <= c && c <= 0xD7A3) continue; if (!normKD.isNormalized(c)) { ++count; String decomp = normKD.normalize(c); datasize += decomp.length(); if (max < decomp.length()) max = decomp.length(); if (decomp.length() > 7) ++over7; csa.setElementAt(c, (short)count); log.println("\t KD[0x" + Utility.hex(c) + "]='\\u" + Utility.hex(decomp,"\\u") + "';"); } } csa.compact(); log.println("// " + count + " NFKD mappings total"); log.println("// " + datasize + " total characters of results"); log.println("// " + max + " string length, maximum"); log.println("// " + over7 + " result strings with length > 7"); log.println("// " + csa.storage() + " trie length (doesn't count string size)"); log.println(); count = 0; datasize = 0; max = 0; log.println("var D = new Object(); // NFD canonical decomposition mappings"); log.println("// NOTE: Hangul is done in code!"); csa = new CompactShortArray((short)0); for (char c = 0; c < 0xFFFF; ++c) { if ((c & 0xFFF) == 0) System.err.println(Utility.hex(c)); if (0xAC00 <= c && c <= 0xD7A3) continue; if (!normD.isNormalized(c)) { ++count; String decomp = normD.normalize(c); datasize += decomp.length(); if (max < decomp.length()) max = decomp.length(); csa.setElementAt(c, (short)count); log.println("\t D[0x" + Utility.hex(c) + "]='\\u" + Utility.hex(decomp,"\\u") + "';"); } } csa.compact(); log.println("// " + count + " NFD mappings total"); log.println("// " + datasize + " total characters of results"); log.println("// " + max + " string length, maximum"); log.println("// " + csa.storage() + " trie length (doesn't count string size)"); log.println(); count = 0; datasize = 0; log.println("var CC = new Object(); // canonical class mappings"); CompactByteArray cba = new CompactByteArray(); for (char c = 0; c < 0xFFFF; ++c) { if ((c & 0xFFF) == 0) System.err.println(Utility.hex(c)); int canClass = normKD.getCanonicalClass(c); if (canClass != 0) { ++count; log.println("\t CC[0x" + Utility.hex(c) + "]=" + canClass + ";"); } } cba.compact(); log.println("// " + count + " canonical class mappings total"); log.println("// " + cba.storage() + " trie length"); log.println(); count = 0; datasize = 0; log.println("var C = new Object(); // composition mappings"); log.println("// NOTE: Hangul is done in code!"); System.out.println("WARNING -- COMPOSITIONS UNFINISHED!!"); /* IntHashtable.IntEnumeration enum = normKD.getComposition(); while (enum.hasNext()) { int key = enum.next(); char val = (char) enum.value(); if (0xAC00 <= val && val <= 0xD7A3) continue; ++count; log.println("\tC[0x" + Utility.hex(key) + "]=0x" + Utility.hex(val) + ";"); } log.println("// " + count + " composition mappings total"); log.println(); */ log.close(); System.err.println("Done writing Javascript data"); } static void writeConformance(String filename, byte option, boolean shortPrint) throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); //UCD ucd30 = UCD.make("3.0.0"); /* U+01D5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS AND MACRON => U+00DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS, U+0304 COMBINING MACRON */ if (DEBUG) { String[] testList = {"\u3192", "\u3220", "\u0344", "\u0385", "\uF934", "U", "U\u0308", "\u00DC", "\u00DC\u0304", "U\u0308\u0304"}; for (int jj = 0; jj < testList.length; ++jj) { String t = testList[jj]; System.out.println(ucd.getCodeAndName(t)); CEList ces = collator.getCEList(t, true); System.out.println("CEs: " + ces); String test = collator.getSortKey(t, option); System.out.println("Decomp: " + collator.toString(test)); test = collator.getSortKey(t, option, false); System.out.println("No Dec: " + collator.toString(test)); } } PrintWriter log = Utility.openPrintWriter(UCA_GEN_DIR, filename + (shortPrint ? "_SHORT" : "") + ".txt", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); //if (!shortPrint) log.write('\uFEFF'); log.println("# UCA Version: " + collator.getDataVersion() + "/" + collator.getUCDVersion()); log.println("# Generated: " + getNormalDate()); System.out.println("Sorting"); int counter = 0; UCA.UCAContents cc = collator.getContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, null); cc.enableSamples(); UnicodeSet found2 = new UnicodeSet(); while (true) { String s = cc.next(); if (s == null) break; found2.addAll(s); if (DEBUG_SHOW_ITERATION) { int cp = UTF16.charAt(s, 0); if (cp == 0x220 || !ucd.isAssigned(cp) || ucd.isCJK_BASE(cp)) { System.out.println(ucd.getCodeAndName(s)); } } Utility.dot(counter++); addStringX(s, option); } // Add special examples /* addStringX("\u2024\u2024", option); addStringX("\u2024\u2024\u2024", option); addStringX("\u2032\u2032", option); addStringX("\u2032\u2032\u2032", option); addStringX("\u2033\u2033\u2033", option); addStringX("\u2034\u2034", option); */ UnicodeSet found = collator.found; if (!found2.containsAll(found2)) { System.out.println("In both: " + new UnicodeSet(found).retainAll(found2).toPattern(true)); System.out.println("In UCA but not iteration: " + new UnicodeSet(found).removeAll(found2).toPattern(true)); System.out.println("In iteration but not UCA: " + new UnicodeSet(found2).removeAll(found).toPattern(true)); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Inconsistent data"); } /* for (int i = 0; i <= 0x10FFFF; ++i) { if (!ucd.isAssigned(i)) continue; addStringX(UTF32.valueOf32(i), option); } Hashtable multiTable = collator.getContracting(); Enumeration enum = multiTable.keys(); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { Utility.dot(counter++); addStringX((String)enum.nextElement(), option); } for (int i = 0; i < extraConformanceTests.length; ++i) { // put in sample non-characters Utility.dot(counter++); String s = UTF32.valueOf32(extraConformanceTests[i]); Utility.fixDot(); System.out.println("Adding: " + Utility.hex(s)); addStringX(s, option); } for (int i = 0; i < extraConformanceRanges.length; ++i) { Utility.dot(counter++); int start = extraConformanceRanges[i][0]; int end = extraConformanceRanges[i][1]; int increment = ((end - start + 1) / 303) + 1; //System.out.println("Range: " + start + ", " + end + ", " + increment); addStringX(start, option); for (int j = start+1; j < end-1; j += increment) { addStringX(j, option); addStringX(j+1, option); } addStringX(end-1, option); addStringX(end, option); } */ Utility.fixDot(); System.out.println("Total: " + sortedD.size()); Iterator it; System.out.println("Writing"); //String version = collator.getVersion(); it = sortedD.keySet().iterator(); String lastKey = ""; while (it.hasNext()) { Utility.dot(counter); String key = (String) it.next(); String source = (String) sortedD.get(key); int fluff = key.charAt(key.length() - 1); key = key.substring(0, key.length()- fluff - 2); //String status = key.equals(lastKey) ? "*" : ""; //lastKey = key; //log.println(source); char extra = source.charAt(source.length()-1); String clipped = source.substring(0, source.length()-1); if (clipped.charAt(0) == LOW_ACCENT && extra != LOW_ACCENT) { extra = LOW_ACCENT; clipped = source.substring(1); } if (!shortPrint) { log.print(Utility.hex(source)); log.print( ";\t# " + (extra != LOW_ACCENT ? extra : '.') + " " + ucd.getName(clipped, SHORT) + "\t" + UCA.toString(key)); } else { log.print(Utility.hex(source) + ";\t" + Utility.hex(clipped)); } log.println(); } log.close(); sortedD.clear(); System.out.println("Done"); } static void addStringX(int x, byte option) { addStringX(UTF32.valueOf32(x), option); } static final char LOW_ACCENT = '\u0334'; static final String SUPPLEMENTARY_ACCENT = UTF16.valueOf(0x1D165); static final String COMPLETELY_IGNOREABLE = "\u0001"; static final String COMPLETELY_IGNOREABLE_ACCENT = "\u0591"; static final String[] CONTRACTION_TEST = {SUPPLEMENTARY_ACCENT, COMPLETELY_IGNOREABLE, COMPLETELY_IGNOREABLE_ACCENT}; static int addCounter = 0; static void addStringX(String s, byte option) { int firstChar = UTF16.charAt(s,0); // add characters with different strengths, to verify the order addStringY(s + 'a', option); addStringY(s + 'b', option); addStringY(s + '?', option); addStringY(s + 'A', option); addStringY(s + '!', option); if (option == SHIFTED && collator.isVariable(firstChar)) addStringY(s + LOW_ACCENT, option); // NOW, if the character decomposes, or is a combining mark (non-zero), try combinations if (Default.ucd.getCombiningClass(firstChar) > 0 || !Default.nfd.isNormalized(s) && !Default.ucd.isHangulSyllable(firstChar)) { // if it ends with a non-starter, try the decompositions. String decomp = Default.nfd.normalize(s); if (Default.ucd.getCombiningClass(UTF16.charAt(decomp, decomp.length()-1)) > 0) { if (canIt == null) canIt = new CanonicalIterator("."); canIt.setSource(s + LOW_ACCENT); int limit = 4; for (String can = canIt.next(); can != null; can = canIt.next()) { if (s.equals(can)) continue; if (--limit < 0) continue; // just include a sampling addStringY(can, option); // System.out.println(addCounter++ + " Adding " + Default.ucd.getCodeAndName(can)); } } } if (UTF16.countCodePoint(s) > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < s.length(); ++i) { if (UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(s.charAt(i-1))) continue; // skip if in middle of supplementary for (int j = 0; j < CONTRACTION_TEST.length; ++j) { String extra = s.substring(0,i) + CONTRACTION_TEST[j] + s.substring(i); addStringY(extra + 'a', option); if (DEBUG) System.out.println(addCounter++ + " Adding " + Default.ucd.getCodeAndName(extra)); } } } } static CanonicalIterator canIt = null; static char counter; static void addStringY(String s, byte option) { String cpo = UCA.codePointOrder(s); String colDbase = collator.getSortKey(s, option, true) + "\u0000" + cpo + (char)cpo.length(); sortedD.put(colDbase, s); } static UCD ucd_uca_base = null; /** * Check that the primaries are the same as the compatibility decomposition. */ static void checkBadDecomps(int strength, boolean decomposition, UnicodeSet alreadySeen) { if (ucd_uca_base == null) { ucd_uca_base = UCD.make(collator.getUCDVersion()); } int oldStrength = collator.getStrength(); collator.setStrength(strength); Normalizer nfkd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFKD, UNICODE_VERSION); Normalizer nfc = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFC, UNICODE_VERSION); switch (strength) { case 1: log.println("

3. Primaries Incompatible with Decompositions

"); break; case 2: log.println("

4. Secondaries Incompatible with Decompositions

"); break; case 3: log.println("

5. Tertiaries Incompatible with Decompositions

"); log.println("

Note: Tertiary differences are not really errors; these are just warnings

"); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad strength: " + strength); } log.println("

Warning: only checking characters defined in base: " + ucd_uca_base.getVersion() + "

"); log.println(""); log.println(""); int errorCount = 0; UnicodeSet skipSet = new UnicodeSet(); for (int ch = 0; ch < 0x10FFFF; ++ch) { if (!ucd_uca_base.isAllocated(ch)) continue; if (nfkd.isNormalized(ch)) continue; if (ch > 0xAC00 && ch < 0xD7A3) continue; // skip most of Hangul if (alreadySeen.contains(ch)) continue; Utility.dot(ch); String decomp = nfkd.normalize(ch); if (ch != ' ' && decomp.charAt(0) == ' ') { skipSet.add(ch); continue; // skip wierd decomps } if (ch != '\u0640' && decomp.charAt(0) == '\u0640') { skipSet.add(ch); continue; // skip wierd decomps } String sortKey = collator.getSortKey(UTF16.valueOf(ch), UCA.NON_IGNORABLE, decomposition); String decompSortKey = collator.getSortKey(decomp, UCA.NON_IGNORABLE, decomposition); if (false && strength == 2) { sortKey = remove(sortKey, '\u0020'); decompSortKey = remove(decompSortKey, '\u0020'); } if (sortKey.equals(decompSortKey)) continue; // no problem! // fix key in the case of strength 3 if (strength == 3) { String newSortKey = remapSortKey(ch, decomposition); if (!sortKey.equals(newSortKey)) { System.out.println("Fixing: " + ucd.getCodeAndName(ch)); System.out.println(" Old:" + collator.toString(decompSortKey)); System.out.println(" New: " + collator.toString(newSortKey)); System.out.println(" Tgt: " + collator.toString(sortKey)); } decompSortKey = newSortKey; } if (sortKey.equals(decompSortKey)) continue; // no problem! log.println("" ); alreadySeen.add(ch); errorCount++; } log.println("
CodeSort KeyDecomposed Sort KeyName
" + Utility.hex(ch) + "" + UCA.toString(sortKey) + "" + UCA.toString(decompSortKey) + "" + ucd.getName(ch) + "
"); log.println("

Errors: " + errorCount + "

"); log.println("

Space/Tatweel exceptions: " + skipSet.toPattern(true) + "

"); log.flush(); collator.setStrength(oldStrength); Utility.fixDot(); } static String remapSortKey(int cp, boolean decomposition) { if (toD.isNormalized(cp)) return remapCanSortKey(cp, decomposition); // we know that it is not NFKD. String canDecomp = toD.normalize(cp); String result = ""; int ch; for (int j = 0; j < canDecomp.length(); j += UTF16.getCharCount(ch)) { ch = UTF16.charAt(canDecomp, j); System.out.println("* " + Default.ucd.getCodeAndName(ch)); String newSortKey = remapCanSortKey(ch, decomposition); System.out.println("* " + UCA.toString(newSortKey)); result = mergeSortKeys(result, newSortKey); System.out.println("= " + UCA.toString(result)); } return result; } static String remapCanSortKey(int ch, boolean decomposition) { String compatDecomp = Default.nfkd.normalize(ch); String decompSortKey = collator.getSortKey(compatDecomp, UCA.NON_IGNORABLE, decomposition); byte type = ucd.getDecompositionType(ch); int pos = decompSortKey.indexOf(UCA.LEVEL_SEPARATOR) + 1; // after first separator pos = decompSortKey.indexOf(UCA.LEVEL_SEPARATOR, pos) + 1; // after second separator String newSortKey = decompSortKey.substring(0, pos); for (int i = pos; i < decompSortKey.length(); ++i) { int weight = decompSortKey.charAt(i); int newWeight = CEList.remap(ch, type, weight); if (i > pos + 1) newWeight = 0x1F; newSortKey += (char)newWeight; } return newSortKey; } // keys must be of the same strength static String mergeSortKeys(String key1, String key2) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int end1 = 0, end2 = 0; while (true) { int pos1 = key1.indexOf(UCA.LEVEL_SEPARATOR, end1); int pos2 = key2.indexOf(UCA.LEVEL_SEPARATOR, end2); if (pos1 < 0) { result.append(key1.substring(end1)).append(key2.substring(end2)); return result.toString(); } if (pos2 < 0) { result.append(key1.substring(end1, pos1)).append(key2.substring(end2)).append(key1.substring(pos1)); return result.toString(); } result.append(key1.substring(end1, pos1)).append(key2.substring(end2, pos2)).append(UCA.LEVEL_SEPARATOR); end1 = pos1 + 1; end2 = pos2 + 1; } } static final String remove (String s, char ch) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == ch) continue; buf.append(c); } return buf.toString(); } /* log = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("Frequencies.html")); log.println(""); MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("{0}{1}{2}{3}"); MessageFormat mf2 = new MessageFormat("{0}{1}"); String header = mf.format(new String[] {"Start", "End", "Count", "Subtotal"}); int count; log.println("

Writing Used Weights

"); log.println("


" + mf.format(new String[] {"Start", "End", "Count", "Subtotal"})); count = collator.writeUsedWeights(log, 1, mf); log.println(MessageFormat.format("", new Object[] {new Integer(count)})); log.println("
"); log.println("


" + mf2.format(new String[] {"Code", "Frequency"})); count = collator.writeUsedWeights(log, 2, mf2); log.println(MessageFormat.format("", new Object[] {new Integer(count)})); log.println("
"); log.println("


" + mf2.format(new String[] {"Code", "Frequency"})); count = collator.writeUsedWeights(log, 3, mf2); log.println(MessageFormat.format("", new Object[] {new Integer(count)})); log.println("
"); log.println(""); log.close(); */ static int[] compactSecondary; /*static void checkEquivalents() { Normalizer nfkd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFKC); Normalizer nfd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFKD); for (char c = 0; c < 0xFFFF; ++c) { }*/ static void testCompatibilityCharacters() throws IOException { log = Utility.openPrintWriter(UCA_GEN_DIR, "UCA_CompatComparison.txt", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); int[] kenCes = new int[50]; int[] markCes = new int[50]; int[] kenComp = new int[50]; Map forLater = new TreeMap(); int count = 0; int typeLimit = UCD_Types.CANONICAL; boolean decompType = false; if (false) { typeLimit = UCD_Types.COMPATIBILITY; decompType = true; } // first find all the characters that cannot be generated "correctly" for (int i = 0; i < 0xFFFF; ++i) { int type = ucd.getDecompositionType(i); if (type < typeLimit) continue; int ceType = collator.getCEType((char)i); if (ceType >= collator.FIXED_CE) continue; // fix type type = getDecompType(i); String s = String.valueOf((char)i); int kenLen = collator.getCEs(s, decompType, kenCes); // true int markLen = fixCompatibilityCE(s, true, markCes, false); if (!arraysMatch(kenCes, kenLen, markCes, markLen)) { int kenCLen = fixCompatibilityCE(s, true, kenComp, true); String comp = CEList.toString(kenComp, kenCLen); if (arraysMatch(kenCes, kenLen, kenComp, kenCLen)) { forLater.put((char)(COMPRESSED | type) + s, comp); continue; } if (type == ucd.CANONICAL && multipleZeroPrimaries(markCes, markLen)) { forLater.put((char)(MULTIPLES | type) + s, comp); continue; } forLater.put((char)type + s, comp); } } Iterator it = forLater.keySet().iterator(); byte oldType = (byte)0xFF; // anything unique int caseCount = 0; log.println("# UCA Version: " + collator.getDataVersion() + "/" + collator.getUCDVersion()); log.println("Generated: " + getNormalDate()); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String) it.next(); byte type = (byte)key.charAt(0); if (type != oldType) { oldType = type; log.println("==============================================================="); log.print("CASE " + (caseCount++) + ": "); byte rType = (byte)(type & OTHER_MASK); log.println(" Decomposition Type = " + ucd.getDecompositionTypeID_fromIndex(rType)); if ((type & COMPRESSED) != 0) { log.println(" Successfully Compressed a la Ken"); log.println(" [XXXX.0020.YYYY][0000.ZZZZ.0002] => [XXXX.ZZZZ.YYYY]"); } else if ((type & MULTIPLES) != 0) { log.println(" MULTIPLE ACCENTS"); } log.println("==============================================================="); log.println(); } String s = key.substring(1); String comp = (String)forLater.get(key); int kenLen = collator.getCEs(s, decompType, kenCes); String kenStr = CEList.toString(kenCes, kenLen); int markLen = fixCompatibilityCE(s, true, markCes, false); String markStr = CEList.toString(markCes, markLen); if ((type & COMPRESSED) != 0) { log.println("COMPRESSED #" + (++count) + ": " + ucd.getCodeAndName(s)); log.println(" : " + comp); } else { log.println("DIFFERENCE #" + (++count) + ": " + ucd.getCodeAndName(s)); log.println("generated : " + markStr); if (!markStr.equals(comp)) { log.println("compressed: " + comp); } log.println("Ken's : " + kenStr); String nfkd = NFKD.normalize(s); log.println("NFKD : " + ucd.getCodeAndName(nfkd)); String nfd = NFD.normalize(s); if (!nfd.equals(nfkd)) { log.println("NFD : " + ucd.getCodeAndName(nfd)); } //kenCLen = collator.getCEs(decomp, true, kenComp); //log.println("decomp ce: " + CEList.toString(kenComp, kenCLen)); } log.println(); } log.println("==============================================================="); log.println(); log.println("Compressible Secondaries"); for (int i = 0; i < compressSet.size(); ++i) { if ((i & 0xF) == 0) log.println(); if (!compressSet.get(i)) log.print("- "); else log.print(Utility.hex(i, 3) + ", "); } log.close(); } static final byte getDecompType(int cp) { byte result = ucd.getDecompositionType(cp); if (result == ucd.CANONICAL) { String d = NFD.normalize(cp); // TODO int cp1; for (int i = 0; i < d.length(); i += UTF16.getCharCount(cp1)) { cp1 = UTF16.charAt(d, i); byte t = ucd.getDecompositionType(cp1); if (t > ucd.CANONICAL) return t; } } return result; } static final boolean multipleZeroPrimaries(int[] a, int aLen) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < aLen; ++i) { if (UCA.getPrimary(a[i]) == 0) { if (count == 1) return true; count++; } else { count = 0; } } return false; } static final byte MULTIPLES = 0x20, COMPRESSED = 0x40, OTHER_MASK = 0x1F; static final BitSet compressSet = new BitSet(); static int kenCompress(int[] markCes, int markLen) { if (markLen == 0) return 0; int out = 1; for (int i = 1; i < markLen; ++i) { int next = markCes[i]; int prev = markCes[out-1]; if (UCA.getPrimary(next) == 0 && UCA.getSecondary(prev) == 0x20 && UCA.getTertiary(next) == 0x2) { markCes[out-1] = UCA.makeKey( UCA.getPrimary(prev), UCA.getSecondary(next), UCA.getTertiary(prev)); compressSet.set(UCA.getSecondary(next)); } else { markCes[out++] = next; } } return out; } static boolean arraysMatch(int[] a, int aLen, int[] b, int bLen) { if (aLen != bLen) return false; for (int i = 0; i < aLen; ++i) { if (a[i] != b[i]) return false; } return true; } static int[] markCes = new int[50]; static int fixCompatibilityCE(String s, boolean decompose, int[] output, boolean compress) { byte type = getDecompType(UTF16.charAt(s, 0)); char ch = s.charAt(0); String decomp = NFKD.normalize(s); int len = 0; int markLen = collator.getCEs(decomp, true, markCes); if (compress) markLen = kenCompress(markCes, markLen); //for (int j = 0; j < decomp.length(); ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < markLen; ++k) { int t = UCA.getTertiary(markCes[k]); t = CEList.remap(k, type, t); /* if (type != CANONICAL) { if (0x3041 <= ch && ch <= 0x3094) t = 0xE; // hiragana else if (0x30A1 <= ch && ch <= 0x30FA) t = 0x11; // katakana } switch (type) { case COMPATIBILITY: t = (t == 8) ? 0xA : 4; break; case COMPAT_FONT: t = (t == 8) ? 0xB : 5; break; case COMPAT_NOBREAK: t = 0x1B; break; case COMPAT_INITIAL: t = 0x17; break; case COMPAT_MEDIAL: t = 0x18; break; case COMPAT_FINAL: t = 0x19; break; case COMPAT_ISOLATED: t = 0x1A; break; case COMPAT_CIRCLE: t = (t == 0x11) ? 0x13 : (t == 8) ? 0xC : 6; break; case COMPAT_SUPER: t = 0x14; break; case COMPAT_SUB: t = 0x15; break; case COMPAT_VERTICAL: t = 0x16; break; case COMPAT_WIDE: t= (t == 8) ? 9 : 3; break; case COMPAT_NARROW: t = (0xFF67 <= ch && ch <= 0xFF6F) ? 0x10 : 0x12; break; case COMPAT_SMALL: t = (t == 0xE) ? 0xE : 0xF; break; case COMPAT_SQUARE: t = (t == 8) ? 0x1D : 0x1C; break; case COMPAT_FRACTION: t = 0x1E; break; } */ output[len++] = UCA.makeKey( UCA.getPrimary(markCes[k]), UCA.getSecondary(markCes[k]), t); //} } return len; } static int getStrengthDiff(CEList celist) { int result = QUARTERNARY_DIFF; for (int j = 0; j < celist.length(); ++j) { int ce = celist.at(j); if (collator.getPrimary(ce) != 0) { return PRIMARY_DIFF; } else if (collator.getSecondary(ce) != 0) { result = SECONDARY_DIFF; } else if (collator.getTertiary(ce) != 0) { result = TERTIARY_DIFF; } } return result; } static String[] strengthName = {"XYZ", "0YZ", "00Z", "000"}; static void writeCategoryCheck() throws IOException { /*PrintWriter diLog = new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(UCA_GEN_DIR + "UCA_Nonspacing.txt"), "UTF8"), 32*1024)); */ log.println("

8. Checking against categories

"); log.println("

These are not necessarily errors, but should be examined for possible errors

"); log.println(""); Normalizer nfd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD, UNICODE_VERSION); Set sorted = new TreeSet(); for (int i = 0; i < 0x10FFFF; ++i) { Utility.dot(i); if (!ucd.isRepresented(i)) continue; CEList celist = collator.getCEList(UTF32.valueOf32(i), true); int real = getStrengthDiff(celist); int desired = PRIMARY_DIFF; byte cat = ucd.getCategory(i); if (cat == Cc || cat == Cs || cat == Cf || ucd.isNoncharacter(i)) desired = QUARTERNARY_DIFF; else if (cat == Mn || cat == Me) desired = SECONDARY_DIFF; String listName = celist.toString(); if (listName.length() == 0) listName = "ignore"; if (real != desired) { sorted.add(""); } } Utility.print(log, sorted, "\r\n"); log.println("
" + strengthName[real] + "" + strengthName[desired] + "" + ucd.getCategoryID(i) + "" + listName + "" + ucd.getCodeAndName(i) + "
"); log.flush(); } static void writeDuplicates() { log.println("

9. Checking characters that are not canonical equivalents, but have same CE

"); log.println("

These are not necessarily errors, but should be examined for possible errors

"); log.println(""); UCA.UCAContents cc = collator.getContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, toD); Map map = new TreeMap(); while (true) { String s = cc.next(); if (s == null) break; if (!toD.isNormalized(s)) continue; // only unnormalized stuff if (UTF16.countCodePoint(s) == 1) { int cat = ucd.getCategory(UTF16.charAt(s,0)); if (cat == Cn || cat == Cc || cat == Cs) continue; } CEList celist = collator.getCEList(s, true); Utility.addToSet(map, celist, s); } Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { CEList celist = (CEList) it.next(); Set s = (Set) map.get(celist); String name = celist.toString(); if (name.length() == 0) name = "ignore"; if (s.size() > 1) { log.println(""); } } log.println("
" + name + "" + getHTML_NameSet(s, null, true) + "
"); log.flush(); } static void writeOverlap() { log.println("

10. Checking overlaps

"); log.println("

These are not necessarily errors, but should be examined for possible errors

"); log.println(""); UCA.UCAContents cc = collator.getContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, toD); Map map = new TreeMap(); Map tails = new TreeMap(); int counter = 0; System.out.println("Collecting items"); while (true) { String s = cc.next(); if (s == null) break; Utility.dot(counter++); if (!toD.isNormalized(s)) continue; // only normalized stuff CEList celist = collator.getCEList(s, true); map.put(celist, s); } Utility.fixDot(); System.out.println("Collecting tails"); Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { CEList celist = (CEList) it.next(); Utility.dot(counter++); int len = celist.length(); if (len < 2) continue; for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) { CEList tail = celist.sub(i, len); Utility.dot(counter++); if (map.get(tail) == null) { // skip anything in main Utility.addToSet(tails, tail, celist); } } } Utility.fixDot(); System.out.println("Finding overlaps"); // we now have a set of main maps, and a set of tails // the main maps to string, the tails map to set of CELists it = map.keySet().iterator(); List first = new ArrayList(); List second = new ArrayList(); while (it.hasNext()) { CEList celist = (CEList) it.next(); int len = celist.length(); if (len < 2) continue; Utility.dot(counter++); first.clear(); second.clear(); if (overlaps(map, tails, celist, 0, first, second)) { reverse(first); reverse(second); log.println(""); } } log.println("
" + getHTML_NameSet(first, null, false) + "" + getHTML_NameSet(first, map, true) + "" + getHTML_NameSet(second, null, false) + "" + getHTML_NameSet(second, map, true) + "
"); log.flush(); } static void reverse(List ell) { int i = 0; int j = ell.size() - 1; while (i < j) { Object temp = ell.get(i); ell.set(i, ell.get(j)); ell.set(j, temp); ++i; --j; } } static final boolean DEBUG_SHOW_OVERLAP = false; static boolean overlaps(Map map, Map tails, CEList celist, int depth, List me, List other) { if (depth == 5) return false; boolean gotOne = false; if (DEBUG_SHOW_OVERLAP && depth > 0) { Object foo = map.get(celist); System.out.println(Utility.repeat("**", depth) + "Trying:" + celist + ", " + (foo != null ? ucd.getCodeAndName(foo.toString()) : "")); gotOne = true; } int len = celist.length(); // if the tail of the celist matches something, then ArrayList // A. subtract the match and retry // B. if that doesn't work, see if the result is the tail of something else. for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) { CEList tail = celist.sub(i, len); if (map.get(tail) != null) { if (DEBUG_SHOW_OVERLAP && !gotOne) { Object foo = map.get(celist); System.out.println(Utility.repeat("**", depth) + "Trying:" + celist + ", " + (foo != null ? ucd.getCodeAndName(foo.toString()) : "")); gotOne = true; } if (DEBUG_SHOW_OVERLAP) System.out.println(Utility.repeat("**", depth) + " Match tail at " + i + ": " + tail + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(map.get(tail).toString())); // temporarily add tail int oldListSize = me.size(); me.add(tail); // the tail matched, try 3 options CEList head = celist.sub(0, i); // see if the head matches exactly! if (map.get(head) != null) { if (DEBUG_SHOW_OVERLAP) System.out.println(Utility.repeat("**", depth) + " Match head at " + i + ": " + head + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(map.get(head).toString())); me.add(head); other.add(celist); return true; } // see if the end of the head matches something (recursively) if (DEBUG_SHOW_OVERLAP) System.out.println(Utility.repeat("**", depth) + " Checking rest"); if (overlaps(map, tails, head, depth+1, me, other)) return true; // otherwise we see if the head is some tail Set possibleFulls = (Set) tails.get(head); if (possibleFulls != null) { Iterator it = possibleFulls.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { CEList full = (CEList)it.next(); CEList possibleHead = full.sub(0,full.length() - head.length()); if (DEBUG_SHOW_OVERLAP) System.out.println(Utility.repeat("**", depth) + " Reversing " + full + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(map.get(full).toString()) + ", " + possibleHead); if (overlaps(map, tails, possibleHead, depth+1, other, me)) return true; } } // didn't work, so retract! me.remove(oldListSize); } } return false; } // if m exists, then it is a mapping to strings. Use it. // otherwise just print what is in set static String getHTML_NameSet(Collection set, Map m, boolean useName) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); Iterator it = set.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (result.length() != 0) result.append(";
"); Object item = it.next(); if (m != null) item = m.get(item); if (useName) item = ucd.getCodeAndName(item.toString()); result.append(item); } return result.toString(); } static void writeContractions() throws IOException { /*PrintWriter diLog = new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(UCA_GEN_DIR + "UCA_Contractions.txt"), "UTF8"), 32*1024)); */ PrintWriter diLog = Utility.openPrintWriter(UCA_GEN_DIR, "UCA_Contractions.txt", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); diLog.write('\uFEFF'); Normalizer nfd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD, UNICODE_VERSION); int[] ces = new int[50]; UCA.UCAContents cc = collator.getContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, nfd); int[] lenArray = new int[1]; diLog.println("# Contractions"); diLog.println("# Generated " + getNormalDate()); diLog.println("# UCA Version: " + collator.getDataVersion() + "/" + collator.getUCDVersion()); while (true) { String s = cc.next(ces, lenArray); if (s == null) break; int len = lenArray[0]; if (s.length() > 1) { diLog.println(Utility.hex(s, " ") + ";\t #" + CEList.toString(ces, len) + " ( " + s + " )" + " " + ucd.getName(s)); } } diLog.close(); } static void checkDisjointIgnorables() throws IOException { /* PrintWriter diLog = new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(UCA_GEN_DIR + "DisjointIgnorables.txt"), "UTF8"), 32*1024)); */ PrintWriter diLog = Utility.openPrintWriter(UCA_GEN_DIR, "DisjointIgnorables.js", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); diLog.write('\uFEFF'); /* PrintWriter diLog = new PrintWriter( // try new one new UTF8StreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(UCA_GEN_DIR + "DisjointIgnorables.txt"), 32*1024)); diLog.write('\uFEFF'); */ //diLog = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(UCA_GEN_DIR + "DisjointIgnorables.txt")); Normalizer nfd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD, UNICODE_VERSION); int[] ces = new int[50]; int[] secondariesZP = new int[400]; Vector[] secondariesZPsample = new Vector[400]; int[] remapZP = new int[400]; int[] secondariesNZP = new int[400]; Vector[] secondariesNZPsample = new Vector[400]; int[] remapNZP = new int[400]; for (int i = 0; i < secondariesZP.length; ++i) { secondariesZPsample[i] = new Vector(); secondariesNZPsample[i] = new Vector(); } int zpCount = 0; int nzpCount = 0; /* for (char ch = 0; ch < 0xFFFF; ++ch) { byte type = collator.getCEType(ch); if (type >= UCA.FIXED_CE) continue; if (SKIP_CANONICAL_DECOMPOSIBLES && nfd.hasDecomposition(ch)) continue; String s = String.valueOf(ch); int len = collator.getCEs(s, true, ces); */ UCA.UCAContents cc = collator.getContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, nfd); int[] lenArray = new int[1]; Set sortedCodes = new TreeSet(); Set mixedCEs = new TreeSet(); while (true) { String s = cc.next(ces, lenArray); if (s == null) break; // process all CEs. Look for controls, and for mixed ignorable/non-ignorables int ccc; for (int kk = 0; kk < s.length(); kk += UTF32.count16(ccc)) { ccc = UTF32.char32At(s,kk); byte cat = ucd.getCategory(ccc); if (cat == Cf || cat == Cc || cat == Zs || cat == Zl || cat == Zp) { sortedCodes.add(CEList.toString(ces, lenArray[0]) + "\t" + ucd.getCodeAndName(s)); break; } } int len = lenArray[0]; int haveMixture = 0; for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j) { int ce = ces[j]; int pri = collator.getPrimary(ce); int sec = collator.getSecondary(ce); if (pri == 0) { secondariesZPsample[sec].add(secondariesZP[sec], s); secondariesZP[sec]++; } else { secondariesNZPsample[sec].add(secondariesNZP[sec], s); secondariesNZP[sec]++; } if (haveMixture == 3) continue; if (collator.isVariable(ce)) haveMixture |= 1; else haveMixture |= 2; if (haveMixture == 3) { mixedCEs.add(CEList.toString(ces, len) + "\t" + ucd.getCodeAndName(s)); } } } for (int i = 0; i < secondariesZP.length; ++i) { if (secondariesZP[i] != 0) { remapZP[i] = zpCount; zpCount++; } if (secondariesNZP[i] != 0) { remapNZP[i] = nzpCount; nzpCount++; } } diLog.println(); diLog.println("# Proposed Remapping (see doc about Japanese characters)"); diLog.println(); int bothCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < secondariesZP.length; ++i) { if ((secondariesZP[i] != 0) || (secondariesNZP[i] != 0)) { char sign = ' '; if (secondariesZP[i] != 0 && secondariesNZP[i] != 0) { sign = '*'; bothCount++; } if (secondariesZP[i] != 0) { showSampleOverlap(diLog, false, sign + "ZP ", secondariesZPsample[i]); // i, 0x20 + nzpCount + remapZP[i], } if (secondariesNZP[i] != 0) { if (i == 0x20) { diLog.println("(omitting " + secondariesNZP[i] + " NZP with values 0020 -- values don't change)"); } else { showSampleOverlap(diLog, true, sign + "NZP", secondariesNZPsample[i]); // i, 0x20 + remapNZP[i], } } diLog.println(); } } diLog.println("ZP Count = " + zpCount + ", NZP Count = " + nzpCount + ", Collisions = " + bothCount); /* diLog.println(); diLog.println("OVERLAPS"); diLog.println(); for (int i = 0; i < secondariesZP.length; ++i) { if (secondariesZP[i] != 0 && secondariesNZP[i] != 0) { diLog.println("Overlap at " + Utility.hex(i) + ": " + secondariesZP[i] + " with zero primaries" + ", " + secondariesNZP[i] + " with non-zero primaries" ); showSampleOverlap(" ZP: ", secondariesZPsample[i], ces); showSampleOverlap(" NZP: ", secondariesNZPsample[i], ces); diLog.println(); } } */ diLog.println(); diLog.println("# BACKGROUND INFORMATION"); diLog.println(); diLog.println("# All characters with 'mixed' CEs: variable and non-variable"); diLog.println("# Note: variables are in " + Utility.hex(collator.getVariableLow() >> 16) + " to " + Utility.hex(collator.getVariableHigh() >> 16)); diLog.println(); Iterator it; it = mixedCEs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object key = it.next(); diLog.println(key); } diLog.println(); diLog.println("# All 'controls': Cc, Cf, Zs, Zp, Zl"); diLog.println(); it = sortedCodes.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object key = it.next(); diLog.println(key); } diLog.close(); } static void checkCE_overlap() throws IOException { /*PrintWriter diLog = new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(UCA_GEN_DIR + "DisjointIgnorables.txt"), "UTF8"), 32*1024)); */ PrintWriter diLog = Utility.openPrintWriter(UCA_GEN_DIR, "DisjointIgnorables2.js", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); diLog.write('\uFEFF'); //diLog = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(UCA_GEN_DIR + "DisjointIgnorables.txt")); Normalizer nfd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD, UNICODE_VERSION); int[] ces = new int[50]; int[] secondariesZP = new int[400]; Vector[] secondariesZPsample = new Vector[400]; int[] remapZP = new int[400]; int[] secondariesNZP = new int[400]; Vector[] secondariesNZPsample = new Vector[400]; int[] remapNZP = new int[400]; for (int i = 0; i < secondariesZP.length; ++i) { secondariesZPsample[i] = new Vector(); secondariesNZPsample[i] = new Vector(); } int zpCount = 0; int nzpCount = 0; /* for (char ch = 0; ch < 0xFFFF; ++ch) { byte type = collator.getCEType(ch); if (type >= UCA.FIXED_CE) continue; if (SKIP_CANONICAL_DECOMPOSIBLES && nfd.hasDecomposition(ch)) continue; String s = String.valueOf(ch); int len = collator.getCEs(s, true, ces); */ UCA.UCAContents cc = collator.getContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, nfd); int[] lenArray = new int[1]; Set sortedCodes = new TreeSet(); Set mixedCEs = new TreeSet(); while (true) { String s = cc.next(ces, lenArray); if (s == null) break; // process all CEs. Look for controls, and for mixed ignorable/non-ignorables int ccc; for (int kk = 0; kk < s.length(); kk += UTF32.count16(ccc)) { ccc = UTF32.char32At(s,kk); byte cat = ucd.getCategory(ccc); if (cat == Cf || cat == Cc || cat == Zs || cat == Zl || cat == Zp) { sortedCodes.add(CEList.toString(ces, lenArray[0]) + "\t" + ucd.getCodeAndName(s)); break; } } int len = lenArray[0]; int haveMixture = 0; for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j) { int ce = ces[j]; int pri = collator.getPrimary(ce); int sec = collator.getSecondary(ce); if (pri == 0) { secondariesZPsample[sec].add(secondariesZP[sec], s); secondariesZP[sec]++; } else { secondariesNZPsample[sec].add(secondariesNZP[sec], s); secondariesNZP[sec]++; } if (haveMixture == 3) continue; if (collator.isVariable(ce)) haveMixture |= 1; else haveMixture |= 2; if (haveMixture == 3) { mixedCEs.add(CEList.toString(ces, len) + "\t" + ucd.getCodeAndName(s)); } } } for (int i = 0; i < secondariesZP.length; ++i) { if (secondariesZP[i] != 0) { remapZP[i] = zpCount; zpCount++; } if (secondariesNZP[i] != 0) { remapNZP[i] = nzpCount; nzpCount++; } } diLog.println(); diLog.println("# Proposed Remapping (see doc about Japanese characters)"); diLog.println(); int bothCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < secondariesZP.length; ++i) { if ((secondariesZP[i] != 0) || (secondariesNZP[i] != 0)) { char sign = ' '; if (secondariesZP[i] != 0 && secondariesNZP[i] != 0) { sign = '*'; bothCount++; } if (secondariesZP[i] != 0) { showSampleOverlap(diLog, false, sign + "ZP ", secondariesZPsample[i]); // i, 0x20 + nzpCount + remapZP[i], } if (secondariesNZP[i] != 0) { if (i == 0x20) { diLog.println("(omitting " + secondariesNZP[i] + " NZP with values 0020 -- values don't change)"); } else { showSampleOverlap(diLog, true, sign + "NZP", secondariesNZPsample[i]); // i, 0x20 + remapNZP[i], } } diLog.println(); } } diLog.println("ZP Count = " + zpCount + ", NZP Count = " + nzpCount + ", Collisions = " + bothCount); diLog.close(); } static void showSampleOverlap(PrintWriter diLog, boolean doNew, String head, Vector v) { for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { showSampleOverlap(diLog, doNew, head, (String)v.get(i)); } } static void showSampleOverlap(PrintWriter diLog, boolean doNew, String head, String src) { int[] ces = new int[30]; int len = collator.getCEs(src, true, ces); int[] newCes = null; int newLen = 0; if (doNew) { newCes = new int[30]; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int ce = ces[i]; int p = UCA.getPrimary(ce); int s = UCA.getSecondary(ce); int t = UCA.getTertiary(ce); if (p != 0 && s != 0x20) { newCes[newLen++] = UCA.makeKey(p, 0x20, t); newCes[newLen++] = UCA.makeKey(0, s, 0x1F); } else { newCes[newLen++] = ce; } } } diLog.println( ucd.getCode(src) + "\t" + head //+ "\t" + Utility.hex(oldWeight) //+ " => " + Utility.hex(newWeight) + "\t" + CEList.toString(ces, len) + (doNew ? " => " + CEList.toString(newCes, newLen) : "") + "\t( " + src + " )" + "\t" + ucd.getName(src) ); } static final byte WITHOUT_NAMES = 0, WITH_NAMES = 1, IN_XML = 2; static final boolean SKIP_CANONICAL_DECOMPOSIBLES = true; static final int TRANSITIVITY_COUNT = 8000; static final int TRANSITIVITY_ITERATIONS = 1000000; static void testTransitivity() { char[] tests = new char[TRANSITIVITY_COUNT]; String[] keys = new String[TRANSITIVITY_COUNT]; int i = 0; System.out.println("Loading"); for (char ch = 0; i < tests.length; ++ch) { byte type = collator.getCEType(ch); if (type >= UCA.FIXED_CE) continue; Utility.dot(ch); tests[i] = ch; keys[i] = collator.getSortKey(String.valueOf(ch)); ++i; } java.util.Comparator cm = new RuleComparator(); i = 0; Utility.fixDot(); System.out.println("Comparing"); while (i++ < TRANSITIVITY_ITERATIONS) { Utility.dot(i); int a = (int)Math.random()*TRANSITIVITY_COUNT; int b = (int)Math.random()*TRANSITIVITY_COUNT; int c = (int)Math.random()*TRANSITIVITY_COUNT; int ab = cm.compare(keys[a], keys[b]); int bc = cm.compare(keys[b], keys[c]); int ca = cm.compare(keys[c], keys[a]); if (ab < 0 && bc < 0 && ca < 0 || ab > 0 && bc > 0 && ca > 0) { System.out.println("Transitivity broken for " + Utility.hex(a) + ", " + Utility.hex(b) + ", " + Utility.hex(c)); } } } static Normalizer nfdNew = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD, ""); static Normalizer NFC = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFC, ""); static Normalizer nfkdNew = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFKD, ""); static int getFirstCELen(int[] ces, int len) { if (len < 2) return len; int expansionStart = 1; if (UCA.isImplicitLeadCE(ces[0])) { expansionStart = 2; // move up if first is double-ce } if (len > expansionStart && homelessSecondaries.contains(UCA.getSecondary(ces[expansionStart]))) { if (log2 != null) log2.println("Homeless: " + CEList.toString(ces, len)); ++expansionStart; // move up if *second* is homeless ignoreable } return expansionStart; } static PrintWriter log2 = null; static void writeRules (byte option, boolean shortPrint, boolean noCE) throws IOException { //testTransitivity(); //if (true) return; int[] ces = new int[50]; Normalizer nfd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD, UNICODE_VERSION); Normalizer nfkd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFKD, UNICODE_VERSION); if (false) { int len2 = collator.getCEs("\u2474", true, ces); System.out.println(CEList.toString(ces, len2)); String a = collator.getSortKey("a"); String b = collator.getSortKey("A"); System.out.println(collator.strengthDifference(a, b)); } System.out.println("Sorting"); Map backMap = new HashMap(); java.util.Comparator cm = new RuleComparator(); Map ordered = new TreeMap(cm); UCA.UCAContents cc = collator.getContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, SKIP_CANONICAL_DECOMPOSIBLES ? nfd : null); int[] lenArray = new int[1]; Set alreadyDone = new HashSet(); log2 = Utility.openPrintWriter(UCA_GEN_DIR, "UCARules-log.txt", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); while (true) { String s = cc.next(ces, lenArray); if (s == null) break; int len = lenArray[0]; if (s.equals("\uD800")) { System.out.println("Check: " + CEList.toString(ces, len)); } log2.println(s + "\t" + CEList.toString(ces, len) + "\t" + ucd.getCodeAndName(s)); addToBackMap(backMap, ces, len, s, false); int ce2 = 0; int ce3 = 0; int logicalFirstLen = getFirstCELen(ces, len); if (logicalFirstLen > 1) { ce2 = ces[1]; if (logicalFirstLen > 2) { ce3 = ces[2]; } } String key = String.valueOf(UCA.getPrimary(ces[0])) + String.valueOf(UCA.getPrimary(ce2)) + String.valueOf(UCA.getPrimary(ce3)) + String.valueOf(UCA.getSecondary(ces[0])) + String.valueOf(UCA.getSecondary(ce2)) + String.valueOf(UCA.getSecondary(ce3)) + String.valueOf(UCA.getTertiary(ces[0])) + String.valueOf(UCA.getTertiary(ce2)) + String.valueOf(UCA.getTertiary(ce3)) + collator.getSortKey(s, UCA.NON_IGNORABLE) + '\u0000' + UCA.codePointOrder(s); //String.valueOf((char)(ces[0]>>>16)) + String.valueOf((char)(ces[0] & 0xFFFF)) //+ String.valueOf((char)(ce2>>>16)) + String.valueOf((char)(ce2 & 0xFFFF)) if (s.equals("\u0660") || s.equals("\u2080")) { System.out.println(ucd.getCodeAndName(s) + "\t" + Utility.hex(key)); } ordered.put(key, s); alreadyDone.add(s); Object result = ordered.get(key); if (result == null) { System.out.println("BAD SORT: " + Utility.hex(key) + ", " + Utility.hex(s)); } } System.out.println("Checking CJK"); // Check for characters that are ARE explicitly mapped in the CJK ranges UnicodeSet CJK = new UnicodeSet(0x2E80, 0x2EFF); CJK.add(0x2F00, 0x2EFF); CJK.add(0x2F00, 0x2FDF); CJK.add(0x3400, 0x9FFF); CJK.add(0xF900, 0xFAFF); CJK.add(0x20000, 0x2A6DF); CJK.add(0x2F800, 0x2FA1F); CJK.removeAll(new UnicodeSet("[:Cn:]")); // remove unassigned // make set with canonical decomposibles UnicodeSet composites = new UnicodeSet(); for (int i = 0; i < 0x10FFFF; ++i) { if (!ucd.isAllocated(i)) continue; if (nfd.isNormalized(i)) continue; composites.add(i); } UnicodeSet CJKcomposites = new UnicodeSet(CJK).retainAll(composites); System.out.println("CJK composites " + CJKcomposites.toPattern(true)); System.out.println("CJK NONcomposites " + new UnicodeSet(CJK).removeAll(composites).toPattern(true)); UnicodeSet mapped = new UnicodeSet(); Iterator it = alreadyDone.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String member = (String) it.next(); mapped.add(member); } UnicodeSet CJKmapped = new UnicodeSet(CJK).retainAll(mapped); System.out.println("Mapped CJK: " + CJKmapped.toPattern(true)); System.out.println("UNMapped CJK: " + new UnicodeSet(CJK).removeAll(mapped).toPattern(true)); System.out.println("Neither Mapped nor Composite CJK: " + new UnicodeSet(CJK).removeAll(CJKcomposites).removeAll(CJKmapped).toPattern(true)); /* 2E80..2EFF; CJK Radicals Supplement 2F00..2FDF; Kangxi Radicals 3400..4DBF; CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A 4E00..9FFF; CJK Unified Ideographs F900..FAFF; CJK Compatibility Ideographs 20000..2A6DF; CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B 2F800..2FA1F; CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement */ System.out.println("Adding Kanji"); for (int i = 0; i < 0x10FFFF; ++i) { if (!ucd.isAllocated(i)) continue; if (nfkd.isNormalized(i)) continue; Utility.dot(i); String decomp = nfkd.normalize(i); int cp; for (int j = 0; j < decomp.length(); j += UTF16.getCharCount(cp)) { cp = UTF16.charAt(decomp, j); String s = UTF16.valueOf(cp); if (alreadyDone.contains(s)) continue; alreadyDone.add(s); int len = collator.getCEs(s, true, ces); log2.println(s+ "\t" + CEList.toString(ces, len) + "\t" + ucd.getCodeAndName(s) + " from " + ucd.getCodeAndName(i)); addToBackMap(backMap, ces, len, s, false); } } System.out.println("Writing"); String filename = "UCA_Rules"; if (shortPrint) filename += "_SHORT"; if (option == IN_XML) filename += ".xml"; else filename += ".txt"; log = Utility.openPrintWriter(UCA_GEN_DIR, filename, Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); String[] commentText = { "UCA Rules", "This file contains the UCA tables for the given version, but transformed into rule syntax.", "Generated: " + getNormalDate(), "NOTE: Since UCA handles canonical equivalents, no composites are necessary", "(except in extensions).", "For syntax description, see: http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/userguide/Collate_Intro.html" }; if (option == IN_XML) { log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println(""); } else { log.write('\uFEFF'); // BOM for (int i = 0; i < commentText.length; ++i) { log.println("#\t" + commentText[i]); } log.println("# VERSION: UCA=" + collator.getDataVersion() + ", UCD=" + collator.getUCDVersion()); } it = ordered.keySet().iterator(); int oldFirstPrimary = UCA.getPrimary(UCA.TERMINATOR); boolean wasVariable = false; //String lastSortKey = collator.getSortKey("\u0000");; // 12161004 int lastCE = 0; int ce = 0; int nextCE = 0; int lastCJKPrimary = 0; boolean firstTime = true; boolean done = false; String chr = ""; int len = -1; String nextChr = ""; int nextLen = -1; // -1 signals that we need to skip!! int[] nextCes = new int[50]; String lastChr = ""; int lastLen = -1; int[] lastCes = new int[50]; int lastExpansionStart = 0; int expansionStart = 0; long variableTop = collator.getVariableHigh() & INT_MASK; // for debugging ordering String lastSortKey = ""; boolean showNext = false; for (int loopCounter = 0; !done; loopCounter++) { Utility.dot(loopCounter); lastCE = ce; lastLen = len; lastChr = chr; lastExpansionStart = expansionStart; if (len > 0) { System.arraycopy(ces, 0, lastCes, 0, lastLen); } // copy the current from Next ce = nextCE; len = nextLen; chr = nextChr; if (nextLen > 0) { System.arraycopy(nextCes, 0, ces, 0, nextLen); } // We need to look ahead one, to be able to reset properly if (it.hasNext()) { String nextSortKey = (String) it.next(); nextChr = (String)ordered.get(nextSortKey); int result = cm.compare(nextSortKey, lastSortKey); if (result < 0) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("DANGER: Sort Key Unordered!"); System.out.println((loopCounter-1) + " " + Utility.hex(lastSortKey) + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(lastSortKey.charAt(lastSortKey.length()-1))); System.out.println(loopCounter + " " + Utility.hex(nextSortKey) + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(nextSortKey.charAt(nextSortKey.length()-1))); } if (nextChr == null) { Utility.fixDot(); if (!showNext) { System.out.println(); System.out.println((loopCounter-1) + " Last = " + Utility.hex(lastSortKey) + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(lastSortKey.charAt(lastSortKey.length()-1))); } System.out.println(cm.compare(lastSortKey, nextSortKey) + ", " + cm.compare(nextSortKey, lastSortKey)); System.out.println(loopCounter + " NULL AT " + Utility.hex(nextSortKey) + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(nextSortKey.charAt(nextSortKey.length()-1))); nextChr = "??"; showNext = true; } else if (showNext) { showNext = false; System.out.println(cm.compare(lastSortKey, nextSortKey) + ", " + cm.compare(nextSortKey, lastSortKey)); System.out.println(loopCounter + " Next = " + Utility.hex(nextSortKey) + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(nextChr)); } lastSortKey = nextSortKey; } else { nextChr = "??"; done = true; // make one more pass!!! } nextLen = collator.getCEs(nextChr, true, nextCes); nextCE = nextCes[0]; // skip first (fake) element if (len == -1) continue; // for debugging if (loopCounter < 5) { System.out.println(loopCounter); System.out.println(CEList.toString(lastCes, lastLen) + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(lastChr)); System.out.println(CEList.toString(ces, len) + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(chr)); System.out.println(CEList.toString(nextCes, nextLen) + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(nextChr)); } // get relation /*if (chr.charAt(0) == 0xFFFB) { System.out.println("DEBUG"); }*/ if (chr.equals("\u0966")) { System.out.println(CEList.toString(ces, len)); } expansionStart = getFirstCELen(ces, len); // int relation = getStrengthDifference(ces, len, lastCes, lastLen); int relation = getStrengthDifference(ces, expansionStart, lastCes, lastExpansionStart); if (relation == QUARTERNARY_DIFF) { int relation2 = getStrengthDifference(ces, len, lastCes, lastLen); if (relation2 != QUARTERNARY_DIFF) relation = TERTIARY_DIFF; } // RESETs: do special case for relations to fixed items String reset = ""; String resetComment = ""; int xmlReset = 0; boolean insertVariableTop = false; boolean resetToParameter = false; int ceLayout = getCELayout(ce); if (ceLayout == IMPLICIT) { if (relation == PRIMARY_DIFF) { int primary = UCA.getPrimary(ce); int resetCp = UCA.ImplicitToCodePoint(primary, UCA.getPrimary(ces[1])); int[] ces2 = new int[50]; int len2 = collator.getCEs(UTF16.valueOf(resetCp), true, ces2); relation = getStrengthDifference(ces, len, ces2, len2); reset = quoteOperand(UTF16.valueOf(resetCp)); resetComment = ucd.getCodeAndName(resetCp); // lastCE = UCA.makeKey(primary, UCA.NEUTRAL_SECONDARY, UCA.NEUTRAL_TERTIARY); xmlReset = 2; } // lastCJKPrimary = primary; } else if (ceLayout != getCELayout(lastCE) || firstTime) { resetToParameter = true; switch (ceLayout) { case T_IGNORE: reset = "last tertiary ignorable"; break; case S_IGNORE: reset = "last secondary ignorable"; break; case P_IGNORE: reset = "last primary ignorable"; break; case VARIABLE: reset = "last regular"; break; case NON_IGNORE: /*reset = "top"; */ insertVariableTop = true; break; case TRAILING: reset = "last trailing"; break; } } // There are double-CEs, so we have to know what the length of the first bit is. // check expansions String expansion = ""; if (len > expansionStart) { //int tert0 = ces[0] & 0xFF; //boolean isCompat = tert0 != 2 && tert0 != 8; log2.println("Exp: " + ucd.getCodeAndName(chr) + ", " + CEList.toString(ces, len) + ", start: " + expansionStart); int[] rel = {relation}; expansion = getFromBackMap(backMap, ces, expansionStart, len, chr, rel); // relation = rel[0]; // The relation needs to be fixed differently. Since it is an expansion, it should be compared to // the first CE // ONLY reset if the sort keys are not equal if (false && (relation == PRIMARY_DIFF || relation == SECONDARY_DIFF)) { int relation2 = getStrengthDifference(ces, expansionStart, lastCes, lastExpansionStart); if (relation2 != relation) { System.out.println (); System.out.println ("Resetting: " + RELATION_NAMES[relation] + " to " + RELATION_NAMES[relation2]); System.out.println ("LCes: " + CEList.toString(lastCes, lastLen) + ", " + lastExpansionStart + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(lastChr)); System.out.println ("Ces: " + CEList.toString(ces, len) + ", " + expansionStart + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(chr)); relation = relation2; } } } // print results if (option == IN_XML) { if (insertVariableTop) log.println(XML_RELATION_NAMES[0] + ""); /*log.print(" "); */ if (reset.length() != 0) { log.println("" + (resetToParameter ? "" : Utility.quoteXML(reset)) + (resetComment.length() != 0 ? "": "")); } if (!firstTime) { log.print(" <" + XML_RELATION_NAMES[relation] + "/>"); log.print(Utility.quoteXML(chr)); //log.print(""); } if (expansion.length() > 0) { log.print("" + Utility.quoteXML(expansion)); } if (!shortPrint) { log.print("\t"); } log.println(); } else { if (insertVariableTop) log.println(RELATION_NAMES[0] + " [variable top]"); if (reset.length() != 0) log.println("& " + (resetToParameter ? "[" : "") + reset + (resetToParameter ? "]" : "") + (resetComment.length() != 0 ? "\t\t# " + resetComment : "")); if (!firstTime) log.print(RELATION_NAMES[relation] + " " + quoteOperand(chr)); if (expansion.length() > 0) log.print(" / " + quoteOperand(expansion)); if (!shortPrint) { log.print("\t# "); if (!noCE) log.print(CEList.toString(ces, len) + " "); log.print(ucd.getCodeAndName(chr)); if (expansion.length() > 0) log.print(" / " + Utility.hex(expansion)); } log.println(); } firstTime = false; } // log.println("& [top]"); // RESET if (option == IN_XML) log.println(""); log2.close(); log.close(); Utility.fixDot(); } static final int NONE = 0, T_IGNORE = 1, S_IGNORE = 2, P_IGNORE = 3, VARIABLE = 4, NON_IGNORE = 5, IMPLICIT = 6, TRAILING = 7; static int getCELayout(int ce) { int primary = collator.getPrimary(ce); int secondary = collator.getSecondary(ce); int tertiary = collator.getSecondary(ce); if (primary == 0) { if (secondary == 0) { if (tertiary == 0) return T_IGNORE; return S_IGNORE; } return P_IGNORE; } if (collator.isVariable(ce)) return VARIABLE; if (primary < UNSUPPORTED_BASE) return NON_IGNORE; if (primary < UNSUPPORTED_LIMIT) return IMPLICIT; return TRAILING; } static long getPrimary(int[] ces, int len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int result = UCA.getPrimary(ces[i]); if (result == 0) continue; if (UCA.isImplicitLeadPrimary(result)) { return (result << 16) + UCA.getPrimary(ces[i+1]); } else { return result; } } return 0; } static long getSecondary(int[] ces, int len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int result = UCA.getSecondary(ces[i]); if (result == 0) continue; return result; } return 0; } static long getTertiary(int[] ces, int len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int result = UCA.getTertiary(ces[i]); if (result == 0) continue; return result; } return 0; } static final int PRIMARY_DIFF = 0, SECONDARY_DIFF = 1, TERTIARY_DIFF = 2, QUARTERNARY_DIFF = 3, DONE = -1; static class CE_Iterator { int[] ces; int len; int current; int level; void reset(int[] ces, int len) { this.ces = ces; this.len = len; current = 0; level = PRIMARY_DIFF; } void setLevel(int level) { current = 0; this.level = level; } int next() { int val = DONE; while (current < len) { int ce = ces[current++]; switch (level) { case PRIMARY_DIFF: val = UCA.getPrimary(ce); break; case SECONDARY_DIFF: val = UCA.getSecondary(ce); break; case TERTIARY_DIFF: val = UCA.getTertiary(ce); break; } if (val != 0) return val; } return DONE; } } static CE_Iterator ceit1 = new CE_Iterator(); static CE_Iterator ceit2 = new CE_Iterator(); // WARNING, Never Recursive! static int getStrengthDifference(int[] ces, int len, int[] lastCes, int lastLen) { if (false && lastLen > 0 && lastCes[0] > 0) { System.out.println("DeBug"); } ceit1.reset(ces, len); ceit2.reset(lastCes, lastLen); for (int level = PRIMARY_DIFF; level <= TERTIARY_DIFF; ++level) { ceit1.setLevel(level); ceit2.setLevel(level); while (true) { int weight1 = ceit1.next(); int weight2 = ceit2.next(); if (weight1 != weight2) return level; if (weight1 == DONE) break; } } return QUARTERNARY_DIFF; /* int relation = QUARTERNARY_DIFF; if (getPrimary(ces, len) != getPrimary(lastCes, lastLen)) { relation = PRIMARY_DIFF; } else if (getSecondary(ces, len) != getSecondary(lastCes, lastLen)) { relation = SECONDARY_DIFF; } else if (getTertiary(ces, len) != getTertiary(lastCes, lastLen)) { relation = TERTIARY_DIFF; } else if (len > lastLen) { relation = TERTIARY_DIFF; // HACK } else { int minLen = len < lastLen ? len : lastLen; int start = UCA.isImplicitLeadCE(ces[0]) ? 2 : 1; for (int kk = start; kk < minLen; ++kk) { int lc = lastCes[kk]; int c = ces[kk]; if (collator.getPrimary(c) != collator.getPrimary(lc) || collator.getSecondary(c) != collator.getSecondary(lc)) { relation = QUARTERNARY_DIFF; // reset relation on FIRST char, since differ anyway break; } else if (collator.getTertiary(c) > collator.getTertiary(lc)) { relation = TERTIARY_DIFF; // reset to tertiary (but later ce's might override!) } } } return relation; */ } // static final String[] RELATION_NAMES = {" <", " <<", " <<<", " ="}; static final String[] RELATION_NAMES = {" <\t", " <<\t", " <<<\t", " =\t"}; static final String[] XML_RELATION_NAMES = {"p", "s", "t", "eq"}; static class ArrayWrapper { int[] array; int start; int limit; /*public ArrayWrapper(int[] contents) { set(contents, 0, contents.length); } */ public ArrayWrapper(int[] contents, int start, int limit) { set(contents, start, limit); } private void set(int[] contents, int start, int limit) { array = contents; this.start = start; this.limit = limit; } public boolean equals(Object other) { ArrayWrapper that = (ArrayWrapper) other; if (that.limit - that.start != limit - start) return false; for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) { if (array[i] != that.array[i - start + that.start]) return false; } return true; } public int hashCode() { int result = limit - start; for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) { result = result * 37 + array[i]; } return result; } } static int testCase[] = { //collator.makeKey(0xFF40, 0x0020, 0x0002), collator.makeKey(0x0255, 0x0020, 0x000E), }; static String testString = "\u33C2\u002E"; static boolean contains(int[] array, int start, int limit, int key) { for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) { if (array[i] == key) return true; } return false; } static final void addToBackMap(Map backMap, int[] ces, int len, String s, boolean show) { if (show || contains(testCase, 0, testCase.length, ces[0]) || testString.indexOf(s) > 0) { System.out.println("Test case: " + Utility.hex(s) + ", " + CEList.toString(ces, len)); } // NOTE: we add the back map based on the string value; the smallest (UTF-16 order) string wins Object key = new ArrayWrapper((int[])(ces.clone()),0, len); if (false) { Object value = backMap.get(key); if (value == null) return; if (s.compareTo(value) >= 0) return; } backMap.put(key, s); /* // HACK until Ken fixes for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int ce = ces[i]; if (collator.isImplicitLeadCE(ce)) { ++i; ce = ces[i]; if (DEBUG && (UCA.getPrimary(ce) == 0 || UCA.getSecondary(ce) != 0 || UCA.getTertiary(ce) != 0)) { System.out.println("WEIRD 2nd IMPLICIT: " + CEList.toString(ces, len) + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(s)); } ces[i] = UCA.makeKey(UCA.getPrimary(ce), NEUTRAL_SECONDARY, NEUTRAL_TERTIARY); } } backMap.put(new ArrayWrapper((int[])(ces.clone()), 0, len), s); */ } static UnicodeSet homelessSecondaries = new UnicodeSet(0x0153,0x017F); /*static int[] ignorableList = new int[homelessSecondaries.size()]; static { UnicodeSetIterator ui = new UnicodeSetIterator(homelessSecondaries); int counter = 0; while (ui.next()) { ignorableList. UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0153, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0154, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0155, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0156, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0157, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0158, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0159, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x015A, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x015B, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x015C, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x015D, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x015E, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x015F, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0160, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0161, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0162, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0163, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0164, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0165, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0166, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0167, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0168, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0169, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x016A, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x016B, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x016C, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x016D, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x016E, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x016F, 0x0002), UCA.makeKey(0x0000, 0x0170, 0x0002), }; */ static final String getFromBackMap(Map backMap, int[] originalces, int expansionStart, int len, String chr, int[] rel) { int[] ces = (int[])(originalces.clone()); String expansion = ""; // process ces to neutralize tertiary for (int i = expansionStart; i < len; ++i) { int probe = ces[i]; char primary = collator.getPrimary(probe); char secondary = collator.getSecondary(probe); char tertiary = collator.getTertiary(probe); int tert = tertiary; switch (tert) { case 8: case 9: case 0xA: case 0xB: case 0xC: case 0x1D: tert = 8; break; case 0xD: case 0x10: case 0x11: case 0x12: case 0x13: case 0x1C: tert = 0xE; break; default: tert = 2; break; } ces[i] = collator.makeKey(primary, secondary, tert); } for (int i = expansionStart; i < len;) { int limit; String s = null; for (limit = len; limit > i; --limit) { ArrayWrapper wrapper = new ArrayWrapper(ces, i, limit); s = (String)backMap.get(wrapper); if (s != null) break; } if (s == null) { do { if (homelessSecondaries.contains(UCA.getSecondary(ces[i]))) { s = ""; if (rel[0] > 1) rel[0] = 1; // HACK break; } // Try stomping the value to different tertiaries int probe = ces[i]; if (UCA.isImplicitLeadCE(probe)) { s = UTF16.valueOf(UCA.ImplicitToCodePoint(UCA.getPrimary(probe), UCA.getPrimary(ces[i+1]))); ++i; // skip over next item!! break; } char primary = collator.getPrimary(probe); char secondary = collator.getSecondary(probe); ces[i] = collator.makeKey(primary, secondary, 2); ArrayWrapper wrapper = new ArrayWrapper(ces, i, i+1); s = (String)backMap.get(wrapper); if (s != null) break; ces[i] = collator.makeKey(primary, secondary,0xE); wrapper = new ArrayWrapper(ces, i, i+1); s = (String)backMap.get(wrapper); if (s != null) break; /* int meHack = UCA.makeKey(0x1795,0x0020,0x0004); if (ces[i] == meHack) { s = "\u3081"; break; } */ // we failed completely. Print error message, and bail System.out.println("Fix Homeless! No back map for " + CEList.toString(ces[i]) + " from " + CEList.toString(ces, len)); System.out.println("\t" + ucd.getCodeAndName(chr) + " => " + ucd.getCodeAndName(nfkdNew.normalize(chr)) ); s = "[" + Utility.hex(ces[i]) + "]"; } while (false); // exactly one time, just for breaking limit = i + 1; } expansion += s; i = limit; } return expansion; } /* static final String getFromBackMap(Map backMap, int[] ces, int index, int limit) { ArrayWrapper wrapper = new ArrayWrapper(ces, index, limit); int probe = ces[index]; wrapperContents[0] = probe; String s = (String)backMap.get(wrapper); outputLen[0] = 1; if (s != null) return s; char primary = collator.getPrimary(probe); char secondary = collator.getSecondary(probe); char tertiary = collator.getTertiary(probe); if (isFixedIdeograph(remapUCA_CompatibilityIdeographToCp(primary))) { return String.valueOf(primary); } else { int tert = tertiary; switch (tert) { case 8: case 9: case 0xA: case 0xB: case 0xC: case 0x1D: tert = 8; break; case 0xD: case 0x10: case 0x11: case 0x12: case 0x13: case 0x1C: tert = 0xE; break; default: tert = 2; break; } probe = collator.makeKey(primary, secondary, tert); wrapperContents[0] = probe; s = (String)backMap.get(wrapper); if (s != null) return s; probe = collator.makeKey(primary, secondary, collator.NEUTRAL_TERTIARY); wrapperContents[0] = probe; s = (String)backMap.get(wrapper); } if (s != null) return s; if (primary != 0 && secondary != collator.NEUTRAL_SECONDARY) { int[] dummyArray = new int[1]; dummyArray[0] = collator.makeKey(primary, collator.NEUTRAL_SECONDARY, tertiary); String first = getFromBackMap(backMap, dummyArray, 0, outputLen); dummyArray[0] = collator.makeKey(0, secondary, collator.NEUTRAL_TERTIARY); String second = getFromBackMap(backMap, dummyArray, 0, outputLen); if (first != null && second != null) { s = first + second; } } return s; } */ static final String[] RELATION = { "<", " << ", " <<< ", " = ", " = ", " = ", " >>> ", " >> ", ">" }; static StringBuffer quoteOperandBuffer = new StringBuffer(); // faster static UnicodeSet needsQuoting = null; static final String quoteOperand(String s) { if (needsQuoting == null) { /* c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= '0' && c <= '9' || (c >= 0xA0 && !UCharacterProperty.isRuleWhiteSpace(c)) */ needsQuoting = new UnicodeSet( "[[:whitespace:][:c:][:z:][[:ascii:]-[a-zA-Z0-9]]]"); // needsQuoting.remove(); } s = NFC.normalize(s); quoteOperandBuffer.setLength(0); boolean noQuotes = true; boolean inQuote = false; int cp; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i += UTF16.getCharCount(cp)) { cp = UTF16.charAt(s, i); if (!needsQuoting.contains(cp)) { if (inQuote) { quoteOperandBuffer.append('\''); inQuote = false; } quoteOperandBuffer.append(UTF16.valueOf(cp)); } else { noQuotes = false; if (cp == '\'') { quoteOperandBuffer.append("''"); } else { if (!inQuote) { quoteOperandBuffer.append('\''); inQuote = true; } if (cp <= 0x20 || cp > 0x7E) quoteOperandBuffer.append("\\u").append(Utility.hex(cp)); else quoteOperandBuffer.append(UTF16.valueOf(cp)); } } /* switch (c) { case '<': case '>': case '#': case '=': case '&': case '/': quoteOperandBuffer.append('\'').append(c).append('\''); break; case '\'': quoteOperandBuffer.append("''"); break; default: if (0 <= c && c < 0x20 || 0x7F <= c && c < 0xA0) { quoteOperandBuffer.append("\\u").append(Utility.hex(c)); break; } quoteOperandBuffer.append(c); break; } */ } if (inQuote) { quoteOperandBuffer.append('\''); } if (noQuotes) return s; // faster return quoteOperandBuffer.toString(); } /* 1112; H # HANGUL CHOSEONG HIEUH 1161; A # HANGUL JUNGSEONG A 1175; I # HANGUL JUNGSEONG I 11A8; G # HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK 11C2; H # HANGUL JONGSEONG HIEUH 11F9;HANGUL JONGSEONG YEORINHIEUH;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; */ static boolean gotInfo = false; static int oldJamo1, oldJamo2, oldJamo3, oldJamo4, oldJamo5, oldJamo6; static boolean isOldJamo(int primary) { if (!gotInfo) { int[] temp = new int[20]; collator.getCEs("\u1112", true, temp); oldJamo1 = temp[0] >> 16; collator.getCEs("\u1161", true, temp); oldJamo2 = temp[0] >> 16; collator.getCEs("\u1175", true, temp); oldJamo3 = temp[0] >> 16; collator.getCEs("\u11A8", true, temp); oldJamo4 = temp[0] >> 16; collator.getCEs("\u11C2", true, temp); oldJamo5 = temp[0] >> 16; collator.getCEs("\u11F9", true, temp); oldJamo6 = temp[0] >> 16; gotInfo = true; } return primary > oldJamo1 && primary < oldJamo2 || primary > oldJamo3 && primary < oldJamo4 || primary > oldJamo5 && primary <= oldJamo6; } static Normalizer NFKD = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFKD, UNICODE_VERSION); static Normalizer NFD = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD, UNICODE_VERSION); static int variableHigh = 0; static final int COMMON = 5; static int gapForA = 0; static int[] primaryDelta; static void writeFractionalUCA(String filename) throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); checkImplicit(); checkFixes(); variableHigh = collator.getVariableHigh() >> 16; BitSet secondarySet = collator.getWeightUsage(2); // HACK for CJK secondarySet.set(0x0040); int subtotal = 0; System.out.println("Fixing Secondaries"); compactSecondary = new int[secondarySet.size()]; for (int secondary = 0; secondary < compactSecondary.length; ++secondary) { if (secondarySet.get(secondary)) { compactSecondary[secondary] = subtotal++; /*System.out.println("compact[" + Utility.hex(secondary) + "]=" + Utility.hex(compactSecondary[secondary]) + ", " + Utility.hex(fixSecondary(secondary)));*/ } } System.out.println(); //TO DO: find secondaries that don't overlap, and reassign System.out.println("Finding Bumps"); char[] representatives = new char[65536]; findBumps(representatives); System.out.println("Fixing Primaries"); BitSet primarySet = collator.getWeightUsage(1); primaryDelta = new int[65536]; // start at 1 so zero stays zero. for (int primary = 1; primary < 0xFFFF; ++primary) { if (primarySet.get(primary)) primaryDelta[primary] = 2; else if (primary == 0x1299) { System.out.println("WHOOPS! Missing weight"); } } int bumpNextToo = 0; subtotal = (COMMON << 8) + COMMON; // skip forbidden bytes, leave gap int lastValue = 0; // start at 1 so zero stays zero. for (int primary = 1; primary < 0xFFFF; ++primary) { if (primaryDelta[primary] != 0) { // special handling for Jamo 3-byte forms if (isOldJamo(primary)) { if (DEBUG) System.out.print("JAMO: " + Utility.hex(lastValue)); if ((lastValue & 0xFF0000) == 0) { // lastValue was 2-byte form subtotal += primaryDelta[primary]; // we convert from relative to absolute lastValue = primaryDelta[primary] = (subtotal << 8) + 0x10; // make 3 byte, leave gap } else { // lastValue was 3-byte form lastValue = primaryDelta[primary] = lastValue + 3; } if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" => " + Utility.hex(lastValue)); continue; } subtotal += primaryDelta[primary]; // we convert from relative to absolute if (singles.get(primary)) { subtotal = (subtotal & 0xFF00) + 0x100; if (primary == gapForA) subtotal += 0x200; if (bumpNextToo == 0x40) subtotal += 0x100; // make sure of gap between singles!!! bumpNextToo = 0x40; } else if (primary > variableHigh) { variableHigh = 0xFFFF; // never do again! subtotal = (subtotal & 0xFF00) + 0x320 + bumpNextToo; bumpNextToo = 0; } else if (bumpNextToo > 0 || bumps.get(primary)) { subtotal = ((subtotal + 0x20) & 0xFF00) + 0x120 + bumpNextToo; bumpNextToo = 0; } else { int lastByte = subtotal & 0xFF; // skip all values of FF, 00, 01, 02, if (0 <= lastByte && lastByte < COMMON || lastByte == 0xFF) { subtotal = ((subtotal + 1) & 0xFFFFFF00) + COMMON; // skip } } lastValue = primaryDelta[primary] = subtotal; } // fixup for Kanji /* // WE DROP THIS: we are skipping all CJK values above, and will fix them separately int fixedCompat = remapUCA_CompatibilityIdeographToCp(primary); if (isFixedIdeograph(fixedCompat)) { int CE = getImplicitPrimary(fixedCompat); lastValue = primaryDelta[primary] = CE >>> 8; } */ //if ((primary & 0xFF) == 0) System.out.println(Utility.hex(primary) + " => " + hexBytes(primaryDelta[primary])); } // now translate!! String highCompat = UTF16.valueOf(0x2F805); System.out.println("Sorting"); Map ordered = new TreeMap(); Set contentsForCanonicalIteration = new TreeSet(); UCA.UCAContents ucac = collator.getContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, null); int ccounter = 0; while (true) { Utility.dot(ccounter++); String s = ucac.next(); if (s == null) break; if (s.equals("\uFA36") || s.equals("\uF900") || s.equals("\u2ADC") || s.equals(highCompat)) { System.out.println(" * " + ucd.getCodeAndName(s)); } contentsForCanonicalIteration.add(s); ordered.put(collator.getSortKey(s, UCA.NON_IGNORABLE) + '\u0000' + s, s); } // Add canonically equivalent characters!! System.out.println("Start Adding canonical Equivalents2"); int canCount = 0; System.out.println("Add missing decomposibles and non-characters"); for (int i = 0; i < 0x10FFFF; ++i) { if (!ucd.isNoncharacter(i)) { if (!ucd.isAllocated(i)) continue; if (NFD.isNormalized(i)) continue; if (ucd.isHangulSyllable(i)) continue; //if (collator.getCEType(i) >= UCA.FIXED_CE) continue; } String s = UTF16.valueOf(i); if (contentsForCanonicalIteration.contains(s)) continue; // skip if already present contentsForCanonicalIteration.add(s); ordered.put(collator.getSortKey(s, UCA.NON_IGNORABLE) + '\u0000' + s, s); System.out.println(" + " + ucd.getCodeAndName(s)); canCount++; } Set additionalSet = new HashSet(); System.out.println("Loading canonical iterator"); if (canIt == null) canIt = new CanonicalIterator("."); Iterator it2 = contentsForCanonicalIteration.iterator(); System.out.println("Adding any FCD equivalents that have different sort keys"); while (it2.hasNext()) { String key = (String)it2.next(); if (key == null) { System.out.println("Null Key"); continue; } canIt.setSource(key); boolean first = true; while (true) { String s = canIt.next(); if (s == null) break; if (s.equals(key)) continue; if (contentsForCanonicalIteration.contains(s)) continue; if (additionalSet.contains(s)) continue; // Skip anything that is not FCD. if (!NFD.isFCD(s)) continue; // We ONLY add if the sort key would be different // Than what we would get if we didn't decompose!! String sortKey = collator.getSortKey(s, UCA.NON_IGNORABLE); String nonDecompSortKey = collator.getSortKey(s, UCA.NON_IGNORABLE, false); if (sortKey.equals(nonDecompSortKey)) continue; if (first) { System.out.println(" " + ucd.getCodeAndName(key)); first = false; } System.out.println(" => " + ucd.getCodeAndName(s)); System.out.println(" old: " + collator.toString(nonDecompSortKey)); System.out.println(" new: " + collator.toString(sortKey)); canCount++; additionalSet.add(s); ordered.put(sortKey + '\u0000' + s, s); } } System.out.println("Done Adding canonical Equivalents -- added " + canCount); /* for (int ch = 0; ch < 0x10FFFF; ++ch) { Utility.dot(ch); byte type = collator.getCEType(ch); if (type >= UCA.FIXED_CE && !nfd.hasDecomposition(ch)) continue; } String s = com.ibm.text.UTF16.valueOf(ch); ordered.put(collator.getSortKey(s, UCA.NON_IGNORABLE) + '\u0000' + s, s); } Hashtable multiTable = collator.getContracting(); Enumeration enum = multiTable.keys(); int ecount = 0; while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { Utility.dot(ecount++); String s = (String)enum.nextElement(); ordered.put(collator.getSortKey(s, UCA.NON_IGNORABLE) + '\u0000' + s, s); } */ // JUST FOR TESTING if (false) { String sample = "\u3400\u3401\u4DB4\u4DB5\u4E00\u4E01\u9FA4\u9FA5\uAC00\uAC01\uD7A2\uD7A3"; for (int i = 0; i < sample.length(); ++i) { String s = sample.substring(i, i+1); ordered.put(collator.getSortKey(s, UCA.NON_IGNORABLE) + '\u0000' + s, s); } } Utility.fixDot(); System.out.println("Writing"); PrintWriter shortLog = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(UCA_GEN_DIR + filename + "_SHORT.txt"), 32*1024)); PrintWriter longLog = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(UCA_GEN_DIR + filename + ".txt"), 32*1024)); log = new PrintWriter(new DualWriter(shortLog, longLog)); PrintWriter summary = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(UCA_GEN_DIR + filename + "_summary.txt"), 32*1024)); //log.println("[Variable Low = " + UCA.toString(collator.getVariableLow()) + "]"); //log.println("[Variable High = " + UCA.toString(collator.getVariableHigh()) + "]"); int[] ces = new int[100]; StringBuffer newPrimary = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer newSecondary = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer newTertiary = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer oldStr = new StringBuffer(); EquivalenceClass secEq = new EquivalenceClass("\r\n#", 2, true); EquivalenceClass terEq = new EquivalenceClass("\r\n#", 2, true); String[] sampleEq = new String[500]; int[] sampleLen = new int[500]; Iterator it = ordered.keySet().iterator(); int oldFirstPrimary = UCA.getPrimary(UCA.TERMINATOR); boolean wasVariable = false; log.println("# Fractional UCA Table, generated from standard UCA"); log.println("# " + getNormalDate()); log.println("# VERSION: UCA=" + collator.getDataVersion() + ", UCD=" + collator.getUCDVersion()); log.println(); log.println("# Generated processed version, as described in ICU design document."); log.println("# NOTES"); log.println("# - Bugs in UCA data are NOT FIXED, except for the following problems:"); log.println("# - canonical equivalents are decomposed directly (some beta UCA are wrong)."); log.println("# - overlapping variable ranges are fixed."); log.println("# - Format is as follows:"); log.println("# (' ' )* ';' ('L' | 'S') ';' + ' # ' '# ' "); log.println("# - zero weights are not printed"); log.println("# - S: contains at least one lowercase or SMALL kana"); log.println("# - L: otherwise"); log.println("# - Different primaries are separated by a blank line."); log.println("# WARNING"); log.println("# - Differs from previous version in that MAX value was introduced at 1F."); log.println("# All tertiary values are shifted down by 1, filling the gap at 7!"); log.println(); log.println("[UCA version =" + collator.getDataVersion() + "]"); String lastChr = ""; int lastNp = 0; boolean doVariable = false; char[] codeUnits = new char[100]; FCE firstTertiaryIgnorable = new FCE(false, "tertiary ignorable"); FCE lastTertiaryIgnorable = new FCE(true, "tertiary ignorable"); FCE firstSecondaryIgnorable = new FCE(false, "secondary ignorable"); FCE lastSecondaryIgnorable = new FCE(true, "secondary ignorable"); FCE firstTertiaryInSecondaryNonIgnorable = new FCE(false, "tertiary in secondary non-ignorable"); FCE lastTertiaryInSecondaryNonIgnorable = new FCE(true, "tertiary in secondary non-ignorable"); FCE firstPrimaryIgnorable = new FCE(false, "primary ignorable"); FCE lastPrimaryIgnorable = new FCE(true, "primary ignorable"); FCE firstSecondaryInPrimaryNonIgnorable = new FCE(false, "secondary in primary non-ignorable"); FCE lastSecondaryInPrimaryNonIgnorable = new FCE(true, "secondary in primary non-ignorable"); FCE firstVariable = new FCE(false, "variable"); FCE lastVariable = new FCE(true, "variable"); FCE firstNonIgnorable = new FCE(false, "non-ignorable"); FCE lastNonIgnorable = new FCE(true, "non-ignorable"); FCE firstTrailing = new FCE(false, "trailing"); FCE lastTrailing = new FCE(true, "trailing"); Map backMap = new TreeMap(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object sortKey = it.next(); String chr = (String)ordered.get(sortKey); // get CEs and fix int len = collator.getCEs(chr, true, ces); int firstPrimary = UCA.getPrimary(ces[0]); if (firstPrimary != oldFirstPrimary) { log.println(); boolean isVariable = collator.isVariable(ces[0]); if (isVariable != wasVariable) { if (isVariable) { log.println("# START OF VARIABLE SECTION!!!"); summary.println("# START OF VARIABLE SECTION!!!"); } else { log.println("[variable top = " + Utility.hex(primaryDelta[oldFirstPrimary]) + "] # END OF VARIABLE SECTION!!!"); doVariable = true; } log.println(); } wasVariable = isVariable; oldFirstPrimary = firstPrimary; } oldStr.setLength(0); chr.getChars(0, chr.length(), codeUnits, 0); log.print(Utility.hex(codeUnits, 0, chr.length(), " ") + "; "); boolean nonePrinted = true; boolean isFirst = true; for (int q = 0; q < len; ++q) { nonePrinted = false; newPrimary.setLength(0); newSecondary.setLength(0); newTertiary.setLength(0); int pri = UCA.getPrimary(ces[q]); int sec = UCA.getSecondary(ces[q]); int ter = UCA.getTertiary(ces[q]); oldStr.append(CEList.toString(ces[q]));// + "," + Integer.toString(ces[q],16); // special treatment for unsupported! if (UCA.isImplicitLeadPrimary(pri)) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("DEBUG: " + CEList.toString(ces, len) + ", Current: " + q + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(chr)); ++q; oldStr.append(CEList.toString(ces[q]));// + "," + Integer.toString(ces[q],16); int pri2 = UCA.getPrimary(ces[q]); // get old code point int cp = UCA.ImplicitToCodePoint(pri, pri2); // double check results! int[] testImplicit = new int[2]; collator.CodepointToImplicit(cp, testImplicit); boolean gotError = pri != testImplicit[0] || pri2 != testImplicit[1]; if (gotError) { System.out.println("ERROR"); } if (DEBUG || gotError) { System.out.println("Computing Unsupported CP as: " + Utility.hex(pri) + ", " + Utility.hex(pri2) + " => " + Utility.hex(cp) + " => " + Utility.hex(testImplicit[0]) + ", " + Utility.hex(testImplicit[1]) // + ", " + Utility.hex(fixPrimary(pri) & INT_MASK) ); } pri = cp | MARK_CODE_POINT; } if (sec != 0x20) { boolean changed = secEq.add(new Integer(sec), new Integer(pri)); } if (ter != 0x2) { boolean changed = terEq.add(new Integer(ter), new Integer((pri << 16) | sec)); } if (sampleEq[sec] == null || sampleLen[sec] > len) { sampleEq[sec] = chr; sampleLen[sec] = len; } if (sampleEq[ter] == null || sampleLen[sec] > len) { sampleEq[ter] = chr; sampleLen[sec] = len; } if ((pri & MARK_CODE_POINT) == 0 && pri == 0) { Integer key = new Integer(ces[q]); Pair value = (Pair) backMap.get(key); if (value == null || (len < ((Integer)(value.first)).intValue())) { backMap.put(key, new Pair(new Integer(len), chr)); } } // int oldPrimaryValue = UCA.getPrimary(ces[q]); int np = fixPrimary(pri); int ns = fixSecondary(sec); int nt = fixTertiary(ter); try { hexBytes(np, newPrimary); hexBytes(ns, newSecondary); hexBytes(nt, newTertiary); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ChainException("Character is {0}", new String[] {Utility.hex(chr)}, e); } if (isFirst) { if (!sameTopByte(np, lastNp)) { summary.println("Last: " + Utility.hex(lastNp & INT_MASK) + " " + ucd.getName(UTF16.charAt(lastChr,0))); summary.println(); if (doVariable) { doVariable = false; summary.println("[variable top = " + Utility.hex(primaryDelta[firstPrimary]) + "] # END OF VARIABLE SECTION!!!"); summary.println(); } summary.println("First: " + Utility.hex(np & INT_MASK) + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(UTF16.charAt(chr,0))); } lastNp = np; isFirst = false; } log.print("[" + newPrimary + ", " + newSecondary + ", " + newTertiary + "]"); // RECORD STATS // but ONLY if we are not part of an implicit if ((pri & MARK_CODE_POINT) == 0) { if (np != 0) { firstSecondaryInPrimaryNonIgnorable.setValue(0, ns, 0, chr); lastSecondaryInPrimaryNonIgnorable.setValue(0, ns, 0, chr); } if (ns != 0) { firstTertiaryInSecondaryNonIgnorable.setValue(0, 0, nt & 0x3F, chr); lastTertiaryInSecondaryNonIgnorable.setValue(0, 0, nt & 0x3F, chr); } if (np == 0 && ns == 0) { firstSecondaryIgnorable.setValue(np, ns, nt, chr); lastSecondaryIgnorable.setValue(np, ns, nt, chr); } else if (np == 0) { firstPrimaryIgnorable.setValue(np, ns, nt, chr); lastPrimaryIgnorable.setValue(np, ns, nt, chr); } else if (collator.isVariable(ces[q])) { firstVariable.setValue(np, ns, nt, chr); lastVariable.setValue(np, ns, nt, chr); } else if (UCA.getPrimary(ces[q]) > UNSUPPORTED_LIMIT) { // Trailing (none currently) System.out.println("Trailing: " + ucd.getCodeAndName(chr) + ", " + CEList.toString(ces[q]) + ", " + Utility.hex(pri) + ", " + Utility.hex(UNSUPPORTED_LIMIT)); firstTrailing.setValue(np, ns, nt, chr); lastTrailing.setValue(np, ns, nt, chr); } else { firstNonIgnorable.setValue(np, ns, nt, chr); lastNonIgnorable.setValue(np, ns, nt, chr); } } } if (nonePrinted) { log.print("[,,]"); oldStr.append(CEList.toString(0)); } longLog.print("\t# " + oldStr + "\t* " + ucd.getName(UTF16.charAt(chr, 0))); log.println(); lastChr = chr; } // ADD HOMELESS COLLATION ELEMENTS log.println(); log.println("# HOMELESS COLLATION ELEMENTS"); char fakeTrail = 'a'; Iterator it3 = backMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { Integer key = (Integer) it3.next(); Pair pair = (Pair) backMap.get(key); if (((Integer)pair.first).intValue() < 2) continue; String sample = (String)pair.second; int ce = key.intValue(); int np = fixPrimary(UCA.getPrimary(ce)); int ns = fixSecondary(UCA.getSecondary(ce)); int nt = fixTertiary(UCA.getTertiary(ce)); newPrimary.setLength(0); newSecondary.setLength(0); newTertiary.setLength(0); hexBytes(np, newPrimary); hexBytes(ns, newSecondary); hexBytes(nt, newTertiary); log.print(Utility.hex('\uFDD0' + "" + (char)(fakeTrail++)) + "; " + "[, " + newSecondary + ", " + newTertiary + "]"); longLog.print("\t# " + collator.getCEList(sample, true) + "\t* " + ucd.getCodeAndName(sample)); log.println(); } int firstImplicit = getImplicitPrimary(CJK_BASE); int lastImplicit = getImplicitPrimary(0x10FFFF); log.println(); log.println("# VALUES BASED ON UCA"); if (firstTertiaryIgnorable.isUnset()) { firstTertiaryIgnorable.setValue(0,0,0,""); lastTertiaryIgnorable.setValue(0,0,0,""); System.out.println(firstSecondaryIgnorable.formatFCE()); } log.println(firstTertiaryIgnorable); log.println(lastTertiaryIgnorable); // Since the UCA doesn't have secondary ignorables, fake them. if (firstSecondaryIgnorable.isUnset()) { int bound = 0x3F03; System.out.println("No first/last secondary ignorable: resetting to HARD CODED"); //long bound = lastTertiaryInSecondaryNonIgnorable.getValue(2); firstSecondaryIgnorable.setValue(0,0,bound,""); lastSecondaryIgnorable.setValue(0,0,bound,""); System.out.println(firstSecondaryIgnorable.formatFCE()); } log.println("# Warning: Case bits are masked in the following"); log.println(firstTertiaryInSecondaryNonIgnorable.toString(true)); log.println(lastTertiaryInSecondaryNonIgnorable.toString(true)); log.println(firstSecondaryIgnorable); log.println(lastSecondaryIgnorable); if (lastTertiaryInSecondaryNonIgnorable.getValue(2) >= firstSecondaryIgnorable.getValue(2)) { log.println("# FAILURE: Overlap of tertiaries"); } log.println(firstSecondaryInPrimaryNonIgnorable.toString(true)); log.println(lastSecondaryInPrimaryNonIgnorable.toString(true)); log.println(firstPrimaryIgnorable); log.println(lastPrimaryIgnorable); if (lastSecondaryInPrimaryNonIgnorable.getValue(1) >= firstPrimaryIgnorable.getValue(1)) { log.println("# FAILURE: Overlap of secondaries"); } log.println(firstVariable); log.println(lastVariable); log.println(firstNonIgnorable); log.println(lastNonIgnorable); FCE firstImplicitFCE = new FCE(false, "first implicit"); FCE lastImplicitFCE = new FCE(false, "last implicit"); firstImplicitFCE.setValue(firstImplicit, COMMON, COMMON, ""); lastImplicitFCE.setValue(lastImplicit, COMMON, COMMON, ""); log.println(firstImplicitFCE); // "[first implicit " + (new FCE(false,firstImplicit, COMMON<<24, COMMON<<24)).formatFCE() + "]"); log.println(lastImplicitFCE); // "[last implicit " + (new FCE(false,lastImplicit, COMMON<<24, COMMON<<24)).formatFCE() + "]"); if (firstTrailing.isUnset()) { System.out.println("No first/last trailing: resetting"); firstTrailing.setValue(IMPLICIT_LIMIT_BYTE+1, COMMON, COMMON, ""); lastTrailing.setValue(IMPLICIT_LIMIT_BYTE+1, COMMON, COMMON, ""); System.out.println(firstTrailing.formatFCE()); } log.println(firstTrailing); log.println(lastTrailing); log.println(); log.println("# FIXED VALUES"); log.println("# superceded! [top " + lastNonIgnorable.formatFCE() + "]"); log.println("[fixed first implicit byte " + Utility.hex(IMPLICIT_BASE_BYTE,2) + "]"); log.println("[fixed last implicit byte " + Utility.hex(IMPLICIT_LIMIT_BYTE,2) + "]"); log.println("[fixed first trail byte " + Utility.hex(IMPLICIT_LIMIT_BYTE+1,2) + "]"); log.println("[fixed last trail byte " + Utility.hex(SPECIAL_BASE-1,2) + "]"); log.println("[fixed first special byte " + Utility.hex(SPECIAL_BASE,2) + "]"); log.println("[fixed last special byte " + Utility.hex(0xFF,2) + "]"); summary.println("Last: " + Utility.hex(lastNp) + ", " + ucd.getCodeAndName(UTF16.charAt(lastChr, 0))); /* String sample = "\u3400\u3401\u4DB4\u4DB5\u4E00\u4E01\u9FA4\u9FA5\uAC00\uAC01\uD7A2\uD7A3"; for (int i = 0; i < sample.length(); ++i) { char ch = sample.charAt(i); log.println(Utility.hex(ch) + " => " + Utility.hex(fixHan(ch)) + " " + ucd.getName(ch)); } */ summary.println(); summary.println("# First Implicit: " + Utility.hex(INT_MASK & getImplicitPrimary(0))); summary.println("# Last Implicit: " + Utility.hex(INT_MASK & getImplicitPrimary(0x10FFFF))); summary.println("# First CJK: " + Utility.hex(INT_MASK & getImplicitPrimary(0x4E00))); summary.println("# Last CJK: " + Utility.hex(INT_MASK & getImplicitPrimary(0xFA2F))); summary.println("# First CJK_A: " + Utility.hex(INT_MASK & getImplicitPrimary(0x3400))); summary.println("# Last CJK_A: " + Utility.hex(INT_MASK & getImplicitPrimary(0x4DBF))); boolean lastOne = false; for (int i = 0; i < 0x10FFFF; ++i) { boolean thisOne = ucd.isCJK_BASE(i) || ucd.isCJK_AB(i); if (thisOne != lastOne) { summary.println("# Implicit Cusp: CJK=" + lastOne + ": " + Utility.hex(i-1) + " => " + Utility.hex(INT_MASK & getImplicitPrimary(i-1))); summary.println("# Implicit Cusp: CJK=" + thisOne + ": " + Utility.hex(i) + " => " + Utility.hex(INT_MASK & getImplicitPrimary(i))); lastOne = thisOne; } } summary.println("Compact Secondary 153: " + compactSecondary[0x153]); summary.println("Compact Secondary 157: " + compactSecondary[0x157]); summary.println(); summary.println("# Disjoint classes for Secondaries"); summary.println("#" + secEq.toString()); summary.println(); summary.println("# Disjoint classes for Tertiaries"); summary.println("#" + terEq.toString()); summary.println(); summary.println("# Example characters for each TERTIARY value"); summary.println(); summary.println("# UCA : (FRAC) CODE [ UCA CE ] Name"); summary.println(); for (int i = 0; i < sampleEq.length; ++i) { if (sampleEq[i] == null) continue; if (i == 0x20) { summary.println(); summary.println("# Example characters for each SECONDARY value"); summary.println(); summary.println("# UCA : (FRAC) CODE [ UCA CE ] Name"); summary.println(); } int len = collator.getCEs(sampleEq[i], true, ces); int newval = i < 0x20 ? fixTertiary(i) : fixSecondary(i); summary.print("# " + Utility.hex(i) + ": (" + Utility.hex(newval) + ") " + Utility.hex(sampleEq[i]) + " "); for (int q = 0; q < len; ++q) { summary.print(CEList.toString(ces[q])); } summary.println(" " + ucd.getName(sampleEq[i])); } log.close(); summary.close(); } static final long INT_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFFL; static class FCE { static final long UNDEFINED_MAX = Long.MAX_VALUE; static final long UNDEFINED_MIN = Long.MIN_VALUE; long[] key; boolean max; boolean debugShow = false; String source; String title; FCE (boolean max, String title) { this.max = max; this.title = title; if (max) key = new long[] {UNDEFINED_MIN, UNDEFINED_MIN, UNDEFINED_MIN}; // make small! else key = new long[] {UNDEFINED_MAX, UNDEFINED_MAX, UNDEFINED_MAX}; } /* FCE (boolean max, int primary, int secondary, int tertiary) { this(max); key[0] = fixWeight(primary); key[1] = fixWeight(secondary); key[2] = fixWeight(tertiary); } FCE (boolean max, int primary) { this(max); key[0] = primary & INT_MASK; } */ boolean isUnset() { return key[0] == UNDEFINED_MIN || key[0] == UNDEFINED_MAX; } long fixWeight(int weight) { long result = weight & INT_MASK; if (result == 0) return result; while ((result & 0xFF000000) == 0) result <<= 8; // shift to top return result; } String formatFCE() { return formatFCE(false); } String formatFCE(boolean showEmpty) { String b0 = getBuffer(key[0], false); boolean key0Defined = key[0] != UNDEFINED_MIN && key[0] != UNDEFINED_MAX; if (showEmpty && b0.length() == 0) b0 = "X"; String b1 = getBuffer(key[1], key0Defined); boolean key1Defined = key[1] != UNDEFINED_MIN && key[1] != UNDEFINED_MAX; if (b1.length() != 0) b1 = " " + b1; else if (showEmpty) b1 = " X"; String b2 = getBuffer(key[2], key0Defined || key1Defined); if (b2.length() != 0) b2 = " " + b2; else if (showEmpty) b2 = " X"; return "[" + b0 + "," + b1 + "," + b2 + "]"; } String getBuffer(long val, boolean haveHigher) { if (val == UNDEFINED_MIN) return "?"; if (val == UNDEFINED_MAX) if (haveHigher) val = COMMON << 24; else return "?"; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); hexBytes(val, result); return result.toString(); } long getValue(int zeroBasedLevel) { return key[zeroBasedLevel]; } String getSource() { return source; } public String toString() { return toString(false); } String toString(boolean showEmpty) { String src = source.length() == 0 ? "CONSTRUCTED" : Default.ucd.getCodeAndName(source); return "[" + (max ? "last " : "first ") + title + " " + formatFCE(showEmpty) + "] # " + src; } void setValue(int npInt, int nsInt, int ntInt, String source) { if (debugShow) System.out.println("Setting FCE: " + Utility.hex(npInt) + ", " + Utility.hex(nsInt) + ", " + Utility.hex(ntInt)); // to get the sign right! long np = fixWeight(npInt); long ns = fixWeight(nsInt); long nt = fixWeight(ntInt); if (max) { // return if the key is LEQ if (np < key[0]) return; if (np == key[0]) { if (ns < key[1]) return; if (ns == key[1]) { if (nt <= key[2]) return; } } } else { // return if the key is GEQ if (np > key[0]) return; if (np == key[0]) { if (ns > key[1]) return; if (ns == key[1]) { if (nt >= key[2]) return; } } } // we didn't bail, so reset! key[0] = np; key[1] = ns; key[2] = nt; this.source = source; } } /* static boolean isFixedIdeograph(int cp) { return (0x3400 <= cp && cp <= 0x4DB5 || 0x4E00 <= cp && cp <= 0x9FA5 || 0xF900 <= cp && cp <= 0xFA2D // compat: most of these decompose anyway || 0x20000 <= cp && cp <= 0x2A6D6 || 0x2F800 <= cp && cp <= 0x2FA1D // compat: most of these decompose anyway ); } */ /* 3400;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 4DB5;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 4E00;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 9FA5;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 20000;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 2A6D6;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 2F800;CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F800;Lo;0;L;4E3D;;;;N;;;;; ... 2FA1D;CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA1D;Lo;0;L;2A600;;;;N;;;;; */ /* static int remapUCA_CompatibilityIdeographToCp(int cp) { switch (cp) { case 0x9FA6: return 0xFA0E; // FA0E ; [.9FA6.0020.0002.FA0E] # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA0E case 0x9FA7: return 0xFA0F; // FA0F ; [.9FA7.0020.0002.FA0F] # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA0F case 0x9FA8: return 0xFA11; // FA11 ; [.9FA8.0020.0002.FA11] # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA11 case 0x9FA9: return 0xFA13; // FA13 ; [.9FA9.0020.0002.FA13] # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA13 case 0x9FAA: return 0xFA14; // FA14 ; [.9FAA.0020.0002.FA14] # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA14 case 0x9FAB: return 0xFA1F; // FA1F ; [.9FAB.0020.0002.FA1F] # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA1F case 0x9FAC: return 0xFA21; // FA21 ; [.9FAC.0020.0002.FA21] # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA21 case 0x9FAD: return 0xFA23; // FA23 ; [.9FAD.0020.0002.FA23] # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA23 case 0x9FAE: return 0xFA24; // FA24 ; [.9FAE.0020.0002.FA24] # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA24 case 0x9FAF: return 0xFA27; // FA27 ; [.9FAF.0020.0002.FA27] # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA27 case 0x9FB0: return 0xFA28; // FA28 ; [.9FB0.0020.0002.FA28] # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA28 case 0x9FB1: return 0xFA29; // FA29 ; [.9FB1.0020.0002.FA29] # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA29 } return cp; } */ /** * Function used to: * a) collapse the 2 different Han ranges from UCA into one (in the right order), and * b) bump any non-CJK characters by 10FFFF. * The relevant blocks are: * A: 4E00..9FFF; CJK Unified Ideographs * F900..FAFF; CJK Compatibility Ideographs * B: 3400..4DBF; CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A * 20000..XX; CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B (and others later on) * As long as * no new B characters are allocated between 4E00 and FAFF, and * no new A characters are outside of this range, * (very high probability) this simple code will work. * The reordered blocks are: * Block1 is CJK * Block2 is CJK_COMPAT_USED * Block3 is CJK_A * Any other CJK gets its normal code point * Any non-CJK gets +10FFFF * When we reorder Block1, we make sure that it is at the very start, * so that it will use a 3-byte form. */ static int swapCJK(int i) { if (i >= CJK_BASE) { if (i < CJK_LIMIT) return i - CJK_BASE; if (i < CJK_COMPAT_USED_BASE) return i + NON_CJK_OFFSET; if (i < CJK_COMPAT_USED_LIMIT) return i - CJK_COMPAT_USED_BASE + (CJK_LIMIT - CJK_BASE); if (i < CJK_B_BASE) return i + NON_CJK_OFFSET; if (i < CJK_B_LIMIT) return i; // non-BMP-CJK return i + NON_CJK_OFFSET; // non-CJK } if (i < CJK_A_BASE) return i + NON_CJK_OFFSET; if (i < CJK_A_LIMIT) return i - CJK_A_BASE + (CJK_LIMIT - CJK_BASE) + (CJK_COMPAT_USED_LIMIT - CJK_COMPAT_USED_BASE); return i + NON_CJK_OFFSET; // non-CJK } // Fractional UCA Generation Constants static final int TOP = 0xA0, SPECIAL_BASE = 0xF0, NON_CJK_OFFSET = 0x110000, BYTES_TO_AVOID = 3, OTHER_COUNT = 256 - BYTES_TO_AVOID, LAST_COUNT = OTHER_COUNT / 2, LAST_COUNT2 = OTHER_COUNT / 21, // room for intervening, without expanding to 5 bytes IMPLICIT_3BYTE_COUNT = 1, IMPLICIT_BASE_BYTE = 0xE0, IMPLICIT_LIMIT_BYTE = IMPLICIT_BASE_BYTE + 4, // leave room for 1 3-byte and 2 4-byte forms IMPLICIT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY = IMPLICIT_3BYTE_COUNT * OTHER_COUNT * LAST_COUNT, LAST_MULTIPLIER = OTHER_COUNT / LAST_COUNT, LAST2_MULTIPLIER = OTHER_COUNT / LAST_COUNT2, IMPLICIT_BASE_3BYTE = (IMPLICIT_BASE_BYTE << 24) + 0x030300, IMPLICIT_BASE_4BYTE = ((IMPLICIT_BASE_BYTE + IMPLICIT_3BYTE_COUNT) << 24) + 0x030303 ; // GET IMPLICIT PRIMARY WEIGHTS // Return value is left justified primary key static int getImplicitPrimary(int cp) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Incoming: " + Utility.hex(cp)); cp = swapCJK(cp); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("CJK swapped: " + Utility.hex(cp)); // we now have a range of numbers from 0 to 21FFFF. return getImplicitPrimaryFromSwapped(cp); } static int getImplicitPrimaryFromSwapped(int cp) { // we must skip all 00, 01, 02 bytes, so most bytes have 253 values // we must leave a gap of 01 between all values of the last byte, so the last byte has 126 values (3 byte case) // we shift so that HAN all has the same first primary, for compression. // for the 4 byte case, we make the gap as large as we can fit. // Three byte forms are EC xx xx, ED xx xx, EE xx xx (with a gap of 1) // Four byte forms (most supplementaries) are EF xx xx xx (with a gap of LAST2_MULTIPLIER == 14) int last0 = cp - IMPLICIT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY; if (last0 < 0) { int last1 = cp / LAST_COUNT; last0 = cp % LAST_COUNT; int last2 = last1 / OTHER_COUNT; last1 %= OTHER_COUNT; if (DEBUG || last2 > 0xFF-BYTES_TO_AVOID) System.out.println("3B: " + Utility.hex(cp) + " => " + Utility.hex(last2) + ", " + Utility.hex(last1) + ", " + Utility.hex(last0) + ", " ); return IMPLICIT_BASE_3BYTE + (last2 << 24) + (last1 << 16) + ((last0*LAST_MULTIPLIER) << 8); } else { int last1 = last0 / LAST_COUNT2; last0 %= LAST_COUNT2; int last2 = last1 / OTHER_COUNT; last1 %= OTHER_COUNT; int last3 = last2 / OTHER_COUNT; last2 %= OTHER_COUNT; if (DEBUG || last3 > 0xFF-BYTES_TO_AVOID) System.out.println("4B: " + Utility.hex(cp) + " => " + Utility.hex(last3) + ", " + Utility.hex(last2) + ", " + Utility.hex(last1) + ", " + Utility.hex(last0 * LAST2_MULTIPLIER) + ", " ); return IMPLICIT_BASE_4BYTE + (last3 << 24) + (last2 << 16) + (last1 << 8) + (last0 * LAST2_MULTIPLIER); } } static void showImplicit(String title, int cp) { if (DEBUG) showImplicit2(title + "-1", cp-1); showImplicit2(title + "00", cp); if (DEBUG) showImplicit2(title + "+1", cp+1); } static void showImplicit2(String title, int cp) { System.out.println(title + ":\t" + Utility.hex(cp) + " => " + Utility.hex(swapCJK(cp)) + " => " + Utility.hex(INT_MASK & getImplicitPrimary(cp))); } static void showImplicit3(String title, int cp) { System.out.println("*" + title + ":\t" + Utility.hex(cp) + " => " + Utility.hex(INT_MASK & getImplicitPrimaryFromSwapped(cp))); } // TEST PROGRAM static void checkImplicit() { System.out.println("Starting Implicit Check"); long oldPrimary = 0; int oldChar = -1; int oldSwap = -1; // test monotonically increasing for (int i = 0; i < 0x21FFFF; ++i) { long newPrimary = INT_MASK & getImplicitPrimaryFromSwapped(i); if (newPrimary < oldPrimary) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Utility.hex(i) + ": overlap: " + Utility.hex(oldChar) + " (" + Utility.hex(oldPrimary) + ")" + " > " + Utility.hex(i) + "(" + Utility.hex(newPrimary) + ")"); } oldPrimary = newPrimary; } showImplicit("# First CJK", CJK_BASE); showImplicit("# Last CJK", CJK_LIMIT-1); showImplicit("# First CJK-compat", CJK_COMPAT_USED_BASE); showImplicit("# Last CJK-compat", CJK_COMPAT_USED_LIMIT-1); showImplicit("# First CJK_A", CJK_A_BASE); showImplicit("# Last CJK_A", CJK_A_LIMIT-1); showImplicit("# First CJK_B", CJK_B_BASE); showImplicit("# Last CJK_B", CJK_B_LIMIT-1); showImplicit("# First Other Implicit", 0); showImplicit("# Last Other Implicit", 0x10FFFF); showImplicit3("# FIRST", 0); showImplicit3("# Boundary-1", IMPLICIT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY-1); showImplicit3("# Boundary00", IMPLICIT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY); showImplicit3("# Boundary+1", IMPLICIT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY+1); showImplicit3("# LAST", 0x21FFFF); oldPrimary = 0; oldChar = -1; for (int batch = 0; batch < 3; ++batch) { for (int i = 0; i <= 0x10FFFF; ++i) { // separate the three groups if (ucd.isCJK_BASE(i) || CJK_COMPAT_USED_BASE <= i && i < CJK_COMPAT_USED_LIMIT) { if (batch != 0) continue; } else if (ucd.isCJK_AB(i)) { if (batch != 1) continue; } else if (batch != 2) continue; // test swapping int currSwap = swapCJK(i); if (currSwap < oldSwap) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Utility.hex(i) + ": overlap: " + Utility.hex(oldChar) + " (" + Utility.hex(oldSwap) + ")" + " > " + Utility.hex(i) + "(" + Utility.hex(currSwap) + ")"); } long newPrimary = INT_MASK & getImplicitPrimary(i); // test correct values if (newPrimary < oldPrimary) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Utility.hex(i) + ": overlap: " + Utility.hex(oldChar) + " (" + Utility.hex(oldPrimary) + ")" + " > " + Utility.hex(i) + "(" + Utility.hex(newPrimary) + ")"); } long b0 = (newPrimary >> 24) & 0xFF; long b1 = (newPrimary >> 16) & 0xFF; long b2 = (newPrimary >> 8) & 0xFF; long b3 = newPrimary & 0xFF; if (b0 < IMPLICIT_BASE_BYTE || b0 >= IMPLICIT_LIMIT_BYTE || b1 < 3 || b2 < 3 || b3 == 1 || b3 == 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Utility.hex(i) + ": illegal byte value: " + Utility.hex(newPrimary) + ", " + Utility.hex(b1) + ", " + Utility.hex(b2) + ", " + Utility.hex(b3)); } // print range to look at if (false) { int b = i & 0xFF; if (b == 255 || b == 0 || b == 1) { System.out.println(Utility.hex(i) + " => " + Utility.hex(newPrimary)); } } oldPrimary = newPrimary; oldChar = i; } } System.out.println("Successful Implicit Check!!"); } static boolean sameTopByte(int x, int y) { int x1 = x & 0xFF0000; int y1 = y & 0xFF0000; if (x1 != 0 || y1 != 0) return x1 == y1; x1 = x & 0xFF00; y1 = y & 0xFF00; return x1 == y1; } // return true if either: // a. toLower(NFKD(x)) != x (using FULL case mappings), OR // b. toSmallKana(NFKD(x)) != x. static final boolean needsCaseBit(String x) { String s = NFKD.normalize(x); if (!ucd.getCase(s, FULL, LOWER).equals(s)) return true; if (!toSmallKana(s).equals(s)) return true; return false; } static final StringBuffer toSmallKanaBuffer = new StringBuffer(); static final String toSmallKana(String s) { // note: don't need to do surrogates; none exist boolean gotOne = false; toSmallKanaBuffer.setLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) { char c = s.charAt(i); if ('\u3042' <= c && c <= '\u30EF') { switch(c - 0x3000) { case 0x42: case 0x44: case 0x46: case 0x48: case 0x4A: case 0x64: case 0x84: case 0x86: case 0x8F: case 0xA2: case 0xA4: case 0xA6: case 0xA8: case 0xAA: case 0xC4: case 0xE4: case 0xE6: case 0xEF: --c; // maps to previous char gotOne = true; break; case 0xAB: c = '\u30F5'; gotOne = true; break; case 0xB1: c = '\u30F6'; gotOne = true; break; } } toSmallKanaBuffer.append(c); } if (gotOne) return toSmallKanaBuffer.toString(); return s; } /* 30F5;KATAKANA LETTER SMALL KA;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30AB;KATAKANA LETTER KA;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30F6;KATAKANA LETTER SMALL KE;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30B1;KATAKANA LETTER KE;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30A1;KATAKANA LETTER SMALL A;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30A2;KATAKANA LETTER A;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30A3;KATAKANA LETTER SMALL I;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30A4;KATAKANA LETTER I;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30A5;KATAKANA LETTER SMALL U;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30A6;KATAKANA LETTER U;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30A7;KATAKANA LETTER SMALL E;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30A8;KATAKANA LETTER E;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30A9;KATAKANA LETTER SMALL O;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30AA;KATAKANA LETTER O;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30C3;KATAKANA LETTER SMALL TU;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30C4;KATAKANA LETTER TU;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30E3;KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YA;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30E4;KATAKANA LETTER YA;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30E5;KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YU;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30E6;KATAKANA LETTER YU;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30E7;KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YO;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30E8;KATAKANA LETTER YO;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30EE;KATAKANA LETTER SMALL WA;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 30EF;KATAKANA LETTER WA;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3041;HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL A;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3042;HIRAGANA LETTER A;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3043;HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL I;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3044;HIRAGANA LETTER I;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3045;HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL U;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3046;HIRAGANA LETTER U;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3047;HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL E;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3048;HIRAGANA LETTER E;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3049;HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL O;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 304A;HIRAGANA LETTER O;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3063;HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL TU;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3064;HIRAGANA LETTER TU;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3083;HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL YA;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3084;HIRAGANA LETTER YA;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3085;HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL YU;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3086;HIRAGANA LETTER YU;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3087;HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL YO;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 3088;HIRAGANA LETTER YO;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 308E;HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL WA;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 308F;HIRAGANA LETTER WA;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; */ static final int secondaryDoubleStart = 0xD0; static final int MARK_CODE_POINT = 0x40000000; static int fixPrimary(int x) { int result = 0; if ((x & MARK_CODE_POINT) != 0) result = getImplicitPrimary(x & ~MARK_CODE_POINT); else result = primaryDelta[x]; return result; } static int fixSecondary(int x) { x = compactSecondary[x]; return fixSecondary2(x, compactSecondary[0x153], compactSecondary[0x157]); } static int fixSecondary2(int x, int gap1, int gap2) { int top = x; int bottom = 0; if (top == 0) { // ok, zero } else if (top == 1) { top = COMMON; } else { top *= 2; // create gap between elements. top is now 4 or more top += 0x80 + COMMON - 2; // insert gap to make top at least 87 // lowest values are singletons. Others are 2 bytes if (top > secondaryDoubleStart) { top -= secondaryDoubleStart; top *= 4; // leave bigger gap just in case if (x > gap1) { top += 256; // leave gap after COMBINING ENCLOSING KEYCAP (see below) } if (x > gap2) { top += 64; // leave gap after RUNIC LETTER SHORT-TWIG-AR A (see below) } bottom = (top % LAST_COUNT) * 2 + COMMON; top = (top / LAST_COUNT) + secondaryDoubleStart; } } return (top << 8) | bottom; } /* # 0153: (EE3D) 20E3 [0000.0153.0002] COMBINING ENCLOSING KEYCAP # 0154: (EE41) 0153 [0997.0154.0004][08B1.0020.0004] LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE # 0155: (EE45) 017F [09F3.0155.0004] LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S # 0157: (EE49) 16C6 [1656.0157.0004] RUNIC LETTER SHORT-TWIG-AR A # 0158: (EE4D) 2776 [0858.0158.0006] DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT ONE */ static int fixTertiary(int x) { if (x == 0) return x; if (x == 1 || x == 7) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tertiary illegal: " + x); // 2 => COMMON, 1 is unused int y = x < 7 ? x : x - 1; // we now use 1F = MAX. Causes a problem so we shift everything to fill a gap at 7 (unused). int result = 2 * (y - 2) + COMMON; if (result >= 0x3E) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tertiary too large: " + Utility.hex(x) + " => " + Utility.hex(result)); // get case bits. 00 is low, 01 is mixed (never happens), 10 is high if (isUpperTertiary[x]) result |= 0x80; return result; } static final boolean[] isUpperTertiary = new boolean[32]; static { isUpperTertiary[0x8] = true; isUpperTertiary[0x9] = true; isUpperTertiary[0xa] = true; isUpperTertiary[0xb] = true; isUpperTertiary[0xc] = true; isUpperTertiary[0xe] = true; isUpperTertiary[0x11] = true; isUpperTertiary[0x12] = true; isUpperTertiary[0x1D] = true; } static void checkFixes() { System.out.println("Checking Secondary/Tertiary Fixes"); int lastVal = -1; for (int i = 0; i <= 0x16E; ++i) { if (i == 0x153) { System.out.println("debug"); } int val = fixSecondary2(i, 999, 999); // HACK for UCA if (val <= lastVal) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unordered: " + Utility.hex(val) + " => " + Utility.hex(lastVal)); int top = val >>> 8; int bottom = val & 0xFF; if (top != 0 && (top < COMMON || top > 0xEF) || (top > COMMON && top < 0x87) || (bottom != 0 && (isEven(bottom) || bottom < COMMON || bottom > 0xFD)) || (bottom == 0 && top != 0 && isEven(top))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Secondary out of range: " + Utility.hex(i) + " => " + Utility.hex(top) + ", " + Utility.hex(bottom)); } } lastVal = -1; for (int i = 0; i <= 0x1E; ++i) { if (i == 1 || i == 7) continue; // never occurs int val = fixTertiary(i); val &= 0x7F; // mask off case bits if (val <= lastVal) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unordered: " + Utility.hex(val) + " => " + Utility.hex(lastVal)); if (val != 0 && (isEven(val) || val < COMMON || val > 0x3D)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tertiary out of range: " + Utility.hex(i) + " => " + Utility.hex(val)); } } System.out.println("END Checking Secondary/Tertiary Fixes"); } static boolean isEven(int x) { return (x & 1) == 0; } /* static String ceToString(int primary, int secondary, int tertiary) { return "[" + hexBytes(primary) + ", " + hexBytes(secondary) + ", " + hexBytes(tertiary) + "]"; } */ static String hexBytes(long x) { StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(); hexBytes(x, temp); return temp.toString(); } static void hexBytes(long x, StringBuffer result) { byte lastb = 1; for (int shift = 24; shift >= 0; shift -= 8) { byte b = (byte)(x >>> shift); if (b != 0) { if (result.length() != 0) result.append(" "); result.append(Utility.hex(b)); //if (lastb == 0) System.err.println(" bad zero byte: " + result); } lastb = b; } } static int fixHan(char ch) { // BUMP HANGUL, HAN if (ch < 0x3400 || ch > 0xD7A3) return -1; char ch2 = ch; if (ch >= 0xAC00) ch2 -= (0xAC00 - 0x9FA5 - 1); if (ch >= 0x4E00) ch2 -= (0x4E00 - 0x4DB5 - 1); return 0x6000 + (ch2-0x3400); // room to interleave } static BitSet bumps = new BitSet(); static BitSet singles = new BitSet(); static void findBumps(char[] representatives) { int[] ces = new int[100]; int[] scripts = new int[100]; char[] scriptChar = new char[100]; // find representatives for (char ch = 0; ch < 0xFFFF; ++ch) { byte type = collator.getCEType(ch); if (type < FIXED_CE) { int len = collator.getCEs(String.valueOf(ch), true, ces); int primary = UCA.getPrimary(ces[0]); if (primary < variableHigh) continue; /* if (ch == 0x1160 || ch == 0x11A8) { // set bumps within Hangul L, V, T bumps.set(primary); continue; } */ byte script = ucd.getScript(ch); // HACK if (ch == 0x0F7E || ch == 0x0F7F) script = TIBETAN_SCRIPT; //if (script == ucd.GREEK_SCRIPT) System.out.println(ucd.getName(ch)); // get least primary for script if (scripts[script] == 0 || scripts[script] > primary) { byte cat = ucd.getCategory(ch); // HACK if (ch == 0x0F7E || ch == 0x0F7F) cat = ucd.OTHER_LETTER; if (cat <= ucd.OTHER_LETTER && cat != ucd.Lm) { scripts[script] = primary; scriptChar[script] = ch; if (script == ucd.GREEK_SCRIPT) System.out.println("*" + Utility.hex(primary) + ucd.getName(ch)); } } // get representative char for primary if (representatives[primary] == 0 || representatives[primary] > ch) { representatives[primary] = ch; } } } // set bumps for (int i = 0; i < scripts.length; ++i) { if (scripts[i] > 0) { bumps.set(scripts[i]); System.out.println(Utility.hex(scripts[i]) + " " + UCD.getScriptID_fromIndex((byte)i) + " " + Utility.hex(scriptChar[i]) + " " + ucd.getName(scriptChar[i])); } } char[][] singlePairs = {{'a','z'}, {' ', ' '}}; // , {'\u3041', '\u30F3'} for (int j = 0; j < singlePairs.length; ++j) { for (char k = singlePairs[j][0]; k <= singlePairs[j][1]; ++k) { setSingle(k, ces); } } /*setSingle('\u0300', ces); setSingle('\u0301', ces); setSingle('\u0302', ces); setSingle('\u0303', ces); setSingle('\u0308', ces); setSingle('\u030C', ces); */ bumps.set(0x089A); // lowest non-variable bumps.set(0x4E00); // lowest Kangxi } static DateFormat myDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd','HH:mm:ss' GMT'"); static String getNormalDate() { return myDateFormat.format(new Date()) + " [MD]"; } static void setSingle(char ch, int[] ces) { collator.getCEs(String.valueOf(ch), true, ces); singles.set(UCA.getPrimary(ces[0])); if (ch == 'a') gapForA = UCA.getPrimary(ces[0]); } static void copyFile(PrintWriter log, String fileName) throws IOException { BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName)); while (true) { String line = input.readLine(); if (line == null) break; log.println(line); } input.close(); } static UnicodeSet compatibilityExceptions = new UnicodeSet("[\u0CCB\u0DDD\u017F\u1E9B\uFB05]"); static void writeCollationValidityLog() throws IOException { Default.setUCD(); //log = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("CheckCollationValidity.html")); log = Utility.openPrintWriter(UCA_GEN_DIR, "CheckCollationValidity.html", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); log.println(""); log.println("UCA Validity Log"); log.println(""); log.println(""); //collator = new UCA(null); if (false){ String key = collator.getSortKey("\u0308\u0301", UCA.SHIFTED, false); String look = printableKey(key); System.out.println(look); } System.out.println("Sorting"); /* for (int i = 0; i <= 0x10FFFF; ++i) { if (EXCLUDE_UNSUPPORTED && !collator.found.contains(i)) continue; if (0xD800 <= i && i <= 0xF8FF) continue; // skip surrogates and private use //if (0xA000 <= c && c <= 0xA48F) continue; // skip YI addString(UTF32.valueOf32(i), option); } */ UCA.UCAContents cc = collator.getContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, null); cc.enableSamples(); while (true) { String s = cc.next(); if (s == null) break; addString(s, option); } System.out.println("Total: " + sortedD.size()); Iterator it; //ucd.init(); if (false) { System.out.println("Listing Mismatches"); it = duplicates.keySet().iterator(); //String lastSortKey = ""; //String lastSource = ""; while (it.hasNext()) { String source = (String)it.next(); String sortKey = (String)duplicates.get(source); char endMark = source.charAt(source.length()-1); source = source.substring(0,source.length()-1); if (endMark == MARK1) { log.println("
"); log.println("Mismatch: " + Utility.hex(source, " ") + ", " + ucd.getName(source) + "
"); log.print(" NFD:"); } else { log.print(" NFC:"); } log.println(UCA.toString(sortKey) + "
"); /*if (source.equals(lastSource)) { it.remove(); --duplicateCount; } //lastSortKey = sortKey; lastSource = lastSource; */ } System.out.println("Total: " + sortedD.size()); } System.out.println("Writing"); String version = collator.getDataVersion(); log.println("

Collation Validity Checks

"); log.println(""); log.println("
Generated: " + getNormalDate() + "
File Version: " + collator.getDataVersion() + "/" + collator.getUCDVersion() + "
"); if (GENERATED_NFC_MISMATCHES) showMismatches(); removeAdjacentDuplicates2(); UnicodeSet alreadySeen = new UnicodeSet(compatibilityExceptions); checkBadDecomps(1, false, alreadySeen); // if decomposition is off, all primaries should be identical checkBadDecomps(2, false, alreadySeen); // if decomposition is ON, all primaries and secondaries should be identical checkBadDecomps(3, false, alreadySeen); // if decomposition is ON, all primaries and secondaries should be identical //checkBadDecomps(2, true, alreadySeen); // if decomposition is ON, all primaries and secondaries should be identical log.println("

Note: characters with decompositions to space + X, and tatweel + X are excluded," + " as are a few special characters: " + compatibilityExceptions.toPattern(true) + "

"); checkWellformedTable(); addClosure(); writeDuplicates(); writeOverlap(); log.println(""); log.close(); sortedD.clear(); System.out.println("Done"); } static void addClosure() { int canCount = 0; System.out.println("Add missing decomposibles"); log.println("

7. Comparing Other Equivalents

"); log.println("

These are not necessarily errors, but should be examined for possible errors

"); log.println("

Each of the three strings is canonically equivalent, but has different sort keys

"); log.println(""); log.println(""); Set contentsForCanonicalIteration = new TreeSet(); UCA.UCAContents ucac = collator.getContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, null); // NFD int ccounter = 0; while (true) { Utility.dot(ccounter++); String s = ucac.next(); if (s == null) break; contentsForCanonicalIteration.add(s); } Set additionalSet = new HashSet(); System.out.println("Loading canonical iterator"); if (canIt == null) canIt = new CanonicalIterator("."); Iterator it2 = contentsForCanonicalIteration.iterator(); System.out.println("Adding any FCD equivalents that have different sort keys"); while (it2.hasNext()) { String key = (String)it2.next(); if (key == null) { System.out.println("Null Key"); continue; } canIt.setSource(key); String nfdKey = toD.normalize(key); boolean first = true; while (true) { String s = canIt.next(); if (s == null) break; if (s.equals(key)) continue; if (contentsForCanonicalIteration.contains(s)) continue; if (additionalSet.contains(s)) continue; // Skip anything that is not FCD. if (!NFD.isFCD(s)) continue; // We ONLY add if the sort key would be different // Than what we would get if we didn't decompose!! String sortKey = collator.getSortKey(s, UCA.NON_IGNORABLE); String nonDecompSortKey = collator.getSortKey(s, UCA.NON_IGNORABLE, false); if (sortKey.equals(nonDecompSortKey)) continue; if (DEBUG && first) { System.out.println(" " + ucd.getCodeAndName(key)); first = false; } log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println(""); additionalSet.add(s); } } log.println("
CountNameCodeSort Keys
" + (++canCount) + "" + Utility.replace(ucd.getName(key), ", ", ",
") + "
" + Utility.hex(key) + "" + collator.toString(sortKey) + "
" + Utility.replace(ucd.getName(nfdKey), ", ", ",
") + "
" + Utility.hex(nfdKey) + "" + collator.toString(sortKey) + "
" + Utility.replace(ucd.getName(s), ", ", ",
") + "
" + Utility.hex(s) + "" + collator.toString(nonDecompSortKey) + "
"); log.println("

Items: " + canCount + "

"); log.flush(); } static void checkWellformedTable() throws IOException { System.out.println("Checking for well-formedness"); log.println("

6. Checking for well-formedness

"); Normalizer nfd = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD, UNICODE_VERSION); int[] ces = new int[50]; UCA.UCAContents cc = collator.getContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, nfd); int[] lenArray = new int[1]; int minps = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int minpst = Integer.MAX_VALUE; String minpsSample = "", minpstSample = ""; int errorCount = 0; while (true) { String str = cc.next(ces, lenArray); if (str == null) break; int len = lenArray[0]; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int ce = ces[i]; int p = UCA.getPrimary(ce); int s = UCA.getSecondary(ce); int t = UCA.getTertiary(ce); // Gather data for WF#2 check if (p == 0) { if (s > 0) { if (s < minps) { minps = s; minpsSample = str; } } else { if (t > 0 && t < minpst) { minpst = t; minpstSample = str; } } } } } cc = collator.getContents(UCA.FIXED_CE, nfd); log.println(""); int lastPrimary = 0; while (true) { String str = cc.next(ces, lenArray); if (str == null) break; int len = lenArray[0]; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int ce = ces[i]; int p = UCA.getPrimary(ce); int s = UCA.getSecondary(ce); int t = UCA.getTertiary(ce); // IF we are at the start of an implicit, then just check that the implicit is in range // CHECK implicit if (collator.isImplicitLeadPrimary(lastPrimary)) { try { if (s != 0 || t != 0) throw new Exception("Second implicit must be [X,0,0]"); collator.ImplicitToCodePoint(lastPrimary, p); // throws exception if bad } catch (Exception e) { log.println(""); } // zap the primary, since we worry about the last REAL primary: lastPrimary = 0; continue; } // IF we are in the trailing range, something is wrong. if (p >= UCA_Types.UNSUPPORTED_LIMIT) { log.println(""); lastPrimary = p; continue; } // Check WF#1 if (p != 0 && s == 0) { log.println(""); } if (s != 0 && t == 0) { log.println(""); } // Check WF#2 if (p != 0) { if (s > minps) { log.println(""); } } if (s != 0) { if (t > minpst) { log.println(""); } } else { } lastPrimary = p; } } log.println("
" + (++errorCount) + ". BAD IMPLICIT: " + e.getMessage() + "" + CEList.toString(ces, len) + "" + ucd.getCodeAndName(str) + "
" + (++errorCount) + ". > " + Utility.hex(UCA_Types.UNSUPPORTED_LIMIT,4) + "" + CEList.toString(ces, len) + "" + ucd.getCodeAndName(str) + "
" + (++errorCount) + ". WF1.1" + "" + CEList.toString(ces, len) + "" + ucd.getCodeAndName(str) + "
" + (++errorCount) + ". WF1.2" + "" + CEList.toString(ces, len) + "" + ucd.getCodeAndName(str) + "
" + (++errorCount) + ". WF2.2" + "" + CEList.toString(ces, len) + "" + ucd.getCodeAndName(str) + "
" + (++errorCount) + ". WF2.3" + "" + CEList.toString(ces, len) + "" + ucd.getCodeAndName(str) + "
"); log.println("

Minimum Secondary in Primary Ignorable = " + Utility.hex(minps) + " from \t" + collator.getCEList(minpsSample, true) + "\t" + ucd.getCodeAndName(minpsSample) + "

"); if (minpst < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { log.println("

Minimum Tertiary in Secondary Ignorable =" + Utility.hex(minpst) + " from \t" + collator.getCEList(minpstSample, true) + "\t" + ucd.getCodeAndName(minpstSample) + "

"); } log.println("

Errors: " + errorCount + "

"); log.flush(); } /* 3400;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 4DB5;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 4E00;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; 9FA5;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; AC00;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; D7A3;;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; A000;YI SYLLABLE IT;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; A001;YI SYLLABLE IX;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; A4C4;YI RADICAL ZZIET;So;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;; A4C6;YI RADICAL KE;So;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;; */ static final int[][] extraConformanceRanges = { {0x3400, 0x4DB5}, {0x4E00, 0x9FA5}, {0xAC00, 0xD7A3}, {0xA000, 0xA48C}, {0xE000, 0xF8FF}, {0xFDD0, 0xFDEF}, {0x20000, 0x2A6D6}, {0x2F800, 0x2FA1D}, }; static final int[] extraConformanceTests = { //0xD800, 0xDBFF, 0xDC00, 0xDFFF, 0xFDD0, 0xFDEF, 0xFFF8, 0xFFFE, 0xFFFF, 0x10000, 0x1FFFD, 0x1FFFE, 0x1FFFF, 0x20000, 0x2FFFD, 0x2FFFE, 0x2FFFF, 0xE0000, 0xEFFFD, 0xEFFFE, 0xEFFFF, 0xF0000, 0xFFFFD, 0xFFFFE, 0xFFFFF, 0x100000, 0x10FFFD, 0x10FFFE, 0x10FFFF, IMPLICIT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY, IMPLICIT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY-1, IMPLICIT_4BYTE_BOUNDARY+1, }; static final int MARK = 1; static final char MARK1 = '\u0001'; static final char MARK2 = '\u0002'; //Normalizer normalizer = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFC, true); static Normalizer toC = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFC, UNICODE_VERSION); static Normalizer toD = new Normalizer(Normalizer.NFD, UNICODE_VERSION); static TreeMap MismatchedC = new TreeMap(); static TreeMap MismatchedN = new TreeMap(); static TreeMap MismatchedD = new TreeMap(); static final byte option = UCA.NON_IGNORABLE; // SHIFTED static void addString(int ch, byte option) { addString(UTF32.valueOf32(ch), option); } static void addString(String ch, byte option) { String colDbase = collator.getSortKey(ch, option, true); String colNbase = collator.getSortKey(ch, option, false); String colCbase = collator.getSortKey(toC.normalize(ch), option, false); if (!colNbase.equals(colCbase) || !colNbase.equals(colDbase) ) { /*System.out.println(Utility.hex(ch)); System.out.println(printableKey(colNbase)); System.out.println(printableKey(colNbase)); System.out.println(printableKey(colNbase));*/ MismatchedN.put(ch,colNbase); MismatchedC.put(ch,colCbase); MismatchedD.put(ch,colDbase); } String colD = colDbase + "\u0000" + ch; // UCA.NON_IGNORABLE String colN = colNbase + "\u0000" + ch; String colC = colCbase + "\u0000" + ch; sortedD.put(colD, ch); backD.put(ch, colD); sortedN.put(colN, ch); backN.put(ch, colN); /* if (strength > 4) { duplicateCount++; duplicates.put(ch+MARK1, col); duplicates.put(ch+MARK2, col2); } else if (strength != 0) { sorted.put(col2 + MARK2, ch); } unique += 2; */ } static void removeAdjacentDuplicates() { String lastChar = ""; int countRem = 0; int countDups = 0; int errorCount = 0; Iterator it1 = sortedD.keySet().iterator(); Iterator it2 = sortedN.keySet().iterator(); Differ differ = new Differ(250,3); log.println("

2. Differences in Ordering

"); log.println("

Codes and names are in the white rows: bold means that the NO-NFD sort key differs from UCA key.

"); log.println("

Keys are in the light blue rows: green is the bad key, blue is UCA, black is where they equal.

"); log.println(""); log.println(""); while (true) { boolean gotOne = false; if (it1.hasNext()) { String col1 = (String)it1.next(); String ch1 = (String)sortedD.get(col1); differ.addA(ch1); gotOne = true; } if (it2.hasNext()) { String col2 = (String)it2.next(); String ch2 = (String)sortedN.get(col2); differ.addB(ch2); gotOne = true; } differ.checkMatch(!gotOne); if (differ.getACount() != 0 || differ.getBCount() != 0) { for (int q = 0; q < 2; ++q) { String cell = "" + cell); for (int i = -1; i < differ.getACount()+1; ++i) { showDiff(q==0, true, differ.getALine(i), differ.getA(i)); log.println("
"); ++countDups; } countDups -= 2; // to make up for extra line above and below if (false) { log.print("" + cell); for (int i = -1; i < differ.getBCount()+1; ++i) { showDiff(q==0, false, differ.getBLine(i), differ.getB(i)); log.println("
"); } } log.println(""); } errorCount++; } //differ.flush(); if (!gotOne) break; } log.println("
File OrderCode and DecompKey and Decomp-Key
" + (q!=0 ? "" : ""); log.print("
"); log.println("

Errors: " + errorCount + "

"); //log.println("Removed " + countRem + " adjacent duplicates.
"); System.out.println("Left " + countDups + " conflicts.
"); log.println("Left " + countDups + " conflicts.
"); log.flush(); } static void removeAdjacentDuplicates2() { String lastChar = ""; int countRem = 0; int countDups = 0; int errorCount = 0; Iterator it = sortedD.keySet().iterator(); log.println("

2. Differences in Ordering

"); log.println("

Codes and names are in the white rows: bold means that the NO-NFD sort key differs from UCA key.

"); log.println("

Keys are in the light blue rows: green is the bad key, blue is UCA, black is where they equal.

"); log.println("

Note: so black lines are generally ok.

"); log.println(""); log.println(""); String lastCol = "a"; String lastColN = "a"; String lastCh = ""; boolean showedLast = true; int count = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { count++; String col = (String)it.next(); String ch = (String)sortedD.get(col); String colN = (String)backN.get(ch); if (colN == null || colN.length() < 1) { System.out.println("Missing colN value for " + Utility.hex(ch, " ") + ": " + printableKey(colN)); } if (col == null || col.length() < 1) { System.out.println("Missing col value for " + Utility.hex(ch, " ") + ": " + printableKey(col)); } if (compareMinusLast(col, lastCol) == compareMinusLast(colN, lastColN)) { showedLast = false; } else { if (true && count < 200) { System.out.println(); System.out.println(Utility.hex(ch, " ") + ", " + Utility.hex(lastCh, " ")); System.out.println(" col: " + Utility.hex(col, " ")); System.out.println(compareMinusLast(col, lastCol)); System.out.println(" lastCol: " + Utility.hex(lastCol, " ")); System.out.println(); System.out.println(" colN: " + Utility.hex(colN, " ")); System.out.println(compareMinusLast(colN, lastColN)); System.out.println(" lastColN: " + Utility.hex(lastColN, " ")); } if (!showedLast) { log.println(""); showLine(count-1, lastCh, lastCol, lastColN); errorCount++; } showedLast = true; showLine(count,ch, col, colN); errorCount++; } lastCol = col; lastColN = colN; lastCh = ch; } log.println("
File OrderCode and DecompKey and Decomp-Key
"); log.println("

Errors: " + errorCount + "

"); log.flush(); } static int compareMinusLast(String a, String b) { String am = a.substring(0,a.length()-1); String bm = b.substring(0,b.length()-1); int result = am.compareTo(b); return (result < 0 ? -1 : result > 0 ? 1 : 0); } static void showLine(int count, String ch, String keyD, String keyN) { String decomp = toD.normalize(ch); if (decomp.equals(ch)) decomp = ""; else decomp = "
<" + Utility.hex(decomp, " ") + "> "; log.println("" + count + "" + Utility.hex(ch, " ") + " " + ucd.getName(ch) + decomp + ""); if (keyD.equals(keyN)) { log.println(printableKey(keyN)); } else { log.println("" + printableKey(keyN) + "
" + printableKey(keyD) + "" ); } log.println(""); } TreeSet foo; static final String[] alternateName = {"SHIFTED", "ZEROED", "NON_IGNORABLE", "SHIFTED_TRIMMED"}; static void showMismatches() { log.println("

1. Mismatches when NFD is OFF

"); log.println("

Alternate Handling = " + alternateName[option] + "

"); log.println("

NOTE: NFD form is used by UCA," + "so if other forms are different there are ignored. This may indicate a problem, e.g. missing contraction.

"); log.println(""); log.println(""); Iterator it = MismatchedC.keySet().iterator(); int errorCount = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String ch = (String)it.next(); String MN = (String)MismatchedN.get(ch); String MC = (String)MismatchedC.get(ch); String MD = (String)MismatchedD.get(ch); String chInC = toC.normalize(ch); String chInD = toD.normalize(ch); log.println(""); log.println(""); log.println(""); errorCount++; } log.println("
" + Utility.replace(ucd.getName(ch), ", ", ",
") + "
NFD" + Utility.hex(chInD) + "" + printableKey(MD) + "
NFC" + Utility.hex(chInC) + "" + printableKey(MC) + "
Plain" + Utility.hex(ch) + "" + printableKey(MN) + "
"); log.println("

Errors: " + errorCount + "

"); log.println("
"); log.flush(); } static boolean containsCombining(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) { if ((ucd.getCategoryMask(s.charAt(i)) & ucd.MARK_MASK) != 0) return true; } return false; } static void showDiff(boolean showName, boolean firstColumn, int line, Object chobj) { String ch = chobj.toString(); String decomp = toD.normalize(ch); if (showName) { if (ch.equals(decomp)) { log.println(//title + counter + " " Utility.hex(ch, " ") + " " + ucd.getName(ch) ); } else { log.println(//title + counter + " " "" + Utility.hex(ch, " ") + " " + ucd.getName(ch) + "" ); } } else { String keyD = printableKey(backD.get(chobj)); String keyN = printableKey(backN.get(chobj)); if (keyD.equals(keyN)) { log.println(//title + counter + " " Utility.hex(ch, " ") + " " + keyN); } else { log.println(//title + counter + " " "" + Utility.hex(ch, " ") + " " + keyN + "
" + Utility.hex(decomp, " ") + " " + keyD + "" ); } } } static String printableKey(Object keyobj) { String sortKey; if (keyobj == null) { sortKey = "NULL!!"; } else { sortKey = keyobj.toString(); sortKey = sortKey.substring(0,sortKey.length()-1); sortKey = UCA.toString(sortKey); } return sortKey; } /* LINKS
CONTENTS */ static void writeTail(PrintWriter out, int counter, String title, String other, boolean show) throws IOException { copyFile(out, "HTML-Part2.txt"); /* out.println(""); out.println(""); */ out.close(); } static String pad (int number) { String num = Integer.toString(number); if (num.length() < 2) num = "0" + number; return num; } static PrintWriter writeHead(int counter, int end, String title, String other, String version, boolean show) throws IOException { PrintWriter out = Utility.openPrintWriter(UCA_GEN_DIR, title + pad(counter) + ".html", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); copyFile(out, "HTML-Part1.txt"); /* out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("" + HTMLString(title) + ""); out.println(""); // header out.print(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("


" + HTMLString(title) + " Version" + version + "

" + (show ? "Hide" : "Show") + " Key

"); /* Instructions */ // index out.print("
Collation Version-2.1.9d7

Show Key

"); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("


" + HTMLString(title) + " Version" + version + "

" + (show ? "Hide" : "Show") + " Key

"); out.print(""); out.print(""); out.println(""); out.println("

"); if (counter > 0) { out.print("<<"); } else { out.print("<<"); } out.println("

"); boolean lastFar = false; for (int i = 0; i <= end; ++i) { boolean far = (i < counter-2 || i > counter+2); if (far && ((i % 5) != 0) && (i != end)) continue; if (i != 0 && lastFar != far) out.print(" - "); lastFar = far; if (i != counter) { out.print("" + i + ""); } else { out.print("" + i + ""); } out.println(); } out.println("

"); if (counter < end) { out.print(">>"); } else { out.print(">>"); } out.println("

"); // standard template!!! out.println("
"); //out.println("

"); return out; } static int getStrengthDifference(String old, String newStr) { int result = 5; int min = old.length(); if (newStr.length() < min) min = newStr.length(); for (int i = 0; i < min; ++i) { char ch1 = old.charAt(i); char ch2 = newStr.charAt(i); if (ch1 != ch2) return result; // see if we get difference before we get 0000. if (ch1 == 0) --result; } if (newStr.length() != old.length()) return 1; return 0; } static final boolean needsXMLQuote(String source, boolean quoteApos) { for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); ++i) { char ch = source.charAt(i); if (ch < ' ' || ch == '<' || ch == '&' || ch == '>') return true; if (quoteApos & ch == '\'') return true; if (ch == '\"') return true; if (ch >= '\uD800' && ch <= '\uDFFF') return true; if (ch >= '\uFFFE') return true; } return false; } public static final String XMLString(int[] cps) { return XMLBaseString(cps, cps.length, true); } public static final String XMLString(int[] cps, int len) { return XMLBaseString(cps, len, true); } public static final String XMLString(String source) { return XMLBaseString(source, true); } public static final String HTMLString(int[] cps) { return XMLBaseString(cps, cps.length, false); } public static final String HTMLString(int[] cps, int len) { return XMLBaseString(cps, len, false); } public static final String HTMLString(String source) { return XMLBaseString(source, false); } public static final String XMLBaseString(int[] cps, int len, boolean quoteApos) { StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { temp.append((char)cps[i]); } return XMLBaseString(temp.toString(), quoteApos); } public static final String XMLBaseString(String source, boolean quoteApos) { if (!needsXMLQuote(source, quoteApos)) return source; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); ++i) { char ch = source.charAt(i); if (ch < ' ' || ch >= '\u007F' && ch <= '\u009F' || ch >= '\uD800' && ch <= '\uDFFF' || ch >= '\uFFFE') { result.append('\uFFFD'); /*result.append("#x"); result.append(cpName(ch)); result.append(";"); */ } else if (quoteApos && ch == '\'') { result.append("'"); } else if (ch == '\"') { result.append("""); } else if (ch == '<') { result.append("<"); } else if (ch == '&') { result.append("&"); } else if (ch == '>') { result.append(">"); } else { result.append(ch); } } return result.toString(); } static int mapToStartOfRange(int ch) { if (ch <= 0x3400) return ch; // CJK Ideograph Extension A if (ch <= 0x4DB5) return 0x3400; if (ch <= 0x4E00) return ch; // CJK Ideograph if (ch <= 0x9FA5) return 0x4E00; if (ch <= 0xAC00) return ch; // Hangul Syllable if (ch <= 0xD7A3) return 0xAC00; if (ch <= 0xD800) return ch; // Non Private Use High Surrogate if (ch <= 0xDB7F) return 0xD800; if (ch <= 0xDB80) return ch; // Private Use High Surrogate if (ch <= 0xDBFF) return 0xDB80; if (ch <= 0xDC00) return ch; // Low Surrogate if (ch <= 0xDFFF) return 0xDC00; if (ch <= 0xE000) return ch; // Private Use if (ch <= 0xF8FF) return 0xE000; if (ch <= 0xF0000) return ch; // Plane 15 Private Use if (ch <= 0xFFFFD) return 0xF0000; if (ch <= 0x100000) return ch; // Plane 16 Private Use return 0x100000; } }